09x23 - Angels (Part I)

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Criminal Minds". Aired: September 2005 to February 2020.*

Moderators: tay2417, GemW, scoopy, tay2417, GemW, scoopy

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The cases of the BAU an elite group of profilers that analyze the nation's most dangerous criminal minds in an effort to anticipate their next moves before they strike again.
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09x23 - Angels (Part I)

Post by bunniefuu »

Radio: ♪ I've known men

♪ who have had love

♪ but threw it away

[woman sobbing]


♪ For a moment...

Please, I'll do--

I'll do whatever you want.

Please, I won't tell anyone what you do.



Please let me go. I can--

I can get--I can get home--

I can get home from here.

I'll do whatever you want.

[Sobbing] Please...


No, please! No! No!

[Whimpering, gasping]

[Cocks g*n]


This again?

You miss another flight to see James?

Worse. He came here.

He's cooking and watching "House Hunters" without me.

You know, he'd better not try to make an offer again.

So, we get Henry to bed, and, you know, we're about to finally have some alone time with mommy and daddy, and...

You guys know the rest.

Ah, trying to dust off the old cobwebs.



Seriously, though, how long has it been?

Too long.

Do we know what the case is?

Not yet. Hotch just said to drop everything and get back here.

Garcia: You you need some private adult time.

I'll watch Henry.

No bad guys, no kids, in that order.

Go to Mexico.

Or the Maldives, maybe.


Yes! Exactly. A cruise would be perfect.

No, no, no. Matt Cruz.

Let's get started.

Thanks for taking this case, Aaron.

You guys are on quite a streak.

It had been so long since I'd heard from you, I wasn't sure if you were getting my reports.

I was putting out other fires in the Bureau.

Domestic terrorism needs my full attention.

But when it comes to you guys, why mess with success?

How are those ribs?

It still hurts when I laugh. You?

The scars impress the ladies.

I hope you don't mind, Ms. Garcia, if I took the liberty of having the much less talented version of you in my office load the case details.

Oh. Yeah.

Sure, no problem.

A good friend of mine, sheriff Peter Coleman, down in Briscoe county, Texas, reached out to me about a possible case.

He's a former Texas Ranger, he's a good guy.

He read about our work on the sil*ncer case two years ago.

He asked for a consult.

What do we have?

Abigail Jones. prost*tute.

She was found in a dumpster last night.

What's that on her wrists?

It's, uh...



Uh, would you mind?

Thank you, Jesus, Buddha, and Allah.

I like to cover my bases. You have to squeeze it.

Rossi: Rope burns.

Which goes hand in hand with lacerations on her back.

There's also a g*nsh*t wound to the back of her head, execution style.

It's a conflict in M. O.

The cutting and restraining, point to a sexual sadism, but the g*nsh*t wound ends the t*rture too quickly for a sadist.

Is that the only victim?

There's Hannah Kelly, another prost*tute, k*lled 6 months ago, dumped one jurisdiction over.

Blake: Forensic countermeasure.

Smart enough to separate the victims so we won't tie them together.

And practical, too.

The body was left in hooker row, where they pick up their Johns, which brings us to our first victim, Lucas Wagner.

k*lled 11 months ago.

Multiple arrests for soliciting a prost*tute.

He was found outside of a crack house where some of them lived.

He takes a paying customer and drops them where the girls live.

That sends a message that nobody's safe.

Tell sheriff Coleman we're on our way.

[Country western music playing]

[Indistinct chatter]

First they get Hannah and now they get Abigail?

I don't want to go out tonight.

Look, I'll come and look out for you.

You'll be ok.

Watching us get in a car isn't gonna help.

What if some man jams the doors and takes us out far and--

Wait, you think it's some serial k*ller?

Honey, we ain't got serial K*llers around here.

Abigail did her own thing.

You all know that.

Who knows who she knew?

Well, I ain't goin' out there until this cools down.

No. No, mama's gotta eat, girl.

Couldn't mama fast for one night?

Are my ears hearing me right?

You want to tell that to the man upstairs, honey?

Please, Dinah-- let me tell you how this works.

You're gonna go out there and shake that moneymaker.

And if you come back here with less than 200...

It ain't the bogeyman you'll have to be worried about.

You hear me, Sugar?

You're working the day shift, too.


Hi, Ben.

You ok, Tabitha?

Why won't whoever's doing this just k*ll her?

Don't say that, Tab.

We'll be all right.

We always are.

Did she pull your hair?

♪ Criminal Minds 9x23 ♪

Angels (1)

Original Air Date on May 7, 2014

Rossi: "The name written on her forehead was a mystery: "'Babylon the great, the mother of prostitutes and of the abominations of the earth.'"

Revelation 17:5.

Ballistics matched one g*n to all 3 sh**t.

So, the same unsub k*lled one John and two prostitutes.

At least he keeps it in the family.

Maybe the John's a friend of the unsub, someone he picked up prostitutes with.

Well, once he kills his friend, it makes it easier to k*ll the prostitutes.

That would explain why there's no sexual as*ault on the victims.

It's not about r*pe for this unsub, it's about t*rture.

I mean, that fits, kind of, but it just feels like we're missing something.

What we're missing is whether this guy's a sadist or not.

A g*nsh*t to the back of the head throws everything off.

We're presuming he's using the g*n to end things, but it could be part of the psychological t*rture.

I'm gonna cut you, and if you flinch, bang.

Ok, so let's go with that for a second.

There were 5 cuts on Lucas Wagner, 9 on Hannah, 12 on Abigail.

He's escalating his t*rture.

Sadists definitely do that.

And they get deeper with each victim.

Reid: That's right. The first cuts were experimental in nature, and the latter ones were about maximum infliction of pain.

What if this is vigilantism?

He's punishing these women and their johns to clean up the streets.

But why take so long to do it?

3 victims in 11 months?

That's a substantial cooling-off period.

Morgan, you and Reid talk to anyone working the streets last night and see if they saw something useful.

Dave and Blake, go to the coroner's office, see what you can learn there, and JJ and I will go to the station with the sheriff and start interviewing friends and family.

How do you know Matt Cruz, Sheriff?

He and I worked a few cases when he was working out of the Dallas field office.

So which serial K*llers that you guys caught Was the scariest?


JJ: It's ok.

Cases involving kids are the toughest.

Oh. Oh, sure. Of course.

Where would you like us to set up?

Right here. And we got the boards right over here.

Oh, that's--that's full.

Well, the whole force wanted to work on it.

We've had bad people down here, but we've never seen anything like this.

But we'll be following your lead on this one.

You have our best men, agent Hotchner.

How can we help?

Have any of the family members come in yet?

Uh, Carrie Lawson, Abigail's sister.

I told her to come at noon, but she got here at 8:00.

Hasn't budged for hours.

Not even to go to the bathroom.

I'll talk to her.

Oh, can I sit in?

I won't say a word.

Um, you know, it might be more comfortable for her if it's just one on one.

Let me show you to the interview room.

She's enthusiastic.

But she means well.

They all do.

Of course.

I've only been sheriff here a year, but it's the biggest case we've ever had.

Let's get to work.

You bet.

Not too many spots for working girls to go to, so this'll be your best shot.

And you turn a blind eye to what goes on in here?

Agent, we only got one bar around here.

Monday night's karaoke, Tuesday's line dancing, and the girls are discreet.

Can't hardly tell the professionals from the locals who just want to get their drink on.

Not to mention, we shut this place down, then what?

The devil you know kind of thing.


[Soft music playing]


Dinah, these two are agents from the FBI.

You mind answering some questions?

Don't know much, but sure.

We're trying to find out more about a woman named Abigail Jones.

Did you know her?

Why you all asking about Abby?

When was the last time you saw her?

Last week. Same bat time, same bat station.

She's all right, ain't she?

No. She was k*lled a couple of nights ago.


God almighty.

How well did you know her?

Used to flirt.

You know. She always said I couldn't handle her.

She was right.

So I'd buy her drinks.

She liked when I buy her drinks.

Was she that kind of girl?

Party girl, maybe?

It was hard to tell when she was loaded or not.

I mean, she was always off.

Like she had her own song goin' on in her head.

Mack the Knife.

Reid: Let me ask you, did Abigail come in often?

Was she a regular customer?

What was that?

Mack the Knife.

Was that the song in her head?

No. It was the name of her last...date.

You know what I mean?

Yes, I do.

Have you ever met this Mack the Knife?


She told me about him, said he was a good tipper.

Do you know where we could talk to him?

Would you prefer to chat privately?

I can't.


Why don't we just have a little chat, right here. You don't have to look at me.

Don't move your head.

Just keep looking down.

Just doing my best to be charming, if you don't mind.

Could you lean over and take this card from me?

[Laughs] See?

I'm not so bad.

Come on, we're just talkin' it up, havin' some fun, right?

Why don't you flash me that pretty little smile of yours.

And then maybe slap me on the shoulder like maybe I'm trying to get fresh or something, huh?

No? Yeah? Yeah.

Dirty boy.

You wish.

All right, well, you can't blame a guy for trying.

Nice to meet you.

Reid: One last question.

Do either of these two people look familiar to you?

The boy looks familiar.

The girl I never seen.

Well, thank you for your time.

Would you mind if we came back a little later?

Oh, anytime.

Got nothin' to hide.

Reid: Thanks.

Sorry I couldn't help you none.

You told the police you spoke to Abby the night before she died.

She called out of the blue, so I knew something was up.

You two didn't talk regularly?

We had...

Different lives.

I went to church, married the guy I went to prom with, had a kid.

And she...

Did what she did.

And what did she call about two nights ago?

It was hard to follow her.

She was high.

And when she got high, she got paranoid.

About what?

Cameras in the light sockets, black helicopters following her.

Those are common drug-induced delusions.

I know. But...

She did something different on the last call.

She apologized.

For what?


Every mistake she ever made, every sleepless night that she put my parents through.

And she said she had to say these things because this was her last...

This was her last chance to set things right, because they were comin' to get her.

We got one of the names of her clients, Mack the Knife.

Considering everything that happened to her, did she mention-- no. Uh-uh.

It wasn't "he's" coming to get me, it's "they" were coming to get me.

Could we be looking at a team doing this?

The signature of the cutting is too specific.

And nothing about the crime scene indicates a partner.

There is a fear plaguing this community, seeping into their souls, making them meek.

Well, aren't the meek inheriting the earth, preacher?

Yes, but not until their time.

Agent Jareau, SSA Hotchner, I'd like you to meet preacher Mills.

He runs the local--


If you're in town long, you should come hear his word.

Oh, thank you.

Preacher has some information that he thinks might help the case.

It's about Lucas Wagner, the male victim.

My congregation started as a thought, or-- or rather a dream.

I imagined a place where everyone could come to hear the truth without being judged, and I--I didn't care whether you subscribed to the old testament or the new testament.

All that I required was that there was love in your heart.

That's noble.

Look, I neither judge nor devalue.

I embrace. And when I hug my flock...

They whisper.

Hotch: What do they whisper?

Secrets. They tell me about the things that are rotting their souls.

The affairs they've had, the money they've stolen, the lascivious thoughts that permeate their sick minds.

Did Lucas Wagner have secrets?


And it weighs heavily on my heart.

See, his daddy lost his job.

His mama took gravely ill.

So in order to help out, he took to the streets...

With the other girls, so to speak.

Lucas was a male prost*tute.

And he didn't discriminate with his clientele.

Then why was he arrested for solicitation?

The judge liked his parents.

He wanted to save them the embarrassment.

You see, we walk through life pretending to be one thing when we're really another.

And like the opposing sides, truth is a magnet and it sticks to you.

There's no steering clear of his law.

Have you by any chance heard a whisper about Mack the Knife?

No, that name means nothing to me.

Ok. Well, thank you.

That info is very helpful.

You know, I had to counsel Lucas' mother.

She felt terrible guilt about his death, and she said his wounds ran very deep.

Indeed, they did.

Can you tell me what they look like?

Only that they were very deep.

If you hear anything that may pertain to the case, we'd appreciate it if you'd let us know.

Of course.

If we can't find the answers, trust me...

He will.

Look, if we get any breaks, I promise I will call you.



I heard what happened.

If you need to talk, my door's always open.

God bless.

God bless.

The cuts on the back run underneath the scapula.

What kind of knife did he use?

Sharp one.

Well, we've ruled out r*pe, but you still needed to run a r*pe kit on her.

Why didn't you?

She was a hooker.

This was easy math.

Well, how about this?

If this were t*rture, the victim would be flailing about.

You'd see a jagged cutting pattern as a result.


The marks on Abigail Jones are clean.

How do you account for that?


Well, did you find dr*gs in the autopsy or tox screen?

Oh, I didn't order any of that.

Why not?

C. O. D. was a g*nsh*t wound to the head. Hello.

Doctor, where did you go to medical school?

Oh, I ain't a doctor.

I was elected to this position.



Democracy in action.

You know, I call up M. E.s when I need 'em.

Well, then, uh, why don't you call up the bodies, then, of Hannah Kelly and Lucas Wagner for us.

You want to dig up those bodies?

Why? I'm gonna need a reason if I'm gonna submit the request.

We need to do the work you didn't do in the first place to confirm our theory.

Now that we know that Lucas Wagner was a male prost*tute, the unsub's M. O. makes more sense.

This probably wasn't t*rture.

Then what was it?

It was consensual S&M that ended with a g*nsh*t.

Yeah, I'm all good.

Tired. You? [Sighs]

Well, Dinah's been paid in full, which means the man upstairs is happy.


All right, Belinda.

We'll talk tomorrow, ok?

All right.

[Unscrews bottle cap]

I am beautiful.

I am beautiful.

I am...

I am...

All right, guys, I'll cut the binds and then we can let her down carefully.

On 3.


Whoa, whoa, whoa!

What are you doing?!

Do not disturb the crime scene.

Well, we took a bunch of pictures just like you ordered us to.

I ordered you not to touch a damn thing.

We need to look at this crime scene undisturbed.

Do you mind not standing there?


He's escalated his cuts.

They're not only bigger--

Cutting was done postmortem.

It was the g*nsh*t that k*lled her.

How can you tell?

Based on the lack of blood flow and scar tissue.

If she were alive when this was done, there would be a lot more blood on her back.

Which means this wasn't S&M.

This was symbolic.

Symbolic of what?

We're not sure.

Can you smell that?


That doesn't grow in these parts.

It's mainly around her legs.

Why would he do that?

Reid, can you look into it?

We can't trust the coroner to follow through.


We need to deliver the profile.

I just don't understand why this has happened.

You have to trust.

How can I trust?

She was my sister and now she's dead.

Abigail is in a safe place now.

How do you know that?

If it's so safe, why aren't any of us in a hurry to get there?

I understand your doubts, but you must have faith.

I know that this is just a path that we're on, a spiritual journey in a physical form, and just because your sister isn't with us doesn't mean she isn't among us.

[Door opens]

They're coming for me!

They're coming for me!

Are you ok, dear?

No, I see them.

I saw someone watching me last night.




They tied her to a tree, and--

Who? Who you talking about?


They k*lled her, and now all of the streets are blocked off.

Is this armageddon?

I don't want to die.

You're not gonna die.

You're gonna stay in my office where you'll be safe from his evil wrath.

Where are you going, preacher?

Well, I'm going to go to the police.

They need to know this monster is still out there.

And we need to know what they're gonna do about it.

Come with me, child.

We believe the unsub we're looking for is a white male in his early 30s.

While his M. O.

Is that of a sadist, we think there's an underlying pathology of what we call a wound collector.

What's that?

A wound collector is someone who uses a lifetime of sleights, grievances, and wrongs as justification for v*olence.

Examples can be as large-scale as Hitler scapegoating the Jews for the holocaust.

Or as common as an abusive husband blaming his wife as an excuse to beat her.

This unsub is low key, almost submissive in public.

He has to be to attract the prostitutes.

But his real nature will be revealed in the safety of isolation.

This is the type of man who would anonymously express himself online by raging against how these women are filled with disease and filth, how they deserve what's coming to them, probably to cover for the rejection of a woman or spouse who's wronged him.

JJ: Which means the unsub probably has a working-class or part-time job.

It gives him the time to plan and execute the murders.

Rossi: He's strong and good with his hands and probably drives a work truck or large vehicle.

Blake: This allows him to move the bodies and carry to tools for posing his victims.

Tabitha Ryerson tells us he's losing control.

He k*lled her in her home and then transported her body to the woods so he could mutilate her postmortem.

The public nature of the display was a message.

To who?

To us.

This is a small town and he knows the FBI is here investigating his crimes.

He thinks he showing us that he's smarter than we are.

He's also showing us his wounds.

There's part of him that wants us to stop and punish him [cell phone ringing] for his crimes.

Thank you. Excuse me.
Yeah, Garcia.

Sir, I found something odd in Tabitha Ryerson's records.

It turns out she was quite the independent contractor.

She accepted credit card payments.

There's one here for a new client she was going to see for the first time tomorrow.

It's labeled "Mack."

I'm thinking Mack the Knife, maybe.

What's the name on the credit card?

I'm gonna ask you this one time.

Did you write on that desk?

I don't know.

I asked you a yes or no question.

"I don't know" is not an answer.

[Bell rings]

"I don't know" is for children of poor character, who come face to face with their own failings as stewards of the community.

Now, yes or no, did you write that disgusting message on the desk?!

Blake: Principal McIntyre!

Who are you?

We're with the FBI, and you need to let that child go and come with us.

I'm the principal of this school.

You can't just walk in here.

Yeah, well, we need to talk about Mack the Knife.

Look, those women I had sessions with, ok, maybe some money changed hands, but that was just for their time.

Yeah, we read the disclaimers on those escort websites, too.

Take us through the different prostitutes you hired.

Sado-masochism is not a crime.

It's legal, as long as I don't have sex with them.

And--and-- and you--and you can't tell anybody about this.

I'm entitled to my privacy on this. I have kids.

You're not here because of the S&M.

You're here because of the murders.

What murders?

Tabitha Ryerson.

She's dead?

I was gonna meet with her for the first time tomorrow.

Now it's your turn.

You give us names.

Uh, Hannah Kelly.

Uh, Carol Rodgers, Abigail Jones.

Abigail's my favorite.

What about the men?

So you know about that, too?

Mm-hmm. Just assume we know everything.

That way, things will go a lot easier for all of us.

Lucas Wagner.

Just him.

Now, they all call you Mack the Knife.

Do you still have the knife you used on them?

What do you mean?

Well, you cut them, didn't you?


You--you don't understand. This is--

No, I'm not being threatening, ok?

I just want to show you what I mean.

You see?

They cut me.

How could it not be him?

He had S&M sessions with all the victims.

We profiled that this unsub would be submissive in public and dominant with the prostitutes, and McIntyre is the opposite.

He takes the submissive role in the S&M play most likely because he's so dominant as a principal at his parochial school.

So we're back to the starting point.

Our best bet is still the prostitutes.

Tabitha's death might scare some of them into talking to us.

Mrs. Lawson?

Did preacher Mills talk to you?

Not since yesterday.


We were talking in his church, and one of the girls, Belinda, I think, came in begging for help.

The preacher said he was gonna tell you what she saw and get an update on the case, but he never came back.

When was this?

This morning.

No, we haven't seen him.

What do you mean?

She said the same thing my sister did.

"They" were coming to get her.

What the hell's going on?

Excuse me for just a moment.

Guys, I think I know what the lavender on Tabitha Ryerson's legs is about.

Have you ever heard of spikenard?

Uh, no.

It's perfume.

It's mentioned in the gospel.

It's derived from lavender.

It's what Mary Magdalene used to wash Jesus' feet, which tells us that this unsub's message is obviously religious in nature.

Preacher Mills, maybe.

He came forward to volunteer information.

Well, yesterday he said he'd let us know if he had any more information, but apparently he's changed his mind.

He fits the profile.

He's morally rigorous, submissive in public.

So we'll put an APB out for him.


Where's Dinah?!

Check the back, padre.

I got 15 minutes, preach, if you're interested.


What's goin' on, preach?


The man upstairs wants answers.

If you can't make sure my b*tches are safe, then what good are you?

I don't know who's hurtin' 'em.

Well, figure it out.

Unless you want to join them.


I haven't seen the preacher since this morning.

He was talking to one of those girls.

Do you know if she's still here?

I think she slipped out.

Her name was Belinda.

Do you mind if we check the back?

Oh, no.

Well, I don't get it.

If the preacher had something to do with it, then why was he so helpful?

Unsubs insert themselves into investigations all the time.

They enjoy the power and the feeling that they're smarter than us.

And to keep tabs on the case.

He wanted to know how close we were to catching him.

[Cell phone rings]

Go ahead, Garcia.

Sir, I got the backhoe going into this not-so-clean preacher.

I haven't found his present whereabouts yet, but I'm looking at his bank account.

I can tell you he doesn't adhere to the "give all your money to the poor" model.

Any idea where the money's coming from?

Not yet.

But it's mostly cash, and we're talking 6 figures big.

You know, maybe it's sex trafficking.

This unsub is able to get prostitutes to let their guard down.

They're somebody he knows.

I thought you said our k*ller was a john.

Prostitutes would rat out a john or k*ll him themselves, but they would never go against their own pimp.

Garcia, take everything we know about Mills and run it up against pandering and procuring charges.

This isn't the first time he's done this.

You got it.

I swear to God, I don't know who's doing this.

All I ask is you keep my property clean.

No diseases, no dr*gs, and you collect my money.

Now, which John likes to beat them?

Who likes to get rough?

I don't know!

Who likes to tie them down?

'Cause that's who's doing this!


Ok. Ok.


There's the guys over in Oakwood who can get a little freaky.

Stop! Stop! Stop.


And then there's Mike, our mechanic.

I mean, he had Tabitha bleeding once.

Mike's so fat, he gets winded hoisting a damn hot dog.

He couldn't tie her to a tree!

And then there's Travis, the druggie.

Yeah. Yeah, he snitches to the cops for quick fixes.

Yeah, and he cut Belinda once.

I mean, he could've made the wounds on the girls.

You know what these wounds look like?

I heard from one of the girls at the station that they were kind of criss-cross.

I mean, Travis could have done that.


What else have you heard?

The Feds are looking for someone who wants to clean up the streets.

It is time to pay the butcher a visit.

Well, Travis lives near Rodgers Park, but he does coke in that house on Dunbar.

Did you know the charge of being a pimp, when gussied up, is "procuring and pandering"?

And Hotch was right.

Preacher Mills is familiar with this charge.

Because before he was Justin Mills, he was Gordon Borell, and he was arrested for cutting one of the ladies he employed.

Rossi: Where did he cut her?

On the back.

When questioned, she said-- oh, I'm gonna have to look at kitten videos after this-- he was marking his property.

You're kidding.

That's why he specifically asked me about the wounds on Lucas Wagner.

He knew we'd find out about his past.

Why didn't we turn this up before now?

Because he changed his name when he crossed the border.

The northern border to be exact.

Mr. Mills, nee Borell, is from Tees, Alberta.

I'll tell you what.

Those Canadians, they seem so sweet and innocent, but when they go bad, they go Darth Vader bad.

So he came here to start over, took on the mantle of the collar as the perfect cover for the sex trade.

No one in this town would question a man of God.

But now we got the smoking g*n we need on this guy.

Garcia, was there an attempted m*rder charge?

No. In fact, she said he wanted her to go back out and start working when he was done cutting her.

He's not our unsub.

Go, go.


[Grunting] No. No, no.

Word is you're quite skilled with a knife, Travis. Huh?!

Are you framin' me?

No, man.


You tell me the truth, you son of a bitch.

I--I didn't do--

I didn't do it.

Then who is?!

Someone's trying to make this look like my handiwork.

You tell them to make themselves known or I damn sure will.

Ok. [Gasping]

What do you want me to do?

Work a miracle.

This guy fits to a "T".

How can we rule him out?

Criminally, pimps follow the same behavioral pattern as drug dealers.

Prostitutes are his revenue stream.

He would only k*ll them as a last resort.

Which is why the cutting in Canada was a punishment, not a religious punishment, but a punishment for not doing their jobs.

Then he comes here to start over, set up a new shop.

And that's when somebody found out about his past, used it as a forensic countermeasure to throw us off track by framing him.

That's why the girls kept saying, "they're" after us.

There wasn't a team of unsubs, but one sadist copying the behavior of another.

It would also explain the change with Tabitha, the escalation, the perfume on the feet.

But you said the unsub wanted us to catch him and punish him.

What he really wanted was for us to catch the preacher.

So whoever this guy is, he's fooled all of us, and now we got nothin'

when it comes to the profile.

No, that's not true.

The unsub chose Mills for a reason, and Mills can still lead us to the unsub.

We'll have agent Morgan and the deputies start at his house.



[Cell phone rings]


Travis: I got the guy who did it.

Good boy.

Is it one of them?


And I even got the g*n he used to k*ll them.

All right.

Where can we meet.

Regular place, two hours?

I did what you said.

Yes, you did.

That's a good job, too.

I almost believed you.

Come on, man, give me the stuff.

Oh, right. Here you go.

No, no!

We just went through the preacher's house.

No one's in there.

But I did find cocaine in a hidden compartment.

How much?

A kilo.

With that amount, he's not just using it, he's selling it, too.

If that's the case, then the suspect pool of whoever's framing him just got a lot bigger.

Well, JJ's headed to the bar to see if Dinah's seen him.

Dinah left about an hour ago.

Was she with the preacher?

He was here earlier, Dinah and him were talking, and then he left all in a huff.

Do you know where he was going?

Didn't ask.

He was too pissed off.

All right. Thanks.

Hey, Hotch.

Any luck?

He's not here either.

I've got roadblocks on ever corner in and out of town.

He won't get far.

JJ, help canvass the area.

We'll dig deeper here and see if we can figure out where he's going.

All right.

[Line ringing]

Voicemail: Yo, this is Travis.

Leave it after the beep.

[Beep] What--

Where are you?

I don't see your car here.

We said 8:00. Hurry up.


Sheriff, be advised.

I've got the suspect headed into el Lobito's diner.

Repeat, I've got the suspect headed into el Lobito's diner.

Copy, deputy.

We're on our way.

We got him.

All right, Blake, you and Reid go with the sheriff.

Dave and I will coordinate the response here.

[Cell phone rings]



The preacher's not answering.

Keep trying.

We need to tell him we know he didn't do this.

[Cell phone ringing]


Oh, preacher, what have you gotten yourself into?

I didn't do any of this.

You did this to me.

Is that what you're gonna tell the feds?

Who, incidentally, are on their way.

You think they're gonna believe a pimp like you?

Sorry. A preacher like you?

We had a deal.

Yes, we did, but the deal's changed.

I helped you!

And I'm helping you.

I didn't leave you empty-handed.

You got yourself a fighting chance.


Oh, you hear those sirens?

Tick tock, preacher, tick tock.

I will destroy you.

In heaven or in hell?

Which one are you gonna go to, huh?

You got anything you want to get off your chest, because the hour of reckoning is upon you, preacher man.

You son of a bitch.

Next time you tell your whores to keep their mouths shut.

Good luck.


He's been in there a good 5 minutes now.

I haven't seen any movement yet.

What about patrons?

Uh, it's closed.

How many entrances?

Two, it looks like.

The question is, is he alone?

Guys, I've got movement.

We should move in now, sheriff.

Actually, we're better off establishing the perimeter first.

Then we can open up a line of communication.

All right, agreed.

We need to get around--

sh*ts fired! sh*ts fired!




Go, go, go, go, go, go, go!

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