04x23 - False-Hearted Judges

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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04x23 - False-Hearted Judges

Post by bunniefuu »

In New York City's w*r on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.


What's your problem?

Mom, Gloria polished off all the milk.

Did you take my soccer uniform out of the dryer yet?

Yes, I agree.

It's intolerable.

Do we have any more milk?

Yeah, hold on.

Check the downstairs fridge.

Honey, it's in your closet.

Has Sean come out of his room yet?


What's the drama?


He wants to go to a party, and the parents won't be home.

Sorry, go on.

Anyone see my belt?

Yes, I will put it on my calendar for this afternoon.

Great, okay.

Sean, sweetie, come on, we gotta go!

Don't call me sweetie.

Let's go.

Hey, what do you say to a Knicks game next week?

I can get seats on the floor.

Thomas, can you stop here?

I want to get out.

But we're two blocks from your school.

In view of these credible threats to witnesses, I'm issuing an order suspending the defendants' family visits and telephone privileges effective immediately.

You bitch!



You will remain seated!


You will remain seated!

You will clear the gallery!

Race traitor!

A big road ahead of us.


My kids My kids Neighbor heard sh*ts, called 911.

The kids were found hiding in the master bath.

How'd the perps get in?

Basement window.

We got casings from two weapons, a nine mil and a 5.

56 mil.

Any lights on?

Not when the units responded.

One shot.

In the dark.

The judge and her family moved in two months ago.

The alarm system hadn't been tuned up yet.

Why wasn't a security detail outside the house?

Judge Barton was threatened by a pack of thugs.

The detail was pulled three days ago.

Husband was found here.

He's at Mount Sinai, still in surgery.

Attorney General's Office.

Excuse me.


The Judge's Looks like he walked in on the intruders.

The shot came from in there, where we found the nine mil casing.

That's probably what woke everyone up.

That's the window they came in?

Yeah, they cut out the caulking, popped the glass, and replaced it after they came in.

The house empty all day?


Kids came home around 4:00.

Looks like they were hiding back here.

They have Sunflower seeds, shredded coconut, that's That's high-energy food.

They were keeping themselves pumped up, waiting for everybody to fall asleep.

Squeezed in there, munching nuts, not making a sound for eight hours I'd last one on a good day.

Mom woke me up and dragged me to the bathroom.

What about you, Sean?

You see anything?

She told us to lock the door.

Well, that was a smart thing for her to do.

Now, when you were inside there, did you hear anything?

Did you hear people talking, or Yeah, there was this one guy, he talked weird.

He said something like, "Red master bring today.

" "Bring today.

" Could he have said, "To bay"?


Then we heard Mom.

Thank you for your help.

We're very sorry about your mom and your brother.

Sean, you did what your mother wanted you to.

She wanted you to live.

Red master.

Red, for the prime target, master, for the master bedroom?

"Bring to bay," that's when you run a deer to exhaustion.

It turns to face you.

It's hunters.

Good ones.

Judge Barton asked us to re-evaluate her surveillance.

We'd been monitoring Brownfeld's group.

There were no further threats, no chatter.

We We took a calculated risk.

You need a new calculator.


Brownfeld espouses violent race hatred.

He and his co-defendants are on trial for stockpiling over 50 military-grade weapons.

Thank you, Detective.

The people who did this showed some impressive moves.

They're trained, disciplined, no wasted sh*ts, no panic.


Brownfeld wants to meet.

Too bad my dashiki's at the cleaners.

I was not party to this thing.

My people were not party to it.

Anybody says we were, is a liar.

"I don't expect justice from a race traitor "who raises her children in a Zionist enclave like Riverdale.

" We're family men.

It's bad enough they violated our right to bear arms.

Now they want to cut us off from our families.

You had a baby boy a month ago, didn't you?

Did you get to hold him before Judge Barton stopped your visits?

No, my girlfriend had to stay with him in the hospital because some bush doctor forced her to have a C-section.

You didn't get to hold your son in your arms.

What's that worth to you?

You're offering him a contact visit?

If he can help us find Judge Barton's real K*llers.

You know, I have lots of fans out there.

Real loose cannons, they send me all kinds of letters.

You're welcome to it all.

That might be worth one phone call to his girlfriend.

If he wants more, he needs to do more.

We want him to wear a wire when he's speaking to his co-defendants.

Can't do it.

These people look up to me.

I'm no race traitor.

We accept your offer on the phone call.

I'll send you the letters tomorrow.

If someone in his group did it, he didn't order it.

That's why he hesitated before he said no.

He's not sure if one of his followers didn't k*ll Judge Barton.

If Mr.

Brownfeld won't cooperate, I'll stretch a conspiracy charge all the way around his neck.

Judge Barton's husband's out of his second surgery.

He's able to talk.

What are you, bloodthirsty today?

I play to win, man, it's the Brooklyn in me.

Back to the factory.

You know I was up by one.

Whatever you say, Your Honor.

Only a fool argues with a judge.

It woke us up.

I went downstairs.

It was dark.

I could feel movement.

I realized then I didn't have anything to protect my family with.

Did you see the intruders?


One of them stood over me.

The g*n barrel was right in my face.

Then he moved it away, and Why?

Did you say something to him?

I tried to tell him not to k*ll me.

My kids still needed me.

All I managed to get out was, "My kids, my kids.

" It's crazy, just last week I told Ellen we were lucky.

Why is that?

I was at our old house in Queens, picking up a package that got sent there.

And they told me they'd been burglarized.


This happened after the incident in the courtroom?


They have your forwarding address?


Burglary report says they came in through the basement window, same MO, caulking, glass put back in place.

But the K*llers had the Bartons' old address.

Maybe it's only after they broke in they realized the Bartons had moved.

They must have found the forwarding address in Riverdale.

Brownfeld's little speech about the Zionist enclave, see, he knew that the Bartons lived in Riverdale.

The K*llers are not part of his group.

Somehow, I don't find that comforting.

They shot another one!

On a handball court in Chinatown, Judge Roland Thibodeaux.

It's open season.

Every day, weather permitting, Judge Thibodeaux comes out here to snap the pavement.

The ball rolled to the sidewall.

The Judge went for it.

I was getting a water.

I heard a crack.

I looked over, there he was.

Twelve years, I've been his driver.

Thank you, Mr.



The entrance wound is at his heart.

The exit is coming out his left shoulder blade.

So the shot, it would've come in at an angle.

Got a watch on his right arm, he's probably left-handed.

Now, he's got a brace on his right knee.

His leg is probably stiff, so he would've bent down and grabbed the ball like this, that lines up his heart and his shoulder blade, so the shot would've come right through there.

By the smell, I'm guessing that spells seafood.

Place probably caters to local restaurants, shuts down by noon.

Well, this looks about right.

It's quite a feat to thread the needle from this distance, especially with this cross-breeze from the east.

That looks new.

sh**t like code.


" Wind from the east.

He'd have to adjust to his left.

So, "W" could be windage.

Trembling aspens.

Could be two clicks to the right of the tree, closest to the wall.

That would give him his target.

The Judge walked into the crosshairs.

But why write it down?

Why write down the windage?

Well, one must've set up the shot for the other one to take.

One has more experience than the other.

Training exercise.

I hate to see what the final exam looks like.

An African-American judge, an appellate court judge, no less.

Chief of D is setting up a task force.

People are talking about multiple assassination teams.

Looks like the same sh**t.

CSU found the slug in a post, matched it to the one that k*lled Judge Barton.

Maybe we should put out an APB for somebody in a Tom DeLay T-shirt.

Quaking aspens.

That's what they call trembling aspens in the Rocky Mountain states.

Quakie for short.

"Q" in the windage instructions.

Two clicks right of the quake.

Our sh**t are from out west.

Home of a lot of white supremacist groups.

They chose the wrong target.

Judge Thibodeaux was one of the most conservative jurists in the state, pro-life, pro-school prayer.

Anti-busing, back in the day.

See what cases he was handling lately.

Here's a press case.

Week before last, assisted su1c1de.

Trial judge dismissed the manslaughter charge.

The appellate court reinstated it.

Judge Thibodeaux wrote the majority opinion.

That would've gotten his name in the papers.

This was between me and Roger.

It never should have been anybody else's business.


Traynor, we're here because the judge who brought back the charge against you was m*rder*d yesterday.

Now, Roger had a terminal disease of the brain.

He was losing his faculties.

He asked for my help.

Just something between two old Army buddies, huh?

You guys were in the Korean w*r together, right?

Kept each other alive.

Now we're old men, they tell us it's not for us to decide when to die.

It's all laws and lawyers now.

Have you gotten a lot of mail about this from supporters?

We'd like to read it.

I hope you got a lot of room in your truck.

att*cks on personal liberty.

Maybe that's their beef?

"Who are these judges who intrude into our most personal matters?

"We allow them to wield power over us like petty gods.

"We've become a nation of laws, not people.

" It's postmarked Manhattan, week ago.

There's no signature.

It sounds familiar.

It looks familiar, too.

I noticed one just like it in the mail to Brownfeld.


Brownfeld, I don't subscribe to your racial politics.

"But not only has your right to bear arms been infringed upon, "now an arrogant judge has cut you off from your family.

"This is inevitable in a nation that values laws over people.

" Unsigned, postmarked two weeks ago in Missouri.

Same rhetoric, same block lettering.

"It is time to act overtly against this tyranny.

"Our purpose can no longer be obscured.

" "Obscured.

" They might have They might have k*lled before.

Maybe disguised it as something else, an accident.

We cast a net for dead judges Yeah, we cast it towards the Rocky Mountains.

Five weeks ago in Tulsa, Judge Eduardo Mestres shot dead during an attempted carjacking.

No wits, no suspects, w*apon used was a nine mil.

Nine weeks ago, outside Billings, Montana, Judge Irwin Reisman was k*lled in a suspected hunting accident.

Again, no witnesses.

The slug was a 5.

56 millimeter, same caliber used on Barton and Thibodeaux.

So these nuts got their start out west.

Except that Judge Reisman was a retired New York Family Court judge.

These nuts might be homegrown after all.

The line was forever.

Didn't mean to make you wait.

You didn't make me wait.

They made us wait.

Yes, sir.

I'll live to see this place burn to the ground.

The FBI will take over the Montana and Oklahoma investigations.

They want us to sign off on a press bulletin linking all four killings.

That's too much information.

The murders out west, they were disguised as an accident, a robbery, for a reason.

Maybe so that the K*llers could hide the fact that they had a personal motive, to k*ll those judges.

The motive's no mystery to me.

It's racial terror.

Their first victim, Judge Reisman, was a Family Court judge in Brooklyn, handling custody cases.

Wade Brownfeld was denied visits to his son.

And Barton's life was spared when he mentioned his kids.

Maybe one of the sh**t feels he got shafted in a custody case.

Maybe one of Reisman's old cases.

Thirty years on the bench.

Tens of thousands of cases.

It's not as if we have all the time in the world.

Counting only fathers between the ages of 25 and 60 who lost custody cases and whose whereabouts are unknown, it leaves just over Well, you can add health-food fanatic to their criteria.

Is that a hunting blind?

That's where the shot came from that k*lled Judge Reisman.

Look at these berries.

Dried cranberries?


They They're used in Chinese medicine.

They support the immune system, improve eyesight, you know A month later, this was found in the corner of a parking garage.

That's where the K*llers lay in wait for Judge Mestres in Tulsa.

They're harvested wild in Tibet.

The K*llers' discipline was extended to their diet.

Well, then they're not shopping at my corner bodega.

Gojis are hard to get.

We're only one of six stores in the city that carry them.

Seven stores, we checked.

We're looking for two men who might've come in in the last couple of weeks to buy some.

They'd be from out west.

I don't know.

They wear cowboy hats?

Well, I'm sure they'd have something to say about this.

"Due to recent court decisions "the following products will no longer be available.

" Mmm-hmm.

A lot of people have something to say about that.

This would be along the lines of a nation of laws, not people.

Oh, sure.

Couple of days ago, two guys, one with a beard, they came in two, three times.

How'd they pay?


They spent over 200 bucks on gojis and sprouted nuts, and then the guy who asked about the sign handed me a bunch of greasy This is the one with the beard?

No, the other guy.

The beard stayed over by the door with his head down, waiting.

He was like the other guy's dog.

Well, when the other guy took out his wallet to pay, you notice any ID, a license?

No, he had the bills loose in his pocket.

All he pulled out were car keys and a parking lot ticket.

They had a beater car, a 1980 POS, piece of Got it.

You catch anything off the plates?

It was out-of-state like you said, but I didn't catch any digits.

All the work you guys do in a day, how come you noticed these guys?

Well, the older dude, he came with the groceries and drove off.

But then, 10 minutes later, the guy with the beard came looking for his buddy, and I told him he was gone, the dude freaked out.


No, scared.

And under that beard, he's young.

He was running around, all upset, and then he dropped his bag full of these sparkplugs.

Was he saying anything?

He kept asking if that other dude left instructions for him.

And then he asked what bus goes to Howard Beach, but do I look like I go to Howard Beach?

He came back for him?

Oh, yeah.

And then the kid with the beard went all quiet, picked up his sparkplugs and got in the car.

Did you notice any tools, engine parts?

Yeah, the backseat was filled with that stuff.

Hey, buddy!

Fixing engines on the cheap.

Must be how they pay for their gojis.

Howard Beach, it's probably outboard motors.

Great, I can wear my clam diggers.

Talk about beater cars.

And they all have New York plates.

Blue Pontiac.

I can't see the plates.

And he's alone.

There's seating for two.

Hey, excuse me!

You got some time to take a look at this thing?

I think the shifter's jammed up.

Think you could do it now?

I promised her a cruise around the bay.

It's my kid's wagon.

I'll give you a hand.

No, better I do it myself.

All right.

I just moved in from the city.

It wasn't my choice.

Ex got the condo in Chelsea and I ended up with a shack in Howard Beach.

Yeah, I thought my boy'd like it out here, you know?

That's why I got the boat and all, to take him fishing and stuff.

Right age, kids love fishing.

You got kids?

Anyway, that was the plan, you know.

Then the judge decided that my boy would be better off spending summers away with his mom.

I tell you, this shared custody thing, man.

Boy, it is a joke.

You know, I got to beg a judge to see my own son.

Did you say you were divorced?

You had kids?

Did the judge put you through the wringer?

You know what?

I don't have the right tools for this.

Try the guy over there, yellow shirt.

Goji berries!

You aren't planning on eating these all by yourself, are you?

That's private property.

I got a job in the Rockaways.

Just leave the stand, I'll pick it up later.

Oh, look!

Utah plates.

So what?

So for sure you don't have a permit to fix engines on a public street.

Yeah, you know, all this oil and junk that you dropped on the ground here, that's going to cost you another half-a-dozen violations.

You're under arrest.

We take littering pretty seriously around here.

Get him out of here.

Lloyd Anson Wilkes.

Arizona driver's license.

You sure you don't want us to call anyone?

Just tell me the fine, I'll pay it.

Well, the fine'll be up to the judge.

Lloyd has a record in New York.

Custodial interference, victim was an Eric Wilkes, five years old.

I knew it.

Your wife had custody, you snatched the kid.

You returned him a week later.

Judge gave Lloyd probation.

But he terminated your visitations, and he probably gave you not much to begin with.

That's what drove you to snatch the kid.

You know, these judges These judges, they have all this power in their hands, you know?

Keep families apart, dictate our personal behavior, they treat us like children, don't you think?

There's all these laws, Lloyd, and the people buried under the weight of so many laws.

Who's on top, pressing down?

It's the judges.

Like your judge, what was his name?


Irwin Reisman.

I bet you'd like to have a few words with him.

Make yourself comfortable.

With any luck, you'll have company soon.

His car was clean.

No weapons, nothing to connect him to the sh**t.

Except for Judge Reisman presiding over his divorce.

After he was denied visitation, what happened?

His ex-wife moved to Ohio with the boy.

Now, he tried to get a court order, stopping them.

But Reisman denied it.

That'd be hard to take.

In '93, Wilkes moved to Ohio and filed for custody.

He was denied.

In '96, the wife moved again to Iowa, he moved and filed again, denied again.

She kept moving, he kept filing.

Last time was in 2001 in Arizona.

Nothing since.

Just court petitions asking for his wife and son's whereabouts.

He lost track of them.

"New York City Office of Vital Records," it's a receipt for a birth certificate.

From four days ago.

Lloyd Wilkes was born in Plattsburgh.

This must be for the other guy, the beard.

He was born in the city.

Looks like he was interested in joining the service.

"Junior ROTC, West Provo High School, Utah.

" He walks behind Lloyd, follows Lloyd's instructions.

His son, Eric, would be 17 by now.

That's who this is.

He found his son.

And he's training him to be a k*ller.

An army of two.

Business license violation, littering Mr.

Wilkes'll be out picking his next target before we know it.

I'll try to have bail set beyond his reach.

That is, if any judge agrees to arraign him.

They're all afraid of ending up on his hit list.

Besides the custodial interference, anything else I can tell the judge about Mr.


Before he hit the road in '93, he had a hardware store in Flatbush.

His wife claimed he had "an expl*sive temper and was physically abusive to her in front of their son.

" But there is no record of domestic dispute calls to the house.

Now, I saw a man who seemed to prize discipline, self-control.

Not counting an occasional m*rder of a judge.


Thank you.


Wilkes has been scheduled for an arraignment this afternoon by Judge Freeman.

Finally, a judge who's unafraid.

Or who doesn't read the papers.

$10,000 is excessive, Your Honor.


Carver just wants to see my client locked up.

I have no confidence Mr.

Wilkes will show up for trial.

He has a history of defying judicial authority.

He kidnapped his son in violation of court-ordered visitation.

I was a very undisciplined man then.

I would never allow myself to lose control like that again.


Casilio, what assets does your client have?

None, Your Honor.

No property, no savings.

Then bail is set for $20,000.

Next up.

Your Honor!

I said next up.

A judge after your own heart.

Yeah, all we bought is time.

Find the son and the g*ns.

Wilkes had one character witness during his custody hearings.

We tracked him down.

He might have been in touch with Wilkes or the kid.

Lloyd and I were just neighbors.

And I bought my electrical supplies from him.

And you testified on his behalf.

Yeah, I thought he was getting a raw deal.

A guy who hit his wife?

He never hit Lisa.

Ask my wife, they were friends.

Lloyd's temper, that's another thing.

Me and him were alike.

Nobody could tell us anything.

That's fine when you're young, but you can't stay at w*r with the world all your life, because no matter what, the world's going to win.

But still, you thought he was a good father.

I saw for myself.

Eric's shoulder got damaged during his birth.

He could never move it right.

He couldn't play sports, or throw a ball.

Lloyd would be out in the yard every day with Eric, for hours, playing catch with him.

Lloyd never said a cross word, never lost patience.

That kid loved him.

If you see Eric, give us a call.


Throwing balls, throwing b*ll*ts, all the same to Lloyd.

Looks like we got a family reunion to catch.

I got there right after 3:00, but the store was already closed.

I'll go back.

Everything else is set.

You doing your stretches, your exercises?

What's your heart rate at?

I got it to 170 for 20 minutes.

You need to do better.

You should be able to hold that for 30 minutes.

Come on, Dad, you know I can do it.

You have to stay sharp.

Everything's on you now, Son.

Don't let me down.

I won't.

Hey, aren't you Lloyd's kid?

Bet he was happy to see you, huh?

Sure he was.

Happy to see his son.

He tell you we found the postcards he sent to Wade Brownfeld and that old guy who helped his friend k*ll himself?

The little buffalo, is that you?

Is that your dad watching over you?

I've never seen those before, sir.

He was looking for you for 12 years, you know.

That made him an angry man.

I think it pushed him to commit extreme mistakes.

Dad doesn't make mistakes.

Here you go, kid.


Our crime unit cut that piece out to test it for gunpowder residue.

Yeah, we had them test the whole knapsack, you know, while you were talking to your dad.

Don't worry, everything's there.

New passport, even your goji berries.

We're not easing off until we make a case against both of you for m*rder.

You'll probably end up in prison, but your dad'll face the death penalty.

You don't want to spare him his life?

You don't want to help him?

Tell us what happened.

Like what you did with the g*ns.

I don't have any g*ns.


What happened to your Do you resent him, did he take you away from your friends in Provo?

Did you have a girlfriend?

For what?

Traveling around the country, sleeping in a car, living off berries?

Dad knows what's good for me.

He's making me a better person.

Can I please go now?

Did you have something like a shoulder operation or something?


You need to do better.

You should be able to hold that for 30 minutes.

Come on, Dad, you know I can do it.

Wilkes just pushes, and the kid eats it up like candy.

All this devotion from a teenage son, it's weird.

Well, it's probably not his son.

Eric got Erb's Palsy when the doctor used force to pull him through the birth canal.

Now, it tore the nerves in his neck, he lost mobility in his shoulder.

Well, he'd have trouble doing simple things.

Like putting on his backpack, which this kid didn't.

Well, if this kid isn't Eric Wilkes, why is Wilkes passing him off as his son?

He had a new birth certificate.

There was something he said on this tape, something about a closing.

I got there right after 3:00, but the store was already closed.

What closes at 3:00, except a bank?

So, there's a bank account somewhere with Eric's name on it.

Depending on when it was set up, it might be in the divorce documents.

In the meantime, maybe our friendly Feds can track down Wilkes' real son.

Here, a bank account in Eric's name set up by his grandparents.

At the time of the divorce, it had just over 10 grand.

With the wonder of compound interest, there's got to be over Lloyd's bail.

I've just been told Lloyd Wilkes' bail was posted by his son 10 minutes ago.

He'll be back on the street by dinner.

I'm not sure there's anything we can do to stop him.

I think there is.

I pulled the filings on his divorce.

His wife charged he physically abused her.

Why didn't you bring up this serious matter at his arraignment?

It wasn't relevant.

If you file an application to reconsider the bail amount, I'll raise it and Mr.

Wilkes will stay where he is.

Your Honor, Mr.

Wilkes' lawyer will see this for what it is, a dodge to keep her client locked up.

She'll have a writ of habeas corpus in front of you within the hour.

And I'll deny her writ.

Then she'll walk it over to the Appellate Term, where I have no doubt it will be granted.

Don't be so sure, Mr.


Roland Thibodeaux was one of their own.

You discussed this with them?

Wilkes has declared w*r on the judiciary.

Who knows how many others are in this conspiracy with him?

We won't be sitting ducks.

So your answer is to conspire to suspend his right of habeas corpus?

Get off your high horse, Mr.


Even Lincoln suspended habeas corpus.

Am I supposed to fall to my knees at the mention of the Great Emancipator?

Even great men go too far, Your Honor.

The Supreme Court rebuffed Lincoln!

You'd rather see Wilkes go free.

I would love to keep Mr.

Wilkes locked up, but I love the Constitution more.

Wilkes' wife changed her identity twice.

Her trail ends in South Dakota in a cemetery.

She died in a DUl car accident three years ago, along with two passengers.

One male, late 40s, and a young boy.

Her son?

We're still waiting to hear.

Wilkes tried to contact Eric as recently as two years ago, so he might not know he's dead.

What about the boy impersonating Eric?

Well, when he got the money from the bank, they gave him a form to fill out.

He gave an address in Stillwater, Oklahoma.

In the jurisdiction of Judge Mestres.

This address is for a group foster home.

Closed six years ago.

There was a boy living there, Clay Turner.

Now, Clay was put in foster care by Judge Mestres when his mother went to jail on a drug charge.

Judge Mestres wouldn't return the kid to her after she got out.

Clay ended up in Provo last year on the same street as Wilkes.

Clay, in the foster care home, must've been starved for attention and discipline that Wilkes was dying to give.

Wilkes probably figured the son he'd chose would be as good as the son he chased.

But, see, he knows he's not on firm ground with Wilkes.

Panicked in the parking lot when Wilkes drove off without him.

So you got to wonder, how would he feel if Eric Wilkes rose from the dead?


Now, my partner thought you'd be too embarrassed to wait for your dad.

No, I'm not embarrassed.

Well, I hope Lloyd knows how lucky he is to have you around.

I'm the one who's lucky.

No, today you'd have to say Lloyd is the lucky one.

We have good news for him, family news.

You ever thought about having a brother?

It could be very competitive, especially when you're looking for your dad's attention.

Well, he's going to play favorites.

I mean, that's only human nature.

Good going, Son.

You came through.

They giving you trouble?

Let's go see if I get the car back.

You weren't going to tell him we have good news for him?

What news is that?

It's It's about Sandra Kelvin in South Dakota.

Don't know anybody by that name.

No, see, you do.

Sandra Kelvin's what your ex-wife changed her name to.

You found Lisa?

In a manner of speaking.

She died in a car accident outside Sioux Falls three years ago.

Now, there was two people in that car with her.

And one of them was a 14- year-old boy.

And, Lloyd, he survived.



Now, his name is Justin Kelvin, that would have been the name that Lisa gave him.

You haven't seen Eric since he was five years old.

Kids change a lot.

Now, this boy could be trying to pass himself off as Eric.

No, I'm not.

Don't you worry about it.

I know who he is.

This is Sandra Kelvin's driver's license.

It's your ex, isn't it?

Lloyd, that means your son is alive.

Lisa looked like a lot of women.

It isn't her.

Look, we can't tell you where in South Dakota he is, but with your ex-wife out of the way now, you shouldn't have any trouble finding him.

You see it now, right?

You see it coming.

Soon as he can, he's heading up to South Dakota.

He won't be able to help himself.

Stop listening to him, come on.

Actually, we need to hold on to him.

He matches the description of a runaway from Utah.

A kid named Clay Turner.

It's obviously not him.

We'll have everything sorted out by tomorrow morning.

You can come back then, Mr.


You hang in there.

I'll be back.


Don't go.

I'll be back in the morning.

Don't leave me here.

Get control of yourself.

Look, there is something you can do to speed up his release.

There's this affidavit?

You can sign it, it's attesting to him being your son, Eric Wilkes.

Yeah, I can do that.

Well, we got the form right here.

Now, of course, if you sign this, that means the other boy in South Dakota, well, it means that he isn't your son.

And we'll have to send it on to the authorities up there, in case you try to get in touch with him.

I'll talk to the lawyer.

She'll go to court and sort this out.

Oh, I see.

Now he wants to let a judge handle it.

Dad, please sign it.

Once he goes out that door, he's gone.

He's off to South Dakota.

Damn it, boy, come on.


Yeah, that's sincere.

You think this means anything to him?

Come on.

"Daddy, don't leave.

Daddy, please sign it.

Daddy, don't go.

" He just wanted to shut you up!

That's all.

This is a guy who doesn't believe in courts, doesn't believe in judges.

Don't listen to him.

Just sit tight till I come back.

There he goes.

He's off to call somebody else "son".

Now, that's something that you deserve, something that you earned.

Don't leave!

I'll tell them if you leave!


I said I'll come back for you.

Why do you need anybody else?

He hasn't been the son that you wanted him to be?

Haven't I, Dad?

You have.

You are.

You don't mean it.

You don't mean it.

You know, there is something you can do to keep him here.

Something you can do to keep him from giving that other boy what belongs to you.


Tell us what you did to deserve to be his son.

Don't you dare.

I helped him k*ll that judge in Montana.

You're lying!

I k*lled the judge who took my family away from me.

My son!

My son wouldn't do this to me.

We k*lled that judge in that house.

He taught me how to use a scope, to control my breathing, focus myself.

He taught me how to live!

Lloyd Wilkes, Clay Turner, you're under arrest for m*rder.

My son wouldn't do this to me.

I wasted my time on you.

Well, you did the right thing, Clay.

It was the best time of my life, you know.

Probably was.

Lloyd showed him a whole new world.

A world of justice without mercy, that's no place to live.
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