07x03 - I Got This

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Workin' Moms". Aired: January 2017 to present.*
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"Workin' Moms" revolves around a group of friends dealing with the challenges of being working mothers.
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07x03 - I Got This

Post by bunniefuu »


Sloane, are you wearing mom's perfume?

I just wanted to smell nice.

- Like mommy.
- CEECEE: She just died.

You can't wear that
around papa right now.

CEECEE: I'm gonna stay home
today to take care of him.

But who's gonna take me to school?

Figure it out.



I got this.

PAUL: Wait!

Please don't leave us, Mommy!

How shall I ever carry on without you?

- Not funny.
- You forgot to say goodbye, so...

SLOANE: Right, okay.

Well, bye, baby.

Mommy has to go to work because
you're a little distraction.

PAUL: Are you good?

You want us to maybe pay
you a little lunch visit?

No! Nah, I'm slammed today.

Bringing you food is kind
of the thing I'm known for.

Are you sure you don't want
a little visit from baby?

Of course.

Kids don't really need
their moms that bad.

I haven't seen my mom since
I was eight and I'm fine.

Alright. Um...

How about I just send you some updates

throughout the day, then, huh?

Yes, that'd be great.

Are you sure this is
how you want to spend

your vacation days?

I actually can't think
of a better way to spend

my vacation than just chilling
out with this little dude.

Okay, well,
try to teach him something useful today,

- would you?
- PAUL: No way, we're on vacation!

- SLOANE: Thank you.
- PAUL: No problem.

SLOANE: Okay, bye.


KATE: And action!

Hey honey, have you heard of
this male birth control pill?

ACTOR: I've heard of it.
But what's the point?

You're already on the pill.

ACTRESS: Well, what if I don't
want to be on it anymore?

KATE: D-Denise?

That... that's your cue, honey.

- DENISE: What, me?
- KATE: Yeah.

DENISE: Oh, sorry!

KATE: Oh, it's okay.
The line is, "you don't have to.

That's why we at Fronterra
created Seedless."

KATE: Just like we rehearsed it, okay?

- DENISE: Got it.
- KATE: Let's try it again.

DENISE: Sorry, I'm just so excited!

- KATE: We are too. We're all excited!
- DENISE: Okay.

KATE: Alright, and action!

Take it away!

[MUMBLING] You don't have to.
That's why we here

at Fronterra created Seedless.

So... Uh...

Was that not good?

Well, it was, uh...

- It was a little quiet.

- RAM: Maybe just a little louder.
- DENISE: Yeah, of course.

They need someone who's
gonna command the space.

- DENISE: Right.
- KATE: Let 'em hear it.

[YELLING] You don't have to!

That's why we here at
Fronterra created Seedless!

- That felt good.
- KATE: Did it?


Hey, Doc. You, uh... got a minute?

- ANNE: Hey, Seamus, right?
- SEAMUS: Yeah.

Um, yeah, you know... I do.

I have a little window.

Come on in.

I really didn't think you
would take me up on my offer.

I struck a little deal with my parents.

I get out of anger management,

as long as I sign up for therapy.

Figured it might as well be with you.

We vibe. Don't you think?


Yeah, I do think, yeah.


I actually did donuts
in my car the other day,

just to see what it was like.

- SEAMUS: Wow.
- ANNE: Yeah.

What'd you think?

I kinda loved it.

Way more than I expected to.

- Right?
- It's just...

it was incredible just to...

give in.

To that pull.

Yeah, the pull. Yeah, that's it exactly!


You, uh... you wanna try something else?


I wanted to apologize for the other day.

You were right. I skimmed your book.

That was unacceptable.

But, look, baby's at home.

You have my full attention.

MAGGIE: I'm listening.

I spent the morning familiarizing myself

with "Tasking."

I gotta say, it spoke to me.


Sorry, so when you say

that there is no such thing
as multitasking, are...


SLOANE: Sorry, just one sec.

Let me guess, text about baby?

Uh, yes, I did ask for regular updates

throughout the day, so...

Yeah, you sure it was
my book you just read?

'Cause I don't think you're getting it.

I mean, you're saying it,
but you're not doing it.

Can I ask you something?

Why didn't you take maternity leave?

[LAUGHS] Because I don't need it!

I've got it under control.

From what I'm seeing, you don't.

But you could.

That's "tasking."

Focus on one task at a time,

put everything into that,
and you'll be surprised

at how much more productive you are.

That is your recipe for success.

I mean, I left the baby at home,
didn't I?

Physically, but mentally,
baby's still right here with you

and slowing you down.

But realistically, I am still a mother.

Not within these four walls, you're not.


Sorry to interrupt, Dairy Queen,
but it's milk o'clock!

Case in point.

I still have to pump every three hours.

MAGGIE: Maybe you don't.

You can train your body to
go for longer stretches.

Your body works for you.

Isn't that a little extreme?

I get it.

And I never say in the
book that it's easy.

But if you want to compete
with your male counterparts,

then this is what you've gotta do.

What I can tell you is
that this approach works.

Okay, you know what, Colin?

Maybe later.

COLIN: But... it's been hours.


MAGGIE: Alright.


Why don't we start again?

[IN MONOTONE] Seedless.

Now, that's an easy pill to swallow.


- KATE: Okay, it's alright.

Let's just pick up the
energy a little bit, right?

- DENISE: Okay.
- KATE: This one, you know what?

Let's keep it loose. Let's just see you

loosen your body up a little bit.

There she is, there she is.

This one, say it like a
person would say it, you know?

Like you're talking to your neighbour,
nice and loose.


It's an easy pill to swallow.

Like you're an authority.

Like you're the authority,
like you're a scientist.

[FIRMLY] Seedless!
That's an easy pill to swallow!

How about a warmer... warmer, like...

[CONFUSED] Seedless...

Now, that's an easy pill to swallow?

No, maybe just a statement. Just...

DENISE: Okay. Seedless!

Seedless! Seedless!

You're a police officer speaking
to another police officer.

- DENISE: Okay. Seedless...
- Like you're talking to the queen.


Like you're giving a tour
of your lab to somebody.

Seedless. That's an easy...




- JOSEPH: Door's open, we're comin' in!

Mom! Mom, mom, mom, mom!

Crystal had a breakdown
and ran away to Tibet!

- What?!
- Yeah, we know it sounds crazy,

but we looked it up
and it's a real place.

Okay, boys, you know what,

as fathers, this is on you.

- My boys need me.
- MEL: Val, no.

JACOB: We've been up all night!

Jackie won't take a bottle.
We've tried every kind of milk.

Every kind of milk!

Almond milk, oat milk,
two percent, table cream...

We even tried chocolate milk.

- JOSEPH: Yeah.
- JACOB: She won't drink that.

It's like she's addicted to the nip!

- JACOB: Yeah.
- VAL: Listen up, boys,

some people take weeks to get their baby

to take formula from a bottle.

But not me.

I'm the baby whisperer.

Val Szalinsky can get any baby
to transfer from boob to bottle,

or your money back! Right, Mel?

Uh, I suppose that's true.

Come here, peanut.

Watch the master work, hm?


- VAL: Bottle?
- JOSEPH: Bottle.

VAL: Here we go.


JOSEPH: Why isn't she drinking?!

Take a hike!

Let the master work.

JOSEPH: Okay, yeah! Thank you!

JACOB: Thank you!

- MEL: Is there anything...
- VAL: You too, Melon!

Uh, uh... not take a hike, but...

You know I love you, but take a hike.



- SEAMUS: Ah...

- ANNE: Holy shit!

SEAMUS: Right?!

Oh, how's that for a pull?

ANNE: Oh my God, it felt like the...

plane was gonna land on my f*cking face!

- God, that feels amazing.
- SEAMUS: Ah, yeah, it does!

ANNE: Wow...

The adrenaline just like melts away

all the stress and the trauma.

And like, yeah.

It's like...

It's just about giving up control,
you know?

You, uh, you kinda strike me
as someone who likes control.


- Nah, no way.

Oh, shit. I gotta go.

ANNE: What? Already?

Couple more take-offs?

No, sorry, Doc,
I gotta go meet my girlfriend.


Oh, wow,
you never mentioned a girlfriend.

Well, you never asked.

You take her to airport tarmacs?

[LAUGHS] No, not yet.

Yeah, we actually just started dating.

Oh, is it serious, or just like a fling?

I dunno. We're kinda just...

figuring it out.

You know, we're taking
things slow, actually.

I'm kind of into it, you know?

It's like that...

It's like that rush.

You know, like the thrill of the chase.

What thrills you?


ANNE: Oh my God, there's another one!

- Woo!

Despite a little, uh... hiccup,

Maggie's back on board and
things are looking good

with contract negotiations,

so thank you, Sloane,
for salvaging that.

- This is exciting.

WALKER: She has a loyal fanbase
from her speaking events

that we hope to leverage
into the literary market.

- WALKER: Uh...

Sloane, did you want to hit pause?

Take a little break?

Nope. No, all good.

All good.

Uh, you sure?

Do I not sound sure?

COLIN: You sound sure to me.

No, I just, um...

Then why would we hit pause?

You were right in the
middle of a riveting recap

of things we already knew!


[QUIETLY] You're leaking.


What's the problem, you thirsty?


I am training my body.

WALKER: Um, alright.

SLOANE: I might ruin a couple
shirts in the meantime,

but hey, what are you gonna do?

Let her dry cleaner worry about that!

I'm just trying to
avoid an HR situation.

SLOANE: What would you tell them,

you were hoping to make a White Russian

but Sloane was hogging all the milk?


Unless any of you want some extra cream

in your coffee,
can we get back to work, please?

Uh... okay.

Okay, well, we're thinking of
a Wynston-backed speaking tour,

bigger venues than she's
ever been to before...

[AWKWARDLY] Seedless. Now, that's an...

easy pill to swallow.

RAM: I think we should just call it.

Admit defeat and start over.

DENISE: Okay, I heard that.
I'm sorry, but this is insane!

Why do I have to convince anyone?

I don't have to tell you, Ram!

This pill speaks for itself!

Okay, maybe we just take a beat.

No! I don't want to take a beat!

DENISE: I'm sorry, okay?

I get it, I'm not a great
actress or whatever.

I'm a scientist! I'm a scientist.

I do science-y things.

Ha, it's a joke, all this!

All this showy stuff, what,
so I can convince people

that a good product is a good product?

I don't get it!

And how does that make you feel?

DENISE: Crazy!

Kate, this makes me feel crazy!

Yeah, I bet it does.

How so? Tell me specifically.

I don't get what the hard sell is.

I mean,
there's no headaches or migraines.

There's no blood clotting.
No risk of high blood pressure.

It is way less of a burden
than what women put up with!

What else, Denise?

This is not a controversial take.

This is just levelling
the playing field.

Push in slowly, please.

Why wouldn't we give people options?

This product will improve lives.

Women have been shouldering
this responsibility for years.

Let men pick up some of the slack.


Take the damn bottle.

It's gotta be better
than Crystal's nipple!

Cleaner, that's for sure.


How old's your little one?



Basically still wet.

That can be a tricky time.

VAL: I'm so sorry.

Not to presume,
but I had trouble with my supply,

so breastfeeding was off the
menu for us pretty quickly.

But when my baby
wouldn't take the bottle,

I found my nipples to still
be a very soothing pacifier.

Have you tried that?


have not.

It really does the trick!

Just a little soothe,
and she'll take that bottle.

No harm in trying!

Don't be shy.



Just a little soothe.

No harm in trying.


- There it is.

There it is!

Wow, you don't have any
supply trouble after all!

She's drinking. She's drinking.

How long has it been?

Eighteen years.

LIONEL: Oh my God, okay.

You can do this, Lionel.

You can do this. Just a little snack...

to tide you over.



Oh, ew...

Ew, ew...

Oh, no...

Oh, God!


- Nasty!

Oh, hey...

My little ray of sunshine!

How was your day?


Honey, you're scaring me.



But it's only Tuesday!



Yeah, I'm feeling a little crazy myself.

Slow it down, big boy.



- Throw things into neutral.
- ANNE: Mm-hm.



- It's a great set.
- ANNE: Shhh!

It's about taking things slow.

- LIONEL: Mm-hm?
- ANNE: And then...

And then...?

Then the rush will happen.


I'm not feeling the rush.

I'm not either.
I'm not feeling anything.

- LIONEL: Yeah.
- ANNE: Just forget it.

- LIONEL: Yeah.
- ANNE: Just, eugh.



Oh... sh...


- RAM: I'm a scientist.
- KATE: Uh-uh, no, no, no, no.

I am a scientist!

You know how I know I'm a scientist?

- Because of my glasses!
- Now, are those prescription?


You know what, Denise,
I just want to thank you

for today, because you worked so hard.

Well, I'm incredible.

Whose f*cking nuts idea was
it to put her on camera?

Yeah, but honestly, though,
you were incredible today.

I... I really don't know
how you pulled that off.

Oh, it was nothing, come on.

RAM: No, it's not nothing.

You are a triple threat
in a body-con dress.

Sorry, "body-con"? How do you know that?

My wife loves a body-con.

Your wife?

RAM: Yeah, I mean, she's great.

She, uh, she says I work too much,

which to that I say, "uh,
do you like nice things?"

[LAUGHS] Sounds like Nathan.

Nathan, is that, uh, your fella?


Sorry, how old are you?

I heard that when I said it.

KATE: Uh-huh. [LAUGHS]

RAM: Okay, here we go.

KATE: Oh, boy. Another!

RAM: To a job well done.

KATE: To a couple of scientists.


[ENGLISH ACCENT] Another round,
me' lady?

No, I shouldn't, I shouldn't.

have you got surgery in the morning?

[ENGLISH ACCENT] Aw'rite, another round!

The lady demands it!

RAM: [ENGLISH ACCENT] The lady says so!

KATE: Oh, hello there!

- NATHAN: Popcorn?
- KATE: Oh, sure.

I dunno what it is,
but I've been craving salt like crazy.

Mmm, well, that's the Seedless.

Your body is probably just adjusting.


Should we, uh...

Should we take it for a test drive?

Mmm, mm-hm.





Are you... Are you crying?

It's, uh, allergies.

Oh. Okay.



Seriously, are you okay?

Mmm, no!

I'm sorry, I'm just so emotional.

I'm sorry. Let's keep going.

Okay. Yeah, just...

It's just hard for me
when you're crying,

- you know what I mean?
- NATHAN: Yeah, jeez, I'm sorry.

Let's, um, let's try something else.

- NATHAN: Okay, yeah.
- KATE: Let's mix it up.

- KATE: Yeah.
- NATHAN: Okay, yeah.

Let's mix it up, right?

It's fun. Mmm...


Let's get this shirt off.

Oh, you know what,
I'd rather keep it on.

Hey, just relax.

You're totally hot.
You're so beautiful to me.

- I'm fat!
- You're not fat!

You're the skinniest boy in the world.

- Like a broom.
- NATHAN: I am not.

- KATE: Like a broom, but sexy.
- NATHAN: And I'm breaking out.

Hey, uh-uh, you're flawless.

You're glowing, baby.

Yeah, uh-huh.

[SOBBING] I'm so bloated!

KATE: Baby,
I'm bloated every time we have sex.

Every single time.

You're so mean to me.

- KATE: No, uh-uh, you're just...

KATE: Alright, okay, just let it out.

Just let it out.

NATHAN: Can we order some ramen?

Huh? Yeah, alright.


PAUL: Hey, babe. How was your...

day? Oh...

I don't wanna talk about it.

I'm leaving work at work.

I'm home now.

Did you get the updates I sent you?

I did, yeah.

Um, just thinking about it...

Maybe pull back on sending
me all that baby stuff

while I'm at work.

Unless it's an emergency.


Are you sure?

It just makes it harder.

Anyway, where is my little Tonka truck?

I need a squish!

Sorry, babe. You just missed him.

He's down for the night.


We missed you today.

Hey, check it out.

Baby's first bubble beard!


PAUL: I texted it to ya.

I love that.

Anyway, I should probably go
pump if he's not gonna nurse...

before I explode.

♪ Nobody around ♪


♪ And I can hear the sound ♪

♪ of another Christmas song ♪

♪ and it feels like a Sunday,
mm-hm ♪

♪ and it feels like a Sunday,
mm-hm ♪

I got this.

♪ It feels like a Sunday ♪
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