01x38 - Destiny

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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01x38 - Destiny

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, everyone watching!

Whenever you watch Fairy Tail,
be sure to turn on the lights in the room

and sit away from the TV, okay?

Yo Ho let the rudder go, turning hard to port

Yo Ho frantic confusion makes for a snazzy life

We'll have a farewell party when the sun sets

No need to be sad;
if we live we'll meet again somewhere

We journey forth, pushing through the headwind

Tears, tears... A real man
will act tough until they dry up

My friend, my friend... Someday we'll laugh

as if making sure of our strong, strong bond

Now reach out and grab
the map of our shining future

Gray Fullbuster...

He's far more powerful than my intel suggested...


We gotta hurry... and find Erza...

Gray! Pull yourself together!

Or has his care for his friends
strengthened his magic?!

Natsu! Get up!

Everything's spinning...!

You joined a great guild, Erza...



--Generator towers in place!
--No errors detected!

--Activating displacement lacrimas!
--Acquiring target!

--Setting spatial coordinates!
--Prepare magic elements!

--Stand by for magic fusion!
--Hurry with the compression calculations!

--Ready Satellite Square displacement!
--Auxiliary controls are green!

Commence magic element fusion!

Re-entering spatial coordinates!

It's no good... I can't move...

I must've used up too much magic...

Looks like Juvia's in the same boat, too...

What now...?

This place is really demolished...

Oh. There are people lying on the floor.

Those voices...!

Found 'em.

--Oh, man! I don't have the strength...
--There's a shiny one too...

...to tell them we're not enemies anymore...!

--Magic energy load at 60%!
--Etherion magic fusion at 47%!

--Time over target, 27 minutes!
--Element supervisors, please hurry!

To think we would be faced with a decision like this

while the chairman is in poor health...

We had little choice.

It falls to us nine to preserve
order in the magic world

in the absence of the chairman.

Don't worry so, Org.

Although we are attacking without
following proper international procedure,

Clause 4 of Article 27 of the National
Security Directive does apply here.

I'm not referring to the law.

We're about to unleash the Etherion.
It's akin to releasing a demon!

Zeref is the demon.

We can only pray the Etherion
will act as an angel and strike him down.

The time has come, Master Sieg.


Your eight-year-long ambition
is about to be realized.

Are you afraid, Ultear?

No, not at all. I always have faith in you.

Of course. Your life is not at stake.


It makes me tremble a little, however.

If this fails, I will cease to exist...


Even so, risking my life for
this is more than worth it.

For this...

...is my dream!


25 minutes to go...

Looks like this is farewell to you too...



Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

--How dare you fool us!

--How dare you hurt Sis...!
--Just calm down!

Let me out of here!

Don't worry! I'll protect you! I swear it!


I am called Ikaruga.

Pleased to meet you.

Get outta my way! Who is this idiot?!

My, such a boorish man you are.

I got no business with you!


There is nothing I cannot cut.

What are you, a cheap street performer?!

What...?! I can't move...!

Severing nerves without cutting clothing or flesh...

Such is the power of my Mugetsu Style.


Oh, my. There you are, Erza!

Let me out this instant!
You don't stand a chance against her!

Don't worry...

I've added shielding to your card...

There's absolutely no way
she can hurt you from the outside...!


That's very interesting...

Sho! Let me out!

That's no ordinary sword she has!

It's okay... Trust me...


Wha...?! She cut through the spatial dimension?!


You were kind enough to strain
the fabric of space in there.

So I took the liberty of cutting it wide open.

The sword transcending space was amazing enough,

but using that instant to her advantage...

The Titania is truly powerful...!

Ikaruga, was it?
I have no business with you. Begone.

Is that how you say hello?

That can't be...!

My, don't tell me you didn't see it?

Is what you gaze at...

...the evil apparition...

...far beyond the mist?

You were so focused on finding Jellal

that you didn't notice
the sword flash that surrounded you.

Yes, yes, that's the look.

Sis is serious now!

I'm not your ordinary passerby, you know...

No, it would seem not.

You're my enemy.


Heaven's Wheel: Circle Sword!

Mugetsu Style...


All the swords...!

Mugetsu Style...



Flame Empress Armor...

Highly resistant to fire.

I'm impressed you were able
to requip during that instant.

Surely it feels uncouth being dressed
that way in the presence of a man.

Why don't you try donning
the most powerful armor you have?


You'll regret this! Purgatory Armor, requip!

No one has ever seen this and endured my wrath!

So that's your most powerful armor?


Now do you understand?

There is no suit of armor you can wear
that can withstand my sword.

Give it up.

Sh-She can't beat her...

Sis can't beat her...!

What kind of armor-- or outfit-- is that?!

What are you thinking?

That outfit is nothing but ordinary cloth...


You've really underestimated me.

What are you doing, Sis?!
You have plenty of other strong armor!

You're even stronger than that, right?!


I'm not strong at all...

Not at all...

I like being alone.

I feel uneasy around people.

Then why are you crying all alone?!

I lost many friends as I looked on.

I wasn't able to protect those dear to me...


I am not crying!

I was always crying...

To make myself...

To make myself seem stronger...

...I sealed my heart inside armor...

...and cried...

I always wore armor because I was weak.

I was never able to take it off...

I am prepared to cut down
any opponent, clothed or not.

I had believed my armor would protect me.

But that was wrong.

I had tried to plug up the cracks in my armor

where my heart connected with others'.

Fairy Tail taught me that human relationships

can feel so close and warm!


I am free of hesitation now!

I will strike you down with my all!

This battle is over.

Impressively done...

Amazing! You really are amazing, Sis!

Are you all right, Sho?

Yeah, I think so.

Me, losing...

This is the very first time...
since I joined the guild...

Even so... Both you and Jellal have lost...

What do you mean?!

In fifteen minutes...

The light of justice...

...shall come raining from the sky...

...m*ssacre awaits...

--Such a terrible haiku...
--Is she talking about Etherion?!

Sho! Take Simon and everyone from Fairy Tail

and get away from this tower as fast as you can!


Can you do that for me, Sho?


But what about you?

I'm going to settle things... once and for all!

--Are you awake, Natsu?

Last I remember, a weird vehicle caught me and...

Stop! Don't get sick just from the memory!

Fukuro ate you after that, but then Gray saved you.

Gray did?!

But Gray suffered quite a lot of damage himself...


You're heavy, Gray... Did you gain weight?

Sh-Shut up...

That cat is taking him out of here.

--The Satellite Square?! The hell with this!
--We gotta get out of here!

But the Fiore army'll catch us!

Better than getting hit by an Etherion blast!

Oh no! The ships...!

Look down there!

I found a boat!

Uhh, it's the one we came in...

Argh! I can't believe this!

I lost to him but Gray won?!

You didn't exactly "lose." He just swallowed you.

He's gonna hold it over me for a whole month now!

He's that petty of a person! Dammit!

Oh, geez...

I can't accept this! I need a rematch!

I gotta fight that birdbrain again!

This isn't the time for that!

Say, who are you, anyway?

Simon. One of Erza's old friends.

Oh, okay! Nice to meetcha!

Are you hurt?!

N-Never mind me... Listen closely, Natsu...

"Heart racing"

"Heart racing"
I just got word from Wally.

They found Lucy, Juvia, and a member
of Trinity Raven all knocked out.

Lucy was?!

They were confused at first because
they weren't aware of the situation,

but they're going to take
them out of the tower now.

I thought these people were our enemy?

Well, Simon says they're on our side...

Then why are you dragging me
on the ground all tied up?!

And, from what Sho tells me,
it sounds like Trinity Raven has been defeated.

I didn't get to do anything!

That leaves only Jellal now.
Erza is on her way to him as we speak.

Erza is?!

She intends to settle everything all by herself.

Those two have a quarrel
to resolve that spans eight years.

It might be their destiny to fight each other.

But Jellal is too powerful.

Please, help Erza.

Forget it.


My, oh, my. The game is over already?

Is toying with people's lives that much fun?

Most certainly.

It is around the brink of life and death
that all emotions revolve.

Conversely, there is nothing
as dreary and barren as simply living.

It's been a long time, Erza.


I'm freeing your former allies.

Fine by me. I've no need for them anymore.

The Tower of Heaven is complete.

Yet you don't care that it'll be destroyed
less than ten minutes from now?!

Oh, you mean the Etherion attack?

You're too confident... So it was just a bluff!

No... The Etherion will rain down.

That puts my mind at ease.

If I simply keep you busy here
for the next ten minutes...

...everything will be settled!

No, you will serve as a sacrifice
for Zeref and cease to be.

It is already set in stone!

It is your fate... Your destiny!

Damn! Turn the boat back!

No can do!

She told us to get away from here!

But Erza's still inside! And Natsu!

Sis will be fine. We have to have faith in her...

We can't just leave it all up to Natsu!

It's out of our hands now.

Simon is with him. Things will work out somehow.

"Somehow"?! You can't be serious!

--You don't have to yell!
--Calm down, everyone!

Shut up! Just take us back! I'm gonna save Erza...!

--We hafta hurry! There's no time!
--I said no!

Shut up!

Gimme a break!

I wanna go back too,
but there's nothing we can do!

The Etherion's gonna come
raining down any time now!

But I'm sure Natsu will get Erza
out of there! Simon told me so!

Once the true power of a Salamander
awakens in him, not even Jellal can...

Not even Jellal can...

Damn you!

You refuse to help Erza, your own friend?!

He's Erza's enemy; she can handle him on her own.

I have no right to butt in.


Erza can't defeat Jellal!


Don't you dare insult her!

You have it all wrong!
I'm not talking about strength and magic here!


Erza is still trying to save Jellal.

I know she is...

...because she isn't able to hate him.

Jellal is a cunning man.

He won't hesitate to use
Erza's feelings to his advantage.

That's not the half of it, though.

As you know, the council is preparing
to strike this location with an Etherion blast.

If that happens, everyone in
the tower will be wiped out.

According to Sho,
we have about ten minutes left.


Erza said to get everyone away,
then went ahead on her own.

You know Erza very well yourself.

I don't want to believe it,

but she might intend to use
the Etherion blast to take Jellal down with her.

Why didn't you say so sooner?!

Where is Erza?!

Seven minutes...

Seven minutes until the Etherion rains down.

Let us enjoy these seven minutes, Erza...

I no longer fear anything!

If the Etherion hits, so be it!

Taking you down with me is what I want!

Oh? You want me to die with you?

Let's see you try!

Destroying the tower you worked
so hard to build with your own hands--

What a waste, Jellal!

A pillar or two is nothing.
They're mere decorations.

The only reason those "decorations" are there

is because Sho and the others
believed in you for eight long years!

Don't start nitpicking everything I say.

The R-System is what matters.
It's what those eight years were for.

And now it is complete!

It appears your skill has improved
somewhat, but this is the end.

This ain't like you, Erza.

We'll lend you our strength.

There's nothing wrong with feeling
afraid once in a while. Even for you!

We'll always have your back, no matter what!

Aye! We're the strongest team!

I always believed in you.
For eight years straight...



Fight me once we get back!

I told you before.

There is nothing I fear now!

This is the same Erza...?!

Back then, when we laughed together
about how alike we are

you gently overlooked my little white lies

It won't matter to me if
we don't have a place to return to

because I'll protect that smile of yours

There are countless
encounters and farewells waiting

Not to mention many things I don't want to lose

But I don't feel any need for them anymore

All I want is to be by your side and gaze at you

through happiness, sadness, and everything else

Let's start right here and now

Let's start our future

Let's be true to our feelings

Like flowers swaying in the summer breeze,

let's use this moment to bloom in our full glory

"Fairy Tail"

Hey, Happy. What's this satellite thingy
everyone's freaking out about?

The Satellite Square.
How can you not know about it?

It's a super-destructive spell that can
wipe out an entire city like it's nothing.


Wait, wouldn't it be bad if that hits us?!

"Next Episode: Give Our Prayers to the Sacred Light"
Next Episode: Give Our Prayers to the Sacred Light.

We can't just sit here! Where's Erza?!

I pray that Natsu will someday
have normal comprehension skills...
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