01x36 - Heaven's Game

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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01x36 - Heaven's Game

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, everyone watching!

Whenever you watch Fairy Tail,
be sure to turn on the lights in the room

and sit away from the TV, okay?

Happy's gonna be so surprised!

Maybe I should surprise Erza too, while I'm at it!


I bet Lucy will have an even better reaction!

This is the end, boy...

Yo Ho let the rudder go, turning hard to port

Yo Ho frantic confusion makes for a snazzy life

We'll have a farewell party when the sun sets

No need to be sad;
if we live we'll meet again somewhere

We journey forth, pushing through the headwind

Tears, tears... A real man
will act tough until they dry up

My friend, my friend... Someday we'll laugh

as if making sure of our strong, strong bond

Now reach out and grab
the map of our shining future

Damn! Both Wally and Millianna
have shut off communication!

I have no way of telling where they are now!


Telepathic communication magic, no doubt.

Are you all right, Sho?


Because you're here, Sister...

"Heaven's Game"

"Heaven's Game"
Heaven's Game.

Hey, can we really trust this guy?

I accept he didn't try to k*ll us and all, but...

I don't intend to make excuses.

You heard, huh?

A wizard that could be k*lled that easily

would never stand a chance against Jellal.

Plus, I'm certain that Natsu won't die.

Umm... but what about me?

None of you are aware of Natsu's true strength.

Once the true strength of a dragon
settles inside Natsu, evil will fall!

Gross! I can't wipe my face!

Maybe I should take this off after all...

It's stuck, though...!

Goodbye, boy.



What do you think you're doing?!

Don't be mean to the kitty!

That's not a cat! Isn't it obvious?!



Why, you...!

Move aside, Millia! He's the enemy!

Take this!


Cat Barrier!


I told you! It's not a cat! It's the enemy!


Enemy? Even though it's a kitty?

There's a person inside, you know!


Cat Fire!

Now I understand why Jellal
said to be careful with this boy...

Millia! Give me backup!

That's rotten! Pretending to be a kitty
when you're actually a person...!

You're one to talk?!

Kitty Restraint Tube!

Well done, Millianna!

Wally! Beat up that fake kitty!

Watch as I do, Millia!

Cat Fire!


What the heck?!

I suddenly can't use magic!

Is it 'cause of this thing?!

I hate fake kitties!

End of the line, Salamander.

Take this!


Whoops. I nearly forgot my dandy catchphrase.

The moment you met me, your future was...

--Natsu! I'm so glad you're all right!

What's with the costume, though?

Just get this thing off me!


Curse you! How dare you interrupt my catchphrase!

No! Don't be mean to the kitty!

Cats don't fly! Cats talking is fine, but not flying!

--Happy! Now!
--Aye, Sir!

--Oh, no, you don't!
--I said don't!

Let go! It's not a cat...!

Hurry, Happy!

I can't untie it, Natsu!

Damn! Guess that leaves me only one choice, then!

Special Attack...

"Special Attack"
Special Attack...

...Kitty in Pain!



It worked!

What are you doing, Millianna?!

I can't help it! The kitty was...!

Don't give me that!

All right!

Go, Natsu!

Fire Dragon Wing Attack!

That ends my rematch with Blocky!

How long are you gonna keep that on?

I can't get it off...

Sho and Simon have turned traitor...

Wally and Millianna have
been bested by the Salamander...

This is exactly how a game should be.

There's nothing more unexciting
than a one-sided game.

Master Jellal.

We need to capture Erza at once
and commence the ceremony.

There is no more time for fun and games.

Then will you go, Vidaldus?

You don't mind?

It is our turn, after all.

The assassin guild Death's Head Order...

Vidaldus Taka.

Go to hell!

Hell! I'm gonna show 'em
the greatest-- and worst-- hell of all!


Captain Ikaruga...

Is it the fate of love and life to pass away?

Tonight, we shall make merry.

We, Trinity Raven, the special forces unit
of the Death's Head Order, have arrived.

Your big moment has arrived. Go forth!


P-Pull harder!

I'm pulling as hard as I can!

My head's coming off...!

It's off!

Now it's stuck on Blocky!

What's with that thing?

This isn't over yet, Salamander--

Actually, I already got my payback,

and with Erza and Happy safe
there's no reason for me to keep fighting.


We're going to heaven...!

To the true freedom Jellal speaks of...

To a world where we'll rule the people!

Welcome, one and all, to the Tower of Heaven.


I am Jellal, ruler of this tower.

Both sides have arranged their playing pieces.


It's Jellal. He's talking so
the whole tower can hear him.

So, shall we begin... "Heaven's Game"?



The rules are simple.

I wish to use Erza as a living sacrifice
in a ceremony to revive Zeref.


In other words,
once the door to heaven opens, I win.

But, if you are able to prevent that, then you win.

However, that by itself
wouldn't make for a very fun game.

So I have brought three warriors here.

Three warriors?! Who are they?!

The only way to reach me is through them.

In other words, this is
a three-on-eight battle royale.

One final note...

There is a chance that the council

will attack this location
from the Satellite Square...

...using Etherion,
the ultimate, all-destroying magic.

You never mentioned that to us, Jellal!

If that thing hits us, we'll all be goin' to hell!

Feeling unnerved, Vidaldus?

Just the reverse!

This is the ultimate high!

I've been itchin' for a job this dangerous!

It's unclear how much time we have left.

However, should the Etherion hit,
it will mean destruction...

..."game over" without any winners.

What are they thinking...?!

Etherion, you say?!

The council would do that...?

It's not possible!


Sho! What are you doing?!

Now, then. Let us play.

I won't let anyone touch Sis!

Hey! Sho!

I'll defeat Jellal myself!

Stop! You can't do it alone!

All right! Now I'm all fired up!

I'm guessing this Jellal guy is at the very top?

What are you doing, Jellal?

An Etherion attack would wipe us all out...

...when all we want is true freedom...

I dunno what kind of freedom you're lookin' for...

But Fairy Tail is nice and free too!

Happy! Secret tricks are a part of any game, right?


Let's head straight to the top!

Aye, Sir!


That's a nice... scarf you have...

Something's coming...

What the heck was that?!


Huh? Who are you?

Natsu! He's one of Blocky's friends!

Meaning you're one of Jellal's cronies?!

No! I'm on your side!

I had only pretended to be fooled by Jellal!

So that I could stop him...

We don't believe you!


Are you telling the truth?


Who is this Jellal guy?

What's with this ridiculous game of his?

He's the younger twin brother
of Siegrain, a council member.

He must've already foreseen that
the council would use an Etherion blast.

Oh, so it's just a fight between brothers?

I wonder.

I don't know what happened between them, but...

He's here!


Rule-breaking is impermissible!

In the name of justice, I shall punish you!

Fukuro, the knight of justice, has arrived!

A bird!

Whoa! A bird's talking about justice!

This is bad! Dark Moment!

Gah! I can't see!

He is a bad guy after all!

Now's your chance!
You mustn't get involved with him!


Fukuro the Just can see through darkness!

Justice Hoot!

How was that?

Hey! You all right?!

So this is how powerful
the Death's Head Order assassin guild is...!

Assassin guild?!

It's a type of Dark Guild.

They're evil guilds that, without any real work,

have made assassination work their specialty.

In particular, a three-member team
known as Trinity Raven is legendary

for assassinating every officer in
the western army during the Cabria w*r.

And this person-- err, bird-- is one of them?!

We merely stamped out evildoing.

They're professional assassins!
You can't fight them!

Salamander. Word of your vile
reputation has reached our guild as well!

Once more, this knight of justice
shall put an end to evil!

A guild is a place for us
to share dreams and beliefs.

Not to take crappy work like yours!

Stop, Salamander! You mustn't
get involved with an assassin guild!

I can't stand that there are
assassination jobs in the first place.

I can't stand that people offer these jobs, too.

And I can't stand that
you're talking like you know about guilds.

I'm gonna destroy you 'cause I can't stand you!

Bring it on, birdbrain!

How naïve you are, Salamander!

There is evil in this world
that cannot be allowed to live!

Oh! Thrusters!

And you're one of those people! Begone!

Jet Hoot!


If it's firepower you want... I got you beat!

Oh! Thrusters again!




You're quite a sturdy fellow.

This will be my first challenging job in a while!

Trinity Raven is even more
powerful than the rumors say...

And there are three of them...?!

How pitiable, Simon.
The game has only just begun, too.

Next is Fukuro versus Natsu Dragneel...

I'm hoping Natsu will make it to me,

but I suppose the odds are
stacked against him now...



Natsu! Urgh...

He has good ears, so he should be
able to hear us, even from far away...

Just like Gaj. If so, then he should
have a good sense of smell, too.

You call him "Gaj"?!

Why is Juvia helping you find Natsu, anyway?

You're ignoring me?

Look, that's just how it is, you know?!

I'm worried about Erza after all!

I'm gonna follow Sho and that big guy.

I'll leave you two to find Natsu.

There's no other choice
if that's my dear Gray's request,

but doesn't he know leaving
two romantic rivals all alone

is a recipe for a bloodbath?

I-I'm seriously not anything like that...
L-Let's be friends!

Wh-What is this noise?! A guitar?!

--It's so annoying!
--Juvia quite likes it.

You really are messed up, you know that?

Hey, yeah!

This is a concert from hell! Destroy!

Whoa! Long hair!

I'm with the Death's Head Order assassin guild!

That's right! Like a skull!
Pretty rockin' name, huh?!

I take it you're one of
the warriors Jellal spoke of...

I'm Vidaldus Taka, one of the Trinity Ravens!

Rock you!

Oh! Interesting body you got there!

Juvia's body is made of water. Drip, drop...

Get 'im, Juvia! I definitely can't...!

att*cks have no effect on Juvia.

Water Lock!

Rock?! You're into rock too?!

All too easy.

You're a former Element 4 all right!
You're scary as an enemy!

Juvia's Water Lock disappeared?!

So creepy!

A quick rinse is just the thing for bed-head.

Shampooing in the morning is bad. It harms the hair.

You...! How did you break the Water Lock?!

My hair absorbs liquids.

But no oil or alcohol, please. It harms the hair.

Water... has no effect?

You can't be serious...!

Wow, you two are real babes!

--Not again! It never fails!
--What are you referring to?

The fact that being cute causes trouble...!

Eeny, meeny, miny, moe...

Catch a girl by the toe...

It's decided! You're the succubus today!


Rock of Succubus!

Hey, yeah!

Wh-What is this sound...?!

Hey, yeah!

No! Stop!

Juvia! What's wrong?!

Stop! Stay out!

So much for the water woman.

And, at the same time...


You are now my sl*ve.

Hell! Hell! Hell!

I'm gonna show you
the greatest-- and worst-- hell of all!

What's going on...?!

...the celestial wizard is out, too.

Back then, when we laughed together
about how alike we are

you gently overlooked my little white lies

It won't matter to me if
we don't have a place to return to

because I'll protect that smile of yours

There are countless
encounters and farewells waiting

Not to mention many things I don't want to lose

But I don't feel any need for them anymore

All I want is to be by your side and gaze at you

through happiness, sadness, and everything else

Let's start right here and now

Let's start our future

Let's be true to our feelings

Like flowers swaying in the summer breeze,

let's use this moment to bloom in our full glory

"Fairy Tail"

When Erza was a kid, she was always alone

and never let anyone get near her.

That's hard to imagine now.

She must've put up armor to
protect herself from her painful past.

She wears her suit of armor all the time, though.

That's not what I mean.
I mean she has her heart closed.

"Next Episode: Armor of the Heart"
Next Episode: Armor of the Heart.

I don't understand what you're saying.
It's too complicated!

Yours is wide open, though, Natsu.

"Wide oven"? Are we gonna cook something?!
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