05x133 - Traveling Companions

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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05x133 - Traveling Companions

Post by bunniefuu »

I've had enough of your blabbering!

--Mr. Natsu!

--How dare you!

Precisely as arranged...


--Are you okay?!
--That jerk!

Hold on!

Toward the beginning sky...
Toward the shining light...

There's nothing to fear... Because I'm here...

Even if you've fallen to your knees
over and over, had your pride spoiled,

and garnered nothing but doubt,
don't shut your eyes just yet

There's no way to assess the
possibilities right here and now

When your tears turn to rain,
I want you to realize that

Rather than abandon your frustration

taking it with you has a meaning of its own

So even if you can't grab hold
of everything you wish for

take hold of the one thing you can't give up

Let's go welcome the beginning sky

looking straight ahead

When you feel the wind at your back,
all your troubles will surely go away

When I look across the way,
I see that usual smile

so don't bottle everything up inside

If we're patient, we'll find
the answer as we go along

I'm sure of it

Oh, my...

--He's so cute!
--That's what you have to say?

Uhh, Natsu. My head's feeling heavy...

It's not like I wanna be on it either!

--Hey, Max.

Maybe you should start a store up again?

This mini-Slanty-eyes figure
could be a big seller!

I'm not a figure!

It's easy to make that mistake given your size.

Will you guys be quiet?!
I'm trying to concentrate here!

I've figured some things out.

Like what?

My dad followed the story in this book.

What do you mean by that?

The "Key of the Starry Heavens"

is about a little girl who
travels in search of six keys

that are said to bring happiness
when they've all been collected.

Juvia wants happiness too!


...she also ends up bringing misfortune
and sorrow to everyone around her.

What kind of ending is that?

Interrupting with jokes will only
make things harder to understand!

Aye, I'm sorry.

What happens?

It says in here, "The first
key takes a journey."

Yeah, right. Keys don't take journeys!

Don't be dumb. It's a metaphor.

What the heck for, then?

Man, how dense can you get?

Where did the Legion Platoon strike first?

Does that mean...?

Yeah. The clock hand was brought here.

In other words, it took a journey.

And everything that's happened
has spawned from that.

"Travel Companions"

"Travel Companions"
Travel Companions.

The little girl in the story travels
in search of the remaining five keys.

She finds keys in a variety of places.

Finally, she arrives at a cathedral
and finds the sixth key.

A cathedral?

Could it be...?

No, it isn't this city's Kardia Cathedral.

It's much farther away.

How do you know that?

I loved this story when I was little,

so I researched a lot about it.

That's when I found the places
"Key of the Starry Heavens" was based on.

I think my dad hid five more
clock pieces in those spots.

Did he mention anything like that?

No, not really...

He was very... quiet before he passed away.

In any case, if we visit the places
this story was based on,

we'll find the rest of the parts!

I'm sure of it!

I'm not sure why the Legion
Platoon is after the clock parts.

But we have to do something if
this "chaos" will happen otherwise!

I'm going to go look for them!

By yourself?


Master told me not to,
but it really bothers me.

That makes sense...

Besides, Natsu won't be very useful like this!

Happy! You've been sayin' mean stuff
ever since you got bigger than me!

You got it wrong.

I didn't get bigger. You got smaller.

What's the plan?

I assume the Legion Platoon
knows about this info too.

In which case, we're in a race against time.

It's unclear what will happen when
all the remaining pieces are gathered.

But, we must keep the world
from plunging into this "chaos."

Let us assemble teams.

Uhh, Lily?

We're going in the completely wrong direction...

Man, it's hard to tell what he's thinking.

Yeah. He is dependable, though.

Are you okay?

I'm not okay!

This slope... and this physique... don't mix...

Hey, Lily. Maybe we should get back on track?

Droy's gonna die if we keep this up.

Droy isn't a vital member.

There's another powerful teammate we need.

How mean...

Powerful teammate? Who?

A man with an odd "geehee" laugh.

Why did this have to be my team?

Ahh, how beautiful this refreshing,
smile-like sunlight is...

I'm sure the family I raise with
my dear Gray will be like this!

This is happiness!



What do you want?!

I'm here.


As I said... I'm here, okay?

I was just worried about you two going alone.

What's there to worry about?!

Various things.

Don't follow us!

I'm worried. About various things.

Seriously, why are you here?!


Why a boat, of all things?

I guess you still get sick
even when you're tiny, huh?

Are you all right?

No, I am not all right...

Big Brother Natsu... Pull yourself together.

I have to say, I'm not so sure about this team.

Why is that?

I mean, our team is tiny Natsu,
followed by Lucy, Michelle, and Romeo.

If we end up having to battle something,

I'll be the only one who can fight.

Yeesh. What was Erza thinking?

I can fight too, Happy!

I'd let it go if I were you.
I'm this team's main muscle.

Chaos, huh?

I wonder what it refers to...

Might you be members of Fairy Tail?

That's right...

This is one crazy waterfall...

Water! I'm so thirsty!

O-Over there!

There he is!


What is he doing?

Isn't it obvious? He's training.


Get lost. I'm training.

I-I'm not afraid...!

Seriously, what is he doing?

That's training?

I'm getting used to being hit
by both waterfalls and lightning!

Quit annoying me!

You should choose one or the other...

I-I'll train as well!

I-I'm not frightened at all!

Come, Lily!


I thought we only came to get him?

There are things in the world
that must be conquered!

You've forgotten the whole point of this, Lily!

This feels great!

This kind of feels like the story
Ms. Lucy was talking about!

How so?

The girl in "Key of the Starry Heavens"
traveled all over the world, right?

I think it must've been a lot like this!

How carefree.

Don't forget that achieving happiness

brought misfortune to those around her
and plunged the world into chaos.

Oh, right.

I'm not a little girl, though.


Let's sit, shall we?

Ahh, how pleasant a picnic can be!


I've always wanted to try having one.

A picnic.

Uhh, Erza. You've forgotten
the whole point of this.

The first picnic of my life!

A picnic!

If we have one, the Legion
Platoon will get ahead of us!

I've calculated everything.

We can have one picnic during our
journey and still remain ahead of them.

Ah! This gentle breeze, this grass that
extends as far as the eye can see!


--Ms. Erza...
--Her values are just too different.

Yeah, that's for sure.

Hey, hey, hey!

Who gave you permission
to have a picnic here?!

Permission, you say?

This is our grassland!

We can't have people picnicking
here any time they want!

Is it me, or is everyone
really focused on picnics?

Are those... horses?

Is there some sort of law

against having a picnic on this
relaxing, spacious grassland?

Hey, hey, hey! These guys are with Fairy Tail!

They say you guys have been lookin'
for some sorta treasure lately.

Hey, hey, hey!

That's perfect, then!

Maybe we should take their treasure!

Word's leaked out.

It's not too surprising. We are
up against the Legion Platoon!

Hey, hey, hey! This is tasty!

This is perfect timing! I was starving!

Yum! Yum!

This was my first...!

This was the very first picnic of my life!

Requip! Thunder Empress Armor!

--She's that mad?!
--They've really set her off!

Ms. Erza is a little scary!

You will pay!

A love triangle...

Juvia is devoted to the lovely Gray!

But... But...

If this will deepen her relationship with him...

...then it's wonderful in its own way!

Seriously, why are you tagging along?!

Because there's no possible way
you can locate the clock pieces.

Huh? Say what?!

You've never been cut out for
complicated tasks like this.

Even after seven years have passed.

In fact, it's possible that you've
worsened over the past seven years.

Get real!

Besides, we were only sealed away;
seven years didn't actually pass for us!

Juvia is devoted to her dear Gray!

But with this relationship,
she wants to do even more for him!

It's so wonderful!

Not even Natsu's said crap like that to me!

You spoilin' for a fight?!

So easily you get heated up.

For an ice wizard, you're a pathetic brat.

That's an even meaner thing to say!

I'll take you on anytime you wish.

But finding the clock pieces
is my priority right now.

Leave it to me.

How do you--?!

Where'd you hear about that?

Everyone's talking about it.

Ah! Juvia is tantalized!

I don't really know why,
but I feel so exhausted...

♪ Manly stew! ♪

A meal here is sure to be delicious!

You bet, Big Sis! It'll taste manly!

Big Sis Mira...

I'm not sure this spot was a good choice...

Oh? Really?


Actually, you see, we're members
of an archaeological society...

Archaeological society?


We actually heard that Fairy Tail is
searching for clock parts, you see...

Where did you hear that?

Now, now. That hardly matters, I would say.

The info's leaked out...

Wait... Does this mean there's
a traitor inside the guild?!

How do you figure?

I assume the Legion Platoon keeps
a very tight lid on its information.

It's unlikely the information
has leaked from there.

In which case, only someone in
the guild could've leaked it...

That's not possible!

I still don't know everyone in the guild
very well, so I'm not sure what to think!

I feel sick...!

You're acting too carefree!

And you get sick too much!

You were saying?

Actually, you see, we'd like you to stop
collecting the clock parts, actually.

How come?!

You say "actually" too much.

We've heard the pieces have been
scattered all over, in ruins and shrines.

And you're on your way to collect them, yes?

How do you know all that?

Actually, you see, from an archaeological
standpoint, we believe that

"Key of the Starry Heavens" holds
extremely deep significance, actually.

How so?

Actually, that particular story, you see...

We actually have reason
to believe that it pinpoints

significant archaeological sites such as
ancient ruins and shrines, you see.

Actually, you see, we have
theorized that these sites served

as the basis for the places the girl
in the story searches, actually.

Actually, you see, our archaeological society

hopes to protect these as
cultural heritage sites, actually!

And a search for the clock parts will
ravage these delicate ruins, you see.


Therefore, we would like you to
forget about the clock, if you would.

No, we insist on it.

Are you kidding me?

I found out about those ruins
right away because of the book.

And I was just a kid at the time...

--Lucy! You're surprisingly smart!
--I could do without the "surprisingly."


Isn't she going a little overboard?
And are those horses?

Is Ms. Erza all right?

Why is she so obsessed with picnics, I wonder?

I'll never forgive you...

...for as long as I live!

This is the place.


According to Lucy, one of the clock
pieces is somewhere in there.

Uhh, how are we supposed
to look for it in there?

--Good question.
--Good question.

That's not an answer!

Ms. Lucy!

Forget all about the clock!

I can't just forget about it!

Why not?!

Because this was... my dad's dying wish!

My dad waited for me for seven long years!

He entrusted this to me to keep
the world from plunging into chaos!

He believed in me to the very end!

I can't forget about something
so important just like that!

Big Sister Lucy...

Actually, you see...

That was actually a very touching speech!

Indeed, it is a beautiful
story of a family's love.


Mr. Natsu!

Big Brother Natsu!


He's actually a friend of
Ms. Lucy Heartfilia, yes?!

Actually, you see, we must save him!

I feel sick!

Even waves make him sick!

Heave... ho!

Back you go!

--I'm normal again!

Actually, you see, we can
use a bit of magic too!

We found Lady Lucy Heartfilia's
story most moving,

so we rescued you and returned you to normal!

All right! Thanks!

Please continue your journey!

To your heart's content,
if that's what you actually want!


I feel sick...

That was certainly a surprise...

To think she's a Heartfilia...

In which case, she'll
undoubtedly end up reaching it.

Was it wise to let her go, Jean-Luc?

A truly curious coincidence, Jude.


As things are now, your daughter
will eventually arrive at...

You gotta be kidding me.

There's... nothing here.

Our cold, lifeless world

was made from the outline of a glittery time

A decayed metropolis

No relief to feel

This is what you wished for

Overflowing grayness

This is a utopia?

Let's take everything that's wanted

Let's give everything that's wanted

As we live and obey the unseen voice

lurking within our unconscious minds

Finally I don't have to worry about
vehicles, but now there's a maze?!

I guess this job isn't gonna be easy, huh?

That's for sure. But anything
less wouldn't be satisfying!

You say that, but don't slow us down, okay?

Why do you make it sound like
I'm always slowing you down?!

Huh? You've never realized it?

"Next Episode: Labyrinth Capriccio"
Next Episode: Labyrinth Capriccio.

No, I do plenty of stuff, if you ask me!

That's what's known as being "swollen-headed."

Seriously?! My head's gotten bigger?!
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