01x16 - Whistle While You Work

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Charlie Horse Music Pizza". Aired: January 5, 1998 – January 17, 1999.*
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Show takes place around a pizzeria on the beach.
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01x16 - Whistle While You Work

Post by bunniefuu »

the charley horse music pizza is brought

to you by the following a complete

education includes music and man

believes the best part of music is

making it NAMM the International Music

Products Association and by Remo a world

of drumming with additional funding by

the Corporation for Public Broadcasting

and by the annual financial support from

viewers like you

what kind of music would pizza make

absolutely nothing pizza Charlie was



well miss Lewis I'm so pleased that you

chose me to sell your little restaurant

believe me if it can be sold I'll sell

it if oh no no Mrs Cooper there's not

going to be a problem everybody loves

the music pizza why not

isn't this a most unusual place up don't

tell me you love it I can see it in your


this little bars so special the windows

the space isn't this a most unusual


oh and isn't this a really charming room

so sunny so Airy it drives away the

gloom and the colors they are just

perfect like roses in bloom this is a

very charming room


right here Mrs Cooper a customers enjoy

their every slice so dear mrs. Cooper

someone will rush in to pay the price

isn't this the most amazing view

the ocean the mountains

the restaurant is charming that

certainly is true this is a most amazing

charming that it ain't really needs a

coat of paint termites green mold this

old dump cannot be sold posit sleek

beams or weak bathrooms are a bummer

wars are puppy walls onna be someone

color plumber no oh no deal Sheree's

place is just unreal those garbage bags

are really a disgrace yes this is a most

unusual place

and they really needs a coat of paint I

love my this name

like eyes

dis LED it Jerry is a jay-z this is the

most amazing kind of Sun phasing this is

unusual I'm glad we both agree oh me too

because I have one important buyer who

just loves the location oh good and

thinks this would be a perfect spot for

a t-shirt shop t-shirts yes he she has a

whole chain of them and she's coming by

tomorrow morning to look the place over

so if you hope to get the big price that

you're asking for then you simply must

must must get rid of those garbage bags

of course and you simply must must must

repaint that room get my drift

yes she's saying I must must must clean

this dump dump dump you got my drift ha

ha ha just for the record for the record

I would like to say that I am NOT

selling because the place is run down oh

of course you're not no no I am selling

because my children are just too young

to take on the responsibility of helping

me to run the restaurant but believe me

they are going to be very disappointed

sherry some nutcase put a for sale sign

Mrs Cooper

in front of the restaurant

Charlie this is Mrs Cooper the nutcase

well you made a mistake the music pizza

isn't for sale we'll talk about it later

what's that it talked about later

ellen/sharan you get my drift

oh you gotta be kidding

jaunty chair is it dad I'll never let

her speak for me again as long as I live

well that's what she said sherry is

selling our music pizza you know that's

like Captain Kirk selling to enterprise

yeah I hate to admit it but when she's

right she's could you stop that drumming

hey don't you - what did sharise say

that was right well she says she

expected too much of us like voltage

well she expected us to keep our

promises what promises we promise to do

our chores and help with the work

everyday we promise diet yeah she

should've known better

guys we can't let her sell the music

pizza I mean where am I gonna get

another job where are we gonna hang out

where am I gonna practice my drum

oh then again selling may not be such a

bad idea yeah

where we going to find another place to

get free pizzas with all dem cute little

anchovies swimming around in the cheese

yeah that's disgusting

not to me that's what I had for

breakfast look guys okay there's got to

be something we can do Gerry's says it's

too late

not so fast hold your horses no no

that's just an expression

don't touch me look how about if we show

Shari how much we love the music pizza

hey that might work are you suggesting

how do we show her we could promise to

do our chores every single day and then

Shari I'll change her mind he must be


Cleaning Power

we will stop your Ronnie music these are

you are everything everything we want

you see every pizza that we bake if we

sacrifice we may see you make no mistake

hope you're not depressed by our

cleaning power

you should look your best when you had

your shower better by the hour we will

shine your shine up the floors like new

hippies our upper windows polish before

for you you zippy stop even when you're

falling prey creaking crackling lock


all the way yeah well I must say that

Get rid of the Skunk

was very touching we knew you'd like it

yeah but I think it's a little too late

what do you mean too late well I

promised the real estate lady that if

she found a buyer tomorrow

who would pay the amount of money that

I'm asking for the museum sir I

guaranteed that I would sell the music

pizza oh and what's gonna happen it's

the violin give you the money that

you're asking for well then I might not

sell yeah guys I said might so when's

the buyer coming tomorrow morning first


well then there's nothing we can do

without it's let's know there is you

guys are always saying you want to help

me you know so show me I mean you could

help me paint this place is really

rundown yeah it doesn't need a fresh

coat of paint oh we've got to do

something about that garbage I'll say

let's throw it out you're forgetting

about squirt that's right somebody has

got to get rid of that skunk so we can

take our garbage bags and put them into

the garbage bin without getting sprayed

with all that skunky stuff all the way

huh never never be able to sell the

music pizza you mean if we keep the

skull we won't be able to tell the place

that's right there's only one solution

get rid of the skunk get rid of the


what would you be so get rid of the

skunk long get rid of a skunk

oh so cute but he's hard on the snoot

isn't it just a matter

some of us like the smell of a lemon

dessert lemon dessert you won't hate a

rainy day Getti so the home of the brave

nobody likes the smell of squirt it

isn't just a matter of opinion

the smell of the Pelican empty a

neighborhood nearly starts when he

startled when he's right ready scared yo

squirt oh if you could hey hey for the

skunk always for the skunk and the r*fle

is wrong

okay guys read my lips he's finished

he's out go say bye bye bye bye

we got hurt squirt he's got no place to


who's gonna rent an apartment to us


I don't care if he goes to Disneyland as

long as he goes so if we get rid of the

skunk then we can keep the place right

no no I told you I have promised that if

the buyer meets my price I will sell

well paint it anyways

I can't think I gotta practice for my

piano lesson okay okay I'll help you go

ahead darling Hey and the rest of you

know what to do Wow how can you live

with no one to go with nothing not even

you go to go

now I've had enough enough of your guff

you're awful upon the stinker as*ault

get rid of the skunk Oh once time

The Big Deal

already know all that flour on the floor

what are you making a pizza No

then what are you doing that's not the

point fingers what are you doing

me nothing that's the point since when

is doing nothing the point since sherry

told you to get rid of the skunk ah I

got news for you my friend

it's not so easy well listen buddy

you're gonna have to find away I mean

she's calling animal control look those

brutes are they chasing with Metzen and

catch you with traps and then throw you

in a cage they treat you like like you

are an animal

oh well it's up to you what's the big

deal all of a sudden poor little skunk

never hurt nobody the big deal is that

share is selling the music pizza and a

buyer's coming tomorrow you know we

gotta clean out this place I mean the

garbage people won't pick up anything

that's not in the bin Oh what the

garbage in the bin what's the big deal

the big deal is we don't dare go near

this place with that skunk in here oh

yeah sure okay he'll Cherie I'll get rid

of the stump okay yeah well sure doesn't

quite believe you after the dozens of

time that you told her squirt was gone

and he wasn't so this time if he really

leaves we'll know by the footprints in

June hmm very ingenious

well I still can't believe Sherry's

gonna sell the music pizza Wow

believe me she will hmm could be a

blessing in disguise hey maybe I'll get

a better class of garbage I wonder what

the new owner will open maybe a Chinese

restaurant Japanese Greek Italian Oh

maybe Ben and Jerry's ice cream oh I

love their flavors through wavy gravy

chunky monkey t-shirts fingers I got

news for you t-shirts is not a flavor no

no no I mean t-shirts like the ones you

wear in your back I make it a point

never to eat something I wear yeah

that's what the new buyers gonna be

selling and he buys the place now that

is a big deal

that means I'll have to eat out all the

time and I am on a fixed income you win

I'll get rid of the skunk oh yeah well

you better you're gonna be eating

t-shirts for your supper

I Got It

I got it I got it

what me me if my son let me play it I

didn't talk this thing all week and I

play it perfect delay so darling say it

Lambchop is that perfect or what what

what why that's late every single note

yeah but you didn't play them the way

Chopin wrote the notes huh

and now it's a note a note is not a note

a note has to be played in a certain

rhythm picky picky picky

sweetheart you can do it no there isn't

of this song is so hard no oh the rhythm

to this song is so easy

would you please clap that with me for

lamb chop ready oh I got that well if

you've got that part you've got them the

rhythm of the whole song how come

because this is a song that has a lot of

repeats in it it's got a deep no not a

pizza in it it's got repeats the song

constantly repeats this rhythm and again

how come

oh those repeats because the guy who

wrote the song you know Chopin maybe he

knew that repeats make it easy to

remember a song I remember well you know

the best way to remember any song is to

make up funny words that go with the

tune of the song what kind of words I'll

play it hmm

when Chopin wrote wrote wrote this

little song song it didn't take take

take him very long long long yeah though

it's short short short the man could he

squeezed the most most most oh yeah


and oh my dear I wish all I had to do is

paint I got a much tougher job than that

to do oh yeah let's hear it I have to go

into that kitchen now and tell cookie

that I'm selling the music pizza and

that he's out of work are you gonna tell

him that without hurting his feelings

well there's only one way to do a thing

like that you gotta wash right in you

got to do it with no sugarcoating no

beating around the bush just tell it

like it is what is it my precious what

is it all do you know how wonderful it

is for me to work here to work for you I

love it you know I just like to wake up

in the morning knowing full well that

I'm going to have a glorious day of full

employment Oh

clicking I by the way did I also tell

you that I love it here and I love jr. I

love takeout and that crazy raccoon

relieves my garbage all the time I

really feel appreciated here what you

were gonna ask me cookie cookie I'm

selling the music pizza and and you're

gonna have to get another job I'm so


you're the funniest woman in the whole

world get another job don't make me

laugh get out of here I got stuff to do

I try lamb chop you missed a spot

painting is boring boring yes you can

say that again

boring Celsius singing this is boring a

Dornan painting painting painting I am

pouring no more singing why not

Kerry's coming oh yeah she might think

we're having a good time

hey guys what happened a lot

Oh to the singing it was marvelous

boring boring I was so worn that we

worn painting oh that's the way it works

hmm oh oh when you're doing the same job

over and over again you know if you sing

a song in the same tempo it really keeps

you going right is Tim Oh a tempo tempo

is speed the speed of the music you know

either fast or slow when you're seeing

your work song you always sing in the

same tempo as the work that you're doing

why don't we sing that doesn't leak I'll

finish this job paint the paint right on

the plaster you know it's like in Snow

White and the Seven Dwarfs and those

little guys go marching off to the mines

and they're singing whistle while you

work only I like this better

why because I can't listen

you are settled sure that's a bummer

and a bore there are many different

things that you can do you can battle

again see you're feeling deep inside oh

you got a lot of homework to get through

or you can

see a bumpy middle of a lake ship you're

rowing speaking to eat you need a song


get your little robot back to your boat

you are on a high and you got a hike

farther than you'd like using a good old

army song

they march along marching marching all

day long

imagine I'm singing of this marching


do the rhythmic people of the chore you

must complete

blanch up what are you doing in there

with the stump would you please come


he's dying who's gone scrag where did he

go look down where are those okay now

say his back oh good

if he's gone now we can get our garbage

bags into the bin I thought you'd feel a

lot happier

yeah I'm just thrilled you know lets me

well you know I wish I didn't have to

sell Bank don't sweetheart I told you if

the buyer meets my price sure miss

Cooper's here with the bar okay guys

please come down take the bags put him

into the pin holes equip me

isn't this the most unusual place

happy cheese line I'll tell you I love


you can see it on my face this little

bar so special those windows that space

it really is a most unusual place isn't

this a very charming room so Sun is so

Airy your flowers are in bloom

it's comfy cozy sherry

I assume that I'll enjoy being in this

very charming Mazda Salman room

my dear mrs. Cooper this place is really

quite a find

this is Cooper the view is good enough

to blow your mind this will make the

most of failures in store will sell

t-shirts and merchandise k*ll our it's

lovely it's perfect

it's what I'm looking for oh yeah

most amazing

you haven't seen it ah oh I love what

I've seen wait till you see the pot

what's in back a garbage bin why would

she want to see those Oh I want to see

everything oh of course you do you

simply must must must and I'll go with

you lamb chop Oh lamb chop what is the

point of her seeing our garbage oh my

god these can be no I don't think

they're going to be back you know that's

right oh oh oh

not one what is that what do we do about

the scoop I suppose it is a matter of

opinion it's true that handsome is as


he saved today's day okay he did come

through with a super spray Maziar hero

only for the skunk what do you say

but me


the charley horse music pizza is brought

to you by the following a complete

education includes music and now

believes the best part of music is

making it NAMM the International Music

parts Association and by Remo a world of

drumming with additional funding by the

Corporation for Public Broadcasting and

by the annual financial support from

viewers like you next time on the cha

leave us music it's hard to get good

help these days

have you ever thought of getting one of

those dogs for the Deaf dog huh

you know if we could make some money we

could help

Melanie Bob when it goes spin see

hearing ah I don't know
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