03x07 - Draw Back Your Bow

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arrow". Aired October 2012 - January 2020*

Moderator: SageLexington

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Spoiled billionaire playboy Oliver Queen is missing and presumed dead when his yacht is lost at sea. He returns five years later a changed man, determined to clean up the city as a hooded vigilante armed with a bow.
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03x07 - Draw Back Your Bow

Post by bunniefuu »

My name is Oliver Queen. After five years in hell, I have come home with only one goal-- to save my city. Now others have joined my crusade. To them, I am Oliver Queen. To the rest of Starling City, I am someone else. I am something else.

Previously, on "Arrow"...

I k*lled him. The police officer.

Why didn't you tell me?

Because you were overdosed on Mirakuru; you didn't remember, and I was hoping that you never would.

This city still needs saving, and that is my vision for this company.

Yes, I am your boss now.

I can quit, which is what I just did.

I thought that I could be me and the Arrow, but I can't.

Say it's never going to work out between us.

Say you never loved me.


I told you as soon as we talked, it would be over.

You changed your mind.

I just decided I want more out of life.

Who the hell are you?

I'm Cupid, stupid.

[Arrow releases]

In the last five minutes, SCPD has had over 200 reports of masked men attacking the city.

[Tires squealing]

[All shrieking and screaming]

It's 3.8 miles to the bridge.

3.8 miles and a dozen Mirakuru soldiers to stop.

Stop? We're already late!


Everybody get back inside.

Isaac Stanzler.

Looks like the two of you got the same taste in outfits.

I thought he was in custody.


Corrections was transporting him to Iron Heights when he got pin-cushioned.

By who?

Your guess is as good as mine.

But whoever it was went to a lot of trouble.

Dressing him up and dumping him like this?

I'd say our doer's definitely trying to get your attention.

Well, he's got it.

Any leads yet?

No. The only physical evidence other than the body is this.

Shaped like a spade.

What's that all about?

I don't know.

I'll look into it.

I'm not your mother or your wife or your maid.

Okay, all right, you don't like me, I get it.

At least you're perceptive.

I thought that in the last week, we did the whole candle meditation thing, and maybe we had a moment.

Moment's over.

You can celebrate by doing your own laundry.




I don't know how.

Where you going?

Waller just called.

New intel on this Li Kuan Hui the Triad's interested in. Mm-mmm.


My contact is down at the docks.

A gaijin would stick out like neon down there.


It'll be fine.

I'll only be gone an hour.

What am I supposed to do?

Your laundry.


[Door opens]

[Door closes]

What are you doing? You were supposed to be at the press conference 20... minutes... ago.


Oh, God. I have a type.

You know Richard Branson works out twice a day?

He told me it gives him 20 additional hours of productivity a week.

I'm sorry, I can't hear a word you're saying when you're doing...



Sorry. What's up?

The announcement?

There's a gajillion reporters and city notables waiting for you.

Oh, ha. Well, this will be interesting. Ha!

BTW, are you free for dinner tomorrow night?


I have a dinner with the CEO of a Nevada mining concern.

They own mineral rights, which are imperative to the cogeneration project.

Oh, and I fit into this how?

Ahh, the CEO is boring.

His wife, even more boring.

If I'm forced to go solo on this, I'll end up slicing my wrists open with a butter knife.

Well, I don't think a butter knife is going to...

Do the job.

Oh, there will be steak knives there, too. Dangerous.

Well, I'm sure you have a dozen other employees that would be better suited as your anti-boring wing woman.

Hundreds, actually.


But you are the one I bought this dress for.

This dress... costs more than my apartment.

Yeah, it's couture.

Which I'm pretty sure is French for expensive.


So, dinner?

Purely platonic.

There is nothing platonic about couture.

Ah, fine. I'll have my assistant return it.

No, all right, I'll go!

I'll go.

But only so I can wear this dress.

Of course.

You and I are going to be best friends.

[Door opens]


Last time I saw a spade that lethal, it cut up a pretty good royal flush I was holding.

Hand-soldered out of high-carbon steel.

Where'd you find it?

Isaac Stanzler's chest.

Ted Grant's psycho sidekick.

Was m*rder*d while being transferred by the SCPD.

By an arrow.

Think this is the same archer that k*lled Sara?

No. That one was different.

These bodies were staged, dressed up to look like--

Copycat archer.

Guess all that positive publicity you've been getting has a downside.

Well, whatever the reason, we need to find him.

I would like Felicity to do a work-up on all of this ASAP.


Felicity's a little busy right now.

Doing what?

Ray: A few months ago, I made a promise to help revitalize Starling City.

But I knew I couldn't do it alone.

I needed help.

A lot of help.

From people who are even more intelligent and dedicated than I am.

All of us are working very hard with one goal in mind-- to save our city.

But to do so, Queen Consolidated needs to be something else.

[Oliver hammering]

You ok?

I'm--I'm fine.

You don't seem fine.

What is this?

What's that, a note?

It's an address.

15 Baron Street, apartment Seven.

Nobody's home.

These are all articles about the Arrow.

This isn't just a copycat; this is a fan.

And from the looks of it, a pretty dedicated one.

And this isn't a spade.

It's a heart.

[Cell phone vibrates]

Woman: It's you.

I can't believe it's really you.

Did you like your present?

Do you mean Isaac Stanzler, the man you k*lled?

I see the way you take care of your city.

Makes me wonder...

Who takes care of you?

I want to help you-- to fight with you, to k*ll for you.

Mr. Stanzler was just the first.

[Cell phone beeps]

He might be the second.

I thought we could punish this one together.

I'm going to find you.

Oh, that's the idea.

But you'd better hurry, I don't think he's got very long.

Season 3 Episode 07
Draw Back Your Bow
Original Air Date on November 19, 2014

Oliver: Roy.

I was just researching cheap booze for Thea's club.

You know, it wasn't you who k*lled that officer.

I keep telling myself that, but it's not working.

Every single time I put on that mask, I feel like a fraud.


You have to give this time.


If you want to talk about it--

I don't.

I appreciate the offer, though.

I'm fine. Really.


Oh, sorry, am I interrupting?

I was just leaving.

I got to help Thea get the club ready for the opening.

Oliver: What's up?

I got an idea on your not-so-secret but very crazy admirer's hostage.

Who is it?

Joe Gravano, local mob boss, wanted for 39 counts of m*rder, racketeering, and drug smuggling.

One of the most heavily protected men in Starling City.

Not anymore.

What's "N.P.P.?"

I don't know.

I can definitely find out.

Where are we with the cell phone from her apartment?

Crazy pants encrypted the SIM card.

I can crack it, but it's going to take some time.

[Sighs] Which we don't have, neither does he.

I need 100% of your focus on finding Gravano.

And I will work round the clock on it, except for tonight.


Ray Palmer invited me to dinner.


Not dinner-dinner, like a date.

It's a work dinner, but since dinner is a meal you can technically only eat at night, I need the night off.

That ok?

Do what you want.

[Speaking Japanese]


He's not answering his cell.

Just relax.

I'm sure he's fine.

He said it would only be an hour.

That was nine hours ago.

If he's going to be late, he always calls.

He said his contact was down at the docks, right?

I will go down and check it out.

No, I'll go.


No offense, but you're just...

Maseo's wife.

And you just a billionaire who doesn't know how to use laundry machine.

Do you have someone who can watch Akio for a few hours?

[Music playing, records scratching]

Great, uh, thank you.

You were terrific.

Auditions are over.

Thanks for coming, guys.

Hey, peace out.

Wait, what are you doing?

Auditions are not over.

Trust me, I'm saving you from wasting your day here.

I don't need saving from anyone, and if you're really as good as you say you are, then you can just wait in line and prove it like everyone else.

I don't audition.

Then you don't work.

For me or for my club.

So... the exit's that way.

Later, Princess.

I got her.

The user registered to the encrypted SIM card, Carrie Cutter, she's former SCPD.

She was the first woman SWAT team member.

I've seen her before.

Well, she's not unpretty for a whacko, if you're into the whole red-headed vixen-type thing.

She was a police officer, that might be why she looks familiar.

No, she left the force once year before you got back from the island.

But there's another very good reason she looks familiar.

Why was she at the crime scene at Ted Grant's gym?

I don't know, but it's not just there.

Apparently stalking isn't her only hobby, either.

She's a member of a gardening group, too.

Which explains the whole N.P.P. thing.

What N.P.P. thing?

The bag in the Gravano hostage photo.

N.P.P., it's an acronym-- stands for nitrogen, phosphate, potash.

It's the chemical formula for fertilizer.

So what if she's keeping Gravano in a greenhouse?


The closest one to her apartment is Sherwood Florist, 7884 Hauser.

Have Roy gear up and meet me there.



Find Gravano.

I'll take care of Cutter.

Got it.

[Arrow releases]


Arsenal, there's no sign of Cutter.



Hello, lover.

If you hurt him...

I didn't touch him, boyfriend.

I'm a one-guy woman.

But I am a little disappointed you brought your wing man.

Tonight's not about him.

It's about us.

Together against the world.

Just like we were meant to be.

There is no "We."

We're more like one soul, you're right.

You and I are more alike than you think.

Carrie, listen to me.

You're not well.

If I'm out of my mind, it's because that's what love is.

Our own little slice of insanity.

Make a wish.

Mine's already come true-- for the two of us to be together forever.

Please help me. Don't leave me with this psycho!


You don't want to do this.

Sure I do.

Oh, I wouldn't do that.

That rope's laced with a trip wire that's hooked up to a little thing on his chest that goes, "Boom!"

So what do you want, then?!

Not much.

Just... You.

Never going to happen.

Such a party pooper.



I never thought I'd be happy to see you!

Roy. Hey!

You go home, man.

It's been a long night.

She took me out.

It shouldn't have happened.

[Sighs] You're not at your best.

I'm fine.

Looks like you weren't the only person that Carrie stalked.

She was put on limited duty after becoming obsessed with her partner.

The department sent her to St. Walker's for a psych eval.

She quit the force a little bit after.

Where's Felicity?

She's working tonight.

She said she told you.

Yes, she did.

Oliver, you ok?

I know this can't be easy, with Felicity spending so much time with Palmer.

I'm fine.

Where you going?

The psychiatrist that SCPD sent Cutter to.

You need back up?


I've got it.


Like what you've done to the place.

Is everything all right?

Yeah, yeah, I was just in the neighborhood.

Thought I would stop by and check out your new sign.

Oh, yeah.



Wow, that's a nice dress.

Yeah, it's really, really, really nice.

Ray lent it to me for a work dinner.

Yeah, some... work dinner.

You and Ray.


Doesn't seem that platonic.

Actually, it has Oliver twisted up in knots.

Well, Oliver made his choice.

And we both know that was the wrong choice.

And did Oliver say that?

Oh, yeah, because Oliver's just great at expressing his emotions.

He would rather go ten rounds with the League of Assassins than ever say that.

But this thing with you and Palmer, it's, um, it's messing with his head, Felicity, and... that's really dangerous.

I told you, there is no me and Palmer.

But if there were, and if Oliver had a problem with it, then Oliver should be the one to say something.


Good night.
Dr. Pressnall--

Oh, my god!

I'm not here to hurt you.

What do you want?!

To talk about Carrie Cutter.

I can't.

Doctor-patient privilege.

Just please, get out!

Your patient k*lled a man, kidnapped another, and I'm trying to stop her before she hurts anyone else.

To do that, I need to understand her.



I can only diagnose her.

Attachment disorder, the inability to form real, lasting relationships.

They push everyone away, and fixate on a single person.

Someone they feel mirrors their emotional state.

How do I stop her?

Give her the connection that she craves-- honesty, sincerity...

If you lie to her, she'll know.

Thank you.

If you'll permit a professional observation... you could use a little therapy yourself.

What gives you that impression?

You mean, apart from the mask and the Robin Hood costume?

Oliver: Shouldn't we get out and look around or, I don't know, something?

In this place, at this hour?

That's a very efficient way to get yourself k*lled.

Feel free.


Thank you.


We'll wait, then.



Maseo called me that before he left, and I looked it up, but it wasn't in my Chinese dictionary.

Because it's Japanese.

It means "foreigner."



It means you, too.

You're Japanese, living in Hong Kong.


Why did you leave Japan?

It wasn't safe for us there.


We upset some very powerful, very dangerous men.


You ask a lot of questions.

That's what your husband says.

Who's that?

Shu g*ng.

Rivals of the Triad.

They control this port.

So they know what happened to Maseo.

I don't know.

Only one way to find out.

[Speaking Chinese]

Hey, I don't want any trouble!

[Speaking Chinese]


What happened to the thing?


You are ridiculous.


Which I mean in a... good way.

That's... not creepy.

[Clears throat]

You look beautiful.

I think it's the dress.

The dress is actually missing something.

Oh, no, I forgot to do up the zipper again?

I always do that.

Oh, no, I can't wear that.

I'm not even sure I'm supposed to be looking at it.

Well, I had to put down a $10,000 security deposit just to borrow it for the evening, so one of us should wear it.

And diamonds aren't really my thing, so.

I appreciate it, but I think I would feel strange wearing a million dollar necklace.

Oh, don't worry.

It's not worth a million dollars.


I think it was actually appraised for $10 million.


There you go.

That's better.

Where you been?

You don't call, you don't write.

Carrie: I've been busy, busy, busy.


You look good.

Business before pleasure.

First I located every crime scene the Arrow's been spotted at in the past six months.

Now the magic part--

I created an algorithm, calculated the average amount of time it takes the Arrow to reach a crime scene, triangulated that by the distance to said scene...


Genius, right?

I wonder why no one thought to do it before.

Now obviously, I can't pinpoint the exact block, but, uh, there's no doubt your guy hangs his hat or his hoodie somewhere in this area.

And you're sure about this?

Statistical correlations do not lie.


What was this about pleasure?




I'm sorry.

I'm spoken for.

How'd it go with Cutter's shrink?

Oof. There's a reason I'm not in therapy.

[Cell phone vibrating]


Quentin: Your new girlfriend just put another heart-shaped arrow in the neck of one of her old CIs.

Oliver: Who was he?

Kirby Bates. Some kind of computer expert holed up in a flop house north of Amsterdam.

Did a five year bit in Iron Heights for stealing a couple of million credit card pin numbers.

What did Bates do for her?

I don't know.

Everything here is smashed to pieces.

But smart money says, whatever Carrie Cutter's planning next, you're not going to like it.

[Sighs] Thanks, Detective.

We need Felicity here.

Oliver, she's still at dinner with--

I don't care where she is! We need her here.

You mean, you need her to be any place where Ray Palmer isn't.

It's not the time, Diggle.

Oliver, you're in the field without your head on straight.

I think this is exactly the time.

I've got it handled.

Doesn't look that way to me.

What do you want me to say?

Yes, it bothers me that she is out to dinner with Palmer.

Yes, it bothers me that apparently she is just moving on with her life, but I made a decision!

She did, too.


I just... I want her to be happy.

If that were true...

You'd be with her, man.

Where you going?

Flop house on Amsterdam.

They're long gone by now.

Maybe she didn't get that far!

[All grunting and groaning]

I'm here looking for my husband.

Thin beard, long hair, Japanese.

Don't know any Japanese.

Try again.

[Speaking Chinese]

I don't know anything!


Does that mean something to you?

I don't know anything!


Three men, this A.R.G.U.S., they work for them.


What do you mean?

They're all dead.

k*lled by Triad, a few hours ago.

Thank you.

Ah, Mr. Gardner.

Ray Palmer.


Mrs. Gardner.

This is Felicity Smoak, vice president of Palmer Technologies.



Thank you for sitting down with us tonight.

Why, I'm always happy to enjoy a good meal.

And I'm very impressed with your background.

But I have no plans of selling my Nevada Holding.

The night is still young.

Shall we sit down?

We have a lot to discuss.

Thank you.

As you said, the night is young.

[Cell phone vibrates]

But I don't like to talk business until at least the entrée.

[Dance music playing]

[Record scratches]

Maybe the DJ got confused and he thinks he's at a rave.

I think my ears are bleeding.

Excuse me, I'm sorry, I--

You're fired.

What about the rest of the night?

I think my Spotify playlist is a better option than you right now.


Need some help?

Just when I thought the night couldn't get any worse.

Thought I'd swing by, see what kind of trainwreck this would be.

Oh, did I say trainwreck?

Because this is...


You know, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself.

Yeah. I think I'm the only one.

Look, I just remembered--

I own a bar.

Half the gate and guaranteed gigs four times a week.

Two times a week.



Just get these people dancing.

♪ I gotta stay ♪

[Dance music playing]

[All cheering]

Obviously, the progeneration of certain minerals can't be accounted for by simple elemental cohesion.

I am so sorry. I had to help a co-worker with a thing.

I had to have them take the steak knives away.

I'm sorry.

Mr. Gardner, did Ray have a chance to tell you about his plans for your mineral deposits in Nevada?

Uh, no, Miss Smoak, as I mentioned, I'm not interested in selling.

Please, call me Felicity.

And I don't blame you for not wanting to sell Ray your mine.

Because you don't know what his plans are.

The thing about Ray is, he's not... a businessman.

Businessmen make deals.

They make money.

What Ray is, is... something else entirely.

Perhaps you can enlighten us.

He inspires.

Ray isn't interested in making money.

He's interested in making the world a better place.

So if Ray wants your mine, believe me, it's because he's going to put it to the kind of use that's going to make you proud.

[Cell phone beeps]


John: I spoke with Felicity.

I got her to remote access that laptop.

The last thing Cutter was looking at was a map.

And Oliver, Verdant was marked on it.

Felicity was also able to retrieve Cutter's phone signal from the laptop.

Ok, patch me through, and then get upstairs and do not take your eyes off of Thea, do you understand?

Copy that.

[Dance music playing, crowd cheering]

♪ Fire up, get loud, another round of sh*ts ♪
♪ turn down for what ♪
♪ turn down for what ♪

One Cupid's kiss.

♪ Turn down for what ♪


[Cell phone vibrates]


Oliver: It's me.

I have to admit, I didn't think a club would be your kind of scene.

You're always surprising me.

I'm not there.

Why don't I believe you?

You want to meet me, fine.

I will meet you anywhere but that club.

So you're asking me out.

Where do you want to meet, Carrie?

I know a place.

Our special spot. [Laughs]

But you listen to me, lover.

I've been burned before.

And if you're playing me, I promise you, I'll come back here and k*ll everyone in this place.


Dig, you there?

And me.

Me being Felicity.

What's your 20?

Subway stop downtown.

Why did Cutter have you meet her there?

Because this is where I saved her.

Hello, lover.

Not your lover.

Well, maybe not yet, but after one night with me, that'll all change.

I promise.

Carrie, I'm here to help you, because you're not well.

Don't ever say that again.

You sound like that shrink that they sent me to.

I spoke to her.

You talked to that psycho?

She just wanted me to take pills, pills, pills.

She thinks that love is a disease.

But it's not.

Love is the cure.

Well, I'm not the man you think I am.

You're a hero...

Who saved me.

I understand that you're hurting.

And I know what it's like to want someone... but not be able to be with them.

How you wish things could be different, but they can't.

I can't be with you.

I can't be with anyone.

I have to be alone.

Carrie: No, you don't.

You're a liar!

I don't want to hurt you!

You already have.

[Both grunting]

[Groaning and gasping]

It's over, Carrie.

I guess it's true what they say-- you only hurt the ones you love.



Oliver? Get him back.


[Both grunting]


But if I can't have you--

Carrie, think about this!

I didn't want it to end this way.

I guess I don't handle rejection very well.

You don't have to do this.

[Train horn honking]

I do.

But at least this way, we can be together.

For eternity.

I knew you loved me.

Well, it's done.

Lyla said Cutter's even nuttier than the last woman they had in the su1c1de Squad.

You sure this was a good idea, handing her over to Waller?

Iron Heights isn't right for her.

At least, on the squad, she can make a difference.

Lyla is preparing a late dinner, if you want to join.


No, I'm good, thank you.

Listen, Oliver...

Felicity heard what you said to Cutter.

About being alone.

If her reaction was any indication, she does not want to be.

You got to tell her how you feel before it's too late.


It's just food for thought.

What do I tell him?

How do I tell my son his father is dead?

Where have you two been?

What's going on?

You're home.

I was so worried.

I know. I'm sorry.

I should have called.

Waller changed my orders and brought me in.

We were on lockdown tonight because three agents got k*lled.


Akio, get over here.

Pretty good gate tonight.

You're never going to let me forget this, are you?

You have to admit, I did save your ass.

God, your modesty, it's-- it's so refreshing.

You know, you're really cute when you're sarcastic.


Half the gate, as agreed.

Keep the money.

My grand reopening gift to you.

See you next week.

Aha. I thought I might find you here.

I thought I'd get a jump on that server encryption you asked for.

Trying to, you know, make up for ruining the deal tonight.

Your definition of ruin is vastly different from mine.

Gardner's going to sell.

That's amazing!

It's all thanks to you.


But really, I should be thanking you.

I mean, not just for the new job, but for this amazing, expensive necklace.


You have to take it back, don't you?

Yeah, kind of do.

Here, let me help you.

Hmm. Thank you.

You know, Felicity Smoak, you're different from anyone I've ever met.

And you deserve all those things, and more.

I'm--I'm sorry, I, um...

I meant to keep tonight platonic. Ahh...

I should go.

Um, Ray?

I'll see you tomorrow.


Are you ok?

Not really.

What about you?

Not really.

Come on.

Where we going?

For something we both need.

[Knock on door]


I know it's late, but, um--

Hey, that was the invitation.

Something smells good.

Thank you. Hi.


Come on in.

Yep, I just sent the notarized transfer of ownership to Gardner's attorney.

And listen, I want to get a jump on the mining operations immediately.

Let me know as soon as the first of the Dwarf Star alloy is extracted.





Whoever you are, back off!


Sorry to do this to you, but you have something I need.

See, that's the thing about our work...

It always comes back to haunt you.
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