07x13 - Betrayed

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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07x13 - Betrayed

Post by bunniefuu »

The following story is fictional and does
not depict any actual person or event.

In New York City's w*r on crime,

the worst criminal offenders
are pursued by the detectives

of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.

It's gonna be like this
every night from now on, Avery.

Check it out.
We're Mr. and Mrs. Woodley now.

Woody, did you make these?

It's Roy.

Why are you stopping?

Did you take all your jewelry?

Come on, give it to me.

Come on. And your rings.

Wait. You're leaving me here?

I'll be right back.

Woody? It's 2:00 am.

Just woke up on the couch.
Where are you?

Bank robbers, serial K*llers,
and sociopaths...

We love them all.

Kathy Jarrow brings them to life
as America's foremost true crime writer.

And thanks GOD those books sell.

Because that's how Kathy could donate
$2 million to our police academy.

Our honored guest, Kathy Jarrow.

Solving the mystery of a crime is, uh...
is hard.

But the mysteries of...

home and heart...

I'm sorry.

I can't find my husband.

A missing husband case?

You need both of us on this?

Kathy's a friend of NYPD and mine.

She thinks something serious happened.
I trust her instincts.

So she's a... a good friend.

That's not your business,
and that's not what this is about.

Before Kathy started writing about crime.
She was a cop.

She knows the drill.

Detectives. Kathy Jarrow.

Sorry to pull you in so late.

It's okay.

So, uh, the last time I saw my husband
was Thursday morning.

There was nothing odd about his behavior.

And before then?

This is him. Woody Sage.

He called my cell on Thursday around 5:00
to say he'd picked up some extra sessions,

- he'd be at work till 10:00.
- Sessions?

So what does he do?

He's a personal trainer.

And, yes, a much younger man.

We met at the gym.

He is 20...

3. But an old soul.

Where's his gym?

Upper east side.

He drives a 2008 Range Rover, white.

Oh, that's...

A nice car.

It was a gift?

Yes. For our second anniversary.

Lucky guy, 2008.
That has a GPS?

There have been a string
of SUV jacking lately.

The upper Westside, Hell's kitchen.


We'll put out an all-points,
see if we can track his GPS.

Okay, thanks.

Thank you, detectives.

They seem a little out of SYNC.

He's coming off suspension.
They're working it out.

Look at you.
Captain Ross of Major Case.

It's late.
I'll have a detective drive you home.

These car jacking, Danny...

What happened to the drivers?

We'll find Woody.

Don't worry.

So no calls from Woody's cell phone
since Thursday afternoon.

But lots of calls from Kathy to his cell
starting at 2:00 am.

She was up all night.

Even when she's in trouble,
Kathy can't ask a favor.

- His Rover turn up?
- Uh, nothing yet.

We've sent teams to chop shops, ports.

And Woody's GPS?

Well, these are his movements
from Thursday morning till 10:00 pm

when his GPS was shut off.

He leaves Tribeca at 10:00 am,
drives to his gym,

parks there for even hours,
then heads to Hell's Kitchen at 5:00.

And then his car detours from there
to the South Bronx.

"Bonfire of the vanities" territory.

Where he makes three stops.

Two on St. Ann's Avenue,

and then at 9:00, he drives out of range
until he stops here.

In this industrial wasteland...

past the Bruckner, off Locust Avenue.

No way Woody drove here on his own.

Broken... taillight.
There's glass everywhere.

Maybe from a car window?

Or a hundred car windows.
It's a chop shop transfer station.


So Woody was jacked in the city.

They drove his Rover up here.
Switched out the plates.

It's a tough trails to follow.

Well, then... let's go backward.

Woody's car made two stops
in the South Bronx that night.

Brand-new white Rover
on St. Ann's avenue.

Somebody might remember that.

White Rover with a white driver.
Hard to say. Man.

Hard to say.

There's cat food here.
You got a cat?

Better than rats.

Yeah. Not according
to the health department. Eames.

We have multiple violation here.

NYPD has nothing better to do. Right?

Not today.
How about you?

Maybe I saw the driver dude.

Disappear into that storefront
across the street.

- Looks abandoned.
- They work odd hours.

So this guy just leaving his new white SUV
in this neighborhood.


More like a local eBay.

And he left his hoochita on guard inside.

He and a woman with him.
Someone from the neighborhood?

Yeah, from the block.
Where all the rich, white cover girls live.

I walk out with the garbage,
smile... she freaks.

Honks the horn till he comes back.

And then they drove off together.
Anyone else in the car?

There would have been a crowd.

Place is empty.
Must be appointment only.

CSU found empty watch boxes and this.

Jeweler's loupe.

So this devoted husband
picks up a hottie in Hell's Kitchen.

Drives up here.

Pawns some jewelry
and then gets carjacked.

Maybe or...

Or maybe Woody just ran off
with this other woman.

And the carjacking is his cover story.

Should we tell the Captain?

Let's confirm it first.

You're exactly right, Eames.

No. I'm just saying, you know...
You're right.

Woody's not on the schedule next week.

He picks and chooses when he works.

His clients don't mind?

Let me guess... mostly women?

He's popular.
But he keeps it professional.

Didn't he meet his wife here?

Oh, he and Avery aren't married.

She still lives with her husband Roy.

Um... can you not do that?

Yeah. So, uh, Avery's a client here?

Massage therapist.

She and Woody are seeing each other?

Since last summer.

She cancelled all her appointments too?

Avery lives in Hell's kitchen?

Mm-hmm. Woody drives her
home every night.

Roy doesn't have a clue.

Thank you very much.

That's Avery Hubert.

The hoochita from the Range Rover?
Looks Woody's age.

Maybe his old soul wanted a younger body.

CSU. Only one set of prints
on the license plate...


Looks like they set the whole thing up.



Whatever they want.

Girls... I'm Roy.

The cash's gone.

Our go-bag.
In case of another attack.

- How much was in there?
- 5,000.

He's smart.
He took what I wouldn't miss

and ran off with Avery.

How humiliating.

You know her.

Woody recommended her
when I went in for a massage last year.

She's a little ditz.

He sent you to her?


Did you suspect anything?

Last summer, Woody seemed detached.

But then we decided to have a baby, so...

That room... it's a nursery.

We were scheduled for
in vitro Friday morning.

I was at the clinic.

Why... would he stage a carjacking?

Kathy, you're an ex-cop
with friends on the job.

Maybe they wanted to give
themselves a head start.

What did he think I would do?

Tell your detectives I'm sorry.

They're Major Case, not house dicks.

I always get it wrong,
don't I, Danny?

Chase the bad ones and
let the good ones get away.

Thank you for your time. Detectives.
But we're done with Kathy's case.

Oh. We're done.

Captain. This, uh...

Footage of Avery at the ATM
the night she went missing.

I mean, something seems off.

She's rubbing her mala beads there, and...
It's like a Buddhist rosary.

I think she's praying.

Yeah. Like, "Please, God.
Don't let us get caught."

She does seem nervous.

Maybe that's because she's a home wrecker
looting her husband's bank account

while trying to pretend
she's being carjacked.

It's a ruse.

- Eames. Missing persons report.
- Thank you.


Filed by Avery's parents.

She and Woody were expected
in Maine on Friday.

They never made it.

Romeo and Juliet didn't tell their parents
where they were going either.

Why haven't we heard
from Avery's husband yet?

Okay. I'll follow up with the parents.

You two track down Mr. Hubert.

Avery's not missing.
She's uh, visiting her family in Maine.

Without you. Huh?

In-laws. I get that.

Well. For a prize like Avery...

Put up with anything.

So you know about her... friendship
with the trainer at the gym?

She seem unhappy to you?


What. Do you think every college
dropout lives like this?

So when was the last time
you heard from Avery?

Thursday night.

She left a message.
Said she was off to her parents'.

So now it's Monday.

And you haven't heard from her.
You must be worried.

Haven't had time.
I had a business trip Friday morning.

Ask my doorman.
What's all this about?

Her parents filed a missing persons report.

She never made it to Maine.

But you know that.
Right, Roy?

Hate to say it.

But you know
what my partner's thinking. Roy?

Roy doesn't care
what your partner's thinking.

What I'm thinking is you know that Avery
never made it home

because you did something to her.


Look, pal...

I lied.

Avery's run off with that trainer.
You can check the message.

Wow. Man. She dumped you on...
Your answering machine.

I mean. That would... Man.
That would make me feel furious.

What'd you do to your hand there?

I did that punching her mirror.

Where were you Thursday night?

At work.
And I'm due back there now.

Roy claimed that he was working late,

but his key card scanned him out at 5:00.

Hell of an alibi.

Avery's parents said she was due to
arrive Friday for their wedding anniversary.

With Woody.

She was gonna bring her lover
to her parents' anniversary?

Woody stayed with them before.
They think he's a sweetheart.

They also think she's separated from Roy.

- They seem happy about that?
- Very.

Avery's mom said Roy's controlling.

She'd always thought it was only
a matter of time before he'd blow.

Well, he has, in the past.

His first wife took out
a restraining order on him

when they were getting divorced.

Woody and Avery... nobody's heard
from these two in four days.

The carjack...

wasn't staged because they were
afraid Kathy would find them.

They were afraid that
Roy would hunt them down.

Turns out you left work Thursday night.

That right?

Then I must have been home alone.

Your doorman told us
you came home after midnight.

How'd you track Avery down. Roy?

Track her down?

What am I?

Well, we know you're a wife beater.

- Maybe a m*rder*r.
- Maybe a m*rder*r.

No. I'm a lover.

I was with my lady friend.

You're having an affair too?

Avery stepped out on me.
I stepped out on her.

Guess everybody wants
what they can't have.

Does she have a name?

She does.

I'm not giving her up.

- You can't hold me.
- Oh, yes we can.

You lied to us about your whereabouts.

For how long?

Okay. Look. My friend's married.

If I give you her cell,
you got to promise...

Don't call her at night.
You got me?

Roy. I don't know what's more pathetic.

The idea that you think we believe you

or the idea that a woman
would willingly sleep with you.

What's the matter, baby?

You so used to ground chuck.
You don't know filet mignon when you see it?

All those steroids you took...

Your filet mignon wouldn't please
one woman. Let alone two.

Now we can hold you for a long time.

You got me wrong.

I make women smile.


Roy knew that Avery was leaving him.

Now, he could have followed
Woody and Avery to the Bronx

and k*lled them while
they were switching plates.

All that effort to escape Roy.

And they end up leading him
to the perfect k*lling ground.

Avery is a beautiful,
sweet, caring person.

We just wanna see our daughter again.

If you know where she is.

Roy... please tell us.


She's all we care about.

Tell us where she is, Roy.

Woody's gone.
Isn't he, Danny?

We don't know that.

And if Roy knows where Woody is.
My detective will find him.

Does his car have a GPS?
Can you see if he followed them?

- Kathy. I can't discuss it.
- It's just...

I'm sure whatever I'm thinking is
so much worse than what happened.

Does he have an alibi?


We're checking it now.

Whoever is saying those lies
should shut the hell up.

Roy didn't k*ll Avery that night.
He was with me.

Hotel Michiko.

Well, you paid cash.

Nice try.
Anyone could have paid cash.

We need proof you were with Roy.

Ask the room next to ours.
They must have heard us.

Catch my meaning. Bullwinkle?

Roy's your ex, isn't he?

The one you had a restraining order against?

Yeah. He went a little cuckoo one night.

But Roy and I were meant to be together.
We just can't be together.

Or maybe you're here because
you're still afraid of Roy.

You got Roy all wrong.

He knows how to make a woman purr.

It's not good enough, Trina.
Thanks anyway.


There's something else.

But you have to swear on your mother
this doesn't end up on youtube.

You have a sex tape with Roy.

With a date and time stamp.

Yeah. But those can be faked.

Right, Trina?

The ball game was on the whole time.

We're both big Mets fans.

- Roy. Please come over here.
- Here we go.

I'm an innocent man.

I've been freed unconditionally.

I'm gonna sue NYPD and all of your networks
for damage to my reputation.

Excuse me.

They're letting him go.

This is insane.

Mom, Dad, I got a message from Avery.

She and Woody, they're okay.
They eloped.

They are okay.


You sure this'll be
in Guadalajara by tonight?

Be there in a few minutes.

And... and all he'll need is
the code you're gonna give me?

That and some ID.

ID? wh... what kind of ID?

Driver's license, passport.

It's for your protection, lady.

Look, I don't want your protection, got it?

Just do what I say.

I, I didn't speak to her.
It was text to my phone.

She and Woody are probably
on some exotic Island with bad reception.

Can I... see your cell phone?

Tell mom I'm ok.
Me n Woody eloped! XOXO, Avery

So is that her style.

To text an "n" instead of actually
writing out the word "and"?

Not always.

It's Karl and Katrina.

Excuse me, Detectives.

Thank you, guys, for coming.

Uh. Caleb, we'll need
to borrow your phone.

You don't think the message is real.
Do you?

No trace of Avery for a week.
Roy gets released.

Suddenly she sends a text?

Someone wants us to think
that she's alive.


He was the last person with her
when she was.

We tracked down Avery's cell signal.

Her text was sent from JFK.
The International Departures Terminal.

Avery's cell.

Turned up in a trash can
next to the security gate.

Somebody ditched it
before getting on a plane.

We found Woody's car.

Vacuum marks on the carpet.

Cargo bay's been...
emptied, cleaned.

No hairs in the headrest.
No obvious fibers on the belt.

I've got an entry ticket to the lot.
The car came in at 4:00 yesterday.

Right before Avery's text was sent.

These look familiar?

Prayer beads from Avery's bracelet.

Yeah. With blood on them.

The car's been here 24 hours.

Woody could be anywhere
in the world by now.

Let's assume DNA puts
Avery's blood on the beads.

What makes Romeo k*ll Juliet?

That ATM video...

it looked like Avery was getting cold
feet at the last minute.

Was he that in love with her?

We know Kathy was pressuring
him to have a baby.

Avery was his way out.

If she bailed on him.
He might have snapped.

And then he waits five days to run? Why?

He has no reason to file.
Not as long as Roy is a suspect.

Well, then, where has he been hiding?
Half of NYPD is looking for him.

He's handsome and charming.
He has a car, cash, and jewelry.

I'm sure he can take care of himself.

Actually. I think he's, uh, more used to
letting people take care of him, sir.

Any chance that Kathy has a beach house
that she hasn't told us about?

She's not harboring him,
if that's what you're suggesting.

You checked.

Detective. You're out of line.

Am I, Captain?

We don't know if he's a missing person
or a m*rder suspect.

He stole his wife's money
he staged a carjacking.

And now his lover's blood
has turned up in his car at JFK.

This isn't a leap.

Moving on.

If Woody is on the run.

There's no record of him taking a flight

or using his credit card
since he disappeared.

Could have stolen an identity.

What do we have on Woody?
I take it he doesn't have a record.

No. At 23, he barely has a footprint.

He got his driver's license four years ago.

The first tax return he filed
was a joint one with Kathy.

Maybe Woody sage isn't Woody sage.

I mean, we know that
he lied to her about Avery.

Maybe he lied to her
about more than that.

Or... am I outta line?

I'm sure these questions
have occurred to Kathy.

- I'll ask her about...
- Uh... All due respect. Captain.

It's our turn.

Woody's parents?
They're dead.

He was on his own by 16.

There's no borthers. No sisters?


These photos...
Everyone's from your world.

Have you ever met anyone
from Woody's past?

No. He was embarrassed
by his small-town roots.

We had that in common.
He wiped that slate clean.

Came to New York to make a new life.

Now we're wondering
what was on that slate.

I don't understand.

We believe that your husband
is on the run,

from k*lling Avery Hubert.

That was the mistake.

What mistake, Kathy?

Woody called me two days ago.

And you're just telling us this now?

You know, the Captain put himself
on the line for you.

I'm sorry. I'm malfunctioning.

When he called. He said,

that he'd made a terrible mistake
and wanted to come back.

"Mistake"... I thought he meant leaving me.

Did he ask you for any money?

Kathy wired 10 grand to Scott Woodley.

Turn's out that's Woody's real name.

His dad's not dead.

He's a grifter imprisoned
for the m*rder of Woody's mom.

Bad parents don't have
to mean a bad kid.

Still, I'm surprised Kathy
didn't pick up on any of this.

Maybe she did and
she married him anyway.

She's in her 40s,
on her third husband.

Desperate for a baby.

You track down Woody's flight?

He didn't fly under Sage or Woodley.

But he did leave his cell phone on.

After he called Kathy from the airport.

Uh, Woody's phone left JFK at 6:45.

It stopped in Macon, Georgia, for two hours
and then landed in Mexico city.

And since then?

Well, the signal died at the airport.

He hasn't picked up the money yet.

Yeah. If he even, uh, flew down there.

See these, uh, flight paths?

These are commercial flights
leaving from JFK that night for Mexico city.

They stop in Miami and Dallas.

- None of them stop in Macon.
- No, no.

No commercial flights.

Macon is a hub for DJL.
The Delivery Package Service.

So Woody shipped his phone
and bought himself another two days.

He's a very clever personal trainer.

Maybe money isn't the only help
Woody's crime-writer wife has given him.

He's using her to help him get away.

Or maybe she thinks he's coming back.

I've been a fool
and you no longer trust me.

Ask anything you need to know.


Why did Woody have you
send him money to Mexico,

when he wasn't there?

Because he's getting a kick out of this.

He's getting off on making me.
Kathy Jarrow, true crime writer.

Look like a heartbroken teenager.

So this... is all about you.


But, you know.
On some level, yes.

I mean, I thought Woody,
because he was younger.

could deal with a powerful woman.

He resented my success.

I get that.

But it doesn't explain why he k*lled Avery.

Well, she was in a bad marriage.

Then we made the same mistake.

We both asked a sociopath
to give us what we needed.

A week ago he was an old soul, so...

Uh, now he's a sociopath?

Well, they're masters at hiding
that side of themselves.

As I'm sure you know.

I just can't believe I let this happen.

To myself and that poor girl.

I can't believe you never
looked into Woody's past.

You know. I started to yesterday.

I had a friend from Ohio
send me his sealed juvie record.

Just yesterday.

His mother used him early on.
Then she was m*rder*d.

It's possible Woody's father
took the rap for him.

Kathy. In hindsight,
there had to have been clues.

Something that might
help us track him now.

Yeah. I loved him.

Woody burst into my life
with energy and charm.

He gave me hope.

I understand Kathy apologized.

More like self-flagellation.

She told me her blinders are off
and she's on the case.

What about your blinders?

You know that she's lying to you.

She's used her connections to...

uh, the department...
to lead us around from day one, sir.

Kathy has been a good friend
and a colleague for 20 years.

Then you knew
her second husband, Judge Feld.

Of course. I went to their wedding.

The obits were sketchy
on his place of death.

There's a reason for that.

Judge Feld died one morning
in a fleabag motel

under circumstances
that were never made public.

How old was the prost*tute?

Let's just say the combined
ages of both boys was short of 40.

Oh, she really can pick them, can't she?

NYPD covered it up?

Judge Feld had a teenage daughter
from an earlier marriage.

And we didn't wanna
put her through all that.

Yeah, and the Judge cheated on her.
And so did Woody.

And they're both dead.

What are you saying,
that she's a serial k*ller?

Where are the bodies?

We still don't have Woody's,
but we do have Feld's.

We'd need a court order to exhume it.

Well, ya lucked out.

The judge's body wasn't embalmed.
And the expensive casket helped.

I got enough of his liver
to do a full tox screen.


An excessive level...
of sildenafil citrate.

Better known by its brand name, V-boost.

Popular drug of men of a certain age.

Guess he needed help
romping around with teenage hustlers.

Ah, who doesn't?

But Judge Feld took blood pressure meds.

Now, I spoke to his doctor.

The judge was very aware
of what he could and couldn't take.

And how high was his V-boost level?

Triple a normal dose.

Combining those dr*gs in that circumstance
was a recipe for a heart attack.

If there had been an autopsy.
Bells would have gone off.

It's hard to imagine Kathy didn't know
about the judge's sex life.

I mean, he was... probably
meeting boys online.

Arranging hookups.

Kathy's written about spyware.

She hacks into his emails,
heard about a tryst,

spikes his morning decaf
so he'd die in flagrant.


Take a longer look at Kathy's...
cell records and GPS.

Find out what she knew about
Woody's plans and when.

Thank you for coming.

Hope the directions weren't confusing.

You said you may have
missed something.

That's why Woody's Rover's here?

Yeah, this is where he turned off his GPS.

And where you think he k*lled Avery.

We may have found her.

A body turned up nearby.

We need you to help us imagine
what was going on in Woody's head

when he and Avery eloped.

Well, I'd hardly call it eloping.

Avery told her parents Woody proposed.

They were going up to Maine to celebrate.

We kept it out of the press.

I see.

Well, clearly, Woody couldn't
tolerate commitment.

She must have pressured him,
the same way I pressured him to start a family.

And when she did.
He may have lashed out

like the damaged kid he was.

I get it... you mean.

You know, it's the way that he and Avery
planned to run away.

He stole money from the cookie jar.

He left a broken taillight for show
and his license plate for tell.

- Exactly.
- See, that's where I get confused.

His carjacking story was immature.
But his aftermath...

leaving no trace of his k*ll.

Hiding himself and this car for five days.

Shipping his cell phone...

It's like he was two separate people.

He was a second-generation con artist.

Kathy. Detectives.
Sorry I'm late.

Your directions were wrong, Eames.

Well, Kathy had no trouble.

Well, I double-checked with my GPS.

Oh. Your GPS?

Well, this lot isn't on a GPS grid.

I must use a different service.

That be the same as Woody's?

Is that how you... tracked him
the night that he drove here?

Excuse me.

Danny, wrong directions?
That's their idea of a... of a trap?

Detective, you checked Kathy's GPS.
She wasn't here.

Captain, she could have turned it off.

I mean, we double-checked Woody's GPS.

Someone hacked into it
and then tracked him here.

Where... where is all this coming from?

- Coming from you.
- From me?

Yeah. You.

You're... you're systematic... you know?

You clean your car and...

You leave exactly two bloody mala beads.

You drive to the airport,
and you send a fake text.

You ship a cell phone that
just happens to be... left on.

You know, is... is that why your books
never really get to that level of art?

Oh, you're a critic now.

You've stopped writing.

But I mean why research someone else's crime
when you can just plot your own?

- I loved Woody.
- Maybe too much.

You didn't follow him here.

March him into the water.

And then sh**t him
so there'd be no blood?

Into the water.

Well, then his body would
have surfaced by now.

Kathy's right. She would have known to
cut his stomach so that he'd sink.

g*ns, knives...
there should be blood here.

You smarter than that.

I mean, you'd know
to lay a tarp down under them.

Like the one in your nursery.

Oh, I did all that.

Okay, well, then I'm also smart enough
to know that you don't have a body.

Oh, but we do, Kathy.

No. No. That's impossible.

Even if Danny didn't tell me.
Your department leaks like a sieve.

- I'd have heard.
- You wanna see it?

It's not a pretty sight.
Four years in the ground.

A triple dose of V-boost
and blood pressure pills.

Very systematic.


The judge.
He's in that van.

So what happened.
Too old to give you a baby?

Maybe he was just too busy having sex
with teenage boys?

I mean, he left you for boys.

Is that why you married one?

Danny, you're letting them
tear me apart... why?

Because I rejected you?

You're right.
She really is a narcissist.

I helped you when I thought
you were in distress.

You used me to cover up three murders.

You're on your own. Kathy.

God, it's actually vindicating
to know for certain

that just when I need you to protect me
you betray me.

Yeah, but, you're used to that, right?

You're successful
and you're... you're beautiful.

But... that's not enough
for the men that you choose.

The old ones cheat with the young ones.

The young ones with the even younger.

And some of them are just fools.

Go to hell.

Danny, no!

They had it coming.

He was giddy about leaving me.

She called me the cougar!

He called me worse.

I couldn't stand the humiliation, not again.

Kathy Jarrow, you are under arrest.

This isn't how this is supposed to end.

Danny. Danny!


Not now, Detective.

Not one word.
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