01x34 - Jellal

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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01x34 - Jellal

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, everyone watching!

Whenever you watch Fairy Tail,
be sure to turn on the lights in the room

and sit away from the TV, okay?

Previously, on Fairy Tail...

Where is Erza?

We were enjoying some
down time at the Akane Beach

when people claiming to be
Erza's old friends suddenly showed up.

It's been a long time, Sister...

And then it was all over...

daijoubu ore ga nanmankai mo sakende yaru

kimi no ashita ga subete
kagayaiteiru to shinjiteru

yume o kanaeta subete no hito
ni kasanariau kyoutsuuten

akiramenakatta tte koto sore dake sa makenna yo!

mukaikaze ni nagasare kujikesou na toki wa

kono te nigire Try to take a chance mou

kimi wa hitori nanka ja nai ze

motto motto mae e mae e
kimi no ikashita yume akiramenaide

sou naitenaide susume My way
ima kimi o terashitenda hikari

akirame nanka zenbu sutete
tsuyosa to hikikae ni mata kizu tsuite

demo kimi no massugu na hitomi
ni wa ima mieru daro hikari

It still exists, you say?! That's impossible!

A black magic cult plotted to construct
the R-System about a decade ago...

But we destroyed all seven towers ourselves...!

There was an eighth tower.
In the waters near Ka Elm.

Its appearance...! Don't tell me it's complete?!

The investigation team went missing
right after sending these images.

It must be complete...

The R-System... Why now, after all this time?!

The Tower of Heaven.

You mean "Tower of Heaven", not "R-System."

It makes no difference what it's called!

It's forbidden magic!

Word of its existence alone
would cause pandemonium!

We must send troops at once
and subdue them immediately!

--But, given who we're dealing with...
--What do you mean?

Last night's incident at Akane Beach, on the border...

Judging from what rescued eyewitnesses have said,

it would seem that magic cult
is not the one occupying the R-System.

Just who is, then?!

He apparently calls himself "Jellal."


That's your twin brother, Siegrain!

Yes. I'm aware of that...




Say, do you think the people trapped
in the cards have been rescued?

We let the military know before
we left, so they're probably fine now.

I hope so.

Where are we, anyway?!

Have Juvia and her companions become lost?

Are you sure this is the right way, Natsu?

We're relying on your nose, you know!
Pull yourself together!

How dare you betray
the lovely Gray's expectations?!


I can't believe we let 'em knock us out
and snatch Erza and Happy...

Talk about pathetic!

It's hard to believe a wizard
of Erza's level was defeated...


They didn't beat her!
Don't act like you know about Erza!

I-I'm sorry...!

Gray! Calm down!

They said they were old friends of Erza...

We don't really know much about Erza ourselves...

Huh?! What's this ominous feeling?!

--The birds!
--What in the world...?

The fish too?!

Something's not right here.

This debris... It's a Fiore military ship!

I got a bad feeling about this...

Hey. Look...

Th-That's... the Tower of Heaven?!

Water Dome!

We can make landfall using this as camouflage.


I-It really is complete...?!

It has been eight years and all.
We completed it.

Eight years...

You've all changed...

--Can't do this!
--We're almost there!

Geez. You've got no sense of tension!

The ceremony will take place tonight.

You can stay here until then, Sister.

Ceremony? Are they going
to activate the R-System?!

Sorry it has to be this way,
but it's what you get for betraying us.

Jellal is angry.

Still, you should feel honored.

You're going to be the living
sacrifice for the ceremony.

I guess I'll never get to see you again.

Even so, it's all for heaven...

You're trembling.

Afraid of being sacrificed?

Or is it because of where we are?

Thought you could get away that easy, you brats?!

Despite the fact we need to complete
the R-System as soon as possible?!

Hold on, now.

We can't have any more construction delays.

Normally, we'd send you all to the room, but...

Who came up with the escape plan?
I'll take just them.

Pretty nice of us, wouldn't you say?

Speak up! Whose idea was it?!

--I did!

I came up with the plan and led it!


Hmm, I see.

Nope, wasn't you.

It was her.

Take her away.

No! It was me! It was my idea! It wasn't Erza!

--Let Erza go!
--Shut up!

I-I'll be okay... I'll be just fine...


It'll be just like you said, Jellal...
I'm not scared at all...



I'm sorry about back then, Sister.

It was my idea, but I was
too afraid to say anything...

It wasn't fair at all, was it?

That doesn't matter now.

Do any of you even realize the danger

of resurrecting someone with the R-System?

Wow, you know what
the R-System does? I'm surprised.

The "Revive System."

It can bring one person back from the dead,
in exchange for many living sacrifices.

It's inhumane, forbidden magic.

Magic has nothing to do with being humane, Sister.

All magic corrodes people's humanity.

That's the mindset of a black mage.
You're no different than them!

They only saw this as resurrection magic;
a spell to bring back the dead.

But Jellal is different.

He's going to lead us to
the heaven that lies further ahead!


Once Jellal revives him, the world will be reborn.

We will be its rulers.

The remnants of those who stole our freedom...

Your friends, the friends of
the one who betrayed us...

The ignorant citizens who live
their lives oblivious to everything...!

The pathetic, useless members of the council...!

We are going to bring fear and sorrow to all!

And then we'll take the freedom of all!

We will be the rulers of the world!




What can drive someone to change this much?!

Jellal... Are you to blame?!

Cats everywhere?!

Where am I?! Where's Natsu...?


Feelin' full of life?

"Feelin' full of life..."?

--A talking kitty!
--I can't breathe...!

You need to be dandier, Millianna.


It isn't a talking cat. It's a cat
because it talks. You know?

--That makes no sense!

What is this place anyway?! Where's Natsu?!

Hey, cat. The boy's kissing asphalt as we speak.

Natsu would never be beaten that easily!

--There's an emergency!
--Erza Scarlet has escaped!

Escaped? That word brings back memories!

She can't possibly escape from this tower.

Please hurry!

--Erza's here too...?
--What a pain. You know?

Master Jellal?

Erza is a wonderful woman, indeed.
She's truly amusing.

Will I prevail, or will Erza?

Let us enjoy this game of heaven

woven around life and death, past and future...

We must do something...!

--We need to gather information first...
--Send the entire army immediately!

Ignorant fools.

--What did you say?!
--How dare you, Sieg!

That's simply what you are,
if you're willing to send in the military!

It's dangerous. Too dangerous!

What is your point?

None of you understand anything.

If you want to destroy
the Tower of Heaven immediately,

there's only one way!

An Etherion blast from the Satellite Square!


The destructive spell that
transcends space and time?!

Are you insane?!

Have you any idea how much
destruction that would cause?!

It has the power to obliterate
an entire nation, you know!

An Etherion blast is our last resort!

It's even more dangerous than the R-System!

That said, the Satellite Square
can target anything in this region.

And an Etherion blast is the only way
to destroy that enormous structure!

I agree.

Not you too, Urtear!

There are nine of us in all. Only three more...

We only need three more members
in favor to fire an Etherion!

We've no time!

We cannot allow him to use the R-System!

Even if it means taking the life
of Jellal, your twin brother?

Of course. That's how
dangerous of a system it is...


Where is Jellal?!

They sure have a lot of lookouts.

--Wanna charge at 'em?!
--No! They have Erza and Happy!

We'll only put them in danger if we're not careful!

The odds sure are stacked against us...

I found an underwater passage into the basement.

Really?! Way to go!

Juvia was praised! Not you!

Yes, yes...

It's about a ten-minute swim underwater...

--Oh, that's a piece o' cake.

That's clearly out of the question!

Please put these on, then.

There's oxygen inside,
so you can breathe underwater with them.


Man, you're awesome!

Who are you, anyway?

So now we're underneath that tower?

Where are Erza and Happy?

These sure are handy! But kinda silly.

I'm impressed you made it here.
I made yours smaller than the rest.

Hey, now...

--Uh oh!

Who the hell are you?!

Guess our only option now is to fight!


Who the hell are we, you ask?!

You don't know a superior
opponent when you see one?!

--We're Fairy Tail, you idiot!

Ouch! Hot!

Ice Make: Lance!

So cold!

--Thank you!

Open, Gate of the Maiden!


You called, Princess?

--A maid!
--Get lost, swimsuit girl!

Punish 'em.

As you wish...

--Damn! She's...!
--Watch out! Blades don't work on her!

--How about this, then?!
--Blast her!

What's with this girl?!

Drip, drop...

Water Slicer!

That takes care of most of them.


I hope this won't cause us
more trouble. Oh, who am I kidding...

--Do I need to be punished?
--Where's Blocky?!


Is this a way of saying, "Come up"?

Master Jellal. Why are you
inviting the intruders inside?

It's as I said before. This is a game.

They've cleared one stage, that's all.

Things have started to get interesting...

But shouldn't we hurry with the ceremony?

We sank reconnaissance ships the other day;
the council is surely aware--

Are you still worried about such things?

I-I agree...

--Master Leiji!
--There's no other choice...

Only two more!

There's no time!

Those feeble council members can't hope to stop us.


Keep it down!

No point in sneaking around now
after all the ruckus we caused below.

What are you eating?!

This appears to be a dining hall.
You should eat too, Princess.

Oh, geez...

That door earlier was
operated remotely with magic.

It appears they're completely
aware of our presence.

--Then why would they...?
--Are they tryin' to provoke us?


Incidentally, Princess.

I believe it's inappropriate
to dress that way in the dining area.

--Let's change your clothes...

What?! Right here?!

Oh, man...

Don't look, my dear Gray!

This attire is from the celestial world.

What do you think?
Yes, I know, it looks good on me!

Wow, that's pretty cute!

Juvia is mortified!

You're in loooove!

Don't talk like that!

Where did you learn to imitate Happy like that?

What do I do now, anyway?

--I pray for your success, Princess.
--Thanks, Virgo!

Honestly, I dunno how you guys
can stand wearing wet clothes.

--This dries 'em quick.
--A human drying machine?!

--There they are!
--The intruders!

--You're all right!

S-So cool...

--Wh-Why are you here?!
--What do you mean "why"...?

Umm, Juvia is, uhh...


You don't belong in this place!

Don't give us that crap, Erza!

Running away after being ridiculed
will only tarnish Fairy Tail's name!

That blockhead has to pay!

--I'm telling you to leave.

They took Happy! We can't just leave now!

They have Happy?

--Don't tell me it was Millianna...
--I wonder where I am...

Where is this person?!

--The ocean?!
--I-I'm not sure.

--All right! I got it!
--Got what?

--The fact that Happy's waiting for me!
--H-Hey! Natsu...

--That moron!

Let's go too!


Millianna is an incomparable cat lover.

I can't imagine her harming Happy.

I'll take responsibility for bringing them back.

The rest of you need to
get away from here at once.

--No! We can't leave without you!
--This is my problem!

I don't wish to drag you into it.

I'd say it's a bit too late for that.

You saw Natsu just now.


What is this tower? Who's Jellal?!

If you don't want to tell us, that's fine.

They said they were your old friends, right?

But we're your friends now.

We'll always have your back, no matter what!

There you have it.


--This ain't like you, Erza.

Just tell us to shut up and
come along with you, like you always do.

We'll lend you our strength!

There's nothing wrong with feeling
afraid once in a while! Even for you!

I'm sorry...

I'm going to vanish from this world,
whether I win or lose this battle...

--What do you mean?!

This is a future I can't fight...

As such...

As such, I will tell you
everything while I still exist...

This is the Tower of Heaven,
also know as the R-System.

It happened over ten years ago...

A black magic cult began constructing it

in order to cast a forbidden spell
that can bring the dead back to life.

It required many human sacrifices,

who they also used as sl*ve labor
to amplify the amount of magic energy.

I was one of the sacrifices here when I was little.

One by one, people who tried
to escape or resist disappeared.

I never felt at ease. I was always afraid.

Even so, I made friends I could trust...

...even if it was for but a brief time.

It was around then that I met Jellal.

Damn you!



H-Hey... Pull yourself together!

Your eye...!

How could they...?

What did Erza ever do? What did we ever do?

Damn them!


Erza! Thank goodness...!

You're safe now! I'm here to save you!


There's no turning back now...

--Our only choice is to fight.


Magic soldiers!

I hope Sis is all right...

Grandpa Rob. You've survived that room before.

--What do they do there...?
--I'm sure Erza will be just fine...

If your mind is strong, your spirit
is the one thing they can't take...

--What's that supposed to mean?
--Get in!


--Hey! What happened to Jellal?!
--C'mon! Time for work!

Let her be. Just be happy
that she's returned alive...


He must've been taken in her place...

No more... I've had enough of this place!

--Pipe down!
--Calm down, Sho!

Don't worry. He's nearby...

Better prepare yourself!

No more!

Our only choice is to fight.

--Why, you...!
--What are you doing?!

--Don't tell me they...!

It's a revolt!

--Erza! What are you...?!
--Pick up a w*apon!

We'll never be free,
however much we obey or try to run!

Our only choice is to fight!

Stand up!

For our freedom!

We stood up for our freedom... To save Jellal...

Back then, Jellal was our leader...
He had a strong sense of justice...

I looked up to him.


At some point, it was as if Jellal
had become another person entirely...

If you could call a person truly "evil"...

...then that is what I would call Jellal.

koori hajiitara chiisana aozora ni

fukigen na kao nozoki konda no

warenagara ha tto shite shisen o sorashita

nee kimi wa ima dou shiteru no

mada ma ni au? Sore tomo osoi?

honto wa tada kimagure nanka ja nai

gomen ne tte itsu kara konna ni
muzukashii kotoba ni natchattan darou

gurasu no manatsu ga toketeku

gomen ne itsu kara konna ni
tomadou futari ni natchattan darou

iitai no ni ienai

nee kimi o warawasetai no ni

mattete warawasete miseru

gomen ne watashi

gomen ne watashi

"Fairy Tail"

Natsu. Have you been hearing
a really weird sound at night lately?

A weird sound? Not really...

I hear it. Night after night,
it sounds like a girl sobbing...

For real? That sounds cool!

I don't think it's cool at all!

"Next Episode: Voice of Darkness"
Next Episode: Voice of Darkness.

So, what does this ghost of yours say?

"The rent... The rent..."

I'm pretty sure that's Lucy.
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