15x19 - Downloaded Child

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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15x19 - Downloaded Child

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Oh, something smells good.

Perfect timing.

Have a seat.

Oh, I wish I could.

I'm late.

So you're late.

You're the boss.

This morning's a custody hearing for baby boy Doe.

I told you that.

Right, right.

I was kind of hoping that we could talk.

Talk? Everything okay?

Yeah, yeah.

It's all right, Olivia, you're late.

Don't worry about it.

Yeah, I am.

How about dinner tonight?


Our usual place?

Why don't we try that new bistro, huh?

Something different.

What's wrong with our place?

[Door closes]

Social services' inspection of the home found it to be unsuitable for an infant.

It is our recommendation that baby boy Doe not be returned.


Can you be more specific?


Just a moment.

I have it here.

A viral infection.

Bear with me while I...

Your honor.

I am the interim ACS caseworker.

My associate found baby boy Doe suffering from an untreated viral infection.

She also noted there are two other toddlers in the home.

And therefore, the foster parents are overextended.

Based on the recommendations of ACS and corporation counsel, baby boy Doe will return to an ACS facility until a new foster home can be found.

[Bangs gavel]

Court will now take a short recess.

Excuse me, counselor.

You said that the baby boy has a viral infection.

Is he gonna be okay?

And you are?

I'm sergeant Benson.

I'm actually the one who found him.

I just caught the file this morning.

Is there something wrong?

Well, the baby's been put in three different foster homes.

I'm just wondering why he hasn't been put up for adoption.

Okay, I guess they're trying to find the right one.

Look, I'm not up to speed on this.

[Cell phone vibrates]

We'll keep that on file.

Thank you.



I'm close by.

On my way.

[Indistinct chatter]


Little girl somehow got out on that balcony.

It looks like she's stuck.

Where are the parents?

Neighbors don't know.


No, no. Oh, no!

Amaro and Rollins are with ESU trying to get inside.

The door's barricaded.

Four locks and a police bar?

Place is a fortress.

All right.


Hi, can you hear me?

Go away!


Listen, we're the police.

We're not here to hurt you.

We're gonna help.



You gotta go away!

No, no, no!

I got you.

Go away! No!


Hey, come here, baby.

I got her. I got you.

Here, here, here, here.

Come here.

I got you.

I got you, I got you.

You're okay.

You're okay, baby.

I got you.


Hey. Hey.

It's okay.

I'm Amanda.

You're safe now.

What's your name?



Hey, Maddie.

Where's your mommy and daddy?

I'm not supposed to tell anyone.


[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Nice job out there, guys.

Thanks, man.

Girl's name is Maddie.

Mother's Jenny Aschler.

We haven't located her yet.

How is Maddie?

She's scared, not hurt.

She pushed a chair to the balcony door, unlocked it.

Says she climbed out there to feed the birds.

There's plenty of food, snacks, toys, DVDs, access to the bathroom.

Stove's unplugged.

Hot water's turned off.

The mother took some precautions.

Maddie, this is Olivia.

Maddie was just telling me that her mommy left her here alone for a few days.

For two sleeps, that's all.


Maddie, did your mommy tell you where she was going?


Just not to let anyone in.

You all have to leave.


Sweetie, we're gonna take you someplace safe.


It's okay.


Found mommy.



Oh, my God.

Is Maddie okay?

Now you're worried?

You knew you were on probation.

Why were you shoplifting?

It was Maddie's birthday.

She's always wanted one of those, uh, American girl dolls?

They're $200.

I mean, who has that kind of money?

Where is Maddie?

I wanna see her.

She's with child protective services.

Just till I get out, right?

I'm due out in a few hours.

Listen, you left your six-year-old unsupervised for two days.

You can't just get her back.

All right, you're looking at new charges here.

Hold on, Nick.

Slow down.

You can't talk to him like that.

You're gonna make him mad.

Look, I'm not mad.

But you left your child alone, all right?

This is serious.


You told your public defender that you thought your husband was gonna be able to take care of Maddie.

We're separated.

So, what, he bailed on you?

He said that he couldn't watch her?

I never asked him.

It's too dangerous.


What do you mean?

Gary can't be alone with Maddie.

He has... needs.

If I'm not there to take care of them, somebody else has to.

I won't leave him alone with my daughter.

So Gary isn't Maddie's father?


Maddie's father's in Attica.

So Gary's Maddie's stepfather?

Has he ever acted inappropriately with her?

Has she said something?

[Pounding on door]

Sorry, I have enough magazines.

I already found Jesus.

Good, you might need him.

You Gary Aschler?

When was the last time you saw your wife and stepdaughter?

We're separated.

I go over on occasion to see Maddie.


Gary, where my smokes at?

Get back in the bedroom, Jade.

Who are they?

What did I just say?

You're a busy man.

You want us to come in?

No, I'll come out.

Did something happen to Maddie?

Not sure.

You two close?

Not since the separation.

Did Jenny say I did something to that girl?

And why would you ask that?

She's paranoid.

You can ask Maddie.

I've never been alone with her.

Jenny won't even go to the bathroom when I'm there.

Why not?

Because she's crazy.

That's why.

Why do you think I left her?

Yeah, but you still go over there, right?

You spend time in the bedroom?


She's great in bed.

And that's the thing about them crazy chicks, which is just what my brother said when he gave her to me.

Gave her to you?

Yeah, after he knocked her up with Maddie, he kind of lost interest.

I'm the one who made an honest woman out of her.

Does that include hitting her, Gary?

Okay, we're done.


There's nothing I do to her that she doesn't like.

[Door closes]

Bobby Aschler, Maddie's biological father.

Long record, now doing a bid in Attica for cooking meth.

This prince, he pimps Jenny out, gets her pregnant at 16, and then just turns her over to his brother Gary.

This girl has been through the wringer.

In and out of jail, multiple drug arrests, which stopped two years ago.

She's also a probable domestic v*olence victim.

I'm not sure that charging Jenny with neglect of a child is in Maddie's best interest.

If Jenny does more jail time, the stepfather may ask for custody.

Not if he's in jail too.

Yeah, but that'll only happen if we can get Jenny to testify against him.

Talk to her.

If we can convince family court that she's a D.V. Victim, maybe these two can get the help they need.

Well, of course Gary never touched Maddie.

I won't give him the chance.

So what makes you afraid that he'll do something?

'Cause he hurts you?

He-he has needs, like all men.

So what does he do to you, Jenny?

Look, you have to start talking to us.

If you're lying to get back at Gary, you're gonna be in trouble here.

Stop yelling!


I'll be good.

I promise.

I'll do whatever you want.

Jenny, you don't have to...

[Knocks on window]

Hey, Jenny.

Nobody's yelling.

Look, I wasn't even pushing her that hard.

It's not you.

It's something else going on here.

You been yelled at a lot?

Gary yells all the time.

Does he hit you, honey?


Before I have sex with him.

But once we start having sex, there's no yelling or hitting.

Do you want to have sex?

I don't care.

And it stops him from being angry.

You know, if he makes you have sex and you don't want to, that's r*pe.


I mean, it's like he said.

We're still married.


I mean, he can do whatever he wants to me.

Son of a bitch is raping her.

All right, two choices.

I go beat the crap out of this guy, or we call Barba.


[Indistinct chattering]

He fouls out.



Still 2-2.

As a pitcher, you just have to...

I'm so sorry I'm late.

That's okay.

I pushed the reservation.

This day just got away from me.

This woman, who I think is being r*ped by her husband, left her kid locked in her apartment alone.

Classic D.V. vic.

We're meeting with Barba tomorrow.

I'm sorry.

Would you please stop apologizing to me?

Okay, I'm s... okay.

So what did you want to talk about?

Um, nothing much.

I just...

I kind of feel like we're out of sync, you know?


What's going on?

You know, Liv, when you and I moved in here together, I thought that we would get closer, but I just...

Honestly, it feels like we had more fun when we were just hooking up, you know?


I hear you.

Do you?

Look, you went through the worst time of your life, you know, with Lewis and the trial.

And do you realize that you've never once...

Not once... told me what happened to you?

Brian, you don't need to know that.

The images that it puts in your head, they never go away.

So, what, you're protecting me now?

I guess.

Or are you protecting yourself?

You know what?

I don't wanna fight with you anymore, so let's just...

Let's just go out.

We'll get some dinner.

We can talk about it there, okay?

You know what?

Maybe we should just order in.

I'm tired.

You're tired.

We're tired.

[TV turns on]

[Crowd cheering on TV]

Jenny Aschler abandons her six-year-old, claims she's afraid her husband will abuse her kid, and now she's accusing him of raping her?

But that's just it.

She isn't.

She thinks because they're married, it isn't r*pe.

So she hasn't said no, she's living in fear, and you think she's gonna agree to confront this guy in court?

I'm a prosecutor.

She needs a social worker.

Hang on, this is more than a simple child neglect case.

The only reason that Jenny left Maddie alone...

For two days while she went to jail.

Was because she thought that the kid was unsafe with the stepfather.

You have to trust a mother's instincts.

Fin and Amaro went and saw this guy.

They say she made the right call.

You want me to charge the husband with D.V., so a family court judge will give her a second chance?

Jenny was wrong to leave Maddie alone.

There's no doubt about that, but she's also a victim.

She suffers with symptoms of PTSD.

The father is in Attica, and this guy should be there too.

All right.

See if he's dumb enough to confess to something he doesn't realize is a crime.

Gary, sorry to drag you in, man, but we're trying to figure out a suitable living arrangement for your stepdaughter.

There you go.

Well, I can't help you.

Jade, my lady friend...

She'd saw my nuts off.

Oh, yeah, you want some?

Hey, I do my share.

I'm not a deadbeat.

Jenny didn't tell you I pay her rent?


It's amazing how many women take that for granted.

And she gives you nothing in return?

You'd think she'd be grateful, man.

Well, I didn't say she gives me nothing.

Oh, you mean that wild sex you was talking about?

Yeah, she'll be like, "no, please, no."

And then, it's 0 to 60 in, like, 5 seconds, man.

You just gotta hold on.

All right, so when she says no, that's when you know you're just getting started.

Oh, yeah, man.

She'll be like, "no, please, no, ugh."

It's like trying to get a car engine to turn over, man.

You just gotta... just gotta give it a little push.

She wants you to hurt her.

Oh, yeah.

Knocking her around, it's our foreplay.

See, the problem, Gary: The jury won't see it that way.

What are you talking about?

It's just that, if you weren't married, what you do to her would be considered r*pe, right?


Yeah, I guess.


But then that's the point, isn't it?

We are married.

I can do whatever I want to her.

There's no such thing as raping your wife.


He's signing his statement now about how she likes to get knocked around.

Nice work.

This son of a bitch isn't the first guy to abuse her.

No, this started a long time ago.

You know what, I'll call Bellevue, schedule a psych eval.

Hold off.

If we send Jenny to Bellevue, we lose control of this, and she loses any chance she has of keeping her daughter.

She needs an eval.

And I'll get her one, Rollins.

How about you do your job, I'll do mine?

Copy that, sergeant.

[Door opens]

Have a seat, Jenny, and I'll be right with you.

But like I told you on the phone, because you're my patient, I can't treat her.

I know, but you can evaluate her.

I just... I don't want her misdiagnosed.

All right, one condition.

You need to sit in.

This is a consultation.

It's not a treatment.


I'd never leave Maddie alone with Gary.

Why is that, Jenny?

I just can't.


What do you think he would do?

He gets mad sometimes.

You think he might get mad at Maddie?

No, he only gets mad at me.

Jenny, tell Dr. Lindstrom how you provoke Gary.

If I say no to sex...

He's not really a bad guy.

Not like Bobby.

Bobby is Gary's brother and was Jenny's first husband.

How old were you when you married Bobby?

Oh, we never actually got married.

I was...14, I think.

Did you two have a physical relationship?

At first, it was just us.

And then he started inviting friends over.

We'd get high.

He'd have me strip for them.

Then we'd go into the bedroom, play other games.

What kind of games?

I had to do stuff.

If I said no, he'd hit me hard.

Jenny, did you ever tell anyone at school or tell your mother?



She would've k*lled me.

She kept telling me I was a dirty whore because I flirted with all of her boyfriends.

Did you do anything else with her boyfriends?

Did you play games?


I don't remember!

And I don't remember a lot about growing up, so can you just stop asking me?

It's okay.


It's okay, honey.

I'm sorry.

It's okay, sweetie.

It's okay.


Why are we talking about this?

I just need to get Maddie back.

I have to get Maddie back.

I know.

Hey, how did Jenny's evaluation go?

Not great, he thinks that her abuse by Gary may just be the tip of the iceberg.

Her first husband?

No, before that.

He thinks that she may have been victimized as a girl.

Is that what Jenny told the shrink?

Uh, no, Jenny hardly remembers anything from her childhood.

Right, so he's just speculating.

Nick, he's pretty good at what he does.

It doesn't matter either way.

Say she was abused.

If she can't remember, how does that help her?

She has repressed trauma.

I mean, that would explain some of the bad choices she's made.

So she goes into therapy?

I mean, that's a long road ahead of her.

Well, he did have one thought.

He said that if we could get photos from Jenny's childhood, it may jog her memory.

I only saw pictures of Maddie hanging up in their apartment.

And if Jenny were, you know, on good terms with her mother, I mean, she would've left Maddie with her.

The mother threw her out when she was 14, called her a dirty whore.

Let's see if we can track her down.

I wish I'd known you were coming.

I would've straightened up.

Sorry it's not fancy, but disability doesn't cover what it used to, you know?

It's so nice to have company again.

We're not company, ma'am.

We're here as part of an investigation.


No, thanks.

Oh, you probably like menthols, right?

I don't have any kools.


You here about Jenny?

Is she dead?

No, ma'am.

[Clears throat]

Why would you say that?

Well, she was always trouble, making up stories, drinking, drugging, coming on to my boyfriends when she was ten.

Ten years old?

I had to pull her off of Santa's lap when she was seven.

Tried to unzip his pants.

You don't believe me?

Oh, no.

That must have been hard on you.

She sounds like a mother's worst nightmare.

Well, thank you.

People always blame the mother.

No doubt.

Hey, you didn't happen to save any pictures of Jenny when she was acting out like that, did you?


Might be good to give her a dose of reality.

So the mother's second husband was a photographer.

Weddings, parties, portraits.

And Jenny.

How old was she in these?

Five, six, seven.

These are the photos he gave to Jenny's mother?

Where are the ones that he kept for himself?

We took Jenny's photos to FBI agent O'Connell.

He works at NCMEC, the largest database of child pornography in the world.

I recognized her right away.

We searched for her for over a decade.

Called her "Lacy unknown."

Lacy is the name that the stepfather calls her in the videos.

How many videos are we talking about?


And thousands of stills.

There's videos of her being tied up, r*ped, sodomized.

Some of them were customized.

He would take requests, posing her.

She has chat rooms devoted to her.

We kept looking, but after a while, we assumed there's no way she survived her childhood.

I'm shocked she's still alive.

But for what it's worth, there's a couple hundred guys in prison for downloading her images.

Thank you, agent O'Connell.

These videos are still being distributed even a decade later?

Every day in every country in the world.

A lot of pedophiles are collectors.

They share clips, trade files on the dark net.

As fast as we pull sites down, new ones pop up.

One favor.

Notify me when you find someone new in possession of these images.

Thanks for coming.

See you, Benson.

She's 22, right?

The stepfather took these videos, and he's the one in the videos raping her.

Where is he?

Jerry Dobbs.

He died in a car accident two years ago.

I hope he suffered.

What about the mom?

She must have known.

Well, if you let her tell it, her daughter's been nothing but trouble ever since she was born.

You can't make that case.

Let it go.

Let it go?

So nobody has to pay for what was done to Jenny?

There may be one Avenue of recourse, if Jenny is capable of handling it.

She's emotionally fragile.

She's so traumatized, she doesn't remember this stuff.

She's blocked it out.

Maybe if you show her these images...

You wanna put her through that?

She has been acting out her whole life, high-risk behavior, but, you know, she has a right to know what's been triggering her.

That's the emotional argument.

Legally, there's a possibility of restitution.

But first Jenny has to identify herself as Lacy unknown.

Yeah, that's me.

My first communion.

And the man with you.

That's Uncle Jerry.


He just made me call him that.

He was married to her.

So you do remember some of your childhood?

So what?

Um, well, Jenny, there are some others.

Some of 'em may bring back memories that could be upsetting.

Nobody did anything to me.

You guys are totally off base.


Hey, hang on.

Hang on, Jenny.

Just one sec.

Uh, just take a look at one more.

That's not me.

That never happened to me.

That's not me.

Jenny, the girl in that photo is the same girl that's in all these others.


That's not me.

That's Lacy.



So can you tell us a little about Lacy?

Jenny doesn't remember taking the photographs.

She doesn't remember that room.

Does she remember any of it?

She thought some of it happened to a girl named Lacy.

When she realized she was Lacy, she went numb.

So she did make the I.D.

She is Lacy unknown.

And he's her stepfather?

Well, she called him "Uncle Jerry," and Lacy was a pretend name for their games.


Okay, you said that she has legal recourse, but Uncle Jerry didn't leave an estate.

So do you wanna sue the men who downloaded her images in civil court?

I may have a more aggressive option.

Section 22.59 in the v*olence against women act.

It stipulates that it is mandatory for convicted sexual abusers to pay restitution to their victims.

So you wanna argue that anyone who's downloaded her image is guilty of abuse?


We'd have to file before sentencing, but considering her image is still being downloaded daily, there should be cases coming to court.

How much is she entitled to?

It's up to the courts to decide, but legally she gets restitution for medical costs, therapy, lost wages, even foregone future earnings.

I know a firm that will do this pro Bono as soon as Jenny signs off.

Hang on a second, so she'd have to find out that...

That men have been arrested for watching her get r*ped?

I'm sure she has some idea.

You didn't tell her Uncle Jerry uploaded his videos?


One step at a time.

We saw the light go out of her eyes, okay?

She couldn't handle it all at once.

Neither could we.

How are you feeling, Jenny?

I can't imagine what you're going through.


Really good.

You know, once I realized that I was Lacy, it's... well, my mind's been racing, but a lot of things make sense, like why I was so afraid to leave Maddie with Jerry.

I mean, with Gary.

We're glad you're feeling better.

Have you started seeing a-a therapist?

Dr. Lindstrom recommended one for me and for Maddie too as soon as I get her back, so...

Is that why you guys are here?

Actually, Jenny, there's, um...

There's something else that we need to talk to you about.

Well, I've been doing everything that you guys asked me to do.

I've agreed to counseling and meds.

No drinking.

So I'm gonna get better.

Put it all in the past.

The thing is, Jenny, it's...

It's not all in the past.

What do you mean?

Well, the videos and the photos, your stepfather put them on the lnternet.


That's how we found them.

You know, but the...

The FBI has been...

Has been searching for you for years.

The FBI?

Well, they took them all down, right?

They certainly tried to, but...

But, Jenny, it's the lnternet, and once something's out there...


So what you're saying is that people watch him do that...

People watch him do that to me, and they're still watching?

Why are you telling me this?

Jenny, the men that downloaded these images, the court can order them to pay you to pay for your medical expenses, your therapy, to help you with Maddie.


I don't wanna be PA...

I don't wanna be paid for that.

So everywhere I go, men on the bus, on... on the street, they've all seen me like...

They've seen me like Lacy?

Why are you looking at me?

[Clears throat]

Can you stop looking at me?

I feel sick.

Maybe she would've been better off not knowing.

Olivia, I was concerned when you asked me to evaluate Jenny.

We talked about the boundary issues.

Now, this is supposed to be your session.

I know, and I'm fine.

How about you and Brian?

Last session, you told me you were unsure whether the relationship would make the next step, and you said you were afraid to tell him.

Well, do you wanna hear something funny?

He told me that.

He did?

Yeah, in his own way, he said that...

That we're not in sync.

[Door buzzes]

Is it already...


Someone must be early.

I'm sorry.

[Pounds on door]

Jenny, why are you here now?

Who's here with you?

Who's here?



What is she doing here?

Is she talking to you about me?

Did she tell you that I was a bad girl?

No, Jenny, that... that...

That's not why I'm here.

I promise you.

Take a deep breath now, Jenny.

You don't need her.

You need me.

She can't make you happy, and I...

I can make you happy.

Don't you want this?

It's all right.

You are safe now.

You don't need to do this anymore, Jenny.





I'm Lacy.

No, you're Jenny.

You're Jenny.

It's all right.


You don't need to be Lacy ever again.


So how you doing, Jenny?

I feel better.

The first week, I just slept through, adjusting my meds.

There's group crafts.

How's Maddie?

She's fine.

She's in a foster home.

The doctors say you can Skype with her.

I'm not gonna get her back, am I?

You just have to take care of yourself now so you can take care of her.


The social worker told me medicaid won't let me stay too much longer, and Gary's so mad.

He's not paying my rent.

You're up against it, Jenny, that's for sure.

But this restitution money, it could really help.

There's a sentencing hearing coming up soon.

It's... it's an EMT that is convicted of possession.

But you could write a victim's statement.

It's a... it's a letter.

A letter?


If it's okay, I wanna go.

I want him to look me in the eyes.

I want him to see me.

My father was an EMT.

He dedicated his life to saving others.

He got depressed after my mother died.

He made a mistake, but he's not a criminal.

He never hurt anyone in his life, especially not a child.

He's an amazing dad.

Please, your honor.

We're asking for leniency.

Thank you, miss Corbett.

Also in the courtroom today is one of Mr. Corbett's victims.

I understand she wishes to make a statement.

Being here is hard.

Listening to everybody say what a great guy you are, how what you did was only a mistake.

Look at me, Mr. Corbett.

I want you to see how what you enjoyed watching has ruined my life.

When I was 13, I started doing dr*gs, crack mostly.

Then I dropped out of school and moved in with a man who forced me to have sex with other men for money.

When I got pregnant, he kicked me out.

I've had a rough life because of what happened to me.

You told the judge that what you did didn't hurt anyone.

I want you to know that it did.

I want you to see that I'm a person.

Thank you, miss Aschler.

I am so sorry.

God, I am so sorry.

Corbett apologized in a letter.

Do I even wanna read this?

He saw you.

He understood.

And he's also given you $20,000 in restitution.


This feels strange, like I'm being paid for what I did.

No, Jenny.

This is different.

After what you've been through, they owe you this and more.

And Corbett did offer more, a list of the men he file-shared with.

Now, we can start to go after 'em, charge 'em, and hold each of 'em financially responsible as part of their sentencing.

Each of them?

How many were there?

Over 700.

Come on, Jenny.

What's all this?

As part of this process, the FBI has to notify the victim of each individual arrest.

And there was a long backlog of "Lacy unknown" downloads, so, during your recovery, we had them sent here.

So I have to open all of these letters and then go to court and testify every time?

Most of these men have been convicted.

You can file a civil suit.

But where you have the most leverage, Jenny, is with men that are awaiting sentencing.

Every time.

So I'm gonna be dealing with this for the rest of my life.

I can't.

I just can't do it.

I just can't.

Thank you.


You're smiling, Barba.

Why is that freaking me out?

Good news.

Jenny may have caught the first break of her life.

The list that Corbett gave us, there's a CEO on it.

Roger Pierce, worth 20 million.

How does that help Jenny?

You gonna blackmail him?

I reread the v*olence against women act.

Technically, the way the law is worded, mandates that each offender compensates the victim for all losses.

The forensics team that you put on this estimated Jenny's need for restitution at over 4 million.

I'm going after Pierce for all of it.

It's called joint and several liability.

He's free to chase after the rest of Jenny's victimizers to collect the money.

It becomes his problem, not hers.

Are you crazy?

You want a seven-figure payout for looking at a few videos?

You shared videos of child r*pe.

So my client's supposed to spend the next ten years in court trying to collect millions from other men found in possession of these Lacy images?

You think his victims should have to?

I mean, she's not my victim.

I never touched her.

I never met her.

I never filmed her.

I was a voyeur ten years later.

You were more than a voyeur.

You downloaded these videos and shared them.

That makes you complicit in creating a demand for this kind of illegal product.

Not $4 million worth.

We've had a few other men agree to help this woman and her daughter get the counseling they need because it's the right thing to do.

You are obviously not one of those men.

So let me put this in terms that you do understand.

We can knock the charge down to simple possession of child pornography.

1 year house arrest, 10 years probation, you pay $4 million in restitution.

Or we can charge you with distribution, and you go away for a decade.

Tell him where to send the damn check.


The whole 4 million? When?

Right away, but it's not easy to handle an amount that large all at once, okay?

You want that money to last for you and Maddie.

You can pay for Maddie's college.

The firm that set the restitution amount can open a trust for you.

You'll get a monthly allowance to cover expenses.

If you need extra, they can advise you.

Okay, and that's what you think that I should...

I should do?

Jenny, it's your decision.

I just wanna do what's best for Maddie.

Listen, do you remember the terms of custody?

I won't miss any doctor or therapy appointments, I'll be prepared for unannounced visits from social services, and...

And I'll make sure Maddie doesn't miss any school.

I'm not gonna mess this up.


Hi, baby.


Oh, my God.

I missed you so much.

I missed you too, mommy.

Can we go home now?

Yeah, we can do whatever you want, okay?

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Come on!




I'm sorry I'm late.

That's okay.

Got stuck in traffic back there.


It's just...

I guess we're both kinda stuck, aren't we?


Yeah, what...

What happened?


Well, you know, Brian, I've been thinking about it.

You know, you and me, we found each other at the darkest, lowest point of our lives, right?

You got shot, demoted.

I got... hurt.

And you got me through that.

Well, we've always been there for each other, Liv.

You know, maybe that's what it was supposed to be.


Maybe there's something even more right for each of us, you know?

I-I still think about...

About having a family.

Do you ever think about having kids with me, or...

Or... or growing old with me?

I just don't see myself growing old.

I know you don't.

I know.

Look, Liv, there's something that's been on my mind for a long time now, something that I feel like I have to tell you.

Go ahead.

I can take it.

No, but it's not like that, not at all, not even close.

I love you.

I love you too, Brian.

Always will.

Let's go.
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