01x18 - Everyone Has a Cobblepot

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gotham". Aired: September 2014 to April 2019.*
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The origin story behind Commissioner James Gordon's rise to prominence in Gotham City in the years before Batman's arrival.
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01x18 - Everyone Has a Cobblepot

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Gotham...

Alfred: This is Reginald Payne.

We served together, sir.

Please feel free to stay with us a few days.

You're stealing from us?

Arnold Flass, you're under arrest for the m*rder of Leon Winkler.

I.A. ruled it a su1c1de.

Arnold Flass, you're under arrest.

I'm protected.

Man: So you're the one causing all of the fuss.

Mooney: You will take nothing from me.




No! (shouts)

He has nothing concrete.

Now's the time to make a move on the kid.

(woman speaking indistinctly over P.A.)

Slim pickings at the food court.

Brought you a bagel.


Nothing for the invalid?


(phone vibrating)

Sorry. Hospital food only.

Doctor's orders. How you feeling?

All right.

Had a slight... puncture.

Leaked a bit.

So I know last night must be kind of a blur, but do you have any idea who did this?

Bruce: It-it was...

It was dark. It was very dark.

Saw a... shadow and... my savior Master Bruce was leaning over me.

Did you get a look at the guy?


(phone vibrating)

Sorry. My captain keeps calling.

Alfred: It's fine, Detective.

Just-just go.

No, I can stay.

I really appreciate you sitting with Master Bruce, but as you can see, I'm completely fine.

(phone vibrating)


(sighs) All right.

I'll try and stop by later.

Thank you again for coming, Detective.

Why not tell him the truth?

Well, believe it or not, Master Bruce, Reggie's a mate, and you don't set coppers on your mates, do you?

But he nearly k*lled you.

I served with that bastard.

Anyone sorts him out, it's me... Nobody else.

It wouldn't be right.

Why would he s*ab you?

That's a bloody good question.

And one... (grunts)

I mean to find out.

(heart monitor beeping)


'Cause longer that bloody lunatic's out on the loose... (grunts) the harder it's gonna be to find him.

Now, you just... (gasps) G-Get back in bed, Alfred.

Just pass me my robe.

Get back in bed!

That's an order.

Man: Ah.

You're awake.


(sighs) How long have I been...

Asleep? Just since last night.

How do you feel?

My head hurts.

To be expected.

May I?

(groans) Who are you?

Dr. Francis Dulmacher.

Founder of this facility.

A pleasure.


I've gone to great lengths to meet you, Doctor.

Indeed you have.

I must say you have a remarkable constitution.

I wish I could say the same of all my patients.

Oh. So I'm a patient now? No longer a prisoner?

I confess I don't know what you are.

You seize control of the basement, take one of my guards hostage, then scoop out your own eye.

What am I to do with you?

Simple. Make me your right hand.


I'm glad to see you've retained your sense of humor.

I'm not joking.

For the past ten years, I've been Carmine Falcone's top lieutenant.

I'm afraid the name means nothing to me.

I woke up hungry and alone in an underground cell.

In less than a week, I brought this place to a standstill.

Now, you've had me as your enemy.

Wouldn't you rather have me as your friend?

Such vim.

Such... panache.


And now you should eat.

I'll have a nurse come in with some food.

We'll talk more later.

Tricky things, eyes.

Our stock is frightfully low at the moment.

Oh, and apologies.

We couldn't match your original color.

We'll talk soon.

(door opens, closes)

(heart monitor beeping)


Gordon: This can't be true.

I was prepping the case for the D.A. when word came down this morning.

Press got it last night, of course.

We had the m*rder w*apon.

With Flass's prints.

There's no way.

Apparently, the defense dug up a witness, cleared Flass of all charges.

What witness?

Dent: No idea.

Only the judge and the lead attorneys were privy, and our honorable D.A. is staying mum.

What about a subpoena?

We don't have sufficient grounds.

But I did a little snooping around.


The mystery witness was provided by Commissioner Loeb.

Let me guess.

Loeb's reinstating Flass as head of Narco.

Essen: Worse.

He announced he's backing Flass for president of the policemen's union in the upcoming election.

So you're telling me a man we know is a drug dealer and a m*rder*r is gonna potentially hold a major position in the GCPD?

Clearly, Loeb's sending a message.

This is not gonna stand.

Look, I'm just as upset about this as you are, Jim, but it's the commissioner.

Which is what makes it worse.

Jim! Jim!


You heard the good news?

Hey, the boys are throwing me a welcome back down at O'Donnelys.

Figure you want to stop by.

Show support for your soon-to-be new president.

I wouldn't celebrate just yet.

You just don't learn.

Still want to take me down.

I'm like the phoenix.

I'll just rise again and again and again.

Ah, Detective Gordon.

I had a presentiment I might be seeing you.

Arnold Flass is a m*rder*r.

He belongs in jail.

Detective Flass was legally exonerated.

The judge heard testimony. The case is closed.

You used your connections to orchestrate his release.

You perverted the system.

Petulance and naiveté are a bad combination.

Know when you're beaten.

I was knee-deep in the Flass investigation.

There is no one with enough credibility to trump our evidence.

I do enjoy when unwavering certainty is undermined by the truth.

Man: Look into the camera, state your name and why you're here.

Bullock: My name is Detective Harvey Bullock, and I presented false evidence against my fellow GCPD detective, Arnold Flass.

Bullock: Hey, there you are. Aw, dude.

Feel like a herd of cattle had a dance party in my head last night.

What's up?

Why the hell would you lie to exonerate Flass?

Don't deny it. I saw the tape.

I'm not denying anything.

I did what I had to do.

If I didn't do what Loeb told me to do, I would've lost my job.

Probably gone to prison.

What does he have on you?


Do you honestly think you're the only one who had the orders to take a punk down to the end of a pier and put a b*llet in his head? Huh?

The difference is my Cobblepot didn't come back.

Who'd you k*ll?

Some scumbag mobster.

Caught him coming out of a club one night.

My sergeant put a g*n in my hand, held another to my head, and said, "Make a choice."

I decided to keep breathing.

Damn it, Harvey.

So what?

What are you gonna do? Arrest me? Go ahead. Arrest me.

But don't stop there.

Half the cops in the GCPD have a Cobblepot, and Loeb has the goods on all of them.

That is what Loeb does.

Well, it ends now.

Jim, hey.

Going after Flass was bad enough.

Going after Loeb is su1c1de, plain and simple.

So what?

Am I supposed to stay quiet?

Fall in line like the rest of you?

That would be a good idea.

Day I do that is the day I quit being a cop.

(gasps) Oh, my.

Fun fact. (chuckles)

The human species attracts members of the opposite sex via pheromones secreted through saliva, sweat and urine.


But... one can't always trust such an animalistic method to find a suitable partner.

What are you trying to tell me?

Arnold Flass was released.

I know that you two were dating, and if the attraction wasn't intellectual...

How could it be with that gorilla?...

Then it must be physical.

He's just... he's such a bad, bad, bad...

I appreciate your concern.

But it won't be necessary.

I've realized there are far better men in the world than Arnold Flass.

Dent: So Loeb's been collecting dirt on cops for years and using it to control the department.

I doubt it stops there.

He's probably got leverage on businessmen, politicians.

He's got nothing on me.

Just checking.

Anyway, yeah, that's the source of all his power.

And you want to steal the dragon's gold.

If we find his cache of evidence and destroy it, he'll be toothless.

Oh, I know Loeb.

He won't keep it anywhere obvious.

We could watch him, hope he leads us to it.

We don't have that kind of time.

Isn't there someone Loeb might have trusted?

Ex-friends? An estranged wife?

Well, he was married.

She died 20 years ago.

Fell down the stairs.

Well, there were rumors Loeb k*lled her, but nothing ever happened with it.

Still can't believe about your partner.

Why'd he do it? What's Loeb have on him?

I don't know.

Well, it's got to be rough.

I know how it is with cops and their partners.

What is it?

What's the matter, Dent?

I thought that Lambusta case was settled.

And why the hell are we meeting here?

You'll see.

You know Jim Gordon?

What the hell's going on?

Have a seat.

Dent: Back before Loeb was commissioner, when he was a lowly homicide d*ck, you were his partner.

Yeah? That was 20 years ago.

But I always hear that cop partnerships are like marriages.

You know each other better than your wives.

Isn't that right, Jim?

That's right.

You digging up that old story about Loeb k*lling his wife?

He was with me when she died.

We know about the secret files.

What secret files?

Dent: Oh, that was good.

I almost believed him.

What about you, Jim?


You're out of your depth, kid. Both of you.

Swim back to shore.

He's got something on you, too, doesn't he?

He got you to do something for him.

What was it?

Robbery? Coercion?


And all this time, he's been using it to keep you under his thumb.

This is your chance to breathe easy again.

Take it, Griggs.

I don't know what you two are talking about.

If I did, I'd say talk to Xi Lu.

Chinese bookkeeper on Huron Street.

Loeb always said you want to keep something safe, you give it to Xi Lu.

You want to bring in Bullock?

We might need him.


Thanks, Joe.

I mean it.

I like the blue.

I'm so pleased.

Happy patient, happy doctor.

Ah. Mrs. Harris.

(muffled): Hello, Doctor.

Don't forget... jazz at 6:00 on the veranda, but no martinis until the bandages come off, yes?

(muffled mumble)

Good girl.

Kidney transplant.

We threw in a new face for free, and none too soon.

But you need a steady supply of organs.


Which is suddenly something of a problem, thanks to you.

But I'm also a solution.

The people in the basement trust me.

Put me in charge, and I promise you a dependable flow of healthy product.

Or I could save myself the trouble and k*ll you and everyone downstairs.

(clicks tongue)

Now, if that were an option, you would have done it already, and you surely wouldn't have wasted this beautiful eye on little old me.

I'd like to show you something.

(door creaks)

People view themselves as unique, self-contained systems, but we are merely a collection of parts.

What happens when I replace your eyes, your face, your heart?

When do you stop being you and become something new?

That's what fascinates me.

Nice talk.

Do we have a deal?


I will send you back to the basement, you will retrieve my guard, and then prove to me that you can provide me with the bodies.

A test.

And if I fail?

Oh, those who fail me still have their uses.

(heart monitor beeping steadily)

You may remember my former office manager.

(whimpering softly)



Amusing, no?


Bruce: "And then I looked at the stars,

"and considered how awful it would be for a man

"to turn his face up to them as he froze to death, and see no help or pity in the glittering multitude... "


That's cheerful.

What are you doing here?

Ivy sneaks in a few times a week.

Steals food from the sickies.

She spotted you.

He okay?

I'm sorry.


Alfred was stabbed.

It was a friend of his from the army.

Wow. That sucks.

I think he was there because of me.

What are you talking about?

I had a meeting with the board of Wayne Enterprises to tell them I was investigating them, so they sent someone we'd trust to spy on us. What was he looking for?

Some of my files were missing.

I think the other things he stole were just cover.

If I find him, I could find out who hired him.

He's-he's the key to everything.

You're gonna track him down? Really? You?

I-I have to.

This... this is my fault.

Kid, you're out of your mind.

Look at him. Is that how you want to end up?

I don't expect you to understand.

I'll help.


I can't risk anybody else getting hurt on account of me.

You know how to find me.

(lively chatter)

(machines clicking rapidly)

Xi Lu?

Detective Gordon, GCPD.

We have a few questions we'd like to ask you.

Is there somewhere we can talk in private?

Ask your questions, Detective.

It's about Commissioner Loeb.

We understand you two have a business relationship?

I do not know Commissioner Loeb.

Listen, old man, we can have a dozen ADAs and cops here in ten minutes.

They'll confiscate every dollar in this place, and you will go to jail.

(phone vibrating)


Your name is Gordon.

That's right.

And you are Dent.


Wait here.

(speaks Chinese)

Okay. Not good.

Gordon: GCPD!

Drop your weapons now!


Yeah, run!

(men shouting)

(men shouting)

(men shouting)

(tires screech)

Get in!

(tires screeching)

(shouting continues)

We got to go back there. You've got to call backup.

Forget it! The place will be cleaned out in five minutes.

Thanks for stopping by.

I got enough on my conscience.

Griggs set us up.

Now Loeb knows we're after his evidence cache.

Griggs sent you? Guy would turn on anyone to save his own skin.

You just got to scare him enough.

We tried.

Let me.

Counselor, trust me, you're gonna want to sit this one out.

I want a name!



The only person who knows where Loeb keeps his stash!


The two of them are in it together!

Loeb and Falcone!

You two are dead men!

You're going against Loeb and Falcone? You're dead!

Go! Before I lose my good cheer. Go!

He has a point.


So what next?

Assume Loeb and Falcone are the only ones who know where the stash is.

We need someone close to them, someone who'll talk.

That person doesn't exist.

Yeah, he does.

Oh, yes. (chuckles)

(door opens)


So nice to see you.

What can I do for you?

You do realize what you're asking me to do?

If Don Falcone is working with Commissioner Loeb to keep this trove of secrets hidden and I help you uncover them, I'd be betraying my patron.

That's right.

If he found out, he'd... well, he'd be very angry.

To say the least.

Bullock: Enough with the hemming and hawing.

Are you gonna help us or not?

Let say, for argument's sake, I could help you.

What's in it for me?

I'll owe you a favor.

No questions asked?



Do you know what this is?

Madre Di Dios.

A hundred bottles made once a year by monks in the Italian countryside.

It's Don Maroni's favorite.

What's your point?

Oh, it's just a piece of information that might be useful one day.

I like information.

If I help you find where Loeb keeps his files, you give me ten minutes alone with them.

I take what I want.

This is not a good idea.

Five minutes.

And you don't touch anything that has to do with cops.

Five minutes with the files and a favor from Jim Gordon?



So who's up for a road trip?

We have to give Fish more time.

She'll get us out of here; she promised.

Can't you see she abandoned us?

Got herself out and left us here to rot.

I say we k*ll this one, let them know we're serious.

Kelly: Fish said...

Man: Fish, Fish, Fish.

Where's Fish now?!


I'm disappointed.

I told you I was coming back.

What, you didn't believe me?

Family is built on trust, and that's what we are.

A family.

Fish, I tried, I did.

I know you did.

Man: So where's everything you promised?

When do we get out?

First thing's first.

I spoke to the man upstairs about our demands for better conditions, better food.

He asked for a show of good faith.

We're gonna return his guard.


Let him go.



(woman gasping)



What are they doing?

I'm sorry, honey.

You're on the list. Doctor's orders.



Man: I told you, didn't I?

She's working for them now!

I warned you not everyone would live.

Their sacrifice means your survival!

And my promise remains the same.

You sure about this, Penguin?

You're telling me this is where Loeb keeps 20 years of dirty secrets?

Doesn't feel right.

Well, maybe that's the point. No one would suspect it.

What would you prefer, Detective Bullock?

A sign saying "Super secret blackmail hoard"?

You know, the last time the three of us took a ride, you were in the trunk.

I liked that better.

I told you, I overheard Falcone on the phone to Loeb.

He said the farm was safe.

Now, I'll wait here, and when you're done, flash the lights or something.

Uh-uh. You're coming along.

But if whoever's inside sees me and reports back to Falcone...

Then you'll be in some really deep doo.

What'd you think, huh?

We were gonna go do your dirty work, and then you were just gonna waltz in and pick through the leavings?

Have some respect.


You fellas lost?

Good evening, sir.

We were sent by Commissioner Loeb.

Might we have a word? Out of the cold?

Well, Marge is putting on some tea.


(gentle music playing)

I love your house.

It's so cozy.

Thank you.

How long have you two been here?

Oh, well, about, uh, 20 years.

Ever since Mr. Loeb bought the place.

Hard to believe.

Time, boy.

You should've seen Margie back then.

Hot to trot.


What were you doing before that?

Oh, nothing much. Uh, Margie was a nurse over at Arkham.

And I working on the rail road.

(imitates train whistle)

(imitates train whistle, laughs)

Why are you men here?

Gordon: Oh, uh, inspection.

Commissioner Loeb has some concerns about security.

We didn't hear nothing about it.

You didn't get a letter?


That's odd.

Y-You should have gotten a letter.

You got I.D.?

Jude: Well, I don't know that that's necessary.

No, no. It's fine.

Jim Gordon, GCPD.

This is Detective Bullock.

We're on the commissioner's personal detail.

He don't look like a cop.

I'm undercover.

(distant thumping)

Jude: Damn raccoons.

Jim, what do you say we get on with our inspection?

Mm. Perhaps you wouldn't mind showing us around.

Oh, absolutely.

Marge, would you mind fetching my keys?


Now, listen, before you go, you fellas have got to get a piece of Marge's cake.

She makes it with sour cream.

Tastes like a warm Sunday morning.

(distant thumping)

That's one hell of a big raccoon.

Maybe we should start upstairs.

Oh, just wait a lick for the keys.

Margie-pie, that was quick.

Ma'am, put down the...



Thanks, Jim.

You saved my li...

Watch them.


You're lucky I have a soft spot for old ladies.

(woman softly humming a tune)



I-It's so quiet downstairs.

Is the party over?

I-I prepared a song.

It includes a dance and everything.

Who the hell are you?

I'm Miriam Loeb.

Did-did my father send you?

Ms. Kringle. (clears throat)

Oh, Mr. Nygma.

Ms. Kringle, I was wondering if you had dinner plans this evening.

Oh, um... actually, I...

I do. With Tom.

Have-have you met Tom?

You're the guy that likes riddles.

Hey, what has hands but can't clap?

A clock.


(chuckles) He's good.

You're good.

Am I correct to assume that this is your... uh, your new boyfriend?

Yeah... Yes, I guess so.

You betcha. (slap)


Congratulations, sir.

Thank you.

Well, we should probably get going.


It's nice to meet you.

Riddle man, next time...

I'm gonna stump you.

Yes. Next time.


So, Miriam, you live up here all the time?


Uh, ever since...

I, uh... I'm not alone though.

Father comes to visit on Sundays.

And we listen to the radio and play checkers.

He always lets me win.

My dad used to do the same thing.

Oh. Really?

Fathers are funny like that, aren't they?

Yeah, your dad's a real hoot.

Does he keep other stuff up here?

Like important papers or files or maybe rooms full of boxes?


Why would he do that?

(whispers): This is a waste of time.

Miriam... what happened to your mother?

She... died.

I, um...

I've started a new hobby.

Would you like to see?


Oh, great.

(quietly): What are you doing?

Loeb's wife died 20 years ago.

Skull fracture from a fall down the stairs.

Miriam would've been a teenager.

So you think Loeb k*lled her? She was the witness?

That's why he keeps her cooped up here?

You said I wasn't the only one with a Cobblepot.

Maybe this is his.

Miriam: I started making jewelry.

What's it made of?



They, uh... they land on my windowsill, and... you can catch them if you're really silent and still.

(whispering): And I can be really silent and still.

Silent as a mouse.

Then what do you do?

I... crush the back of their heads.

I just press down with my thumb.

(bones crack)

It makes, like, a... a popping noise.

(bones crack)


(bones crack)

Miriam... can you tell us about your mother's death?

I'm a good person.


Sometimes good people make mistakes.

That's what Father said.

Did you make a mistake with your mother?

Was it like what happens with the birds?


Not like with the birds.



I had to use a candlestick on her.

She wouldn't stop singing either.

She knew that it was my night.

I was supposed to perform at dinner.

Not her.

So you hit her and she stopped.

And your dad covered it up.

Miriam: He knew that it was my night.

(g*nsh*t in distance)

I'm sorry, Jim. They-they came at me. I tried...

(engine starts outside)

Oswald: Did you find what Loeb's hiding?

Is it here?


Well, a deal's a deal.

You have to let me in there.

Who's he?

He looks just like a bird.

Oh, I love birds.


I see you still haven't learned the art of knocking, Detective Gordon.

Miriam is sick.

She didn't mean to hurt her mother.

She just... has these urges.

If you want to expose what she did, go ahead.

You think I can't weather the scandal?

I'm sure you could.

But that's not why you kept her locked away for 20 years.

Do enlighten me.

I think you love her.

I think you've done everything you can to keep her out of Arkham.

And you'll keep doing it.

You're willing to hold my daughter hostage to achieve your ends?

You're much colder than I thought.

So it seems.

I'll hand in my resignation today.

Just keep Miriam out of it.

No, you're not resigning.

You step down, I'll have someone else to deal with.

And chances are he'll be Falcone's lapdog, same as you.

With you...

I have leverage.

So what do you want?

Flass is tried.


And I want all the evidence you have on Bullock and every other cop in the GCPD sent to Harvey Dent.

He'll decide who to prosecute.


I do that, I'm a dead man.

I love Miriam, but I love living, too.

You can have Bullock's file.

But not the rest.


And Miriam stays where she is.

Is that all?

There's one more thing.

It's become something of a habit to stand up here with Detective Gordon, but with the coming election for president of the policemen's union, there's no man I'd rather support.

Thank you, Commissioner Loeb.

It's a new day in the GCPD.

Sorry I missed your big moment.

I figured I'd catch the next one.

Your file.

It's everything Loeb has on you.

Always hated that picture.

You know, you tell yourself...

"I'll just do this one bad thing, but all the good things I'll do later will make up for it."

But they don't.

There's still that bad thing.

Penguin's gonna come asking for that favor.

Be careful.

I know we had a deal.

I let you go, and you escape the inevitable punishment that will descend on your heads when Commissioner Loeb hears of your failure.

Unfortunately, I was only able to acquire one ticket to Arizona.

So who's it gonna be?

Margie and I have been together for 20 years.

We're not splitting up.

Life can be cruel sometimes.

How do we decide who goes?

I leave that in your hands.

Wait a minute!

(stammers) Margie! Margie!



(chuckles) Whoa.


Marge: Here we go.

Here we go!



What time is the train?

Oh, there's no train.

I just needed your help.


I was down to one shell.

I've been thinking of introducing salsa night.

Do you think our guests would like that?


Honest. Good.

But... I like salsa.

Tuesday it is.

So... you've completed your task, and the lines of supply are open once again.

I am duly impressed.

Hope is a carrot easily dangled in front of the desperate, Doctor.

And you have earned your carrot.

Welcome to upper management. I think you'll find the view better than in the basement.

In fact... You see why I can trust you. Why I'm not worried about you betraying me and escaping.

Yes. I see.
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