05x135 - Trail of the Myth

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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05x135 - Trail of the Myth

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on Fairy Tail!

After setting out on a journey
to find clock pieces,

we reached a massive tomb beneath the desert.

But little did we realize it was
filled with countless traps!

Toward the beginning sky...
Toward the shining light...

There's nothing to fear... Because I'm here...

Even if you've fallen to your knees
over and over, had your pride spoiled,

and garnered nothing but doubt,
don't shut your eyes just yet

There's no way to assess the
possibilities right here and now

When your tears turn to rain,
I want you to realize that

Rather than abandon your frustration

taking it with you has a meaning of its own

So even if you can't grab hold
of everything you wish for

take hold of the one thing you can't give up

Let's go welcome the beginning sky

looking straight ahead

When you feel the wind at your back,
all your troubles will surely go away

When I look across the way,
I see that usual smile

so don't bottle everything up inside

If we're patient, we'll find
the answer as we go along

I'm sure of it

He's from the other day!

So you guys are here too?!

Samuel filled us in about the story
in "Key of the Starry Heavens."

And we know there's a clock
part in this location, yeah!

It looks like you haven't
found the part yet, either!


Is that you, my Looy-loo, yeah?!

Don't call me that!

He's given her another new name.

It's even more embarrassing
than the earlier ones...

Crossing paths again like this...
This was destiny!

It's a sign that a thread of fate
ties us together, yeah!

Don't go making up stuff like that!

L! O! V! E!

It's payback time for the other day!

Fire Dragon...


I don't got time to waste on you.

A major turning point in
my life is taking place, yeah!

Oww! Oww! Oww! Oww!

Big Sister Lucy!

Big Brother Natsu! Be careful!

That shield is always a pain in the butt!


"Footprints of the Myth"

"Footprints of the Myth"
Footprints of the Myth.

They're not coming after us...

Maybe we managed to lose them?

Just like I planned!


Let's just find the clock part now!

Not so fast!

First, we need to form a bond
of love, Looy-loo! Yeah!

Will you stop calling me that?!

Mr. Dan!

Finding the part takes priority right now!

We've been given an
important task to accomplish!

I understand that.

But... love's important too, yeah!

You don't understand.

L! O! V! E!

I'm getting really sick of you!

--Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot!
--You're on fire, Big Sister!

Crap! I did it again!

For getting in the way of our love...

...I'm gonna make raw tuna
slices out of you, yeah!

That doesn't even make sense!

Now you will feel the might of my
magical spear, the Habaraki, yeah!

Be careful, Mr. Natsu!

If he hits you, you'll get
turned tiny like last time!

I know! And I don't want you
stomping on me any more!

I'm just getting started, yeah!

Big Sister!

Huh? Huh? Huh?!

What is this?!

I messed up, yeah!

Oh! Please forgive me!

I never meant for this, yeah!

Turning my beloved into this...!


I'm unfit to be your boyfriend, yeah!

If you feel that way, then turn me back!

Of course, yeah!


This actually isn't half-bad, yeah!


Tiny Looy-loo has an
enchanting charm too, yeah!

I want to carry you around as
a strap charm or something!

Screw that!

I'm gonna keep you like this for a while, yeah!

When I get home, I'll display you on my desk...

...and enjoy looking at you, yeah!

I'm not a figure to be displayed!

From now on, we'll always be together!

Aah! I can't believe this has happened to her!

But she is kind of cute!

I kind of want one too!

Quit being stupid and help me!

My beloved and I are now one!

I've nothing to fear anymore, yeah!

Time to pick up where we left off!

Mr. Dan! Save the fight for later;
we need to focus on the clock part!

I'm busy at the moment, yeah!

You go on ahead!

Samuel didn't give me any of the details!

I can't look for it without you!

Now what?! We really need to get
looking for the clock piece too!

But we can't just leave
Big Sister Lucy like that!

I'm getting dizzy!

Oh, yeah! A celestial spirit!

Open, Gate of the Horseman!


You called, hello?

Huh?! What has happened to me?!


Being small makes my
celestial spirits small too?!

However, once summoned, it's a
celestial spirit's job to fulfill his duty!

Thus, hello!

Take this! The full force of my might!


Perfect timing, yeah!

I had little bones stuck in my teeth
from the grilled tuna I had this morning!

The full force of my might was
completely meaningless, thus, hello?!

Now that I feel refreshed,
I'll start by eliminating you, yeah!

Hello, hello, hello!

Look out, Sagittarius!

He... llo...

Sorry! I did it again!

Sheesh! Just go ahead and leave!

Please forgive my uselessness, thus, hello!

This is getting us nowhere...

--Say, I know!

Mr. Dan! Why don't we hold a wedding
ceremony for you two right here?!

What kind of idea is that?!

This is a sacred place full of history, right?

I think it would be perfect!

Oh! That's a good idea, yeah!

Uhh, this is a tomb, you know...

Then let's get started with
the wedding planning!

Right! You can count on me, yeah!

First, we'll invite friends and
relatives, around 50 in all!

Oh! Sounds like a lavish ceremony, yeah!

Your honeymoon will be
a trip around the world!

Romantic, yeah!

And, after a life spent together,
you'll decorate the night sky

as the constellation of a
legendary lovebird couple!


The dawn of my life is close at hand, yeah!

These two are too much...

L! O! V! E!

Hey, you! Don't go neglectin' me!

What's this smell, yeah?


This must be your work, Romeo!

Sorry! But I'm doing this to save you!

I can't stand this stench, yeah!

The smoke's in my armor!

I'm gonna choke!

Aah! Our thread of fate!

Big Sister Lucy!

Oww! Oww! Oww!

--Why does this keep happening today?!
--Lucy! Hop on!

Ack! Give my wife back!

I owe you one...

Now get us out of here, Happy!

Aye, Sir!

Not if I turn you big again!

Your weight will make you plummet, yeah!

--I'm normal again!

Oops. My hand slipped again, yeah.

H-Happy is huge!

You suck at that!

Hey, now! You're not a master
spear-wielder at all, are you?!

I'm stuck!

Sorry! I squished you again!

You better not be doing this on purpose!

You're sure this is the place?!

The map you guys gave me said this is the spot!

I could zoom right there
if it was on normal ground,

but climbin' up a cliff's
a whole different story...

This'd be so much easier if
you could fly us to the top, Lily!

We'd risk missing any clues
that might lie along the way.

We can't afford to take the easy way out!

Quit your jibber-jabber
or you'll get left behind!

He really irritates me!


It seems we're completely lost.

It feels like we've been going
in circles for a while now.

What does the map say?

It doesn't include detailed directions.

It seems we're supposed to follow this sign.

It's strange, though.

This path should take us
to our destination, right?

Maybe the sign is wrong?

Or maybe someone has pointed
it in the wrong way as a prank?

That'd be a nasty prank.

Repointing signs is actually a crime;

one wrong sign could cause a major accident.

We should at least be close.

Let's proceed carefully while checking the map.

Is it just a prank?

Or could someone be trying to stop us?

Stay still, Happy!

Flying is the only way I won't squish anyone!

This place is a priceless
piece of cultural heritage!

We mustn't wreck it!

This is no time to worry about that!

Argh! This is annoying!

Here goes!

You're back to normal now.

Everyone's finally back to normal!

Now, let's find that clock part!

I'm so glad...!

But how do we find it if we don't
even know where to look?

Don't worry. I brought the book
precisely for a time like this.

We might figure something out based on this!

With that book, I could find the piece myself!

Give me that book!

Stay away!


Now's our chance!

--Ack! Get back here!
--You ain't goin' anywhere.

I'll kick his butt! You guys go find the part!

Right! You can count on us!

Be careful not to get squished!

I won't get squished with you gone!

Get back here!

Curse you! You insist on interfering, yeah?!

It's time to settle the score once and for all!

Get back here!

Stay away!

Big Sister Lucy! Where's the clock piece?

Uhh... Let's see here...!


Not again!

Wahh! Of all the times to
run out of magic power...!

Hold this!

Grab hold!

I won't accept an enemy's mercy!

Quit being stubborn and hurry!

Big Sister Lucy! Are you all right?!

Somehow I'm okay!

Hang on! We're coming to help you!

No, don't worry about me!

Just hurry and find the clock part!

I'm sure we'll meet up eventually!

Is she really going to be all right?
She's with that Coco girl...

She does have her celestial spirits.
I think she'll be fine.

Yeah. Let's do what she says.

Big Sister Lucy! Be careful, okay?!

You guys, too!


Say, are you okay?

Mind your own business!

I could've climbed out of there
just fine if it hadn't been for you!

Don't talk to me like that! I tried to help you!

I never asked for your help!

You have no charm at all!

I know someone who looks just like you,

except she was kind and gentle!

She's someone else!

Please don't confuse her with me!

Hey, what exactly is your goal, anyway?

Why do you want the clock parts?

What's this "holy w*r"
and "chaos" stuff about?!

You know I can't tell you!

If anything, why are you
guys trying to stop us?!

We don't know what's going on,
so we're trying to figure stuff out.

Anything you try is pointless!

Half-rate wizards like you
guys can't possibly stop us!

She really has no charm at all!

Better be careful. There's no telling
where there could be traps.

I'm aware of that!

They were planted to stop
treasure thieves like you guys!

What we're doing is no different from you!

Look out!


No need to thank me.

I repaid you for trying to
help me earlier, nothing more.

You really aren't friendly at all.

Yet you're just like Edolas' Coco,

even down to her face, body, and speediness...

This person is that similar to me?

Yeah. You're practically
the same person, actually.


It'd take too long to explain.

Basically, we started out as enemies...

...but grew to be friends in the end!

That's nothing like me, then.

Because I will never be friends with you!

Listen, we're not actually trying
to stop you guys, you know.

All we want to do is keep
disaster from striking everyone!

That's your goal?

Well, in my case, I also want to
know what my dad was thinking.

Your dad...

Mr. Jude Heartfilia, right?

They say he was a first-rate entrepreneur.

As his daughter, I never really understood him.

I mean, even just hiding clock pieces
in crazy, complicated places like this

makes me wonder what
was going through his mind.

I wish he could've considered our perspective.

That, I greatly agree with!

What's so funny?!

Nothing! I was just thinking
what a silly girl you are!

Are you insulting me?

No, that's not what I meant...


A dead-end.

Maybe we should head back after all.

Hmph! You're not very observant!

Places like this always have a secret to them!

Don't touch that!


Coco! Say something!


Thank goodness! You're all right!

All right! We'll pull you up now!

You could've just left her there, you know.

Don't worry about it.
Let's just find the clock part!

According to Lucy, the clock
part thing should be here.

Yet, I see nothing of the sort.


F-Finally at the top...

--The air's so thin...
--And so cold!

We don't got time to be tired!

Let's get lookin' for the clock part!

Let us rest a little...

I can't take another step...

I'm hungry...

Oh, no! It's the wrong mountain!


The clock part's on that mountain!

We have more climbing to do!

No way!

Just kidding.


My attempt to cheer them up with an
amusing joke had the opposite effect.

I don't see anything up here.

Which means it must be buried
somewhere around here.

What are you planning to do?

This is the place! We've found it at last!

Countless texts on every type of
magic are said to be stored here...

...in the Sorcery Library.

Talk about a humongous building...

It doesn't look like it gets
many visitors, though.

That's a shame. It's the culmination
of all our past knowledge.

These are all magic books?!

It's far more impressive than I imagined!

I bet Ms. Levy would be excited to see this!

My word. These books are all so very old...

Fire Dragon Roar!

Here goes!

I don't have time to keep
messing with you, yeah!

That's my line!

It's time to finish you, yeah!

Prepare to fall! Straight into the sewer, yeah!

You can't beat me!

Our cold, lifeless world

was made from the outline of a glittery time

A decayed metropolis

No relief to feel

This is what you wished for

Overflowing grayness

This is a utopia?

Let's take everything that's wanted

Let's give everything that's wanted

As we live and obey the unseen voice

lurking within our unconscious minds

Something smells familiar...


Yeah. Like people who once helped
me when I had motion sickness...

No, people who att*cked me!

You're saying totally opposite things.

Which are they? Good people or bad people?

Hmm, let's compromise and say...
petty criminals who only act bad!

"Next Episode: True Scoundrels, Once Again"
Next Episode: True Scoundrels, Once Again.

Hmm. So, what do they smell like?

Like black, full-body tights... I guess?

Huh?! That's an actual smell?!
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