05x13 - Proud Flesh

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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05x13 - Proud Flesh

Post by bunniefuu »

The following story is fictional and does not depict any actual person or event.

In New York City's w*r on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.

Hey! Ah, there's my little birthday sister.

Come here.

Hi, Chance.

Huh, come in! - Happy birthday.

- How's my boy?

Good, how you doing, pop?

Good to see you.

Jillian, hi.

/ Dad.

- You look beautiful.

- Oh, thank you.

Come on in.

- Come on, birthday girl.

- Come on and have a drink.

Tripster's here! Ah, Trip.

Good to see you.

Where's, uh, where's Grace and the girls?

Some sort of school thing.

No bother, no bother.

Make sure everyone has a drink! Yeah, come on in.


Aren't you just the cutest thing?

What do you say, Emma?

Thank you, auntie.

Isn't that just only three and she speaks all that Moo Goo Gai-nese of yours.

She's four now.

I always forget her age.

Trip's girls are just so much taller.

Not that, I mean, she'll never look like family anyway.

He won't talk, so I got a line out to his ex.

- Not that dad will ever - Dad'll never what?


You got that right.

With Anna in my corner, I'll outlive both of you.

Oh, say, I'm taking Emma here to the hockey game tomorrow.

Plenty of room in the box.

The box?

That's awesome.

Chance, what do you say, son?

Jillian and I are jammed With the move.

So I set fire to the pile of currency and said, "Can I leave now, comrade?

" Jonas, you are so bad.

He rewrote the trust, Anna.

You don't have to laugh so hard at his jokes anymore.

When do I get my birthday cake?

Frosty on the outside, but moist on the inside.

You talk nonsense.

Go dim the lights.

I bet you have to keep them pretty dim for my old man.

Trip Trip - Anna, what is taking so - Don't.

She wanted me to dim the lights.

Happy birthday, Emma! Come on, Trip, stay the night at our place.

Jillian will be hitting the sack.

You and I can stay up like old times.


I think I I need some air, my brother.

Come on, Trip.

I wish I knew how to cheer him up.

Don't worry, Anna's on the case.

Mommy has to go out.

Daddy will read you a story.

Oh, yeah, I know a good one about a bull and a bear.

- Daddy's silly.

- Very silly.

Don't keep him up late.


Slaughter, your father's here.

Emma, your uncle Trip had a lot to drink last night.

The best way to wake him up is to make a lot of noise, okay?

Wake up, uncle Trip! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Uncle Trip! Take her out of here! Law & Order CI Jonas Slaughter III.

Heir to the Slaughter radio corporation.

Family calls him Trip.

Checked in a month ago.

Marriage problems.

Time of death, sometime last night.

His neighbors hear anything?

Suite across the hall was empty.

Suite next door was registered to a Mr.

Oskar Landau of Chicago.

- He checked out this morning.

- Let's track him down.

He's definitely been strangled from behind.


Some kind of rubbery something.

Can you give me a hand?

It's a, uh, latex full body suit.

He died with his freak on.

The whole fun pack's in here! Shaved his body, slapped on the latex.

Maybe a friend helped with those hard-to-reach places.

The watches are gone.

The safe's empty.

"The inverted yield curve: A historical review.

" It's an economics textbook.

If he'd stuck to those curves, he'd still be alive.

He and his wife Grace, they were going through a difficult period.

My fault.

I worked him too hard.

They were reconciling.

My boy.

My boy.

I'm here now, dad.

Anna's worried, you go home.

I can take over here.

My son Chance.

My right hand.

We're sorry for your loss.

Dad said Trip had been robbed.

His wallet was missing, some watches.

He keep anything else of value?

The family jewels.

Cufflinks, a ring like mine.

They're from dad.

He might have been k*lled during some kind of sex play.

We found him in latex under his robe.

He'd, he had a lot to drink at the party.

So his judgment who knows?

I need to make a call.

"Who knows" might be Trip's wife.

Maybe latex is exhibit A in their divorce.

The kinkiest Trip ever got was muting the sports channel when we had sex.

Um, your father-in-law said that you were reconciling.

That family runs on denial.

We've been in settlement talks for months.

But now you stand to inherit it all.

Wouldn't that be nice?

All the family's money is in a trust that Jonas just rewrote for his dragon lady.

Trip was making sure our girls got their fair share.

But now Do you mind us asking why were you getting divorced?

He was always a drinker.

But since his father married Anna five years ago, he's been raging.

Do you think he was seeing somebody?

I'm not sure.

I know he took a couple of overnight trips up to Hauser college.

Maybe he had a co-ed up there.

I need to get back to my girls.

Thank you for coming in.

The textbook in Trip's room was written by a professor at Hauser.

So maybe Trip's co-ed is one of his students.

Hauser College East Vestal, New York Tuesday, January 10 My students love my book.

It's the first to make a historical study of yield curve theory.

I can sign it if you'd like.

Uh, sorry, professor, we didn't bring it.

It's evidence.

We think one of your students left it at a crime scene.

My book?


Oh, I get the faculty discount.

- They're visitors.

- Okay.

We're checking your students' alibis for Saturday night.

They told us you screened a film.

Wall street.

For my class in business ethics.

Could you confirm who was there?

We got a list of I was home.

I threw my back out at the gym.

That's quite a watch you've got there, professor Lewis.

A gift from an admirer.

Look how big the face is.

It really stands out.

I see I'm late for a meeting.

Um I'm sorry that I couldn't help.

- Hairy knuckles, no hair on his arm.

- He shaved.

So he could wear latex just like Trip.

Maybe the same friend helps him with those hard-to-reach places.

Dad, the police won't release the body until their tests are done.

The trust lawyers keep calling me about your signing Chance, look hold them off for me, will you?

Just - just do that for me, will you?

- Yeah.

Apartment of Sheila Dwyer East Vestal, New York Thursday, January 12 Professor Lewis tell you I was his friend?

No, but his super told us you visit once a week.

Are you gonna take your coat off?

Did you just come from a job?

Okay, here's the deal.

I don't break any laws.

I don't allow any touching.

My work isn't sexual, it's therapeutic.

You're a dominatrix.

You help your clients work out their fantasies in a safe way.

Have you ever met or heard professor Lewis talk about this man, Jonas Trip Slaughter?


/ Were you working last Saturday night?

Yep, all night.

My straight job.

All the responsibility, none of the control.

But I guess in this life, you you have the control.

'Cause your clients, they I guess they open up to you.

I'm not telling you what Larry's told me.

But it's his fault for bringing attention to you.

He really needs to learn a lesson, I think.


Larry teaches business ethics, but he says it's all a sham.

Says he sold out his ethics.

And that's why he needs to be punished?

Says he sold his wife to a billionaire for a book deal.

"I was weak, they bought me off.

" He's like a broken record.

Just makes me wanna smack him harder.

I gotta take a shower.

Could you let yourselves out?


The naughty professor was married to Jonas Slaughter's wife?

The latex It might be the least of the Slaughter family secrets.

A m*rder?

Next door to where I was sleeping?

It's chilling, just chilling.

What time did you go to sleep, Mr.


About 9:30.

I had a 6 A.


flight the next morning.

Since then, nine countries in eight days.

Practically the whole Byzantine empire.

So did you hear anything that night?

Sorry, no.

I was listening to music.

Uh, your keycard record shows your door was opened at 9:19.

They keep track of that?

Aren't you in the security business?

For oil fields and pipelines.

Anyway, I went to get ice.

I didn't see anybody, if that's what you're asking.

Okay, Mr.

Landau, thanks for coming in.

Another perfect witness.

What's the story on this marriage between the professor and Jonas Slaughter's wife?

That's the thing.

The only marriage on record for professor Lewis was to a Joan Morris.

They divorced nine years ago.

She lives in California with their two sons.

- So your lady in leather was lying.

- Except, five years ago, professor Lewis' book was reissued.

He got a cross country book tour, and a syndicated radio show, courtesy of Slaughter broadcasting.

Five years ago is when Slaughter got married to Anna.

So this book tour and the radio show might have been a payoff.

But for what?

It says here that Anna got a master of finance from Princeton.

Princeton's where Lewis taught until he ended up at Hauser.

Looks like you'll be going to Princeton.

Economics Library, Princeton University Princeton, New Jersey Monday, January 16 - Found some yearbooks.

- Faculty newsletters.

Lewis got travel grants back then.

And he liked to brag.

Here's the family in China at the Great Wall in 1994.

Lewis, his wife, and two kids, and a nanny.

A nanny.

See, that's her right there with the red scarf blowing in the wind.

But this picture here, this is when they got back from China.

See, the red scarf is tied to that backpack.

- She's the one taking the pictures.

- They brought their nanny back.

Look at this, graduation day, 1997.

"Master of finance graduate Ann-Lee Leung with her husband professor Lewis.

" No glasses, no more bad teeth.

Marrying Lewis is probably how she got to stay in the country.

Two years after that, she ditched the professor.

Traded up to a billionaire.

She really blossomed.

Maybe that's what the payoff to Lewis was about.

Jonas Slaughter didn't want the world to know that his new wife got her green card the old-fashioned way.

And somehow he managed to get her marriage to Lewis expunged from the records.

Lewis got paid off once.

Maybe he came back to the well and ran into Trip.

Jonas, the detectives are here.

And you've watched that enough.

That's right.

I mean, that's the whole thing.

So, you said there were new developments?

We believe your son was in contact with Mrs.

Slaughter's first husband.

Professor Lewis?

That marriage was annulled.

He took advantage of Anna.

So you bought his silence with a syndicated radio show.

I just didn't want him spreading lies about my Anna.

Please, yes, help yourself, detective.

That is the best candy in the world.

From Haci Bekir in Istanbul.

Trip used to love them too.

Did you know he'd been in touch with Lewis?

Yes, Trip told me that he'd tried to re-negotiate.

I mean, pure blackmail.

We need some information about your marriage to the professor.

It's all right, Jonas.

You stay here.

Larry just can't leave us alone.

What happened between the two of you?

At first I was happy to work for the Lewises.

They were nice to me.

They said I could study in America.

After I came, Larry said I owed him.

He said his marriage was dead.

His wife wasn't being a good wife to him.

I felt sorry for him, and I went along.

His wife found out and kicked us out.

So you married him.

I couldn't go home to Yunan.

There was nothing there.

You still felt sorry for him or not?

He made me do things.

Play games I didn't want to.

Sex games?

Larry said he'd send me back to China if I stopped.

When I got my green card I left and I never saw him again.

I told Jonas everything when we met.

He didn't judge.

He just took care of me.

He's the first good man I've known.

- Mommy?

- Excuse me.

The professor of pain.

Now I wanna smack him.

- Are you suggesting I lied?

- Yes.

We know all about your connection to the Slaughters.

Now, answer the question.

Where were you that Saturday night?

Yes, okay.

I was in New York.

Trip Slaughter left me an urgent message to meet him at the bar across from his hotel.

He never showed.

You just don't listen, do you?

I'm done with him.

No, wait, I'm telling the truth.

Come on, professor.

You're trying to blackmail the Slaughters.

No, no, it was Trip who sought me out.

He said there was a struggle over the family trust.

He wanted dirt on Anna.

I told Trip I wanted no part of it.

His father scares the hell out of me.

But didn't Trip already know about you and Anna?

He wanted to know about her life in Yunan.

Before she met you?


She was very poor.

Life was very harsh.

She frequented the discos to meet foreigners with foreign dollars.

That's how I met her.

You saved her from all that.

She saved herself.

She played me.

She's driven.

She'll walk all over you.

So Trip's wife implied that Anna was getting Jonas to rewrite the family trust.

Now, if Trip tried to stop Anna We should have asked Anna where she was Saturday night.

Not that her husband couldn't buy her a proper alibi.

The guy's an expert at buying people's silence.

You know, the guest next door to Trip was traveling to the Byzantine empire.

Which includes Turkey.

That's where Jonas got these candies.

Daughter, I love you.

Mama, I love you.

You two are whispering about me again.

Her chinese is very bad.

She needs to spend some time in her motherland.

Sure, Istanbul.

I was there Tuesday.

- I got there around noon.

- You run into Jonas Slaughter?

According to his jet's flight plan, he got in two hours after you did.

Who I talk to isn't your business.

Well, you're obstructing our m*rder investigation.

Don't play games.

Slaughter sat down next to me at the hotel bar in Istanbul.

He bought me a drink, we talked a little business.

He gave me his card and wished me well.

That's it?

Then two of his employees came over.

Real fixers.

They told me his son had been m*rder*d.

They knew I was next door.

I told them that I saw an Asian woman, pretty, in the hallway just before 9:30.

They said she had nothing to do with the k*lling, and I'd be doing Mr.

Slaughter a personal favor if I didn't mention her.

A personal favor for Jonas Slaughter.

I'm sorry I lied.

You have all my numbers, you know how to find me.

His wife kills his son, and Jonas Slaughter flies halfway around the world to protect her.

Now, that's love.

Trip told me he was leaning on Anna's ex for information.

What was he hoping to find out?

Something to convince dad he was being played for a fool.

By Anna?

Over the family trust?

Now how would that work?

The trust is for the benefit of my father's children.

Trip and myself.

Anna wants the trust changed so Emma, my half sister, gets an equal share.

Emma and any other children Anna has with Jonas.

And until those kids turn 21, she'd be their trustee.

She could end up controlling the trust.

Your father, he agreed to these changes?

Jonas just has to sign the papers.

After the birthday party, do you know if Jonas and Anna stayed home?

Anna had a benefit to go to.

You moving out?

Or are you moving in?

Out to Washington state.

Jillian and I want our son to grow up with fresh air and mountains.

Away from all this.

Your father said that you were his right hand.

Dad exaggerates.

Trip was the company man.

Anyway, those plans are on hold now.

I have to see dad through this time.

That's him now.

Excuse me.

Well, we should go.

Could you walk us to the door?

So you don't like, uh, what would she she's your mother-in-law, I guess, isn't she?

Chance told me not to mention this, but at the party, I walked in on them.

Walked in on Trip and Anna?

The moment they saw me, they pulled apart.

When I heard about Trip, it was the first thing I thought of.

Chance doesn't like Anna either.

But he doesn't wanna hurt his father.

It's just easier for him to move away.

So Anna might have flirted with Trip to get herself into his hotel room.

And the latex could have been her idea, to distract him.

And Trip was drunk enough to go along.

And drunk enough to get himself strangled.

His guard was down, his latex up.



We'll be right there.

Some of Trip's jewelry turned up at a pawnshop on Bayard street in Chinatown.

Second-Floor Jewelry Friday, January 20 She says there were no watches.

Where did you buy them?

He speaks Cantonese like my little dog.

- She says you speak Chinese like her - I got it, I got it.

So did I.

She bought them last week.

From this woman?

It's not her.

She says she got them from a friend of her cousin's daughter.

That's him.

He gave me the jewels as a tip.

You were working an outcall?

Actually, it was a training session.

This other guy, Larry, paid me to bring my gear to the hotel.

And tell his friend there that I was a divorce gift.


He got my number off the web.

I met him at a bar across the street from the hotel.

And he told me what his friend liked.

Which was what?

Larry said the guy was a heavy sub into liquid latex.

That he needed SST.

But I'd have to get him good and drunk first.

That's how Larry put it, SST?

His words, not mine.

She left Trip drunk and helpless.

All Larry would have had to do was walk in and finish him off.

An Asian dom, latex.

You know Larry wanted every finger pointed at Anna.

Well, it worked with us for a while.

I've never seen her in my life.

I didn't hire her to go to Trip's room.

This story, it's Kafka-esque.

That would make you the bug, Larry.

You know what I like to do to bugs?

I like to watch my partner squash them.

Look, so all this humiliation.

This beating yourself up over Anna, how she used you it grates on you, doesn't it?

I admit to a certain resentment.

A certain resentment?

You want her to feel what you feel, humiliated.

Stepped on.

The way she stepped on you.

Have her beg me to take her back, yes.

So you hired Mrs.

Cho to impersonate her.

To paint Trip in latex.

To embarrass her to see how low she would sink.

To get to you.


No, stop.

You don't understand anything.

There is nothing low about being a domina.

Or about encasing oneself in latex to annihilate the senses.

All right.

Okay, my mistake.

It's not what Anna did that debases her.

It's what she is.

- Don't you see?

- Yeah, I think I do see.

It's your lifestyle, it's sacrosanct to you.


It's not a joke.


You know what that is?

I don't know, a supersonic jet?

I give up.

What's SST?

Sissy slut training.

Your years in Vice weren't wasted.

Lewis didn't know what it meant.

So he probably didn't tell the Asian dom that's what Trip was into.

Well, not only that, but his lifestyle is too important to what's left of his self-image to use it as a prop in m*rder.

Our Ms.

Cho never spoke to him, never saw Trip.

She's a plant.

And the jewelry she pawned in Chinatown, also a plant to turn us away from Anna.

Istanbul, Chinatown.

Jonas Slaughter must have hired your Ms.

Cho to throw another load of mud in the water.

I hope Anna appreciates how much Jonas loves her.

Jonas, now's not the time to make changes to the family trust.

There are just too many questions.

About my wife?

This, this gossip?

How dare you ivy league dummies come into my home when I'm still in mourning and question my judgment?

Go on, get out.

Get out.

You don't agree with them, do you, son?

I trust you, dad.

It's your call.

No, it's yours too now.

It's all right, you don't have to say it.


Cho covers her tracks well.

She gets paid in cash.

No cell phone in her name.

She travels.

Berlin, Tokyo, London, Oman.

A real world beater.

But none of it matches Jonas' travel schedule.

What dates, Berlin and Oman?

Berlin in October, Oman in December.

Oscar Landau.

The guest next door.

Oman in December, Berlin in October.

An oil security consultant.

A girl like Ellen might come in handy to break the ice with businessmen, politicians.

That's if Mr.

Landau is really in the oil business.

Between his room and Trip's connecting doors.

I'm seeing brass filings in the lock mechanism.

And this blank plate is brand new.

Somebody drilled out the old one to get the lock open.

Landau could have done it.

Trip was at the party.


Landau k*lled Trip?

Painted him in latex, left him in the bed.

Landau travels mostly to countries with no oil.

The problems he cleans up probably aren't oil spills.

We have pictures to show you.

See if you recognize anyone from the hotel.

No, it wasn't her.

No, not her either.

Here's a photo of her with you at Dowland park high in Chicago.

Class of '92.

Before you say, "small world," we noticed you and Ms.

Cho were often in the same city at the same time.

I almost forgot.

Two more pictures.

That is a brass plate that was found between the connecting doors of yours and Trip Slaughter's room.

It's brand new.

And this is a close-up of brass filings made from drilling open the lock.

Also brand new.

If you have something to say, Mr.

Landau, now is the time, while we're still open for business.

Off the record?

Off the record.

Tell us about your employer.

Which one?

First was Trip.

He thought his stepmother Anna was using undue influence on his father to get control of the family trust.

He hired me to dig up some dirt on her.

Your other employer, Chance Slaughter?


Chance was disengaging from the family, moving out west.

Then who?

Trip was getting no traction with his father.

He arranged for me to sit down one-on-one with the old man and tell him what I'd found out.

After my presentation, Mr.

Slaughter made it clear to me just what he thought of Trip's disloyalty.

I came around to his point of view.

He hired you away from Trip.

The old man can be very convincing.

He convinced you to k*ll Trip.

You want more, how about putting a deal on the table?


Landau, how about you cool your heels in jail while I decide what kind of deal to offer you?

He's a cold, complicated man.

Not as complicated as Jonas Slaughter.

So he had Landau k*ll Trip.

Then he had him throw suspicion onto Anna.

And incriminate her first husband.

It's hard to see what he gets out of creating all this confusion.

His right hand.

That's what he gets out of it.

Chance was disengaging.

But now with Trip's death Sacrifice one son to hang on to another.

People don't just hand you billions of dollars because you're a nice guy.

Emma, no more.

Hey, have all you want.


Now, you go potty.

And then I'll make you hot chocolate.

What's the matter?

These two witches in the lobby.

They called Emma your "little yellow kid.

" Oh, god's sake.

/ When I got in the elevator, I heard them.

They said I k*lled Trip.

Oh, I'm sorry, sweetheart.

I'm gonna go back to work tomorrow.

Maybe a good time for Emma to go home, visit her real family.

- Jonas - I worry about Emma.

It's not fair to the child.

Security specialist.

Who is he?

Who hired him?

We're not sure yet.

It has to be Anna.

Everything changed when she married your father.

It all turned upside down.

Trip saw it clearly.

I should have stuck by him instead of taking the coward's way out.

By moving away?

Did you father talk you out of it?

My dad's not the type to admit a mistake.

He'd never divorce Anna.

He's too proud.

And let his right hand walk way from the company, from him?

He knows I'm just as stubborn as he is.

Actually, he asked me to talk to you.

Two weeks ago, when I called him after the sonogram to tell him it was a boy.

But Chance and I had our minds made up.

So what happens now?

Well, we can't leave him.

Especially now.

He'll be all alone.


What about Anna?

He's sending her away to Yunan with Emma.

He told me last night.

He said now he could be with his real family.

But I see what he's doing.

He's protecting her.

It's not love, it's Slaughter pride.

Well, he might have forced our hand by overplaying his.

Arrest me?

But my daughter's napping.

It's our nanny's afternoon off.

I can't leave Emma here alone.

Talk about bad timing.

You should call your husband.

We'll wait for him.

On what charge?

Well, don't say anything to them.

I'm on my way.

Change of plan.

We're going home.

You told me Larry was responsible.

Well, we know better now.

Anyway, you have time to to make arrangements.

No, Jonas said I won't be held.

I can't wait to see what he pulls out of his bag of tricks this time.

He doesn't need a bag of tricks.

He knows I'm innocent.

He does?

You think he went all the way to Istanbul because these are so delicious?

No, he went there to meet a man who said he saw a woman that looked like you outside Trip's room.

I've never been to Trip's hotel.

Jonas would know it's a lie.

He wouldn't worry about such things.

He's worried enough that he asked that man to lie about what he saw.

As a personal favor to him.

Jonas has been putting out fires for you for the last two weeks.

You know, we tracked Trip's stolen jewelry to a store in Chinatown.

- You think I stole them?

- So does Jonas.

He hired a woman to say that she took them from Trip.

For a guy who thinks you're innocent, he's worked hard covering your tracks.

But I am innocent! Well, I gotta tell you, all this covering up that Jonas is doing is making you look awfully guilty.

Don't you think?

And you're making a trip to China with your daughter soon.

Jonas told his son, now he can spend time with his real family.

Oh, god, no, he can't be doing this.

He can't be.

Well, maybe we can be proven wrong.



Where are you?


Thank god.

I'm here now.

Uh, I'd like to talk to my wife alone please.

Oh, sweetheart.

They have no case.

You fly out tonight.

Someone said they saw me at Trip's hotel.

That's what the police told me.

Don't worry, I took care of it.

They know you took care of it.

They know you hired a woman to say she took Trip's jewelry to Chinatown.

They don't know that.

I paid her to say that Larry hired her.

But why?

Why did you do that?

What do you mean, why?

To protect you, of course.

Protect me?

I didn't k*ll Trip.

I know that.

Some people wanted to hurt you.

They're jealous of you.

You mean Trip?

Trip was trying to hurt me?

Jonas, who k*lled him?

Tell me, my husband, who k*lled your son?

Trip was a a lost boy.

He wanted to destroy us.

To humiliate us.

I couldn't let him.

I had it done.

You k*lled your own son?

But family family is everything.

I had to, for our family.

To save our family.

Please, Anna, you mustn't worry.

I paid to spread around so much reasonable doubt, you'll be fine.

Let's get this over with, huh?

We're ready now.

Thank you.

My lawyer will meet us downstairs.

You were not wrong.

I guess someone left it on.

Why, Jonas?

Why did you want to send me away?

You and Emma are my family.

Trip was a lost boy.

He wanted to destroy us.

Humiliate us.

I couldn't let him.

I had it done.

Everything I did was for you.

To honor you, my husband.

To protect our child.

This is how you honor me?

You deceitful piece of yellow trash.

All right, that's enough.

Jonas, don't say things like that! You're under arrest, Mr.


Trip was right.

You were going to steal the trust.

No, not steal! Just make a small piece for our child.

That mongrel?

Chance is my child, my son.

He talks like me, he looks like me.

/ All right.

You don't even speak the same language in my own home! You peasant, how dare you You peasant How can he say those things?

Everything I've done is to take care of him.

I wanted him to live forever.

Arraignment Court Friday, January 27 Private jets, homes in five countries.


Slaughter redefines flight risk.


Slaughter's not going anywhere until he clears his name.

He's not afraid of these charges.

Which, I point out, are based on a recording made deceitfully by his wife, who herself was under investigation for this m*rder.

Yes, Ms.



Carver, I doubt a man with Mr.

Slaughter's profile could simply disappear.

I'm ordering the defendant to surrender his passport.

And I'm releasing him on his own recognizance.

My family is at my side.

My mind is quite clear.

I have nothing to fear from this web of lies that they've woven around me.

I shall overcome it.

Like I've overcome all the challenges in my life.

There she is! The Chinese wife! Please, leave me alone.




You ruined my family.

Chance, no! Oh, my god.

Chance! Oh, my Oh, my boy.

My boy.

- Listen.

- Don't, don't talk.


I k*lled Trip.

When Jillian was asleep I went to see him.

He was gonna humiliate you.

I, I k*lled him.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Oh, no.

Oh, my boy.

My beautiful boy.

Come on, let's go.

Let's go, you're gonna have to get up.

I can't, I can't leave him.

Chance Slaughter k*lled his brother.

Did you hear?

Did you get him on tape?

Yeah, dying declaration! Jonas Slaughter is innocent.

Don't look.

Don't look.

Chance Slaughter k*lled his brother.

Careful, you have to look after your son.

My grandson.

You be careful of my boy! My boy.

Proud now, Mr.


You proud now?

Your son lies lies to save your neck.

That's what sons are for.
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