02x49 - The Day of Fated Meeting

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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02x49 - The Day of Fated Meeting

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on Fairy Tail!

The Battle of Fairy Tail
finally reached its conclusion!

And everyone loved the
Fantasia parade! What a happy ending!

Still, I can't believe Laxus
was kicked out of the guild...

I can't accept it!

Man, you have no luck with men at all, Lucy.

Wh-What's that supposed to mean?!
Why would you say that now?!

When I'm with you, my love and dreams

become magical

Now, let's cast the magic of a smile

I always sort of longed for a powerful world

filled with problems

Once-frozen time has begun moving again

ever since I met you

Why were we born? Why are we alive?

There's no need for complicated answers to that

Let's just laugh and cry,
while being true to ourselves

It's the simple feelings that
are the most important of all

They turn the tears we shed on sad nights

into strength

Now, I'm going to cast the magic of a smile

It's been a week since the harvest festival ended

and the town has finally
calmed down to its usual self...

As you would expect, everyone
was shocked in their own way

after learning that Laxus
was kicked out of the guild.

Natsu in particular threw
a big tantrum until yesterday.

I can't accept this, Gramps!
Why did you kick Laxus out?!

"The Day of the Fateful Encounter"
The Day of the Fateful Encounter.

He's one of us, you know!

Just 'cause he started
a fight doesn't change that!

Enough, Natsu!


I still gotta square off with him again!

I'm gonna get strong enough to
beat him all by myself next time!

That's enough!

Put yourself in the master's shoes!

Do you honestly think he
wanted to expel Laxus?!


It turns out Laxus is a Dragon
Slayer just like Natsu, you see...

No. He is not a Dragon Slayer.

"And then...!"
And then...!

It came as a real shock!

According to our master,
Laxus was very weak when he was little,

so his father, Master Ivan,
implanted a lacrima in his body

that lets him use Dragon Slayer magic.

A Dragon Slayer magic lacrima...
I never knew such things existed...

Our master even said he was
going to take responsibility

for what his grandson did
and give up his title as master,

so we desperately tried to talk him out of it...

Please do not make Laxus'
punishment any worse than it already is.

If Laxus were to learn that you
had left your role as master...

Fried--who cut his hair in an
old-fashioned style of repenting--

somehow managed to convince
him with just those few words.

Speaking of Fried, I think
the rest of the Thunder Legion

have gradually started to open up to us.

You have my permission to use
me as a model for your paintings.

But don't get the wrong idea; I don't do nudes.


How's this? Or is this better?!

Hurry and start painting.


So you and Loke are an item?!

An item?!

--They're in loooove!
--You're obnoxious...

In loooove!

In looove! In looove!

As always, I have to deal
with a bunch of weirdos...

Ever since the harvest festival ended,

I've started to see Erza by herself a lot...

Master. Just who is that man?

I never imagined he would have
the same face as someone you knew...

I'm sorry. I don't know much about him myself.

He's a very quiet person.


And that's what happened in the past week,

but I was still faced with one more crucial issue!

Erza won the contest!

I knew she would!

--Lucy came in second...
--Juvia was third!


I didn't win my rent money!

Can't you just do a job?

I could, but...

What am I gonna do...?

Aww, sure wish I had a boyfriend...

What brought that on?

You know! A guy!

I haven't had a boyfriend in a while, so I'm
starting to miss the touch of someone else...

What are you blushing for?

I-I'm not blushing...!

How many guys have you dated so far?

Th-Three, I guess...?

What a big, fat lie!

Don't you want a boyfriend?

Well, I sorta do, but...

Honestly... I don't really know...

Oh, man! That's so cute! Listen to this, guys!

Lucy's never had a boyfriend in her life!

Don't worry!

My cards say that today you
will have a fateful encounter.

Fateful... encounter?!

Erza! What's with the dress?

I have to do my hair next!
I can't just stand around doing nothing!


That's weird... The harvest
festival is long over, too...

You haven't heard?

A reporter from Sorcerer Weekly is coming here today!


The Sorcerer Weekly goes
on sale every Wednesday.

Everything from new spells to
news about trendsetting guilds--

not to mention photo
spreads of attractive wizards--

is included in this popular wizarding magazine.

What...?! Sorcerer Weekly?!

They're doing a special feature on Fairy Tail!

Research... Special feature... Reporter...

A fateful encounter...?!

A reporter is coming to do research.

He'll be knocked out by my cute looks.

"Lucy! Your smile is so adorable that
I must do a photo sh**t of you!"

And then I'll finally grace
their magazine as a model!

And this reporter will be "the one"!

"Lucy! I want to keep researching
you for the rest of my life!"

Plus, if I get paid for helping
him out with his article...

...I might be able to pay my rent!

Two birds with one stone! Yeah!

This is my big ticket! This is my big ticket!

Natsu. Lucy's lost her mind...

Maybe she ate something she shouldn't have?

If anything, I'd say the pressure of
paying her rent has driven her crazy.

I can't just stand around doing nothing!

Snip... Snip... Snip...

Perfect, shrimp!

You sure?

You don't like it, shrimp?

Can't you make it more, you know, "now"...?

I don't know how to explain it...

In other words, you don't like it, shrimp?

No, that's not it, it's just...

I'm going on a journey, shrimp...

I said that's not what I mean!

I know! I'll buy some hairstyle
magazines from a bookstore!

And then we can try it again!


A fateful encounter...

I wonder if that cliché ever happens

where two people try to grab
the same book at the same time...

G-Go ahead!

N-No, you can have it.



"Fateful Encounter"

Fateful Encounter...

N-No, thanks! You take it!



I can't let my fateful encounter
be with some random guy like that!

No! I can't rely on dumb
luck for something like this!

Hey, wait!


Do you live in this city?


Do you think you could show me
around, if it's not too much to ask?

Wh-Why me?!

I'm working on a novel while
I travel around, you see...

A novel...?

I get inspiration for my writing
by sightseeing in the towns I visit.

I can sympathize with that.

The more memories you have,
the more you can write!

Oh, are you writing a book too?

Oh, well, sort of...!


Oh, right!

This book from before...
You can have it as a present from me.

What do you say? Would you be
willing to spend a day with me?

I'm sorry! I'm very busy today...!

Oh... That's too bad.

I'm sorry!

It can't be... This can't possibly
be my "fateful encounter"...

Oh, Erza! I'm back!

Oh, whoops!

I forgot to buy the magazines...

Plus I came back here instead of going home...

Oh! The Titania!

Whoa! It's really her!

Cool! Cool! Cool! It's Erza, in the flesh!


--Cool! Cool!
--Wh-Who is this hyper guy?!

He's Jason, the reporter from Sorcerer Weekly.

But this is how I always look. I went
through all that trouble to dress up...

No problem!

Seeing your most natural
state is what I wanted most!

Cool! Cool! Cool!

I... don't think he's "the one" for me...

S-Still, I won't let this chance to
be a magazine model pass me by!

Oh! Very cool!

My name's Lucy! I'm a friend of Erzy's!

Could I ask you a couple questions?!

I suppose so.

He just ignored me?!

All together, how many kinds
of armor can you requip into?!

Over 100.

Cool! Which one is your favorite?!

The bunny girl one.


I find the ears adorable.


What's your favorite food?!

I would definitely say cheesecake and soufflé.

Is this how low-profile I really am...?!

Like you're anyone to laugh!

Oh! Happy! Why exactly are you blue?

--Because I'm a cat.
--I've been outdone!


Oh, man.

He's not my type at all, so what if it
turns out this is my fateful encounter?

It's Gray! It's Gray, in the flesh!


Who are you?

Oh, he's the magazine reporter, remember?

Oh, are you Juvia?! Cool!

Gray! Why are you always so
quick to take your clothes off?!

I don't take my clothes off!
Don't treat me like I'm some pervert!

Gray, my darling! Your pants!

It's so hot in here! Maybe I should
take some clothes off too...!

All right!

Which one of you is the reporter?!

Natsu! Natsu, the Salamander!
The wizard I most wanted to meet!

All right! Cool!

He's too excited!

All right, you! I'll teach you to
always write bad stuff about me!


Always saying how I destroyed
this or how I destroyed that...!

Cool! Cool! Cool!

Oh, man! It's the real deal! Ultra cool!

P-Please let me shake your hand!

Shut up!


Oh, man! Too cool! He's a hero, all right!

I've never seen such a
cool handshake in my life...!

He's definitely a pro.

Elfman! In your eyes,
what makes a man a real man?

Your answer is, "He has to be a real man"? Cool!

Team Shadow Gear! Is there
really a love triangle going on?

Your answer is, "No comment"?
Oh man, that's awesome!

Cana! You should do some
glamour sh*ts for us sometime!

Just sit down and drink up!

As much as I want a boyfriend,
this kind of guy I'll pass on...

Master! What are your guild's ambitions?!

Oh... Uhh... The daily pursuit of
devoting ourselves to love and justice.

That sounds so fake!

Is the Thunder Legion being disbanded?!

--Of course not!

We're going to make up for Laxus' absence!

You got a full makeover!

I'm aiming to win the next
Miss Fairy Tail Contest!

It's good to see you two again!

You've really grown up!

--Go easy on us, okay?
--Of course!

Hey, now...!

He won't pay any attention to me at all!

I have no choice! It's embarrassing,
but I have no other choice!


Look at me, everyone!

--I'm going to sing now--!
--It's a bunny girl!

I'll handle the singing! Shoo-bee-doo-ba!


You again?!

Oh, sweet! Black Steel Gajeel! Cool!

In this world where the just
make fools of themselves,

you always made a fool out of yourself.

In other words, that means
it's just to be a fool, right?

Hey, ol' buddy. Can you
hear the singing of my soul?

Ooh, I'm getting chills! This is too much!

Shut your trap, Gajeel!

You little...!

Enough of your crappy singing!
I got a score to settle with this guy!

I haven't even started singing!

Let me sing, you damn Salamander!

Why, you...!

H-Hold on, you two! There's a reporter here!

All right!

Two Dragon Slayers slugging it out

in a dazzling ultimate
battle before my very eyes!

It's settled! The next photo
spread will be detailed pics of this!


Cool! Could you look this way?! That's it!


Th-This is hard-hitting reporting... Cool...

He's definitely a pro.


As a fellow novelist,
let me show you around town!

I wouldn't call myself a novelist
yet, I'm really just starting out...

Actually, me too!

What's with the creepy look?

So scary...

I don't have a creepy look!

--Well, it's time to get to work!

We have to meet our client tomorrow morning,
so we're taking a night train there!

We're going now? No, I can't!

What? You're the one who's
always saying you need money...

I can't today. I already...

Would you have dinner with me at 9:00 tonight?

I'd love to talk with you even more!

I already have plans.


"Dejected walking"
Oh, okay...

"Dejected walking"

Hold on! You don't have to
act so depressed about it!

What's with them?

After Jason left, they got really
excited about going on a job with you.

Huh? Why?

They said they found a job
that wasn't worth much,

but was absolutely perfect for you...

I really hope Lucy comes...

Aww, she didn't come after all...

Oh? Do you mean me?


Sorry for the wait!


Didn't you have other plans...?

Never mind that! What is this cheap
but perfect job you found for me?

The reward is 70,000 Jewel exactly!


Your rent is 70,000, right?
This should last you three months, then!

You mean one month, Natsu.
Do you understand what "exactly" means?

But what about you two?

Well, you losing your home would
mean we lose our place to work out!


What does that mean?


I'm glad I came after all!

In the end, it's my Fairy Tail
friends who matter to me the most!

I guess that means he wasn't "the one" for me...

I came here instead.

Lucy, you hopeless romantic...
You're too inexperienced to be a match for me.

Whoa! You're totally my type!


When are you gonna...

C-C'mon! Just hang in there!

--Keep it together!
--Stay strong!

My cards say...

...that today you will have a fateful encounter.

I want to tell you now

that our hearts are connected

As I hold on tight to keep
my dreams from getting away

I have feelings hidden in the scars
deep in my heart that can't reach you

My footsteps tremble, yet I won't turn back

Instead, I'll take one step toward tomorrow

I want to tell you now

It's okay, hold my hand

Let's start all over again

and strive for the future we always wished for

Is it just me, or is Juvia acting weird?

You think? If anything, I'd say everyone
in the guild is acting strange.

Are you sure it isn't just
their regular ol' fighting?

I dunno, it seems
different than normal somehow.

Anyway, let's go join in on it!

Are you even listening to me?!

Next Episode: Special Request:
Watch Out for the Guy You Like!

All right! First I'll start by taking on Lucy!

"Thump thump thump thump"
But doesn't it seem like she's avoiding you?

What's her deal? What did I ever do to her?
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