15x13 - Betrayal’s Climax

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*
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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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15x13 - Betrayal’s Climax

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

And to faithfully discharge my duties.

All: And to faithfully discharge my duties.

As a sergeant in the New York City Police Department.

All: As a sergeant in the New York City Police Department.

To the best of my abilities, so help me, God.

All: To the best of my abilities, so help me, God.



Jumping around so much. How much caffeine you got in there?


So how was DC?

You and Maria?

I-- One day at a time.

You know the drill.

Cassidy's a no-show?

Still undercover.

Or that's his story.


Sergeant Victor Azaria.


[Phone chimes]

We got a call.

It couldn't have come an hour earlier?

A missing teenage girl.

Parents came home, place was ransacked.

You know what, me and Fin'll take it.

You stay for Liv.

Are you sure?

Yeah, yeah.

Man, we got this.

Sergeant Olivia Benson.


Avery Capshaw. 16.

Her parents went to a wedding, left her home alone.

Came back this morning to the place trashed, robbed, and the girl missing.

She's not at school, not answering her cell.

When's the last time they spoke with her?

Last night. 8:00.

They're convinced she's been kidnapped.

You're not?

Any sign of forced entry?


And the place smells like weed.

Neighbors heard loud music till about midnight.

Thank you.

Avery never would have thrown a party without asking our permission.

Something happened to our daughter. You have to find her.

Has anyone contacted you about a ransom?

No, but our cash and jewelry are gone.

Teenagers, though.

Sometimes they're unpredictable.

Not Avery.

She's never been in trouble.

And there's blood in our bedroom.

I think that she was assaulted.

Your daughter got a boyfriend?

Not anymore.

She was seeing Manny Montero.

They're both in the 10th grade.

Hamilton Gifted And Talented.

When'd they break up?

Two months ago.

Her grades were slipping, we asked her to end it.

Any chance he was here last night?

Absolutely not.

He's a nice boy.


Look, I don't want this to sound wrong, but he lives in those Amsterdam Avenue projects.

When we called the school they said he didn't come in either.

Okay. You got any contact info on Manny?

It's on Avery's computer.

My wife is more trusting.

I always had a bad feeling about that boy.

Rebellious teenagers, forbidden love...

Westside Romeo and Juliet.

We know how well that turned out.

[Dramatic music]

Two missing teenagers.

The girl's parents pull strings, call SVU?

Yeah, there were possible signs of foul play, stolen jewelry...

No hits on the family's credit cards, no GPS on either of the kids' phones.

Well, they power them down, kids who don't want to be found.

So check the pawn shops for the jewelry.

Hey, what do we know about the relationship?

Her parents don't approve.

Avery's an Upper West Side only child.

Manny is from the projects, Latino.

And they're both at Hamilton.

I mean, that's the top public high school in the city.

Yeah, it's a hard school to get into even from her family.

If that kid's from the projects, he's gotta be bright.

And Manny doesn't have a record.

He did have an older brother that got sh*t and k*lled two years ago.

A BX9 g*ng drive-by.

No one was ever charged.

And Manny's parents didn't call him in missing?

Lives with his grandmother.

She's not picking up the phone.

All right.

Amaro, you're still good with the abuelitas-- pay a visit.

Fin, Rollins, check Avery's social media.

Friends at school, they most likely will know the real story.

We're on it, boss.

Avery's folks made them break up before Christmas, but they couldn't be apart.

She was in love.

She had to lie to her parents.

Her father didn't like him.

Was she mad at them about that?

I think she found sneaking around kind of romantic.

Any place they'd sneak off to?

They usually hang out here, but I haven't seen them.

Avery will show up.

Two days till the Gotham Art Competition?

If she makes the finals, her piece hangs in the MET this summer.

Avery's really talented.

Totally. She'd never risk missing the competition.

Has she ever cut class before?

Maybe with Manny?

Cutting class is more Manny's thing.

Manny miss a lot of school?

This year, yeah.

To take care of his grandmother.

He's one of the, you know, less fortunate kids.

You mean poor?


My Manny's a good boy.

Takes care of me.

I'm sure he does.

What time did he get home last night?

I don't know. I was already asleep.

Well, did he say where he was going?

To work, maybe visit his girlfriend?


That one.

[In Spanish] She thinks she is the last Coca-Cola on the desert.

She thinks she's too good for him?

Is that what Manny told you?

She broke his heart.

I know.


Señora Montero, Manny's room is this way?

[In Spanish] Yes, that way.

And did you see him this morning?

No. He left early.

He got a job before he goes to school.

[In Spanish]

Where does he work at?


But it's a good job.

A few weeks ago he told me that he would have enough money to buy a gravestone for his brother.

He left his backpack.


He forgets.

He's too busy.

Can I?


Where'd he get these?

One of his friends, someone in a g*ng?

No, no.

After what happened to Jesus, he stay away from gangs and police.

[In Spanish] Ay, please... leave us alone.


So Manny's at a gifted school with a rich girlfriend, and he's running with BX9?

That's a tough double life.

Wonder if Avery knew.

There's that hat.

These guys make it easy.

I know this kid.

[Tires squeal]



You got a minute?

Oh, man. Don't sh**t.

I'm not 14.

Yeah? Well, keep that big mouth of yours shut, huh?

Turn around.

What do you want, Amaro?

I'm no truant anymore.

I dropped out. Got a job.

Yeah, with BX9, huh?

As what, their street corner pawn?

I'm clean, right?

Look, dude, we're gonna stay on you all day.

You won't make a dime.

Manny Montero.

Where is he?

I don't know.

Your lips move when you lie.

Hey, we know he's BX9.

Do I look like a rat to you?

Fin, you got your cell?

Come on, what the-- come on, get off me, man.

Hey, no, smile.

Shut up. Smile.

[Shutter clicks]

What the f--


Yeah. Yeah, beautiful.

Let's see it.

Aw, man.

Hey, dude, what's your OG gonna think when he finds out you're BFFs with Detective Amaro?

You can't do that, man.

You can't--

Yo-- Manny. Where is he?


I don't know where she is.

I haven't seen her.

You're lying!

You weren't at her house last night?

We broke up.

Don't lie to us, Manny.

We run forensics, we're not gonna find proof you were there?

Okay, she invited me.

We were studying.

In her parents' bed?

I didn't do anything!

I couldn't.

Couldn't do what, Manny?

Look, dude, when we picked you up you were carrying enough weed for us to charge you.

You're gonna stay in jail.

And we're gonna have to call your grandmother, let her know.

Please don't do that.

She's got a bad heart.

See, I don't get it, man.

You're a good kid.

Why don't you help yourself out?

That's what I'm doing.

Just book me.

Puts himself at the house, but he swears he doesn't know where Avery is.

Yeah, he may be telling the truth.

ESU found her.



I already told the others.

Just leave me alone.

Avery, I'm Detective Rollins.


Go away.

I can't do that, sweetie.

See, your mom and dad have been very worried about you.

We've been looking for you all day long.

She wasn't with Manny.

She's been wandering the city by herself all day.

Oh, my God.

Has your daughter ever done anything like this before?

No! Never.


Something terrible must have happened to her.

I thought you said your detective's good, Sergeant.

Just give her some time.

Five minutes, then I'm going back to the guys who were trained for this.


It's freezing out here.

Can I get you something?

Something warm to drink?

You think I care about that?

Don't you get it?

He's dead.



They k*lled him.


Manny Montero?

He's alive.

I don't believe you.

It's true.

He's at the precinct.

I can get him on the phone.

You're lying.


Avery, no, no, no, please-- please wait.

You're lying...


No, please--

[Crowd screaming]


Avery... how are you?

Hi, Avery.

I'm Sergeant Benson.

I understand that you thought Manny was dead.

Why is that?

I called his cell this morning.

They said I'd never see him again.

Who's "They"?


Someone in Manny's g*ng?

We need to know what drove you to that roof.

What happened last night?

It wasn't Manny's fault.

I asked him to come over.

We ordered a pizza.


Yeah, we've been to the apartment.

Looked like there was a party there.

Maybe sex?

Manny and I have done that before-- don't tell my parents.

But not last night.

Did Manny invite people over?


The doorbell rang.

I went to answer it.

Three guys pushed in.

They yelled at Manny in Spanish.

So he knew them.


I don't-- don't think so.

Manny told me there was trouble with gangs in his neighborhood.

Okay, so what did they want?

Money, I guess.

They raided my parents' liquor cabinet and tore the house apart.

I screamed.

Tried to get away, but they grabbed me.

They hurt you, honey?

I can't tell you any more.

They said they'd k*ll Manny if I did.


Avery, right now Manny is the only one that we have in the apartment.

So this is all on him.

No, it wasn't him. I swear.

Okay, well, then you need to tell us the truth.

Manny's in jail, and he's gonna stay there until you tell us what happened.

They had a g*n.

They dragged me into my parents' bedroom and r*ped me.


All three of them.

They were laughing.

Shouting, "Rocamos."

"We rock."

Where was Manny?

They held a g*n on him.

Made him watch.

They told him he had to go next, but he couldn't, he would never...

How long did this go on?

It was starting to get light out.

I told them my parents would be coming back soon.

They took Manny with them.

Then when I found out he was dead... walked out of the house.

Wandered around the city.

Got to his neighborhood.

Okay, Avery, we're gonna do a r*pe kit.

And then we're gonna ask you to look at some photos and see if we can make an ID, okay?

Manny had nothing to do with it.


He loves me.

The whole time I was falling, all I was thinking about was him.

I want to see Avery.

Is she okay?

That's not happening, Manny.

You let your crew r*pe her.

You need to tell us who it was or you're going down as an accessory.

I don't know who they were.

BX9 won't know the names came from you, Manny.

Don't lie to me. Now who's lying?

Was this an initiation?

You rip off the g*ng?

I don't know.

They pulled a g*n on me.

Right, after you called them.

Told them where you were, who was in the house?

You think I wanted this to happen?

No, no, I think they r*ped your girlfriend, made you watch, and you're not man enough to tell us who they are.

If I say anything, they'll k*ll me and Avery.

She knows that.

Well, then I guess she's tougher than you are.

Who are you?

I was just with Avery.

She's looking at mug sh*ts of your friends right now.

They're not my friends.

Prints at the scene were a match to Carlos Hernandez, AKA "OG" He's the head of BX9.

Avery picked him out of a photo array.

Then Miguel Castillo, AKA "Sandman," was caught on the surveillance cam pawning Lydia Capshaw's diamond earrings.

Avery also IDed him.

What about the third r*pist?

Rigo Heredio.

He's bragging here on his homepage about having sex with a rich Upper West Side white girl.

Hey, yo, last night, me and my boys, we ran a train with a nice Upper West Side snow bunny.

Yo, that ho couldn't get enough of dulce de leche.


What, these fools don't think the cops know how to use the internet?

Well, it did take me a year to teach you how to.

Come on, guys. Listen.

Go back to the g*ng unit, track their routines.

If these thugs are brazen enough to boast on social media, they're not laying low.

2:30. Right on schedule.

Hey. Miguel Castillo.

What you want? I just came from my parole officer.

Yeah? You tell him you were g*ng-raping a teenage girl on Sunday night?

I don't know what y'all talking about.

Yeah, well, we'll fill you in on the way to the precinct.

Rigo Heredio.

Do I know you?

Drop that stick. Hands up.

Turn around. Spread 'em.

You get off on this,guapo?

That's just the beginning, corazón de melón.

Police! Search warrant!


Take it easy, all right?

There's a kid in the house.

Drop the blunt and get your hands against the wall.

I'm just visiting my girl.

It's her son's birthday.

Are you crazy? Let him go.

Marisol, get back inside.

Marisol, I know you.

So what?

You still with BX9?

I thought you stayed with your boy's father.

He's a rat.

He rolled on all of us.

Not you.

BX9's my family.

Anybody that rolls on them rolls on me.

Manny called you?

Said his girl was hot.

She was looking to machine.

And you believed that.

That girl was into it.

And you know that how?

She was coming like a freight train the whole time.

Yeah, just keep telling yourself that.

White girl wanted a trip to the bone yard.

She's crying r*pe now?

What else is that rich bitch gonna tell her parents?

They're saying Manny told them I wanted it?

Nobody would want that.

And we believe you.

We're just trying to figure out how they knew that your parents were away or how they knew that you and Manny were home alone.

I don't know.

Maybe they followed Manny.

What did he tell you?

Manny's not... cooperating with us.

Oh, my God.

He's mad at me.

Why would he be mad at you?

Because they made him watch.

All night.

He saw-- oh, God.

Honey, what did he see?

They were hurting me so bad, but I still couldn't make my body stop...


Each time it happened, they would high five each other like it was a game.

I didn't want to...

[Sniffles] but I was scared to death.

But my body started to shake.

Your body experienced an orgasm?

Yes. More than once.

I hate myself.

I'm disgusting.

Avery, it's a normal physiological response.

It's a reflex.

It doesn't mean that you-- you wanted it or you enjoyed it.

There is something very wrong with me.

Avery, it happens.

Okay? There's nothing wrong with you.



Then tell me why that's never happened with Manny.

And I love him.
Three suspects positively IDed by the victim, pints all over the scene, DNA matches to the r*pe kit.

All three with priors and known g*ng affiliations.

So what's the problem?

Perps are claiming she wanted it.

What else is new?

Am I missing something?

The victim may be unwilling to testify.

Avery is traumatized.

She experienced involuntary orgasm during the r*pe.

Okay, I can get a half-dozen experts to testify that doesn't mean consent.

She's afraid that the defense is gonna ask her about it.

She doesn't want to take the stand.

Change her mind.

And get the boyfriend to back up her story.

Kid's got a lot on his plate.

He's worried about his safety and Avery's, reprisals on his grandmother.

She was mugged by BX9 three times last year.

We got this from the security cam in her building elevator.

From last fall.

They roughed her up pretty bad.

My guess, he joined the g*ng to protect her.

What would they want with anabuelita'sboy like Manny?

Well, it never hurts to have a smart kid around as a front.

Or a creampuff to take the fall.

So raping Manny's girlfriend is what, a test of his loyalty?

Well, it's a little late for that.

I mean, he's been missing classes since the fall.

That's probably when he joined the g*ng.

There's another possibility-- payback.

Manny double crossed BX9?

I don't see it.

Might not be a double cross.

He might've screwed up a big score.

He told his grandmother he was close to having enough money to buy a gravestone for his brother.

How long ago?

Manny would never hurt anybody.

Well, then help us prove that.

I don't know anything.

If that's true, he's gonna stay in jail and go to trial for raping that girl.

No. No!

Señora Montero, Manny joined the g*ng for your sake.

You used to get mugged by them.

That doesn't happen anymore, does it?


He did it for you.

And for Jesus.

You said he was close to having enough money to buy his brother a gravestone?

Yes. $2,000.

He tell you where he's getting the money?

He delivers for a pharmacy.

See, how do you save $2,000 delivering for a drugstore?

Depends on what you're delivering.

Let's start canvassing local pharmacies, see who got held up in the last few weeks.

I don't work inside the drugstore.

I just drive their trucks.

And call in a tip to BX9 when there's a shipment of oxy.

Now, you can't prove that.

We can if we find out you're spending double what you make delivering.

Okay, we can go through your bank records, credit reports, alimony payments...

You gonna bring my ex into this?

Listen, dude.

We're not after you, okay?

Just tell us what went down that night and you're good to go.

All right, look.

I called it in to BX9.

But the wires got crossed.

Keep talking.

They sent some skinny kid who points the g*n, but he doesn't say anything.

This kid?

Yeah. He froze.

I had to make it look real.

So I tell him to sh**t into the wall, and then the owner of the pharmacy, he hears the sh*t, he comes running.

I said the kid wanted oxy.

What'd the pharmacist do?

The pharmacist sent you back to OG with a load of aspirin instead of oxy.

Last time I checked, the street value on aspirin's not so good.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Your g*ng r*ped your girlfriend in retaliation for you blowing the deal.

But you knew that, didn't you?

You proud of yourself?

I mean, what are you doing?

You're not a banger.

Your brother Jesus, he wasn't smart like you.

You have choices, other ways out, Manny.

You think you can get me to talk by bringing up my brother?

You gotta care about something.

You don't care about helping Avery?

She can take care of herself.

I saw that.

She doesn't need me.

Oh, is that what this is about?

What you saw?

You think she wanted that?

They were joking about how they could turn her and I couldn't.

And you believed 'em?

They made me watch.

I saw what I saw.

What do you mean Manny won't testify?

He's still too afraid of the g*ng.

That's not what it is.

It's me.

I saw him looking at me when he left.

I broke his heart.

Avery... what happened to your body has nothing to do with what's in your heart for each other.

It's just a physical response.

If you're tickled, even if you don't want to be, you laugh.

If you cut an onion, you cry.

Doesn't mean you're sad.

No, but he didn't see me crying.

I want to talk to him.

I need to explain.

How are you?

How are you?

I'm sorry, Manny.

Tell him what he needs to know, Avery.

What you saw happening with my body...

I didn't want it.

I couldn't stop it.

I was not in my body.

I couldn't feel anything.

She's telling the truth, Manny.

All I was worried about was you.

You have to believe me.

You worried about me?

Walk away.

Tell them nothing happened you didn't want.

You know that's not true.

I can't do this alone.

You have to tell the jury how they burst in, held me down, and forced me.

That I didn't want it.

Any of it.


I'm sorry.

Of course Manny won't testify.

He's as guilty as the rest of them.

He should be charged.

We will charge him.

As an accessory.

I told you.

They had a g*n to his head!

I wish they'd sh*t him.

That boy set you up.

We never should've allowed you to talk to him.

We had to try.

Manny's testimony would've made the case that much stronger.

That boy's g*ng assaulted our daughter.

I want them-- all of them in prison for life.

Step at a time.

We are moving forward.

Now, our DA will need to go over Avery's statement with her as soon as possible.

We're going to our house upstate for a few days.

Get away from this city.

We'll be in touch.

I'll be fine, mom.

I know.

What's this guy doing?

Son of a--

[Tires squeal]

[Overlapping shouting]

Get down!

My detectives are at the hospital now getting the family's statement.

Yes. You will be the first to know.

How are the Capshaws?


Cuts, bruises... Mr. Capshaw has a broken rib, wrist.

Avery had to get stitches in her scalp.

[Phone vibrates]

It's Rollins.



All right.

What does Avery want?

[Phone thuds]

The Capshaws say, in no uncertain terms, that their daughter is not gonna testify against BX9.

Can you blame them?

So what now?

You know as well as I do r*pe's tough enough to prove, let alone without the victim's testimony.

We have them on stolen jewelry, ransacking the house--

They'll say they were invited in for a party.

Avery gave them the jewelry.

Sergeant, I may have something.

I've been looking into Jesus Montero's m*rder.

It may be a way to get to Manny.

What was in the initial report?

Well, witnesses told squad detectives Jesus was sh*t by the Del Toro g*ng, but the g*n was never recovered, and the witnesses were all BX9.

Six months later, a b*llet was pulled out of a bodega wall at a g*ng-suspected shakedown fired from the same g*n.

Cops followed it up, went nowhere.

Del Toros were the suspects.


See, that's just it.

That robbery was in BX9 territory.

It could be a community g*n.

A g*n any BX9 member can use.

It moves from location to location taped under a stairwell in an abandoned building.

So you're saying...

Manny's brother was k*lled by his own g*ng?

It's a theory.

Work it.

Otherwise, as of now, no Avery, no Manny.

These guys walk.

I can't be seen with you, Amaro.

Wilfredo, the quicker you answer my question, the sooner you get out of the car.

You were there when Jesus Montero was sh*t.

The police interviewed you.

Yeah? So? I didn't say anything. I didn't rat.

I thought the Del Toros sh*t Jesus.


And so who were you afraid of ratting out?

And did you know the g*n that sh*t Jesus was used in a robbery in BX9 territory six months later?

I don't know.

Oh, you don't know about the community g*n?

Let me ask you.

The g*n Manny used in the pharmacy holdup-- did OG give it to him?

It wasn't right.

They shouldn't have done that.

Shouldn't have done what, Wilfredo?

You guys are wasting your time. I'm not talking.

You're still loyal?

Your g*ng tried to k*ll your girlfriend and her family.

The Capshaws were att*cked last night in their car.

Windows bashed in.

I didn't have anything to do with that.

So you think by protecting the g*ng you're protecting Avery?

They got to her anyway, Manny.

Same way they got to Jesus.

My brother d*ed a hero.

He took a Del Toro b*llet meant for OG.

That's what they want you to think. They're lying to you.

They wouldn't do that.

So what was it, a drive-by?

He and OG were doing a drop in Marcus Garvey park.

Wasn't our turf.

Del Toros started spraying an AR-15, Jesus jumped on OG.

Saved his life.

And OG didn't get hit at all?

Jesus had him covered.

And the Del Toros never checked to make sure they finished what they started?

They just let OG walk?

I guess.


That's not their style.

And what did the BX9s do about retaliation regarding your brother's death?

Stop! Enough.

It's not gonna work.

[In Spanish]

Loyal until the end.



There's a difference between loyalty and blind loyalty.

This is the b*llet that k*lled your brother.


What is this?

Some pathetic Scared Straight demonstration?

Second b*llet.

Fired from the same g*n, the BX9 community g*n.

Third b*llet, the one you fired into the wall outside that pharmacy.

We ran the ballistics.

They made you do an armed robbery with the same g*n that k*lled your brother.

OG wouldn't do that.

Jesus told me OG was gonna move him up.

That's what they told him so he'd let his guard down.

Maybe OG saw him as a thr*at, wanted to set an example.

Who knows?

Yeah, they didn't have a good reason for raping Avery, did they?

They don't deserve your loyalty, Manny.

I can't. I can't.

Avery was willing to testify.

She's more of a man than you are.

I can't testify, because then she'll know.

Know what?

That I'm guilty.

I knew.

OG called me that night.

He said they were coming over to party.

I knew what that meant.

But I didn't want to know.

I could have called the cops.

Gotten Avery out of there, but I...

I did nothing, I just froze.

And that's why you don't want to testify?

You're worried about what'll happen once Avery finds out.

She'll hate me for the rest of my life.


You didn't protect her then.

You have to now.

Thank you for coming in, Mr. Montero.

We're doing everything we can to keep your cooperation confidential.

BX9 will know it came from me.

Well, that's why you'll stay in around-the-clock protective custody.

You ready?

There's something I want to say first. Okay?

Avery... the worst thing you can do with these guys is show weakness.

They knew how much I loved you.

That's why this happened.

What I should have done is sh*t up every pharmacy in the neighborhood just to spare you one second of pain.

I'm sorry, Avery.

I knew he'd do the right thing.

I want to thank him.

Can I talk to him?

There's something that I need to tell you about first.

His testimony is going to include his own role in all of this.

He had a g*n to his head.

Right, but... in his statement, he admitted to knowing that the g*ng was coming over.

Wh-- what?

They told him that they wanted to party.

Now, he may or may not have been fully aware of what that meant.

He knew?

And he didn't tell me?

I'm sorry.

I thought he loved me.

Oh, my God.

While they were on top of me, all I could think about was him.

How hard it must have been for him to watch.

He did not want you to get hurt, I'm sure of that.

No. You do not get to defend him.

[Door opens]



We just got a call from Rikers.

Manny Montero was found dead.

Hanged in his cell.

An hour ago.

He-- he k*lled himself?

m*rder*d, with his tongue cut out.

Manny was supposed to be in protective custody.

He was.

Guards say things happen.

There's only so much they can do.

Yeah, and they don't even do that.

Anyone talk to his grandmother?

Yeah, I tried.

She's inconsolable.

Homicide, g*ng unit, they're going hard at BX9, but nobody's talking.

Manny got his tongue cut out in PC.

Nobody's ever talking.

You taped Manny's confession.

Is there any way to use it?

You know the rules.

Defense has a right to cross-examine a witness.

Manny's dead.

Tape's inadmissible.

What about forfeiture for wrongdoing?


The one way that tape gets admitted is if you can prove that Manny was k*lled to prevent him from testifying.

The hit came from OG.

He had to sign off on it.

Yeah, but the problem is, like Fin said, no one's gonna turn on him now.

Maybe we can get him to turn on himself.

I've got nothing to say to you.

Okay, then listen.

Your boyfriend, Carlos, OG, is going down for r*pe.

Wasn't no r*pe.

That bitch wanted it.

Carlos just did what he had to do to turn her out.

Teach her what being BX9 means.

Okay, well, his little protege Manny Montero, he's taken the smart way out.

He testified.

Made a three-hour video statement to the DA.

Why you telling me this?

We thought we should let you know.

Your life's about to change.

You help us, maybe we could help you.

I'm BX9 all the way.

And Carlos, he's mine all the way.

I get it. You're loyal.

Just thought you should know, honey.

Okay, your boyfriend may have been turning her, but he couldn't stop talking about how hot her ass was.

One of your witnesses is not talking, and one is no longer able to.

It's time to discuss terms of surrender.

Your client isn't going anywhere.

He's guilty of a brutal g*ng r*pe.

I've been telling you, lady, I didn't r*pe no one.

And it's horrible what happened to Manny.

Save those tears, Carlos.

We both know you have no case.

That boy's statement is inadmissible.

Usually, yes, but in the case of forfeiture for wrongdoing--

What's he talking about?

He's claiming that you had Manny k*lled to prevent him from testifying.

And if he can prove that, which he can't, then Manny's taped slander would be allowed.

Except that we can prove that.

Your girlfriend Marisol.

You made a call to her this morning?

Yeah. Calm her down.

Stop talking, Carlos.

It was a little bit more than that.

You should've told your client prison phone calls aren't confidential.

I can't raise this baby by myself.

If you're gonna do hard time, what am I gonna do?

I'm not doing any time, baby.

The cops told me Manny is testifying.

They're lying.

My executioners took care of Manny.

He's not talking to nobody.

Not without a tongue.

I'll need some time to confer with my client.

We may consider a plea.

Mm. We'll take our chances in court.

Unless Mr. Hernandez would be willing to testify against his fellow g*ng members.

Then we can talk deal.

Might be a smart move, Carlos.

You think you won this?

It's cool. I'll do my bid.

Prison's ripe for new recruits, anyway.

But my boys are loyal to the core.

They got my back here on the inside and on the outside.

Yeah, just like Manny?

Thatcarajito was never a Niner.

Fact is...

I'm safer in here than you are out there, Sergeant...

Benson, is it?

Tell your client to keep his mouth shut.

No, no, that's okay.

You threatening me?

I got the biggest g*ng in the city.

You think your guys are loyal?

Go ahead. Test the NYPD.

I dare ya.



Sorry, what?

That was a direct thr*at.

We should get you protection.


I don't want to live like that.


This is different from your-- from your other paintings.

Those paintings?

I don't know the girl who did them.

She'll come back.

Manny knew, didn't he?

He knew talking to the DA was a death sentence.

He knew that if he didn't talk, then the men that hurt you would go free.

He couldn't live with that.

So he really did love me?

I'll never have that again.

You're young.

I know it seems that way--


Have you ever been with someone who was willing to die to protect you?


He d*ed thinking I didn't love him anymore.

I should've told him while I still had the chance.
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