05x142 - The Dissonance of Battle

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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05x142 - The Dissonance of Battle

Post by bunniefuu »

The thing about you is that you're
only able to shed tears for others

Whenever I see you cry, I can't help but smile

and feel glad that I love you

So all I ask is that you stay close
enough for me to reach you

because I'll gently wipe away
your tears when you do weep

The thing about you is that you're
only able to shed tears for others

But it's okay to use tears
for yourself too, you know?

So all I ask is that you stay
close enough for me to reach you

When you do need to cry,
I'll do the crying for you instead

So, please, stay by my side

Hey, you.

How can you drink during a
state of emergency like this?

Oh, I've heard of this guy!

He's Gryder, a famous
boozehound in these parts!

He sure lives an envious life,
while we run around upholding justice.


Yeah! The justice in fighting
the revived Oración Seis!

The justice in protecting the citizens of Fiore!

Gryder. Even you have a sense of justice.

Don't give me that "justice" crap!
Shut your mouth!

What are you doing?!

Pick a fight with the Fiore Army
and you're just asking for--


Your speed isn't what it used to be.

I advise you to stop... Doranbolt.

I'm Mest.

Mest Gryder, the traitor.

You're still using that name?

No matter. We need to talk.


What's wrong with justice?

Even you used to...


I abandoned Wendy. I abandoned them all...

Some justice that was.

There's no need to obsess with justice.

I need your help now.

That's why I'm here.


Come with me, Doranbolt. I beg of you.

Do you accept?

I ain't Doranbolt.

My name's Mest. Call me that.

All right.

You can start by sobering up, Mest.

"Dissonance of Battle"

"Dissonance of Battle"
Dissonance of Battle.

You're one crazy freak! You ain't manly at all!

I'll deal with you later, Octo-jerk!

How confident you are,
lettin' yourself get distracted!

All right!

Magic Ice Pop!

I can't see a thing!

What's the big idea?!

Oh! My bad!

Hold on! This guy's not that simple!

We need to use teamwork to handle him!

All right!


Cancer! If you would!

Leave it to me, shrimp!


Fire Dragon Wing Attack!

Now we're talkin'!

Steel Walls!

--Dammit, Natsu!
--Are you trying to cook us, shrimp?!

--Why are you blaming me?!

What are you starin' at?!
Don't make me thrash you first!

I... want to cut that hair of yours, shrimp!

Quit fighting each other, will you?!

They don't seem like a very good match.


Cana chose these teams with her fortunetelling.

They're supposed to be a good match
for each other and their destinations...

Compatibility, huh...

Urgh! Sheesh!

My feet are k*lling me...

Seriously, who hikes in high-heels?!

I can't help it. I'm a fairy.

--That doesn't even make sense.
--They hurt...

Be quiet and walk.

How can you be like that?!
I just said my feet hurt!

You can show some concern for me.

If you can have that big of a hissy-fit,
you should focus on moving forward instead.

Hmph. How disgusting.

Acting like you're the boss of me...
Who put you in charge?

Did you just say something?

Not at all...

Oh, man. This sucks.

Why'd it have to be this team?

Achoo! Gah!

Someone's complimenting me again.

No... Somehow I don't think so...

What's that supposed to mean?!

Here we go! Here we go!

Sweet! Lightning Bolt Bonus!

Big Sister! Are you all right?!

Not really...

Against my Slot Magic,
you're nothing but lowly worms--

no, even lower than that!

You're now at the mercy
of the ever-changing odds!

Why, you...!

We're gettin' nowhere like this. What do we do?

Isn't it obvious?! There's only one thing to do!

Beat him senseless!

All right! Now this is hot!

Shaggy Pool!

Now this is my time to shine, shrimp!


Quit joking around!


I got carried away...

Forget teamwork, this is...

...everyone for themselves!

It's to be expected.
Everyone has their own preferences.

Yeah, after all...

I like fish, you like
Darjeeling tea, and Lily likes...


They're quite tasty with the peel still on.

Is that the proper way to eat them?!

This delectable tartness and subtle sweetness!

And the texture of the peel!

It's delicious! To die for!

The texture of the peel...?

What is this fragrance?

There's only one choice for me...

Butter-sautéed mushrooms.


Hello to you, Brother. And Happy and Charle.

What a bunch of silly little kids you are!

He's attacking again!


Rain?! Yeah!

Open, Gate of the Water Bearer!


You called, girl?!

And you summoned me out of
some muddy ol' water again?!

You're just askin' for it!

I-I'm sorry...

Wait! Quit threatening me and do
something about that creepy contraption!

Why do you always, always
call me when I'm on a date?

--Is it an inferiority complex?

Well, whatever! I'll take care of him for ya!


That's not fair! I'm gonna hit him first!

Round-and-round we go!

A real hot payoff!

--Stay out of my way!
--You stay out of my way!

Shut up, the both of ya!

Urgh! How'd it turn out this way?!

They're not working in tune at all...

There's not much left now...

Say, Nico. I wonder how much longer
this tree will continue to live...

Lady Katja!

Wh-What are you doing out here?!

I was looking at the tree.

You mustn't wander around outside!

Don't you know what's happening right now?!

I'm well aware of it.
And that very little is left.

In that case...

I thought that perhaps this tree
could keep me in its memory...

Also... we've received word that
Fabrizio was found and taken away.

He was?

It's possible I'll be next.

If you get scared, feel free to run away, Nico.

You're that against bein' teamed with me?

Not really, but...

If you don't like it, go ahead
and join that naked freak.

I have nothing against you, Gajeel.

It's just... It's just...

My darling Gray...

Juvia and the lovely Gray, having tea

in a fashionable open-air café
on a warm, sunny day...

How nice it would be for
such a day to last forever...

Tea! Gimme some damn tea!

With iron in it!

Just go inside! You can have some there!

Ain't hardly any sunlight in there! I'd rust!

I'm drinkin' out here!



Don't get in Juvia's way.

What's the big deal?
We're just havin' some tea together.

Don't get in the way...

Is that clear?!

Hey! You're gonna make me rust!

It's like that.


You don't make any sense.
You're a pain in the neck.

That's the kind of girl Juvia is...

You okay, Wendy?

Yes! I'm hanging in there!

We're almost there. Just hafta
get over this mountain pass.


What the heck?

A storm...

Well, mountain weather is
unpredictable sometimes...

What the...?! This is insane!

Yesterday's weather...

I can't recall it.

It's that Grim Reaper or whatever guy.

He's basically like a walking weather anomaly.

He apparently used to be Mr. Erigor,
a member of Eisenwald.



Never heard of them.

Man, is it just me or are you way too forgetful?


I do know what weather is coming next.

Squalls from above!

With occasional tornados from the sides!

Defying weather phenomena...

Not even flies should attempt such a thing.

This guy...!

Mr. Bixlow!

I'll lend you support!

All right!

We ain't flies!

Don't you dare insult Fairy Tail wizards!

Heavy gusts... from below!

What's the matter? Are you nothing but talk?


--I'll cast healing magic...
--There's no time!


Fairy... Tail...

Doesn't ring a bell.

But... I do know what weather is coming next.

A storm... A storm!

A storm from directly ahead...

I'll stop it!

Sky Dragon... Roar!

This guy's soul... What's the deal?!

...followed by lightning from behind!



I'd already moved my souls into different dolls!

Chew on this!

Point-blank Baryon Formation!

No way!

That ain't fair! You can fly!

So it would seem.

I had forgotten.

By the way, who are you?

Oh, man...

We've already been forgotten...

Sky Dragon Wing Attack!

The impudence of using wind magic
against one who controls weather...

Now you will know your place.

Wendy! Look out!

Beware of flying objects carried by heavy winds!

Animal stink...!

O-Oh, no! It's my fault!

Mr. Bixlow!

The Infinity Clock has been assembled
and taken by the Oración Seis.

So what are you people possibly up to now?

According to my calculations, Brother,

the situation has changed
from our original predictions

and become even more complicated.

Too complicated to calculate anymore.

I got it! You want our help, don't you?

Seeing as we're all Exceeds...

Your assumption is correct.

If things get out of hand,

the situation could become too
much for humans to deal with.

Now you think that way?

I thought Zentopia's teachings
were all that mattered to you?

Our doctrine is important, but this
is no time to stubbornly cling to it.

I see.

So, what do you want from us?

Unfortunately, this isn't
a problem you can solve;

fish is all you can think about, and my
brother is nothing but a musclebrain.

How rude!

Did you come to pick a fight or something?!


Have you sensed anything at all
with your precognitive powers?

I have had a variety of unclear visions...

Ominous ones, at that.

Anything from "Key of the Starry Heavens"?


I think it was meant as a warning.

The clock wasn't meant to be assembled.

It apparently originally belonged to Zentopia.

And now we've been given
an incomprehensible task.

So you want to know what
the future holds, Sammy?

Most ill-boding of all

is the possibility that Zentopia's
doctrine is being used for evil purposes.

What's goin' on here?

Were we too late?

Like... how come we...

...hafta attack churches?

It totally... makes no sense...

His Eminence gave us this mission-wission!

What are you hesitating for?!


That's... not the Oración Seis.

They're with the Legion Platoon?

Guild wizards, huh?

You workin' for Zentopia?!

Internal conflict?

Why... the priests? How could you...?

His Eminence's words are the archbishop's words.

In short, it's doctrine-woctrine!

If told to destroy,
the Legion Platoon will destroy!

Be faithful to the doctrine,
and never show doubty-woubty...

This guy...

Filthy infidel! Now you go boom!


What the...?!

An expl*si*n?!

No, it was something else...

Be careful, Gajeel!

I don't like ya...

...one bit!

You both seem to have very high levels
of internal magic power-wower!

That's perfect.

Pretty light!

What nice rupture-wuptures!

What's with this guy?!

Juvia's never seen magic like this before...

Rupture Magic...

It instantly expands a target's
internal magic power until it ruptures...

Go boom! Go boom!

Juvia! Don't give in!

I know, Gajeel!

As long as you got magic power in you,

you'll keep going dancey-wancey like that.

Does that hurty-wurty?!

May you feel every bit of pain.


Why have you freed this guy?

This... goes totally against...
Zentopia's teachings...

Hey! Anyone home?

Outsiders are not permitted inside.

Come on, don't be like that! You can let us in!

--Way too direct.

Hitting on girls is a lot like pitching:
direct is the best way.

What kind of boasting is that?

Guess we got no choice.

Laki. I need you.


The truth is...

Try anything funny with me
and I'll tell Cana immediately!

Some of it'll be true. But 85% won't.

No... it's not that. I'm being serious here.


Take a good look at this monastery.

Make Magic sure is handy.

Hey! Don't try to cop a feel
during all the confusion!

Oww! Don't kick me!

--Sorry. Didn't mean to.

Intruders... Intruders...

They've spotted us...

Ugh. After all that, too...

Whose fault was it?!

Intruders... Intruders...

What is this?

All my pores are doing hand-stands!

Is that your way of saying
these guys creep you out?

Wood Make: The Heart Feels Distant!

Get lost, the lot of ya!

You can't beat up monks and nuns!

Seize them... Seize them...

Seize them... Seize them... Seize them...

Seize them... Seize them...

Wh-What's with these people?

Man, this is getting annoying...

I said stay away!

I've had just about enough of you guys!

A-A storm of m*ssacre?!

No, look closely.

These guys ain't human!


What are these? Dolls made of earth and wood?

It doesn't seem to be a Make Magic spell...

What are those Zentopian guys thinking?

Or more like, what are they hiding?

It's possible this is something far more
serious than our master suspected...


Looks like you hit the jackpot, Macao.

Don't hold back!

Let's head inside!

It isn't about excuses and "what ifs"

Time simply moves toward
the future, equally and always

It's okay to take a long way around;
it doesn't need to be a shortcut

Even now, a tiny light shines in the distance

Not everyone will find and
grab hold of their dreams

but you'll be fine - you have your friends

Just keep following your dream

and shout your unconquerable spirit
from the bottom of your heart

All your problems and all your worries

are there to help you shine someday Oh

So I give to you my "yell" of encouragement

The Oración Seis...

Is it me, or are they a lot stronger
than when we first fought 'em?

I guess they got a reason they can't lose, too.

Yeah, maybe. But we can't lose, either!

Yeah! Let's kick their butts and
stop their world "whatever" plan!

Natsu. That's a pretty
important word to remember.

"Next Episode: Anti-Link"
Next Episode: Anti-Link.

Winning is more important than words, though.

Yeah, I guess. But that's
a pretty blunt conclusion.

It's better to keep it
simple with stuff like this.
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