05x131 - Legion's Fierceness

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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05x131 - Legion's Fierceness

Post by bunniefuu »

No, Big Sister! Let go!

I absolutely will not!

Toward the beginning sky...
Toward the shining light...

There's nothing to fear... Because I'm here...

Even if you've fallen to your knees
over and over, had your pride spoiled,

and garnered nothing but doubt,
don't shut your eyes just yet

There's no way to assess the
possibilities right here and now

When your tears turn to rain,
I want you to realize that

Rather than abandon your frustration

taking it with you has a meaning of its own

So even if you can't grab hold
of everything you wish for

take hold of the one thing you can't give up

Let's go welcome the beginning sky

looking straight ahead

When you feel the wind at your back,
all your troubles will surely go away

When I look across the way,
I see that usual smile

so don't bottle everything up inside

If we're patient, we'll find
the answer as we go along

I'm sure of it

Sugarboy and... an octopus?

You mean Byro.

Do you insist on defying us, guild wizard?

I had a lot of fun, but it's time
to close this show down, hot boy.


Do you think riding on that
thing would make me sick?

That's not a vehicle!
It's clearly just an octopus!

Anything that huge is automatically a vehicle!

Now I feel sick for some reason...

Oh, Natsu...


All right, you! I'm sick of
your slimy, tenacious crap!

Fire Dragon Roar!

Natsu's flames d-disappeared?!

Hot boy.

Lord Byro can extinguish an opponent's magic.

Say what?! Nobody told me that!

Fire Dragon...

...Wing Attack!

What is that?!

Baby! Grow!

Grow up!

Magic that feeds off of an
opponent's magic power...

Eliminate them, if you would.


Get back here, you octopus freak!

Lord Byro is busy.

"The Fury of Legion"

"The Fury of Legion"
The Fury of Legion.

Open, Gate of the Ram!


I'm sorry!

Was that to your liking?!

I'm sorry!

That was absolute perfect timing! Thanks!

W-We're alive...!

Dunno what your deal is, but you
totally don't know when to give up.

Here goes!

Open, Gate of the Golden Bull!



I see you're in trouble protecting
a babe at the bottom of a cliff, Ms. Lucy!

You have an awesome, nice body!

Urgh! Yeah, fine, whatever!

I'll skip yelling at you; just beat her up!

You can udderly count on me!

Like, you're totally nuts if
you think a cow can beat me!


--She isn't in control of him?!
--Just as I thought!

She can only control people!

Her magic doesn't work on celestial spirits!


What's wrong, Taurus?!

Th-- Th-- Th--

This girl has an awesome, nice body too!

Hey, now! What kind of reaction is that?!

I can't attack such a nice body!


Say, these celestial spirits of yours...

Is it me, or are they all... unique?


They're dependable and all, but when
it comes to their personalities...

Wait, this is no time for this!

Scorpio! You're up!

We are!

Leave it to me, yeah!

Definitely very unique...

What do we do?

She's so fast that there's nothing we can do!

--We'll just have to defeat her.

Even if she is her spitting image,
she isn't Edolas' Coco.

I really should've known better.

Stand back.

What is it, Kanaloa?

Have you found something?

This magic power...

So it is you who are releasing this
considerable amount of magic power...

An octopus?

Your reputation precedes you.

Fairy Tail's most powerful S-Class wizard...

...Gildarts Clive.

I dunno who you are, but it sounds
like you lashed out at Fairy Tail.

I don't necessarily have
business with the guild.



Are you still following me?

What an opportunity!

This is the biggest scoop in
Sorcerer Weekly's history!

"24 Hours of Gildarts: Light and Shadow!"

I can't believe it's already starting
off with such a cool situation!

First, a showdown seven years in
the making, and now this! Too awesome!

Which should I start with?

The octopus or you?

If you insist on opposing me,
I will simply have to eliminate you.

You say you're gonna eliminate me...
and then defend yourself?

No. I merely neutralized your magic.

More precisely,

I nullified your attack and
redirected it around me.

And, after that, it returned to
normal and affected the trees?!

--I see...

To be quite honest, I've no time
to square off against you like this.

We have a task to complete, you see.

A task?

Please attack me, so that I may eliminate you.


Scorpio! sh**t again!

We are!

Here comes a heavy one! Sand Spear!

It's no use!

Big Sister Lucy!



Oh no! What have I done?!

The more you fight,
the more magic power it saps

and the bigger it gets...

What should we do?

Are you kidding?!

As if I'd ever lose to this dumb ol' blob!

Don't, Natsu!

Fire Dragon...

...Iron Fist!

I hate stubborn pests.

What is this thing?!

It doesn't just drain magic.

It can also copy the attributes
of magic it absorbs.


Natsu's losing to fire?! That's impossible!

Indeed, the more of a foe's magic power
it absorbs, the stronger it becomes.

Do you get it now, pretty blue cat?

Don't give me weird nicknames!

Natsu! Run!

I-I know I should...

But this slimy fire...

Do something about it...

Hey, hot boy!

Fire, c'mon!

My doggies are seriously great!

Grow up!

Grow! Yes!

You're pretty good.



Neutralized again!

Awesome! Simply awesome! Cool!

I kindly ask that you step aside.

Make me, if you can.

Very well. I will simply do that, then.

You're really starting to annoy me.

As are you.

So, what exactly is your goal?

Why are you guys destroying our guild?

Destroying your guild?


Unlike Witching Hour Curse magic,
her magic doesn't require a person's hair.

She can only control one person at a time,

and only within a certain distance.

I can avoid being controlled if I
stay away, but given this situation...

Just tell me already!

Where is she?!

Lily! What are you doing?!

I'll handle this!

Sky Dragon... Roar!

I missed!

She really bustles to and fro!

Shall I finish you off now, hot boy?



Fly me out of here...

--What do you plan to do?
--Just fly!

Aye, Sir!

There's no escape, boy and cat!

Okay, Happy.

Now drop me inside that slime.

Are you crazy, Natsu?!

It'll just drain even more
of your magic power and--

Just do it!


Here goes!

I've had enough of your stubborn sliminess!

Talk about reckless.

This is the definition of being rash.


What are you planning to do, Natsu?

Oh, that's it!

Absorb! Yes!

Absorb it all!


This isn't good!

No! My doggy overate and burst?!

Whatcha gonna do now?

Let go of my hand, hot boy!

If it absorbs your enormous
power, it'll blow us both up!

Don't blame me! It's your
slime that caused this!

In that case, I'll simply protect
my fist by expanding my doggy!

I'm gonna broil your arm!

That's what you think!

What are those two doing?

There's no end to this.


This humble reporter has
just remembered something!


He's Byro Cracy, of the Legion Platoon!

Legion Platoon? What's that?

Zentopia has followers not just
in Fiore, but all over the world.

And the Legion Platoon is a combat unit
from the dark side of its history!

I've heard it's comprised of fierce fighters

who've undergone harsh training
not even priests can endure!

So, what does this combat unit
want with Fairy Tail?

I need not say.

Yes, you do.

Fairy Tail will never be destroyed so easily!

So I'm honestly not that worried.


One of the guild's members...

...is also my daughter.


We're only interested in
Lucy Heartfilia, however.

What do you want with Lucy?

That is a serious look in your eyes.

We are serious as well.

This is nothing more than a task

given to us by the Archbishop of Zentopia.

A "holy w*r", as it were.

A holy w*r?


An important holy w*r that
must be productively waged.


We can't risk having a
reporter die in the field!


Bring it.

Like, I found ya!

Whew. That took totally longer than I thought.

It's 'cause we didn't have info
on what you actually looked like.

Get up! Get up, Michelle!

Totally awesome...

Okay! Now, like, come here!

Why are you after Lucy?

Strictly speaking, our business is
not with Lucy Heartfilia herself.

What we seek is...

Let me hit you, dammit!

Let me hit you!

I'd really like it if you'd
let go of my hand now.

I'm not fond of holding hands
with other guys, you see.

I hate things that are sweet and stubborn.

I'm not holding your hand
'cause I want to, either!

Then I will simply have to
destroy and detach you, hot boy.


Bye-bye, hot boy.

Ice Cannon!

What's the big idea?!
You nearly broke my arm!

I saved you. Don't give me any lip, Slanty-eyes.


Oh, "ice boy."


Don't call me weird names!

What are you even doing here?!

It's not what you think, Gray!
He's the Earth Land Sugarboy!


That's it. Like, this way.

You guys are actually after...!

Yep. That clock hand.

We, like, don't care about you.


It's rare to see you having a difficult fight.

Sorry. I have a tough time with sorts like him.

There is nothing more unpleasant

than having your home
ravaged while you're away.

For sure.

What a naïve chick.

Did you really think anyone needed you?


This is my father's keepsake!
I won't give it up!

That's even better, then!

I just love stealing stuff that's
important to other people.

Please! Stop!

Michelle! Wake up!

Totally cool!

Archbishop! I did it!


A signal flare...

It appears we've obtained the clock hand.

Say what?



Our cold, lifeless world

was made from the outline of a glittery time

A decayed metropolis

No relief to feel

This is what you wished for

Overflowing grayness

This is a utopia?

Let's take everything that's wanted

Let's give everything that's wanted

As we live and obey the unseen voice

lurking within our unconscious minds

Those jerks...

They're mistaken if they think
Fairy Tail will stay beaten!

It sounds like they were after that
clock hand the whole time, not Lucy.

I wonder why they wanted that thing...

Hah! They must be some serious
clock collectors, obviously!

No, I really doubt that's it.

"Next Episode: Key of the Starry Heavens"
Next Episode: Key of the Starry Heavens.

If they're not collectors, then... fetishists?

Yeah, the small hand and the big hand
will portray a golden triangle and--

Of course not! Get real!
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