04x09 & 04x10 - The Gift; The Parking

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing World of Gumball". Aired: May 3, 2011 - June 24, 2019.*
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Revolves around the life of a 12-year-old cat named Gumball and his frequent shenanigans in the fictional American city of Elmore.
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04x09 & 04x10 - The Gift; The Parking

Post by bunniefuu »

[Upbeat music plays]

[Tv chatter]

[Doorbell rings]

[Fanfare plays]


My prince charming has finally arrived.

I knew it was worth kissing all those frogs.

Actually I'm here to deliver a message to gumball and darwin.

Oh, well.

Back to work, reginald.


[Smooch! Smooch! Smooch!]

You are about to receive an invitation to a birthday party.

[Click! Fanfare plays]

[Bird whistling]

[expl*si*n, loud ringing]

Okay, so where's the invitation?

That was it.

The confetti spelled it out.

We were kind of blinded by the expl*si*n.

Just close your eyes.

Oh, my gosh! It's burned into our retinas! "Come to masami's birthday party.

" Both: dude, this is bad.

I know.

I've seen it 20 times today.

The doctor said it should fade sometime between now and the next 10 years.

Have a nice day.

[Engine turns over]

[Tires squeal, car alarm blares]

We meant the birthday party is bad! It's a party.

What's not to like?

There'll be cake and games and cake.

C-a-a-a-ake! You don't get, mr.


This is masami.

She's, like, the princess of elmore junior high.


Everything's got to be perfect.

You saw the invitation.

Still can.

And who knows what will happen if she's disappointed?

Her dad's a very powerful man.

Do you remember harry from 3rd grade?

I remember harry.

He used to sit behind me in math.

Not your 3rd grade -- our 3rd grade.

I remember him.

He gave masami a pair of toe socks.

Big mistake -- masami doesn't have legs.

Next thing you know, harry's dad lost his job at the rainbow factory, and the whole family moved out of town.

Don't worry.

That could never happen to us.

I don't have a job.

But mrs.

Mom does.

We need to get masami the best gift ever.

But what do you get for the girl who has everything?

Nothing! [Chuckles]

Uh what about friendship?

Isn't being there for someone the most beautiful gift you can give?

Or we lie our way out of the party.

Yep, much better plan.

[Door opens]

Gumball: and that's when the raccoons broke into our house because they started that turf w*r with the skunks, and while they were fighting, they fell into the shark t*nk, and then one of the raccoons grabbed the invite as it tried to get out but got eaten anyway, and that's why we can't come to your party.

Okay, bye.

H-hold on a second.

You can't come because you lost the invite that was burnt into your retinas?



Well, just have another one.

[Snaps fingers]

[Click! Fanfare plays, bird whistling]

[expl*si*n, loud ringing]


See you at the party, I guess.

Of course, now that we're double-invited.

[Both laugh, sigh]

Ooh! Aah! Could you point us toward the classroom please?

Could you point me toward the exit?

[Door slams]

[School bell rings]

Hey, masami! Bet you don't know what pre-- what present we got you that you would really like.

Dude, we haven't got her -- [thoomp!]

You're right, I don't know.

But I bet you'd like to guess what present we got you that you would really like.


No, I wouldn't.

[Foomp! Splat!]

Please try.


Uh, is it the mcgraves I saw at the store?



Bye! Was it that -- it's just I need something for my -- bye! [Sighs]


What's a mcgraves?

I don't know -- mysterious girl stuff.

But at least we know what to buy her.

All: [gasp]

Mcgraves! [Whoosh!]

What a coincidence.

I hadn't heard of mcgraves until masami said it.

And now everyone's talking about them.

They were eavesdropping, dude, come on! [Electricity crackles, alarm blares]


Aah! Aah! Aah! [Blows]

Aah! [Video-game music plays]

[Warble! Beep!]

[Warble! Boom!]

Sarah: I made it! I made it! Aah! [Grunting]


Aah! Aah! [Elevator bell dings]

Larry, do you have any mcgraves?

Any what?

Mcgraves -- a mcgrave.

Oh, mcgraves, the artist.

Yes, we have an original for sale.

Great! We'll take it! That's "$4,000.

" What?

Where are we gonna find $4,000?

Oh, no, "$4,000" is the title of painting.

It actually costs $20,000.

Where are we gonna find $20,000?

! Same place we weren't gonna find $4,000.

We need to think of something we can actually afford.

Or someone.


Aah! Mnh-mnh, mnh-mnh-mnh.

Aw, come on, alan! All we're asking is to wrap you up, keep you overnight, and then give you as a love gift to masami.

Is that so bad?

Actually, now I've said it out loud, it does seem pretty bad.

You know my heart belongs to carmen.


We'll give you $10.

Money can't buy love.

What about ice cream?

Yes, I guess money can buy ice cream.

He meant can ice cream buy your love?

You can't buy love or fake love.

Love is immaterial, unquantifiable.

Love is uh guys?


[Inhales deeply]

Love is the butterflies in your stomach.

Love is that rush you feel when you -- uh that rush you feel when you -- hey! That rush you feel for knowing that there is more to this -- oh, come on! [School bell rings]

All: happy day before your birthday day! [Laughter]

What are you talking about?

You know, the day before your birthday day, the tradition when your friends act like your slaves and, in exchange, you tell them how to avoid making you angry at your party.

[Chuckles nervously]

Please don't do that.

Yeah, leave her alone, guys.

I got you a gift you'll love.

Look, please stop freaking out about the gift.

Like, a flower is fine.

How funny! That's exactly what I got you.

Look! [Snap!]

Aaaaaaaaaaaaah! Aah! Aaaah! Aaaaaaaaaah! Aaaaah! Enough! Stop fawning over me.

How exactly would you like us to stop fawning over you?

Should we wind it down slowly?

Or cut it all together?

Can we just forget that it is my birthday?

It's a test.

Okay, you were right -- we should have camouflaged ourselves against the wall instead of the floor.

Did you notice how unhappy she was?

It's like she's forgotten how to have fun.

She's gone fun numb.

Yeah, does she even realize how good she has it?

You know what?

Maybe dad was right.

What she needs for her birthday is a big old nothing.

Wait, I don't understand.

You know how you only miss things once they're gone?

What if our present was to give her a new taste for life, something that'll make her realize how lucky she is?

No, I understand that.

What I don't understand is -- mr.

Dad was right?

I know, weird, but statistically, it had to happen one day.

Gumball: guess what our present is.

I don't want anything.

It's not something you want.

It's something you need.

Surprise! Surprise! You got me a basement?

No, we locked you in our basement so you missed your birthday party and realized how much you actually wanted it.

Mm-hmm, right, although that is an interesting idea, it is a felony to lock people up against their will.

And that's why we're gonna abandon that plan and open the door right now.

[Whoosh! Rattle! Click!]

What's the jail time for an accidental felony?

Help! Help! We're stuck in the basement! Aah! [Muffled shouting, banging on door]

Why will nobody help?

! Because your daughter kept kissing frogs.

That's how you get frog flu.

I'll prescribe wart cream, a healthy dose of reality, and far fewer princess movies.


Okay, okay, let's not panic.

I'll just text my dad.

"Dad, please help -- they've locked me in a basement.

" Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! [Camera shutter clicks, cellphone chimes]

You're making it sound like we've locked you in the basement against your will! You kind of have.

Your dad doesn't have to know that! And we said "sorry.

" No, you didn't.

Well, we'll say it now.

Sorry! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I'm sorry! Apology not accepted! And you just sent this to my dad! It looks really bad! Okay, don't stress! I can fix this.

"Hey, mr.


Your daughter is safe.

To get her back, just follow my instructions.

" You need -- you're making it worse! [Cellphone chimes]

"To get her back, just follow my instructions.

You need 3m"?

As in $3 million! Then, there's emojis of a clock and a flamenco dancer.

Does that make it more or less sinister?

Listen, I'll just call him! Give me that! You've done enough! [Both grunting, cellphone chiming]

[Cellphone beeping]

And now they keep sending me weird, coded messages.

Sheriff: I'm not sure about the sheep blowing air out of his butt onto a cake, but the clock and the flamenco dancer definitely means, "pay on time or face the music.

" [Gasps]

Don't worry, mr.


We've triangulated the signal.

I'm sending in the big boys.

[Both shouting, cellphone chiming]

No! [Glass shatters]


How are we gonna call for help now?

Look for anything that could be useful! Here! Yes, a flare -- someone's bound to see it! Isn't that a bit dangerous?

Gumball: [chuckling]

Masami, please.

We've been in a lot of unexpected predicaments before, and we always escape unhurt.

Okay, we sometimes escape unhurt.

All right, we escaped unhurt once, and then we hurt ourselves on the way home.

The point is we're pros.

Trust us.

Okay, although this looks bad, it could be a whole lot -- quick! Rain on it! Hup! [Squeaks]

I can't when I'm being watched.


All: [scream]

Oh, look! Two pipes -- one is gas.

One is water.

It's your birthday.

You choose.


Aah! That one.



[All sigh]


What do we do?

! Drink -- drink like your life depends on it -- which it does.

[Inhales sharply]



Oh, wait.

Guys, what are we doing?

I've got the perfect tool to get us out of here.


Oh, for goodness' sake! [Inhales sharply]

All: [coughing]

Well, after being trapped in a basement with you guys, I certainly do appreciate my life a lot more.

Sorry, we just wanted to get you the best gift possible.

I'd have been happy with something small, like these socks I got from harry.



I wear them all the time.

Okay, firstly -- what?

You got legs?

Secondly, everyone thought you had harry's dad run out of elmore.

And, thirdly -- what?

You got legs?

Firstly, yes, I have legs.

Secondly, harry's dad got promoted.

That's why they had to move away.

And thirdly, see firstly.

All I really wanted was for people to treat me like a normal person and sing "happy birthday" to me.



Ready, darwin?

[Inhales deeply]

Happy -- happy -- [siren wails]

[Upbeat music plays]

[Engine turns over]

[Gate whirs, beeps]

Sto-o-o-o-p! What, what?

! There's a space closer to the entrance.


[Shifter clicks]


Ohh! [Shifter clicks]


Gosh darn it! It's gonna take ages to find a spot now.


Oh, don't worry, honey.

These things happen.

I know.

I'm crying because I'm gonna have to walk now.

There! An old lady going back to her car! [Screech! Clank!]



[Thud! Honk!]

[All gasp]

Okay, it's a good idea to follow someone, but we need to be more intelligent with our profiling.

Take those three.

Shopping bags tell us they're going back to their cars, which will leave us with a choice of three spaces.

The question is, which one will leave their space first?

Look at the pepperoni guy's bags.

The contour suggests he's bought toys and juice boxes, so he's a happy family man, right?


Look closely at his face.

See his constrained smile?

That's the face of a man who's been broken by too much shopping.

His wife has sent him to the car so she can continue in peace.

Now he's having a nervous breakdown 'cause he's gonna have to wait there for hours.

Now, take guy number two.

Notice he doesn't have a wedding ring.

He's on his own.

He doesn't have to wait for anyone.

He'll get out of here quickly.

But observe the tan mark on his wrist where his watch should be.

Was it stolen?


But judging from the rest of his clothes, the watch wouldn't be worth stealing.

More likely, he just lost it or forgot to put it on this morning.

Either way, this means he's sloppy, inattentive, forgetful.

Okay, what's your point?

He can't remember where he parked.

Uhhhh this leaves us with our third subject, who left while I was busy showing off, giving some other guy time to take his space.


Don't worry.

It was pretty impressive.

And it gave time for the old lady to reach her car! [All gasp]

[Screech! Clank!]

[All gasp]

[Groans, wheezing]

[All groan]

Okay, okay.

I got an idea.

People make assumptions based on how you behave, right?

So if you act like a rich person, they think you are a rich person.

How's that gonna help?

Just give me your tie.

Garã§on, park her up, will you?

And be careful with the paint job.

It cost more than you make in a year.

[Swish! Squish!]


Oh, um [chuckles nervously]

Let me fix that.




Um, uh, uhh [thunk!]

There you go.


[Tires squealing softly]

Aw, every space is taken.

[Tires squeal]


Honey, stop.

[Screech! Clank!]

Wait here a second.

[Running footsteps, spray paint hissing]

Can't we just go into the mall with dad, and then you can find a space on your own?


We're a family, which means we do our suffering together.

[All groan]

Come on, guys.

It's still a fun family day out.

Let's turn those frowns upside-down.

[All groan]


Good enough.

Abraca-ta-da! [Horns honking]

Hey, you're not allowed to do that! Aah! It wasn't me! Yeah, it was.

Aah! [Spray paint hissing]


Aah! Oh, my gosh! Are you okay?

What do you think?

[Tires squealing]


[Chuckles nervously]

[Tires squealing softly]

[All gasp]

[Dramatic music plays]

It's a parking paradise.

It's a vehicular valhalla.

It's a short-stay shangri-la.

No, it's not.

It's a parking lot.

Let's go! [Engine revs, crash!]

"More parking coming soon.

" [All groan]

[Tires squeal]

[Engine revs, crash!]

Dad! Sorry.

I needed to see if it had opened yet.

Ah, massive sandwich! [Tires squeal, crash!]

Darn you, giant pictures of things I want! All: 99 bottles of age-appropriate beverage on the wall 99 bottles of age-appropriate beverage on the wall take one down, pass it around 98 bottles -- 52 bottles of age-appropriate beverage on the wall 52 bottles of age-appropriate beverage on the wall 1 bottle of age-appropriate beverage on the wall 1 bottle of age-appropriate beverage on the wall na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na na, na-na, na, na-na na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na [tires squeal]

Two, three.

99 Bottles of -- [screech!]


Why don't we play a game?

Good idea.

I spy with my little eye something beginning with "s.

" Is it the suffocating feeling that we're never gonna leave this car?


Is it the slow onset of insanity?


Is it super, shiny, sparkly sunflowers?


Give up?

It was space.



It was there, but it's gone now.


What is wrong with you?

! Why didn't you just tell us straight away?

! [Crying]

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Wait! [Swish!]

Uh, uh, uh.




[Dramatic music plays]


There! [All gasp]



[Engines revving]

[Tires squealing]

[Engine sputtering]

Dad: no! We're out of gas! [Engine revs]


Keep pushing! [Grunts]


If you're there, then who's?

He took it.

He knew we were going for it, [deep voice]

And he took it! [Normal voice]

Ugh! [Sputtering]

[Lipstick squeaking]



Yes, sweetheart?

That's really bad.


I -- what?

You thought I was defacing this poor person's car?

What kind of a mother would do that?

I wasuhi was making a decorative piece of art showing my love for diversity, because everyone is different, and, uhlook.



I meant, look.


I see.

Well, in that case run.


[Horn honking]

[All shouting indistinctly]


Why are we screaming at this poor old lady?

It's mean, and it's totally unconstructive.

Let's just find out where her car is, have it towed, and take her space.

Oh, yeah.

Good call, gumball.

Or we could just give her a lift back to her car.

[All sigh, mutter]

Can we be of assistance in helping you to your vehicle?

S-so, what does your car look like?

It's made of metal.



I thought it would be.

Okay, what else?

It has a steering wheel.



It's quite long.

Good, good.

That's useful.

Could you be more precise?

It smells like damp laundry and despair.


Oh, it's got a lady on the side, selling shampoo, and it's usually parked ri-i-ght there.


It's the bus, isn't it?

Sure is! And I suckered you into giving me a lift! [Laughs]

All right, enough with the parking lot.

Let's just find a space.

Any space! [Squeal! Screech!]

[Thud! Clang!]


[Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!]


[Shifter clicks]

[Both scream]

[Screech! Shifter clicks]

[All scream]


[Shifter clicks]

[Click! Whir!]



[Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!]

[All scream]

[Whoosh! Crash!]

All: aw, come on! [Shifter, seatbelts click]


[Ding!, All sight]

And, when finished, there'll be more than [shifter clicks]


[Shifter clicks]


Woman: honey, come home from the surgery quick.

I got a call from your mysterious uncle.

[All groan]

[Tires squeal]

[Woman screams]

[Shifter clicks]

[All groan]

[Shifter clicks, tires squeal]

Wait, wait, wait! [Screech!]



Hot and buttered, please.

[Dramatic music plays]

[Engine turns over]

Anais: yay! Yay! Whoo-hoo! Darwin: yay! Oh, no! Look! [Engine growls]

[Engine growls]

[Engine growls]

Not this time.

[Tires squeal]

[Engines revving [tires squealing]

[Engine revs]

Mom, slow down! You're gonna miss the spot! Hold on to your hats.

Aaaah! Aaaah! Aaaah! [Slow-motion screaming]

[Engine revs]

My friends, we have achieved total parking.

[Window shatters]

All: [cheering]

In your face! We got a space! In your face! We got a space! [Cheers and laughter]

Good job, everybody! Oh.
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