04x105 - Fire Dragon vs. Flame God

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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04x105 - Fire Dragon vs. Flame God

Post by bunniefuu »

Reuniting with an old friend was
not something I was expecting.

However, the destruction of Fairy Tail

is but a side endeavor in
pursuit of our true objective.

We seek the black wizard of legend...


Seven Kin! I await good news!

The everlasting bond you gave me

will never be turned into a mere memory

The kindness you gave me

helped me realize my "strength"

Thank you

I took pride in what I mistook for being skilled

and was ignorant to kindness, almost like a wolf

The day you took hold of my arm

was the moment I gained a reason to live

Because now I have
steadfast, trustworthy friends

right here

The everlasting bond you gave me

will never be turned into a mere memory

The sternness you showed me

taught me how precious kindness is

The everlasting bond you gave me

will never be turned into a mere memory

The kindness you gave me

helped me realize my "strength"

Thank you

I shall baaattle you.

A goat?!

What is this guy? I sense
weird magic power from him...

What do you mean "what"? He's clearly a goat.

Get back, Lucy.

I am Caprico, one of
Grimoire Heart's Seven Kin.

Seven Kin? Does that mean...?!

There are seven of these boss-class guys?!



You have done well to support
the guild for 48 long years.


That ends today.

For history is about to come to a close

for you and Fairy Tail.

"Fire Dragon vs. Flame God"

"Fire Dragon vs. Flame God"
Fire Dragon vs. Flame God.

You're so wide open, I say!

Is that the best a dragon
hunter's power can do?

Gimme everything ya got!

Shut up!

My body's finally warmed up!
I'm just getting started here!

Mr. Natsu...

It's okay! Nothing to worry about!

It doesn't sound like a sour-grapes attitude!

Natsu's att*cks have no effect...

Who is that guy?!

He called himself a "God Slayer."

Is Earth Land teeming with
guys like this or something?

Oh, yeah, I forgot to introduce myself, huh?

I'm one of Grimoire Heart's Seven Kin...

God Slayer Zancrow!

Natsu of Fairy Tail! A Dragon Slayer!

Yeah, I already know.

You're famous in the Baram Alliance
for the path of destruction you've left!


Baram Alliance? What is that?

Aye, it's the ultimate dark guild organization!

It consists of the Grimoire Heart,
Oración Seis, and Tartaros dark guilds.

Mr. Natsu and our allied forces
wiped out the Oración Seis,

but I never expected Grimoire Heart,
the strongest member of the alliance,

to show up here...

You destroyed the Lullaby,
stopped people from obtaining Deliora,

and completely wiped the R-System
and Nirvana out of existence!

You think taking out Jellal, Master Zero,
and other measly little punks

makes you real hot stuff, dontcha?

Say what?!

You're a lowly dragon hunter!
Don't get so cocky!

"God Slayer," huh? What a joke.

Did God train you or somethin'?!

If you could call Master Hades god-like,

then this is Lost Magic bestowed from a god!

Ha, then you had a person teach you.

I learned my Dragon Slayer
magic from an actual dragon!

A dragon? Like one of them flying lizards?

Does that make this a family member too?

Igneel is not a lizard!

Yeah! Grandeeney isn't a lizard, either!

Hold on, Wendy!

You be quiet, I say.

I'll deal with you in a sec,
after I'm done with this guy.

He looks serious!

I won't let you harm Wendy!

Hey, you!

Don't be gettin' distracted!

Guys! Get away from here!

Bring on your big g*ns, I say!

The flames of my right hand and the flames
of my left hand! Put them together, and...!

Scorch all from the far west to
the far east, o breath of god!

Fire Dragon...

Flame God...

...Brilliant Flame!


Such power!

What tremendous heat!

The powers of a dragon
and a god are colliding!

Oh... no... you don't...!

Mr. Natsu!

No way!

Natsu was overpowered!

Shut up, I said! Lousy cats!

Oh, wait, it ain't just cats, huh?
One of 'em is a dragon hunter too!

Way weak, I say! Way weak!

Wendy... Hang in there...

To think he can so easily outclass the
same dragon wizard power Gajeel has...

Is this what Lost Magic is like?

Why, you...!

Fire Dragon...


Did you know it was the
gods who granted people

the knowledge of fire?

Fire wasn't created by men or dragons...

Gods created it!

All right!

You gotta be kidding me...

I can't believe this...

He ate Mr. Natsu's flames...!

That's some tasty fire!

Violent, never-ending flames...

But even if you have
the power to slay a dragon,

you can't slay a god.

This is the level of Grimoire Heart's magic!

Flame God...




Two dragon hunters hit rock bottom...

What's going on here?! It's like...

Not a single attack of ours is hitting him?!


It's happening again!
Plus, something feels off...

This strange presence I'm sensing...

Just what is it?!

This guy's fending off all four of us...!

He's good!

Screw this!

I don't have time to get all
worked up over some goat!

Damn! I missed again?!

I can't understand it.

It's not like he's using
some sort of magic to dodge,

and he doesn't seem to be
reading our moves like Cobra did...

I dunno why, but I've had this
constant feeling for a while now

that none of our att*cks will hit this guy...

It isn't your imagination.

In baaattle, you are powerless against me.

You can't oppose me or fight back.

There is nothing you can do.

Revere me. Worship me.

That's it... This strange sense of pressure...

What's with this guy?

Why do I feel like I don't stand a chance?!


There's no doubt about it. He's definitely...

This is bad.


Darn it...!

That guy...

It's been a long time since
a fire's felt hot to me...

Wait, where am I?

This smell...!



No way...!

Gramps! You okay?!

It's you... Natsu...


Crap! You're really hurt!

Hang on! I'll take you to Wendy now--

Wait, would it be bad to move you?

Actually, where are we, anyway?! Dammit!


I can't believe this! Who did this to you?!

Listen... well...

Our chance... of winning this battle...

...is nil...

Th-That's crazy, Gramps!
Quit talking like you're asleep!

Your injuries... Who beat you?

Th-This is nothin'! I will win next time!

Please... Natsu...

Take everyone... and run...!

Quit talking like that.

What about the S-Class Trial?

You're Fairy Tail's master.

Don't talk about us not having a chance!

There are times...
that one must retreat... as well...


Looks like Master Hades
took care of ya, huh, Makarov?

Master Hades?

Don't, Natsu...

You don't stand a chance...

E-Even so...

F-Fear?! From Natsu?!


From Natsu?!

What's the matter, Dragon Slayer?

Your entire body has broken
out in a nervous sweat!

I-I accept defeat...

There is nothing wrong with fear.

To fear is to know your own weakness.

So this... is fear...


That's right! That's fear!

When faced with a supreme opponent,

a person can do nothing but
tremble endlessly in terror!

You've done enough... Just escape now...


This is fear...

...but it's not the same fear
Gildarts was talking about.


This trembling...

It's the fear that someone other than me

will get to take out the enemy
that did this to Gramps!

I will defeat Master Hades
with my own two hands!

I absolutely will make you all pay!

Good grief.

It would appear that I got
the short end of the stick.

--Short end?
--What do you mean by that?!

I said it before.

First cats and children, and now girls.

I had hoped to face more
challenging opponents, to be honest.

Cats and children? Does that mean...?

Happy and Wendy's team!

I believe it makes little difference to you.

For I am going to defeat you here as well.

Such strong magic power!

--Lisanna! Are you okay?!
--I am! Are you?!

This guy is strong!

I know.

I'm not going to hold back, either!

Take Over!

Animal Soul!

Oh? Take Over, huh?

That's interesting magic you use.



She instantly switched
to a different Take Over!

When did Lisanna learn
such an advanced move?

Don't underestimate me!

I'm a Fairy Tail wizard too, I'll have you know!


I'm just getting started!


Stay away, Big Sis Mira!

I see. It seems you're a
better fighter than I expected.

In that case... allow me to show
you the difference in our skill.

Spirit and sentiment alone
is not enough to take me on.

To fight is to risk one's life.

Do you not wish for something
more thrilling from a battle?

What are you talking about?

This isn't about our difference in power.

All we want is to protect this place

so Natsu and the others can return!

Is that what's known as "conviction"?

Unfortunately, I don't--

Big Sis Mira!

I'll handle this.

You go look for the others.

No, you can't do that!

What was that just now?!

This girl gave off almost
no magic power before...

But then she gave off a tremendous
sense of pressure, for just a second...

I'm fighting too!

If we work together, I'm sure we can win!

I see that side of you hasn't changed at all.

There's no need to hold back, in other words?

Underestimate the strength of
our guild--the strength of family--

and you're in for a world of hurt.

Defeat Master Hades, you say?

I'm gonna make it so you can't
even joke around like that anymore!

Those flames don't hurt one bit, I say!

Black flame?!

He uses fire magic too?!

Dragon flames and god flames
are on a different level, y'know!

God flames don't burn stuff.

They're all-destroying swords of ferocious fire!

God flames just love to consume wizards!

Flame God...


Once enveloped in these flames,

there's no escape until you've turned to ash!


This is nothin'! I'm gonna eat it!

It's no use. The power of a dragon
ain't enough to eat a god's flame.

Told ya so!

A giant?!


Just try it...

Just try to continue harming
a child as his parent watches!

I'll crush you and leave no trace whatsoever!

Sure you got that much strength left?


Better let go soon or your arm will
be what vanishes without a trace!


He put more strength into it instead?!

I will not let go...!

Stop, Gramps!

Why, you...!

Let go, Gramps!

Do not belittle...

...the power of family!

The dragon hunter, Makarov, or me?!

I wonder who's gonna kick the bucket first!

Natsu's magic power... is gone?!

The dragon hunter's the first to fall!


How is he eating god flames?!

By first emptying his magic power,

he created a vessel for
consuming un-eatable fire?!

I see...

So there's a trick to eatin' some types of fire.


That's a much higher-level tactic than a "trick"!

The idea of emptying your magic power
while inside an enemy's magic power...

You fool! Do you want to die?!

I don't wanna die, nor am
I gonna let anyone die...

We're all going back home
together, to Fairy Tail...

Come together! Dragon and god flames!

Dragon God...

...Brilliant Flame!

He actually did it...!

What a man you are...


All right!

I dream of shining ever-so-brightly

but the sun sets after another day of struggles

As the moonlight lights the way home

I wonder if I'll ever get to be like that too

I pound my chest to keep
my fragile feelings inside

I race to reach the other side of my imagination,

shedding sweat and tears all the way

The closer I get, the further I get

but I want to keep chasing it forever

Awe alone isn't enough

to follow in that person's footsteps

Before my overflowing tears dry up

I'll reach out even further

All right! I win!

That's nice and all, but you
use magic way too recklessly!

Emptying your own magic power
to absorb your opponent's...

There's no wrong way of usin' magic!

Besides, it's no surprise!
Kicking butt is what I do!

Whoa, it would've sounded cooler
if you hadn't said that last part...

"Next Episode: Grand Magic World"
Next Episode: Grand Magic World.

Bragging after you barely win like
that takes a lot of guts, if you ask me.

Still better than you, though.
You didn't do anything.

S-Say what?!
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