02x54 - Maiden of the Sky

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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02x54 - Maiden of the Sky

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on Fairy Tail!

It was our coalition force
versus the Oración Seis!

But then our trump card,
the magic bomber Christina...

--...was suddenly destroyed!

Then we went head-to-head with them.

But, utterly helpless against
them, we were defeated...


ai mo yume mo kimi to naraba

majikaru ni kawaru

saa egao no mahou o kakeyou

mondai darake no pawafuru na sekai ni

chotto akogareteta

tomatta jikan ugoki hajimetan da

kimi ni deatte kara

doushite umarete ikiteru no ka?

muzukashii kotae wa iranai yo

waraou nakou sunao de ii

shinpuru na kimochi ichiban daiji

kanashii yoru ni nagasu namida

tsuyosa ni kaeru

saa egao no mahou o kakeru yo

I can't believe this...

These guys are strong...!

What's the matter, Brain?
Why'd you stop the spell?

You know her?

There's no doubt about it...

That's Wendy...

...the Maiden of the Sky!

--The Maiden...
--...of the Sky?

What's he talking about?!

What does he mean?

"Maiden of the Sky"
Maiden of the Sky.

To think I would meet her in a place like this...

This is quite a find.




Hang on! I'm coming to save you!

What do you think you're doing?!

Money makes all men equal! Yes!




Hey, you!



I've no business with you any longer. Begone!

Dark Rondo!

Get down!

Ms. Lucy!

--Ah! This is Sir Lyon's love!


Iron Rock Wall!

That was a close call.

--Sir Jura!

Wow, Mr. Jura!

Thanks! We owe you one!

Thanks a million...!

Damn those guys!


They're gone...

Say what?!


They beat us big-time...

They're too strong. We never stood a chance...

The Oración Seis...
They're an unbelievable group!

There are only six of them,

yet their magic was even more
powerful than we had heard.

They even took out the trusty Christina...

Yes. That woman who can
peer into minds had mentioned

that they knew everything about our mission.

Umm, what about the people who were inside it?!

No worries there.

Christina was heading to her
destination via remote control.

We were only going to board her

after we found their
temporary base of operations.

Whew! That's a relief!

I'm glad you were unharmed as well, Mr. Jura.

No, I almost didn't make it.

That wound...

Such terrifying power.

Sir Ichiya's painkiller parfum is
making it bearable for now, though.

You detestable Oración Seis!

To think that you would flee
the moment we arrived...

--I can only assume you did so in terror!
--They beat you ragged, you know!

These injuries are nothing at all.

Everyone, please partake of
my painkiller parfum as well!

Oh... What a nice smell...

It really works! My pain is going away!


Though I do wish he'd do
something about those poses...

--Way to go, sensei!

--His title changed again?!

I've given up complaining about it...

How dare they run off with Wendy and Happy!

Where are you?!

Where'd you go, dammit?!

Natsu! Where are you going?!

Honestly, now...

Calm down, will you?

--She has wings...

--The cat is flying...

This is "Aera" magic.

I guess it is understandable to be
surprised if you've never seen it before.

You're copying Happy!

Come again?!

Now you're the one who's surprised...

In any case, I'm concerned
for Wendy and that male cat,

but now you realize we can't
beat them in a haphazard attack!

Lady Charle is correct. The enemy
is far stronger than anticipated.



--Hang in there!

Poison is spreading from
where the snake bit her...

Sir Ichiya!

I know.

This is for my honey!

Painkiller Parfum! Fragrance Increase!

But will a painkiller cure poison?

His parfum does more than heal wounds;

it also has a poison-cleansing effect.


Erza! Are you okay?!

--Is it me, or is she in more pain?!


--This isn't right...
--That's impossible...

His painkiller parfum always works...

Hang in there, Erza!

What do we do?!

Lucy... I'm sorry...

--I need to borrow your belt...
--Huh? Hold on...!

Don't look!

What are you doing, Erza?!

I'm sorry. This is the only way
I can continue to fight...

Cut it off.

Don't be stupid!

Please... Someone...

Very well.

I will do it.

Sir Lyon...

Lyon! Stop!

--Do it!

A-Are you seriously going to do it, Lyon?

We cannot afford to lose this woman right now.


Sheesh! Just how weak-hearted are you fairies?!

Ms. Erza will die unless we do something now!

And what would you know?!

This too... is a part of Sir Lyon's love.

Just do it! Quickly! Before the poison
spreads to the rest of my body!

Don't do it, Lyon!

No! You can't spoil a woman's body!

Surely there's some other way!

This is Lady Erza's wish!

Here goes!

Is this woman's arm more
important to you than her life?!

There might be another way!
Don't be so shortsighted!

I see you're as spineless as ever, Gray.

And here I thought that you had changed a little!


This is bad.

If we don't do something, it'll spread
to the rest of her body and...

Wendy could save her.

You know better than to bicker
with each other at a time like this.

You have to work together and rescue Wendy!

And that male cat too, I guess.

Wendy? That little girl can
use magic to cure poison?

That's amazing...

Much more than poison.

She can also cure fevers,
relieve pain, and even treat injuries.

I-I feel as if my identity is being threatened...

But aren't healing spells Lost Magic?

Wait! Does it have to do with
the "Maiden of the Sky"?!

She--Wendy--is the Sky Dragon Slayer.

Wendy, the Sky Dragon.

A Dragon Slayer?!

Details can wait until later.

Although there's nothing more to tell, actually.

Wendy is who we need now.

And, for reasons unknown, they need her too.

Which means...

...there's only one thing to do...

We have to rescue Wendy.

For Erza's sake too...

...and for Happy!

All right! Let's go!

Deep inside the Worth Woodsea,

where a city of the Ancients once stood...

It is said that maidens withdrew
into this cave during rituals

to hear the words of the gods.

However, it now serves as
a hideout for the Oración Seis.

Don't be so rough! She's a girl, you know!


Stop it!

Happy! Are you okay?

Oh, don't you worry, Wendy!
I will help you get outta here!


What's with the girl, Brain?

Does she have something to do with Nirvana?

She hardly seems like it to me.

Ah! You intend to sell her for money, yes?!

Isn't there anything else you can think of?

Money is all you need! It can even buy love! Yes!

Oh, you don't say.

She is a user of sky magic... Of healing magic.

Healing magic?!

Lost Magic...

Ancient magic that's long been forgotten...


This smells like money! Yes!

This little girl?

You don't mean...?!


She is going to revive him!

Who's "him"?!

I-I don't really know what's going on,
but I won't help bad people!

Oh, you will.

You will revive him.

Racer. Bring him here.

That's a long trip. It'll take
an hour, even as fast as I am.

That's fine with me.

Ah, I see. If he's revived,
Nirvana is as good as found.

Is that your plan, Brain?

Cobra. Hoteye. Angel.

You will continue to search for Nirvana.

But I don't think that'll be
necessary once he's revived.

Come on! Who exactly are you trying to revive?!

Just to be extra cautious,
Midnight and I will remain here.

It doesn't look like he plans to do much, though...

All right. Guess we should go.

Say, how about a little race?

--Whoever finds Nirvana first...
--...wins one million Jewel!

Count me in! Yes!

One million is a bit much...

Hey, Wendy. What in the world
are these guys talking about?

I-I don't really know, either...

Just what kind of magic is this "Nirvana"?

It causes light and dark to trade places.

Light and dark...?

That doesn't make any sense at all.

Meanwhile, Natsu and friends
split into several groups

to search for Wendy and Happy:

Natsu and Gray of Fairy Tail
and Charle of Cait Shelter...

Jura, Lyon, and Sherry of Lamia Scale...

And Ichiya, Ren, and Eve of Blue Pegasus.

Wait, Ren! I don't see Sir Ichiya!

Where did Sir Ichiya go?

We lost him!

Ren! Eve!

Where are you, man?!

That leaves Lucy and Hibiki
of Blue Pegasus by Erza's side.

Please hurry, everyone...

Being impatient won't do any good.

Let's just do all we can do.

What do you mean?

Some of us are on the move,
while others are staying put.

Our coalition is an impromptu one,

so we need to function as a team if
we're to stand a chance against them.

That magic... Mr. Jura called it "Archive."

Yes. With this, I can keep tabs on everyone.

You're not going to join them, Lucy?

I can't just leave Erza here.

Plus, I'm clearly the weakest fighter of us all.

You're too modest.

I've heard all about you,

like the time you beat up
19 gorillas three meters tall

or the time you knocked out the infamous Master
Jose barehanded during the battle with Phantom,

or the time in Acalypha when you single-handedly
took on a dark guild of 1000 people...

So many exaggerations...

Say, why aren't you going with the others?

I can't leave two ladies behind.

Wow, you're actually pretty nice.

You're nothing like what
I read in Sorcerer Weekly.

This magic can also tell the others where we are.

Which is handy, because it won't help much

if they save Wendy and Happy but
then can't find their way back here.

You've thought of everything!

I'm simply following Sir Ichiya's teachings.

Here's Natsu's group...

You say she's the Sky Dragon Slayer?

So what does she eat?


--Is it any good?
--I don't know.

How's that any different from breathing oxygen?

Actually, she applied for this mission
so she could possibly meet you.


You're a Dragon Slayer too, right?

It sounds like she has something to ask you.

--To ask me?

The dragon that taught her Dragon Slayer magic

apparently disappeared seven years ago.

She thought you might know where it is.

What was this dragon's name?

The Sky Dragon Grandeeney, I believe it was.

The Sky Dragon Grandeeney...

Seven years ago...

Oh, yeah! What about Laxus?!

Gramps said he's not
a Dragon Slayer, remember?

Wh-What is this?!

The trees... are black?!


They said it's 'cause of Nirvana,
right, Big Bro Zatou?

They said it's such potent magic

that it makes the land
wither and die, Big Bro Gatou.


We're surrounded!

They said it's 'cause of Nirvana.

You just said that, Big Bro Gatou.

I did, Big Bro Zatou?

Whoa! Monkeys! There are two monkeys here!

Th-These guys are from Fairy Tail!

It's their fault that...!

Oh, they're friends with the girl
who ruined our plans in Acalypha.

Oh! Now there's another monkey!

You're dealing with Naked
Mummy, under the Oración Seis!

Let's have some fun!

Naked Mummy?

A dark guild.

Lucy said she fought 'em
the other day, remember?

We've been had.

Looks like we're up against
much more than six people...

This is perfect!


Don't be silly, you two! We have
to get out of here and run away!

Run away? That's nonsense.

Especially after they were
kind enough to come to us.


They're gonna tell us where their base is!

Hang in there, Happy! Wendy!

We'll teach you brats to underestimate us!

You're dealing with Naked Mummy,
under the Oración Seis!

Why are you repeating yourself?!

This is the end of the line for you!

What is with these Fairy Tail wizards?

Do they honestly think they stand
a chance against so many people?!

Meanwhile, Ren and Eve of Blue Pegasus

find themselves surrounded
by a new enemy as well.

These guys are from the Black Unicorn dark guild!

What are they doing here?!

--You silky-haired losers!
--Pathetic pretty-boys!

Say your prayers!

And, unsurprisingly, Jura, Lyon,
and Sherry are also surrounded...

These people are from Red Hood!

Where were these scum hiding?!

I can't believe an ambush was waiting here...

It's the Saint Wizard Jura!

Take him down and we'll be famous!


And let's not forget this man...

Wait...! I'm all alone; I got
separated from the others...

I promise I'm not up to anything weird...!


Whew, talk about a bummer...

That took longer than I thought.

This thing's so heavy it really slowed me down.

Nonsense. There exists no man faster than you.


A coffin?

Wendy. You will now heal this man.

I-I absolutely refuse to!

Yeah! Yeah!

No, you will. You have to.


This man is Jellal.

He had once infiltrated the council.

This... isn't possible!

In other words, he knows the location of Nirvana.

Jellal...? Wh-What?!

How is he here?! How is he alive?!


You know him?!

He became this way after
being doused in Ether-nano.

However, he is not necessarily dead.

Only you can return him to his previous state.

And you owe this man a great deal, do you not?


ima kimi ni tsutaetai

tsunagatta kokoro ga aru koto

arukidashita yume o hanasanu you dakishimete

mune no oku ni himeta
kizuato ni wa todokanai omoi

furueta ashioto furikaerazu

ashita ni ippo arukidashite

ima kimi ni tsutaetai

daijoubu kono te o nigitte

koko kara mata hajimeyou

nando mo negau ano mirai e

Oh! Bad guys are suddenly coming out in droves!

Natsu! These guys are from dark guilds!

Let me at 'em!

I'll kick their butts and get
'em to tell us where Wendy is!

Hey, now! Don't forget about me!

Okay! I guess I'll warm up
a little before the boss fight!

"Next Episode: The Girl and the Ghost"
Next Episode: The Girl and the Ghost.

You'll get tripped up if
you're not careful, you know...

Just leave it to me!

Oh, man. I think I'll place my hopes in Gray.
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