01x40 - Titania Falls

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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01x40 - Titania Falls

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, everyone watching!

Whenever you watch Fairy Tail,
be sure to turn on the lights in the room

and sit away from the TV, okay?

Previously, on Fairy Tail...

Colluding? You have it all wrong, Erza.

It turns out Siegrain and Jellal
were one and the same.

The Etherion was also fired,

and the Tower of Heaven revealed its true form.

I want Erza to be her usual self
when she wakes up from her bad dream...

So I'm going to fight now!

Yo Ho let the rudder go, turning hard to port

Yo Ho frantic confusion makes for a snazzy life

We'll have a farewell party when the sun sets

No need to be sad;
if we live we'll meet again somewhere

We journey forth, pushing through the headwind

Tears, tears... A real man
will act tough until they dry up

My friend, my friend... Someday we'll laugh

as if making sure of our strong, strong bond

Now reach out and grab
the map of our shining future

I hope Natsu and Erza are okay!

They're fine! They're both
Fairy Tail wizards, after all!

Yeah. All we can do now is have faith in them!

I'm all fired up now! More than ever before!

You damn brat...! I'll put an instant end to you!

You will regret defying me on your way to hell!

I'm pretty confident in my toughness.

Go ahead! Do your worst!


Bring it on!

"The Titania Falls"
Titania Falls.


What's the matter?! That all you got?!

Can't fight all-out 'cause
you're afraid of wrecking the tower?!

--Gonna have to do better than that!
--Enough of your pretentiousness, boy!

Fire Dragon Brilliant Flame!

He's... attacking the tower!

I spent...

I spent eight long years constructing this,
and now you've gone and...!

Tough luck.

Like I told you before,
destroying stuff's our specialty...

Natsu... You barely even have
the strength to stand now...

You will pay!

Wh-What is this magic?! It's making me sick...!

The shadows are starting
to bend toward the light!

Oh no! This magic...!

Prepare to plummet into
infinite darkness, dragon wizard!


Are you able to k*ll me?!

You need my body to revive Zeref, don't you?!


The general requirement is a body of a wizard
comparable to one of the Ten Saint Wizards.

But it no longer needs to be you now.

Both of you shall be obliterated!

Erza! Move!

There's nothing for you to
worry about. I'll protect you!


Heavenly body spell... Altairis!


--Oh, man...!
--It exploded!

Th-They're okay... right?!

What's wrong, Sho?

Why do I get a bad feeling about this...?!





You were still crawling around here, you little pest?

Why didn't you escape...?!


I-I'm glad...

I always wanted...
to be helpful to you... someday...

I understand!

Just don't talk anymore!

You were always... so kind...




I... loved you...


Ridiculous! Absolutely ridiculous!

That was the very definition
of dying for nothing, Simon!

This doesn't change anything!

No one is going to leave here alive!

Shut up!

I can't believe this!

He's eating the Etherion!

What are you thinking?!

Ether-nano has other types
of magic in it, not just fire!

Did he think he could power up
by consuming powerful magic in place of fire?

That shortsighted thinking has sealed his fate!


He's actually absorbed the Etherion?!

It's because of you...

...that Erza sheds tears!

I made a promise!

Natsu. Please, help Erza.

I promised!

Impertinent boy!


You'll never catch me at this speed!


I cannot be defeated!

I will create a land of freedom!

Amid the pain and terror,
Zeref whispered to me...

He asked if I wanted true freedom!

That's right! Only I can feel Zeref!

I am a chosen one!

Together, Zeref and I shall
create a land of true freedom!

Even though you took away
people's freedom along the way?!

The wish to change the world is
the only thing that drives history!

Why can't you understand that?!

Abyss Break?!

You're going to destroy
the tower and everything inside it?!

I'll just spend eight years creating another!
No, this one will take five!

Zeref! Your time shall come!

You'll never know freedom!

You'll never be free, as long as
you let that ghost constrain you!

Free yourself, Jellal!

--What in the world...?!
--What's going on?!

That has to be Natsu!

Yeah! I think so too!

But are they gonna be okay?

I'd like to think so,
but he's really going on a rampage...!

This is... Natsu's true strength...

This is...

...a Dragon Slayer!

He's defeated Jellal...

My eight-year-long battle is over...

Now they'll all have true freedom...


You truly are amazing...


No, this is...!

That light...
There is incredible magic coming from it!

Oh, man! Don't tell me
the Etherion's out of control now...?!

Out of control?! How come?!

The Etherion's magic energy...

That much powerful magic all in one spot

can't stay stable for long!

With nowhere to go,
that maelstrom of magic energy will burst

and cause a tremendous expl*si*n.

Hold on! At this distance, it'll take us out too!

What about Sis and the others inside?!

There's no point worrying about
who'll make it and who won't!

It's gonna wipe us all out!


There's so much magic energy that even
the lacrima-- its vessel-- is being deformed...

It must possess unfathomable destructive power...

Even if we do get outside,
we'll still be caught in the expl*si*n...

Damn! Is this the end?!

No, I can't give up.

It's my turn to save you, Natsu...

But it's impossible to avert it... What do I do?!

Now that the lacrima has
gathered all this magic energy,

I will merge your body with it.

Once I do, your flesh will be broken down

and then reconstructed to create Zeref's body.


Would merging with the Etherion

let me control this energy
and prevent it from exploding?!

This is our only chance!

Good! The lacrima still accepts me!



Wh-What are you doing, Erza?

Your body's going into the lacrima...

This is the only way to stop the Etherion.

Stop the Etherion...?

Yes. Look around us.

The Etherion is out of control
and will destroy the tower

in an enormous expl*si*n any minute now!

But if I can merge with
the Etherion and restrain it...!

Are you insane?! If you do that, you'll...!


Don't worry about a thing. I will stop it!


Stop! Erza!


I can't live without Fairy Tail...

I can't even imagine a world without my friends...

That's how important all of you are to me...


If I can save you all,
I won't hesitate for even a moment.

I will gladly...

...give up this body!

Erza! Come out, Erza!

Natsu... I leave the others in your hands...


I'll always be right there with all of you...


It's exploding!

No, it's not!

The Etherion is flowing up! Into the sky!

It disappeared!

The Etherion went into the air!

Erza! Natsu!

This is a terrible injury.
Restoring her sight would be quite taxing...

Oh, don't be like that.

Please. I feel terrible for her.
She has such a lovely face.

--Can I have a word with you?
--Oww! Oww!

You're not thinking of doing
anything when she grows up, I hope?

D-Don't be silly...!

Where did you find her?

Actually, it sounds like ol' Rob looked after her...

Rob?! Where is he?!

He's apparently dead.

How is it?

I-It's healed...!

Can you see with it?


Then get out. I hate people.

It's healed...

Wait, your eyes...!

Tears only come out of one of them...

That can't be!

My medicinal compound was perfect! Plus...

It's okay!

I've already used up half of my tears as it is...

What is this place...?!

Back then, when we laughed together
about how alike we are

you gently overlooked my little white lies

It won't matter to me if
we don't have a place to return to

because I'll protect that smile of yours

There are countless
encounters and farewells waiting

Not to mention many things I don't want to lose

But I don't feel any need for them anymore

All I want is to be by your side and gaze at you

through happiness, sadness, and everything else

Let's start right here and now

Let's start our future

Let's be true to our feelings

Like flowers swaying in the summer breeze,

let's use this moment to bloom in our full glory

"Fairy Tail"

Natsu! It sounds like they
finished building our new guild!

Oh! I can't wait to see how it turned out!

Since we just rebuilt it and all,
try not to suddenly demolish it, okay?

Come on, now. Quit acting like
I'm always destroying everything.

Huh? You're in denial? Oh, man...

"Next Episode: Home"
Next Episode: Home.

It's people like Gray and
Erza who wreck everything!

You're usually the one
who starts the fights, though.

You're blaming me for everything?!
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