01x21 - The Sleep Of Reason Produces Monsters

All episode transcripts for the TV show "Switched at Birth". Aired: June 2011 to April 2017.*
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Tells the story of two teen girls who discover that they were accidentally switched at birth. Bay Kennish grew up in a wealthy family with two parents and a brother, while Daphne Vasquez, who lost her hearing as a child due to a case of meningitis, grew up with a single mother in a poor neighborhood. Things come to a dramatic head when both families meet and struggle to learn how to live together for the sake of the girls.
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01x21 - The Sleep Of Reason Produces Monsters

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Switched at birth..."

When it comes to the music stuff, I want you to stay out of it.

Any chance you want to come down to Springfield?

I have a physics test on Friday.

I knew that you... and Bay were switched.

Sarah is writing a book about the switch.

Why did you lie about meeting with her?

Oh no.

This is not what you think it is.

We know there's another book being written.

Sarah Lazar.

Unless you get Regina on board, I'm afraid it's too much of a risk.

I think Emmett might be in trouble. Can we talk?

I know. I'm sorry.

Damn it.

I could help.



You got away last night before I could talk to you.

I'm a sore loser, uh, but you played a great game.


I'm sorry I accused you of trying to get me booted off the team.

I shouldn't have assumed it was you.

Do you want to join me for breakfast?

Oh, um... Yeah. Yeah sure.

I would love to, but my shower is running.

Can I meet you in 20 minutes?

No problem.

I'll see you downstairs.

She didn't see you.

I don't understand what you're saying but you should go.

Like now.

Wait, let me make sure she's gone.

Not sure you should have writer's block when you've actually lived the story.

No, I'm debating whether to open up this file that my editor sent me.

What's in it?

Uh, the first chapter of a competing book about the switch. how she got her hands on it, but she wants me to take a look at it and see what I'm up against.

I wouldn't do that.

You're just gonna psych yourself out.

Just delete the file, focus on your own book.



I tried texting you last night.

You never responded.

I don't understand. Last time we talked you were yelling at me.

I thought your head was gonna explode.

What did you say to him?

Nothing, why?

He freaked out at me on the phone and then he just shows up.

And he acts like everything is fine.

It's like Jekyll and Hyde.

We didn't talk about you out there, I swear.

I wonder what happened.

Does it matter? Just go with it.

Look... for Emmett's birthday.

He doesn't have this poster. It's in italian.

I think I can get it for like 30 bucks.

"Deafenstein" again? Seriously?

There's only been like five A.S.L. horror movies in the past 50 years.

It's kinda special to us deafies.

You need more A.S.L. movies.

I know. Actually, Emmett and I...

Well, we had this idea for a zombie movie and it was called "Dawn of the deaf."

We even wrote a script.

Why don't we do it now?

For Emmett's birthday?

I don't know.

We wanted it to be good, like with special effects and zombies that aren't cheesy.

Are you kidding? J & K live for projects like this.

They'll be off and running with it.

I never thought it could actually happen.

Regina, would you just let me finish.

Is there anything different than the last time you asked for my cooperation with your book?

Then the answer is no.

You're being unreasonable.

Wait wait, different how?

Oh, I don't know, like "I've just been diagnosed with a life-theatening illness"

"and I want this book to be my life's last work."

The editor said the book would be an easier sell if I included your side of the story, which I figure benefits you.

I'm not interested.

I'm just asking you for a favor.

You want to publish intimate details about my life and rehash the choices I've made.

No, you'd be telling your side, not me.

Kathryn, the answer is no.

Ask me tomorrow, ask me next year: the answer is no.

So since it's mostly a silent film, we could do something classic like creepy organ or something more contemporary suspense, like some dissonant strings or something.

It's all the same to me, so I'm gonna have to count on you.

Just make it good.


So I heard Simone tried to get you disqualified from the tournament.

Actually it wasn't Simone. I just thought it was her.

Are you sure?


Hey! So Emmett... totally on board.


Toby's gonna get some extras from Buckner, Wilke's going to play a guard and John got all these costumes and you're not listening.


I'm sorry, sweetie. Your movie sounds great.

You're making a movie?

Yeah, it's zombie movie for Emmett's birthday.


You know Danielle from the salon?

She might be able to get us some stage make-up at a discount.

Kathryn actually got a make-up artist.



Will you do hair?

Of course.

Who wants to join me for a swim?

I have to work on my script.

I have to call Geraldo about picking up an extra shift.

You live with this gorgeous pool... neither of you has ever been in it.

Next time.

You told Sarah Lazar about my miscarriage?!


It's right there in her book!

Chapter one: "Before the"

"Kennishes lost a daughter to hospital error,"

"Kathryn lost a child to a miscarriage."

Her book? How the hell did you read her book?

That was private.

Sweetie, look, a lot of couples miscarry.

This is nothing to be ashamed of.

That is not the point!

Then why are you yelling at me?

All these years you have told me that all you talked about was baseball with her.

It was just business. And now I find out that you shared one of the most intimate details of our life together.

Kathryn, that was so long ago...

And here we are again.

No, you have to raise your eyebrows if it's a yes-no question.

"Are you a student?"

That looked like "Student, you?"

That's how you say it in A.S.L. the main topic "Student" comes first.

So it's talking like Yoda?

Exactly. It's try.

"Are you a student?"

Good! Raise your eyebrows.

Can't I just be the slutty blonde who gets k*lled in the first scene?

If you want to be in the movie, you have to know how to sign.

Okay. How about a study break?

You know Toby and I used to hide out in here and play cards. Sometimes Bay would find us and we'd make her go get us cookies.


Y'know, if that whole switch thing hadn't have happened, that would've been you getting us cookies.

You would have totally had one of those little-sister crushes on me.


I was pretty cute back then.


Let's go back to the script.

"I think..."

I think...

"that's brain..." brains...

"oozing out of his ear."


Hi. I found some Halloween decorations.

Oh, that's cool.


Oh, it's an aviary... a house for birds.

We never used it because Bay didn't want to put the birds into jail.

So we just use it as a playhouse.

Um oh, you know, there's more of these over there.

Bay and Toby's handprints when they were little.

She was five?

I'll talk to John and I'll get back to you.

Thanks, Craig.

Talk to me about what?

Angelo. He left some of his belongings in a storage locker in the basement of his apartment building.

Really? What's in there?

They haven't been through it yet.

Craig thinks you or I should go with the P.I. since we actually knew Angelo, we might see something that he'd overlook.

Shouldn't Regina go? I mean, she was closest to him.

Fine. I'll ask Regina.

Is it an assignment for a media class or a school-sanctioned club?

No, it's a personal project.


I'm making a zombie movie.

How original. Why don't you add a brooding vampire and an oversexed werewolf then you can hit all three horror cliches at once.

So the equipment?

You are not on the approved list of equipment borrowers.

You haven't even taken media studies 1.

I know how to work a video camera.

That very comment tells me how little you can be trusted with this equipment.

C'mon, Randall.

Look, even if I could bend the rules, which I can't, the equipment that you're looking for is already checked out.

To who?


Can I talk to you?




This is going to sound crazy, I know, but I went to go check out some video equipment and I was told that you had checked it out already.

And I was wondering if I could borrow it over the weekend?

I wouldn't normally ask but I have this project...

It's fine. You can borrow it.

I... I can?


I'll give it to Toby and he'll give it to you. No problem.




I just also wanted to say I...

I heard what happened at the tournament.

You did.

Okay, um...

Well, the thing is, uh...

Well, whatever, right?

I mean, you can't blame yourself.

You guys will win next time.

Go Bulldogs.

Go Bulldogs.

Grandma, that is a good zombie walk.

Ah, slow but unstoppable.


If we could just put a little blood right there, that'd be great.

That is so cool.


Wow, that's really something.


Um, what's that?

It's a wind machine.

John thought it would be cool to have for the last shot.

A wind machine?

Can't use actual wind?

I gotta get started.

Okay, hey, everybody, let's gather up and discuss the first shot.

Zombies over here and then everyone else over here.

Okay, zombies coming around the corner, John and Wilke say their lines.

Holy mother of god!


You guys will continue towards the camera, and we'll cut before you eat John.

Okay, let's do this thing.

Roll it!

So, "Dawn of the deaf," scene one, take one.

And action!

Uh uh, it's not working.


What's wrong?

I don't know. It just keeps blinking.

Okay, cut cut cut! Everybody take five.

And we'll try to fix this.

I'm gonna k*ll me some zombies today.

Well, have any onion bagels?

Thank you. Still getting the silent treatment I see.

The silent treatment? I just don't have anything to say.

Kathryn, come on.

I did not mean to tell her about the miscarriage, okay?

Kathryn, all right, it just came out.

Over drinks at her hotel?

In the tunnel on the way to the clubhouse.

I had just gotten off the pay phone with you. You were crying.

I felt like a jerk 'cause I wasn't there.

She saw me, she said "Hey, what's wrong?" I told her.

You just don't tell a casual acquaintance something that personal.


You just don't.

We have been having to this argument forever.

Nothing happened between me and Sarah Lazar.

Can we just bury it?

I have to get to that storage locker with Regina.

Will you take over the blood?


Did you try re-booting it?

Gee, I didn't think of that.

Of course I re-booted it. It didn't work.

Dude, are you eating the blood?

It tastes like chocolate.

Why don't you call Simone?


I'm on probation.

She was pissed that I didn't go to the tournament.

I don't want to bother her.

I thought you went. I heard you were there with her.

No, it's kind of a long story.

But you're right... I should call her.

Ah, there you go.

It's always the last one you try.

Anything look interesting, put it in the box.

Anything you're not sure about, put it in the box.

I have to make a call.

I don't think he's a morning person.

That makes two of us.

Look, I am sorry.

This was the only time he could do this.

And thank you. I know that Angelo is not your favorite subject.

Yeah, I admit, you know, I'm curious.

What exactly are we looking for?

Anything about the hospital or the switch or where Angelo might have gone.

Well we know he's not skiing.

Seriously, I never understood how he ended up in Chicago.

He hates the cold.

This is interesting.

Do you recognize this?


But then again, I don't recognize any of this.

I think I have a charger for this in my junk drawer at home.

I'm going to take it. Unless of course you want...

Uh-oh. What is that?

Maybe he went to see her.

We should probably find out who she is.

You know what? I'll just deal with this later.

I don't know why I'm so shocked. It's been 13 years.

Of course he's been with other people.

Yeah, but you don't want to see it.

I never thought that I would say this, but this is fun.

Oh... the grass is wet. Maybe we should rehearse the next scene.
Uh, hey there.

Ha! Hi.


Thought I would call in the expert and help us with the camera.

I am sorry that Toby woke you up so early, but I'm glad you're here.

It's not a problem.

Do you know Emmett, my boyfriend?

Emmett, this is Simone. Simone, Emmett.

I think we met at East West, right?

He says it's nice to see you again.

You too.

You know, a few years ago there were these rumors about John and this reporter Sarah Lazar.

It didn't really bother me until they... they ran this picture of them... together.

You know, I actually went to see a plastic surgeon because I thought maybe that would give me confidence or something.

It was ridiculous.

I've been the woman trying to take the guy away.

Trust me... she envied you.

She's writing a book about the switch.

You mean us?


My editor sent me a chapter.

She's writing my story.

I finally understand why you don't want me to tell yours.

So you're still doing yours?


I have to. It's my life, and I'm not gonna get scooped by Sarah Lazar.


There you are.

Everyone has been looking for you.

Are you okay?

Let me take a look at that.

And cut!

Oh, mom, seriously, are you gonna applaud after every single take?

You guys are so good.


Thanks. I feel like a stiff, but you are like a total natural.

Yeah, it was super cool. Great job, guys.

Um, not too much more though, 'cause otherwise my character looks dumb for not figuring it out.

See there, it did it again.

What's that?

I don't know. Just keeps saying "Check white balance" and then it won't record.

Basically it means you gotta teach the camera what white is.

How do we do that?

Teach it to play hacky sack.


We can try creating a backup file.

Uh, she's saying that we have a new camera operator.

That's awesome. Thank you so much.

Ah, here's the foot.

Guys, I could use some help with the body parts. Thanks.

You're awesome.

I'm trying to. I'm stuck.

I don't know what you're saying.

Look, just be cool.

Hey, what's up?

I was just asking some questions about the script, or trying to.

Yeah, I've been where you are.

Is there anything you want me to interpret?

We don't need to drag you into this.



Mmm, look at that drip.

That's so cool.

The secret ingredient is chocolate sauce.

Really? Mmm.

Okay, um, let me check and I'll call you back.

Okay bye.

That was Geraldo. He's stuck.

One of his hair stylists for a wedding had to cancel and he's offering me time and a half to fill in.

I mean, the hair's basically done here.

And you can do touch-ups, right?

I can help.

Do you mind? We could really use the money.

It's fine.

I'll be back. As soon as I can, and I'm sure the Kennishes have got you covered.





You are a genius! This is perfect, Simone.

Thanks to Mrs. K for the wheels.

Okay, I think I have the tag line for the poster: "Dawn of the deaf: They're silent but deadly."


Hey, so it looks like you've got a handle on things now, and I've got a paper due so...


No, stay! There's only two more scenes.

Oh my god, you're like the cutest zombie ever!

Too bad I have to blow your head off.

Okay, you guys are going to start from out there.

We are going to start on Wilke and Emmett's going to come up behind him.

Turn away before Emmett has the chance to bite you.

And then he's gonna cover.


Let's roll it!

"Dawn of the deaf," scene four, take one.

Uh, wait. I don't have a phone.

Uh, here, use this one.

It really doesn't matter.

All right.

Okay, let's do it again from the top.

Scene four, take two.

And, Wilke, start texting.


Get in closer.

Coming up on Wilke... that's your cue.

Wilke, that's your cue.

Well, cut! Don't look in the camera!


Um, I think I have your phone.

You probably shouldn't leave it lying around.

All right, let's just try it again.

Back to one.

Can you help carry some of that lighting equipment out to the pool?

Totally. I was just gonna grab some zombie fingers first.

You hooked up with Emmett?

What? No.

I heard you had somebody in your room at the tournament, which I figured was just a rumor.

And then I read your texts.

Look, it was a complete mistake.

You gotta understand that I had just lost the game, and Toby had bailed on me and I was drunk.

That's your excuse?


I mean... look, I'm... I'm trying to explain to you that it was really messed up, but I just don't think that everything should be blown up out of proportion over something that happened once that meant nothing.

Toby is my best friend. And what about Bay?

Look, if I could go back in time and undo things, I would.

Please, I am asking you to just let this one die for everybody's sake.


"Dawn of the deaf," scene four, take five.


We set? Ready?

And action.

He's coming. Oh god.

You have to sh**t him. It's the only way.

Oh no. No no no no!

No no no. No.

Okay, get Bay's close-up.

And Emmett's.

And cut!

That's a wrap.

Great job, everybody! You should be so proud.

That was amazing, even if I did k*ll you.

Very moving. Very moving!

Hey, you guys, look!

Oh wow.

Look at the cake. What a great cake.

What a cool cake.

Let's go inside. It's so cold, come on.


Have some cake and some hot chocolate.

Sweetie, congratulations.

Thank you.

I'll see you inside.


Hey, Wilke, Wilke!

You running off? You should stay.

Sorry, I gotta get home and do some homework.

Yeah right. Come on, man.

Simone's blowing it off.

Yeah well, Simone can get away with it.

You okay, man?

Yeah, just tired. All right.

I'll catch you later. Okay?

All right.

What was that?


I missed everything, didn't I?

It's okay.

I'm sorry. I had to go.

I wish that I could say no when work things come up, but I can't.

I get it.

And I know that I can't give you fog machines and imported dutch-chocolate blood and whatever that maze thingy was.

Mom, this isn't about money.

It's not about things. I promise.

Then what is it?

I try not to think about it, but sometimes I can't help it. It hits me that there was this whole childhood I was supposed to have.

I know.

And I'm not saying I didn't love growing up with you.

You gave me so much and you always told me I could do anything.

You can.

Then why didn't you think that I could handle knowing about the switch?

You were three years old.

Okay, what about when I was five? Or seven?

Or how about when I was 10?

I guess I just...

I didn't think that I could handle it.

I've been trying to be okay with that, because I don't want to be mad at you my whole life.

I hate being mad at you, but there are so many memories here... handprints, birdhouses and family vacations that I should have been a part of.

I'm sorry.

Me too.

I'm gonna go upstairs.

I think that they're having dessert and you should join them.



I thought you went to bed.

I thought so too.

Is there any cake left?

No. Oh, but...

You can have one of these. They're yummy.

Zombie fingers.

Oh, okay.

Ugh, tomorrow there is going to be a massive cleanup and I am in complete denial.

I meant to say thanks for letting Daphne take over your entire home.

Well, it's her home too.

And yours.

I hope you both think of it that way.

Um, I think we're still working on that.

It's crazy sometimes to think about how we got here.

I think about it all the time.

Maybe I don't think about it enough.

I've gotten pretty good at denial over the years.

So... what exactly do you need? Interviews, notes?

For what?

Your book.

I figure if my dirty laundry's getting aired anyway, it might as well be you.


One suggestion... make sure that you take a really hot author photo, so Sarah Lazar can suck it.

Was that Regina downstairs?

Yep. She's says she's going to cooperate with me on my book.

Hey, that's great. What changed her mind?

She wants to help me kick Sarah Lazar's ass.

You told her about that?

Don't worry. I'm not gonna put it in the book.

Put what in the book?

I don't feel like talking about this right now.

I'm exhausted.

You know what, Kathryn?

I really have nothing to say to you right now.

You don't believe me.

You don't trust me.

Good night.

Hey, where are you off to?

I'm just taking Emmett home.

Oh, that's nice.

Uh, dad?


Is everything okay with you and mom?

Yeah yeah. Why?

I just felt like something was going on today.

Well, your mom and I are going through something, but it's not really even worth talking about because it's going to be fine.


We are committed to each other, and when you're committed, you work things out.


I couldn't sleep.

Me neither.

Are you up for a swim?


Maybe we can make some memories of our own.

Is it cold?


Who are you calling chicken?

You are such a chicken.

Okay, what is going on?

One minute you're here, then all of a sudden you're... I don't know where.

You hated your birthday. You can say it.

Then what is it?

We got through the deaf-hearing thing.

We got through the Ty thing.

We got through the custody thing.

We said that we love each other.

What is left for us to get through?

Just tell me.

Whatever it is, I can handle it. But we can't keep going back and forth anymore.

Either you're with me or you're not.

Which is it?
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