03x13 & 03x14 - The Boss; The Move

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing World of Gumball". Aired: May 3, 2011 - June 24, 2019.*
Watch on Amazon Merchandise Collectibles

Revolves around the life of a 12-year-old cat named Gumball and his frequent shenanigans in the fictional American city of Elmore.
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03x13 & 03x14 - The Boss; The Move

Post by bunniefuu »

[Upbeat music plays]

[Lawnmower whirring]

Ah, perfect.


Ah, perfect.





It's just a little mistake, hmm?

It's just a little mistake, margaret.

It's just a little mistake, margaret.

Everyone makes mistakes.


Everyone makes mistakes.

Our marriage is a permanent everyone makes mistakes.

Our marriage is a permanent reminder of that.

Our marriage is a permanent reminder of that.


Now it is truly perfect.

Reminder of that.


Now it is truly perfect.



Now it is truly perfect.











Now all the other grass is too d'ah!

Now all the other grass is too long!

Now all the other grass is too long!

Hold up.


Hold up.



Hold up.





It's not my fault that I'm not a bald, purple, it's not my fault that I'm not a bald, purple, thumb-shaped -- sorry, what does not a bald, purple, thumb-shaped -- sorry, what does "meh-meh" mean again?

Thumb-shaped -- sorry, what does "meh-meh" mean again?


"Meh-meh" mean again?


I am not a bald, purple, meh-meh.

I am not a bald, purple, thumb-shaped meat bag with an I am not a bald, purple, thumb-shaped meat bag with an eggplant nose, and I refuse thumb-shaped meat bag with an eggplant nose, and I refuse to mow this lawn again!

Eggplant nose, and I refuse to mow this lawn again!



To mow this lawn again!



Both: we'll do it!



Both: we'll do it!

No, I'm having a nice both: we'll do it!

No, I'm having a nice relaxing morning with my wife, no, I'm having a nice relaxing morning with my wife, and I don't -- relaxing morning with my wife, and I don't -- [whir!


And I don't -- [whir!


Gumball: you got something in [whir!


Gumball: you got something in your teeth.

Gumball: you got something in your teeth.



Your teeth.










Gumball: don't worry.


Gumball: don't worry.

I've got this.

Gumball: don't worry.

I've got this.




I've got this.









Why, you gosh darn pair of oh.

Why, you gosh darn pair of little -- why, you gosh darn pair of little -- [poof!


Little -- [poof!


Uh [poof!


Uh I think I need to lie down -- uh I think I need to lie down -- on my face.

I think I need to lie down -- on my face.



On my face.



[Siren wails]



[Siren wails]

Madam, your husband's anger [siren wails]

Madam, your husband's anger levels have caused him to lose a madam, your husband's anger levels have caused him to lose a lot of stuffing.

Levels have caused him to lose a lot of stuffing.

He's gonna need a transfusion.

Lot of stuffing.

He's gonna need a transfusion.

Does he have any direct family he's gonna need a transfusion.

Does he have any direct family member we could ask?

Does he have any direct family member we could ask?


Member we could ask?












Well, that made no sense.



Well, that made no sense.

Does anyone here talk with right.

Well, that made no sense.

Does anyone here talk with words?

Does anyone here talk with words?

Darwin: you could ask his words?

Darwin: you could ask his son, rocky.

Darwin: you could ask his son, rocky.

He's the janitor at our school.

Son, rocky.

He's the janitor at our school.


He's the janitor at our school.


I want nothing from that loser!


I want nothing from that loser!

He's an embarrassment to the I want nothing from that loser!

He's an embarrassment to the robinson name!

He's an embarrassment to the robinson name!

I'd rather get stuffing from a robinson name!

I'd rather get stuffing from a turkey!

I'd rather get stuffing from a turkey!









Gumball: don't worry, [sadly]


Gumball: don't worry, mrs.


Gumball: don't worry, mrs.


We'll get rocky and save your mrs.


We'll get rocky and save your husband!

We'll get rocky and save your husband!




Gumball: [clicks tongue]


Gumball: [clicks tongue]


Gumball: [clicks tongue]


[School bell rings]


[School bell rings]

Darwin: what's the best way [school bell rings]

Darwin: what's the best way to break bad news to someone?

Darwin: what's the best way to break bad news to someone?

Gumball: oh, I know -- with a to break bad news to someone?

Gumball: oh, I know -- with a song.

Gumball: oh, I know -- with a song.

Hey, rocky, we got some awful song.

Hey, rocky, we got some awful news hey, rocky, we got some awful news your dad is sick 'cause we news your dad is sick 'cause we made him blow a fuse your dad is sick 'cause we made him blow a fuse yeah!

Made him blow a fuse yeah!

You got a better idea?


You got a better idea?

Darwin: no, I got a much you got a better idea?

Darwin: no, I got a much better idea.

Darwin: no, I got a much better idea.

We just need to sweeten the news better idea.

We just need to sweeten the news a little bit.

We just need to sweeten the news a little bit.




A little bit.


















[Both gasp]


[Both gasp]


[Both gasp]



Aw, man, this is pretty hard to digest.

Gumball: too much butter?


Gumball: too much butter?

I meant the news about my gumball: too much butter?

I meant the news about my dad.

I meant the news about my dad.

Gumball: you have to go to dad.

Gumball: you have to go to the hospital, man.

Gumball: you have to go to the hospital, man.

He needs you.

The hospital, man.

He needs you.

I don't know.

He needs you.

I don't know.

I've always been such a I don't know.

I've always been such a disappointment to him.

Disappointment to him.

Darwin: has he ever actually darwin: has he ever actually said that to you?

Said that to you?

More times than I can count more times than I can count on my hands.


On my hands.


So at least five.


So at least five.

He thinks I'm an immature so at least five.

He thinks I'm an immature deadbeat who never left school, he thinks I'm an immature deadbeat who never left school, refuses to get a decent job, and deadbeat who never left school, refuses to get a decent job, and dresses like a canadian.

Refuses to get a decent job, and dresses like a canadian.

Darwin: well, are you?

Dresses like a canadian.

Darwin: well, are you?


Darwin: well, are you?


Gumball: well, we've got some totally.

Gumball: well, we've got some news for you -- you're gonna man gumball: well, we've got some news for you -- you're gonna man up, wear a suit and tie, and get news for you -- you're gonna man up, wear a suit and tie, and get an office job.

Up, wear a suit and tie, and get an office job.

An office job?


An office job.

An office job?



An office job?



Gumball: eh, at least you get [babbling]

Gumball: eh, at least you get a brownie.

Gumball: eh, at least you get a brownie.




A brownie.




"Office jobs.

" [Whoosh!



"Office jobs.

" Darwin: all the options say "office jobs.

" Darwin: all the options say "work at chanax.

" Darwin: all the options say "work at chanax.

" Chanax?


"Work at chanax.

" Chanax?


They're the worst corporation on chanax?


They're the worst corporation on earth!

They're the worst corporation on earth!

They pollute, they cut down the earth!

They pollute, they cut down the rainforests, their boss invented they pollute, they cut down the rainforests, their boss invented boy bands -- they're pure evil!

Rainforests, their boss invented boy bands -- they're pure evil!

Gumball: they also invented boy bands -- they're pure evil!

Gumball: they also invented cheese puffs.

Gumball: they also invented cheese puffs.


Necessary evil, I guess.

Cheese puffs.


Necessary evil, I guess.

Darwin: chanax it is, then.


Necessary evil, I guess.

Darwin: chanax it is, then.

Gumball: let's start with darwin: chanax it is, then.

Gumball: let's start with your rã©sumã©.

Gumball: let's start with your rã©sumã©.

What do you do at work?

Your rã©sumã©.

What do you do at work?

I work real hard what do you do at work?

I work real hard to do as little as possible.

I work real hard to do as little as possible.

Gumball: right.

To do as little as possible.

Gumball: right.

I'm gonna write that you're gumball: right.

I'm gonna write that you're goal-oriented.

I'm gonna write that you're goal-oriented.

Okay, what else?


Okay, what else?

To be honest, I just lie down okay, what else?

To be honest, I just lie down a lot.

To be honest, I just lie down a lot.

Gumball: "lateral problem a lot.

Gumball: "lateral problem solver.

" Gumball: "lateral problem solver.

" Ah!


" Ah!

I can whistle with my butt.


I can whistle with my butt.


I can whistle with my butt.


[Whistling national anthem]

Gumball: [gasps]

"Has a valid driver's license.

" Darwin: now we'll just need a "has a valid driver's license.

" Darwin: now we'll just need a photo of you in a sharp suit and darwin: now we'll just need a photo of you in a sharp suit and tie.

Photo of you in a sharp suit and tie.

I don't have a suit.


I don't have a suit.

Darwin: don't worry.

I don't have a suit.

Darwin: don't worry.

We've got it covered.

Darwin: don't worry.

We've got it covered.




We've got it covered.









I'm so uncomfortable in this perfect!

I'm so uncomfortable in this monkey suit.

I'm so uncomfortable in this monkey suit.

Gumball: dude, it's sprayed monkey suit.

Gumball: dude, it's sprayed onto your birthday suit.

Gumball: dude, it's sprayed onto your birthday suit.


Onto your birthday suit.


Darwin: is that gonna be a [groans]

Darwin: is that gonna be a problem?

Darwin: is that gonna be a problem?

Gumball: nah, an office job problem?

Gumball: nah, an office job is like a mullet -- work at the gumball: nah, an office job is like a mullet -- work at the front, party at the back.


Gumball: dude, chill out!

Here, take this.

Gumball: dude, chill out!

Here, take this.

I'll deal with the answers.

Here, take this.

I'll deal with the answers.

All you have to do during the I'll deal with the answers.

All you have to do during the interview is move your mouth all you have to do during the interview is move your mouth when you hear my voice.

Interview is move your mouth when you hear my voice.

Rockwell robinson, we're when you hear my voice.

Rockwell robinson, we're ready for you now.

Rockwell robinson, we're ready for you now.



Are you sure about the shoes?

Darwin: yeah, man.

The height makes you look darwin: yeah, man.

The height makes you look powerful.

The height makes you look powerful.

Gumball: go make your dad powerful.

Gumball: go make your dad proud!

Gumball: go make your dad proud!




[Clock ticking]


[Clock ticking]

Well, mr.

Robinson, your [clock ticking]

Well, mr.

Robinson, your rã©sumã© is three sentences long, well, mr.

Robinson, your rã©sumã© is three sentences long, and every letter is in a rã©sumã© is three sentences long, and every letter is in a different color.

And every letter is in a different color.

Perhaps you might like to add different color.

Perhaps you might like to add something?

Perhaps you might like to add something?

Darwin: I've got excellent something?

Darwin: I've got excellent communication skills!

Darwin: I've got excellent communication skills!


Communication skills!


Do you speak any other clearly.

Do you speak any other languages?

Do you speak any other languages?

Darwin: arigato!


Darwin: arigato!

Comunicaciã³n skills!

Darwin: arigato!

Comunicaciã³n skills!


Comunicaciã³n skills!


[Speaks foreign language]


[Speaks foreign language]

Now I feel obliged to ask, [speaks foreign language]

Now I feel obliged to ask, how do you rate your now I feel obliged to ask, how do you rate your communication skills?

How do you rate your communication skills?

[Breathes deeply]

Communication skills?

[Breathes deeply]

Gumball: dude, the batteries [breathes deeply]

Gumball: dude, the batteries are dead!

Gumball: dude, the batteries are dead!

Give me the new ones!

Are dead!

Give me the new ones!

Darwin: I can't open the -- give me the new ones!

Darwin: I can't open the -- [ploink!


Darwin: I can't open the -- [ploink!


Gumball: rocky, try to stall [ploink!


Gumball: rocky, try to stall him!

Gumball: rocky, try to stall him!

[Both grunting]


[Both grunting]

[Whistling national anthem]

[Both grunting]

[Whistling national anthem]





Well, I think you'll fit right in.


Right in.


Yes, you're just the kind of seriously?

Yes, you're just the kind of employee mr.

Chanax is looking yes, you're just the kind of employee mr.

Chanax is looking for -- young, fresh, and employee mr.

Chanax is looking for -- young, fresh, and gullible.

For -- young, fresh, and gullible.

Here's your contract.


Here's your contract.



Here's your contract.



Uh, it says here that I'm [foosh!


Uh, it says here that I'm signing away my hopes and uh, it says here that I'm signing away my hopes and dreams?

Signing away my hopes and dreams?

Oh, that's just paper.


Oh, that's just paper.

[Both laugh evilly]

Oh, that's just paper.

[Both laugh evilly]

[Demonic laughter]

Who was that?

Ha ha.

Just my stomach grumbling.

Ha ha.

Just my stomach grumbling.

[Demonic voice]

Sign it, just my stomach grumbling.

[Demonic voice]

Sign it, you fool!

[Demonic voice]

Sign it, you fool!


You fool!







Breathe out.



Breathe out.


Breathe out.


Ha ha!

It's just a formality.


Ha ha!

It's just a formality.

[Breathes deeply]

Ha ha!

It's just a formality.

[Breathes deeply]



[Breathes deeply]




























Welcome to chanax, aah!

Welcome to chanax, mr.


Welcome to chanax, mr.


[Siren wails]



[Siren wails]


[Siren wails]



Doctor, I can't [groaning]


Doctor, I can't breathe.


Doctor, I can't breathe.

[Normal voice]

What are you breathe.

[Normal voice]

What are you doing here?


[Normal voice]

What are you doing here?


Margaret, get them off of me!

Doing here?


Margaret, get them off of me!


Margaret, get them off of me!


[Conga music playing, margaret?

[Conga music playing, vocalizing]

[Conga music playing, vocalizing]

Gumball: we came to say that vocalizing]

Gumball: we came to say that rocky can help you with your gumball: we came to say that rocky can help you with your transfusion.

Rocky can help you with your transfusion.

I don't want to see that transfusion.

I don't want to see that loser.

I don't want to see that loser.

Gumball: but he's got a loser.

Gumball: but he's got a serious job now with a suit and gumball: but he's got a serious job now with a suit and tie.

Serious job now with a suit and tie.

They even call him mr.



They even call him mr.



They even call him mr.



How's he doing?


How's he doing?

Gumball: overworked, how's he doing?

Gumball: overworked, underpaid, downtrodden -- kind gumball: overworked, underpaid, downtrodden -- kind of soulless, actually.

Underpaid, downtrodden -- kind of soulless, actually.

Ah, my rocky finally became a of soulless, actually.

Ah, my rocky finally became a man.

Ah, my rocky finally became a man.

[Grunts loudly]


[Grunts loudly]

Darwin: mr.


[Grunts loudly]

Darwin: mr.


What's wrong?!

Darwin: mr.


What's wrong?!

I was trying to shed a tear what's wrong?!

I was trying to shed a tear of happiness, but I think my I was trying to shed a tear of happiness, but I think my heart's too dry.

Of happiness, but I think my heart's too dry.

Gumball: but the only problem heart's too dry.

Gumball: but the only problem is, he's so busy now that he gumball: but the only problem is, he's so busy now that he can't come right away.

Is, he's so busy now that he can't come right away.

Darwin: but don't worry.

Can't come right away.

Darwin: but don't worry.

We'll take care of you until he darwin: but don't worry.

We'll take care of you until he arrives -- day and night!

We'll take care of you until he arrives -- day and night!

[Grunting loudly]

Arrives -- day and night!

[Grunting loudly]

Gumball: what's wrong?


[Grunting loudly]

Gumball: what's wrong?


[Continues grunting]

Gumball: what's wrong?


[Continues grunting]



[Continues grunting]



Gumball: aah!



Gumball: aah!

We need to call the doctor!

Gumball: aah!

We need to call the doctor!

Darwin: which one is it?


We need to call the doctor!

Darwin: which one is it?


Gumball: I don't know!

Darwin: which one is it?


Gumball: I don't know!

Try them all!

Gumball: I don't know!

Try them all!


Try them all!





What has happened to this [sighs]

What has happened to this man?


What has happened to this man?


He looks like an empty sausage!



He looks like an empty sausage!

He needs a stuffing transfusion, he looks like an empty sausage!

He needs a stuffing transfusion, stat!

He needs a stuffing transfusion, stat!

Gumball: rocky, quick!


Gumball: rocky, quick!

Your dad needs a statting gumball: rocky, quick!

Your dad needs a statting stafusion trat!

Your dad needs a statting stafusion trat!

Oh, he can't leave.

Stafusion trat!

Oh, he can't leave.

He signed the contract.

Oh, he can't leave.

He signed the contract.


Chanax owns his spirit now.

He signed the contract.


Chanax owns his spirit now.

Gumball: come on, man.


Chanax owns his spirit now.

Gumball: come on, man.

It's just a job.

Gumball: come on, man.

It's just a job.

Kid, they kept me here 47 it's just a job.

Kid, they kept me here 47 years straight.

Kid, they kept me here 47 years straight.

I missed my own wedding, my kids years straight.

I missed my own wedding, my kids growing up, even my own I missed my own wedding, my kids growing up, even my own retirement.

Growing up, even my own retirement.

Gumball: rocky, we helped you retirement.

Gumball: rocky, we helped you find this job -- now we're gonna gumball: rocky, we helped you find this job -- now we're gonna help you lose it.

Find this job -- now we're gonna help you lose it.

Nah, you can't get fired.

Help you lose it.

Nah, you can't get fired.

It's too much paperwork.

Nah, you can't get fired.

It's too much paperwork.

Gumball: well, this is what I it's too much paperwork.

Gumball: well, this is what I think of your paperwork!

Gumball: well, this is what I think of your paperwork!




Come on, rocky!

We're getting your spirit back!

Come on, rocky!

We're getting your spirit back!

[Groaning, wheezing]

We're getting your spirit back!

[Groaning, wheezing]



[Groaning, wheezing]



Darwin: how are we gonna get [weakly]


Darwin: how are we gonna get his spirit back?

Darwin: how are we gonna get his spirit back?

Gumball: we need to get to his spirit back?

Gumball: we need to get to the boss's office and get him gumball: we need to get to the boss's office and get him out of his contract!

The boss's office and get him out of his contract!


Out of his contract!


Gumball: all we have to do is [moans]

Gumball: all we have to do is go through the accounting gumball: all we have to do is go through the accounting department, then the archive go through the accounting department, then the archive department, then the secretary's department, then the archive department, then the secretary's desk, then we -- department, then the secretary's desk, then we -- what about your christmas desk, then we -- what about your christmas bonus?

What about your christmas bonus?

What about your bonus?

What about your what about a raise?

What about your what about a raise?


Yeah, what about what about a raise?


Yeah, what about a raise?


Yeah, what about a raise?

Darwin: we need to run!

A raise?

Darwin: we need to run!

This place is evil!

Darwin: we need to run!

This place is evil!

[Horror music plays]

This place is evil!

[Horror music plays]

What about a promotion?

[Horror music plays]

What about a promotion?

Gumball: [echoing]


What about a promotion?

Gumball: [echoing]


[Wind blowing]

Darwin: whoa.

Gumball: shh!

One loud noise, and we'll all gumball: shh!

One loud noise, and we'll all end up under an avalanche of one loud noise, and we'll all end up under an avalanche of paperwork.

End up under an avalanche of paperwork.


Gumball: come on, man.

We're nearly there.

So warm.

We're nearly there.

So warm.

It's like it's just been so warm.

It's like it's just been xeroxed.

It's like it's just been xeroxed.

Gumball: rocky, no!


Gumball: rocky, no!

Darwin, help!

Gumball: rocky, no!

Darwin, help!

Darwin: it's okay.

Darwin, help!

Darwin: it's okay.

I got his other hand.

Darwin: it's okay.

I got his other hand.

Gumball: wait.


Darwin: [gasps]

Gumball: no, don't!

Darwin: [screams]

Gumball: no, don't!

Darwin: [screams]


[All screaming]

Gumball: [gasps]

[Typewriter clacking]



[Typewriter clacking]



[Sighs, spits]



[Sighs, spits]


Good afternoon.

[Sighs, spits]


Good afternoon.

Do you have an appointment?


Good afternoon.

Do you have an appointment?

Gumball: no.

But we can wait.

Do you have an appointment?

Gumball: no.

But we can wait.

Oh, I'm afraid that's gonna gumball: no.

But we can wait.

Oh, I'm afraid that's gonna have to wait until after lunch.

Oh, I'm afraid that's gonna have to wait until after lunch.


My lunch!

Have to wait until after lunch.


My lunch!

[All screaming]


My lunch!

[All screaming]

Gumball: maybe we'll come [all screaming]

Gumball: maybe we'll come back another day.

Gumball: maybe we'll come back another day.


Back another day.











Gumball: [inhales deeply]


Gumball: [inhales deeply]

Feels like I should say gumball: [inhales deeply]

Feels like I should say something clever, but I got feels like I should say something clever, but I got nothing.

Something clever, but I got nothing.

[Elevator music plays]


[Elevator music plays]

Darwin: looks like she found [elevator music plays]

Darwin: looks like she found us a window.

Darwin: looks like she found us a window.

Gumball: [sighs]

Us a window.

Gumball: [sighs]

[Elevator bell dings]

Gumball: [sighs]

[Elevator bell dings]

You are the first people to [elevator bell dings]

You are the first people to ever make it to this office.

You are the first people to ever make it to this office.


Ever make it to this office.


Gumball: where's mr.




Gumball: where's mr.



Let them see me.

Gumball: where's mr.



Let them see me.

Yes, master.

Let them see me.

Yes, master.


I am mr.


I believe this is what you came for.

I believe this is what you came for.







That's right -- I feed on the mmm!

That's right -- I feed on the spirits of my employees.

That's right -- I feed on the spirits of my employees.

Kneel before your master!

Spirits of my employees.

Kneel before your master!

[Laughs evilly]

Kneel before your master!

[Laughs evilly]

That's right.

[Laughs evilly]

That's right.

Dance, my little puppet.

That's right.

Dance, my little puppet.

[Laughs evilly]

Dance, my little puppet.

[Laughs evilly]

Gumball: enough!

Let him go!

[Laughs evilly]

Gumball: enough!

Let him go!

Oh, but I'm afraid no one can gumball: enough!

Let him go!

Oh, but I'm afraid no one can leave.

Oh, but I'm afraid no one can leave.

Not now you've discovered my leave.

Not now you've discovered my secret!

Not now you've discovered my secret!




Why isn't this working?

Gumball: because your power what?

Why isn't this working?

Gumball: because your power only works on people who signed gumball: because your power only works on people who signed a contract.

Only works on people who signed a contract.

Darwin: yeah, that means a contract.

Darwin: yeah, that means nothing to us, man.

Darwin: yeah, that means nothing to us, man.

Gumball: this contract is nothing to us, man.

Gumball: this contract is just like you -- it's only gumball: this contract is just like you -- it's only paper!

Just like you -- it's only paper!

Put that down, or I'll drink paper!

Put that down, or I'll drink his spirit!

Put that down, or I'll drink his spirit!

Gumball: that's not his his spirit!

Gumball: that's not his spirit, man.

Gumball: that's not his spirit, man.

It's just a jar of old breath.

Spirit, man.

It's just a jar of old breath.


It's just a jar of old breath.













[All gasp]



[All gasp]


I'm free!

[All gasp]


I'm free!

I'm finally free!


I'm free!

I'm finally free!


What happened?

I'm finally free!


What happened?

Darwin: no time to explain!


What happened?

Darwin: no time to explain!

We're going to the hospital!

Darwin: no time to explain!

We're going to the hospital!

[Elevator bell dings]

We're going to the hospital!

[Elevator bell dings]



[Elevator bell dings]



Dear employees [foosh!


Dear employees after 400 years in the dear employees after 400 years in the business, mr.

Chanax has after 400 years in the business, mr.

Chanax has decided to pursue new goals and business, mr.

Chanax has decided to pursue new goals and spend more time with his decided to pursue new goals and spend more time with his family.

Spend more time with his family.

The shareholders have named me family.

The shareholders have named me as his replacement.

The shareholders have named me as his replacement.

Thank you very much.

As his replacement.

Thank you very much.

[Demonic voice]

Now get back thank you very much.

[Demonic voice]

Now get back to work, slaves!

[Demonic voice]

Now get back to work, slaves!

[All groan]

To work, slaves!

[All groan]


[All groan]


[Monitor beeping]


[Monitor beeping]

It's a brave boy you got [monitor beeping]

It's a brave boy you got there, mr.


It's a brave boy you got there, mr.


He gave a lot.

There, mr.


He gave a lot.

It was nothing.

He gave a lot.

It was nothing.

You made your parents proud, it was nothing.

You made your parents proud, son.

You made your parents proud, son.

Isn't that right, margaret?


Isn't that right, margaret?


Isn't that right, margaret?











Dad, I love you, but I can't ohh!

Dad, I love you, but I can't be like you.

Dad, I love you, but I can't be like you.

I'm sorry, but I'm going back to be like you.

I'm sorry, but I'm going back to my old life.

I'm sorry, but I'm going back to my old life.


My old life.


I forgot this was sprayed on.


I forgot this was sprayed on.

It's okay, son.

I understand.

I forgot this was sprayed on.

It's okay, son.

I understand.

[Rapid beeping]

It's okay, son.

I understand.

[Rapid beeping]

You do?

[Rapid beeping]

You do?


You do?


Gumball: areyou sure?


Gumball: areyou sure?

'Cause gumball: areyou sure?

'Cause yes.

'Cause yes.

Gumball: are you really sure?


Gumball: are you really sure?

Because it looks like you're gumball: are you really sure?

Because it looks like you're about to -- gumball: dude, I think they put so many additives in this food, they forgot to add the put so many additives in this food, they forgot to add the actual food.

Food, they forgot to add the actual food.

Darwin: it's not so bad.

Actual food.

Darwin: it's not so bad.



Darwin: it's not so bad.



Don't you think I have a healthy [munch!


Don't you think I have a healthy glow?

Don't you think I have a healthy glow?

Gumball: aah!


Gumball: aah!

I think I'll pass.

Gumball: aah!

I think I'll pass.




I think I'll pass.









[Ominous music plays]


[Ominous music plays]





Gumball: hmm!


Gumball: hmm!


Gumball: hmm!


Gumball: [roars]


Gumball: [roars]


Gumball: [roars]


[Both snarling]


[Both snarling]

Darwin: what's going on here?

[Both snarling]

Darwin: what's going on here?

Stop it!

Darwin: what's going on here?

Stop it!

You're gonna get wrinkles!

Stop it!

You're gonna get wrinkles!


You're gonna get wrinkles!


Gumball: [roars]


Gumball: [roars]

Darwin: guys!

Gumball: [roars]

Darwin: guys!

Hey, guys!

Darwin: guys!

Hey, guys!

All right, you asked for it.

Hey, guys!

All right, you asked for it.

Say hello to darkwin!

Gumball: what was that for?


Darwin: to stop you guys hating on each other.

Darwin: to stop you guys hating on each other.

Gumball: look, he was the one hating on each other.

Gumball: look, he was the one giving me the stink eye!

Gumball: look, he was the one giving me the stink eye!



Giving me the stink eye!



I was just trying to read the what?


I was just trying to read the menu.

I was just trying to read the menu.

Gumball: oh.


Gumball: oh.

Dude, I am so sorry.

Dude, I am so sorry.

No, no.

It was my fault.

No, no.

It was my fault.

I apologize.

I apologize.

Darwin: good.

Darwin: good.

Now please shake hands.

Now please shake hands.

How about a little hug?

How about a little hug?

Little kiss?

Little kiss?

Gumball: I think we're good.

Gumball: I think we're good.

Darwin: kiss!

Darwin: kiss!



[School bell rings]

[School bell rings]

Hey, girl.

Hey, girl.

[Wolf-whistles, clicks tongue]

[Wolf-whistles, clicks tongue]

[Smacking lips, smooching]



[Smacking lips, smooching]







Gumball: dude, what are you aah!

Gumball: dude, what are you doing?

Gumball: dude, what are you doing?

Things are getting pretty doing?

Things are getting pretty serous between me and carmen.

Things are getting pretty serous between me and carmen.

Gumball: you mean she finally serous between me and carmen.

Gumball: you mean she finally decided to take you to court?

Gumball: you mean she finally decided to take you to court?


Decided to take you to court?


She's just jealous because [scoffs]

She's just jealous because masami's clearly into me.

She's just jealous because masami's clearly into me.

Hey, girl.

Masami's clearly into me.

Hey, girl.


Hey, girl.








Gumball: dude, are you okay?


Gumball: dude, are you okay?

You seem to be crying.

Gumball: dude, are you okay?

You seem to be crying.

Who's crying?

I'm not crying!

You seem to be crying.

Who's crying?

I'm not crying!

You're the one who cried!

Who's crying?

I'm not crying!

You're the one who cried!

Gumball: what?

You're the one who cried!

Gumball: what?

You're the one who cried at gumball: what?

You're the one who cried at lunchtime when a certain someone you're the one who cried at lunchtime when a certain someone said they'd use the finger-touch lunchtime when a certain someone said they'd use the finger-touch heart-disintegrating move said they'd use the finger-touch heart-disintegrating move on you!

Heart-disintegrating move on you!


On you!


And you cried and ran away [sniffles]

And you cried and ran away crying!

And you cried and ran away crying!

Gumball: hmm.


Gumball: hmm.

Darwin: hmm.

Gumball: hmm.

Darwin: hmm.

Gumball: hmm.

Darwin: hmm.

Gumball: hmm.

Darwin: hmm.

Gumball: hmm.

Darwin: hmm.

Gumball: you're just nodding darwin: hmm.

Gumball: you're just nodding without knowing why, aren't you?

Gumball: you're just nodding without knowing why, aren't you?

Darwin: mm-hmm.

Without knowing why, aren't you?

Darwin: mm-hmm.

Gumball: it's clayton, dude!

Darwin: mm-hmm.

Gumball: it's clayton, dude!

He's been lying about us!

Gumball: it's clayton, dude!

He's been lying about us!

Come on.

Let's go speak to him.

He's been lying about us!

Come on.

Let's go speak to him.

Darwin: hmm.

Come on.

Let's go speak to him.

Darwin: hmm.

Gumball: okay!

Darwin: hmm.

Gumball: okay!

We know you lied about a fight gumball: okay!

We know you lied about a fight that didn't happen, so we're we know you lied about a fight that didn't happen, so we're gonna stop you lying for good, that didn't happen, so we're gonna stop you lying for good, but I'm not gonna let you speak, gonna stop you lying for good, but I'm not gonna let you speak, because if I do, you'll just lie but I'm not gonna let you speak, because if I do, you'll just lie your way out of it!

Because if I do, you'll just lie your way out of it!

Okay, let's go.

Your way out of it!

Okay, let's go.

Darwin: clayton, you just okay, let's go.

Darwin: clayton, you just can't keep lying like this.

Darwin: clayton, you just can't keep lying like this.

It'll ruin the rest of your can't keep lying like this.

It'll ruin the rest of your life.

It'll ruin the rest of your life.

Gumball: think about your life.

Gumball: think about your future.

Gumball: think about your future.

What kind of a job do you think future.

What kind of a job do you think a liar gets?

What kind of a job do you think a liar gets?

Tell him, darwin.

A liar gets?

Tell him, darwin.

Darwin: you could be an actor tell him, darwin.

Darwin: you could be an actor or a banker or a lawyer or -- darwin: you could be an actor or a banker or a lawyer or -- even better -- the president!

Or a banker or a lawyer or -- even better -- the president!

Gumball: uh, yeah.


Even better -- the president!

Gumball: uh, yeah.


So, um, it's pretty bad, okay?

Gumball: uh, yeah.


So, um, it's pretty bad, okay?

And also, what is this so, um, it's pretty bad, okay?

And also, what is this finger-touch and also, what is this finger-touch heart-disintegrating move finger-touch heart-disintegrating move nonsense?

Heart-disintegrating move nonsense?

Well, it's true.


Well, it's true.

I saw it on tv.

Well, it's true.

I saw it on tv.

Gumball: dude, what kind of I saw it on tv.

Gumball: dude, what kind of world do you live in?

Gumball: dude, what kind of world do you live in?

[Epic music plays]

World do you live in?

[Epic music plays]


[Epic music plays]


This is how you see yourself, seriously?

This is how you see yourself, and this is how you see us?

This is how you see yourself, and this is how you see us?

Darwin: dude, you're living a and this is how you see us?

Darwin: dude, you're living a lie!

Darwin: dude, you're living a lie!

Gumball: and a weird one, lie!

Gumball: and a weird one, too.

Gumball: and a weird one, too.

[Thunder crashes]


[Thunder crashes]

All right, enough.

[Thunder crashes]

All right, enough.

You need to control yourself, all right, enough.

You need to control yourself, man.

You need to control yourself, man.

But how?


But how?

Darwin: why don't you just but how?

Darwin: why don't you just tell us what you're doing later?

Darwin: why don't you just tell us what you're doing later?

Wellafter school, I'm tell us what you're doing later?

Wellafter school, I'm gonna go pirate hunting with the wellafter school, I'm gonna go pirate hunting with the president of the solar system in gonna go pirate hunting with the president of the solar system in an underwater theme park, and president of the solar system in an underwater theme park, and we're gonna -- an underwater theme park, and we're gonna -- darwin: okay, okay.

We're gonna -- darwin: okay, okay.

Let's try and take out half the darwin: okay, okay.

Let's try and take out half the things that aren't true.

Let's try and take out half the things that aren't true.

Okay, after school, I'm going things that aren't true.

Okay, after school, I'm going hunting in a theme park with the okay, after school, I'm going hunting in a theme park with the president.

Hunting in a theme park with the president.

Gumball: wow.


Gumball: wow.

Even your half-truths are still gumball: wow.

Even your half-truths are still full of absolute bunk.

Even your half-truths are still full of absolute bunk.

Okay, let's try and find out full of absolute bunk.

Okay, let's try and find out what that actually means.

Okay, let's try and find out what that actually means.

"Hunting with the president in a what that actually means.

"Hunting with the president in a theme park.

" "Hunting with the president in a theme park.

" You're just gonna go shopping theme park.

" You're just gonna go shopping with your dad at the mall, you're just gonna go shopping with your dad at the mall, aren't you?

With your dad at the mall, aren't you?

You know, I think your problem aren't you?

You know, I think your problem is you deform reality because you know, I think your problem is you deform reality because you're bored, and then you is you deform reality because you're bored, and then you forget exactly what the truth you're bored, and then you forget exactly what the truth was.

Forget exactly what the truth was.

And you're doing it right now, was.

And you're doing it right now, aren't you?

And you're doing it right now, aren't you?


Hey, girl.

[Wolf-whistles, clicks tongue]

[Smacking lips, smooching]

[Wolf-whistles, clicks tongue]

[Smacking lips, smooching]



[Smacking lips, smooching]



She's loving it.



She's loving it.


She's loving it.


She just threw a glass of water really?

She just threw a glass of water at your face.

She just threw a glass of water at your face.

That's because she knows how at your face.

That's because she knows how hot I am.

That's because she knows how hot I am.

[Clicking tongue]

Hot I am.

[Clicking tongue]

[Breathes deeply]

[Clicking tongue]

[Breathes deeply]


[Breathes deeply]


Gumball: okay, clayton, [groans]

Gumball: okay, clayton, let's try a little exercise.

Gumball: okay, clayton, let's try a little exercise.

We're gonna get all the lies out let's try a little exercise.

We're gonna get all the lies out of you.

We're gonna get all the lies out of you.

Just give it all to the trash of you.

Just give it all to the trash can.

Just give it all to the trash can.

It's like ralphing.


It's like ralphing.

You'll feel better once you get it's like ralphing.

You'll feel better once you get it all out of your system.

You'll feel better once you get it all out of your system.

I don't think that's big it all out of your system.

I don't think that's big enough for all my lies.

I don't think that's big enough for all my lies.

Darwin: and there's holes in enough for all my lies.

Darwin: and there's holes in that basket.

Darwin: and there's holes in that basket.

It's gonna leak everywhere.

That basket.

It's gonna leak everywhere.

Gumball: dude, it's it's gonna leak everywhere.

Gumball: dude, it's symbo-holic.

Gumball: dude, it's symbo-holic.

Both: huh?


Both: huh?

Gumball: [sighs]

Both: huh?

Gumball: [sighs]

You put your lie in the basket, gumball: [sighs]

You put your lie in the basket, okay?

You put your lie in the basket, okay?

And it makes you feel better.


And it makes you feel better.

Okay, whatever.

Just go for it.

And it makes you feel better.

Okay, whatever.

Just go for it.

[Inhales deeply]

Okay, whatever.

Just go for it.

[Inhales deeply]

My dad spent 30 years in jail [inhales deeply]

My dad spent 30 years in jail for a crime he didn't commit!

My dad spent 30 years in jail for a crime he didn't commit!

Now he's a superhero!

For a crime he didn't commit!

Now he's a superhero!

My mom's an fbi agent!

Now he's a superhero!

My mom's an fbi agent!

Gumball: I don't think you my mom's an fbi agent!

Gumball: I don't think you understood!

Gumball: I don't think you understood!




I didn't go to the moon on aah!

I didn't go to the moon on apollo 11 'cause I had I didn't go to the moon on apollo 11 'cause I had chickenpox that day!

Apollo 11 'cause I had chickenpox that day!

[Shouting indistinctly]

Chickenpox that day!

[Shouting indistinctly]

Gumball: [grunting]

[Shouting indistinctly]

Gumball: [grunting]

I'm an expert in karate, but gumball: [grunting]

I'm an expert in karate, but only in space!

I'm an expert in karate, but only in space!

[Shouting indistinctly]

Only in space!

[Shouting indistinctly]

Gumball: whoa!

[Shouting indistinctly]

Gumball: whoa!


Gumball: whoa!


[Shouting continues]


[Shouting continues]

I invented golf, water, and the [shouting continues]

I invented golf, water, and the hamburger!

I invented golf, water, and the hamburger!

Gumball: [screams]


Gumball: [screams]

[Sighs loudly]

Gumball: [screams]

[Sighs loudly]

[Grunts loudly]

[Sighs loudly]

[Grunts loudly]

Darwin: "serving as a symbol.

[Grunts loudly]

Darwin: "serving as a symbol.

Significant purely in terms of darwin: "serving as a symbol.

Significant purely in terms of what is being represented or significant purely in terms of what is being represented or implied.

" What is being represented or implied.

" Ohh!

You meant "symbolic"!


" Ohh!

You meant "symbolic"!

Gumball: yes!



You meant "symbolic"!

Gumball: yes!



Gumball: yes!



Gumball: what?


Gumball: what?

Okay, clayton, we need to get to gumball: what?

Okay, clayton, we need to get to the root of all this lying.

Okay, clayton, we need to get to the root of all this lying.

Darwin: why do you think you the root of all this lying.

Darwin: why do you think you do this?

Darwin: why do you think you do this?

Well, the thing is -- do this?

Well, the thing is -- gumball: shh!

Well, the thing is -- gumball: shh!

Just tell us in your own time.

Gumball: shh!

Just tell us in your own time.

Well, I guess it's because -- just tell us in your own time.

Well, I guess it's because -- gumball: shh!

Well, I guess it's because -- gumball: shh!

It's all right.

Gumball: shh!

It's all right.

Just speak when you feel the it's all right.

Just speak when you feel the moment is right.


It's okay, dude.

We're here for you.

[Inhales deeply]

We're here for you.

[Inhales deeply]



[Inhales deeply]



Darwin: okay, go.



Darwin: okay, go.

It's because I'm a loser, darwin: okay, go.

It's because I'm a loser, okay?

It's because I'm a loser, okay?

I don't like the real me, so I okay?

I don't like the real me, so I lie.

I don't like the real me, so I lie.

I prefer to live in a world lie.

I prefer to live in a world where -- where everyone likes me I prefer to live in a world where -- where everyone likes me and thinks I'm awesome.

Where -- where everyone likes me and thinks I'm awesome.

Gumball: but, dude, you don't and thinks I'm awesome.

Gumball: but, dude, you don't have to lie to make people like gumball: but, dude, you don't have to lie to make people like you.

Have to lie to make people like you.

Darwin: yeah, you've got lots you.

Darwin: yeah, you've got lots of awesome qualities.

Darwin: yeah, you've got lots of awesome qualities.

I do?

Like what?

Of awesome qualities.

I do?

Like what?

Darwin: oh ho!

I do?

Like what?

Darwin: oh ho!

Too many to list.

Darwin: oh ho!

Too many to list.


Gumball: uh, you're you're red!

Darwin: youhave teeth.

You're red!

Darwin: youhave teeth.

Gumball: you darwin: youhave teeth.

Gumball: you are gumball: you are you?

Are you?

And that makes you special.

You're right.

I guess just being someone is good enough.

I guess just being someone is good enough.

I don't need to lie anymore.

Good enough.

I don't need to lie anymore.

Thanks, dudes.

I don't need to lie anymore.

Thanks, dudes.

Gumball: dude, chill out.

Thanks, dudes.

Gumball: dude, chill out.

No need to get all emotional.

Gumball: dude, chill out.

No need to get all emotional.


Just kidding!

No need to get all emotional.


Just kidding!



Just kidding!








Gumball: boop!


Gumball: boop!


Gumball: boop!








Gumball: okay, that's too [laughter]

Gumball: okay, that's too much now.

Gumball: okay, that's too much now.

Darwin: so, now you can go much now.

Darwin: so, now you can go tell tobias you lied about the darwin: so, now you can go tell tobias you lied about the fight.

Tell tobias you lied about the fight.

[Wolf-whistles, fight.

[Wolf-whistles, clicks tongue]

[Wolf-whistles, clicks tongue]

[Smacking lips, smooching]

Clicks tongue]

[Smacking lips, smooching]


Look at that, guys.

They're literally throwing themselves at me.

They're literally throwing themselves at me.

Gumball: dude, please stop.

Themselves at me.

Gumball: dude, please stop.

You're giving me secondhand gumball: dude, please stop.

You're giving me secondhand shame.

You're giving me secondhand shame.

Well, clayton knows what shame.

Well, clayton knows what girls are like, don't ya, buddy?

Well, clayton knows what girls are like, don't ya, buddy?

He once dated sextuplets at the girls are like, don't ya, buddy?

He once dated sextuplets at the same time.

He once dated sextuplets at the same time.

Gumball: mm.

Same time.

Gumball: mm.

Sounds complicated and gumball: mm.

Sounds complicated and repetitive -- and a lie!

Sounds complicated and repetitive -- and a lie!

Isn't that right, clayton?

Repetitive -- and a lie!

Isn't that right, clayton?

Yeah, I've never really had a isn't that right, clayton?

Yeah, I've never really had a girlfriend because I'm socially yeah, I've never really had a girlfriend because I'm socially awkward.

Girlfriend because I'm socially awkward.

Also, I have glandular problems.


Also, I have glandular problems.

My liver starts to smell when I also, I have glandular problems.

My liver starts to smell when I get too close to a girl.

My liver starts to smell when I get too close to a girl.

I-it makes my mouth smell of get too close to a girl.

I-it makes my mouth smell of burnt tires and humus.

I-it makes my mouth smell of burnt tires and humus.

Gumball: okay.

Good honesty.

Burnt tires and humus.

Gumball: okay.

Good honesty.

That's a little too much gumball: okay.

Good honesty.

That's a little too much information, but good that's a little too much information, but good nonetheless.

Information, but good nonetheless.

Also, I've got a contagious nonetheless.

Also, I've got a contagious rash on -- also, I've got a contagious rash on -- gumball: no!

Whoa, whoa!

Rash on -- gumball: no!

Whoa, whoa!

All right, I'd like to sleep gumball: no!

Whoa, whoa!

All right, I'd like to sleep this month, thank you very much.

All right, I'd like to sleep this month, thank you very much.

Wait -- what about the story this month, thank you very much.

Wait -- what about the story about you and the bear?

Wait -- what about the story about you and the bear?

Darwin: lies.

About you and the bear?

Darwin: lies.

What about the time you drove darwin: lies.

What about the time you drove a speedboat through the mall?

What about the time you drove a speedboat through the mall?

Gumball: lies.

A speedboat through the mall?

Gumball: lies.


Gumball: lies.


What about the finger-touch what?

What about the finger-touch heart-disintegrating move?

What about the finger-touch heart-disintegrating move?

Both: lies.

Heart-disintegrating move?

Both: lies.

Oh, no, actually, that's both: lies.

Oh, no, actually, that's true.

Oh, no, actually, that's true.

Gumball: aw, man!


Gumball: aw, man!

You were doing great, and now gumball: aw, man!

You were doing great, and now you bring that stuff back?

You were doing great, and now you bring that stuff back?

It's true, though.

You bring that stuff back?

It's true, though.

Darwin: we all know it's not.

It's true, though.

Darwin: we all know it's not.

It is!

Darwin: we all know it's not.

It is!

Gumball: oh, really?

It is!

Gumball: oh, really?

Then, please, be our guest.

Gumball: oh, really?

Then, please, be our guest.

Do it.

Then, please, be our guest.

Do it.

Do it right here, right now, in do it.

Do it right here, right now, in front of all of us.

Do it right here, right now, in front of all of us.

Do your "special move" on front of all of us.

Do your "special move" on tobias.

Do your "special move" on tobias.






No, no.




No, no.

Gumball: aw, don't worry.



No, no.

Gumball: aw, don't worry.

You'll be fine, because that's gumball: aw, don't worry.

You'll be fine, because that's all a lie!

You'll be fine, because that's all a lie!

This guy can't do kung fu!

All a lie!

This guy can't do kung fu!

He's in a permanent state of this guy can't do kung fu!

He's in a permanent state of sitting.

He's in a permanent state of sitting.

Oh, yeah?



Oh, yeah?


Okay, you asked for this.

Oh, yeah?


Okay, you asked for this.

No, I didn't.

He did.

Okay, you asked for this.

No, I didn't.

He did.

[Inhales deeply]

No, I didn't.

He did.

[Inhales deeply]

[Breathing rhythmically]

[Inhales deeply]

[Breathing rhythmically]



[Breathing rhythmically]





Gumball: really?

Gumball: really?

You made the kung fu sound with you made the kung fu sound with your mouth?

Your mouth?

Darwin: you were doing so darwin: you were doing so well.




Okay, I'm gonna bounce.

Okay, I'm gonna bounce.

I've got gals in different I've got gals in different locales.

[All gasp]

[All screaming]

[All screaming]

Gumball: wait.

Gumball: wait.

We can't leave him like that.

We can't leave him like that.

Darwin: we got to do darwin: we got to do something!


Like what?

Like what?

Gumball: anything!

Gumball: anything!

How about cpr?

How about cpr?

Gumball: cpr?


Gumball: cpr?


You disintegrated his heart, you you disintegrated his heart, you nut bagger!

Nut bagger!

Look at him!

Look at him!

[Voice breaking]

He was a [voice breaking]

He was a young man with his whole life young man with his whole life ahead of him.

Ahead of him.

The guy didn't even get a chance to have a girlfriend.

The guy didn't even get a chance to have a girlfriend.


Hey, girl.


Hey, girl.

[Wolf-whistles, clicks tongue]

[Wolf-whistles, clicks tongue]

[Smacking lips, smooching]

[Smacking lips, smooching]

Darwin: how does that work?

Darwin: how does that work?

Is it like when chickens lose is it like when chickens lose their heads and they can still their heads and they can still run around?

Run around?

Gumball: no, dude.

Gumball: no, dude.

It means he's alive!

It means he's alive!


Ha ha!



Ha ha!


We didn't ice him!

We didn't ice him!

We just knocked him out!

We just knocked him out!

Which is still mega-bad.

Which is still mega-bad.

Okay, okay, no one can see this!

Okay, okay, no one can see this!

Come on, we got to hide him come on, we got to hide him while we figure out what to do!

While we figure out what to do!





Why are people so much heavier why are people so much heavier when they're unconscious?

When they're unconscious?

Darwin: maybe it's 'cause darwin: maybe it's 'cause you're standing on his back.

You're standing on his back.

Gumball: oh.

Gumball: oh.



Darwin: just grab him by the darwin: just grab him by the armpit.


[Both grunting]

[Both grunting]

Gumball: ohh!

Gumball: ohh!

I can see why the guy wears so I can see why the guy wears so many sweatpants.

Many sweatpants.

[Both grunting]

Darwin: [groans]

Gumball: [grunts]

Gumball: [grunts]



Darwin: oh.

Darwin: oh.

I found a good handhold.


Gumball: come on!

Gumball: come on!

Stop wasting time!

Stop wasting time!

Darwin: [grunting]

Darwin: [grunting]

Gumball: okay, if anyone sees gumball: okay, if anyone sees us, we're gonna need a good lie us, we're gonna need a good lie from you.

From you.

You said lying was bad.

You said lying was bad.

Gumball: yes, I know I did.

Gumball: yes, I know I did.

But in special circumstances, but in special circumstances, when you need to help someone when you need to help someone you really care about, it's you really care about, it's okay.


Like who?

Like who?

Gumball: me.

Gumball: me.

Now come on!

Now come on!



Gumball: [gasps]

Gumball: [gasps]

Someone's coming!

Someone's coming!





Darwin: what can I do?


Darwin: what can I do?


Gumball: think fast!

Gumball: think fast!


[Whistling slows, stops]



Darwin: [whimpering]

"Sign up for hall monitor duties.

" Duties.

" [Laughs]



" [Doodies]


" [Doodies]

Darwin: [sighs deeply]

Darwin: [sighs deeply]

So, what's the plan, then?

So, what's the plan, then?

Gumball: I don't know!

Gumball: I don't know!

I'm making it up as I go along.

I'm making it up as I go along.

We need to work out what we're we need to work out what we're gonna say if -- gumball: "hey, what's up, girl?

" Girl?

" [Wolf-whistles, clicks tongue]

[Smacking lips, smooching]

[Wolf-whistles, clicks tongue]

[Smacking lips, smooching]


" [Smacking lips, smooching]


" "And he went for first base, but "pbht!

" "And he went for first base, but she hit it out of the park!

" "And he went for first base, but she hit it out of the park!

" Darwin: that's it!

She hit it out of the park!

" Darwin: that's it!

All we got to do is make it look darwin: that's it!

All we got to do is make it look like he got knocked out by a all we got to do is make it look like he got knocked out by a girl.

Like he got knocked out by a girl.

Gumball: oh, I love it when girl.

Gumball: oh, I love it when you're evil.

Gumball: oh, I love it when you're evil.

Darwin: this is me at my most you're evil.

Darwin: this is me at my most evil.

Darwin: this is me at my most evil.

Gumball: do your evil laugh.


Gumball: do your evil laugh.

Darwin: [laughs evilly]

Gumball: do your evil laugh.

Darwin: [laughs evilly]

Gumball: okay, let's get on darwin: [laughs evilly]

Gumball: okay, let's get on with it.

Gumball: okay, let's get on with it.



With it.



The playground is full of girls.



The playground is full of girls.

Darwin: how are we gonna get the playground is full of girls.

Darwin: how are we gonna get him down there without the darwin: how are we gonna get him down there without the teachers noticing?

Him down there without the teachers noticing?

Gumball: we need something teachers noticing?

Gumball: we need something cunning, something clever, gumball: we need something cunning, something clever, something subtle.

Cunning, something clever, something subtle.



Something subtle.







Gumball: yeah, something like [groans]

Gumball: yeah, something like that.

Gumball: yeah, something like that.

Clayton, you find a girl -- any that.

Clayton, you find a girl -- any girl!

Clayton, you find a girl -- any girl!

We'll meet you down at the girl!

We'll meet you down at the playground.

We'll meet you down at the playground.






How's it going?





How's it going?



[Chuckles nervously]

How's it going?



[Chuckles nervously]


[Chuckles nervously]


You are gonna get it!


You are gonna get it!


You are gonna get it!


You are so gonna get it!


You are so gonna get it!

Gumball: what did you bring you are so gonna get it!

Gumball: what did you bring jamie for?


Gumball: what did you bring jamie for?


You said "any girl.

" Jamie for?


You said "any girl.

" Darwin: well, at least people you said "any girl.

" Darwin: well, at least people will believe she knocked tobias darwin: well, at least people will believe she knocked tobias out.

Will believe she knocked tobias out.

Gumball: aah!

He's waking up!


Gumball: aah!

He's waking up!

Just get her in position!

Gumball: aah!

He's waking up!

Just get her in position!


This is lying.

Just get her in position!


This is lying.

You can't just frame jamie for wait.

This is lying.

You can't just frame jamie for knocking out tobias.

You can't just frame jamie for knocking out tobias.



Knocking out tobias.



You were gonna frame me for what?


You were gonna frame me for knocking out tobias?

You were gonna frame me for knocking out tobias?



Knocking out tobias?



You guys knocked me out and were what?


You guys knocked me out and were gonna frame jamie?

You guys knocked me out and were gonna frame jamie?


Gonna frame jamie?


You knocked out one student and what?!

You knocked out one student and were gonna blame another?

You knocked out one student and were gonna blame another?

[Both inhale deeply]

Were gonna blame another?

[Both inhale deeply]

[Both grunting]

[Both grunting]
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