06x153 - Song of the Stars

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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06x153 - Song of the Stars

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on Fairy Tail!

At the end of our intense
battle on Tenrou Island,

our founding master saved our lives
by sealing us away for a while.

But it turns out that seven years
had passed for the outside world!

As for what happened to
our guild during that time...

Pretty much a lot happened,

and there's a lot about the world seven
years later we still don't know about!

A simpleminded but purehearted person

was always seen in those eyes

What's important, what tomorrow holds

What true strength actually is

Remembering you has made
my paltry self go crazy

I'll toss everything aside and make
a miracle happen, just you watch

Race forward, forward,
forward with everything you got

The fateful moment is when you think,
"This is how it's gonna be."

So keep fighting it, with all
your voice and all your soul

Because staring at books isn't
going to get you anywhere

A major event is being held in three
months to determine Fiore's #1 guild:

the Grand Magic Games!

It's a festival of wizardry, filled
with all sorts of magic competitions!

Fairy Tail became Fiore's weakest
guild during our seven years away.

So we've decided to enter
the Grand Magic Games

to become Fiore's #1 guild again.

But our Tenrou Team missed
out on the past seven years.

We might not be ready to fight in this new era.

We have three months until the festival.

So we decided...

...to have a training camp at the beach!

"Song of the Stars"

"Song of the Stars"
Song of the Stars.

"Song of the Stars"

Listen, you!

--We didn't come here to play!

It's hard to take you serious
when you're dressed like that.

We realize that, of course.

It's important to balance
work and pleasure like this.

Play hard! Eat hard! Sleep hard!

Uhh, you left out "training."

Listen here. By the time
your training camp is over...

...we're gonna make it so
you can at least beat us.

The ocean!

All right!

Swimming contest!

Sand castle contest!

Eating contest!

Sun tan contest!

Welp, time for a nap at the lodge.

Look at 'em, kicking back and relaxing.

Well, I guess we can let
'em enjoy this first day.

My darling Gray looks
handsome with a suntan too!

Now, let's see...

How exactly do I read this?

Meanwhile, the other Fairy Tail members
began their training in other locations.

Natsu's really incredible!

He can still sh**t a Fire Dragon Roar even
with all the water pressure down there!

That was great, Natsu!

Nah, I'm just getting started!
That ain't good enough!

I gotta up my power even more!

I can't let him outdo me now.

As for me, I always run out of
magic power at the worst time,

so I want to fix that weakness.

To do that, you must strengthen your mind

and enhance the very vessel of your magic power.

The land...

The wind...

The air...

Feel it upon your skin.

Control your breathing, and
try to become one with nature.

That's it, Lady Lucy. Keep going.

Release a bit more magic power.

That's tough...

Lady Layla trained in a similar way
to improve her celestial spirit magic.

Say, have you ever heard of "primordial magic"?

The magic from which all other
magic began, I do believe.

Hades said that he wanted to obtain it.

My mom had told me about it,
but it had nothing to do

with Zeref, the Grand Magic World,
or anything scary like that.

What are you saying?

If the "primordial magic"
my mom talked about is real,

then it's something Hades can never obtain.

It's something we can't even picture.

It's something that seems easy to get
but is actually very hard to obtain.

It's something that is more
powerful than anything else,

yet also very weak.

My mom said

that all magic began from love.

That's why I think "primordial
magic" refers to "love."

That is a very wonderful interpretation.

If only Hades could've seen it that way too...

...maybe he could've avoided
the depths of darkness.


Aye, Sir!

Stronger and stronger!

Aye-aye, Sir!

I'm gonna silence everyone
who looks down on our guild!


I'm gonna show 'em the power of Fairy Tail!

Show 'em!

"Akane Inn"

Look! The stars are so pretty!

I wonder if the others are training hard too.

Maybe they're looking at
the stars just like we are!

I need to try harder too!

Day two of the beach training camp.
Three months until the Grand Magic Games.

Mm! I feel so content!

We just gotta keep training hard!

It's only been two days, but our
magic power's really increased!


Doing this same pose as my dear
Gray makes my heart quiver so!

Catching up with the times is a real possibility

if we keep training like this for three months.


Just you watch, other guild people!

Watch what three months of fiery
Fairy training will accomplish!

At first I thought,
"We only have three months?"

But with effective training, it's more like,
"We have three whole months?"


Princess! Terrible news!

--Watch where you pop out from!
--Does this call for punishment?

--The maid celestial spirit.

Come to think of it, if Lucy was stuck
in the Fairy Sphere for seven years...

...were her celestial spirits stuck
in the celestial world or whatever

all that time too?

Oh, man.

I casually summoned them during
the Key of the Starry Heavens incident,

but I didn't even consider
that seven years had passed!

You poor things!

It's all because of Lucy that you... That you...!

No. It's not that big of a deal, actually.

Has something happened?

The celestial spirit world is
on the brink of destruction.

Please, we need your help.

Come again?!

What do you mean?

The king awaits in the celestial spirit world.

He's asked me to bring you to him.

All right! If a friend needs help, we're there!

Wait! I thought humans can't
enter the celestial spirit world.

It's possible to function in it by
donning celestial spirit garments.

Here we go.

Wait! We're not ready to--!

--Why are we the only ones...
--...to get left behind?!

This is the celestial spirit world?!

Wow! It's so pretty!

I bid you welcome, old friend.


Celestial Spirit King!

--You rule this place?
--She says it so rudely...

Indeed, I do.

So, the celestial world is
on the brink of destruction?!


Lucy and friends!

In honor of your return
from your prison of time...

...let us celebrate!


But what about facing destruction?!



Sorry for udderly tricking you!

Your stunned face--and your celestial
world costume--are too awesome!

We thought we'd surprise you, shrimp!

If you need a new hairstyle for the party,
just leave it to me, shrimp!

We all decided to hold a baaaash
to celebrate your return.

We wanted to celebrate it as a group,

but we can't all manifest in the
human world at once, you know?

So we summoned you all to
the celestial spirit world instead!

We're sorry!

But only this one time! We!

Yes! This is a special case!

Oh, that's the deal?!

That's right, thus, hello!

Man, you had us scared for a minute!

Now, then! Feel free to
leap into my arms, Lucy!

Oh, you...

Now, then! Drink, sing, and make merry!

Tonight we celebrate with our old friend!


--How've you been?
--It's a shame about the trial.

--Mr. Horologium!
--Oh, what a pleasant surprise!

Thank you for your help back then!

Oh, no, you're too kind.

Although, umm, it was embarrassing
having my clothes come off...

Oh, that was, erm...

"My apologies," is what he says!

Aren't you that girl who once joined with Lucy?

"Joined with"?!

You got a boyfriend?

Umm, well...

Yeesh, talk about pathetic.

You're gonna end up like Lucy at this rate.

What does that mean?!

Wow! Incredible!

So many books I've never seen before!

Hmm. You may take just one as a souvenir.


--He fell asleep!
--It's okay! He's just thinking!


Oh, right, this one's a celestial spirit too!

Wow! There's a ton of 'em!

Nicolas come in all shapes and sizes!

Ms. Erza!

You have a mooovingly nice body, as always!

--Could you jump up and down for me?!

What for?

--I don't like that spirit.
--Neither do I.

Yum! What is this food?!

Crab pescatora with stardust butter.

And that's lamb steak with Hamal sauce!

I'm sorry!

Man, this is a really strange place.

I had no idea the celestial
spirit world was like this either!

I wonder which is my Plue...

That's only natural.

Though you may be an old friend,
you are the first I have invited here.

Guess that shows how
much he acknowledges you!

Hey! What do you think you're doing?!

♪ I can see you, old friend... ♪

♪ You're right there... ♪

♪ Old friend... ♪

♪ I swear to you... ♪

♪ That our bond will never break... ♪

♪ As you travel across the
never-ending wasteland... ♪

♪ You fight back tears and
move toward tomorrow... ♪

♪ I'm your star, though... ♪

♪ So I'll shine brightly for you... ♪

♪ I'm your song, though... ♪

♪ So show me a smile... ♪

Thank you...

I... love you all!


Mm. That was most enjoyable!

I've never eaten such tasty food!

You ate it?! You actually ate it?!

Can I really keep this?

I want to keep this outfit!

This weird Plue won't let go!

They seem to be strangely getting along too.

You really got it rough!

No, you have it worse, Ms. Aquarius!

Old friend.

Know that we are with you.


It's good to be workin' with ya again!

Please feel free to call on us anytime.

I'll visit the guild again sometime.

Please continue to look
after Ms. Lucy, everyone!

Well, then.

May the guidance of the stars
keep you well, old friend!

The celestial spirits really do love you.

They're the best friends I could hope for!

Okay! We've had our fun!

Now let's get back and train like crazy!

Yeah! We got three months to
catch up to the other guilds!

Sabertooth is goin' down!

Oh, right. I forgot to mention something.

Time flows differently in the celestial
spirit world and the human world.

Wait, does that mean...

...that a year here is like only
a day in the human world?!

That'd make this a fantastic training zone!


Just the opposite.

One day in the celestial spirit world equals...

...three months in the human world.


Guys! We've been waiting forever!

The Grand Magic Games are in five days!

I hope you guys trained lots and lots!

It's all over.

Mustache man!

Give us our time back!

I'm crying because I'm just so happy

I'm crying because I'm just so sad

Yes, living true to myself

is what lets me be myself

There's a whisper in the breeze

that says, "You're fine just the way you are."

We stay our true selves

and each embrace our own happiness

as we walk forward

Every time the sky changes color

the sound of my quivering heart rings out

What you gave me

Crap! We were gonna spend
all that time training too!

Don't worry! We'll be fine if we draw out
our latent "Second Origin" abilities!

It's apparently really painful, though.

I'll do it!

Wait, where'd Erza go?

She's battling it out with her own heartache.

"Next Episode: For All the Time We Missed Each Other"

"Next Episode: For All the Time We Missed Each Other"
Next Episode: For All the Time We Missed Each Other.

Hey, Natsu. Let's go tease Erza.

C-Count me out! And don't
blame me if she kicks you!
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