01x24 - So No One Sees the Tears

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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01x24 - So No One Sees the Tears

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, everyone watching!

Whenever you watch Fairy Tail,
be sure to turn on the lights in the room

and sit away from the TV, okay?

Previously, on Fairy Tail!

The Phantom Lord guild att*cked us!

After blocking a blast from the magic cannon Jupiter,

Erza was knocked out of the battle!

Then we stormed the Phantom guild
to destroy the Jupiter!

Natsu! The Jupiter is activating!

Yeah, I know!

Take this! Blue Fire!

That's cold!

I've never tasted fire like that before!

I see. So you're the Dragon Slayer
everyone has been talking about.

I guess that places us both at a disadvantage, then.


Because fire has no effect on either of us.

Who says?! You haven't even been hit yet!

That's what I'm trying to say. Fire can't hit me.

How about this, then?!

Fire Dragon...

All manner of fire is at my control!


You fell for it!

"To Keep From Seeing Those Tears"
To Keep From Seeing Those Tears.

Two minutes until Jupiter discharge.

This is bad!

--The Jupiter is about to fire! Hurry!
--Curse you...! You fooled me!

Orange Fire!

You saw it yourself! Fire is food to me!


M-My nose...!

That fire has the smell of
an old rag that's sopped up milk.

Crude bastard!

You started it!

One minute until Jupiter discharge.

--Natsu! Pull yourself together!
--Shut up!


Giving up on magic and going barehanded?

In that case, my katana and I have the advantage!

Too bad! That isn't nearly enough
to destroy this giant lacrima!

Oh, you don't say?

How about this, then?!

Sheesh. You just don't learn.

What the...?!
He expanded his fire's range to reach me!

Only thirty seconds left...!

--This isn't looking so good!
--What's taking Natsu so long?!

--This is bad! Bad! Bad--!
--Twenty seconds until Jupiter discharge.

I won't fall for that twice!

I told you! I control all manner of fire!

What?! It won't budge!

That fire! Don't tell me he...!

He's blocking my control!

He mastered that just now, during battle?!


This is my fire! Don't mess with it!

There's no point if you can't hit me!

Three! Two! One!


I wasn't aiming for you!

Look! The cannon!

He did it! He destroyed the Jupiter!


Here's a tip for you.
You can't just tell fire what to do.

You gotta ask it from the heart.

Oh, I see. The only way to destroy the Jupiter

was to beat him or break free of his fire control.

I guess I was the one who lost his cool, not him!

Way to go, Natsu!

With the Jupiter gone, we can manage somehow!

We have a fighting chance now!

Wipe out the enemy!

Detestable brats. I'll teach you to get cocky...

Wake the giant.

You can't control my fire anymore!

Now it's your turn to get ruined, Phantom!

--Elements stable.
--Horizontal stabilizers on.

All wizards in the danger zone,
please evacuate immediately!

Now waking!

Wh-Whoa! What in the...?!

It's tilting!

Don't tell me he's planning to use that?!

There's no horizontal stabilization in this room!


Now what?!

Hip joints stable. Now standing up!

The giant is awake! You guys are through-- Wha...?

--Natsu! Pull yourself together!

What is that?! You have to be kidding me!

It's a giant... A magic giant!

Kneel before me, detestable brats...

...and know your place!

Savor the final moments of
your lives while filled with despair!

What do we do now?

The Shades are coming back!

A giant and ghosts!
How are we supposed to deal with that?!

We'll focus on the Shades!

I'm sure Natsu will stop the giant for us!


Natsu and vehicles...


Come on, Natsu!

Wait, he gets motion sickness?

Now you can't eat fire.

I'll turn you into dust with my most powerful spell!


This will blow you away, Dragon Slayer!

Wait... what?! Wh-What is this?!

A real man should be a skyward-looking star!

That makes no sense!


Gray! Elfman! You guys are too cool!

Man, that was pathetic, Natsu.

A real man would give
motion sickness to the vehicle instead.

So, is this what's left of the Jupiter?


Good job, then.

Oh! It stopped moving at some point!

I'll see what's happening outside!

--Writing? No...!
--It can't be...!

It's a magic circle!

That magic circle! Abyss Break!

It's one of the forbidden spells!

Look at the size of it!
Its dark wave will take out all of Magnolia!

So they said!

What?! This is insane!

Guess our only option is to
split up and find the power source.

Geez. It's one thing after another...

All right! Let's do this thing!


Mira. How much time until that spell activates?

I'd say about ten minutes.

If only we could take out its power source...

I'm certain the guys inside have the same idea.

Natsu's not the only one in there?

Gray and Elfman are too.

Elfman?! Why?!

What do you mean? Even he's...

He can't! Elfman can't fight!
Even you know that, Cana!

He can. He was one of
the main fighters during our raid earlier.

Fighting grunts is one thing,

but if Elfman runs into one of
their big sh*ts as he is now...

Listen, Mira...

You, Elfman, and all of us were
deeply hurt by what happened...

But he's trying hard to
move forward in his own way.

You understand, don't you?




I need to move forward too...!

--Mira! What are you doing?!

Stop! It's too dangerous!


I'm the one you want!
Stop attacking our guild this instant!

This should buy us a little time!


Begone... imposter!


I've known from the very start that Lucy isn't there!


I'm... so powerless to do anything...!

I'm a man! I will protect Fairy Tail,
even if it costs me my life!



An Element 4, huh?

Don't worry. Elfman can fight.

He's a Fairy Tail wizard too!


Oh, no!


Deplorable girl, attempting to fool us like that...

Now you will witness the end of
your friends as you are slowly crushed.


Damn! This is insane!


Hurry and stop that giant! Natsu! Gray! Elfman!

My name is Sol. You can call me Monsieur Sol.

Perfect timing. You're gonna
tell me how to stop this giant.

Beast Arm!

Black Bull!

Oh? Only your right arm?

It seems the rumors were true after all.

Enough of your blabbering!


You had a younger sister, didn't you?

Sable Dance!

Roche Concerto!

Non, non, non!


Creepy bastard!

Non, non, non!
With three nons, you stand no chance!

Get off me, Monsewer Sol!

That's Monsieur Sol.

This guy's stronger than he looks!

Tell me, I hear you once failed at
a full-body Take Over and went berserk?

Shut up!

Beast Arm: Iron Bull!


I took the liberty of reading through your memories

when you stepped on me earlier!

You little...!

What an adorable little sister she is!

I wonder where she is right now?

Oh, my apologies. She's in the cold, dark ground.

Oh, what a shame.
How could you have done something so cruel?

Well, Big Brother Elf?

I won't let him confuse me! I have no choice!

Non, non, non! That's no good!

Have you forgotten what happened the last time

you attempted a full-body Take Over and lost control?

...Big Brother Elf?

--How horrible!
--I can't believe you forgot...

--How could you?
--Stop, Big Brother Elf...

I guess you shouldn't try what you can't do!

It seems you already used up
a great deal of your magic just now!

Dirty bastard...

If you're a real man, you'll face me
fair and square with just your fists!

If I'm a real man, you say?

Non, non, non.

I can't let that comment go.

Are you sure you're fit to talk about
what makes one a real man?

Scum like yourself who
would harm his own little sister?!

Platre Sonata!



What...? What are you...

What are you doing there, Big Sis?!

Oh? Your older sister?

Does that mean she's Miss Mirajane,
once feared as the "She-Devil"?

Her magic has deteriorated so much.

Poor girl. Who ever could be to blame?

She is being punished for trying to deceive us.

She'll be crushed before long.


Run, Elfman!

Let her go!

You are about to lose your older
sister before your very eyes as well.

Because you are a powerless wizard
who can only talk emptily about what a man is!

As a gentleman, I cannot forgive you.

Therefore, I will give you eternal torment.

Sealing Magic: Merci la Vie!

You will become a part of the earth

and wander inside your detestable
memories forevermore!


That's... me...

Big Brother Elf!


What are you doing--?

Cheer up, Big Brother Elf!

It's my fault... It's my fault the parakeet died...

No! It isn't your fault!

All living things die eventually.

Everyone dies eventually...?

That's right. It's just how things are.

But it'll always be alive in your heart
for as long as you remember it.

--In my heart...
--In my heart...

Don't talk like you know everything!

Big Brother Elf!

N-No, it's not like that! Back then, I, uhh...


Big Sis...!

Another fight?

Oh, Lisanna. You're back?

Natsu's so mean! He ate all my fish!

--Wait... This was when...
--Don't be a cheapskate!

Hey, Lisanna! We got work to do!

Huh? But we just got back...

It's an S-Class one!

Big Sis took the job! We're gonna lend support!

Hold on! That's not fair!

What kind of job is it?

An emergency job to get rid of
a monster called "The Beast",

the so-called beast king.

Wanna come too, Natsu?

It'll be good experience for you.

Are you serious?

I'm against it. A man should
protect his family on his own!

Don't hog all the fun! Take me with you!

No! Don't go! At least take Natsu with you!

Elfman! Pull yourself together! Wake up, Elfman!


That's... me...

Elfman! Pull yourself together!

Big Sis Mira!

I evacuated everyone in the town!
What happened, though?!

Run, Lisanna!

I was careless. Elfman tried to
Take Over the beast to protect me!


But its magic is too powerful!
Elfman's lost control of himself!

Oh, no!

What's going to happen to him?!

We need to get him to come to his senses
before the beast takes permanent control!

Lisanna! What are you--?!

What's the matter, Big Brother Elf?

It's me, Lisanna. Your little sister.

Have you forgotten Big Sis Mira too?

You'd never really forget about us, would you?

After all, Mira and I love you so much!

Lisanna... No...


Now let's go home...

...Big Brother Elf!

I-It's my fault... It's my fault that Lisanna is...!

It isn't your fault.

Lisanna told you herself.
All living things die eventually.

You were listening to us then...?

Lisanna will live on inside our hearts.

Isn't that right?

B-Big Sis...

So we need to keep living... for her.

Big Sis... Lisanna...


Elfman! Pull yourself together!

I... can't lose you, too...!

Now, then. It's about time for the finale.



I swore I'd never see your tears again!

So why are you crying now?!

That light...!

No, Elfman! You can't!

Who made you cry?!

It's no use!
You can't accomplish a full-body Take Over!

My word!

I-Impossible! This is...!

A full-body Take Over!

Beast Soul!

"Fairy Tail"

H-Hey, Happy.
Is it me, or is water dripping in here?

Aye! Our guild is full of holes right now, you know?

So there are lots of leaks because of them.

Actually, I'd say this is rain more than anything.

This place gives off
a slight "abandoned ruins" vibe...

"Next episode: A Flower Blooms in the Rain"
Next Episode: A Flower Blooms in the Rain.

We better fix it soon before we catch a cold!

But it's fun! It's like a gigantic shower!

No, that's trying to be too positive...
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