09x11 - Streetwise

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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09x11 - Streetwise

Post by bunniefuu »

Male announcer: In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Prepare to die, bitch.

[Paintballs explode] ah!

Damn it!

Man: gotcha, harry.


Squad leader, this is cougar.

I'm hit.

Squad leader over walkie: yeah, roger that.

Proceed to the nearest launch point And return to battle. Over.

Oh, my god!

Squad leader, I found a body.

Squad leader over walkie: tag 'em back into the game And then re-Up their a*mo supply.

No, it's a real body.

She's dead.

What do we got?

Jane doe, r*pe-Homicide.

From the lividity, i'd put time of death around 10 p.M.

C.O.D. Blunt force trauma to the head.

Perp hit her with a rock?

If he did, he took it with him as a souvenir.

Beat her up pretty bad.


Fluids in her underpants.

A weekend warrior found her While they were playing paintball.

All the players volunteered their DNA.

Her earlobes are torn.

Perp take the earrings?

He left one behind.

There's blood on the wire.

He dropped it when he fled.

Warner: it's an angle.

Very expensive.

My sister's a buyer at saks.

We'll send a notice to all the pawn shops in the tri-State.

He'll definitely hock it.

One of these babies is worth five grand.

It sure as hell wasn't worth this.

Jane doe's blood alcohol was elevated--0.1.

Well, she must have been partying Before she hit the park.

Csu didn't find a bottle.

And I found paint residue in the head wound.

I'm trying to match the color.

Could it have come from one of the paintballers?

These pellets are made of water, sorbitol, and wax.

Residue in your victim's head wound Is black latex wall paint Mixed with rust flakes.

Any luck with the players' DNA?

They're clear.

No match to the semen in your victim's panties.

So all we know is something black and rusty k*lled her.

Not quite. I saved the good news for last.

Stabler: r*pist's in the system?

No, your victim is.

Her name's shelby crawford.

What was she collared for?


Wrapped her saab around a lamppost.

Shelby hasn't touched a drop of liquor since the accident.

Mrs. Crawford, there was alcohol in shelby's system.

Your test must be wrong.

Or she was lying to us, lydia.

Stabler: shelby hasn't been home for nearly a day.

Why didn't you report her missing?

Mrs. Crawford: because she told us

She was sleeping over at her friend claire's house.

They were supposed to be getting ready For tonight's collinsworth quadrille.

Shelby's a debutante.


Stabler: where was she last night?

She was, uh, at the silver and white ball At the plaza.

That's across the street from our crime scene.

Are these recent?

They were taken yesterday, right here in this room.

May i?

That's shelby.

And that's anna and claire, her two best friends.

Who's he?

That's doug walshen.

That's shelby's boyfriend.

They been having any problems lately?

No, no, doug is every mother's dream.

She doesn't look too happy in that picture.

Doug wouldn't do this.

He's from a good family.

We'll need his address.

He wouldn't be at home.

He'd be at the ball, Waiting for shelby.

God, I can't believe shelby's dead.


I-I worshipped her.

She worship you back?

What are you talking about?

You know, I got this picture from last night And she looks like she's about to have a root canal.

Uh, she was in a bad mood.

You know how girls get.

Well, maybe she had her eyes on another one of these penguins?

You get jealous?

You crazy? No.

She was in love with me.

Where were you last night at 10:00?

I was at the plaza.

Right where shelby left me.

Ask anyone.

Doug was at the ball till 11:00.

Benson: were you?



So shelby went into the park by herself?

Yeah, I guess so.

She always does her own thing.

Was she doing her own thing with someone on the side?

Ladies, what's wrong with this picture? Hmm?

'Cause these two don't look like lovebirds to me.

C'mon, out with it.

I can't.


[Door closes]

What happened, claire?

Maybe she hooked up with tony.

She was kind of seeing him.

Is tony here tonight?

No, he goes to public school.

Well, do you know his last name?

I forget.

But he's in a band, Sticky butterfingers.

They practice on mott street above a chinese bakery.

Shelby and I were in love.

When was the last time you saw her?


I snuck over to her place.

What time?

Around 5:00.

She came out at the back stairwell By the service elevator, Tricked out for that stupid dance.

We fooled around for a while.

You two were having sex While her family and friends were inside?

Yeah, it was hot.

And after that?

I went and played

Our last gig of our poisonous cupcakes tour At the roxy.

The club owner gonna alibi you?

From sound-Check at 7:00 to way past 1:00.

Shelby left me a video voicemail for good luck.

You still have that?

I'll never erase it.

Hi, baby.

Hope the gig rocks.

'Cause this ball sucks.

Just came out to the park to get drunk with anna.

Say hi, anna.

Hi, tony. Bye, tony.

I wonder why anna forgot to mention she was in the park.

Shelby: bye, baby, I love you!

Sandra: ms. Anna's in her room.

Stabler: where are her parents?

In tahiti for three weeks, Then paris for the spring collections.

[Music playing inside bedroom]


Ms. Anna, you have visitors.

Excuse me.


[Turns music off]

What the hell?

Anna: what are you doing here?

Get dressed.

Stabler: come on, we'll keep

The party going down at the station.

Why didn't you tell us That you were in the park with shelby?

Because I was getting wasted.

You need liquid courage to k*ll your best friend?

I would never k*ll shelby.

But you'd bang her friend.

That's what guys do.

Anna's just a mattress.

Doug and I are in love.

So you wanted shelby dead.

With her out of the picture, doug's all yours.

Anna must have k*lled her.

Crazy bitch was always jealous of shelby.

You jealous too there, stud?

Didn't like shelby Screwing another guy?

No way.

Oh, yeah.

She was doing him in the stairway While you were inside with the parents.

That piss you off?


Want to teach her a lesson?

You're wrong!

I didn't k*ll shelby!

Benson: you love him so much

That you were willing to k*ll to get him.

You're nuts.

You're running out of excuses.

Anna told you shelby was screwing another guy.

That's why you beat her to death.

No, i-I swear I didn't do this.

Doug's lying.

Well, I like anna for it, el.

Girls can do crazy things when they're pushed.

And when a woman cheats on her man, He can blow a gasket.

What about tony wham-Bam?

His DNA come back?

Yep. And it's a match.

But the manager at the roxy alibied him.

So shelby wasn't r*ped.

Fluids are from the quickie she had in the stairwell.

Well, one of these two k*lled shelby.

Put the rats in the cage, let 'em fight it out.

You told me you loved me.

Just so I could get in your pants, you stupid slut.

Screw you!

Freakin' psycho, you k*lled shelby.

No, I didn't.

You k*lled her.

You were the one that was in the park with her.

When I left, she was alive and calling her real boyfriend.

Lying whore!

Shove it!

Stabler: hey, open that. Enough.

Get off me!


Anna, calm down.

Come back here.

You are so going to jail for this!

Maybe not.

We just got a hit on shelby's earring At a pawnshop in alphabet city.

Fin and lake are there now.

Lake: earring was hocked by sunshine smith.

Lives at 6-7-8-9 peek-A-Boo lane.

That's a fairy tale, Friend.

Now that you read it back to me, It does sound a tad bit suspicious.

Play the tape, einstein.

Big jerry: that's sunshine.

Man, you know it's illegal for underage kids to pawn.

Hey, a guy gotta eat.

You need to go on a diet.

Stop the tape.

Lake: this girl doesn't weigh 85 pounds soaking wet.

No way she could take shelby down herself.

Must've had friends.

Or family.

What you talking about?

She said they were hungry, hadn't eaten in days.

That her dad told her to pawn the earring.

So they're a homeless family.

And m*rder's how daddy brings home the bacon.

Hey. Any luck?

I was able to sweeten your video image.

Here's the girl who pawned Your victim's earring.

Stabler: fin wasn't kidding.

Looks like she hasn't eaten in weeks.

Hold on, pause it.

The writing on her jacket, i've seen it before.

I'll blow it up.

[Morales types]

Benson: I saw a kid tagging a park bench

With that symbol.

And when I badged him, he hit me up for subway fare, Said he was living on the street.

So maybe our girl's a runaway.

Ruben, check for youth shelters near the pawnshop.


There's one three blocks away.

Paige: sure, I know her.

That's josie.

Is she okay?

We don't know.

When's the last time you saw her?

Tuesday, when she was here for group.


You could call it that.

I teach creative writing.

Josie's my most talented student.

You know, she's only 11 and she writes from the gut, But her voice is lyrical.

Sounds like you really care about her.

I care about all my kids, but josie is special.

That's why it hurt so much when she went back to phalanx.

What's phalanx?

It's a street family.

Here, i'll show you.


"phalanx family ties."

Yeah, the boy who shot these photos,

He was a member of phalanx.

He's so talented, we got him a scholarship to art school.

And why do you call them a family?

Well, there's two parents in charge.

Cole roderick's the father And cassidy cornell's the mother.

Playing house with homeless kids.

It's not a game.

It's nationwide.

Every city's got street families now.

In phalanx, it's cassidy and cole that make the rules.

The children follow them.

There's josie.

She's the obedient daughter?

Well, all the kids are like brothers and sisters.

E kids on the streets are usually runaways.

She retreats back to the family.

You wouldn't be here unless josie was in trouble.

What happened?

We think she's involved with a m*rder.

If she was, it's cole's fault.

But I never thought he'd go this far.

The jerk tells them he loves them, And then he makes them earn it by doing his bidding.

Woman over loudspeaker: paige, please come to the front office.

Paige, please come to the front office.

Let me know if I can do anything.


180th and 11th avenue.

Looks like they set up camp there.

Let's go feud with the family.


Mama bear's home.

Hi, cassidy.

Do I know you?

Detectives benson and stabler.

We saw your picture at the exhibit in the shelter.

It doesn't do you justice.

Got a minute?


C'mon, scout.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Where's josie?

I don't know.

Look, we can do this The easy way or the hard way.

How 'bout neither?

Daddy's home.

Where are the kids?

Panhandling on west end.

Josie with them?

We haven't seen her in weeks.

What kind of father are you, You don't know where your children are?

[Children chattering]

Ere's josie.

Kids, sct!

[Children shouting]

[Horn honks]

[Horn honks]

[Brakes screech]

Josie, come here.


Calm down, josie, i'm not going to hurt you.

Get off me!

It's okay, sweetie, calm down.

Let go of me, bitch!

Benson: josie, if you talk to us, we can help you.

But if you keep up the silent treatment,

Then there's nothing we can do.

Now we know that you pawned shelby's earring, But I don't think that you k*lled her by yourself, So who helped you?

Was it cole?

Daddy's little girl help him do it?


Don't talk about my dad.

Thanks for joining us.

Up yours.

I won't rat the only person who cares about me.

Social worker at the shelter cares about you.

Paige isn't family.

Dad's all I got.

What about your real parents?

Those asswipes?

When I told my mom Her boyfriend was sneaking into my room at night, She blamed me and kicked me out.

I was nine.

So you've been on the street for two years?

It's no big deal.

Family takes good care of me.

It doesn't look like they feed you too well.

Stabler: when was the last meal you had?

Two days ago.

I thought the money for the earring Was gonna buy some big feast for the family.

Cole said we'd eat when it was time.

Josie, where are you from?


Hitched a ride here.

Guy who picked me up Made me do stuff to him every night Till we got to the city.

And then he pulled over on the fdr.

And just pushed me out of the van.

Dad would never do that to me.

And you'll never get me to talk.

I'm gonna call paige at the shelter.

Maybe she can help us get through to josie.

Good luck.

But she won't give up her family Just because you asked her to.

You got an idea?

That girl is starving.

You want us to bribe her with food?

I think coercion is more like it.

Interventions aren't always pretty.
[Door opens]

Hey, josie, do you mind if we eat here?

I don't care.

Everything looks so good, I don't even know where to start.

I am starting with dessert.


They're still warm.

These are my favorite.

What are you gonna have?

Stabler: pizza.

Oh, my god.

Best pizza in the city.

I'm ready for my ice cream sundae.

Chocolate syrup.



How is it?



You want some?


You know what?

As soon as you tell us about the earring, We can all eat together.

I wasn't there when the rich girl died.

Who was?

My mom and dad.

Here you go, babe.



Can I have some pizza?

Yeah, sure. Here.

So what happened that night?

Cassidy heard the rich girl call my dad a name.

Benson: and what name was that?

Stupid f*g.

That's a no-No.

Time for s.O.S.


Stomp on sight.

So my dad hit her With the lock on his smiley chain.

What was the color of the lock?

It was rusty, So he painted it black.

Josie, where's cole now?

I don't know.

I want to go home.

Benson: listen, sweetie, you can't.

You can't go back there.

Where am I gonna go?

What's gonna happen to me?

[Knock on door, door opens]

Paige is here.

Hi, josie.


Stabler: josie, you're gonna stay at the shelter

Tonight with paige.

We'll figure things out in the morning.

What about my brothers and sisters?

We're gonna do everything we can.

Stabler: this place is a ghost town.

Benson: there's no way that cole's gonna wait for us to come back.

Stabler: liv.


"josie's room."

El, check out the wall.

"Josie equals traitor.

Traitors must die."

We gotta move her.

Benson: it's paige.

No pulse.

Cole's got josie.

The head wound looks the same as shelby's.

It should.

I pulled samples of this residue from the wound.

Black paint and rust flakes from the lock cole hit her with.

Patrol is sweeping manhattan north of 42nd street.

No sign of cole or anybody from phalanx.

I'd be in the wind too if I were cole.

What've you got?

Josie's short stories.

They were in paige's office.

Remember that robbery in riverside park A couple months back where the victim Was knocked out and chained to a tree?

It was all over the papers.

They never found the guy.

Read the last paragraph.

"While the crow slept, "The boss lion chained her to a tree.

"That made it easy to pluck her feathers.

The lion cubs said it was the perfect crime."

I had manhattan robbery pull the file.

The victim said she was knocked out with a chain.

Just like paige and shelby.

Josie's writing about her family's crimes.

This one worries me most.

It describes a bloody battle between lions and crows.

"Three crows are buried in graves Throughout a kingdom."

A group of lions is called a pride.

And a group of crows is called a m*rder.

Josie can finger cole for three more homicides.

Cassidy: hey! Hey!

Hey, let me through!

Get off me! Hey!

Let go of me!

Let me through! Hey!

Benson: cassidy.

Where is she?

Where's my daughter?

Where's my baby?

Cole took her.

Oh, my god, i'm too late.

Please, you have to save my baby.

After you grabbed josie, Family had a council meeting.

Cole decided she knew too much.

We saw the graffiti.

"Traitors must die."

I tried to talk him out of it, but his mind was made up.

Cole was crazy mad.

I had to protect my other children, So I took them somewhere safe.


A squatter camp in astoria.

I went to the shelter to look for josie.

I didn't think cole was gonna go there.

Where would he take her?

I don't know.

Benson: why should we believe you?

I wouldn't lie.

My being here is putting all of my other kids at risk.

But they're not your kids.

I take care of them when they're sick.

I listen to their problems.

I tuck them in at night.

I do all the things that a good mother would do, okay?

Benson: a good mother doesn't let her kids

Rob and k*ll.

[Door opens]


Josie just turned up.

Con-Ed found her stuffed down a manhole.


Just take a look.

Her eyes were gouged out And her cheeks slit from ear to ear.

Please stop.

Stop? I bet that's what josie said, but cole didn't listen.

The medical examiner said That she was tortured for over 12 hours.



Benson: where is he, cassidy?

I don't know.

Stabler: you keep telling us

What a great mother you are.

That's your daughter then.

That's your daughter.

And that son of a bitch k*lled her.

I don't think you get it!

Cole roderick saved my life.

Before I met him, my mom rented my body To her drug dealers for three years.

It was hell.

Well, cole's going to hell For what he did to josie and the others.

What others?

The three other people cole k*lled.

So you are a main character in josie's short stories.


Yeah, and cole.

The whole family.

Why don't you read The first page, second paragraph.

Benson: out loud.

"After the battle and its bombs went quiet, "The boss lion went home to his lioness.

"She purred as she licked the crow's blood from his paws--

Her leader; her lover; her life..."

Stabler: your lion's buried an awful lot of victims Around this city.

That lioness is an accessory to m*rder.

Did you lick the blood from cole's hands After he k*lled josie?

I didn't k*ll anyone.

Yeah? It doesn't matter.

Because the law says that you are just as guilty as he is.

I want a deal.

I talk and you give me A one-Way ticket to san francisco.

Why san francisco?

A lot of street kids go up there for the winter.

I can meet up with a new family.

Novak: you tell us where cole

Buried those other people, And it's a deal.


The first was some old homeless guy in prospect park.

Cole had never k*lled anyone before.

He was just scaring our kids into respecting him.

That was two months ago.

After he k*lled the bum, cole made a new law.

Honor thy mother and father or die.

Did anyone break that rule?

Byrnesy ross.

He's buried in van cortlandt park.

Byrnesy came down from providence last month.

He said that he could make a better father To the family than cole.

Cole stabbed him 30 times.

And who else dishonored cole?


Larissa rhedd, cole's wife before me.

She's, uh, next to the highway in riverdale.

Larissa was banging a drug dealer To cop her heroin.

When cole found out,

He left her for me.

She went to a new family.

I thought he was over her.

But when he made the new law, He said that it Applied to past crimes too.

So he k*lled Larissa.

That's it.

Can I go?

You've got one more to go: Shelby crawford.

Josie said that you were in the park With cole the night shelby died.

What happened?


I was taking a piss in the bushes When cole spotted the rich girl.

She was talking on a fancy phone.

And he wanted it.

And her diamond earrings.

Those rocks would feed our family for months.

So he robbed her.

Did she put up a fight?

She was too drunk.

Cole was walking away When she started saying stuff.

I told her to shut up, But cole came back and asked me what she said And I told him.

So she disrespected him, and cole k*lled her.

He hit her with his smiley chain.

Just once, but she was dead.

We heard voices and we ran.

Am I done?

California, here you come.

But first you have to testify.

And you can't do that until we have cole in custody, so...

Still no idea where he might be?

When it gets cold, The family shacks up in an abandoned warehouse.


Fort greene.

Go upstairs.

I'll sweep down here.

[Both grunting]

You're gonna break my wrists. Aah!

I'm irish, but i'm not that lucky.

Cole roderick, You're under arrest for the m*rder of shelby crawford,

Paige beddles, and josie knox.


You have the right to remain silent.

If you give up that right, anything you say Can and will be used against you In a court of law.

Stabler: you recognize them?

Man, get this stuff away from me.

Matter, cole?

You don't like tripping down memory lane?

No, I don't like liars.

You photoshopped all that.

Well, we sure as hell didn't fake these.

Read 'em.

They're crime stories.

Read 'em.

They're yours.

Even after you k*lled josie, She still helped us nail your ass to the wall.

Yeah, it's sad, but at the end, Josie was just a bad apple.

Every farmer knows there's one in every bushel.

Stabler: so now you're a farmer?

I thought you were a father.

Same thing, right?

I'm a provider.

They come to me as refugees from babylon.


Yeah, your world.

Where drones work mcjobs And have no idea what it is to really be free.

Where adults prey on children for sex behind closed doors.

I set them free.

You make them rob and m*rder for you.

Whatever they do, they do to support The only real father they have ever known.

You've got some set on you, Saying you're a real father.

My father was a violent bastard Who used to pound on me for laughs, okay?!

It was run or die.

I've been on the streets my whole life.

I understand my kids because they're just like me.

They're your pawns.

You're a sociopath.

And you're a hypocrite!

Sit down.

You lock up your kids, and you call that love.

I give them real love--

Freedom to be themselves.

Freedom from the abuse.

Yeah, and if they cross you, you k*ll them.

If someone threatened your family, Wouldn't you k*ll to protect them?

My wife and I were just safeguarding our babies.

Well, right now your wife's with us.

Cassidy may have run away, but she'd never side with you.

We have our own courts.


And you'll see cassidy in ours.

Family was hanging out in prospect park, Eating and drinking.

Cole was telling stories to the kids.

Sounds like a nice family picnic.

It was.

Until some homeless guy came up to cole And asked him for a beer.

Cole said no,

But the guy wouldn't let him go.

So he was tweaked out And he pushed cole into a tree.

What happened next?

The kids were afraid.

Cole dragged the guy into the bushes And told me to follow him.

Novak: did you go?

Yes, but I didn't want to.

She's lying!

Control yourself, mr. Roderick.

Cassidy, just look at me.

Cassidy, what happened in the bushes?


Cole started wailing on the old guy.

He was mad like i'd never seen him.

Because the old man pushed him.

Because he was disrespected in front of his children.

Cole wouldn't stand for it.

So he took his smiley chain

And he whacked the guy on the head.

People's two, your honor.

This smiley chain?


Cole used it in all his murders.

Please, you have to understand That my family wasn't about k*lling.

It was about love.

Traitor! Whore!

Another outburst like that and I will remove the defendant.

I'm sorry, my love.

I'm so sorry.

You have broken every covenant of this phalanx family.

Cole, shut up!

Shut up!

Judge: mr. Roderick, please!

You are a disgrace!

Your honor--

Judge: I warned you, mr. Roderick.

Bailiff, remove the defendant.

In the eyes of all your ex-Family members, You will never be safe, cassidy!

We will get our justice!

Judge: get him out of my courtroom!

Cassidy! Cassidy!


Cole got 25 years for each m*rder, Consecutive.

Life without parole, sounds about right.

Excuse me.

Detective stabler.

Yeah, can I help you?

Yeah, we saw your picture in the paper today.

You were standing with our daughter.

Cassidy's parents?

That's not cassidy.

That's our daughter helen.

[Door opens]

Where's that bus ticket you promised?

I want to show you something first.

Come here.

They look familiar to you?


Stabler: no?

Hey, don't screw with me.

You said your mother was a crack whore Who pimped you out for the price of a pipe.

What do you want me to say?

What do I want you--

Why don't we start with where you're from.

Park avenue.

I just can't believe she was this close all this time.

After she ran away, we looked for her everywhere.

We even hired private detectives.

Well, living on the streets doesn't leave much of a trail.

But what was she doing there?

She had the perfect life.

They never had any time, except to boss me around.

Don't slouch, dear.

Eat your vegetables.

Call your tutor.

Get to your lesson.

Keep up your grades Or you're not gonna get into a good college.

They smothered me with their rules.

They acted like parents.

No, i'm a parent, And I would never act that way.

Right, now, and six people are dead.

That's not my fault.

Everything out of your mouth has been a lie.

Here's the truth.

You stood around while cole busted heads.

You're not responsible?

You're not an uptown girl, You're not a street kid,

So who the hell are you?

Does it make you feel like a big, tough guy To boss people around And flash your little badge Like it actually means something?

Well, guess what, man?

It means nothing!

Mr. Braidwell: we tried to give her everything,

But maybe we pushed her too hard.

It's just that st. Winifred's Is such a competitive school.

Benson: st. Winifred's?

Did she know shelby crawford?


They used to be friends.

Benson: it's quite a coincidence, You and shelby being in the same class.

Stabler: only back then, your name was helen.

Benson: shelby must have seen you in the park that night.

You freaked out.

You knew that she was gonna blast your fantasy life To pieces.

Stabler: she didn't call cole a stupid f*g, hmm?

You just told him

She did because you knew he'd fall for it.

Benson: you had to stop her

From running back to school And saying that she saw helen Wearing rags in central park.

'Cause you knew your parents would come looking for you.

I didn't want to go back.

My life was a living hell.

Stabler: hell?

With a cook and a chauffeur?

You don't understand.

Benson: no, I don't understand a girl

Who has everything lying about being r*ped.

Let's go.

We're not done here.

Mr. Braidwell: yes, you are.

Charge my daughter now or we walk out the door.

Come on, helen.

They can't touch you.

He's wrong. We have a good case against cassidy.

For what, perjury?

No, man two.

Well, you know we can't put the w*apon in her hands.

We don't need it when the lie's in her mouth.

There was this case in texas: Like, a wife was screwing her lover When her husband came home early And caught the two of them in the act.

The wife cried r*pe, the husband shot the lover, And the grand jury Handed up a manslaughter indictment Against the wife.

The husband walked.

Her lie instigated the m*rder.

We need cole roderick to testify against her.

Benson: cole, cassidy took the stand.

She ratted you out.

Screw you, mama.

I'm not testifying against her.

Do you want to hear what she said about you At trial yesterday?


"I ran away from home to escape two tyrants And ended up in bed with another: cole roderick."

Cassidy called me a tyrant?

Benson: oh, wait, it gets better.

"My first days on the street were tough..."

But then I met cole.

He was so handsome and so charismatic.

It was love at first sight.

And in the beginning, he protected me.

But then he went crazy.

He turned...

"Into a bloodthirsty k*ller.

"I was haunted by the ghosts "Of the people that he m*rder*d.

"I wanted to leave the family, "But I was afraid that he would k*ll me too--

"Or worse, he would hurt the little ones.

So I stayed at the camp to protect the children."

But then cole robbed and k*lled an old classmate of mine.

And that's when I knew it was time to go.

If cole can m*rder someone as innocent as shelby...

"He could m*rder anybody.

I didn't want to be next on my husband's hit list."

I would never hurt cassidy.

I loved her.

But what you loved wasn't real.

She lied to you.

About everything.

She disrespected you.

Cole: I ripped up the rich girl's pretty little dress,

And I took her earrings, and I left.

And cass--Whatever her name is, Stayed behind.

Novak: tell the jury what happened next.

Cole: I was checking out

The diamonds under a street lamp When cassidy came up to me and told me That the rich girl called me a "f*g."

How did that make you feel?

Pissed off.

She was disrespecting me.

How did the defendant react?

Cole: she said I had to do something about it.

That if I didn't,

I wasn't a real man.

She was firing you up.

Cole: yes.

Respect and authority

Is all that I have.

Cassidy asks me, "how are you Gonna lead this family if they don't respect you?"

She was right.

Under our code, I had to punish the girl.

Punish her how?

Under our laws, disrespect is punishable by death.

Novak: and if the defendant hadn't lied to you?

Then I wouldn't have k*lled shelby.

Novak: is that the only lie that she told you?

Cole: no way.

She's lying to me right now.

She's lying to you too.

Sitting there in your fine clothes And fancy jewels.

So what else is she lying about?

Two weeks ago, she was on the street in rags Pretending to be one of us--

Lying about a--

A lifetime of abuse.

These rags?


So what about you, mr. Roderick?

Are you lying to this court?


You're going to jail for the rest of your life.

You have nothing to lose.

So why should we believe you?

Because i'm not denying that I k*lled six people.

I may have been a strict father, But I never lied.

Go ask my kids.

Judge: on the charge of manslaughter in the second degree,

How does the jury find?

We find the defendant guilty.


I hate your guts.
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