01x30 - Next Generation

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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01x30 - Next Generation

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, everyone watching!

Whenever you watch Fairy Tail,
be sure to turn on the lights in the room

and sit away from the TV, okay?

Previously, on Fairy Tail!

Bad news! The council is mad!

Of course they are.
We're always causing a big ol' mess.

Thank you.

Oh, no! The council wants to see
our master! What are we gonna do?!

Thank you!

Who are you, anyway?

daijoubu ore ga nanmankai mo sakende yaru

kimi no ashita ga subete
kagayaiteiru to shinjiteru

yume o kanaeta subete no hito
ni kasanariau kyoutsuuten

akiramenakatta tte koto sore dake sa makenna yo!

mukaikaze ni nagasare kujikesou na toki wa

kono te nigire Try to take a chance mou

kimi wa hitori nanka ja nai ze

motto motto mae e mae e
kimi no ikashita yume akiramenaide

sou naitenaide susume My way
ima kimi o terashitenda hikari

akirame nanka zenbu sutete
tsuyosa to hikikae ni mata kizu tsuite

demo kimi no massugu na hitomi
ni wa ima mieru daro hikari

U-Umm, Mr. Makarov?


We're in the middle of a trial here...
You aren't sleeping, are you?

No, of course not!

Phantom Lord being disbanded

and Jose being stripped of
his title as a Saint Wizard...

That much I had expected.

But Fairy Tail being found innocent
was the last thing I imagined.

You should be grateful, Macky.
I spoke in your defense.

I owe you one, Yaj. You should
come visit once our guild is repaired.

I'll treat you to some ramen.

I'd like Fairy Ramen with
twelve slices of roast pork.

Twelve? That's way too many.

This was a violation of Article 4 of
the Inter-Guild-Conflict Ban Treaty...

Fine! You can have twenty slices! Thirty!

I want twelve slices.

Macky. You can't be so reckless anymore.

We're not as young as we used to be.

--You haven't forgotten, have you?
--Forgotten what?

About Rob.

Rob... Rob, huh...

There was me, you, and even Porlyusica.
Not to mention Rob...

We were all so young...

We were reckless,
but every day was a delight, too.

But then Rob left Fairy Tail and wound up...

Erza still tells me about it sometimes.

Many feel that Fairy Tail
is too out of control these days.

Michello and Org are actually
calling for it to be disbanded.

If this keeps up, you will be
harshly punished eventually, Macky.

You won't be any good to anyone
if you die. Just like with Rob.

Macky. You need to retire soon.
You can't keep this up for much longer.

Next Generation.


We're taking job requests again starting today!

This reception counter is only temporary,
but let's do lots and lots of work!

What's the deal?

--Everyone usually just sits around doing nothing...

--Work! Work!
--Everyone usually just sits around doing nothing...

--Everyone usually just sits around doing nothing...

Come to think of it, is Loke here?

Oh, have you finally fallen
into Loke's clutches too?

It's not like that!

It sounds like he found my keys
for me, so I wanted to thank him.

Sure, I'll tell him if I see him.

Did the celestial spirits get mad
at you for dropping their keys, though?

"Mad" doesn't begin to describe it...

I told you not to drop me, girl!

My butt stings just thinking about it...

Oh, my...

--Want me to cool it for you?
--That's casual sexual harassment.

Lemme see your red butt, Lucy!

That's unadulterated sexual harassment!

I wonder what look she'd give
if I made it sting even more!

What are you, the devil?!

Try saying that again!


Since I'm here, let me make things nice and clear.

Weaklings don't belong in this guild!

Man, you guys are pathetic,
letting Phantom make a mockery of you.

Actually, I don't even know your names.

And you, rich celestial wizard girl.
You were the main culprit.

--It was your fault that--

It's all over now.
No one's playing the blame game!

The master says we're not even allowed
to blame you for refusing to help us!

Well, of course you're not!
It was none of my business!

You wouldn't have had any trouble
if I'd been there, though.

Why, you...!

--All right! That's it!

Laxus! Fight me, you heartless bastard!

How do you expect to fight me
if you can't even catch me?

Once I inherit the guild,
I'm kicking every last wimp out.

And everyone who tries to stand up to me!

I'm going to create the most powerful guild!

The most powerful guild in history!
No one will be able to mock it!

Inherit? What kind of crazy talk is that?

Actually, it isn't crazy...

Laxus is our master's grandson, you see.


So it's very likely Laxus will be
the next master when he retires.

Y-You can't be serious...

But I don't like the idea
of someone being our master

when he treats his fellow members that way...

They say that's why our master
is having a hard time retiring...


That jerk!

That's enough. You'll only
tire yourself out dealing with him.

Anyway, what do you say? Feel up to a job?


With Gray and Lucy, too, of course.


Where are your clothes, Gray?

It feels like we've always been
together since the Eisenwald incident.

"Feels like it"? She noticed only now?!

It was obvious to pretty much anyone.

Was she not paying any attention?

That's Erza for you!

What do you say we form an actual team?

It'll be the four of us... Oh, five, counting Happy!

But are you sure you want someone like me?

Not "like" you!

We want you specifically!


It just wouldn't be the same
without you, you know?

Then it's official. Say hello to
the strongest team in Fairy Tail.

--This is great!
--But is Lucy actually that tough?

I don't think I'd stand a chance
if she sicced Aquarius on me!

She's got a sharp mouth, too!

She's the best in many different ways...

--Me, teamed with him...?!
--Have a problem with that?

No! We're ecstatic!

I have a job already lined up!

We're to defeat a magic cult
secretly operating in the town of Lupinas!

Let's go!


Retirement, huh...

The guild is being rebuilt.

Perhaps it's also time to pass the title
of master to the next generation...

Laxus... He has deep-seated issues.

And Mystogan is basically
the poster boy for poor communication.

Which would leave Erza,
who's still rather young...

There you are, Master!

It sounds like they did it again!


It sounds like Erza's team destroyed
half of the town their job was at!

The council already demands a written apology!

Huh? What's wrong, Master?

I can't afford to retire!

Oh? You seem down, Lucy. What's the matter?

That Lupinas job...


Natsu spewed fire everywhere,
Gray froze everything, and Erza...

--Don't even get me started with Erza!
--Umm, Lucy? Are you all right?

Everyone destroyed everything,
so our reward got slashed...

I won't be able to pay this month's rent like this!

Then maybe I can hook you up with a special job...

It's perfect for you,

and you won't have to worry
about stuff getting destroyed!



Onibas! We haven't been here
since the Lullaby incident!

Natsu! We're here!

N-No good...

So this job is to use our magic to
attract people to a languishing theater?

That's right! Doesn't it sound neat?!

Natsu can sh**t fire,
Gray and Erza can create a big scene

using their Make and Requip magic,

and I can use Lyra's singing to stir up emotions!

It's going to be a wonderful performance!

If I ever finish my novel,
I bet it'll get turned into a play someday!

Yes! This is a great chance
to study up on stage direction!



--This place is classy!
--Let's go!

Excuse me...

Are you the people from Fairy Tail?


Thank you so much for accepting the job!

Sure! Just leave the stage work to us!

Actually, about that...

I'm suddenly in a bit of a pickle...

Wha...?! All the actors ran off?!

Yes... thank you.

For what?

All of my plays have been
bombing one after another,

to the point that even the actors
became ashamed to be in them...

Even my wife got sick of me
chasing my dream and left me!

This was all I had left going
for me, too! Thank you so much!

You're thanking at the wrong time...

So the play is called off! Thank you!

Oh, that's all that's troubling you?

If it's actors you need...
you have some right here!

--Sh-She's dazzling!

--A-e-i-u-e-o-a-o! Ka-ke-ki-ku-ke-ko-ka-ko!
--Vocal exercises!

Actually, it does sound kind of neat!

--You sure?

We won't let your dream end here!


Well, I guess I can let you try...

Ugh. Amateurs...

Now he doesn't thank us...

One week until our performance!

My name is Fredrick!
I've come to rescue the princess!

Wow! Erza is really good at acting!

She has her role down pat!

--C-Can't let her outdo us!

Aye, Sir!

From that point on, whenever
we weren't busy rehearsing,

we were busy passing out fliers, building sets,

and working hard to memorize our lines.

Even so, everyone's enthusiasm made it a real blast!

Your cheering squad is here, thank you.

Cheering squad?


Where do I even start with this group?!

It's almost show time! Break a leg!

How long it's been since I last saw a play!

I appreciate the invite, Macky!

It's good to see you again! How've you been?

We're here to crack jokes.


Wait, what are you doing here, fake Salamander?!

--Long time, no see, Michael!
--It's Bora.

I gave up my life as an
aggressive glamour model scout

after being deeply struck
by Big Bro's heated fists!


"Thump thump"

That's what that was?!


What did you think it was?

--Oh, uhh, well...
--Lucy had dirty thoughts!

You have our support, Big Sis!

Thank you for coming all this way!

So hard!

You're that girl from Galuna Island!

My name's Lulu!
Thanks for helping us back then!

Wait, aren't you two from Phantom...?

Big Bro's toughness made a big impression on me!

So, umm, I brought you this.

--That's raw meat...

I-I didn't make it for you, just so you know!

--Talk about mood swings...
--Thanks a bunch!

Not for you!

--I-It's for that red dog...

He's actually a blue cat...

So when are you going
to destroy the moon for us?!

Uhh, do I make a joke here or not?

Break a leg!

I'm exhausted before the show's even begun...

"And then..."

"And then..."
And then...

The day of the performance arrived at last!


We've never had so many
people come before! Thank you!

Oh! This is my first time singing
in front of such a big crowd!

Now we just need to pull this off!

♪ Once upon a time... ♪

♪ ...a prince of a kingdom
in the west fell in love... ♪

--Such a beautiful voice...
--Just marvelous!

♪ ...a prince of a kingdom
in the west fell in love... ♪

♪ ...with the princess of a rival kingdom... ♪

Big Sis!

That prince is so dreamy!

♪ To save the princess... ♪

♪ ...the prince of the western kingdom... ♪

Oh, man...

--Why is she so nervous?!
--♪ ...went to the Mountain of Death... ♪

--She must have serious stage fright!
--♪ ...went to the Mountain of Death... ♪

--♪ ...went to the Mountain of Death... ♪

--♪ ...went to the Mountain of Death... ♪

--♪ ...went to the Mountain of Death... ♪

M-My name is F-Fredri...

I-I here... save prin... cess...


--Scrap meat!
--Man, that's stiff acting.

No, she's acting out realistic nervousness!

--It's that "Lamaze method" thing!
--That's completely wrong...

I... w-w-wield...

She's skipping ahead!
It's not time for that line yet!

She's so nervous she's hardly even breathing.

...t-t-ten swords...

Ooh, Big Sis! Do more!

--Oh, man.
--Goodness gracious!

Catching a play is hazardous to your health.

This certainly is fun!

--Erza is falling apart!
--What do we do?!

W-We'll just have to fudge things as best we can!

--When do I get to go on?!
--Be quiet!

Oh, please help me, Prince Fredrick!

Seinhart has captured me!

--Who's that?

My name is Julius!

If you want the princess b-back,
you will face me in a duel!

--Who is this now?!
--What happened to Seinhart?!

--This makes no sense!
--They're such good actors!


"Shiver" "Shake"

Yikes! Erza's completely lost it!

I'll handle it!

Open, Gate of the Clock Constellation!


"Du-du-duel..." is what she says.

What are you doing, Lucy?!

The story would have nowhere
to go if Fredrick had fainted there!

How good of you to come, Great Clock!

Please give Prince Fredrick a brief rest!


I can breathe again! I am revived!

Taste my ice sword!

Th-That is nothing! I-I wield ten swords!


--He's so weak!
--Don't just run off!

What realism!

He got cold feet!

When is Big Bro coming on?

Thank you, Prince Fredrick!

L-Lady Yanderica! Let us have many children!

Thirty or so!

--Talk about hasty!
--This makes no sense!

Plays these days certainly are surreal...

I quite like it!

They're all so dazzling!

Your short-lived peace ends now-eth!

--Julius is back!
--"Now-eth" isn't even a word!

This is the end! Come forth, my dragon servant!

It's about time!

Yes, yes!

I am a great dragon! I will destroy all!

Big Bro!

Red dog!

Our only hope is to work together!

O-Oh... That would be... reassuring...

--You're the one who summoned it!
--What kind of story is this?!

I'll hold it off! Please escape, you two!

What?! Why is the princess saying that?!

--W-We owe you one!

They're actually running away?!

--Ooh! They're eloping!
--Gray's a real stud!

That's youth for you.

So heavy...

Gray! Help! Ice! Ice!

All right! Ice Make...!

Oh, my...

Thank you!


Are you all right?

For such a bad actress
you're way too into your part!

Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!

Quit it, Natsu!

Moo! What a nice body,
Princess Yanderica! It's the best!

The best!

Come on, now...

Don't just come out and say stuff like that!

I told you before, Lucy!

I swore to protect you and your nice body!

What did you come here for?!

I-I have no choice now but to punish y-y-you all!

--This is completely out of hand now!
--Yes, yes!

Plus... I get a really bad feeling about this...

I should've known!

Oh, my!

--Why does this always happen?!
--You should hurry and retire, Macky...

Dear me...

It's the moon's curse!

--Prince Fredrick!

That was great! Just awesome!

Just wonderful!

One week later...

I never imagined it would be such a huge hit!

For such lousy actors,
you sure can put on a show!

C'mon, pay up already...

Three performances a day is too much to handle...

Get your butts in gear
and get ready, you lowlifes!

He's a different character now...

I want... to go home...!

koori hajiitara chiisana aozora ni

fukigen na kao nozoki konda no

warenagara ha tto shite shisen o sorashita

nee kimi wa ima dou shiteru no

mada ma ni au? Sore tomo osoi?

honto wa tada kimagure nanka ja nai

gomen ne tte itsu kara konna ni
muzukashii kotoba ni natchattan darou

gurasu no manatsu ga toketeku

gomen ne itsu kara konna ni
tomadou futari ni natchattan darou

iitai no ni ienai

nee kimi o warawasetai no ni

mattete warawasete miseru

gomen ne watashi

gomen ne watashi

"Fairy Tail"

Hey, Natsu! I'm almost 100% sure
that Lucy and Loke are in loooove!

I dunno, Loke's clearly trying
to avoid Lucy if you ask me.

He's just playing "hard to knit."

I dunno, I never heard of that.
It doesn't even make sense.

"Next Episode: A Star Removed from the Sky"
Next Episode: A Star Removed from the Sky.

Whatever! They're totally in love! In loooove!

You just wanna say that, don't you?
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