01x29 - My Resolve

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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01x29 - My Resolve

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, everyone watching!

Whenever you watch Fairy Tail,
be sure to turn on the lights in the room

and sit away from the TV, okay?

Previously, on Fairy Tail!

It turns out Lucy is actually the rich
daughter of the Heartfilia Concern!

Talk about a surprise!

We fought Phantom Lord
when they tried to go after her,

and it all finally ended
when our master cast Fairy Law!


It's okay, I'll shout out
thousands and thousands of times

I have faith that your
entire future is shining brightly

Everyone who's had their dreams
come true shares one thing in common:

The fact they never gave up. So don't give in!

When you feel the headwind
is about to make you stumble

grasp my hand-- Try to take a chance

You're not alone anymore

Keep moving forward and forward,
don't give up on your great dreams

Don't cry, keep moving ahead my way
Light is shining on you now

Forget all about giving up,
you'll grow stronger but get hurt again...

Even so, your honest eyes surely see the light now

Everyone seems so happy, Lucy!



"My Resolve"

"My Resolve"
My Resolve.

Hey, can you hear me, Gajeel?

I can't hear nothin'...

Tell me...
Where did you learn Dragon Slayer magic?

I told you, I can't hear you...!

This is the first time I've met anyone
who can use the same magic as me!

You can at least tell me that much!

Shut up...


The steel dragon Metalicana.


So you were taught by a dragon?!

You were too?

Where is he now?!


Where is he now?!

I told you, I don't know!


Man... I feel like my brain's gonna
turn to ash, talkin' to you...


He vanished.

Metalicana just suddenly left
one day, without so much as a word.

Man. Talk about a selfish bastard...

H-Hold on!
That wasn't seven years ago on July 7th, was it?!

What?! You know where Metalicana is?!

Don't be stupid!
I'm trying to find Igneel, a fire dragon!

Igneel disappeared on July 7th seven years ago too.

Two dragons disappeared seven years ago...
On July 7th, 777...?

--What's with all the sevens?!
--How should I know?!


It doesn't matter to me, anyway.

If you're gonna leave, just do it already!

This is our guild!
You're the one who has to leave!

--What a small-minded jerk.
--Get lost!

Lemme know if you ever
find out anything about Igneel.

Why should I be nice to you?!

We're both Dragon Slayers, after all.

Screw you! Next time I see you,
I'll destroy you! I swear it!

Just you wait and see!

Man, you're vicious.

I was thinkin' of making up
with you now that we're even, too...

Who're you calling vicious?!

You're the one who did this to our guild!

You guys wrecked our guild too, you know!

Argh! Forget it!
I'm not making up with you after all!

They really went to town on it this time...

U-Umm, Master...

You've certainly been through a lot yourself...

Don't look so glum, Lu!

We're back!


We all worked together for this great victory!

Even if the guild did get ruined!

But it's not like we can't rebuild it!



Sorry for worrying you, Lu.

N-No! It was all my...!

I heard everything.

But no one blames you for this, Lu!

In fact, I should apologize for being useless...


Although it doesn't hold true for
every bit of happiness or sadness,

we still share things to some extent.
That's what it means to be a guild.

One person's happiness is everyone's happiness...

One person's anger is everyone's anger...

And one person's tears are everyone's tears.

There is no need to feel guilt-ridden.

Lucy. Our hearts have surely reached you.

Lift your head high!
You are a member of Fairy Tail!

That said, perhaps things did get a bit out of hand...

The council is going to be pretty angry...

No, wait... We could even
be talking prison time here!


And so...!

And so...!

Calmness finally returned to us
a week after our battle with Phantom.

Let's take a break, everyone!

Things actually got really
bad right afterward, though.

We found ourselves surrounded by
the Rune Knights, the council's army.

--This ain't good...!
--They found out already?!

--Aye, Sir!

Quit it, Natsu. You know there's
no escape from the Rune Knights.

Master! Pull yourself together!

Oh, my...

Then we were taken to
a military post for questioning.

We endured a week of interrogation,

and now things have finally calmed down.

It sounds like the council is going to hand down

Fairy Tail's punishment at a later date.

But don't worry, Mom.
I don't think the punishment will be that bad.

After all, circumstantial evidence
and eyewitness testimonies

all point to Phantom attacking us.


Yuck, I hope this won't leave a mark...

Say, Mom.

Do you think maybe he actually
perpetrated all this, behind the scenes?

Not even he'd go that far, would he...?

I guess he would, huh?
Without even a second thought...

But why does he suddenly
want to drag me back now?

He doesn't give a care about me...


He'd try it again, wouldn't he?

He'd do the same thing, using his money...

I refuse to let that happen...

Oh, my...

That's what you get for
tryin' to carry so much, moron.

What'd you call me?!

You wanna fight?!

Quit carrying 'em like a wimp!

Oh, Gray, my love! Carry Juvia too!

That's enough!

Work your bodies, not your mouths!

We need to rebuild Fairy Tail as quickly as possible!


--Erza's really rarin' to go...
--She can requip into those clothes too?

Master is getting into the spirit too!

More like into it big-time!

Boss! Where should I put this lumber?

Oh! Right over there!


Damn! I can't stand being beaten!

Yay! It's whack-a-mole!

--But, y'know...
--Isn't it a little too big?

We decided to remodel it while we're at it!

This is a concept sketch of the finished version!

--Let's see that.

But it was just fine how it was...

What's it gonna be like?


That's... something else...

I-I don't really understand it...

Man, this sketch sucks.
What idiot drew this junk?

O-Oh, it was you, Mira?!

You made her cry again.

That's Gray for you.

--Yes, dearest Gray is only nice to Juvia!
--No, that's not how I am...

--I'm starving!

Is it time to eat yet?

--What was that?!
--We're soaking wet!

Boxed lunches!

Boxed lunches?

Ooh! Looks tasty!

I recognize this!
This is called a "character lunch"!

This is insane! I can't eat this!

It's oozing something, too...!

Then let me have it!

Juvia is sad!
She spent three days straight making that!

Who said it was time to eat?!

Oh, is that one of those character lunches?


Hey, this is pretty good! I'll have some more!

Seriously?! I'll have some too!

"Tears welling up..."
Seriously?! I'll have some too!

It's great! Really great! I want this every day!

So please marry me.

Yes! We can have thirty babies or so!

Juvia is so touched!

Natsu, Gray, Erza...

Could you give these to
Lucy for me? They're her keys.

I was wondering why
you hadn't been around lately!

You were looking for these the whole time?

Are you okay? You look really pale...

Thanks. I'm fine.

Whew. Being a gentleman is tough.

Lucy doesn't seem to be here.

Maybe she still hurts
too much to be up and about.

We can go pay her a visit then.
You should come too, Loke.

I'll pass. You know I'm no good
around celestial wizards.

Really? Even though
this is Lucy we're talking about?

Natsu. Everyone has their
own strengths and weaknesses.

Don't pry too much.

Karen... There's no need to be in such a rush...

I'm already about to...

--How ya doin'?!

Don't go in through the window!

There's a door for a reason, you know!

And just what are you doing?



My place!

...is what would happen, but...

The bath, huh?

Gray, you pervert!

...is the cliché waiting for me, so...

I'm sorry, but...!

--She's not here.
--That was fast! And don't get in it!

It looks like she left.

And what are you here for?!

That griping was lackluster...

Not having Lucy around throws everything off.

What kind of criticism is that?
And excuse me for being lackluster.

--Where is she?

What are you guys looking in there for?

--I didn't know there was underwear like this!
--This... is underwear?!

Wh-When would one don something like this?

--Nope, definitely not.

We shouldn't be looking in
here anyway! Hurry and shut it!

Lucy! Come out!

Why do you keep looking in weird places?!

What are these?

They're letters...

"Mom. I finally managed to
join Fairy Tail, the guild I really..."

Hey, now! Don't go reading her stuff!

"Today I met someone named Erza.
She's really cool and pretty.

Then Natsu and Gray..."

Are all of these letters to her mom?

Looks like it.

Why haven't they been mailed?

There's a note.

Lucy left a note.

She says she's going home...


Look! I made a rice ball
with your face on it, Daddy!

I made it for you!

Eat it so you can do good at work!

I'm working. Come back later.


I'll leave it here, then! You can eat it later!

Guess what? Guess what? Today is...

Did you not hear me?!

I'm sorry...

--You're being a pest, Lucy!

Our house chef can prepare my food!

If you have time to waste like this,
then go study about leadership instead!

Do I make myself clear? Then leave!

Today is...

Today is my birthday...

Ms. Supetto!

Miss Lucy?!

I'm so glad you're all right! I...! I...!

I'm sorry to have worried you.

Miss Lucy, new textbooks
from the east have arrived!

You're all grown up!
You probably had a fling or two. Right?

I'm so glad to see you again!


Everyone's still the same!

Miss! The master asks for
your presence in the study!

His runaway daughter is finally home,

and all he can do is "ask for my presence", huh?

I see he hasn't changed either...

I'd forgotten...

This is how I used to dress when I lived here...

It's not too tight, is it?

It seems a little smaller on you now...

Oh, it's fine.

Oh, right. I've grown taller...

Well, I guess I should go!


It's me, Lucy. I've returned, Father.


So you've finally come back, Lucy.


I apologize for running away
from home without saying anything.

I deeply regret it.

This was a surprisingly
wise decision, coming from you.

Had you remained in that guild,

I would have been forced to use
my money and power to destroy it.

You've finally grown up, Lucy.

I take it you've gained some firsthand experience

into how much trouble your selfish actions
can cause for those around you.

You are a Heartfilia.

You aren't like other people.
You live in different worlds.

It was fortunate you were able to learn that, Lucy.

I brought you back for but one auspicious reason:

I've finished arrangements for you
to marry the son of the Jullenel family.

Yes. I had assumed that might be the case.

Marital ties with the Jullenel family

will lay the foundation for
Heartfilia Railways' southern expansion.

This marriage will establish
our future and our happiness!


And you must produce a boy.
An heir to the Heartfilia line.

That is all.
You may return to your room.


Please don't get the wrong idea.

I only came back to make my resolve clear to you.

Yes, it was wrong of me to
leave home without saying a word.

I ran away, however you look at it.

So I came here to tell you
exactly how I feel before I leave again!


Happiness can't just be chosen for you!

It's something you find and hold on to!

I'm going to follow my own path!

You don't get to decide when I get married!

Oh, and...

...don't you ever mess with Fairy Tail again!

If you go after Fairy Tail again,

I-- and everyone in the guild--
will consider you our enemy!

If you hadn't stooped so low,

maybe we could've sat down
and actually talked things over.

But it's too late now.
You've hurt my friends too much.

I don't need money or
beautiful clothes or prearranged happiness.

I need a place that will see me
not as "Lucky" Lucy Heartfilia,

but as just plain old Lucy.

Fairy Tail is another family to me.

A much more warmhearted
family than what I have here!

I've only been here for a short time,

but it pains me to leave
this house I once lived in with Mom.

Supetto, Grandpa Belo, Ribbon, Aed...

Leaving them all is very painful, but...

But... But...

...if Mom were still alive,
I think she'd tell me to do what I want...


Goodbye, Daddy...


Now, then...



Why are you--?!


I'm really sorry I worried you.

Don't sweat it.
It was our fault for jumping to conclusions.

Looks like there was
nothing to worry about after all.

Happy cried the whole time!

--You were in tears too, Natsu!
--Was not!

I-I'm really sorry...

Man, this sure is a spacious town.

It's very nice and peaceful.

Oh, no. This is just our garden.

Everything from here to
that mountain is our estate.

Huh? What's wrong, guys?

--Rich girl overload!
--Casual bragging overload!

Nastu and Gray have been defeated!

Captain Erza!
Could you please make a statement?!

Such clear blue skies...

Medic! Captain Erza has a screw loose!


Dear Mom, in Heaven...

I'm doing well.

You know, Mom... I don't think
I can live without the others now.

After all... Fairy Tail has become a part of me!

Once the ice cracked, I saw

an unhappy face in the small blue sky

I was caught so much by surprise
that I had to look away

Tell me, how are you doing now?

Is there still time? Or is it too late?

Honestly, it isn't just some whim

When did it become so hard to say, "I'm sorry"?

The midsummer in the glass starts to melt

When did "I'm sorry" become so difficult for us?

I want to say it, but I can't

Listen, I want to make you smile

Just hold on, I will make it happen

I'm sorry

I'm sorry

"Fairy Tail"

We've done nothing but fight lately;
we really need to start working again.

Are there any good jobs you can do?
Rough and wild ones that pay a lot?

I can handle delicate work too, you know!

You're not cut out for it.

All right, then! I'll do one just to show you!

--You're not cut out for it.
--Don't keep saying that!

"Next Episode: Next Generation"
Next Episode: Next Generation.

Do you even actually know what "delicate" means?

Sure, it means like, you don't punch people, right?

Bzzt! You're out!
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