04x112 - The One Thing I Couldn't Say

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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04x112 - The One Thing I Couldn't Say

Post by bunniefuu »

What is this?

The grave... is shining...

The rain...

Everybody Jump Up

Everybody Hands Up

Everybody Jump Up
Everybody Hands Up

Leaping across building-tops,
looking down at the city

A colorful world with umbrellas
blooming like flowers

Even on gloomy, rainy days,
if you can find one seed of happiness

it can make things even
better than the day before

You always give me important, valuable words

Is there something I can give you too?

I wish, thank you, it's a little embarrassing

but I want to tell you how I feel now

For you, I always want to give a smile

with our hands held together

Everybody Jump Up
Everybody Hands Up Everybody Pump Up

What is this light?

"I seal here one of the Three
Grand Fairy Spells, Fairy Glitter..."

What does this mean?

"The One Thing I Couldn't Say"

"The One Thing I Couldn't Say"
The One Thing I Couldn't Say.

Why, you...

What is it you're after?!

As I said before, I want to
know where Mavis' grave is.

W-We don't know, either!

The first master's grave...

Does this have to do with
the second test of the trial?

That's it! Now I understand!

I'm sure it's just another
lamebrain idea, but let's hear it.

You want to be an S-Class
wizard too, don't you?!

Too bad! We're not letting you join Fairy Tail!

I figured as much.


Don't talk buddy-buddy with me, cat.
I don't remember asking you.

I don't know about any
"trial" or "S-Class" nonsense.

Quit fooling around.

You're the one fooling around!

Ms. Lucy...

Her grave is holy ground for us!

Even if we knew where
it was, we'd never tell y--


Why, you...!

The sparkle of fairies...

Fairy Glitter...

Said to be just as powerful as Fairy Law...

It's one of your guild's
Three Grand Spells, isn't it?

What?! No idea what you're talking about!

--Mr. Natsu!

I-I'm being crushed...

Its glitter is a merciless light that
forbids an enemy's very existence...

We have no idea what--

Happy! Stay strong!

I want that spell.

I'm... the son of Igneel...

I can't be forced to the ground...

...so easily!

He's running!

U-Under this much gravity? He's amazing!

I hear it's sealed away in Mavis' grave.

Could you kindly tell me where that is?

--He jumped!
--Just how much does he hate losing?!

Fire Dragon...

Are you even listening to me?


Oh, no!

Wh-Who is this guy?!

Is that Makarov lying there?

Ah. I can just ask him, then.


Don't you dare mess with Gramps!

You'll have hell to pay--

Enough of your yapping, brats.

Or should I crush you flat in one shot? Hmm?!

This guy's too strong!

What do we do?! What do we do?!



What is this? What's the deal?!

I don't want some spell!

What about the trial?!

Master! Where are you?!

Just when I finally made it here...

Just when I thought I was
going to be an S-Class wizard...

This trial holds twelve years of my life...

Twelve years ago,
when my mother passed away,

I learned from her will
that my father was alive.

I searched for him...

...and arrived at Fairy Tail.

My father's name is Gildarts.

What are you doing in
a place like this, Missy?



Hurry on home.

Your clothes will start reeking
of booze if you stay here.

Huh? How come...?

How come he doesn't recognize me?

I didn't get to tell him...

"Lively lively"

Need something, little girl?

It's dangerous to hang around here, you know.

Umm... When will Gildarts be back?

Oh? Does this mean you're...

...a Gildarts fan?

No, umm...

That job he's on now...

Might take two or three days,
or maybe even a month.

Can't really say.

Don't worry! He'll be back sooner or later!

Here, have some juice or something!

After visiting many times,
waiting for my father to return,

I wound up joining Fairy Tail.

The city split apart!

Your long-awaited Gildarts is back, Cana!

These two months of waiting have finally paid off!


Yo! Good work!

I'm back, Master.

Sounds like the job went well.

The client sent a thank-you
letter via messenger pigeon.

Ah, if that's the case, then...

Welcome back, Gildarts!

There's someone we want you to meet!

Oh, yes!

This is Cana, our newest member.
Be a good friend to her, okay?



Oh! That's right! Now I remember!

My bad! I should've known it was you!

You were that girl standing by the
entrance just as I was leaving, right?

I see! So you've joined the guild, huh?

Well, it's nice to meet you!

U-Umm, actually...

Incidentally, I realize
you've just returned and all...

--But could you come upstairs for a minute?
--Are you serious? What's the job?

Only rarely would my dad come back...

...and then he'd leave right after on a new job.


You've sure grown, Cana.


Get going, now! You're going
to miss the train again!


See you later!


The one thing I couldn't say then

grew larger and larger inside me...

I learned how to read fortunetelling cards
to tell when my dad would come back.

Oh! You've learned fortunetelling?

Didn't you know? Her predictions
are actually pretty accurate!

Wow! Then you should
learn magic that uses cards!

Card Magic, huh? Great idea!

Card Magic?


But I don't know how to use magic...


Everything begins with a heart that believes.

Fortunetelling, religious faith, and
prayer are all one type of magic.

They're miracles that can
only be felt by true believers.


Only those who believe in the
power of magic, believe in themselves,

and believe in living in harmony
with nature can use magic.


And then I learned Card Magic.

Because I thought learning to use magic

would bring me closer to my dad.


Dad was so popular with everyone

and was the guild's very best wizard...

He always shined so brightly,
while I paled in comparison.

I couldn't bring myself to
tell him, and time passed on.

I'd become afraid of telling
him the truth someday.

And then came the S-Class
Wizard Promotion Trial.


Good luck!


I decided that if I passed it,
I would tell my dad the truth.

But I ended up failing four years in a row.

Even Erza and Mira managed to pass,
and they'd joined after me.

I'm a failure...

I'm nothing like Dad...

That's why I decided to make
this my one last attempt.

I'm thinking of quitting the guild.


So that's why.

If I don't pass this time, there's no way
I'll be fit to be Gildarts' daughter.

I'll drop out of the guild and leave the city.

I'll be your partner!

I absolutely won't let you quit the guild!

I'll make you an S-Class wizard!

Help! Help! Help!

What is this card?

It's a special card that'll let me
know if you're ever in danger.

If this starts shining during the trial,

I'll come to rescue you,
no matter how far apart we are!

Help! Help! Help!

What am I doing?

No... It wasn't supposed to be like this!

I never meant to betray my friends...

I... can't do this...

It's fine if I can't be an S-Class wizard...

It's fine if I can't tell Dad how I feel...

Because, more than that...

...I want to protect my friends!

I don't need anything anymore!

I just want everyone to be safe!

I don't care if I can't stay in the guild...!

Because, no matter where I am...

...my heart will always be in the same place!

So, please...

Lend me the strength to protect the guild!



...love this guild.

Then you have nothing to fear.

Mistakes are not shackles that hold one back.

They are food that nurtures the heart.

This voice...

Now, go.

I lend to you Fairy Glitter.

Master Mavis...


This could be my last fight ever.

I'm going to pay back your twelve years
of kindness, everyone in Fairy Tail!

This way!

Hang on, Lucy! I'm coming!

One of the Fairy Tail's Three
Grand Spells, Fairy Glitter...

With this spell, I can beat any enemy at all!

I will protect the guild!

Help! Help!

Is it you?!


--Ms. Cana!
--She's all right!


Don't you dare hurt my friends any more!


--What is that magic?!

Is that...?!

That magic you're wielding...

Is it Fairy Glitter?!



Sorry for ditching you...

It was inexcusable of me.

I'm really sorry...

But trust me now.

If I can just hit him with
this spell, it will defeat him!

Wow! Did you get it at the grave?!

Wha...?! I-If you visited
the grave, does that mean...?

Oh, man...

Don't tell me the trial's...

Could we save this for later?

I need your help to beat this guy, Natsu.

Keep him busy while I gather magic power.

No one can move under
the force of my gravity.

Never did I imagine the
spell I was searching for

would so casually come to me.

Fairy Glitter...

I will take that spell now.

Only members of our guild can use this spell...

None of you guys can use it!

Tracing the origin of sorcery,

it's believed that it all began
from a single type of magic.

All manners of magic were
originally one and the same.

A single type of magic?

That sounds familiar for some reason...

Those who approach the Abyss of Sorcery

are capable of mastering any type of magic.


Can't... move...

So let me ask you, girl.

Are you capable of using Fairy Glitter?

Of course... I am...

It's an ultra-difficult spell that gathers and
compresses sunlight, moonlight, and starlight.

A lowly wizard like you can't possibly use it.

Relax. I'll take the spell from you.

Mr. Natsu?!

I guess not even his brute
strength can withstand this gravity...

No, that's not what's going on!

Fire Dragon...


He did it?!

You're annoying me, scum!

Nice, Natsu!


I can use this spell!

Assemble, o river of light guided by fairies!

Because I'm a Fairy Tail wizard!



The sky is shining...


Beyond it... is the light of the stars?!

Shine! To destroy the fangs of wickedness!

Fairy Glitter!

S-Such strong light!

This is one of our guild's Three Grand Spells!



You consider this enough
skill to use Fairy Glitter?

Don't make me laugh.

As powerful as the spell may be,

is this the best it can do
when cast by lowly trash?

This can't be...

Are you aware

that I can take the spell even after I k*ll you?

I'm just too weak...




I didn't get to fly again today.

Now you will fall to Hell.


--No way...
--It's Gildarts!


Let's look up into the sky, arms opened wide,

and etch out ever-brighter dreams

Find a passion that matches your talent

then grab hold and put it in your heart

As time passes and you encounter
setbacks and tearful farewells

always embrace your unique ambitions

and race toward your dreams

We're still in the middle of a dream--
there's no answer to be had

But it doesn't feel bad; in fact, it's pretty nice

See? We're alive again today

Now it's your turn

Let's look up into the sky, arms opened wide,

and etch a dream of, "It really is possible!"

Find a passion that matches your talent

then grab hold and put it in your heart

As time passes and you encounter
setbacks and tearful farewells

always embrace your unique ambitions

and race toward your dreams

Paint a marvelous future, boy

Apparently that big tree on this
island is called the Tenrou Tree!

This is where Fairy Tail's
founding master rests, right?

But it's not a "Fairy Tree" or anything?

Who knows, maybe a fairy of
the first master will show up!

Oh! I wanna fight it!

Is there anything in your head
but eating, sleeping, and fighting?

"Next Episode: Tenrou Tree"
Next Episode: Tenrou Tree.

I got other thoughts too!
Sneaking into Lucy's house...

Harassing Lucy... Making Lucy--

This is gonna take a while.
Could you write it all down instead?
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