03x17 - Surveillance

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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03x17 - Surveillance

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous, In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit, These are their stories, You sure you won't come up?

I've got an early session tomorrow.

And after last night, I better get some rest.

Good night.

Good night.

Officer: Name's Cassie Germaine, a cellist with the Manhattan Symphony.

Boyfriend dropped her off after a date. Perp jumped her as she came in.

Tore her dress off.

Looks like he r*ped her.

Any witnesses?


Who called it in?

The alarm was triggered when she didn't key in the code.

Where is she now?


Guy did a number on her.

I blacked out. When I woke up, my head was bleeding and he shredded my clothes and cut my hair.

Did he say anything?


Mind if I show them?

I got to get her to the hospital.

I'll ride along.

I got something here.

What's that?

See the lens?

Stabler: That's a camera.

It's a micro-mini.

Found it in the debris.

Somebody watched the whole thing?

Still watching.

See, it's wired into the lamp.

Drawing juice off the apartment electrical.

Find any more cameras?

Not yet.

What's that gizmo?

It's an RF scanner.

Each camera transmits on its own assigned frequency.

I'm picking something up here.

Hold this for me.

That's a good angle for you, Morales.

What have you got?

Focused on the bed.

I've got hangnails bigger than this thing.

Fin: Found another one.

Bird's-eye view of the toilet and shower.

How many is that?

Four so far.

One in the living room, two in the bedroom, and this.

We've got ourselves a high-tech peeping Tom.

Where's he peeping from?

Hard to say.

These cameras use wireless transmitters.

With no hard line to trace, he could be next door or on the next block.

What kind of range we talking about?

150, 300 yards, depending on signal strength.

Well, that narrows our search to a couple of thousand apartments and offices.

Excuse me. They told me you were all set in here.

I'm done.


You're free to go.


Thanks, Doc.

You ready to go home?


My boyfriend grabbed a few things for me to wear.

You get the results of the r*pe kit yet?

The swabs were negative for seminal fluid, no vaginal lacerations, but that's not unusual.

So was I r*ped?

Don't know that for sure yet.

But the fact that he cut your hair and your clothes, wrote on your body, does tell us that it was a sexually-motivated as*ault.

Cassie, can you think of anybody that might want to hurt you?


Do you remember anything?

A voice? A smell?

Color of his shoes?

No. It all happened so fast.

I didn't see or hear anything.

Who else has the keys to your apartment?

Nobody. Why?

We found cameras hidden in your living room, your bedroom and your bath.

Somebody's been watching me?

How long?

We're not sure yet.

Is it the same guy that att*cked me?

It could be. That's what we're trying to find out.

But I promise you, we have swept your entire apartment.

We found all of the cameras...

Where's my boyfriend?

He's outside.

He's waiting to take you home.

I don't think it'll ever be like home again.

You go straight home?

Wait a minute. You don't think I did this, do you?

Because whoever hid those cameras was spying on me, too.

Look. You know, I'm just trying to get a handle on what happened.

How about friends and co-workers?

She mention any problems with them?

Yes. Only one.

Robert Prescott, our conductor.

He's been after her since she joined the symphony.

And when was that?

About six months ago.

Cassie said she set him straight, but I'm not so sure.

Yeah? Why?

Because Prescott has a hard time taking no for an answer.

You can ask Valerie Baxter.

I will. Who is she?

The violinist he was involved with last season.

Rumor is he was abusive.

And what does this have to do with Cassie?

Because about a month after Valerie left, Prescott hired Cassie and turned her into his little pet project.

Even went so far as to set her up in Valerie's old apartment.

He set her up?

The bastard owns the place.

All that rage and he didn't r*pe her?

Maybe he didn't have the chance.

Unis were there five minutes after the security company reported the alarm.

How's the boyfriend look?

Checked him out.

He was in a cab during the attack.

And the conductor?

Well, according to the building manager, Cassie's apartment is owned by Maestro Productions, Incorporated.

AKA, Robert Prescott.

And the previous tenant was a violinist he was involved with.

She moved out when the relationship allegedly turned abusive.

Think the cameras were there when Cassie moved in?

Prescott had ample opportunity to plant them.

Any history between him and Cassie?

Boyfriend says Prescott's been chasing her for months.

Maybe he got tired of being a couch potato.

Maybe he hired someone to spice up his little show.

Either way, this guy meant to humiliate her.

He wrote "whore" across her chest, Iopped off all her hair.

And took a fistful with him to relive the moment.

What did Prescott have to say?

Nothing yet. Secretary says that he ducked out early this morning to look at investment property upstate.

How convenient.

Won't be back until late tonight.

Well, where does a guy get this video hardware?

The lab tracked the serial numbers to a shop on 35th and Third called Quark lnternational.

Everything for the novice spy under one roof.

Just located his ex-girlfriend, Valerie Baxter.

New York School of Music.

Talk to her. She might be able to fill in some details until Prescott gets back.

He said I have a gift, but I needed to learn discipline.

So he took you under his wing.

We'd work late together, into the night.

He'd drill me until my fingers bled.

Sounds demanding.

He was. But it worked.

I was feeling the music on a deeper level than I ever thought possible.

When did the relationship turn sexual?

About a month after we started private sessions.

He made me feel special, that I could become a concert violinist.

We hear that he was abusive.

Not until I told him I wanted out.

Stabler: What happened?

One night, after he'd fallen asleep, I went to the closet for an extra blanket.

I found a video camera aimed through a hole in the wall.

The red light was still blinking.

On the shelf, there was a row of tapes with women's names.

I was just another chapter in his tape collection.

So how did he react when you ended it?

He turned vicious.

He berated me, and threatened me.

I couldn't pick up my violin without shaking.

We carry a full line of surveillance and security technology for the discerning professional and private citizen.

Five hundred channels and this is the crap they put on?

Guess where the camera is.

I give up.

CT 30-59.

It's got a half-inch CCD chip, auto-iris lens, and, with no front element exposure, it's virtually undetectable.

What about this?

A TRX-40 Iistening device with digital recorder and telephone interface.

This stuff's legal?

Absolutely. Since 9/11, it's been flying off the shelves.

Into whose hot little hands did these gems fly?

Three CT 30-10s, 30-57 and a Spymaster-4 receiver.

That's some serious equipment.

Fin: How serious?

Couple thou.

Munch: Cash or credit?

Good old American plastic.

The equipment was ordered online and charged to a credit card issued last month to Mr. Herman Garfunkle in Queens.

Imagine our surprise when the lovely Mrs. Garfunkle told us that her dearly departed died three years ago from a heart attack.

Well, who took delivery?

A PO box at U-Mail-It, 63rd and Broadway.

Paid for with Garfunkle's credit card.

Within walking distance to Cassie's apartment.

And Prescott's penthouse, two blocks from there.

Within transmission range of the cameras.

We need to get inside his penthouse.

We don't have enough for a warrant.

What about Valerie's statement?

He videotaped her without her consent.

It's not a crime if she willingly engaged in those activities while in his house.

She didn't have a reasonable expectation of privacy?

The issue isn't the government's intrusion into our right to privacy, it's the right of a private citizen to keep the government out of his bedroom, and the courts still view that as sacrosanct.

We're not talking about his bedroom.

If he planted those cameras in Cassie's apartment, it's as good as breaking and entering.

Not necessarily. He owns the apartment.

He has certain rights to entry.

Alex, we are talking about a predator who's using his position to extract sexual favors and terrorize women.

What if we found those cameras in your bathroom?

Cragen: He may have taped the attack.

We need a legitimate reason to search his apartment.

Okay. But you have to limit the warrant to the receiver and any videos or video equipment.

Elliot. Camera's aimed right at the bed.

Maestro's been very busy.

Here's Valerie's performance.

Cassie's peepshow can be any one of those.

When's Prescott due back?

Secretary said tomorrow morning.

Looks like we have a long night ahead of us.

When Valerie said a row of tapes, I had no idea she meant three dozen.

I've totally lost count.

Where are we?

Tape number nine.

No, number ten.

He really seems to favor that one position there.

At least he's consistent.

"Boring" is the word I think you're looking for.

Fin: Wait till you see this.

Benson: What you got?

More romping around?

Stabler: Will you look at that?

Benson: It's Cassie.

Munch: In the flesh.

Time code says this was recorded last month.

Apparently, our victim's been keeping a few secrets.

Why didn't she tell us?

Maybe she was embarrassed.

Fin: Or afraid to.

I guess the maestro wants her to know who's boss.

Let's just get them both in here. Different times, different rooms.

Find out what the hell's going on.

Benson: It's time to start telling the truth, Cassie.

I told you the truth. I don't remember anything else.

We're talking about you and Prescott.

We found a videotape of you two.


In his bedroom.

Why didn't you tell us?

He threatened to ruin my career.

I think we need to start at the beginning.

I met Robert about eight months ago at the Casals Competition.

When I won, he offered to bring me to New York.

Was sex part of the deal?


He placed me with the best instructors.

He introduced me to all the right people.

He even set up my debut.

Whenever I needed him, he was there.

I guess I fell in love.

When did the relationship turn sour?

One night, I stopped by his apartment to surprise him with a birthday gift.

He was in bed with another woman.

I told him it was over, that I was quitting the orchestra.

Wasn't about to let that happen.

He said he'd invested too much in me and then he showed me the tape and threatened to show it to all his friends in the business if I didn't stay.

I said I'd press charges and he said, "Go ahead."

It would be his word against mine.

How long ago was this?

A little over a month.

Has he threatened you since?

Not exactly.

What exactly does "not exactly" mean?

I've been getting phone calls and flowers.

Yeah? What kind of flowers?

What's that?

After every concert, I come home and they're waiting for me at my door.

All the card ever says is, "All my love, Me."

And the phone calls?

The minute I walk into my apartment, my phone starts ringing.

When I answer, he hangs up.

I thought it was Robert trying to intimidate me.

Cassie, how do you think he knows when to call?

He's watching me with those cameras.

I know he's cruel. I never thought that he'd hurt me.

Do you remember the name of the florist?



Prescott's here with his lawyer.

Okay. We'll take him in lnterrogation.

You and Munch, can you give Cassie a lift back to rehearsal?

No problem.

That's quite a video collection you've got, Mr. Prescott.

Private acts between consenting adults.

They consent to being taped?

Of course.

Stabler: Not according to Valerie Baxter.

In case you hadn't noticed, Valerie is a very fragile young lady.

Thanks to you.

Valerie had visions of stardom.

I tried to help her.

There was only so much I could do with the raw material.

And you did it every which way you could.

Careful, Detective.

I assure you, Detective, a good time was had by all.

Benson: You having a good time with Cassie Germaine?

I'm enjoying working with her.

She is a very talented young lady.

Now, you own her apartment.

It is a tax write-off for my loan-out company.

I rent it at a loss to visiting musicians and new hires.

I also sublet apartments on West 66th and 69th Street.

You put cameras in them, too?

Stabler: Not to mention sending her flowers and love notes.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Where were you night before last?

Are you insinuating that I had something to do with her attack?

Did you?

I am producing her New York debut this Friday.

I am going to make a big star of her.

Why would I want to hurt her?

Because she told you to get lost.

And we all know how well you handle rejection.

You didn't answer our question. Where were you?

As a matter of fact, I was with a young lady.

We need a name.

Since you already have the tapes, you already have the answer.

Her name is on the last tape.

It's time-coded and it's dated.



That guy's a piece of work.

Munch and Fin called from the concert hall.

There's been another attack.

Just walked in, heard the scream all the way from the lobby.

What had happened?

They came back from a break, found a message for Cassie.

What kind of message?

See for yourself.

Fin: It was stuck between the strings.

Looks like it's written in blood.

Benson: Whose blood?

Where's Benson?

She's staying with Cassie until her friend shows.

Anything on your flower man?

Store clerk remembered the guy.

Said he never gave a name, always paid cash.


White, medium height, blond scraggly hair, medium build.

I set her up with a sketch artist.

I still say Prescott could have hired somebody.

No, I don't think so.

The att*cks were too personal for a surrogate.

The cards, the flowers, the cello.

These are intimate gestures.

Unfortunately, we've eliminated the only two men she's been involved with.

Maybe it's an erotomanic.

He believes that he's in a relationship that doesn't exist.

Sounds like me and my four ex-wives.

He might not even be in the orchestra.

She might not even know him.

What flipped his switch?

A look, a smile, a casual hello.

But to him, it's the beginning of a beautiful love affair.

Reminds me of a case a few years back.

A guy thought this newscaster was sending him secret signals through the television set.

What happened?

Well, he followed her home one night, she told him to get lost, and he shot her.

So, if our guy was looking in while she made love to her boyfriend...

"Love, Me" turns to "Die, Bitch."

He might not stop until he kills her.

So where do we find this straggly-haired freak?

Probably somewhere near the receiver that picked up the video signal.

Where are the tech guys on the door-to-door?

SIow-going without warrants.

They've got thousands of square feet to cover.

I'll ask the squad commander to double the sweep teams.

Meanwhile, what's the purchase date on the equipment?

Third of last month.

All right.

Focus on anybody in and out of her apartment between then and now.

This guy had to be in Cassie's apartment to plant the cameras.

I want to find out how.

The entire building got a security overhaul in January, so each apartment's got its own alarm and security code, so nobody's getting in without the tenant's permission.

What about maintenance?

We always give prior information about that, so that way, if the tenant can't be home, then I stay in the apartment until the work is done.

Now, that's policy.

Any visits to Cassie Germaine's apartment in the last month?

Yeah. Here we go. 304.

The plumber unclogged a kitchen drain.

That was on Tuesday.

And there was a security tech that came up to her apartment to check on the new alarm system.

That was on the 8th.

How long was he up there for?

An hour, I guess.

You guess?

Turns out I had a little problem with the heating system in 102 about the same time.

So much for policy, huh?

I can give you the tech's name.

It's right on the work order.

Ray Campbell.

Ever since 9/11, it's been boom time in the security business.

Had to hire a slew of new guys.

Some good, some not.

Which is why we got to go back and shake out the bugs every now and again.

How long has Ray been with you?

About 10 years.

He's one of my best men.

Well, apparently, he made a follow-up call to Cassie Germaine's apartment.

Do you know what the problem was with her alarm system?

I don't remember.

But then again, we've been so damn busy.


That's odd.

Looks like the work order's not in the system, and I have Ray at another location that day.


Next block.

Where's Ray now?

He's out on a job.

I'd like to talk to him.
Ray Campbell?


Detective Stabler.

What can I do for you?

Well, the 8th of last month, did you do a job at 262 West 65th Street?

I work a lot of jobs in that area.

Well, how about this job?

Yeah. No. I mean no.

Which is it?

Look, I installed a system there a few months ago, but I ain't been back there since.

Is that your employee number?

Yeah. But that is not my signature.

Well, whose is it?

Well, maybe it's the same guy who stole the rest of my stuff.

What stuff?

About a month ago, somebody broke into my truck.

Took some tools, jacket, hat.

I didn't even think to check the paperwork.

I mean, why the hell would anybody want that, right?

He posed as a security tech to gain access to the buildings.

Now, only three addresses serviced by that company fall within the broadcast range of the cameras.

One of them in Cassie's building.

And a tech just finished sweeping that.

Which means the receiver has to be in one of the other two buildings.

I got the managers to fax me their work orders.

Take a look at the signatures on the bottom there.

They don't match.

One's a forgery.

Signature's the same as the phony work order from Cassie's building, and it includes a charge for an unauthorized DSL Iine in the basement.

He could send out a video signal over that.

Munch and Fin are with a tech.

Have them get over to that second building now.

Why do we always get stuck with the glamorous gigs?

Because Cragen likes our can-do attitude.

Yeah. If I wanted to go crawling through dark, smelly places, I would have joined the Department of Sanitation.

Guys, over here.

Fin: What's that?

Looks like a telephone junction box, and that's probably a DSL Iine.

Munch: Like what hooks my computer up to the World Wide Web.

Morales: Can you give me a hand here, please?

There's your receiver, connected to a laptop, and those four outputs correspond to the four cameras.

And what's that laptop for?

It's probably running a video-streaming program and transmitting the pictures over this.

Fin: To where?

Anywhere he can plug in another computer.

You mean he's sending his video out over the lnternet?

Welcome to the information age.

Turns out our perp's hosting his own website.

Picked up a video signal using a receiver located in a building on the next block and then sent it out over a DSL Iine charged to the security company.

How many hits to the website?

According to the lnternet service provider, a lot of hits, but only one computer doing the hitting.

Whose is it?

It's a guy named Terry Willard. 23rd and Lex.

Terry Willard?

New York City detectives.

Open up.

He's not in any trouble, is he?

This is a warrant.

Could you open that door, please?

Would you stand to the side, please?

Fin: Any idea where Terry is?

Aimee: Probably at work.

What did he do?

Benson: It's just part of the investigation.

You got a key for this?


Guys, check this out.

Now that's devotion.

He's almost finished with another roll.

More pics to add to his collection.

Indiana University, 1997.

He's been stalking her since then.

Fin: Talk about your groupie from hell.

And Terry's her number one fan.

We'll bring the computer back to the lab and see what Morales gets off the hard drive.

Check the DVDs, too.

He might have recorded the attack.

Yeah. We'll clean up here.

He's a good man.

Sweet, gentle.

You seem to know him pretty well.

We've become quite close.

How close?

He's my boyfriend.

Since when?


Neither one of us has family here, so I suggested we go to a coffee shop on the corner.

That was our first date.

You ever been in that room?

It's his office.

There was never any reason.

He ever talk to you about a friend of his named Cassie?

Maybe from college?

He doesn't have many friends.

He's too busy with work.

What kind of work does he do?

He's a partner at an Internet company in SoHo.

It's really taking off, which is why his hours are so crazy.

Stabler: What's the name of the company?


His office is in one of those big, glass buildings by the river.

We laid Terry off a couple of months ago.

So he's not a partner?

Hardly. Terry's not really a people person.

But he's a hell of a website designer.

So then why let him go?

We had to dump 90% of our people when the stock tanked.

A few months back, all these cubicles were filled with designers and support staff.

Now we're flirting with Chapter 11.

Well, this was Terry's workspace.

He went ballistic when we gave him the bad news.

He have a temper?

That's the thing.

He was so quiet, you forget he was even here.

The last few weeks he seemed distracted.

Yeah? Over what?

Probably heard the rumors.

We would have kept him on, but his work habits became so erratic.

I mean, he left us no choice.

Stabler: Erratic? How?

Missed days at a time.

He'd come in all bleary-eyed like he'd been up all night.

I guess when the ax finally dropped, he snapped.

Morales: These four images are a composite from the hardware in Terry's apartment.

Fin: How'd he do it?

He downloads the images from all four cameras into his computer, where he edits the video and transfers it to a DVD.

His director's cut.

He's finished 20 days, complete with music.

Is this the day of the attack?

Yeah. This is the morning, still unedited.

Munch: Fast-forward to that night.

That's where he blitzed her.

Morales: Door was shut.

Lost all the light.

Sorry. You might be interested in this, though.

"The Legend of Cassie and Terry."

An online journal.

Love story begins four years ago at lndiana U.

Hears her playing the cello.

Must have struck a chord.

Follows her to competitions all over the world, but the story takes a sad turn when Terry goes to prison.

For what?

Credit card fraud to pay for the trips.

Does a seven-month stretch.

But by the time he gets out, Cassie's graduated and moved away.

So he contacts an online search engine, buys her social security number for 45 bucks, and uses it to trace her work address to the Symphony.

Fin: Any fool can do it.

All you need is a computer and an lnternet hook-up.

Yeah, but is there anything in this journal that ties him to the attack?

Nothing that makes him the doer.

No leads on his whereabouts.

Girlfriend hasn't heard from him for two days, so he knows we like him for this.

Munch: Lucky he's still in town.

And we know that how?

He has a half-dozen online accounts, all under fictitious names.

Uses public computers in coffee shops and bookstores up and down Broadway to visit his sites.

We told Morales to keep the sites and the credit card active so we could track his movement.

If he ever stays online Iong enough, the service provider can trace the hit.

And if he doesn't?

Well, he's under our radar.

Unless we can flush him out.

Tell Benson and Stabler to bring in Cassie for a little chat.

Cassie: That's him?

It's a four-year-old mug shot.

His appearance may have changed.

He followed you here from college.


Benson: He's obsessed with you.

But I don't know him.

I've never seen him before.

Huang: He thinks he knows you.

He's concocted a whole story in his head about your having a love affair.

The cameras were a way of furthering that delusion without risking rejection.

How do you know?

He kept a journal with intimate details of a four-year relationship between you two.

How can he be jealous when I've never met him?

That's part of his sickness.

He believes that the two of you are in love.

Well, isn't there any way to stop him?

We think so, but we're going to need your help.

Now, Terry visits a website he dedicated to you twice, sometimes three times a day.

Well, what would I have to do?

We'd like you to include a message to him in your press interviews.

Dedicate the performance to him.

Tell him it's your way of letting him know how much he means to you.

But this guy is crazy.

We'll cover every entrance, we'll grab him before he ever gets close to you.

You haven't caught him yet.

Why should I trust you now?

Cassie, this is our best chance of getting him into a controlled situation on our terms.

But we can't do it unless you agree.

Morales: We've got a camera positioned at each entrance to the auditorium.

They're hooked up to the facial recognition software, which is loaded into this computer.

I didn't know we could afford this stuff.

Well, as each person passes through the choke point, the camera takes a series of still sh*ts of their face.

The software scans that face, and compares it to known felons in a data bank.

Could be a busy night.

These theater folks are a motley crew.

Well, for today, I've entered only one face into the bank.

Terry Willard.

Cragen: What if he's disguised?

Well, we've lowered the recognition threshold to allow for differences between his mug shot and his current appearance, including changes in facial hair, glasses, weight loss and gain.

Technology's answer to racial profiling.

And Big Brother's new toy.


What do you got?

A hit.

Aisle two. The man in the beard, behind the woman in the red dress.

Sir, come with us, please.

Morales: Hold on. We've got another hit. Aisle four.

Munch: How many Terry Willards are out there?

There might be a few.

I set a low threshold.

Go ahead.

I'll wait for the next one.


I can't do this.

We're checking everyone.

If he's here, we're going to get him.

Don't worry. Just think about the music, okay?

I'll be in the front row.

You're going to be great.


Sorry for the inconvenience.

False alarm.

Same here.

So much for Big Brother.

Detectives. Found these outside the dressing room.

They're addressed to Miss Germaine.


Fin: What you got?

Stabler: A dead rat.

How the hell did he get in here?

Go ahead.

Where? All right, we got it.


Another hit.

Excuse me, sir.

I want you to come with me.


Sir, I want you to come with me.



Leave me alone.

She invited me.

Cassie invited me.

There's no one like Cassie.

Now, you guys don't seem to run in the same circles.

How did you meet?

I was taking a shortcut through the school of music when I heard someone playing.

The cello?

I moved to the open door and I saw her, alone, on stage.

I stood there listening, and when she finished, she looked up and saw me, and then she smiled.


From then on, I knew we'd be together for the rest of our lives.

But it hasn't always been easy.

I mean, the traveling, prison, the dead-end jobs.

You've sacrificed a lot to be with her.

Not a sacrifice if you care about somebody.

Well, what he means, it must have cut awfully deep to watch her making love to another man.

It wasn't her fault.

How do you figure that?

He got her drunk and took advantage of her.

Come on, Terry.

I know you love her, but you're not an idiot.

She knew you were watching and she laughed in your face.

No. It wasn't like that.

He makes those sacrifices, she treats him like he's yesterday's trash.

I'd want to slap the hell out of her, too!

I'd never hurt Cassie.

I love her. It was horrible, the way he beat her.

How did you know she was beaten?

I saw it.

With the cameras you put in her bedroom to spy on her?

I found her website on the lnternet.

You were just surfing the web and you happened to come across her website?

I don't think so.

Terry, we know about your little scam with the credit cards.

We know you bought the cameras.

What about the cello? The rat?

I don't know what you're talking about.

Why are you running, Terry?

Aimee said you were trying to put me in jail for something I didn't do.

Aimee, your other girlfriend?

She's not my girlfriend.

She's my landlady.

Cragen: That's not what she said.

Then she's lying.

Well, you know something, Terry? I think you're lying.

You're playing her 'cause you can't pay your rent, and you're playing us because you think we're stupid.


Hey, we can't help you unless you help yourself!

Tell us the truth, and maybe I can convince the D.A. to go easy on you.

If not, it's out of our hands.

I've already told you the truth. I'd never hurt her.


We don't have any evidence tying him to the as*ault or the vandalism.

No forensics. No witnesses.

What about the cameras?

He used a phony credit card to buy them.

We still can't prove it was Terry who used the card to make the purchase.

His fingerprints were in Cassie's apartment.

All right. Trespassing.

Counselor, he stalked her.

Stalking requires proof he tried to frighten her.

All of our evidence shows he tried to remain hidden.

In fact, Cassie hadn't even seen him until you arrested Terry at the concert.

Well, what about that case in Jersey?

Landlord got 30 years for planting cameras in a tenant's apartment.

He transmitted sound.

That elevated the charges to wiretapping.

Terry did not record or transmit sound.

So where does that leave us?

Since you found the clothing from the security company in his apartment, I can try and up the ante to burglary of the van.

That it?

Till the law catches up with the technology, I'm afraid that's all I can do.

At least we pulled the plug out of Terry's little operation.

I read somewhere that once an image gets on the lnternet, it can never be destroyed.

A hell of a way to achieve immortality.

I just got a call from Cabot.

Aimee posted Terry's bail.

He's in jail for planting cameras in another woman's apartment and she comes to his rescue?

How blind can love be?

I'm going to get a uni on Cassie.

I don't trust this guy.

Cragen: Too late.

Cassie Germaine's been shot.

Woman on pa: Dr, Thomas, call the pharmacy, Dr, Thomas, please call the pharmacy, How's she doing?

Still in surgery.

What happened?

She came by to pick me up on the way to work, and I'd forgotten my wallet inside and I'd just opened my door and I heard sh*ts and I ran back out there and I found her lying there.

Kevin Wilson?


Hi. I'm Dr. Barrett, Cassie's surgeon.

Is she going to be okay?

It looks good.

She was very lucky.

Can we speak with you one second, Doc?


Hold on. So fill us in.

Two slugs to the back.

One hit the left kidney, the other barely missed her heart.

Excuse me.

Any idea what caliber?

Small. Maybe a.22.

And, given the stippling, I'd say it was close range.

When do you think we can talk to her?

Soon as she's out of recovery.


That was Munch.

Internet service provider got a hit on Terry's website.


Internet cafe two blocks from here.

Okay. Why don't you go ahead?

I'll stay with Cassie, see if she can make an ID.

He's still online.

All right. Well, let's go.


Enjoying the show?

I'm not doing anything here.

Aren't you a little young to be watching that?

A guy was sitting here, okay?

He left his computer on, so I decided to check it out.

What guy?

He had scraggly hair.

He was sort of wigged out.

He was blubbering about some chick left him over another man or something.

Is this the guy?


Where'd he go?

Took off about 10 minutes ago.

CIerk says our guy left this.

Aimee SIocum.

Either she's the dumbest woman in the world, or he's a lot slicker than he looks.

Stabler: Don't you have some homework to do?

He can't get far without cash.

Unless someone's helping him.


She keeps bailing him out.

Why don't you sit on her?

I'll hook up with OIivia, see if she got anywhere with Cassie.

Munch: Aimee?

I'm in kind of a hurry.

I'm making dinner for a friend in Brooklyn.

Want us to give you a lift?

I have a cab waiting.

We're looking for Terry.

He hasn't been home since he got out of jail.

How did he get this?

Where did you find that?

At an lnternet cafe where he was visiting his favorite website.

You know, Cassie's Greatest Hits.

There must be some kind of mistake.

Someone shot Cassie this morning.

Not Terry.

He's the gentlest man I know.

We just want to make sure he doesn't hurt you.

You've got him all wrong, Detective.

If you hear from him, you'll let us know, right?

I will. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm late.

Do you believe that song and dance about a friend in Brooklyn?

Hell, no.

Let's tail her.

I was waiting in the garage for Kevin and I felt a sharp pain in my back. That's...

My legs buckled.

Benson: Did you see anybody?

No. By the time I Iooked up, he was gone.

Okay. We've posted a uniformed officer outside, so no one's coming in.


All these are for her?

What the card says.

Hold on.

"Together forever.

Love, Me." Where is he?

Delivery guy just dropped them off.

Hey, hey. Stop.

What did I do?

All right. Let me see some ID.

Who sent the flowers?

Not a clue. I just deliver.



Girlfriend's on the move.

She's changed cabs twice, rode all over hell and back.

Finally landed at some dive in Spanish Harlem.

I'd make book on it.

She's in Room 602.

We got the hotel room.

That's the room.

I'll take the fire escape in case Terry bolts.

I'll take the alley.

Aimee, it's Detective Benson.

Go away.

Aimee, we're not going anywhere.

Now open up the door.

Aimee, where's Terry?

He's gone.

Why are you still here?

I had to take a shower.

I was going to take him home to Oklahoma, so we could make a new life.

But Terry wouldn't leave that whore.

You mean Cassie?

I warned her to leave him alone.

So you att*cked her.

You cut her hair.

Well, she wouldn't listen.

So you shot her.

I had to stop her.

I'm the only one who really loves him.

Benson: Hell of a way to show it.

I didn't know what else to do.

She has so many men.

Terry is all that I have.
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