05x34 - The Deal

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing World of Gumball". Aired: May 3, 2011 - June 24, 2019.*
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Revolves around the life of a 12-year-old cat named Gumball and his frequent shenanigans in the fictional American city of Elmore.
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05x34 - The Deal

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Upbeat music plays ]

Bill overdue, final notice,
noise complaint,

traffic violation,
cease and desist,

restraining order...

Dad, what are we supposed to do
with all this?

paper can be used
in many creative ways

and turned into
a lot of interesting things,

like a duck...

or fashion...


and other...things.

Come on!

There's got to be
at least one good letter!

Actually, yeah.
We've got an invitation.

We've never had
one of those before.

That's not true.

I've been invited to court
several times.

No, it's from
the mayor.

He wants us to go to
the town hall for a surprise?

Maybe they'll reveal
a statue of me.

Why would they be making
a statue of you?

I sit a lot,

which makes me
a pretty reliable life model.

And I'm a great example
to people.

They're more likely to make
some kind of example of you.

Maybe they've cleared up
that legal grey area

about whether I'm a feral animal
or your child.

Mom: Oh, honey, you're the same
as all my kids --

a combination
of both.

I guess we'll just
have to go and find out.

Go, Wattersons, go!

Go, Wattersons, go!

I don't want to say
I told you so,

because I won't be heard
over all of this cheering --

so I'll
shout it instead.

I told you so!

[ Laughing ] Welcome!

Our Social Services
have decided

to offer you
a new house!

[ Cheering ]

What's the catch?
There's always a catch.

There's only a few
Compulsory Additional Terms,

and Hypothecations --

or C.A.T.C.H.es
for short!

What do you mean?

the people of Elmore

thought you deserved a brand-new
house in a brand-new state

with brand-new neighbors
who can put up with you,

a brand-new police force
to deal with you,

and a brand-new court system
to prosecute you.

That sounds more like
a punishment than a reward.

No one said
it was a reward.

They said
it's what you deserve.

But that's like
banishing us!

Think of it more like
witness protection.

We're just protecting people
from witnessing you ever again!

All: Go, Wattersons, go!
Go, Wattersons, go!

Kind of feels less encouraging
when you can see their faces.

Anais: They want us
to move to Ohio?!

The home state of eight people
who became president

just so they didn't have to
stay living there?!

I never realized
our neighbors hated us so much.

A few rotten tomatoes
in the face, sure,

a few "No Dogs or Wattersons"
signs in store windows,

fair enough.

The occasional
light-hearted arson attack,

harsh, but fair.
But get rid of us?!

Let's be honest --
we're the only family in town

to have somehow
committed a crime

in every category
of misdemeanor.

Go, Wattersons!

It's not
a good thing, Dad!

If you're going to do
something wrong, do it right!

Just look
at this crime map.

All of this is us.
Public nudity...

[ Screams ]
[ Gasps ]

[ Screaming continues ]

Ah! Ah! Ah!
Ah! Ah! Ah!

Ah! Ah! Ah!
[ Screams ]

...wasting resources...
[ Telephone rings ]

how can I help?

Darwin: I've got a pain
in my chest. It's my heart!

Oh, for the last time, kid,
being heartbroken

because elephants can't jump
is not a medical emergency.

[ Dial tone ]

...parking violations...
[ Gasps ]

[ Tires screech ]

[ Whistling ]

[ Growls ]

Hmm? [ Gasps ]

Anais: ...vandalism...

[ Whistling ]

Hmm...a bit obvious,
don't you think?

The hand-crafted,
effortful creation

of each individual
porcelain seed

queries the modern phenomena
of mass production

and replication.

Am I right?

You're right.

If only people
would get to know the real us.

[ Clears throat ]

[ Sniffs ]

Ha! Take that, science!

[ Screams ]

I don't think Mom meant
the real, real us, obviously.

More like the Elmogram
super-filtered avatar

hat requires takes

to get it
as flattering as possible.

So, our fake selves,


If people could only
get to know the fake-real us.

Let's show our neighbors
how nice we are

when we're not
being ourselves.

Thank you for your help,
but please be careful.

If I get a good price
for this cabinet,

it's hello
two-week luxury cruise!

Don't worry, Marvin!
I'm sure your cabinet

will have
a great vacation.
Okay, Dad!

Gumball: Are you ready
on your end?
Got it!

Here it comes!

[ Sighs ]

That was a long detour,
but at least that man

got to see his grandmother
one last time in Nebraska.

Didn't he say Nevada?

[ Tires screech ]

[ Groaning ]

[ Sighs ]
[ Door creaks ]


[ Door creaks ]

Who said, "The object of art
is to give life a shape"?



[ Gasps ]

That's right,
Shakespeare -- Oh.


[ Crickets chirping ]
[ Chuckles ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Gasps ]

Here, take it.


[ Gasps ]
It came with
a two-year warranty.


How about a hug
before you go?

Not okay.

Local man saves pet cobra
from snake charmer's flute.

Local boy stops school bullying
by making himself sole target.

His secret -- sock suspenders.

Local girl brings metric system
to Elmore,

puts end to people measuring
things with their feet.

"Watterson family -- not as bad
as we thought," says person.

"I agree with that person,"
says another person.

Elmore Times editor fired

for obsessive coverage
of local family.

It worked, Mother!
Our efforts succeeded!

Everyone in the town
loves us.

[ Laughter ]

[ All grunting ]

[ "Kumbaya" playing ]
[ Glass shatters ]

What is happening
to us?!

[ Groaning ]

[ Screaming ]

We went too far!

We're becoming...

model citizens!

[ Screaming ]
My leg! My leg!

[ Groaning ]

[ Howling ]

My face!

[ Screaming ]

[ Ding! ]

[ Panting ]

[ Ding! ]

[ Music continues ]

[ Telephone rings ]

Howdy-doody you do?

[ Man speaking indistinctly ]

Absolutamundo, sir.

We'll be with you
in two shakes of a widdle-dee!

Zoopity-boopity, bye!
What was that?

I have no idea.

It's like I just washed
my mouth out with a choir boy

and now it's coming out
in dweeb speak.

Not that,
who was on the phone?

Oh, the Mayor.

He wants us to skippity-hop
over to his office.

I misjudged you,

So you don't want us
to leave anymore?

No! I want you
in my gated community.

Is that some kind of euphemism
for prison?

[ Laughs ]

Yes, but all the criminals
are on the outside.

Everyone wanted you gone
because you were, well...

being you.

Whereas I wanted you out

because you were bringing the
price of the neighborhood down.

That was a problem, you see,

when I decided to sell the land
to developers.

But look at you now --

you've become
our new poster family.

But what about
the other neighbors?

The bank owns their houses.

We just have to make it
difficult for them to pay.

But what'll happen
to them?

Should that worry you?

Well, they didn't really care
what was going to happen to you.

What if we say no?

You can't say no
to progress.

[ All sigh ]

What are we gonna do?

I guess either way,
we lose.

Dad: No!

The people of Elmore
might be haters,

but they're our haters!

They're like
an old pair of underwear --

there's not much support there,

and sure, they sometimes
leave us hanging in the wind,

but they're something
we're familiar with!

And I, for one, will not have
some big corporation

forcing me
to change my underwear!

Yeah! Yeah!
Yeah! Yeah!

But also, ugh!

That still
doesn't answer my question.

What are we gonna do?

Okay, this is all about
house prices, right?

If we pulled them up once,
we can pull them back down.

Like a pair of old--

The underwear thing
had its moment, honey.

But Anais is right.

It's like they say --
if you truly love something,

make it look as ugly as possible
to everyone else

so it'll have no choice
but to stay with you.

[ Rock music plays ]

[ Screaming ]

Is it me,

or are these termites
a little more hectic than usual?

[ Panting ]

[ Roars ]

[ Screaming ]

Hmm. That might be
all the bath salts

I've been pouring
into the water supply.

[ Music continues ]

[ Doorbell rings ]

What is
going on here?


Nothing here.

Eh, never mind.

[ Music continues ]

You know what the biggest sign
of a bad neighborhood is?

Broken windows.

[ Grunts ]

[ Groans, grunts ]


[ Grunts ]

You know what the biggest sign
of a bad neighborhood is?

Boarded-up windows.

I thought you said

[ Screams ]
[ Groans ]

[ Music continues ]

[ Whistling ]

[ Music continues ]

We do this the easy way
and nobody gets hurt.

whatever you say, man!

Just be cool,
be cool!

You know what I want,

no problem!

No, you goof!

I want you
to take this bat

and go mug people
in the neighborhood!

[ Music continues ]

[ Grunts ]
[ Laughs ]

[ Groans ]

[ Match striking ]

This is for you,

[ Music continues ]

[ Dogs barking, alarms blaring ]
Mayor: Oh, good job!

There's no point
in selling the land anymore.

You scared away
the rich people!

Bet you guys feel really big,
don't you?

Picking on the poor,
defenseless billionaires.

Elmore is not
for sale!

Oh, I see.

You mean the lesson in all this

is that some things
are more valuable than money.


[ Laughs ]
What would that even be?!

Laugh if you wish.
[ Laughing continues ]

All right,
that's enough.
[ Laughing continues ]

you can stop now.
[ Laughing continues ]


Laugh all you want.

But the decent, honest people
of this town

will thank us for
everything we did to save them.

Go, Wattersons, go!

Go, Wago!

You'd think they'd be
more grateful than this.
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