01x44 - Thunder Palace

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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01x44 - Thunder Palace

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, everyone watching!

Whenever you watch Fairy Tail,
be sure to turn on the lights in the room

and sit away from the TV, okay?

Previously, on Fairy Tail...

Laxus began his "Battle of Fairy Tail."

After a grueling struggle with
enchantment traps and the Thunder Legion,

the only ones left were Natsu and Gajeel,
who can't leave for some reason.

But then Erza revived and
Mystogan joined the battle too!

I'm still a stone statue though!

Yo Ho let the rudder go, turning hard to port

Yo Ho frantic confusion makes for a snazzy life

We'll have a farewell party when the sun sets

No need to be sad;
if we live we'll meet again somewhere

We journey forth, pushing through the headwind

Tears, tears... A real man
will act tough until they dry up

My friend, my friend... Someday we'll laugh

as if making sure of our strong, strong bond

Now reach out and grab
the map of our shining future

Impressive as always, Erza.

I never imagined you would seek me out.

If I defeat you, everyone will turn back to normal!

Can you, though?

That has no effect!

I see! I didn't realize you had an artificial eye!

In that case... Fairy Machine g*n: Leprechaun!

Take this!

Get back here!

I'm impressed.
You're able to block all these thorns.

But can you handle twice as many?!

From this day forth,
the title of Titania will be mine!

I am the real fairy here!


"Thunder Palace"

"Thunder Palace"
Thunder Palace.

Your personal character aside,
you are a fellow member of Fairy Tail.

If you wish to call yourself Titania, then do so.

I don't know who gave me that name anyway.

If you cease this nonsense
and return everyone to normal,

I pledge not to hurt you.

You're being a little naïve, don't you think?

My Stone Eyes have another ability, you know.

Remote control.

Drop to your knees and bow to me!

Or else I'll shatter the petrified
girls into pieces right now!

I see.

If you value winning over your
own life, then you have my esteem.

I shall use your life to purify
the souls of the girls you turn to dust.


This is how you bluff.

I-I give up...

What just happened to Juvia?


--You're back to normal!


Huh? What?


"Erza versus Evergreen: Erza wins."

Well done! The hostages have been freed!

What will you do now, Laxus?!

Damn it...!

How could you be beaten
by the likes of Erza?! Huh?!

When did you get so weak, Ever?!

Erza's just too powerful.

Bixlow or I should have gone instead.

Why have you returned, Fried?

Because the game is as good as over.

With the hostages freed,
the master has no reason to act now.


It ain't over.

If you can't stick by my side, then get lost.

I don't need you in my Fairy Tail.

Battle of Fairy Tail?!

Laxus did all that?!

But it's all over now.

With you back to normal,

there's no need to play Laxus' stupid game anymore.

But what about everyone who
was hurt because of Fried's traps?

Yeah! Laxus will never learn
unless we teach him a lesson!

I realize that!

I will personally give him
punishment of the highest grade later!

Curse you, Laxus!
This time you will not get off easy!

Hold on.

I can't help but agree with Laxus' idea

of finding out who the strongest
person in Fairy Tail is.


So don't be too hard on him, Gramps!

Natsu... You're such a...

So... let the second Battle of Fairy Tail begin!

Bring it on, all of you!



We didn't get to do anything, you know?!

C'mon! Let's battle!

Stop it. It doesn't sound
like a joke, coming from you.

If you really insist,
then I'm not against taking you on.

Cana. Don't encourage him.

Natsu. I don't think fighting
a girl would count as a battle.

Guy, girl... Makes no difference to me.

Ugh! That look really ticks me off!

C'mon! Let's do this, Lucy!


What's the matter, Gajeel?


It's a fun guild, isn't it?

It's a screwed up one.

Huh? What is that?

--What the...?
--Is he up to something else now?

This time you're dealing with us!

Can you hear me, old man?

And all you other guild people...


One of the rules has gone out
the window, so I'm adding a new one now.

I've activated the Thunder Palace

in order to keep the Battle of Fairy Tail underway.

The Thunder Palace?!

You have one hour and ten minutes.

Do you have what it takes to beat us?
Or will you give up instead, Master?

What are you thinking, Laxus?!

Are you trying to drag innocent
bystanders into this too?!


What's wrong?!

Oh no! His usual medicine!

Talk about bad timing...!

Master! Please hang in there!

What's this "Thunder Palace"?!


Everyone! Look outside!

What are those?!

Lightning lacrimas...?

What are they doing up there?

What are those?

Beats me. Must be something
else Fairy Tail's cooked up.

I wish they'd give us a break already...

I bet they're for the harvest festival fireworks!

Yeah, you're probably right!

Fairy Tail's being pretty considerate for a change!

They're floating all over the city!

An incredible amount of powerful lightning magic

is stored inside each of those lacrimas.

Could these be what he means?

Is that what "Thunder Palace" refers to?

He's making Magnolia resemble one...

Wait, what happens if those things discharge?!

Countless lightning bolts
will rain down on the city...

I won't let that happen!

sn*per r*fle requip!

Target locked on!

Stinger Shot!

Huh? They're not fireworks after all!

What are they doing?

All right!

Way to go, Bisca!

I'll take care of all these--




--What is that?!

--Is it because of those things?
--I think they are dangerous!

Hey! Say something, Bisca!

Bisca! Stay with us!

What the...?! What's going on?!

Body link magic!

Body link magic?!

There's a spell on those lacrimas

that links the damage they receive
to whoever causes the damage!


In short, if you attack them,

the same amount of damage
will be directed back at you.

Oh no! If we don't do something,
all the citizens will be...!

We'll have to take down Laxus! Let's go!

I'll try to evacuate as many townspeople as I can!

I'll come with you!

There are still two Thunder
Legion members out there! Be careful!

--What are those?
--Are they really fireworks?!

Please don't tell me Fairy Tail's
gonna cause even more trouble...!

What do you think, old man?!

Now everyone in the city is a hostage!

What is that bastard thinking?!


Going to such drastic lengths...

"Drastic lengths"?

You've gone too far!

I will decide how far is "too far."

If you wanna be master so bad,
then just fight Gramps!

This is a battle to the end!

The fight isn't over until one side is wiped out!

I've had enough of your crap, Laxus!

Natsu! Calm down!

I can't!

Just listen!

Damn! There's an invisible wall here too!

It's an enchantment.

We already know.

It's a type of script magic.
I might be able to do something!


Really, Levy?!

I have faith that you guys can stop Laxus!

If I break the Logue letter
sequence data into component blocks

and pinpoint the terms used to devise the rules...

I get L, O, S, U...

And if I convert that into Geel grammar...

You're really something...

I don't understand a thing you're saying.


The L and S are bluffs! The key-code is "Arth"!

Uh huh...?

Don't worry! I will get you guys out of here!

It's no big deal to me...


...stop Laxus!

I'm itching to fight...!

The Thunder Palace...

You would go to such lengths, Laxus?

What are you doing here, Fried?
Bixlow is still out there hunting fairies.

I'll take care of Erza,
the old man's hope. Mystogan, too.

You go deal with Cana and the Phantom girl.

There's no place in my Fairy Tail
for either one. Exterminate 'em.

Enemy as they may be, they are our fellow--

You refuse to follow my orders?!

After having come this far,
there is no turning back now.

I will follow you. Even if doing so leads to hell.

I will perform my duty and act with full resolve.

You'd better not hold remorse.

Excellent, Fried the Dark.

Show them your true power, once and for all!

According to Evergreen,
Laxus is inside this building...



--Whoa...! What's the big idea?!
--This bath is for men only!

Is this some kind of bonus service?

Where is Laxus?!


I've been had!

Damn! No leads at all!

Any other ideas where Laxus might be?

We've known each other for a long time,

but it's like he's been preoccupied
with something these days...

Why can't we use the guild's loudspeaker?

There's an enchantment that
says only the master can use it

during the Battle of Fairy Tail.

They sure were meticulous about every little thing...

Anyway, we gotta get the townspeople
away from the Thunder Palace.

Actually, I don't think that's a good idea.

Why not?!

There are lots of people from
other towns here for the festival.

The city is jam-packed.

But they're all concerned about those lacrimas!

Which is why it'll only cause
a panic if we explain what they are.

Tons of people will get hurt!

But, then... What should we do?

--What should we do?!


Lucy! Look out!

What the heck?!

--It's Fairy Tail again!
--It's Bixlow!


Are you the newbie
everyone's telling stories about?

What do you mean by "stories"?!
I'm almost afraid to ask!

You're a cosplay-loving, macho dominatrix
with violent mood swings, right?

What kind of crazy exaggerations did you hear?!

What are you supposed to be? A cheerleader?



This is...!


Okay, my babies! Get 'er!

Sorry I can't go easy on you
since you're new and all,

but we are in the middle of
an intense game, you see...

Do you honestly think our master

will let you guys get away
with everything you've done!

We don't care what he thinks.

By the time this game is over,
Laxus will be the new master.


Those flying things are annoying!

Open, Gate of the Horseman!


I am a horse!

You called, hello?

Oh! Celestial magic!

Wait, your celestial spirits cosplay too?

It's not like that!

Aim for those flying things! Okay?

Understood, hello!

Oh, my babies!

First you were frozen,
and now you're blasted to bits?!

All right!

Thus, hello!

No! My babies!

--This is your last chance to surrender!
--Your last chance!


Oh, my babies... My babies...!




I require a short repose... Thus...

Oh, no!

Beneath me is a hobby shop!
A treasure trove of dolls!

What are these things?!

It makes no difference
how many of my dolls you destroy;

their souls are what I control!


Bixlow uses magic to possess dolls with souls.

Then this time I'll--

Ack! My keys!

I'll get 'em back!

There's no turning back now. So sorry, cosplay girl.

Give up your soul for Laxus!

Baryon Formation!

What the...?!


That was...!

I'm not sure why it is...

But it seems I'm the only one
who can pass through the gate freely

without your intervention.

Perhaps this goes to show that
the barrier separating humans and spirits

is no match for our love.


That's silly...



Looks like it's time to fulfill my promise.


Loke! So you really were
a celestial spirit after all!

I kept quiet about it,
yet you bare your fangs at me now?!

He knew?

He can see people's souls.

You joining the Battle of Fairy Tail? Huh?!

I'm not very interested in
any of that, to be honest.

But I won't allow you to hurt Lucy,
my owner, no matter what!

"Won't allow?" You're a riot!

You never beat me before,
even though I always pulled my punches!

Let's rough him up like old times, my babies!

Get back, Lucy!


Celestial spirits aren't shields!
Fighting together is more my style!

They're in loooooove!

Are not!

I'll take care of the dolls!

Once the path is clear, you go after Bixlow, Lucy!

Okay! Let's do this, Happy!


O, Regulus! Give me strength!

Back then, when we laughed together
about how alike we are

you gently overlooked my little white lies

It won't matter to me if
we don't have a place to return to

because I'll protect that smile of yours

There are countless
encounters and farewells waiting

Not to mention many things I don't want to lose

But I don't feel any need for them anymore

All I want is to be by your side and gaze at you

through happiness, sadness, and everything else

Let's start right here and now

Let's start our future

Let's be true to our feelings

Like flowers swaying in the summer breeze,

let's use this moment to bloom in our full glory

"Fairy Tail"

Did you destroy the request board again, Natsu?

You better hurry and apologize to Mira...

A-Are you crazy, Happy?!

Don't you know what happens
when Mira gets really mad?!

It's that bad?

A rib or two won't cut it...

She'll take every bone in
my body one by one and...!

Just snap them...?!

"Next episode: Advent of Satan"
Next Episode: Advent of Satan.

B-But I am stronger than her now!

Then I'll go tell Mira!

H-Happy! Wouldn't you rather have some fish?
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