05x04 - Unchained

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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05x04 - Unchained

Post by bunniefuu »

The following story is fictional and does not depict any actual person or event.

In New York City's w*r on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.

Melowitz chiropractic.

Hold on.

Thanks, doc.

That always does the trick.

The pleasure's mine, Mr.


Just give Judy a call.

We can always fit you in.



Jackie said you were having car troubles.

Yeah, I think it's probably the battery.

Only my guys can't find it to fix it.

That's because it's under the back seat.

Who knew?

What the hell?

Don't touch anything.

What do you mean, don't touch anything?

I know things you don't.

I know Big Georgie put up the money.

The cheap bastard got what he paid for.

Got it?


Big Georgie, huh?


Call me back in 15.

You're carrying a lot of stress here.

Yeah, tell me about it.

I'm gonna get you a heating pad.



Did Judy say where she went?

She just took off.

You're gonna need a new girl.

Is that cool?

It's for a '56 meteor.

I machined every part.

I knew you were good with your hands, Joey.

Finish the rest of the car and give me a call.

I gotta tap a kidney.

What do you want from me?

Where am I?

What's going on?

No, no, no, no.

This is a mistake! Help! You can't do this! My dad's a cop! Law & Order CI I wasn't too concerned Joe didn't come home all weekend.

But Monday, his garage called to say that he didn't show up for work.

Joe, you know, he's responsible.

You've already done some work on this.

You mind if we take a look?

Yeah, I got some statements from his co-workers.

And some of the pals he was with Saturday night.

I just couldn't sit on my hands.

Of course not.

This is a big help.

Does Joe have a girl?

He broke up with her almost two months ago.

Did he go straight to the bar from work on Saturday?

No, he went home and took a shower first.

Did you or your wife talk to him?

My wife passed away two years ago.

I was on duty Saturday.

But I could tell he'd been home.

One last thing, officer.

If there were one thing that you'd want us to know about Joe, what would it be?

He has a good heart.

To a fault He has a good heart.

Collina's Bar Queens, New York Wednesday, September 28 Joey was here.

Same as every Saturday.

Always with the same pals.

If somebody was looking for him, this'd be the place they'd find him?

I guess.

Did he stick with his friends all night?

Yeah, he found an excuse to chat me up.

He's a shy guy.

It only took him three months to ask me for my number.

What was the excuse?

He came over to me at the bar and asked to borrow a nutcrack.

- Melissa?

- Oh, excuse me.


Guy's a mechanic, right?

Well, he might have borrowed it to make a quick adjustment on somebody's car.

Tighten the fan belt, maybe.

Probably just a pretext to get him out here.

A friend wouldn't need a pretext.

So he did a favor for a stranger.

A stranger who knew that he was a mechanic.

A kid with a good heart, huh?

Barek here.


One hit.

Stunned him.

Scrape, not deep.

No other marks.

He's not worked over.

They didn't want anything from him.

They just ex*cuted him.

In 120 feet of water.

If he hadn't gotten entangled in a lobster trap, - he would never have been found.

- Lobster trap?

How far out was he?

They sent along a map.

Oh, he was dropped in the shipping channel to the mud dump.

That's where they drop all the crap they dredge up from the harbor.

Also happens to be a good place to catch lobsters.

Which is why I stopped eating those things.

Aren't we a mine of maritime information?

Yeah, well, there's nothing to do on Staten island but watch the barges go by.

Some of them with chains and clamps just like this.

The harbor master's log would tell us who was out there at The time his watch stopped.

Waterproof to 10 meters.

Marine Transfer Station West 59th Street Wednesday, September 28 It was just two guys.

I don't remember him.

They drove up, said they were from the union doing an inspection.

And you didn't see them bring this kid aboard?

- I was securing the load.

- And during the trip?

I was towing the barge.

- It gets pitch dark out there and noisy.

- All right, listen.

The kid who fell off your boat?

His father's a cop.

We're taking the loss personally.

I swear to god, they said they were inspectors.

And they stayed out on the deck all night when it's so warm and cozy in your wheelhouse?

They came in all of a sudden asking if I had a phone.

Theirs wasn't working.

All I got's a radio.

Sounded like they had some big emergency.

- You hear what it was?

- They talked outside.

The borrowed a flashlight to look through a wallet.

They kept checking the driver's license.

Sounds like they weren't sure they had the right Joe Long.

How could they k*ll Joe like that by mistake?


Long, we vetted your son, his work, his friends.

There was no connection to the people who k*lled him.

What people?

The Lucheses and the Masuccis each take a piece of the barge traffic.

We can't find a reason why they'd k*ll your son, other than mistaken identity.

Those animals.

God, those animals! You let us handle it, officer.


Thank you for having the mass said at st.


It's something his mother would have done.

How does he check out?

Uh, IAD says that he's clean as a whistle.

We got a list of all the Joseph Longs in the five boroughs.

Maybe one of them's the real target.

Well, it's a start.



How did you know it was officer Long's parish?

I asked.

That's a nice gesture.


Here's a Joseph Terence Long in Queens.

Same birthday as our kid except he's six years older.

Works at the train yard at Sunnyside.

Locomotive mechanic.

On parole for criminal possession of a w*apon fourth degree.

Walked into an emergency room with two fingers off his left hand blown off.

A search of his home revealed six M-80s.

A b*mb-maker.

This is embarrassing, hauling me off in front of my co-workers.

I've been behaving.

Yeah, well, we just wanted to make sure you were okay.

It's been a bad week for mechanics named Joseph Long.

- What are you talking about?

- Meet your namesake.

He was found in 100 feet of water with a chain wrapped around his leg.

Courtesy of the Masuccis or the Lucheses, your pick.

Who's after you, Joe?


I've been behaving.


The lab swabbed the inside of your work gloves and found traces of ammonium nitrate.

A chemical used in the manufacturing of bombs.

The stuff leaked out of a t*nk car in the yard.

Got it on my hands.

Listen, genius, they're not gonna make the same mistake twice.

You need protection.

No way.

My lawyer.


This came in.

The dump's off his phone.

Since last Thursday, he's made over One of 27 numbers OCID has traced back to a George Branson.

Big Georgie the bookie.

The calls are all under a minute.

Find out why Big Georgie's not answering.

Home of "Big Georgie" Branson Brooklyn, New York Friday, September 30 Mr.

Branson, it's the police.



Mailbox full.

- Same thing here.

- It's like I told you.

We haven't seen Mr.

Branson since last week.

Messages started piling up Thursday night.

What is it?

Friday morning there was a young lady here for Mr.


We rang him up, there was no answer.

She made a scene.

She wanted me to go check up on him.

But you didn't.

The doorman said he'd seen her with Mr.


He thinks her name's Judy.

- A redhead.

- Judy, Judy, Judy Judy Cordova.

Melowitz chiropractic.

Just the girl to fix Georgie's joints.

She just up and quit before lunch on Friday.

I've left her some messages.

She never bothered calling me back.

She left without talking to you?

I was with a patient.

Well, you had patients out here in the waiting room.

Maybe they saw her leave.

Well, let's see who came in on Friday.

That information is subject to doctor-patient privilege.

Ah, doc, all due respect.

It doesn't apply to chiropractors.

Your last appointment before lunch was Peter Taglioti.


What, did he get the Masucci family discount?

I don't know what you mean.


Taglioti comes in here for a shoulder adjustment.


Taglioti was also here the Monday before.

He said the treatment wore off after he went to his car.

Some kind of problem with his battery.

I have to get back to my patient.

A b*mb wired to a car's electrical system could short out a battery.

Judy knew Taglioti was coming in for treatment.

Joseph planted the b*mb.

Big Georgie must have set up the hit.

- The hit that missed.

- Now Taglioti's getting even.

A cop's kid?

This cannot come back to me, my friend.

I am your friend, Pete.

I'll square it.

There's dinner.

- Hey, you're a married man.

- So?

Here, let me get that.

Hey, daddy, where were you?

Just taking a walk.

Work up my appetite.

This friend I trust.


He's had a piece with Big Georgie's business for a long time.

Georgie hasn't been happy about it.

Lucheses want a piece of Georgie too.

And once you got a three-way, it's hard to tell who's doing what to who.

You think the Lucheses are behind this?

Georgie's a big earner.

He's worth fighting over.

If he's still around.

You guys got his numbers?

Has he made any calls lately?

Last one was Thursday night.

These Taglioti phone taps from the last two weeks.

- Any transcripts?

- Not yet.

We're running about a month behind.

Anything you need, it's yours.

You tell that patrolman OCID is all over this.

/ Thanks.

Taglioti and wife.

Taglioti and mother.

These are some brilliant phone taps.

Oh, here we go.


Louis Giaggi.

I remember him.

Louis three-eyes.

He had a big mole on his forehead.

He's a Gambino.

They got a phone tap of Taglioti talking to Louis three-eyes the day before Georgie disappeared.

So what's a Masucci underboss doing talking to a Gambino soldier?

This ID code here, it's an FBI wiretap.


We'll be lucky to get it before the next ice age.

Nah, sooner.

I still have hooks there.

You think they call me three-eyes because of my looks?

I know things you don't.

I know Big George put up the money.

The cheap bastard got what he paid for.

Got it?

Big Georgie, huh?


Put up the money for the botched hit on Taglioti?

It's cooperation between the species.

A Gambino helping a Masucci uncover a m*rder plot.

You know, there was music playing in the background when three-eyes was talking.

I know things you don't.

I know Big George put up the money.

The cheap bastard got what he paid for.

Got it?

Big Georgie, huh?

The music cuts out when the other voices come on.

Now, it sounds like a tape of three-eyes being played by somebody over the phone for Taglioti.

A wiretap recording on three-eyes.

Someone must have leaked it.

Someone in our own house.

- Or the FBI's.

- That's for internal affairs.

Your target is Taglioti.

One m*rder, two missing people.

I guess we're supposed to believe that Big George eloped with Judy.

His car just turned up at JFK.

Oh, wow! There's blood all over here.

Looks like Georgie took his last ride back here.

And he might have had company.

See these long red hairs caught here?

Make sure we have prints taken inside this glove box.

Gotta be the spare, it hasn't been on that long.

It looks clean.

See if you can get me some prints off that jack.

I'm feeling lucky.

I never seen him.

Your fingerprints are on the jack in his car.

And we found one of these duplex nails in the tire.

You got a lot of them lying around here.

Okay, yeah.

I helped somebody change a flat a couple weeks ago.


Who was in the car?

These guys?

I don't know.

I didn't get any kind of a look at them.


You know, I love watching construction.

Things being built.

My father was in the carpenter's union.

Those are concrete forms?

You were pouring concrete a couple of weeks ago?

Got something here.

That's one.

There's something under his shoulder.

Red hair.

So much for the honeymoon.

Taglioti will go along with this.

It's the only thing tying him to the m*rder of that kid.

Sorry about that, Marco.

Pete's an understanding man.

That's why he's gonna go along with this.

You believe this?

The guy makes these suppressors in shop class after his students go home.


/ Yeah.

Dad, I was gonna ask your friend to stay for dinner.

Nah, that's okay.

Let's see what you got cooked up.

The big fella was shot 14 times.

Mostly in the knees and groin.

The fingers of his right hand are broken.

Boy, they sure worked him over.

Until he gave up the wrong Joseph Long.

t*rture is a very unreliable way of getting information.

Hey, what about her?

Broken neck.

She went quick.

Car registration.

People keep it in their glove box.

Mints fell out of his glove box.

Do we have the location of his last phone call?

Mile four of the Van Wyck, next to the cemetery.

Well, he'd go for his registration if he was being pulled over.

He'd take it out of his glove box and have it ready.

And if they didn't ask for it, he'd put it in his pocket.

These ligature marks Handcuffs.

A cop grabbed him off the highway.

Delivered him to Taglioti.

A cop working for the mob.

How low can you go?

These two.

Tommy Delanno, Phil Bartoli.

We're thinking they're the ones that snatched Judy from the chiropractor's office and tossed the kid off the barge.

I'd just like to know how they picked the wrong guy to k*ll.

The b*mb maker with the missing fingers had these lottery tickets in his pocket.

He plays his birthdate, day and month.

The same dates he shared with the patrolman's son.

Probably played those numbers on spreads or the horses.

And that's what Georgie would know about him.

That's what Georgie would tell the guys that worked him over.

You put in a birthdate, occupation, and name into our database, the first thing that pops up is officer Long's son.

I tried it.

If you're in a rush, you're not gonna look any further.

So the same person who fed Taglioti the wiretap is probably the person that fed him this bad information.

It's the same cop who grabbed Georgie off the expressway.

And we want him, captain.

Because he can give us Taglioti.

Here they are.

Oh, what took so long?

Phil and me were gonna spend your dough on those whores around the corner.

I hit him a couple of times.

He'll bleed out.

Let's get this one out of the street.

IAD sent the last of them.

to the wiretap.

I really hate this.

Going through another cop's file.

I don't know how those IAD guys stomach it.

You know what it's like.

Being on the wrong end of the microscope.

Ancient history.

While we're talking You ever been in Vice?


You know a lot about gambling.

You a player?

No, I had a friend who had a gambling problem.

Spent two years trying to fix him.

Hard work.

Detective Albert Kerkoff.

The day after the attempt on Taglioti, he cut his vacation short and came in to work.

That's the guy that tried to steer us to the Lucheses.

Six years ago he had his wages garnished.

He fell behind on child support.

Requests for transfer to high profile squads.

Letters of reference.

This guy's been jockeying for a position at OCID for five years.

OCID puts him at the center of every mob investigation conducted by the department and the feds.

Let's talk to IAD.

Get some surveillance on detective Kerkoff.

Maybe we can persuade him to do something worth watching.

You guys should have called first.

I would have got my notes together.

We'll take a look at whatever you got.

Which should be a lot.

Since you guys at OCID are all over this.

At least that's what you said.

Anything we need, that's also what you said.

My CIs in the Lucheses haven't given me squat.

- What've you turned up?

- We found Georgie dead.

We think he got grabbed pulling over on the Van Wyck.

Pulled over?

You mean he had car trouble?

Oh, it was more like he got pulled over.


Any hump can drop a cherry on the dash.

- Flash a phony badge.

- That's what we're thinking.

Bad guys masquerading as cops.

Nice looking kids.

Sad eyes.

You and your wife split up?

- I do the best I can.

- Private school?

I hope they appreciate your sacrifices.

Hey, you know a Louis three-eyes?

With the mole?

What about him?

Someone leaked a wiretap of him to Taglioti.

You gotta be kidding me.

Yeah, the feds have a phone tap of Taglioti listening.

We should get out of your way.

You look busy.

Oh, one more thing.

We spoke to officer Long and we told him the OCID was fully committed to the investigation.

And he was very comforted.

Imagine something like that happening to your son.

IAD took these two hours after out little chat with Kerkoff.

It's a bodega robbery in Queens.

That's detective Mark Virgini.

He was Kerkoff's partner six years ago in the 8-2.

You got Kerkoff scared.

Makes sense he'd turn to an old partner for help.

Maybe detective Virgini can help us bring Kerkoff in.

Home of Detective Mark Virgini Staten Island, New York Wednesday, October 5 Al Kerkoff bleeds blue.

There is no way he'd do anything to hurt the department.

Yeah, except leak bad information that got a patrolman's son k*lled.

I bet he forgot to mention that.

That's all IAD crap.

Yeah, when's the last time you saw him?

Come on, don't jerk me around.

You know the answer to that.

He was in my area, he stopped by.

Just to catch up, that's it.

Listen, detective.

We admire your loyalty.

But if your pal reached out to you, we hope you gave him the right advice.

It'll go a lot easier on him if he comes in on his own.


Excuse me.

His stare.

An over-emphatic display of sincerity.

He wants us to believe him.

Whoa, he's got some impressive commendations.

- Where's my dad?

- He's taking a call.

I'm detective Mike Logan.

This is detective Barek.

I'm Renata.

Are you friends of dad's?

Ah no, we're working on an investigation.

Sorry, I've been meeting his friends for the first time.

So you haven't been around your father?

I mostly grew up in Connecticut with my mom.

I moved in last winter.

We're still getting to know each other.

We were just looking at his commendations.

He's really something.


Your daughter was just telling us how she just moved in.

Well, her mother died last year.

And I thought I'd take the poor waif in.

Can I get you anything?

No, they were just wrapping up.

Hey, were you in the class of '84?

There's a lot of heavy hitters in that class.

What'd you guys used to call yourselves?

'The Crew.

' I'm sorry we met under these circumstances.

It's all a mistake.

Al's a good guy.

You have any more questions, you can call me.

We'll do that.

Hey, listen, thank your daughter for the offer.

She's a nice girl.

Yeah, she's a very nice girl.

Needs to get out more.

Looks like detective Virgini wants you as a son-in-law.

No, thanks.

Virgini's graduating class?

Five inspectors, seven deputy inspectors.

That's the crew.

They practically ran the department.

Kerkoff's letters of reference.

All from the crew.

Virgini used his contacts to help Kerkoff get into OCID.

He could've used them to kick himself forward.

Instead, he moved his partner into a position where he'd be indispensable to the mob.

Boy, Virgini sure looks good on paper.

He's got medals up the ass.

Two years away from a full retirement.

The activity logs for his unit show him off-duty the night Big Georgie vanished.

There was a bulletin that came out of his unit two days ago to hospitals.

For a John Doe g*nsh*t victim.

But it doesn't match any sh**ting reports.

"Victim is described as six feet two, 210 pounds with a scar loc" "a scar located under left ear.

" That sounds very familiar.

Phil Bartoli, scar under left ear.

My guess is that Phil's on the lam somewhere with a couple of b*ll*ts in him.

We need to get to him before Virgini does.

Maybe he hasn't found Phil because he didn't look in the right kind of hospitals.

Phil's wife has a sister with a vet clinic in Pennsylvania.

Veterinary Clinic Pottstown, Pennsylvania Thursday, October 6 It was a g*n cleaning accident.

Oh, so you're hiding out in amish country?

I'm not hiding.

They got good medical care out here.

Well, yeah, if you're a cow.


Bartoli, we have a very good idea who shot you and why.

You and your friend Tommy Delano are the only people that connect Taglioti to the m*rder of that policeman's kid.

I don't know anything about that.

Oh, don't give us that omerta crap.

You wouldn't have been shot unless Taglioti okayed it.

You got no friends now except us.

We can protect you.

You and your family.

I swear to god, Phil, you don't take their offer, I'm taking the kids and you'll never find me.

You won't believe me when I tell you.

It was two cops.

They shot me and Tommy.

And they shot that bookie, Big Georgie Branson.

Must've shot him ten times.

You're making a mistake, you know that?

You really wanna talk while we're doing this?

Where's that jacket you're always wearing?

- I'm fine, let's go.

- Sure, you are.

Here it is.

The sweet smell of g*nsh*t residue on cheap leather.

Detective Mark Virgini is a highly decorated 22-year veteran of the NYPD.

This slur against his good name comes from a homicidal mafia felon.

That anyone would take this witness at face value is beyond belief.

My daddy has protected this city and everybody in it for 22 years.

He is a hero to all the people he's helped.

He's my hero.

And I know when this is over, my hero is coming home.

And just look who they have investigating this hero.

A disgraced officer whose record of misbehavior speaks for itself.

- This is gonna be a lot of fun.

- And this is only the beginning.

DA is falling out of love with this case.

It's resting almost entirely on the word of a "homicidal mafia felon.

" No corroborating evidence, no weapons.

We got g*nsh*t residue on Kerkoff's jacket.

And he's got no good way of explaining how it got there.

This is isn't just about bad cops.

The prize here is a Masucci underboss.

We've got Bartoli rolling on Kerkoff and Virgini.

The next step is to get those two to roll on each other.

And then everybody rolls on Taglioti.

If we don't get these two to play along, everybody could walk.

Albert, we came to you first because of your kids.

Do you know what it would mean to them to have a relationship with you outside of prison?

Are you authorized to make an offer that does not include a prison term?

I'm not interested in any offer.

- And you leave my kids out of this.

- Well, that's why you got into this mess.

You fell behind on your child support, you couldn't afford nice things, and you thought you would lose their affection.

Shut her up.

Did Virgini come to you with this to supplement your income?

You say whatever you want about me, but you're dead wrong about Mark.

It's not like he stuck his neck out for you.

Once you got kicked up to OCID, you were the one taking all the risks.

You don't think I get this, huh?

A patrolman's son is dead.

The department's gotta look like it's doing something about it.

You wanna disgrace me, go ahead.

But I will never help you take a brother officer down with me.

My client's not interested in any deals.

The DA isn't fooling anybody.

Everything about this case is compromised.

Starting with your detective Logan here.

That's a nice sound bite, counselor.

Its still not gonna get your client off the hook.

She's right.

I'm sorry.

My lawyer took a cheap shot.

But you know better than anybody what they're doing to me.

No, I, uh No, I don't know.

Tell me what are they doing to you?

Cops are like dogs.

Worse thing they can do to us is run us out of the pack.

You remember what that's like.

Well, maybe you don't remember that we have a witness that says you shot him.

Phil Bartoli's not a credible witness.

Your old partner, Lenny Briscoe, he got accused by a witness like that.


I'm just saying.

You oughta know how an injustice can take on a life of its own.

Shut up.

/ Why don't you just take care of your own people, okay?

I'm not worried about Al.

I'm talking about your daughter.

Your hero-worshipping daughter.

Maybe this'll go down a lot easier if she knows that it was Kerkoff's idea.

I think she'd think less of me if I turned my back on my partner.

And if you think that's an honorable thing, then maybe you and your partner need to have a talk.

I'm sure he knows a real cop never turns his back on his partner.

Loyalty, what a beautiful thing.

It might pay off for them.

Virgini's applying for a reduction in bail, and Kerkoff filed a motion to toss out the jacket.

- On what basis?

- It wasn't in plain sight.

The closet was open.

Make sure to mention that at the suppression hearing.

If the jacket falls out, the case goes with it.

Hey, look at this.

When we brought Phil Bartoli in, the lab checked his cell phone.

Look whose private cell number was in the memory.

Of course I know who he is.

I've seen his picture in the papers.

But I've never met him.

Well, he must know you, Renata.

He had your number.

You're lying.

Dad's right, I shouldn't talk to you.

What, he was afraid to have you talk to us?

You twist everything.

How well do you know your father?

I know he's not what you say he is.

You lived apart from each other 10, 15 years.

How many times did you see him?

He worked a lot.

Mom was always after him for more money.

You saw how he lives.

He's all by himself in that little house.

Everything he's ever done, it's been to protect the good people.

She's rationalizing.

She knows something's wrong, she's just trying to explain it to herself.

Let's see if the guy who has her phone number can explain it to us.

Bellevue Hospital Prison Wing Monday, October 10 Yeah, that number.

Virgini gave it to me.

Why would he do that?

I told him once I wouldn't mind taking a shot at her.

And he gave you her number as what, like, a professional courtesy to a colleague?

He gave it to Taglioti too.

He saw how Pete was looking at her.

What a dad.

Not for nothing Taglioti called him "my friend.

" My friend this, my friend that.

And he liked hearing that.

He kept reminding Pete he was his friend.

I swear, sometimes we'd forget Virgini was a cop.

Well, if Virgini's daughter's ever gonna tell us what she knows, somebody's gonna have to knock the stardust out of her eyes.

There's only one person who can do that.


So your partner know you're dropping in on me?

She hasn't been my partner that long I gotta clear it with her.

You wanna check me?


I'm just gonna assume you're wearing a wire.

Anyway, I could use the company.

What's on your mind?

You know that suppression hearing coming up about Kerkoff's jacket?

- Right, plain sight.

- Well, it could go either way, depending on whether I say the closet was open or shut.

- What about your partner?

- She wasn't there.

That jacket goes away, so does the case against Kerkoff.

- So it's all on you then.

- Yeah.

Hey, this case?

It's all hunches and Phil Bartoli.

And you're right about things taking on a life of their own.

I've seen it too many times.

Good cops held back.

Ruined, even.

Yeah, well, you take your lumps like a good boy.

And even then, they never let you forget.

I don't owe these guys anything.

You can tell Kerkoff to stop worrying.

All right, then, I'll see you later.

Oh, by the way, I heard about how your daughter stands up for you.

You're a lucky man.

Well, I'd be luckier if I could get her out of the house every now and then.

She cramp her old man's style?

Something like that.

Why, you interested?

In what, asking her out for a date?

Not a date.


Why, you don't find her attractive?

No, she's good looking.

She's got, uh, attributes, like her mother.

It's just, I'm not really interested in a relationship.

Well, who said anything about a relationship?

Well, listen, I don't wanna disrespect you, but the kind of girls that I like No disrespect.

I mean, who's she saving it for, anyway?

- So, what, a couple of dinners?

- A dinner'd do it.

And don't forget the wine.

Renata's just like her mother.

Can't hold her liquor.

Tell you what.

I'll tell her you might call.

Tell her it's okay by me.

Merriton Hotel Monday, October 10 Who's she saving it for, anyway?

- So, what, a couple of dinners?

- A dinner'd do it.

And don't forget the wine.

Renata's just like her mother.

Can't hold her liquor.

Tell you what.

He's offered you to two other men.

Pete Taglioti and Phil Bartoli.

Sorry you had to hear it this way.

He's just like my mother said he was.

And I hated her for keeping me away from him.

I blamed her.

There's something you know about him.

His activities that you were unable to admit to yourself.

Until now.

Will you help us?

The feds asked us to pick her up.

We're gonna hold her till they get here.

They got a material witness warrant for her?

On what grounds?

They're building their own case against Taglioti.

They found Renata's cell phone number on Bartoli's phone.


Look, she's innocent in this.

Bartoli figured he could get to me through her.

The feds look at it differently.

You better talk to her, she's a little upset.

Dad, I knew you'd come.

Just calm down, kid.

It's gonna be okay, all right?

Could we get some privacy?

Sure, you wanna go in and talk to her?

/ Yeah.

There'll be an officer outside.

They said that man had my phone number.

- Just calm down.

- They think that I'm involved with him.

- I swear I've never met him.

- I know.

I know.

You've done nothing wrong.

But how did he get my number?

- Did you give it to him?

- No.

How would I do that?

You're the only one who has my number.

Look, you've gotta calm down.

Dad, I know.

You know what?

Daddy, I clean your house.

I found the g*ns in the closet two weeks ago.

- You gave them to your old partner.

- Listen, you cannot tell anybody this.

You can't.

/ I won't.

You understand me?

Because if you do, I will go to prison.

I won't.

But what about my phone number?

Did you give it to him?

It was nothing.

I thought you could have a good time.

You expected me to go out with him?

You could do what you want.

Whatever I want.

Did you tell him to get me drunk first?

- All right, it's time to get out of there.

- What are you taking about?

How could you do that?

Passing me around like a bowl of peanuts.

You bastard! - Who told you that?

- You did, she heard it from your mouth.

You were wearing a wire.

You son of a bitch.

You stepped between me and my family.

Which family is that?

Renata, you are my daughter, don't you forget that.

Don't tell me open.

/ Hey! - I'm free on bail.

- Not for long.

You bitch! You bitch, how could you do this to me?

You're just like your mother! Your whore mother! You little slut! - Shut your mouth! - Let him talk.

I can't hear him anymore.

You ungrateful bitch! After all I did for you! I took you in and put a roof over your head! I don't deserve this! You're not worth the time Bartoli's right.

It's easy to forget he's a cop.

Even easier to forget he's a father.
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