07x14 - Closing Time

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Criminal Minds". Aired: September 2005 to February 2020.*

Moderators: tay2417, GemW, scoopy

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The cases of the BAU an elite group of profilers that analyze the nation's most dangerous criminal minds in an effort to anticipate their next moves before they strike again.
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07x14 - Closing Time

Post by bunniefuu »

[Loud music playing]

[Laughter, chatter]

To the class of 2012, may the world end after we've had our fun in college, not before.


[Laughs] I can't believe that this time next year you're gonna be so far away.

Well, I'm here now.

That's what matters.

I know, but...

You're gonna meet some hot sorority slut and--

And you're gonna meet some hot frat guy.

In the chemistry department?

Yeah, right.

[Laughs] Just remember, you're gonna be a hot sorority slut, too.

I am not a slut.

[Both laughing]

Don't I know it.


Come on.

Where are you going?

To test your theory.



You're always gonna be my guy...

Right, Johnny?

As long as you're always gonna be my girl.

What is that?

It's coming from inside the tower.


Wait here.


Stay back.

Aah! Aah!


Is that all you got?

Does that sound like it's gonna be enough?

This is so mine.

No, Hotchner, I'm taking this. Don't do it.

Yeah, I'm gonna have to b*at you.


I don't think it's gonna be enough.

That's not fair!

Ow! Ohh! Ohh!

You all right?


Yes. Yeah. I think...


You sure--

I think I'm gonna b*at you.

Yeah! Ha ha!

That's really pathetic.


I win.

You know, you don't win if you cheat.

Come on. You just gotta learn to keep up.

What happened to slow and steady wins the race?

Who taught you that?

My training partner.

She sounds brilliant.

Oh, she is.


She's very smart.

Training's easier with a partner.

I've been meaning to remind you to thank me for that.


Our lunches are ok, too.

Yes, they are.

So, I was reading that you shouldn't train the week before the race.

So, this might be it.

What are we gonna do about that?

Well, I think we should do something.

Aaron Hotchner, are you asking me out on a date?

I'm trying.

It's not going very well.

Accepted and eagerly anticipated.

When shall I expect my chariot?




[Elevator bell dings]



You work out this morning?

I did.

And how was the, uh, workout?

It's called training, and it was fine.



For what, though?

Just stop.

You know, race day's almost here.

You'll need a new excuse to see her.

It's been handled.




Come hell or high water, Aaron, I will get us back by Friday.

So, last night, 3 unidentified males were found in a lifeguard tower in Los Angeles' South Bay.

Ages are estimated between mid-20s and early 40s.

Each d*ed from a single g*nsh*t wound to the head.

Yeah, and two of the bodies were wrapped in plastic.

It could be practical.

To keep blood from spreading?

Or symbolic. Covering the bodies could be his way of showing remorse for the kills.

Yeah, why not wrap the third body?

Maybe the unsub left him exposed specifically because of who he represents.

Well, identifying the bodies should be our top priority.

Yes. Which is why I'm currently running prints and facial recognition.

Hopefully we'll be done by the time you guys land.

The lifeguard tower is not due to open for another month, and that's probably not a coincidence.

We should look at recently released inmates in the area, make sure he didn't learn his clean-up skills on the inside.

Reid: Hey, guys, there's something else.

According to the M. E. report, each of the victims was missing their genitals.

He could be trying to hide evidence of sexual as*ault.

Maybe. Jeffrey Dahmer used to keep his victims'

sex organs on display.

What if this unsub is doing the same thing?

♪ Criminal Minds 7x14 ♪

Closing Time
Original air date on February 15, 2012

Hotch: "For trust not him that hath once broken faith."

William Shakespeare.

He's castrating the victims postmortem, so t*rture isn't his game.

A sh*t to the head is efficient.

I don't think he wants his victims to suffer.

And a quick k*ll is impersonal.

And it lacks the thrill on which a lot of unsubs thrive.

Yet the castration is very personal.

He probably knew his victims.

Or he could be impotent.

The unsub feels emasculated, so he wants his victims to feel the same way.

You know, the scorecard k*ller, Randy Craft, mutilated his victims in a similar, yet more severe fashion.

That was to hide the fact that he targeted hitchhikers and gay men.

Kraft also r*ped his victims before dumping them on the side of the road.

Ding dong. I have I. D.'d all the dead people.

The information is there at your tablets.

It turns out each of those 3 men was in town on business.

None of them lived there.

So he crosses age, race, and socioeconomic backgrounds.

No physical similarities either.

It says here that one of the victims, Sean Taylor, was in a domestic partnership. He's gay.

But Hank Mitchell has a female spouse.

That doesn't necessarily preclude h*m* desire.

Which victim was left exposed?

Sean Taylor.

So, like Craft, he could be targeting victims based on sexual orientation.

Hey, guys, I'll be right back.

What are you doing here?

I had to see you.

I'm at school.

You can't just be here.

I know. It's crazy.


I had a really rough night last night, and I thought if I could see you, then maybe the day would be a little better.

You could have called first.

If someone sees you, I could get in trouble.

Ok. Ok.

I'll go.

When can I see you next?

I have a game tomorrow night.

Pick me up after.

I'll come over to your place.

I can't spend the night, though.

Fine. Whatever.

It's all good.

Go. Cool.

Let's go.

Quinn Parker, S. A. C.

Agent Hotchner.

This is Agent Prentiss.

Where would you like for us to set up?

This way. Another body was discovered this morning, hidden in a lifeguard tower in Manhattan Beach.

He changed the dump site, now that the other one's been discovered.

We've been sweeping all the towers since the first discovery.

This body was dumped sometime between 4:00 and 6 a.m.

Increase the patrols to every hour, but vary the search.

It's likely he's following the investigation and he's adapting.

This body was left exposed like Sean Taylor's.

Joseph Kraus.

42, San Fernando Valley native, works downtown.

Not sure what he was doing in the South Bay.

Have the families arrived?

Yeah. Kraus's wife just got here.

The others are flying in.

I'll speak to Mrs. Kraus, and I'll reroute Morgan and Rossi to the new dump site.

I'll talk to the families.

Mrs. Kraus, I'm Agent Hotchner.


I'm very sorry for your loss.

It's just so hard to believe he's gone.

Had Joseph given any indication as to where he was going when he disappeared?

Oh, Joe, please. Only his mother called him Joseph.


No, he just said he needed some fresh air.

I didn't question it.

He was found in Manhattan Beach.

Does that mean anything to you?

We went to lMU for college.

In freshman year his dad d*ed.

And he used to go to the beach at night to collect his thoughts.

Was there anything in particular that prompted his departure?

Uh, he lost his job.

And was worried about finances?

We both were.

There's no lights anywhere, Rossi.

He could easily dump a body without being seen.

The unsub dragged him up the ramp.

He wasn't in plastic when he was brought here.

So that's two bodies wrapped and two bodies left exposed.

Why is the unsub differentiating?

The rest of the M. O.

Is the same.

GSW to the head, severed genitals.

But why did he leave this guy unwrapped like Taylor?

[Cell phone rings]

Hey, baby girl, tell me you got something good.

Hey, the M. E. report came back, and none of the victims were sexually assaulted, aside from that unfortunate appendage removal thing.

Rossi: Any luck on the paper trails?

Sean Taylor used his credit card at a gym near the convention center.

JJ and Reid are on their way there now.

See if you can hack their cell phones, too.

Maybe they were meeting up with someone the night they disappeared.

Yes, I know you like me one step ahead, so, there were no calls near time of disappearance, and the rest is gonna take a little longer to cr*ck.

Thank you, crazy.

Anytime. Fantasy Fatale bids you good day.

Rossi, he discarded Joseph like he was trash.

But there's no indication in the victimology to suggest that he should be viewed that way.

Maybe the unsub hits on his victims, and this is what happens when someone rejects him.

If that's the case, they why target straight men at all?

Maybe rejection's his hot button.

Did you get anything?

Joe Kraus lost his job the day he went missing.

That fits.

I've got one victim that just defaulted on a mortgage, another victim who served divorce papers the day before flying to Los Angeles.

They've each suffered a loss.

The unsub probably has, too.

All right, so what am I looking for?

A sexually ambiguous male of indiscriminate ethnicity who may or may not have lost a job, wife, or loved one?

No. There's only one gay victim, so you are most likely looking for a heterosexual male, who somehow learned all of those things about his victims in a very short time.

Someone who knows the South Bay and targets men unfamiliar with the area who won't be quickly missed.

This means he's sociable, but he doesn't stick out.

And these are probably not his first kills.

If this concept of shared losses is what's connecting the unsub and the victims.

How and where is it happening?

[Rock music playing]

That's good. Gotta keep your heart rate up.


How can I help you today?

Agent Jareau of the FBI.


I called about taking a look at your surveillance footage from last week.

Right. This way.

Is it common for traveling business professionals to use your facility?

It's our specialty, actually.

We get a lot of out-of-towners because of the convention center.

Business really picked up when we added the pay-by-day rate.

Wouldn't hotels have gyms of their own?

Some do. We have contracts with the ones that don't.

Ok. 7 p.m. last Thursday, like you asked.

That's him.

That's Sean Taylor.

Can you show me where he goes next?

Hotch just informed me that each of the victims suffered a loss prior to disappearance.

Well, what was Taylor's loss?

Stock market troubles resulted in him losing his summer home.

Hey, Spence, look at this.

He's moving faster than he's capable of.

We see this all the time, people frustrated with work coming in just to blow off steam.

He's punishing himself in a self-destructive manner.

This isn't someone who's suffered a loss.

This is someone who's angry at the world.

He was here nearly 3 hours.

This is him just before he left.

Reid: This can't be about just losing a summer home.

[Cell phone rings]

We're gonna need a copy of this.

Thank you.


Hey, Garcia, I'm gonna put you on speakerphone, ok?

Hey yourself, 187.

I have a new mystery for you to solve.

Your guy, Sean Taylor, he rented a blue Charger while he was in town.

Where's the car now?

That is the mystery.

Local P. D. can't find it, and the rental service activated the LoJack system.

It's been deactivated.

How skilled would our unsub need to be in order to deactivate the GPS?

A novice would not be good at that.

But the mechanical elite, they could do it without a hitch.

Did any of the other victims have cars in the city?

Uh... Just one.

Joseph Kraus.

Hey, his car's missing, too.

All right, Garcia, start pulling auto workers in the area and cross it with prior offenses, no matter how small.

This unsub's going to great lengths to cover his tracks, so he's gotta be in the system somewhere.

Copy that. Here I go.

How's he hiding their cars?


Working kind of late, aren't you?

Security company called to see if your code was still good.

What are you doing here, Mike?

I don't know.

I thought maybe we could talk.

So, pick up the phone.

I wasn't sure you'd answer.

You're the one that doesn't return calls.

Listen, I miss my best friend.


Fr-friends. Yeah.

At this point, I doubt we ever were.

I'm sorry about what happened.

I never meant to--

Never meant to what?

To ruin my life?

No, man. I just want to fix it.

You want to fix it.

What are you gonna do, put a band-aid on it?

No, there's some things that just can't be fixed.

This was a mistake.

I gotta go.

Listen, I'm really sorry, Mike!

Hey, isn't there anything I can do?

Anything to make it up to you?


You could k*ll yourself.

The murders started nearly two months ago, but the time in between kills has accelerated over the past week.


Well, if the unsub suffered a loss, we could be looking for someone who was fired back then and struggling to pay his bills now.

Or divorcees currently undergoing custody hearings.

Reid: He's most likely operating in one of the coastal cities.

The victims were all staying in the metropolitan area, but their bodies were found near the ocean.

Do you know how big the California coastline is?

840 miles. Fortunately, based on the unsub's comfort zone, we can narrow down the area between Santa Monica and Redondo Beach, and the paper trail shows each of the victims in the downtown area until about 9 p.m.

The night they disappeared.

After that they go off grid.

So how are the victims ending up in the South Bay?

Well, we haven't found any of the missing cars.

We know he's probably nonthreatening.

What if he asks for a lift and then kills them en route?

But how does he know that his victims fit his emotional criteria?

There's no common denominator outside the loss that each has suffered.

Sean Taylor did look pretty distraught before storming out of the gym.

Elaine Kraus said that her husband would often go to the beach to clear his head.

What if they're all doing that?

Maybe he's not taking them to the beach.

Maybe he's hunting them there.

I mean, it gets to the point where you can't even look at yourself in the mirror.

You think it's your fault.

Sometimes you have to move on, but sometimes you can't move on.

And that's no way to live.

Of course there's always the easy way out.

[Imitates g*nsh*t]

But who wants to take that?

You got responsibilities.

What I'm trying to say, Gus...

Is I understand.

I do.

And you no longer have to suffer.

Please let me go!

I won't ignore your pain.

Oh, no, I'm not in pain, I promise. I feel better now.

Ha ha! See?

You know how many times I said that exact same thing?

It's the truth!

No. This is the truth.

No! Someone help me, please!


No one can hear you.


The vic's name was Gus Harrington.

Found him underneath the pier in Santa Monica.

He changed his method of disposal to avoid detection, but he's staying near the beach because he's compelled to.

It means something to him.

The credit card history indicated Harrington was staying here.

Looks like he was drowning his sorrows.

He emptied the mini bar first.

Rossi: A man in this condition couldn't have driven to the beach.

Yeah, his car is still in the hotel parking.

So he was intoxicated when he got dressed.

A drunk target would be easier to subdue.

So where would he go next?

He ran out of booze.

He probably went to find more.

We believe we're looking for a white male in his 30s or 40s who's targeting emotionally distraught men.

Cell phone records show none of the victims made calls or had appointments the evenings they went missing.

This unsub selects his target, befriends him, and then kills him all in one night.

This means that he's ordinary, unimposing, easy to talk to.

Because he can get his victims to open up and reveal personal information, we believe he's able to somehow project a sense of familiarity towards them.

Morgan: That familiarity most likely comes in the form of a shared loss.

He's targeting down-and-out businessmen struggling in their everyday life.

He preys upon their vulnerability and then kills his victims with single sh*ts to the head.

He believes that he's being merciful, putting them out of their misery.

Because he feels compelled to remove his victims' genitals, we believe he feels emasculated by his own loss.

Most of the victims are from out of town and new to the area, so we should look at anyone trusted to offer advice to visiting professionals.

The unsub most likely has a working knowledge of auto mechanics, or at the very least, the resources to disable the car's GPS system.

What are you doing here?

I need a reason now?

I paid for this house.

Why were you at Hunter's school yesterday?

He told you?

Of course he told me.

I just wanted to see him.

You know what the court said.

Supervised visitation.

I'm his father!

Well, stalking isn't parenting.

Hunter's scared. He doesn't think he knows his father anymore.


Gee, I wonder why.

Reid: We believe that our unsub's comfort zone is in the South Bay district, so we should start our search there.

But having said that, it's important not to display too heavy of a police presence.

Why is that?

He's gone to great lengths to protect his identity.

That's because he has something to lose.

If he feels that we're closing in on him, it's likely he'll move to another location and start k*lling there.

Thank you.
[Cell phone rings]

Go ahead, Garcia.

The M. E. ran liver tests.

All of the victims had elevated levels of alcohol in their systems.

We should narrow our search to liquor stores and bars.

The unsub could be hunting his victims there.

But wait, there's more.

In my obsessive cross-checking, I unearthed something, and by something, I mean nothing.


The trail runs frosty, my friends.

None of the victims purchased alcohol on the night they went missing.

I'm clever. I even checked ATM transactions to see if they used cash.

Zilch. Zero dinero spent on the sauce.

Reid: So how are they drinking?

Good work, Garcia.

The unsub couldn't have known his victims more than a few hours.

Is he just convincing total strangers to let him buy their drinks?

In my experience, people don't question an open bar.

They just give thanks and order another round.

You know, he could be finding his targets on the streets and then inviting them to his house for a private party.

But how is he able to figure out that they match his victimology?

In order for him to do that, he'd have to spend time with them, listen to their troubles.

What are you thinking?

Who can you pour your problems to over drinks, even though you've never met them before?

The same person who can make sure you don't run a tab or a paper trail.

The kitchen's gonna be closing up pretty soon.

You want to put an order in before the cook goes home?

No. Peanuts are fine, thanks.

Could use another one.

Rough day?


Rough life.

Want to talk about it?

There are hundreds or bars and clubs in the South Bay.

Not including ones in hotels and restaurants.

I mean, how are we supposed to narrow it down?

It doesn't take into account a lot of bartenders work multiple venues-- private parties, events.

We're looking for a needle in a haystack.

If the unsub's a bartender, he probably hears sob stories all the time.

The trigger's gotta be something more specific than that.

It can't just be about loss, like you said?

These losses aren't sufficient enough to warrant mercy killings.

Especially not by someone who's heard it all before.

Guys, what if the losses aren't what's triggering the unsub?

What if it's the catalyst to the losses?

A behavioral trait each of the victims had that made them vulnerable to loss.

Or an event so overwhelming it's consuming everything in their life.

Loss of job, home, family.

What event could cause each of those?

What if it's the emotional toll of a failed relationship?

He's targeting victims with broken hearts.

[Soft music playing]

Once the trust is broken, you never get it back.

Not ever.

I hear you, buddy.

My best friend just moved in with my wife.




Yeah. Can I get you another one?

As soon as I get back.

What's, uh, troubling you, Hon?

Hope that, uh, women comment didn't offend you.

Not at all. My relationship just ended, too.

Wow, really? It must be something in the air.

He was the best thing that ever happened to me.

Yeah, well.

You know, February messes with people's heads.

Here. A little more.

The problem is, it's all my fault.

I'm sure that's not true.

I was stupid, and I was drunk.

You know what people say?

They say, as long as you didn't cheat, everything is forgivable.

Nobody's perfect.



How's that new round coming?

You know, buddy, I think you've had enough.

How about I, uh, call you a cab?


There you go, sweetheart.

That's on the house.

[Siren, chatter]

k*lled a woman this time.

Forensics match the blade?

Body's been hacked to pieces.

Dumped her in the trash.

Maybe this is the woman that broke the unsub's heart.

Parker: Name's kelsey Ashwood.

She drove down from Santa Barbara last night.

Husband's on his way to the field office.

The unsub didn't sh**t her in the head like the others.

He started cutting her up while she was still alive.

He didn't castrate her, either.

This is anger on a whole other level.

He took his time with her.

If she wasn't the target of his rage, she definitely represents who is.

Well, he's escalating.

It won't be long before he actually goes after the person that he blames for his loss.


What the hell?

I mean, you don't work here anymore.

You remember that, right?

Some business I needed to deal with.

Look, you can't be coming around like this.

Andrea told me you showed up at Hunter's school.

That's none of your business.

Well, it is my business because this is my business.

Hey, what are you doing here?

Whose car is that?

A friend of mine.

Didn't think you'd mind.

Hell, did you steal a car?

Is that why you've been coming around here?

I don't steal things, Doug.

You do.

I didn't steal anything.

Ok. You gonna be giving them back, then?

Hey, look. I know the divorce has been hard on you.

But you need to get past it.

For everyone's sake.

Just do the right thing.

Do the right thing?


Do the right thing?!

Coming from the guy who broke up my marriage, took away my kid?!

Do the right thing.

You dirty--

Aah! No!

Oh, Mike...

Ohh... Mike.

I think you broke my back.



Mike, what are you doing?

Turn off the machine.


Get--I'm not-- for God's sake...

Turn the damn thing off!

Mike! Mike!

What--I'm sorry, Mike.

Ok? I didn't know.

I didn't know!

I found out about Hunter the same time you did, Mike!

Mike, please!

Help me, Mike!

Mike, help me!

Mike! Mike!

Mike, don't!

No! Aah!

Take your time.

Why would someone do this to her?

That's what we're trying to find out.

I just want to hold her in my arms one more time.

The last thing we did was fight.

What was the fight about?

Look, it's important that you be honest.

It could help us find the man that did this to her.

She slept with someone else.

She said it was just a one-time thing, but I--

I just couldn't get past it.

Not many people can.

I loved her so much.

But I couldn't fix us.

We were right.

All of the unsub's victims recently suffered the end of a romantic relationship, but they actually have something else in common.

Each of the relationships ended due to infidelity?

How do you know that?

Kelsey Ashwood cheated on her husband.

All 5 of the male victims were businessman devastated by the destruction of the relationships.

They probably started acting out, which led to the losses we profiled earlier.

Well, get this. Sean Taylor and Joe Kraus were the ones that cheated in their relationships.

They were the ones who were left exposed.

So he's showing sympathy to the men that were cheated on, yet anger toward the cheaters.

[Cell phone rings]

This is Dr. Reid.

All right, thanks.

Kelsey's car was found in a junkyard near Torrance.

Somebody was in the compactor when it was crushed.

The victim is Doug Summers, owner of the wrecking yard.

The car was on top of him when it was crushed.

Maybe he stumbled on the unsub in action.

This wasn't planned out like the others.

This was impulsive.

His entire M. O.

Has changed.

He wanted Doug to suffer.

Garcia, I need you to run background details on Doug Summers.

He runs the LB Wrecking Yard in Torrance.


Uh, it seems clean as a whistle.

Hold on. His name's listed in a legal docket.

Mr. Summers is currently testifying in a custody battle between Michael Janeczko and Andrea Wright.

Janeczko used to work at the wrecking yard, and Wright is Mr. Summers'

new fiancee.

She filed for divorce two months ago.

That's right when the killings started.

Where's Janeczko?

Last known address was the house he shared with his former wife.

I don't understand. What does the FBI want with Michael?

We need to find him as soon as possible.

Do you know where he's been staying?

He runs a bar on 2nd.

The owner's back east, so he's been sleeping in the loft above it.

Please, what did he do?

He's a suspect in a m*rder investigation.

Mike? That's ridiculous.

We think he's been going through an emotional break.

He's been through a lot.

Prentiss: I'm afraid there's more.

Ma'am, Doug Summers was k*lled earlier this morning.


What did you say?

I'm so sorry.



Not after all we've been through.

What have you been through?

You've documented Hunter's life with Michael and Hunter's life with Doug equally.


Is Michael not Hunter's father?

Do they know the truth?


When did they find out?

Two months ago.

Do you know where Hunter is now?

[Bell rings]

[Indistinct chatter]

[Brakes squeal, horn honks]


Go ahead.

I'll catch up.

We gotta go, now.

What the hell?

What are you doing here?

Mom said you're not allowed to come--

I don't give a damn what your mother has to say.

Get in the car!

I'm at school.

I can't just leave.

I am your father, right?

If I say you can leave, then you can leave.


Get in, get in, get in.

Tell me what's going on.

Yeah. We gotta get out of town.

I'm not going anywhere!

You're acting crazy.

Look, I know things have been a little off between you and me lately, all right? But...

Everything is gonna be fine.

You are my son.

I am your father.

That is that.

I'm calling mom.

No, you are not!

She is not part of our life anymore.

Do you understand me?

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell. I didn't.

What did you do?

Is mom ok?

She's fine.

Your mother is fine.

I need to tell Doug where we're going so mom doesn't freak out.



Dougie is dead.



What did you do?!

I didn't mean to! I know how much he means to you!

I love you so much, son.


He just made me so mad.

Uhh! Uhh!

You k*lled my father!

I am your father.

According to the ex-wife, Michael's been staying in the loft above the bar.

We got two floors to cover.

Have your people maintain a perimeter around the building.

Shouldn't we wait for S. W. A. T.?

We're out of time. Hunter knows Michael's not his real father.

If he rejects him, Michael could lash out at whoever's closest, including Hunter.

Morgan: All right, let's move.

[Crying, talking indistinctly]


You don't love me.

FBI. Michael Janeczko, put the g*n down.

He told me I wasn't his father.

I'm sure you didn't mean that. Right, Hunter?

You were frustrated.

I--I was hurt because of what happened to Doug.

That wasn't your fault, huh, Michael?

It was an accident.

I would never hurt my son.

Tell him how you feel.

He raised you.

No matter what, he'll always be your real dad.

Sure. You were always there for me.


You're my dad.

Put your w*apon down.

You put yours down! Do it!




[Breathing hard]



Don't do it!

Put it down!

Hunter, give me the g*n.

He k*lled Doug!

He was gonna k*ll me.

I know. But if you pull that trigger, it is gonna be you going to prison and not him.

I didn't ask for any of this.

I know.

I know.

Everything's gonna be ok.

All right? Look, you-- you just gotta trust me.





[Indistinct police radio]


Spencer, I'm fine.

I swear, it's just a scratch.

I don't know. I counted two cuts, 3 bruises, a black eye, and possibly a fractured rib.

I'm not telling you how to do your job, but you should probably consider giving her a CAT scan.

You ok?

Ignore him.

Yeah, I will be.

What about him?

Hotch: "You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you will live in torment if you don't trust enough."

Frank Crane.

[Morgan laughs]

Look, JJ, all I'm saying is I am never making you angry again.

I mean, who knew that Pennsylvania petite could give such an ass-whuppin'?

Well, I'm just glad my hand-to-hand coach could work his schedule around my state department duties.

It's my pleasure. I'm just really grateful it all paid off.

You were great out there.

I'm proud of you.

Well, why don't you get your little butt home.

I'm sure Will's waiting on you.

Yeah, well, we did have dinner reservations, but, uh, I'm thinking we'll do takeout instead.

Thanks, Derek.



Come in.



I thought I was the one supposed to be burning the midnight oil.

Well, with Strauss away, the director asked me to do a little extra.

I'm actually looking forward to having her back.

Right. It's not the greatest way to spent Valentine's day, now, is it?

I forgot, too.

Some of the singles were gonna go find a bar and grab a drink, if you want to come along.

I mean, unless there's someplace else you could be.

Uh, I think I'll pass, but thank you.

Uh, what about the paperwork?

Well, when Strauss comes back next week, I don't want her to be bored.

Good night, Hotch.

Good night, Morgan.




Wow, thank you.

You're welcome.

It's not even Friday.

No, I know. I just get called away so often, I thought we should grab the opportunity while we had it.

That was very thoughtful.

Let me get my stuff.


So what's our plan?

Well, I suppose I could tell you, but I don't want to spoil the surprise, so you'll just have to trust me.

Oh. My first mistake.


Did you forget something?


I thought we ought to get that out of the way.

Spare us any awkwardness.

You don't have the market cornered on surprises, Aaron.


You know, it's not often that I'm speechless.


Yeah. But I am now.

That's a nice car.


[Both laugh]
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