02x07 - Sweetheart of the Rodeo

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Heartland". Aired: October 2007 to present.*
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A multi-generational saga set in Alberta, Canada and centered on a family getting through life together in both happy and trying times.
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02x07 - Sweetheart of the Rodeo

Post by bunniefuu »

Ashley: Previously on "Heartland":

Val: What's going on here?

I'm entering a barrel racing event.

You won't be needing Apollo.

Caleb and Amy: Wooo! (Laughing)

What about your ropin' lesson?

I'm just saying.

Well, don't.

Soraya: I should just drop out. Like I stand a chance against Ashley.

And what good does dropping out do, except give Ashley a better shot?

Your dad, he's... pretty famous, huh?


All around cowboy five years running.

Nobody could touch Tim Fleming.

Heck, I've been competing for two years and you're gonna be a real threat.

You bet I am.


(Hooves thud)


Soraya: My arm's getting tired, Lou.

Hold it up straight, Soraya! I wanna see the logo!

You sure you're not taking this queen of the rodeo thing a little too seriously?

My entire marketing strategy depends on her!

A year's free publicity if she wins.

Oh. No pressure on Soraya.

Lou: Queen of the rodeo is all about pressure -

Grace under pressure.

Soraya: Come on, Lou! When can we stop?

When you get it right!

Sit up straight! Shoulders back!

I can't feel my arm anymore!

That flag cost a fortune! If you drop it, your arm had better be attached to it.

What is your problem?

It's dry clean only.

And don't forget to smile!

(Gritted teeth)
Come on.

(Car whirs past, mechanical bull clunks)

That's it, Jake!

Like I was telling Jack: Anybody can put up a banner, but nothing says rodeo like mechanical bull.

Jack says nothing says cheap beer and urban cowboys like a mechanical bull.


You know, since I joined the rodeo committee, I've been hearing way too much about what Jack says.

Hey, your boyfriend's pretty good at this.

He's not my boyfriend.

(Jake grunts, Mallory gasps)

Mallory: Jake!

You okay, Jake?

My ankle's pretty messed up.

Mallory: Oh my gosh! What about the rodeo?

Jake: I don't think I'm gonna make it...


But it was worth it.

And this year, let's get some damn horses that'll buck.

I'll talk to you later.

(Beeps phone off)

Can I do something for you?

Yeah. I got a scratch from the team-roping event.

Entries and turnouts - that's supposed to be Tim's job.

You know the entry fee's non-refundable?

My roping partner didn't figure a local two-bit rodeo was worth the trip.

Is that right?

You don't have a chance at winning all-around cowboy unless you have at least two events.

So you better get another partner.

Well, it's kinda short notice to find another header.

Or let alone anyone that can swing a rope.

Amy: What about someone who's a quick learner?

Come on, Caleb. I've been to a million rodeos, I've seen how it's done.

It's different, watching from the stands.

Wha- you already said I'm getting pretty handy with this thing.

Well, you've nev roped off a horse before.

Yeah, but you know I can ride and you can help me practice. It would be fun.

I've never teamed up with a girl.

Oh, so, what?

Just 'cause I'm a girl I'm not good enough for you?

I did not say that.


So... What are we waiting for?

♪ And at the break of day ♪
♪ you sank into... ♪
♪ your dream ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪
♪ oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ You dreamer... ♪
♪ You dreamer. ♪

Ty: I don't know why you don't just take the test and get your license.

Well, I'm kinda busy right now.

I will, you know, once the rodeo's over.

Shift to second.

(Gears grind)

Thing is I'm, uh...

I'm team roping.

Third. Third.

(Gears grind)

I know what I'm doing.

Are you talking about driving or your sudden interest in roping?


You seem to drive okay.

But if you're talking about roping, you're missing out the important part -


You're roping with Caleb.


All right, at least we know what we're talking about now.


Yah! Yah-yah-yah!

(Clicks teeth at horse)

Kit: Okay... hustle, hustle!

Come on!

Ashley: Yah! Yah!

Yeah, yeah. Bring it home! Bring it home!

Come on! Hustle! Hustle! Hustle!


Woo! Totally smokin'!


Ashley: What I don't get is we're competing against each other in barrels...

Kit: And for rodeo queen.

Ashley: Yeah. So why are you doing this?

'Cause you're paying me.

No, I mean the whole, like, "Woo hoo! You-go-girl thing?"

Uh, haven't you read the rules?

Come on! Barrel racing doesn't even count towards queen of the rodeo.

But "rodeo spirit" is worth 20 percent of your final score.

And this year, I'm not just going for another belt buckle, I'm going for the crown.

So what? I'm supposed to wish you good luck or something?

Damn right! That's the rodeo spirit.

It's all about rooting for the other girls who do their best, and doing your best, too.

Really? Huh.

And here I thought it was just a low rent beauty pageant with trashy clothes and big hair.

Uh, no ma'am.

Trashy clothes and big hair are just the way we like to look when we're kickin' ass.

Aren't you gonna introduce me to your new friend?

She's not my friend, mother.

I'm paying her.

(Mechanical bull clunks as it shifts)

Oh, Amy! So nice to see you.

Any chance you'll reconsider running for queen of the rodeo? You'd be perfect.

My best friend's doing it.

I don't wanna compete against her.

No one wants a repeat of what happened when Lou tried out for little miss rodeo.

Lou? Little miss rodeo?

Me? Oh no, dear.

Though I was the very first queen of the Hudson rodeo.

(Clicks teeth for Sugarfoot to move)

That's a boy.

(Mechanical bull clunks)

Caleb: Wanna give it a try?

Ah, it's a kid's ride.

Maybe when it's on low. But you crank it up, that's what genuine bullriders practice on.

Come on.

Yeah, it's like you always say, I'm not much of a rider.

Caleb: Well, that's the beauty with bulls.

You don't have to be much of a rider.

Just need an inordinate amount of bravery.

And a high pain threshold?

Caleb: Pain and bravery.

That's a lethal combination, guaranteed to drive the ladies wild.

Soraya: I mean, I know she's a control freak!

She is a little more OCD than usual.

I mean, she's taking all the fun out of it!

You know, I thought it was breaking up with Scott that put her over the edge-

Didn't he break up with her?

Mrs. Bell said this thing today about little miss rodeo contest.

(Half laughs)
Talk about rodeo.

Check it out!


Caleb: Use your right hand for balance.


Caleb: There we go.

All right, I got it.

Crank it up one more. (Grunts)



Caleb: (Laughs)

Hang on, brother.



Amy: Are you okay?

Well, that was, ah, quite the dismount.

Well, I've been practicing on the little plastic pony at Safeway, so...

Amy: Have you?

You know me.

Caleb: Amy.

You ready to go ropin' later this afternoon?

So you'll be on site when the truck arrives with the rough stock at six.

Yeah. Six?! In the morning?

I could reschedule it for five, if you've got something else going on.

No, I just didn't realize this rodeo thing was a full-time obligation.

You're the one who elbowed your way onto this committee.

Now, I see you still got Caleb Odell in team roping.

Who's his partner?

How the hell should I know?

'Cause you're in charge of entries.

Well, you're a little grumpy, Jack.

Rodeo thing getting to you?


(Gear shift clunks, truck whirs away)

A boy, a girl, a rope...

Sorry I'm going to miss the rodeo.

What are you talking about, Mallory?

Well, it's all my fault, Jake twisted his ankle.

So we're gonna spend the day playing Kung fu Kowboys.


That sounds awesome.

(Axe chops, log pieces clatter)

Yeah, well...

Compared to these guys...

I mean, who knew you could have so much fun roping?

Amy and Caleb: (Unintelligible chatter and laughter)

(Axe chops, pieces clatter)

Grain bin's empty.

I'll fill it tomorrow.

Tomorrow. What happened to today?

I was roping.

With Amy.

If it was up to her, we'd be at it 24/7.

I looked on the list and didn't see her name on it.

Come on, Jack. I've been busy.

I'll do it first thing.


(Approaching footsteps)


Hey? Did you talk to Soraya today?

I left her like three messages and I haven't heard back from her.

Yeah... She's scared of you.

She's scared of me?

Do you have any idea how much it's cost me to sponsor her, Amy?

We're not just talking about flags here.

I've got banners, ads, I've updated the website.

And she's scared?!

I'm the one who should be scared!

Yeah, that's what I told her.

(Huffs) Scared.

(Horses whinny)

Caleb: I wanna make a change to my entry form.

Team roping. I got a new header.

Okay. Okay, here it is.

Caleb Odell. Who's your new guy?

Actually, it's, it's not a guy.

You're roping with a girl.

What's next? Barrel racing?

Queen of the rodeo?

Just kidding.

I thought you were serious about getting your pro rodeo card?

Oh, what the hell, it's a small town deal...

Why not? It won't hurt you.

What's her name?


Amy? My Amy?

You didn't sign me up?

What's the the point, Amy, if we don't even stand a chance?

You know I was getting it!

Starting to.

We still have time to practice.

Yeah, but I mean...

Maybe I was wrong thinking anyone could learn fast enough.

Amy: You know I can do it! Just give me a chance, okay?!

This just fun for you, Amy.

But I can't afford to look bad. I'm real sorry, that's just the way it is.

Shift. Shift-shift-shift!

(Gears grind)

(Heavy sigh)

Something bothering you?


How's your, uh, roping coming?

It's fine.

Better than the driving. The way you're going, I'll be lucky if I don't have to put in a new clutch.

(Gears grind roughly)

Ty: Oh!

I can't believe Caleb dumped me!

Dumped? What happened?

(Heavy breath)

He says I'm not good enough for him.


He swears it's not a girl thing, but I think it is.

So what's your plan?

My dad was in the rodeo, my grandpa was in the rodeo.


I know I can do this if I just work at it.

I wanna at least try!

What makes you think I have a plan?

Come on, Amy.

(Half laughs)

Okay, you know me too well.

I do. I have a plan.

Can you help me?

(ATV engine roars)


(Truck rumbles onto property)

Tim: What're you doing?


Practicing what?

Team roping. For the rodeo.

Team roping. You don't have a team.

How do you know?

Caleb came down, tried to sign you up.

Oh great. What did you say to him?

Am I missing something?

I bought you that jumper.

You tell me you don't have time for it,
and next thing I know, you're signing up for team roping with that ranch hand?!

Oh, I see what this is.

This isn't about me. This is about you!

I'm your dad, Amy.

I spent half my life in a rodeo.

I know, dad.

That's why I maybe, kinda wanted to try it.

So how do you think it makes me feel, when I find out from Caleb?

You should've asked me for help!

Okay, maybe I should've.


I just didn't think it was a big deal.

No, no. No big deal.

(Horse snuffles)

(ATV whirs away, hooves thud)

Uh oh! She's been shopping.

Let me see.

Aww... cute.

That's fun.

Yeah, fun.

I've actually started to enjoy riding again.

I think that's wonderful, Ashley.

(Under her breath)
Yeah, right.

Look, honey.

I know I can be the horse show mom from hell.

I shouldn't have been so hard on you about the barrel racing and...

Well, you know even the whole beauty pageant thing.

It's not a beauty pageant.

Okay, but look, if you'll just think about showing Apollo again, I mean really, you could do both, couldn't you?

You don't get it.

(Exasperated sigh)

I won't interfere. I promise, Ashley.

You know what the great thing about rodeo is?

You think it's red-neck, I never have to worry about seeing you at the in-gate.

You're right, Ashley.

You're right.

Because I don't think I have the heart to watch my daughter turn into a buckle-bunny.

(Frustrated grunts)

Soraya: Lou...

Soraya! Stop fidgeting, or you're gonna have glitter all over your face!

I can't, Lou! These pants are too tight.

They're giving me a wedgie!

They're supposed to be tight.

It's... it's the look.

(Compact snaps shut)

Ugh! Oh.

Okay, stand up.

I don't know, Lou. Turquoise is just not me.

It is so you.

It's the rodeo queen you.

And Western style is your ticket to the top.


I guess.

"I guess?!"

Nobody wins with "I guess."

They win with "I can."

They win with "I will."


Okay. Let's work on your walk.

I know how to walk.

Lou: No. It's not like that. It's...

It's more of a glide. Like this.

Look, Lou, you went insane about that damn flag, you went and bought the outfit without me, you wouldn't let me do my hair an makeup.

Now you're telling me how to walk?!

All I'm saying is, you've got to work at it.

And all I'm saying is I quit!

I think you're really starting to get the hang of this.

Yeah, there's just so much to remember.

You know, the timing. The loop, how you throw.

Then you gotta factor in the cow.

Yeah. And Caleb.

Hey, don't worry. When Caleb sees you, I'm sure he'll change his mind.

He'd be an idiot not to.

(Sheepish chuckle)

Maggie: What do you mean you dropped out?!

I don't wanna talk about it.

Well, I do.

You're the one who entered, not Lou.

It's not that simple, mom.

You need a sponsor, you need a flag, and you need a quarter page ad in the program.

What I don't understand is why you didn't come to me in the first place?

Maybe I should have. But if you sponsored me, everybody would think you were doing it just 'cause you're my mother.

I might be your mother, but I already have an ad in the program.

And as for the flag and costume, how 'bout you leave that to me, huh?


As long as it's not turquoise.

(Half laughs)

(Lasso whooshes through air)

Jack: Mind if I give you a piece of advice?

Your uh...

Your elbow's in the wrong position.

You gotta make sure that you've got enough power in your swing.

You don't wanna be developing any bad habits just right before the rodeo.

What rodeo, grandpa?

I'm not even entered yet. I...

I don't know why I'm bothering.

Well, your grandmother, she was real handy on a horse, and she could rope like nobody's business.

Back in our day, it was pretty much a man's game.

Funny, 'cause...

When the whole thing started, way back around the first world w*r, the cowgirls did everything the cowboys did.

My buddy Coleman's got a damn good roping horse just sitting in his field.

I'm gonna pick him up for you this afternoon.


(Elated breath)
Thank you!

(Bulls mooing)

You ever done any bull-riding?


What happened?

Got smart and switched to broncs.

But they say if a guy's got something that needs working out, bull-riding's the way do it.

So... How do you get started?


Most guys, on the day, they just hang around the chutes...

If there's a no-show, they take their chances.

So, what is it with you?

Got a death wish or...

Something that needs working out?

Everybody's got something, right?

How's Amy coming with that roping?

I heard you weren't too happy about that.

Well, I know better than anyone not try to stop Amy from doing something she's got her mind set on.

At least she isn't crazy enough to try bull-riding.

(Half laughs)

What am I supposed to do with the flag?

The ads? The sparkly outfit?

Don't go there. I am not doing this.

Please! Look, I have spent my entire advertising budget on this and it's so last minute, I don't have enough time to find anyone else.

Why don't you do it?

Pfffft! Me?

I couldn't.

Don't be ridiculous.

Come on, I bet the clothes fit you.

Well, I mean, I did try them on in the store, but...

You know, Lou, no one wants this more than you.

No kidding!

I mean after all I did to get that dude ranch up and running.

It's not like you haven't done it before.

What are you talking about?

Mrs. Bell told me about a little miss rodeo contest.

No way! She remembers?

Why didn't you tell?

It was nothing.

I was eight-years-old and I thought it'd be fun.

Meanwhile, I didn't realize how insanely competitive these little girls could be.

And then this wind came up and blew the flag right outta my hand...

(Under her breath)
I swear to God, I could hear those little girls laughing at me.


It's not gonna happen again.

You're damn right it's not.

'Cause if they want that flag to hit the ground, they're going to have to pry it out of my cold dead hand!

Well, any fool can see she's plenty good enough for our "two-bit" rodeo.

Yeah? Okay, I guess.

That's why I got her that new roping horse.

And his name's cowboy, which is more than I can say for you.

What're you talking about, Jack?

(Slams gate shut)

I'm talking about making someone a promise and having the backbone to stick with it.

Hey, come on, Jack!

I don't want your excuses.

I just wanna know why her name isn't on that list?

It's like you said, Tim's in charge of entries.

That's right.

And his job is to write down the name you give him, not to give his opinion, one way or the other.

(ATV engine rumbles)

Ty: Nice.

(Horse nickers)

Amy: Hey.

I'm headin' into town. You wanna come with me?


'Cause if we don't get you signed up, they're gonna charge us a late entry fee.

You changed your mind?
(ATV engine rumbles)

Caleb: Such short notice, just couldn't find anyone better.

(Half laughs)

So what do you say?

Amy: I say yes, but if there's a late fee, you're paying it.

Here, Mallory. Here.

Thank you. See?

I knew he'd come around.

You're awesome!

Way to go.

Howdy everybody!

And welcome to the 51st Annual Hudson Heritage Rodeo!

And to start it all off, here's the first Hudson Queen of the Rodeo...

Mrs. Sally Bell.

Mrs. Bell: Let's give a warm Hudson welcome to this year's "Queen of the Rodeo" finalists!

Crowd: (Cheering wildly)

Did you know about this?

Know about what?

(Horse nickers)

What was she thinking?

(Shrill whistle)

Maggie: That's my baby!

You look beautiful, honey!

Mrs. Bell: Proudly carrying the Tractorland flag...

Katherine "Kit" Bailey.

And from Maggie's Feed Store and Diner...

Soraya Duval!


Representing Frontier Tack and Western Wear...

Ashley Stanton!

And representing the Heartland Equestrian Connection...

Lou Fleming!


Caleb: Hey, Amy.

We need to go warm up.


Wish me luck!

Crowd: (Cheering)

(Hum of chatter)

Scott: (Laughs)

Excuse me.

(Clears throat)

Scott: Hey, Lou?

Oh. Hey!

Surprised to see you here.


It was just a... Last minute thing.

I mean, I didn't figure you'd be the rodeo queen type, especially since the "little miss rodeo" thing.

How do you know about that?

Cherie told me all about it.


Yeah. She's a lawyer in town.

But she's running barrels today.



(Awkward laugh)

Cherie: Good to see you're still at it.

Um, I'm sorry, I'm still at it?

Yeah, don't you ever give up?

I mean... How long's it been?

Little miss contest...

You were the runner up?

I'm- I'm sorry. Do I know you?

Don't you remember?

Cherie Porter? I won that year.

You? You were that...

I never would've recognized you!

Yeah? Well, you've changed too.


But the thing I do remember, is that after my victory lap, somebody ripped the sponsorship flag from my pole and dumped it in the mud.

That is such bad sportsmanship.

Announcer: Hey, and here she comes around that third barrel, heading for home.

Wow! We're gonna stop the clock with a tremendous run!

Crowd: (Cheering)

Announcer: Next racer up, from right here in Hudson.

And this is her very first barrel racing run, so let's make some noise right now for Ashley Stanton!

Crowd: (Cheering)

Announcer: All right, she's underway.

Nice course turn, right there.

It's one to the right and two to the left.

Over that second barrel...

Now, on to the far side.

Now she's making that turn for home...

Here's where you can help her...

All the way! (Crowd cheers)

Go, Ashley, gooo!

Announcer: Nice run by Ashley Stanton.

How 'bout this?

Checkin' in at 18.50, that's gonna put her at the top of the leader board.

Let's go now to our next cowgirl.

This is local favourite...

Kit Bailey!

Crowd: (Cheering)

Announcer: Kit, too, is underway.

That's a nice turn to the right as well.

Now on to that left hand barrel.

Good turn right there down to the far side; One turn to go...

Oh no! Tough break right there.

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Woo! Go kit! Yeah!

Crowd: (Cheering)

So, I got one daughter wants to be a rodeo queen, and another one that wants to be a team roper.

Yeah, we're a real rodeo family, aren't we, dad?

Okay. I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have mentioned that thing about Storm.

But next time you get it in that hard head of yours to try something... like broncs, or bulls, or wild horses, just ask me. Don't be shy!

I might give you a couple pointers.

Okay. That would be great.


Okay, you better warm up.

I'll be rooting for you.

Keep your eye on the steer's head.

And don't swing too fast...

And... don't swing too slow.


I got it.

All right. Good luck.

(Half laughs)

(Gates whoosh open)

(Cow bellows)

Crowd: (Cheering and whooping)

Come on, come on!

(Calf moos)

Crowd: (Cheering)

Announcer: They're perfect on both ends of that steer.

And the time for Amy Fleming and Caleb Odell...

8.2 seconds! Good for third place.

Tim: Hey, Jack!

What can I say? Must run in the family.

Yeah. The Bartlett side.

(Gate clanks shut)


Not bad.

First time out, third place.

Yeah. That's pretty good.

Announcer: And now, that crazy cowboy from Okotoks, Caleb Odell.

On everybody's favourite buckin' horse, this is Rocky Road!

Check it out right now!

Crowd: (Cheering)

(Horse snorts)

(Gate clatters open)

(Horse whinnies and grunts)

Announcer: Goin' real good, right now.

Makin' a solid ride - Caleb Odell.

(Horn blares)

Announcer: Going the eight seconds right there!

Crowd: (Cheering)

Announcer: And check this out.

The judges say 78 points for Caleb Odell, putting him solidly in second place overall!


Totally aced it! That was awesome!

And now, our rodeo queen results.

Mrs. Bell: And the second runner up...

Ashley Stanton!

Crowd: (Cheering wildly)

You ride beautifully, dear.

But it was your attitude that cost you the crown.

The first runner up...

Soraya Duval!

Crowd: (Cheers)

Maggie: Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!

(Excited squeal)

Mrs. Bell: And this year's Queen of the Hudson Rodeo is...

Katherine Kit Bailey!

Crowd: (Cheering wildly)

Your horsemanship wasn't quite up to par, Lou.

But your sportsmanship has really improved.

You remember last time?

You trampled that poor girl's flag into the mud?

Crowd: (Cheering)

Well, I thought for sure you'd win the beauty contest.

But you must be happy, huh?

You took a second in the barrel racing.

Since when have you ever been happy with second place?

I can't get anywhere with you, can I, Ashley?

No, you can't.

And I'm not gonna let you ruin this, like you ruined show jumping.

Speaking of show jumping...

There's something I'd like to talk to you about.

(Heavy distorted thud of stamping hooves)

(Bull snorts)

(Bull grunts)

Announcer: And next up, riding Reverb, a brand new face on the circuit, first time out. But if he wants to win, he's gotta stay on for eight seconds just like everyone else!

Announcer: That's what rodeo's all about, folks - guts and heart, so let's have a big warm Western style welcome for...

Ty Borden!

Crowd: (Cheering)

Announcer: Look at this! The spin to the right.

This bull is real hopped up.

(Unintelligible comment) Look at this bull go.

And Ty Borden nicely in control.

This guy's makin' a heck of a ride.

Oh no! Oh, I thought he was gonna make it.

What a tremendous effort.

Don't you let him get out of here feelin' bad, folks.

Say something right now to Ty Borden.

Heck of a try. (Crowd cheers)

Jack: Well, that was a damn stupid thing to do.

Reckless, irresponsible, could've gotten yourself k*lled.

Reminds me of me.


First time out and you didn't get k*lled.

Gimme that.

Hey, thanks.

Nice job.

Caleb: Ty.

Great ride, man. That belly roll, and the way he dropped his front end real bad, ain't nobody coulda rode that.

Amy: Ty!

What the hell were you trying to prove?!


Kit: She was just worried that you would get hurt.

But you didn't.

Way to go, cowboy.


Announcer: And the winner of the Hudson Rodeo 50/50 Draw is Ashley Stanton!

Ashley: Woooo! Yeah! Woo hoo! Okay!

Wooo hooo!

sh**t all around!

Crowd: (Cheering)

Ashley and crowd: (Chant)
Ashley! Ashley! Ashley! Ashley!

(Country music plays in the background)

Hey. Thanks.

You're welcome.

So what do you think?

Real silver?

It doesn't matter what it's made of, it's what it says I'm made of.

Ty: "Hudson Rodeo All Around Champion."


Not bad.

You know, I wasn't even gonna enter, but...

I need the points to get my pro rodeo card.

What's your excuse?

I don't know. I just...

I guess I didn't wanna be some guy in the stands keeping his boots clean.

Yeah, I hear that.

And then I saw that bull, up close and personal, and it thought...

You or me, man.

Ah, who knows?

Maybe one day you might win one of these.

Now, if you'll excuse me, me and my buckle got some work to do.

Excuse me, mind if I butt in with this young lady?

Man: Okay, sure. Caleb: Thank you.

(Music plays, hum of lively chatter)


Hi, sister.

Yeah, I don't know why you're so upset.

I mean, you looked great out there.

(Snorted half laugh)

Yeah, I look great.

Well, you did.

You know, next time I want to do PR, remind me to do, you know, an infomercial or something.

Well, at least you didn't drop the flag, like last time.

Talk about history repeating itself.

Turns out I lost twice...

To the same girl.


Lou: Excuse me.

I see you didn't waste any time.

What are you talking about?

Give me a break.

Why don't you just print up flyers--

"Lou Fleming: Single again!"

Am I missing something here?

Wasn't it you who broke up with me?

Uh, no-no-no-no.

You broke up with me.

And then here you are with your little friend, doing the happy dance so everyone can say, "Oh, poor Lou, runner up once more!"



You know, you didn't have to ride that bull to impress me.

What makes you think I did it for you?


So when's your next rodeo?



(Music plays, lively chatter)

Okay, you know what?

There's no more judges around. Contest's over.

You should stop smiling now.

This isn't my professional rodeo queen smile, Lou.

It's my just plain happy smile.

And what are you so damn happy about?

Well, most of me's happy because I was first runner up.

But I don't mean to be a bad sport, a tiny bit of me's happy because you're not.

(Music plays, hum of chatter)

Okay. Okay.

Maybe I was... A little bit over the top.

Okay, maybe I was a lot over the top.


Come on, Soraya, it all worked out in the end, right?

I mean, you have your sash...

It's called karma, Lou.

Look at me.

I'm wearing dyed-to-match turquoise jeans!

I'm so pathetic!

Are you kidding?

You're like a role model.

I mean, moving to New York, moving back, starting your own business.

So, I'm like a mentor?

Let's not get carried away. Okay?

At least you don't look like a Dorito.

(Teary laugh)

You do kinda look like a Dorito.

(Small laugh)

I look like a smurf.

Soraya and Lou: (Laugh)


Hey, way to go!

You were awesome out there!


Good job.

Hey, uh...

You don't mind if borrow your bull rider, do ya?

(Playful giggles)

He's all yours.

Kit: Oh wow, I can't believe you did that.

You're nuts! You're crazy!

(Slow song begins, low hum of chatter)

Ashley: (Angrily) Come on, Caleb. Dance with me!

Come on, Ashley. Why don't we just sit down for a bit?

No! I wanna dance.


Look, just let me help you up.

Leave me alone!

Don't be like that.

Ashley: Look, I don't feel so good.

If you don't want me to puke all over your belt buckle...

'Kay, fine.
'Nuff said.

(Nauseated moan)

(Hum of lively chatter, music plays)

Hey, Amy! I've been looking for you.

We did pretty good today, huh?

Maybe we should celebrate.


Yeah. Definitely. Um...

Can we do it another time though?

(Muted hum of music and chatter)

Girl: (Sniveling and crying)

Just please tell me this is not about the stupid rodeo queen contest.

It's not the rodeo contest.

It's my mother.


She sold Apollo!


I gotta get out of here.

Ashley, wait. You can't drive.

Then how am I supposed to get home?


I'll drive. Get in.

Did I tell you that my mom sold my horse?


(Car rumbles by)

I love Apollo.

I hate my mother.


What are you doing?!

(Gears grind, tires skid)


(Light metallic rattle)


Oh my God. Ashley, are you okay?

Ashley: (Dazed groan)

You could have warned me you suck at driving.

(Distant rumble of a vehicle approaching)


You all right?

Amy: Oh ty!

Ty: What happened?

You okay?

Aww, my car!

(SUV rumbles along driveway)

Mornin', Val.

Jack. I'm so worried.

Ashley didn't come home last night.

I just got a call from my mechanic...

I heard she had a little car trouble last night.

Car trouble? There was an accident!

I mean why didn't she call me?!

Oh, can it, mother.

A tire blew and everything's okay.


If you can call $3700 in damages okay!

(Exasperated sigh)

Just get in!

(Vehicle door opens and closes)

(Ignition turns)

(SUV rumbles away)


Anybody mind telling me what really happened?

Amy: Um...

Well, the truth is...

Ashley was a little bit...

Lou: (Clears throat) Drunk.

I think what Amy is trying to say is that Ashley was drunk.

You should've seen her when she rolled in here.

She was on her knees, puking drunk.

Amy: And so I didn't feel it was safe for her to drive -

That's why Ashley wasn't driving.

I was.

I mean, Ashley was...

(Forceful exhale) And I was the only one there with a licence, so...

It didn't help much though when I saw that deer on the road and...

I sort of lost control when I swerved to avoid it.



Thanks for sticking up for me with grampa.

Ah, it was the least I could do.

You know, I guess I probably could use some more of those driving lessons.

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.


Caleb: Hey, Amy.

Signed us up for a rodeo in Nanton next weekend.

What about your old ropin' partner?

Caleb: I don't know... Guess the, uh, magic's just not there anymore.


♪ Tell me what you think, tell me what you feel... ♪

Amy: (Unintelligible chatter)

Amy: Ready? Caleb: All right.

♪ is it what you hoped or what you dreamed? ♪

Amy: (Laughing)

♪ is it something strange that you've never seen? ♪
♪ Does it lift you up closer to the light? ♪
♪ Does it send you raging into the night? ♪
♪ Where did it begin? Where'd it ever end? ♪
♪ Where the sun set in the middle of... ♪

I know you weren't even close to getting a score on that bull, but... what you did took a certain amount of guts.

You're giving me one of your rodeo buckles?

I figure you earned it.

You rode a bull...

And uh...

You got my granddaughter home safe and sound, and you lied like a real pro.

Yeah, well, um...

Just... don't let that happen again.

(Heavy exhale)

(With a laugh)

Yeah, my dad started to take my rodeo aspirations just a little more seriously after that one.

So did a very attractive little gal who was singing on the grandstand.

Few bumps along the way, but...

Well, she ended up marrying me.

♪ So let's stay forever and ever... ♪


♪ No one needs to go where the river bends. ♪
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