03x16 - Popular

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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03x16 - Popular

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous, In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit, These are their stories, (BELL RINGING)

It's not as serious as it sounds.

If Kathleen doesn't pull her grades up, she'll have to go to summer school.

I find that pretty serious.

We're working on it.

She's making progress.

And why am I now just hearing about this?

Because you work really hard, and most nights you're not home until the kids are in bed.

Kathleen, who are you talking to?

A friend.

Get off the phone.


Now. Now.

I'll call you back.

It isn't what you think.

I was getting help on a math assignment.

Hey, I got news for you.

Things are going to change around here.

No mall, no friends, no phone until further notice.

That's not fair. Mom?

You know, it is abundantly clear to me, you are a parent and I am a paycheck.

You're a good father, but you're overreacting.

You know, we're pretty lucky.

We've never had any real trouble with the kids.

Trouble's relative.

I heard about a girl today who was r*ped by her teacher.

She's scared to death, refuses to go to the police, won't even tell her family.

Now that's what I call trouble.

Who are you talking about?

I don't know her.

She get medical attention?

My friend Carol at St. Matthew's, she did a r*pe kit.

She says she doesn't want to report it and she's got to keep it confidential.

She shouldn't have told me.

Carol's bound by law not to release any of that information if that's what the victim chooses.

Yeah, but that's ridiculous, 'cause the girl's only 14.

Grown women think twice about reporting it.

After a violation like that, you know, it's tough to know who to trust.

She should at least tell her parents.

Maybe they're not around.

Nope. From what I understand, she comes from a good home with both parents.

Well, my experience says Mom and Dad are the last resort.

What school she go to?


Maybe they have a decent counselor to help her out.

If this girl doesn't want to talk to her parents or the police, why would she tell a counselor?

This girl is going to develop disciplinary problems or depression.

If she's lucky enough, the school will have qualified teachers to recognize the symptoms.

Well, Tucker Junior High's got a good reputation, so I hope you're right.

It's too quiet upstairs.

Hey, Elliot.

What're you doing here?

Are you on a case?

No. Actually, I'm here to see you.

What about?

I need her name, Carol.

I can't believe Kathy broke my confidence.

It wasn't deliberate.

I don't care.

I promise I won't tell anyone where I got the information.

Look. You know I can't give it to you.

And even if I did, you can't do a damn thing about it without losing your job, and costing me mine.

I'll keep you out of it.

Carol, you have to want to help this girl. She's 14.

She's been r*ped.

As far as you're concerned, Detective Stabler, this girl doesn't exist.

OIivia, I need a favor.


Bear in mind I don't have any money.

I'm an underpaid detective, just like you.

What I want is risky.

Well, let me decide.

I need you to check an ER sign-in log.

Why can't you do it?

A 14-year-old girl was r*ped by a teacher.

She got the exam at the hospital, but she didn't want to report it.

Kathy knows the nurse who works there, but if she sees me snooping around...

She absolutely is not supposed to give out that information.

I know. I just got to make sure that it's real.

And then what?

Convince her to come forward.

Not a good idea, Elliot.

She's just scared, OIivia.

She's a kid who doesn't know that there are people out there who want to help her.

And if she doesn't want to tell us, then we can't make her.

So she just sits in the classroom being taught by her r*pist.

What hospital?


Excuse me. Excuse me.

Can I help you?

OIivia Benson, Special Victims. I'm here to interview the r*pe victim.

We didn't call any assaults today.

You sure?

I just go where they tell me.

What's the victim's name?

Munch, Margaret K.

No one here by that name.

Okay. Mix-ups happen.

Victims' names get mangled, which hospitals they're sent to, even precinct assignments.

You must see a lot of victims.

They're traumatized enough.

They don't need to wait for me.

How can I help you?

Let me take a look at the sign-in sheet for the past two days, and I'll call the precinct, verify the information I've got.



You suspect a teacher of raping one of my students, but you don't even know the girl's name?

Are you sure she isn't lying to cover something else?

Well, I won't know that unless I talk to her. She was probably absent yesterday, so if I could take a look at the list of absentee students I think I'll find my victim.

Sounds to me like your victim doesn't want to be found.

And are you comfortable having a teacher using his authority to prey on children under your responsibility?

That doesn't even deserve a response.

I give you my word that I won't approach anyone until I'm sure I'm right.

I promise that I'll handle this with discretion.

You're sticking your neck way out there, aren't you?

Ma'am, under the circumstances, wouldn't you?

Okay, here it is.

Cynthia Wilmont.

Signed in at 9:45 a.m.

According to this list, she had a note from home explaining her absence.

Well, it's got to be a forgery. I used to do it all the time. Everyone does.

Except, of course, your kids.

I'm sure that you're very intimidating.

Yeah, I'm real scary.

Okay, so how do we play this one out?

I can't let you do anything else. If it hits the fan, I want you covered.

Well, it's a little late for that, Elliot.

If anyone goes digging, they go straight back to me.

I had to show my ID to get access to the sign-in sheet.

Well, if we talk to this girl, I'm going to need to cover our ass.

Have you left anything out?

No. That's everything.

Our r*pe victim's an eighth grader at Tucker Junior High.

Her name is Cynthia Wilmont.

I just didn't want to pursue it without talking to you first.

Now that's the first sensible thing you've said, because you're going to have to drop it.


No. You have left the city, the hospital and yourself open to a lawsuit.

We're talking about a minor here.

Now, there's got to be a way to circumvent that.

Once you talk to the girl, she's going to know the nurse gave her up.

You open that can of worms, victims advocates will want your blood, and I will give it to them.

I'd think they'd be the first ones who'd want us to catch this hump.

Elliot, it's hard enough to get adult women to report.

If victims feel no confidence, they won't even go in for the exam.

Now, you are going to drop this until she is ready to come forward on her own.

It's her teacher, Captain, and he gets away with this, he's not going stop.

At the very least, let's just get him out of the school.

You have the victim brought to the principal's office for a sit-down.

If she doesn't want to talk, you back off.

All right.

And you go behind my back again, it goes in your jacket.

I guess you found her.

An eighth grader, Cynthia Wilmont.

Sheila, can you get Cynthia Wilmont to come to my office, please?

We'd also like a list of her teachers.

Now, that I can't do.


You need a subpoena before I can give you information about a teacher.

You do know what we're trying to accomplish here, don't you?

And I applaud your efforts, but whoever this person is, he has rights until he's been accused.

Especially since it's Cynthia.

Have you noticed any change in her behavior?

She hasn't been brought to my office on any disciplinary action.

Other than that, you'll have to talk to her teachers, and that I can't allow until you have an actual complaint.

Cynthia Wilmont is laying down in the nurse's office with a stomach ache.

You might want to do this later.

If she doesn't want to speak with us, we'll leave.

Take the detectives to the nurse's office and make sure they have some privacy.

Benson: Thanks.


Sheila: These people need to talk to Cynthia in private for a minute.


We'll be right outside.

Thank you.

Hi, Cynthia.

I'm OIivia Benson and this is Elliot Stabler.

You're cops.

You're right. We know you're not feeling well, but we were wondering if, maybe, there was something that you might like to talk to us about?

Cynthia: Like what?

Well, has anyone been bothering you lately?


Stabler: Do you like all your teachers?

Why are you asking me that?

Benson: Because we want to help you.

Did somebody tell you that I'm in trouble?

It's not true.

Cynthia, you can tell us if somebody touched you, no matter what.

I don't understand.

Did anything bad happen to you the day before yesterday?


Then why aren't you feeling well?

Are you going to talk to my parents?

Absolutely not.

Why should I believe you?

Why should I believe anything you say?

Because it's true.

Yeah, I've heard that before.

That nurse promised me that she wouldn't say a word.

No one else knows, not even my best friend.

So she had to have told you.

She lied and now so are you.

Cynthia, if you tell us who did this, we can make sure he never does it again.

I'm fine. No one did anything to me.


She's scared to death.

Got any suggestions?

None that'll make her happy.

We cannot go to her parents.

About my kid, I'd want to know.

This isn't about you or her parents.

She's a child who doesn't know what she's doing, and we need her testimony to go after this bastard, before he makes a habit of it.

You expect her to come forward when most women won't.

Either she's a kid, or she's an adult, Elliot.

You can't have it both ways.

Hey, Kath.


I'll update the captain.

Nice to see you.

You're angry.

Actually, I'm not, and that's what scares me.

You know why I had to pursue this.

I know I Iost a good friend today.

But you lost something much more important, and either you don't realize it or you don't care.

Now you know that's not true.

You played me, Elliot.

You carried on that conversation, drawing information out of me like I was your witness.

You know what happens to r*pe victims when they don't deal with the trauma.

This girl's got drug and alcohol abuse in her future, just to dull the pain, and then comes the inability to connect, the promiscuity because she thinks she had it coming to her.

Either way, she's screwed until she gets help.

A teacher is responsible, and you know I just can't let this slide.

I know you too well for that but everything has a price, and I just hope that you can pay it.

Ell, Carol Porter just called from St. Matthew's.

Cynthia's been admitted.

Somebody tossed her down a flight of steps.

We're looking for a minor, female. Her name is Cynthia Wilmont.

Came with multiple injuries from a fall.

She's in the O.R., getting a pin in a badly broken arm.

You have any idea how it happened?

I don't have the whole story, but Cynthia claims she fell down the stairs.

At school?

Couple of blocks from home.

Good Samaritan found her, called a bus.

She's got a black eye, a broken arm and fractured ribs.

Her injuries don't sound consistent with an accident.

Did you go to the school and question her?

Why do you ask?

Because she blames me, Detective.

She became agitated when I entered the exam room.

I was ordered to leave to calm her down.

Carol, I am so sorry you got caught in the middle of all this.

That makes me feel so much better.

You're still pursuing this?


What else can you tell us?

Look, if it wasn't an accident, then maybe our presence at the school did cause the r*pist to panic.

Trying to intimidate her.

I think she's been r*ped more than once.

What makes you say that?

She came in with abdominal pain, so the doctor was obliged to do a vaginal exam.

She's got pelvic inflammatory disease, caused by gonorrhea.

Did you do an STD screen with the r*pe kit?

Sure, but once it moves to the fallopian tubes, the test can come up negative.

Well, doesn't it take weeks to develop PID?

If the gonorrhea goes untreated.

Man: Nurse.

Excuse me.

Well, after this beating, Cynthia's just going to dig in.

There is no way she's going to talk to us.

Well, she doesn't have a choice anymore.

We find out who assaulted her, we'll find her r*pist.

Her parents should be in the waiting room.

First they call and tell me my little girl's been hurt.

Then they tell us she has gonorrhea. I mean, have you all gone crazy?

Public health has to be notified to contact anybody that Cynthia's been with.

My daughter did not give this to anyone.

Well, she didn't get gonorrhea from the toilet seat.

Stabler: Did anyone have a problem with your daughter?

She get into a fight with someone recently, or an argument?


Does your daughter have any boyfriends?


Where were you and your wife when this happened?

I was at work.

She was at home. Why?

Just routine questions.

Stabler: Does Cynthia have any close friends we could talk to?

You could try Amy Bergen, maybe she would know something.

She's Cynthia's best friend.

Should have told Cynthia's parents right away, instead of going to the school.

We could have prevented this.

Depends on who's responsible.

I want to check the parents out.

You think they tossed their daughter down a flight of stairs?

Her father seemed pretty upset about his daughter having sex.

She didn't. She was r*ped.

And what if she fabricated the r*pe to cover up sexual activity?

We've had lots of cases like that.

Well, you saw that girl.

She was afraid of someone.

Maybe it's Dad.

What, you think he r*ped her?

We've seen it too many times before.

Cynthia does have the clap.

Daddy gave it to her, Mommy's got to have it.

You really see her covering for her husband?

I don't know.

I just think we should check the whereabouts of the parents during the as*ault.

First let's check out the best friend.

This is terrible. I should call Darlene. See if there's anything I can do.

You sure Amy knows something about this?

If Cynthia had tension with someone, Amy probably knows who.

If you don't mind, we'd like to speak to her alone.


Kids tend to keep secrets, especially from their parents.

She might shut down in your presence.

I don't think I like this.

Her best friend is in the hospital.

First door on your right.

Shut the door, please.

I know who you are.

I saw you at my school and Cynthia said you were asking questions.

Did she tell you why?

Is it true that somebody beat her up?

Looks like it.

Do you have any idea who might have done this to her?

I promise I don't know anything about that.

Your friend needs help.

Does Cynthia have a boyfriend?

Tommy Kessler.

Do you know if they're having sex?

We fool around but we don't go all the way.

"We"? What do you mean, "We"?

Amy, you are not in trouble.

What we say here does not leave this room.

Okay, we have a club.

Tommy and his best friend, Nick, they throw parties and we fool around, but that's all.

Stabler: What do you mean, you fool around?

We do stuff for beer.

Like what?

Well, Tommy gets together a group, and the girls do the guys, and they supply the beer.

You're talking about oral sex.

Do you use condoms?

That's gross.

We don't have sex.

I told you that.

Well, when was the last time you had one of these parties?

Day before yesterday, and it was the best one so far.

Stabler: Cynthia there?

Yeah, she goes to every one.

She has to if she wants to stay Tommy's girl.

And why's that?

Well, Cynthia's my best friend and I love her, but she's no hottie, you know?

I hate talking to kids this age.

That's 'cause you can't smack them if they give you lip.

Who says I can't?

Then what is your issue with the pubescent set?

The stink of pimple cream turns my stomach.

Where is this little player?

Over there.

Fin: Tommy Kessler?

We need to talk to you, too, Nicky. Come here.

Cops. That's cool.

So what's up, brother?

Your cancer.

I feel you.

Oh, you "feel" me?

Don't hit him. Let's talk about Cynthia Wilmont.

Heard she got hurt.

She okay?

She got jacked up.

What you know about it?

We saw her leave school but we went the other way.

That's how it happened, Tommy?


What happened a couple nights ago at your party?

Cynthia service anyone, besides you?

Oh, man. I knew this would happen.

Tommy: Shut up.

Munch: Who was the lucky guy?

It doesn't matter.

Look, everybody does it.

It's not sex, so a guy doesn't get pissed if his girl chicken heads someone else.

Better tell him, Tommy.

I don't want trouble with my parents.

I didn't have money for brew, so Cynthia offered to try to get us some.

So you pimped her?

No. She's my girlfriend.

She likes to do me favors.

Who else was she with that night?

Nick, because it was his birthday. And there was this older guy, he...

Tall, he had brown hair.

I've seen him before.

My sister Mia knows him.

Munch: How old?

Well, not grandpa old, like you, but old.

Twenty, thirty or something. I don't know.

And Cynthia went off with him in exchange for what?

I don't want to say.

You know I want to smack you, right?

It was for some ex.

We were celebrating.

Swing parties for kids.

And since when is oral sex not sex?

Since Bill CIinton said so.

Well, Tommy says the older guy's got to be our teacher and his sister can tell us who he is.

But if he taught junior high, Tommy would have known him.

Are you sure? Maybe there is no teacher and Cynthia's just covering up.

It's still statutory r*pe, whether or not it was consensual.

Doesn't matter.

Without a complaining witness, the r*pe doesn't exist.

Unless we can tie this man to the as*ault, we have nothing to charge him with.

Tommy knows more than he's telling.

You catch that look?

I wish I could catch the little bastard in the act and charge him for pandering.

He's got Cynthia hooking for alcohol and dr*gs.

Yeah, what about the dr*gs?

The ecstasy's been consumed so the evidentiary link is gone.

Is there any way to get the r*pe kit without a 61?

If we can prove an adult was with the minor, her parents can request a r*pe kit be released.

But once we ID the perp, Tommy's statement isn't enough to get a warrant for his DNA.

We'd need a corroborating witness, or Cynthia to come clean.

So we'll talk to her again, all right?

I would wait until she's released from the hospital.

In the meantime, Munch, Fin, talk to Tommy's sister.

Get an ID on this adult with a penchant for crashing teenage parties.

Parents around?

My mom's laying down and my dad's working late.

They don't need to know about this, right?

Thought it was no big deal.

Everybody does it, right?

Don't sweat it, kid.

We're here looking for your sister.

Mia's in her room studying.


Mia: Go away, you little snot.


You know, I'm going to break your...


Damn, what kind of weed you toking on in here, girl?

Make yourselves at home.

We plan to.


Let's chat about you and your brother's sex parties.

I don't know what you're talking about.

We could wake your mom, if you want us to.

You could try.

She's not sleeping.

She's passed out.

Munch: You had a party two nights ago.

Your brother's girlfriend, Cynthia Wilmont, was here.

Remember her?

That mousy skank is his girlfriend?


Hey, she gets around.

What else am I supposed to call her?

Hey, you can't do that without a warrant.

Yes, he can.

Probable cause is defined as reasonable knowledge of a criminal act.

See, the longer you stall, the more time I have to find your stash, and when I find it, I'm taking you in.

You're not going to juvie, sweet pea.

What do you want to know?

Who attends your little soirees?

Just friends from school.

I let my brother bring his friends 'cause he threatened to squeal.

Turns out they party harder than high school kids.

Smoke a little weed, Iisten to some tunes, one thing turns into another, right?

You look like you did some damage in your day.

Where's the crime?

llIegal dr*gs and statutory r*pe.

Who got r*ped?

A witness statement from one of your guests places an adult at this shindig.

You must mean Ross McKenzie.

Describe him.

He's 24, built, kind of cute, very cool.

Hey, if you think he r*ped anybody, you're crazy.

And why's that?

Well, 'cause he can have anybody he wants.

He's a substitute teacher at my high school and he's only interested in mature women like me.

Well, I guess we found our teacher.

What do we have so far on this creep?

Ross McKenzie, 24, assigned to Harrison High.

Described by one of his students as the epitome of cool.

You'd think with all that legal nubile flesh around there, he'd sample that instead.

Evidently he likes them a lot younger.

Board of education has him Iisted as a substitute teacher for the last two years.

One arrest. No convictions.

A bust fell apart three years ago for soliciting an eight ball of coke.

Munch: From entrapment?


Which is why he didn't have to put it on his school application.

Well, if he's our perp, how did he know that we talked to Cynthia?

He doesn't teach middle school.

Kids talk. Tommy could have told his sister.

She informed McKenzie.

Well, if this teacher did do it, then he definitely wasn't working that day, since the high school lets out after Cynthia was att*cked.

So check with the Harrison principal on McKenzie's whereabouts.

If this pans out, haul him in for a hard interview.

The kids love him.

He listens to their music, he talks their talk, and they call him by his first name.

Well, what's wrong with that, if the kids learn?

BIur the line between student and teacher and chaos will ensue.

What's McKenzie done exactly?

We're still looking into it.

Was he working Monday?

Not here, but that doesn't mean he wasn't working at another school.

In case you haven't heard, we're short on qualified teachers, money and supplies, which just causes us to lower our standards.

You don't like him.

I can't afford to dislike anyone.

But I take issue with Iax rules and fraternizing with the students.

Benson: Has anyone Iodged a complaint against him?

Not yet, but it's only a matter of time.

Where's McKenzie now?

He has a free period.

You should find him in the teacher's lounge.

Benson: Ross McKenzie?


Detectives Benson and Stabler, we'd like to ask you a few questions.

What's this about?

It's a sensitive subject, so we'd like to take this back to our precinct.

Well, I've got classes.

Have somebody cover for you.

Not until I find out what this is about.

Well, I guess we can interview you right here.

We need answers about drug distribution and sex parties involving minors.

You ready?

Okay, okay. Just give me a couple of minutes to talk to the principal.

Benson: It's already done.

Why don't you grab your coat?

You like substitute teaching?

Right now it pays the bills.

I mean, my sights are set on a college professorship.

Maybe a nice cushy tenure somewhere small.

Were you working on Monday?


Where were you all day?

I was home doing a lesson plan. Why?

Now, you only teach high school kids?

It's safer that way.

My teaching methods are considered a little unorthodox.

Is that because you get too familiar with the student body?

You've been talking to the principal.

See, he hasn't changed the curricula since the '70s.

If you want to reach the kids, you to have to meet them at their level.

And partying with them does that for you?

Where's this coming from?

I don't party with my students.


Then what were you doing at the Kessler apartment a couple nights ago?

Relieving parental concerns.

So you're a chaperone?

Yes, I've done it before.

Mia asks me to cover so her friends can attend, because the mother isn't capable.

A witness put dr*gs and alcohol at this party.

Where were you?

No one did anything like that in front of me.

For a chaperone, you're not very observant.

Well, I also don't have eyes in the back of my head, Detective.

I mean, Iisten. If the kids want to do something, they're going to find a way.

Were you aware that there were 14-year-old minors there?

Sure. Mia has to watch her brother 'cause of the home situation, and she said that he could have friends in his room, to keep him quiet, but they weren't any of my responsibility.

How do you explain the hits of ecstasy you gave them?

They lied to you.

Kids tend to do that when their backs are against a wall.

Adults, too.

We've got nothing to tie him to the as*ault.

You said that we needed a corroborating statement to pursue the dr*gs.

What about the other boy, Nick Radsen?

Not good enough.

He was a recipient of Cynthia's services.

I would argue intent.

Well, that puts us back at square one.

Call me when you get something.

Cynthia was just released from the hospital.

Persuading her to talk is not going to be easy.

Tell her what you know.

Give her details.

It might force her hand.

Elliot, have a sit down with the parents.

You can't tell them about the r*pe, but you can tell them what we do here.

Public health official's been here three times.

He wants a list of names.

So he went to Amy and she's so scared she spilled her guts about sex parties.

Fourteen-year-old sex parties, for God's sake.

Amy's parents blame Cynthia, so now she's lost her best friend along with everything else.

Neither one of you could have prevented this.

What the hell do you know about it?

I'm a detective that works sex crimes.

My squad, all we handle are sexually based crimes.

Child abuse, abandonment, and r*pe cases.

You're saying my little girl was r*ped?

Law's pretty clear about what I can and can't do.

Let's just say, hypothetically, if a 14 year-old girl were r*ped, and she doesn't want to report it, I can't investigate it.

I can't make an arrest.

Cynthia was r*ped and won't talk?

Is that what you're saying?

I'm not allowed to answer that question.

This is good news.


How can you bring yourself to think that, much less say it?

If Cynthia got gonorrhea from being r*ped, then it wasn't her fault.

She didn't do anything wrong.

Cynthia: What's gonna happen now?


Even though I know what happened that night, I still can't do anything if you won't talk.

You know?

Yeah, most of it.

I know that Tommy makes you do things that you probably don't want to.

That's not true. I love Tommy.

Well, I know that he traded you to a man for dr*gs.

Now, that doesn't sound to me like he cares about you very much.

Tommy wouldn't do that.

He's my boyfriend.

The most popular guy in school and he picked me.

And that's important to you?

Being part of the in crowd?

It's everything.

But it's not worth your safety or your health.

Well, it doesn't matter now.

My parents know about the parties.

My dad won't even look at me.

I think he hates me.

Cynthia, your dad doesn't hate you.

He's just upset.

They just want what's best for you.

Look at my mom.

She's beautiful.

If I Iooked like her...

There's nothing wrong with the way you look.

You are beautiful, too.

Right. On the inside.

Pretty girls always say that to make the ugly ones feel better.

Everyone has doubts and problems, even the ones in the so-called popular crowd.

Not from where I'm sitting.

Your friends are scared and in pain, just like you, Cynthia.

But they don't have half of your resilience and half of your courage.


You were r*ped and you went to that hospital all by yourself.

Do you know that there are grown women who couldn't cope with that situation the way you have?


Yeah, really.

Now, all you have to do is say the word and we will go get him.

I don't know.

We don't have to take care of this right now, but I want you to think about it, okay?

It was the teacher.

Ross McKenzie. He r*ped me.

Mckenzie: Hamlet was a eunuch. His...

I hope this can wait.

Sorry to disappoint you, but you have an appointment with a needle.

What, you want my blood?

What for?

To match your DNA to a r*pe kit.

Mr. Charest, this is a mistake. They've got the wrong guy. I never r*ped anyone.

Save your energy for the school board, Mr. McKenzie.

I've already started the paperwork to fire you.

I want to call my lawyer.

Just so long as she isn't 14.

My client never touched the girl, so the DNA won't match.

Well, then he should be more than ready to tell us what happened at the party.

He doesn't have to say a word.

As soon as your lab confirms it, we're walking out.

We'll just keep coming back till we get some answers.

At the school, to your home, the board of education.

I think you get the picture.

You'll just force me to file a harassment suit, Detective.

Who said anything about harassing your client?

That would be wrong.

Ross, you've got a drug habit.

Do you really want all this attention when you're going to make your next buy?

Go ahead, tell them.

They can't charge you with anything.

There's no proof.

I gave up two tabs of ex, hoping to get some action.

The girl freaked out and wouldn't do it.

I never laid a finger on her.

You tried to prey on a 14-year-old girl.

I was high, and, from what I could see, she wasn't into the word "no".

Bear in mind you can't charge my client with intent to r*pe.

Who else was Cynthia with that night?

She never left Tommy and Nick's side.

If she was really r*ped, it was probably one of them who did it.

He's sticking to his story.

CIaims he never touched her.

He didn't. His DNA came back negative. The real question is, was she r*ped?

I still believe she was.

Then why lie about the teacher?

Because she desperately wants to belong.

She points at Tommy or Nick, she's out of the popular crowd.

That's taking peer pressure to the extreme.

I am really getting sick of these kids, which is probably why I don't have any.

Round them up and lean hard.

Captain, Cynthia's still a r*pe victim.

Who lied to the police, severely compromising any trial on her behalf.

Once she opted to speak, she set the ball in motion.

Interview rooms one, two and my office, with their parents, now.

Tommy told detectives he gave Cynthia to you for your birthday.

Is that right?


Nick, no.

What were you thinking?

Cynthia go with you willingly?


Stabler: Where did you two go to be alone?

Tommy's room.

She said no but he insisted.

So what happened when the door closed?

We talked for a while.

We have a lot in common.

We're both good in school.

We love computers.

We like to read.

It kills me that he treats her like a sl*ve.

I'm gonna get right to the point, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmont.

Your daughter lied to us.

She wouldn't do that.

She was r*ped.

Right now, I'm not questioning whether or not she was r*ped.

She lied about who did it.

I don't understand.

You think a teacher who attends kids' parties is innocent?

The man is guilty of questionable ethics but he's not a r*pist.

His DNA didn't match your daughter's r*pe kit.

Speak up, Cynthia.

Young lady, you are not going anywhere until I find out who you're protecting.

Is it your boyfriend, Tommy?


He admitted to giving you to this teacher for dr*gs.

Did he get angry when you wouldn't do it?

Did he thr*aten you?

What the hell's going on here?

Are you saying my daughter's a prost*tute?

What I'm saying is that I believe she would do anything for this boy.

I don't believe it.

David: You made me leave work for this? This isn't a crime, Munch: Your son's been engaging in unprotected sex, David: Come on, the boy's just curious, He had an itch, He got it scratched, Good for him, Tommy's a little pimp, He trades his girlfriend's services for alcohol and dr*gs.

Munch: Someone r*ped Cynthia at the last party and we want to know who.

That true?

Don't you lie to me.

Cynthia does the guys that I tell her to.

I don't force her.

Tommy: I don't have to, David: Why would you do this?

I don't know, I guess because all the really pretty girls, they don't put out, She does, She does what I tell her to do, to whoever I say, whenever I want, He said Nick had never been with a girl before, and that it was his birthday, and if I really loved him, I would do this for his friend.

So you go into the room with him?

He was telling corny jokes.

He was being really sweet.

But I still didn't want to.

I mean, how could I?

I'm Tommy's girl.

Is that when it turned ugly?

Benson: You must've hated her.

No, I like her.

Cynthia's too smart to be used by that clown.

Tommy's lame.

Stabler: And that's what pisses you off.

He's the one getting all the attention, the girls, the glory.

That's not how it is.

He's my friend.

No, he's not. He gives you his leftovers, man.

I mean, that's got to burn you, knowing that he's not in your league.

You think Tommy's beneath you.

But he's the most popular guy in school.

That's why Cynthia likes him.

That's why Cynthia wouldn't give you the time of day, and that's why you had to take what you wanted.

I've heard enough.

We're leaving.

She started to cry, like being with me was so awful.

I told her I'd tell Tommy and then she laid down, but...

Then she changed her mind.

Girls can't do that.

Then what happened?


Well, you had sex, didn't you?

She let me do it.

She fight you?

She said no but she just laid there.

Afterwards, she said we'd never talk about it again.

Is that why you beat her up?

'Cause you thought she'd come and talk to us?

No. She gave me the clap and she didn't even apologize.

So you followed her home?

After baseball practice, she accused me of r*pe, and that pissed me off, 'cause that just didn't happen.

If she wants Tommy, she can have him.

He's a loser.

So are you, Nick.
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