02x51 - Love & Lucky

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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02x51 - Love & Lucky

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on Fairy Tail!

Previously, on Fairy Tail!

Hey, Lucy! You're actually the
daughter of a really rich guy, right?

And you ran away from home, right?

Wh-Why are you bringing that up?!

I bet she ate really fancy food every day!

I want some too!

Like fish from all over the world!

Of course that's why they asked...

When I'm with you, my love and dreams

become magical

Now, let's cast the magic of a smile

I always sort of longed for a powerful world

filled with problems

Once-frozen time has begun moving again

ever since I met you

Why were we born? Why are we alive?

There's no need for complicated answers to that

Let's just laugh and cry,
while being true to ourselves

It's the simple feelings that
are the most important of all

They turn the tears we shed on sad nights

into strength

Now, I'm going to cast the magic of a smile

Magnolia at dusk.

There arrived a lone man...

It's strangely quiet today...

It's nice to have days like this sometimes!

It does feel kind of lonely, though...

Man! I could totally dig it up too,
if only I could get Virgo to help...

He's still at it!

Forget about that junk!
Let's just do a job already!

It's not "junk"!

How am I gonna cover this month's rent?

Well, let's get to work!

You sure changed your mind quick, Natsu!

Natsu! You finally feel like working again!

Thank you!

W-We do jobs all the time, though,
every so often! Right, Happy?


What is it, Lucy?

Love & Lucky.

Must be my imagination...

I've felt like someone's been watching me lately.

Uh oh! What is this called again?!

It's a textbook case of an excessive ego!

It's not like that! I don't care,
as long as it's just my imagination!

Those two really are close, aren't they?


Oh, well!

We meet tomorrow, around noon! 'Kay?!


♪ Tomorrow is... a day of... fun work! ♪

Lucy! That's dangerous!

Oh, I'm fine!

I wonder what I'll wear!

Be careful on your way home!


I knew it! Someone is watching me!

He's following me!


He's gone...



It is I.

Your father.

No way...




What are you doing here?

Why do you look like that?!

Heartfilia Railways was bought out from under me.

The company, the house, the money... I lost it all.

You can't be serious!

I had put my entire fortune up as collateral.

Honestly, now!

I work my tail off running that
business, and this is what I get?!

H-Hold on! What about the house?!
Mom's grave is there!

I moved it here.

It's not as sad as it is hilarious...

All that wealth, gone in the blink of an eye...

In one night, everything
I did over all those years...

...all up in smoke!

All the money I worked so hard to earn,
to the point of pushing my family aside!

It's hilarious! Truly hilarious!

Why are you here?

To see my daughter, Lucy.

After what you did?!

Plus, I told you never to
mess with Fairy Tail again!

I no longer have that capability.

I only came to see my daughter.

Don't give me that look.
I apologize for everything I did before.

I don't intend to linger around here.

I'm going to work at the
Acalypha merchant guild now.

I'm going to start all over from square one!


It's a little west of here.

I see...

Anyway, Lucy...

I need money for that.

Could you lend me some?!
100,000 Jewel is all I ask.

Y-You know I'm not that rich!

"Rich"?! It's a measly 100,000!

You're my daughter!
Surely you can give me at least that much!

What... are you talking about?

Money! I'm swallowing my
pride and asking for your help!

I am!

Just give me the money!

I... don't understand what you're saying.

I can't believe this!
You refuse to listen to your own--

I told you before...

I don't need money or beautiful
clothes or prearranged happiness!

The same is true for you, Father.

There is no prearranged happiness for you!



He's horrible... Just horrible...

All clear on your end, Sergeant Happy?!

Aye, Sir, Captain!

Yo. Welcome back.

No suspicious individuals
to report at this time, Lucy!


Captain! This buck private
is being a party pooper!

Why am I a private?

Yeah, seems that way!

You okay, Lucy?

Don't tell me he's...!

Captain! I've located a suspicious individual!

"Shoo Shoo"


That hurts, you jerk!

What are you doing here?!


Gray was the one stalking you, Lucy!

A-Actually, he wasn't...


I heard someone strange was following
her, so I couldn't just ignore that!

I was just checking things out!

You're in loooove!

What kind of insult is that supposed to be?!

I never liked you to begin with,
but I've lost respect for you, Gray!

Say what?!

You not only like to be half-naked,
but you also go around stalking girls...

Man, that's something only a pervert would--

I can't sit by quietly after being told all that!

I didn't say it!

Shut up, you lousy fire waster!

Bring it on, you icy bastard!

Don't fight in front of other people's homes!

Lucy! Let's head off to work!

Off to work!


So, what kind of job is it?

Haven't decided!


Catching an escaped convict named Velveno.

Velveno?! As in "Guild Hunter" Velveno?!

They found where he is?

Oh! They say he uses awesome magic!

I'm all fired up!

It'll net us 400,000 Jewel each...

You'll be able to pay your rent, Lucy.

Yeah! It's about six months' worth!
I'm gonna do my best!

Hey. You hear about Acalypha?

You mean how their merchant guild
got taken over by an armed group?

Talk about scary...


I heard that armed group is
a dark guild called Naked Mummy.

You serious? Then the army
doesn't stand a chance against 'em!

Incidents involving dark guilds are
apparently on the rise again lately.

This can't be good...

I'm going to work at the
Acalypha merchant guild now.


It makes no difference to me... what happens to...

Where is Acalypha?!

Hey, Lucy!

She's not here. Where could she have gone?


I can't stand that man...

But even so... I have to save him!

The Love & Lucky merchant guild,
in the town of Acalypha...

What's happened to the hostages?!

Please help them! My husband is inside!

Everyone just remain calm!

We've requested aid from a nearby wizard guild!

It's dangerous here! Please vacate the area!


You've "requested aid"?!
Just do something, dammit!

Hey, you! No civilians allowed!

I have family in there! Maybe!


Hey, you! I already told you once before!

I have to do something... Something!

That's it!

Open, Gate of the Maiden!


Do you wish to punish me, Princess?

No! I just need a little favor!


I believe I can open a passage into the building.

Thanks, Virgo!

--Do you wish to punish me?
--I'm thanking you!

Still, there are many wizards inside.

Will we be all right, all by ourselves?

There's no other choice!

Let's go!

What the hell?

I expected a merchant guild to
have way more money than this!

Told you we shoulda knocked over a bank instead!

Shut yer traps!

We're almost outta time!
Just hurry and load the dough!


Shut up, dammit!

Eh?! "Mggg mggg mggg"?!

Got an itch on your butt or somethin'?!

If we don't get this money, you guys
are gonna be in a world of hurt!

Stop, Boss!

We don't got time to screw around here!


Moo! Lashing out at a woman
is udderly unforgivable!

--What the...?!
--A cow?!

No, it's a celestial spirit!

--What's one doing here?!
--How the hell did it get in?!

End of the line!

--A girl?!

A wizard from an official guild?! Damn!

You guys better behave now,
unless you want some serious pain!


My pincers today are extra sharp, shrimp.


I will take them all down now, hello!


Now to finish you off!

What kind of magic is she going to use next?!




That was a disappointment, shrimp.


See! I know how to take care of business too!


--Thank you!
--You saved us!

I-It was nothing...

That was amazing magic!

We offer you our gratitude as well!


Where are you?!

Oh, are you a Fairy Tail wizard?

Y-Yes, I am...

I can't believe it! Someone as
amazing as you came to save us!

Why can't I find you anywhere?

You're okay, right?!




D-Don't tell me you just arrived in town?

I have no money, so I had to walk here.

I was worried for nothing!

Wait, is that why he wanted to
borrow 100,000?! For transportation?!

Does he have no sense of money at all?!

Why are you here?

"Why"?! I heard the guild you
left for was att*cked, so...!

Everything is all right now!
There's nothing to worry about!

Captain! Several of them have escaped!

You came here out of concern for me?

What does it matter?! Goodbye!

I see...

Thank you.

Don't get the wrong idea.

I haven't forgiven you, just so we're clear!

Yes. I accept that. I had it coming.

It was quite a long walk here,
so I had plenty of time to think.

I apologize about yesterday.
I wasn't in my right mind.

I feel regret and shame about it.

I'm going to change.

I managed to make it here
with no money whatsoever.

I'm sure I can do anything...

This guild is actually where
I met Layla--I mean, your mother.

Your mother was pregnant with you

when I was considering starting my own business.

So we decided to leave the guild.

The guild's sign happened
to be broken at the time,

so the "Lucky" spelled out "Lucy" instead.

We found it so funny

that we decided to name
our child Lucy if it was a girl.

Give me a break.

You shouldn't just name your
daughter on a whim like that.

You're right. I'm truly sorry.

But I'm glad I was able to see you.

I was able to see you
become the "plain old Lucy"

you had always wanted to be
from the bottom of your heart

instead of just "Lucky Lucy"
of the Heartfilia family.


Lucy! You okay?!

What in the world happened?!



Did you resolve this all by yourself?


No, actually...

Take care, Dad!

So what the heck happened earlier?!

It was nothing!

Nothing, my butt!

We had to cancel our job, you know!

I'm sorry...


I truly was a fool...

The headquarters of the
Naked Mummy dark guild...

Where's the money?

I'm sorry... An official guild showed up...

I couldn't get the money...

P-Please spare me...!

Huh?! Where's the money?

You're repeating yourself, you know!

If he doesn't have it,
he doesn't have it, Big Bro Gatou!

This is no time to be laughing, Big Bro Zatou.

It's almost the deadline for paying
the Oración Seis's protection money.

This is no time to be laughing, Big Bro Zatou.

You're repeating yourself again, Big Bro Gatou!

I've always wondered--how can
they both be big brothers?

No guild in the criminal underworld
dares defy the Oración Seis.

No guild in the criminal--

I heard you the first time!

Who knows what they're scheming now,

suddenly raising their protection fees like this...

I hear it...

The sound of the times changing...

The sound of eyes opening...

The sound of a beginning...

The crumbling of light!

I want to tell you now

that our hearts are connected

As I hold on tight to keep
my dreams from getting away

I have feelings hidden in the scars
deep in my heart that can't reach you

My footsteps tremble, yet I won't turn back

Instead, I'll take one step toward tomorrow

I want to tell you now

It's okay, hold my hand

Let's start all over again

and strive for the future we always wished for

Natsu. The master's been calling for you.

He says he has an important
job to talk to you about.

Oh! Was there a big incident or something?

Apparently we're going to
team up with other guilds

to try to take down a dark guild.

Sounds like one tough job! I'm all fired up!

"Next Episode: Allied Forces, Assemble!"
Next Episode: Allied Forces, Assemble!

I wonder what kind of people will show up!

A fateful encounter, it shall be!
Filled with romance and suspense!

"Thump thump"
What are you talking about, Happy?
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