07x11 - Journey to the Centre of Toronto

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Murdoch Mysteries". Aired: January 2008 to present.*

Moderator: Virginia Rilee

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In the 1890s, William Murdoch uses radical forensic techniques for the time, including fingerprinting and trace evidence, to solve some of the city's most gruesome murders.
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07x11 - Journey to the Centre of Toronto

Post by bunniefuu »

Did you read in the Sunday Gazette about Britain's Discovery Expedition to the Antarctic?

Yes. Robert Scott, I believe.

How incredible would it be to partake in such a journey?

Incredible, perhaps, but I can't say I envy them spending months on a ship without any guarantee of safe return.


(low rumbling)

(woman screaming) (Woman): What?

(loud rumbling) (people shouting and screaming)

(horse neighing) William!

(loud rumbling)

My lord, William, I've never felt such a thing in my life.

It's an earthquake!


Ah, sir. George. Are you all right?

Is there damage from the earthquake?

Earthquake, sir?

Yes, it just happened!

Sir, I didn't feel a thing.

I was just coming to report a robbery.

It's quite unusual, sir.

The doors and windows appear untouched.

Perhaps it was someone entrusted with the keys... an employee.

Actually, sir, it looks like the thief may have broken in from beneath the earth.

Well, this is a new one.

Sir, do you really think somebody tunnelled up from the earth to rob a jeweller's?

I think the hole is your answer, George.

The question is: where did the tunnel originate?

Well, we've checked all the surrounding buildings. There's no sign of any tunnelling.

The entrance to the tunnel must be nearby, George.

This would have taken a long time to dig.

Well, I dare say, sir. I once dug out my Aunt Magnolia's cellar. I started in on a hole not much wider than this; it took me three Saturdays to get the length of the house.

So a city block would take a few weeks.

Sir, without question.


Well, we need to dig down past this soil and find out where this tunnel leads, and it sounds like you're the man for the job, George.

Sir, when did you develop this aversion to digging?

Well, no, George, it's just that you're far better at it than I am.

Well, you know, there is a technique to it, yes.

Not everybody can sort of size up where it needs to be dug, and...

Thousands and thousands and thousands! Everything gone!

Mr. Blevitch...

He took the Princess.

The Princess?

I have a picture. My largest diamond.

It was to be a gift for my wife.

Mr. Blevitch, do you have any idea who might have robbed you?

Of course.

Who else would dig under the ground just to rob me?

I should have known the scum would find a way.

What scum?

Well, who do you think? My brother!

You accuse me? Your own brother?!

You steal my business, then you steal my jewels!

You disgrace our family!

You are a wretched pig!

You empty-hearted snake!

You curse our mother with your breath!

You disgrace our family!

Go back to your hole!

Good afternoon, Emily. I hope I'm not interrupting.

Not at all, Julia.

Do you not find that coagulated blood is almost impossible to remove from under your fingernails?

It is persistent.

You could try to disguise it with a red-tinted nail polish cake... if you dare.

How scandalous.

What brings you here, Doctor?

I plan to attend an event at the Ontario Provincial Museum tomorrow afternoon.


It features a lecture by Elva Gordon, an adventurer just returned from the spelunks of the Yucatan.


Miss Gordon is one of the world's preeminent deep-cave explorers. Her findings promise to be fascinating.

Would you care to join me?

Of course.

Sir, as you can see, I've dug several feet.

There's no sign of any tunnel. George, it's the only way in here in evidence.

There must be a tunnel.

Well, sir, it's interesting... the dirt in the middle here is loose, relatively easy to shovel, but around the edges here, it's hard-packed.

So our culprit dug his tunnel in, and then back-filled it with loose dirt.

How on earth?

George, did you make those marks there?

No, sir.

Perfectly circular.

They look almost machine-made.


I highly doubt our thief dug this tunnel by hand.

What do we have on yesterday's robbery, Murdoch?

Is it the brother?

Or do we start questioning every bloke we see holding a shovel?

Actually, sir, based on the evidence, I believe the tunnel was forged by a machine.

(Brackenreid chuckles.)

You expect me to believe that some local thief has built a machine capable of tunnelling through the middle of the earth?

Uh, under the surface of the earth, sir.

Bloody hell.

I believe the machine is cylindrical, approximately four feet in diameter.

It cuts through the earth and leaves debris behind it as it moves along.


Helical rotation.



It has a giant screw.

I've made a sketch of what I believe would be capable of doing this.

You're telling me that our local thief built this.

Yes, or something like it.

You see, the giant drill cuts through the earth and then deposit the debris behind it.

It then fills the hole back in as it reverses.

I know it seems unlikely, sir, but it's the only logical explanation for how such a tunnel could be dug and then filled back in.

How much would it cost to build this screwing machine?

Well, the resources necessary would be considerable... tens of thousands of dollars, maybe more.

And the estimated value of the stolen diamonds?

Approximately $2,000.

(Brackenreid chuckles.)

Not exactly a money-maker, is it, Murdoch?

Maybe it was just some bloke with a shovel after all.

But, sir, Dr. Ogden and I felt strange rumblings beneath our feet as we walked along Duke Street at the time of robbery.

There are also strange mechanical markings on the inside of the hole.

If it's between this and some bloke with a shovel, my money's on the shovel.

Look into the brother. Family rivalries run deep.

(knocking) Sirs.

There's been a report of a second robbery from last night just discovered this morning... another tunnel dug up through the floor.

That's some busy bloke with a shovel.

Who was robbed?

I have been robbed. Thousands and thousands and thousands!

Everything gone! You degenerate thief!

Disgrace our family!

Maybe the second brother robbed the first brother in retaliation for the first brother robbing the second brother.

It's possible, sir, though he would have had to do a week's worth of digging in only a few hours.

He could have used the same tunnel... goes from one shop to the other.

We searched for this very tunnel, sir, and it appears to have been completely filled in.

I believe we should post a man at every jeweller's in the city.

Every jeweller's in the city?

Yes. This could be the beginning of a larger string of robberies.

Let's keep this quiet.

We don't need people to think there's an underground thief on the loose.


(audience chatting)

Thank you all for coming today.

As the resident geologist of the Ontario Provincial Museum, I've been given the great honour in cataloguing many of the finds of our speaker today.

Museums attract the strangest types.

(Geologist clears his throat.)

A... an explorer, an adventurer, a woman of many talents, our resident archaeologist, Miss Elva Gordon.

Look at her hair.

It's so short.

It's quite striking, don't you think?

Today, I am here to speak to you about my adventures.

During my time in the Yucatan, I explored some of the deepest caves known to mankind.

And I have come to a fascinating conclusion... a conclusion that the board of this museum have asked me not to speak about today.

Oh, my.

This is quite unexpected.

A conclusion that has prompted the revocation of my funding.

They have decided that I am a lunatic and confined my work to this museum.

I'm left cataloguing limestone samples instead of exploring the unknown.

But they will not keep me quiet.

Today I am here to tell you that life exists inside the hollows of the earth.

Below our very feet, creatures of an undiscovered race go about their daily lives.

(audience murmuring)

Stop pussyfooting around the truth, Emily.

You thought her theories were ludicrous.

I am a long way from believing in a race of human-like underground dwellers, but I sincerely admire Miss Gordon's adventurous spirit.

We would never have discovered North America if someone hadn't thought that the world might not be flat.

The discovery of the world's roundness was based on a great amount of physical evidence, Julia.

But her clothes, her hair, so... what an extraordinary woman.

I know, and I feel for her.

An adventurer, cooped up in that museum, only photographs of her past expeditions to keep her mind alive.

The woman's had her wings clipped shorter than her hair.

(Both giggle.)

Good afternoon, Doctors.


Emily, would you care to join me for lunch?

There's a man here from Coney Island selling "hotdogs."

Apparently they were a big thing at the Buffalo World's Fair.

Oh, too bad, George. I already ate lunch.

They served sandwiches at the lecture Dr. Ogden and I attended.

Oh, you attended a lecture? Just the two of you?

Of course, yes. Dr. Ogden invited me.

You would have enjoyed it, George. The speaker was an ardent believer in the most unusual theory.


She believed people might be living inside the hollows of the earth.

You don't say.

You'll be disappointed to know that Dr. Grace finds the theory unlikely.

Gravity alone would preclude the idea that the world could be hollow.

Still, people living beneath the earth That's quite something.

If I had been aware of the subject matter, I would have invited you, George.

Oh, well, Doctor, that's very kind of you, but I had to work anyway.

I've been at the jeweller's all day waiting for...

Waiting for what, George?

Waiting for a man to arrive from beneath the earth.

Dr. Ogden and I were walking one block south along Duke Street when we felt the rumblings.

I wonder where the digging machine was headed to.

Sir, I hesitate to even suggest this, but I have recently been informed of the most unusual theory.

What if our thief was headed... down?


Sir. Many people believe that a race of beings live inside the hollows of the earth.

I don't know what to say to that, George.

Sir, Dr. Ogden and Dr. Grace just attended a lecture on the subject.

It could explain our thefts.


Well, perhaps the Inner Earthers are tunnelling up to steal our diamonds, and... and then tunnelling back down to return to their own... world.

I don't know what to say to that either, George.

Well, sir, I can't speak with authority on the subject. I'm no expert.



The idea that there are people living inside the earth...

Is absurd.

George, gravity alone would preclude the possibility.

You were right, Murdoch.

There was another robbery last night.

Was it at a jeweller's? Did we have a man on site?

Oh, they've moved on from diamonds. This time the swine has robbed the Great Northern Loan and Trust.

I have my money in that bank.


Murdoch, listen to this: "Underground Thief Perpetrates String of Robberies."

So much for keeping it quiet.

Everyone thinks they're about to lose their money, and what's worse, they're probably right.

Actually, sir, the bank conducted a thorough inventory, and it appears no money was stolen at all. Only diamonds.

Only diamonds? Bloody hell, Murdoch.

It could be worse.


This maniac has built a machine that allows him to break into any building, burrowing around in the middle of the night like a bloody mole.

Sir, I don't believe this machine can break into just any building.

And what's more, I don't think it's capable of travelling any great distance... it would require too much energy. Also, all of the robberies have occurred in this small area of the city. So he can only break into every building on the east side of the city.

I suspect he's not capable of even that, sir.

The vault floor in Great Northern Bank was made of wood joists and simple tiles; most of the city's banks have updated to modern, granite floors.

His machine can't get through granite?

I don't think so.

The rest of the city's banks should be safe.

Inspector. The mayor's on the telephone for you.

Thank you, Higgins.

Even if all the banks are out of reach, we still need to stop this bugger.

I need to figure out who he is first.

I personally have seen evidence of their civilization.

Really? And do you think it is as advanced as ours?

I find that unlikely, Constable, but I suppose it's possible they could be even more advanced.

For instance, do you think they would be capable of building machines that could travel under the ground?

It's possible.

And what about riches, Miss Gordon?

Do you think the riches of our world... gemstones and whatnot... would be valuable to the people of Hollow Earth?

Constable Crabtree, we know next to nothing of these creatures.

To speculate on these matters would be irresponsible.

But it is possible.

I suppose so, yes.

Miss Gordon, I believe a tunnelling machine of incredible power has been built to infiltrate our banks, steal the riches of mankind, and deliver them down to the depths of the Hollow Earth.

Believe me, Constable, I dream that such a fantastical world exists.

But as always, I will await the evidence.

Remember, there is a difference between novels and scientific texts.

Mm. To tell you the truth, Miss Gordon, I'm surprised there are so many volumes written on the subject.

The Hollow Earth theory is sensible and scientific.

This book, for instance, it presents evidence to support an ancient Iroquois belief.

It claims the ancestors of humankind emerged from Inner Earth channels now hidden under Lake Ontario.

Lake Ontario? How remarkable.


Many believe that their movements are the cause of our earthquakes.


We are not going to be digging away after the thief.

We are instead going to discern his path.

Sir, how are we going to do that?

Well, George, I believe that bank was robbed last night because its vault was lacking a granite floor, and the thief's digging machine is unable to penetrate hard surfaces.

Ah, but these can, sir?

No, Henry, these certainly cannot.

The digging machine must stay just below the surface to conserve energy.

As there have been no reports of damaged homes, I believe the thief is deliberately avoiding cellars, foundations, sewers.

So he's travelling under roadways, then?

Exactly, Henry!

So, we are going to take soil samples just a few feet below the surface, along every street leading away from the bank.

If the soil is hard-packed, then we know that the digging machine did not travel that direction.

But if the soil is loose, then we know the direction that the digging machine travelled in.

But, sir. If our thief is from the Hollow Earth, he would be travelling straight down, delivering his bounty to his own world.

George, perhaps we should focus on the task at hand, hmm?


Sir, I've been doing some reading, and as it turns out, even the president of the United States believes in the Hollow Earth.


Well, not the current president, sir, but John Quincy Adams was in the process of sending an expedition to the North Pole to look for the entrance before his plans were quashed by Congress.

John Quincy Adams kept a pet alligator in the White House bathroom.

Sir, I'm not one of these people that believes there's a second sun down there.

In fact, I'm quite convinced it's pitch black, and the Hollow Earthers have pale, almost translucent skin, and they have snout noses, sir. They are these snouted beasts who navigate by their sense of smell. No, sir, by sound, of course. They're like bats. They emit this high-pitched...

"Ni! Ni! "

And it bounces through the tunnels and...

George, why have we not seen one of these snouted beasts, then?

They're allergic to sunlight. Like vampires.

And, sir, I know there are no vampires.


In North America.

George, perhaps we should get back to work.

Sir, I do think we're wasting our efforts. How else do you explain the earthquakes?

Science has yet to offer an explanation for earthquakes, George.

Sir, all I'm saying is we'll never find the path of this digging machine if it went straight down.

Well, then, George, if that is indeed the case, I will consider your Hollow Earth theory to be true.

Thank you for meeting with me, Miss Gordon. I must say, I can't stop thinking about your surprising and curious lecture.

Of course. I always have time to speak with a fellow woman of science.

The chances you take, both professionally and personally... it's quite exhilarating.

I hate to be superficial, but look at your hair.

I can assure you, I do not intend to be daring or fashionable.

Try spending three weeks in jungles and underground caves with barely a stream to wash in, and you'd be ready to cut your hair as well.

Oh, I envy a life filled with such adventure.

Well, you are a coroner, Dr. Grace.

I explore the mysteries of the earth; you explore the mysteries of the body.

Surely there is adventure in both realms.

Yes, but the courage it must take to delve into those pitch-black caves...

Is nothing compared to the fortitude needed to dismantle a cadaver.

My first body did take some resolve, but it gets easier with practice.

The fact is, we are living in a new and incredible age.

Women like us must fight for the opportunity to explore the world's wonders on equal footing.

It's true.

With determination, we can explore anything, no matter how... unusual.

Doctor, I can't help but sense that you have a hard time subscribing to my theories.

No, Miss Gordon, I did not mean to offend you.

No, please. I appreciate the scepticism.

I would be far more offended if you believed the Hollow Earth theory blindly.

I met a constable recently who wanted so badly to believe, he was far more interested in a fantastical world of underground machines than the actual evidence.

(Emily laughing)

A constable?

Sir... we followed the path of the digging machine down Mutual Street as far as Ann Street, finding these loose samples.

Indicating the route that the machine took.

Yes, sir. But then the path split. It went west on Ann Street and continued on south on Mutual.

So he arrived from one direction and left via another.

Possibly, sir, but then when we went as far as Gerrard Street, the path split again. It went both east and west on Gerrard.

He's crisscrossed the whole neighbourhood.

Sir, there's too many paths for us to follow.

(Murdoch sighs.) One thing we did determine was, after going 150 feet east on Gerrard, the path suddenly stopped.

A dead end?

Yes, sir.
Was there any sign of the digging machine?

No, sir. And no evidence of the surface being breached.

Perhaps that's where he turned around?

Or that's where he began going down into the depths of the Earth.

At any rate, George, this tactic isn't the most fruitful use of our energies. There has to be another way.

Sir. We've had a report of another robbery, south of Front Street.

Was it a bank?

No, sir, this was a laboratory.

I don't know when this happened.

I was overseas for a while and I come back to this.

My laboratory is a fortress of my own design... electrified door, reinforced windows, every weak spot guarded.

Dr. Roome, why such a high level of security for your laboratory?

To keep out thieves.

What exactly was stolen?


Could you be more specific?

The thief was targeting my technologies.

And what technologies would that be?

If I told you that, then you'd know my secrets too.

Dr. Roome, the tools of your technology are in evidence all around you.

A melting furnace, a quantity of raw nickel, baths, presumably for electroplating.

Electroplating has been around for a hundred years.

Well, then, whoever broke in must have left very disappointed.

He was not disappointed.

So, that's not the extent of your science?

Of course not.

So I repeat: what was stolen?


He was after more diamonds?

He was after my technology.

I have learned to electroplate with diamonds, Detective.

And now the thief has learned to as well.

Electroplating breaks metals down to individual molecules.

They're then bonded to another surface, covering the entire area.

And this doctor figured out how to do that with diamonds?

Apparently, though electroplating usually involves metal, nickel, gold, that sort of thing.

Electroplating with diamonds should be impossible.

More impossible than building a bloody screwing machine?

All I know is that I don't trust this doctor, Murdoch.

Maybe he invented the screwing machine, robbed the city blind, and then added himself to the list of victims so we wouldn't think he was a suspect.

Perhaps, sir.

But let's suppose that Dr. Roome did discover how to electroplate with diamonds, and let's suppose that someone did steal his technology.

Sir, what if the diamonds weren't stolen for their monetary value?

He wanted some nice trinkets for his wife?

No, sir. Perhaps the diamonds were stolen for their hardness.

Their hardness?

Sir, diamond is the hardest substance known to man.

With a drill covered in diamonds, the thief would be able to penetrate almost any material.

Then every bank and vault in the city would be open to the bugger.

That may be the case.

(Higgins): Sir.

Your afternoon edition.

Thank you, Higgins.

"Is Anyone Safe from the Terror of the Mole People?"

Ah, they've even quoted one of our constables!


As I explained to your colleague, sir, this whole panic over the "Mole People" is absolutely ridiculous. We don't even know if they're dangerous.

For all we know, the Mole People are a benevolent race.

Now, that said, they might be absolutely monstrous.

They might be hell-bent on enslaving mankind.

George, can we please get to lunch?

Emily, we could go to lunch at any point.

This chap might have more important questions.

You said the hotdogs were very popular and they may run out.

Yes, but the hotdogs are...

(low rumbling)

(glass breaking) (people shouting)

(shouting and screaming) (rumbling)

(glass breaking) (rumbling)

Emily, brace yourself! They're coming right for us!

George, what's happening?!

(yelling and screaming)

They're back.



The Mole Men passed right beneath us.

George, our thief is not a Mole Person.

It could be a Mole Person. It could be the man in the moon, for all we know.

What direction was the disturbance headed in?

I'm not sure, sir. It was too difficult to discern amidst all the chaos.

What we need is an accurate way to measure the vibrations.

You must have got some kind of thingamajiggy for that, don't you, Murdoch?

I will soon.

(small motor buzzing)

Sir, what exactly is this contraption designed to do?

It's a seismograph, George, albeit a rudimentary one.

You see, when there is a vibration, this pencil, which is attached to a pendulum, will accentuate that vibration, helping us discern its intensity.

Oh, it's hardly rudimentary, sir. Well done.

A man named John Milne has designed a far more intricate seismograph.

He spent years studying in Japan and now has them installed in all four corners of the world.

In fact, he has one right here in Toronto.

Well, sir, if that's the case, why can't we just use the information from his?

That's a very good question, George.

You see, an earthquake produces a shock wave that emanates from a single epicentre.


Since our underground thief is on the move, it's difficult to discern one single epicentre.

Then how will this device help us track the thief?

By having more than one device. You see, sir, by measuring the vibrations, I'll be able to calculate precisely where the thief is.

You mean that if my thingamajiggy makes a bigger scribble than Crabtree's, then the mole fellow is nearer to me?

Exactly, sir. And the more readings I get, the more precisely I can identify the thief's location.

So, I'm to stand here all night, alone, waiting to see if this pencil moves?

Yes, Constable. Since you are being paid, you are to telephone the station house the moment you see so much as a scribble.


Thank you.

(Higgins sighs.)

Sir. Jackson just relieved me from my post at the seismograph.

Excellent, George. I'll need your assistance once the information starts to come in.

I was wondering, sir, will your readings be able to tell if the machine is burrowing down?

No, George. The readings will only tell me how close the digging machine is to each post.

That's a shame.

(phone ringing)

Sir, what if the thief doesn't act tonight?

Then it will be quite an uneventful evening.

Detective Murdoch's office. Ah, Henry. What have you?

Right. Uh, sir, he says he can smell the Coney Island hotdog stand.

He's wondering if he can nip out for a bite.

George, he had a meal break 20 minutes ago, and another one two hours before that!

Henry, the Detective says that you...

Sir, he says it was more like 30 minutes ago.

Constable, stop tying up the line!

(phone ringing)

Henry, I've told you...

[Murdoch! ]

[Uh, terribly sorry sir.]


The machine's passing right under my bloody feet.

The reading's fading.

That's all right, sir. I don't need that information quite yet.

[Why not?]

The easiest [way to pin him down is... ] The machine's stopped.

Bloody hell, Murdoch. We've lost him, haven't we?

Quite the contrary, sir. If the readings have stopped altogether, that means the digging machine has stopped.

[All we need to do now is calculate where he is.]


Sir. The last of the readings from the constables.

You were right, sir. They all end at 20 past nine.

Right, then. According to these readings... that would place the thief approximately 200 yards northwest of this post.


Sir, that's Church and Gould.

That's where the Provincial Museum is.

Toronto Constabulary. We need to search the premises.

Start with the cellar.

Some of the rooms are locked.

I'll have to let them in.

Constable Crabtree.

Can I be of assistance?

(camera click) My largest diamond, a gift for my wife.

That's a rather attractive-looking piece of jewellery.

May I ask where you got it?

It was given to me, Detective...

Detective William Murdoch. Sir, this is Miss Elva Gordon.

Thank you, George. Please search Miss Gordon's office, if you will.

Your brooch, Miss Gordon.

Who gave it to you?

An anonymous suitor.

Dr. Martin Roome, perhaps?

I have no idea who that is.

When did this suitor give you the piece of jewellery?

Only yesterday.


Did he include a note?

No, just... just the diamond.

Well, then, how do you know it was a gift from a suitor?

Perhaps someone simply mislaid it.

Then he also mislaid a great many roses and bonbons these past months.

What are you doing here at the museum this time of night, Miss Gordon?


And I assume you have an alibi for your whereabouts these past few nights?

Other than this evening, no.

I... I'm... either here at work or at home in bed.

Oh, that's most inconvenient.

Yes, Detective, it is.

I would much prefer to spend my nights camped out on sandstone plains, travelling, adventuring, exploring.

Shuffling papers in a museum all night is very inconvenient.

All the more reason to take drastic measures to change your circumstance, hmm?

You're right.

If I could have, I would have robbed a bank.

But I didn't.

The diamond ties her to the criminals.

She's spending a night in the cells.

Sir, I'm in favour of detaining Miss Gordon while we continue to search the museum, but I don't think she's our culprit.

Come on, Murdoch.

We tracked the screwing machine straight to her.

She must be connected to this somehow.

Plus, she needs the money, and she's got a very strange obsession with being under the bloody ground.

Yes, sir. But for some reason, I believe her story.

Let's put the kettle on.

(door opening) That would give us the corresponding distance that we need to maintain from each point.




What are you doing here so late?

I heard Elva Gordon has been v Is it true she's a criminal?

We have suspicions that she's involved in this string of robberies.

(phone ringing)

Detective William Murdoch. Henry?

Slow down, Henry.

Just give me the readings. Yes.


Thank you, Henry.

George, can you gather the other readings from the other constables, please?



I've installed seismographs across the city, and if we can get the information from them, hopefully I'll be able to track him.

Sir. Post three, 4.1. Post two, 1.7. Post five, 3.6.


He's 200 yards south by southwest of Gould and Church.

Post three, 3.0. Post four 1.1.

Post five 0.8.

Post five, 0.8. Approximately 120 yards east.

He's travelling east along Wilton Crescent.


Post three, 2.2. Post seven, 1.6.

Post eight, 1.5.


Just a moment.


Still heading east.




Sir, I think they're coming right for us.

I think we're under attack!

Julia, we have to get out of the building before it collapses.

Everyone out of the building! Evacuate, now!

Out! Out! The Mole Men are coming!

Dear God, William, what is happening?

I have no idea. Why would he come here?

(loud drilling)

(Rumbling stops.) (Miss Gordon screams.)

Miss Gordon!

She's still in the building.

I'll take this slot, and we'll fan out north of the city, see what we can find.

Remember sir, the machine can't travel any great distance, likely only as far as St. Clair Avenue.

As far as that? Bloody hell.

I'll notify you if I get any more readings.

He's not getting away this time.

I'll catch this Mole Man myself if I have to.

I'll let him know straightaway.

Sir, that was a call from the constables at the museum.

When the digging machine started, they could hear it.

They found a hidden passage from the museum into the sewer, and from there found an underground tunnel.

So the digging machine was under the museum all along.

But if Miss Gordon wasn't the operator, why was it at the museum?

Perhaps the thief came for her.

But we'd arrested her by then. He followed her here.

How did he know she'd been arrested?

He was there.

There was someone else at the museum when Miss Gordon was taken in. The geologist.

Mr. Humphreys.


That odd man. He seemed so harmless. Why would he do such a thing?

Right. The machine is headed north, George.

We need the land registries.

Yes. There's an H. Humphreys listed as the owner of Seven Woodhill Lane. George, find the inspector and the constables and tell him the address... just north of Bloor Street.



Please, let me explain.

I've watched you from afar for so long.

(pounding on door)

This is Detective Murdoch of the Toronto Constabulary!

Open the door and give yourself up!

We need an axe or a hammer or something.

That door won't hold for long.

Elva, I have something to propose. Not marriage, no. Something far greater.


You're my suitor?

I've spent years admiring you, Elva, preparing for this moment when I could offer you this wondrous gift.

You built this?

I built it for you.

It will slice through bedrock like balsa wood.

Don't you see the possibilities?

We can journey into the Hollow Earth, discover hidden civilizations.

Together, we can realize all your dreams.

Step aboard.

Take a chance.

I did.

Let's go.

(machine starting up) Stand back.

Get back!

Look at this rubbish, Murdoch.

"Mole People Biding Their Time?"

These idiots know that that thief buried himself alongside that nutcase of a woman in a hundred-foot grave.

Lotsa drivel.



I thought I would see if you had time to step out for lunch.

I believe I do.

I know they weren't exactly on the right side of the law, but it still pains me to think of Miss Gordon and Mr. Humphreys suffocating to death hundreds of feet underground.

You seemed quite charmed by Miss Gordon.

I admired her passion.

And I suppose I saw a kindred spirit.

It's hardly the same thing, but I hadn't anyone on my side when I started out to become a doctor.

But I suppose she's long gone now.

I'm not so sure.

This morning, I paid a visit to John Milne's seismograph... a remarkable machine. Did you know that if so calibrated, it can detect movement in the earth's crust on the other side of the world?


The most recent activity it has measured has been from very nearby.

What, you mean...

The readings have been coming from beneath Lake Ontario.

Just where Miss Gordon believed there to be life.


Two of your Coney Islands, please, my good man.

Ahh, so glad this Mole Man business is behind us.

It may be ahead of us yet, Emily.

Our thief isn't a real Hollow Earther, so it may just be that the real Mole Men have yet to make contact with this world. Ah.

Thank you.

Thank you.




Honestly, George.

(man): Ni!

In the name of god, I k*lled her.

I suspect there will be no rest for this man.

As I said, detective, this is definitely Mrs. Roundhill.

Why would Roundhill confess to a m*rder that he didn't commit?

Then who did?

Announcer: Murdoch Mysteries, next Monday at 8:00 on CBC.
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