16x02 - American Disgrace

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*
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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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16x02 - American Disgrace

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

With us today the greatest basketball player ever!

He retired three years ago And his legacy has only grown in his absence.

Ladies and gentlemen, the one and the only,

Shakir "The Shark" Wilkins.

[Cheers and applause]

As my daughter mentioned, today's a very special day at Orion Bay.

Today we are announcing the worst-kept secret in the garment industry: Shakir's contract has been renewed.

[Cheers and applause]

He's not only a great warrior, he's an even greater role model.

And he will always be a part of our Orion Bay family.

[Cheers and applause]


Thank you, Mr. Bauer.

It's an honor, a privilege, and one hell of a payday.


Female TV host: We'll take questions now, we'll start with Al Trautwig.

What's up?


Shakir looks...



Most of those guys get a little chubby after they retire.

I swear I didn't have a gambling problem till he left the game.

I never lost a dollar betting on him.

That's my boy.

Nice job.

Thank you, sir.

Well, I don't understand.

Where is it?

What's going on, honey?

Shakir's driver's gone awol.

Well, uber it.

Carla can go with.

Um, can't someone else do that?

Is there a problem?


Carla will get you out of here, let's go.

Hi, yes...

Get off of me!

You can't shut me up!

I'm not your thot, you can't just make this go away!

He knows what he did!

Carla, that's enough!

Your life just gets to go on, huh?

More money, more fame, no responsibility!

Get her out of here, get her out of here!

Get off of me!

The hell is she talking about?

Dad, let's go.

Let's go, please.

You can't shut me up!

I'm not your thot...

What's going on?

Uh, breaking news at Orion Bay.

You know Shakir Wilkins?

Uh, America's hero?


Not anymore.

Get your hands off of me!

He's not a role model, he's a r*pist!

He r*ped me!

When did this happen?

Half hour ago.

Want me to talk to this girl?

Where are Fin and Rollins?

At a working lunch.

Get 'em back in here.

[Dramatic music]

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Do I have to talk about this?

Well, we have a video of you attacking Shakir, so if he presses charges, this might help.

If he presses charges?

He assaulted me.

It didn't look that way on the tape.

She's not talking about today.

Are you, Carla?


I'm talking about Memorial Day.

Three months ago?

Carla, why don't you have a seat?

A summer kick-off in the Hamptons.

I drove Shakir back to the city and he invited me to his hotel for a nightcap.

At the bar, or did you go to his room?

The last thing I remember...

Was having a drink with him at the hotel bar.

One drink.

I woke up in his room.

In his bed, naked and sore.

Did you go to the hospital afterwards, or call a doctor?


What was I gonna do?

I don't remember anything.

What made you decide to confront him today, at a press event?

There was a problem with his car, and so I was told to get Shakir back to his hotel.

It triggered me.

Look, this is a mistake, okay?

There's nothing that you guys can do about it, and I'm probably gonna lose my job as it is...

Hold on, hold on, one sec.

What do you mean by that, "lose your job"?

Are you serious?

Shakir Wilkins is the face of Orion Bay.

It's like peeing on Mount Rushmore.

I mean, Mr. Bauer said it back then: "No good can come from this."

You told Mr. Bauer about the r*pe?

Yes, he said that maybe I was confused, or that... my feelings were hurt because Shakir didn't send flowers.

Mr. Bauer said that if I kept the conversation between us, he'd recommend a bonus every time that my name came up.

And Carla, can you...

Prove that?

Last week I got $5,000.

There's really nothing to talk about.

Girls throw themselves at Shakir all the time.

Why would he need to r*pe somebody?

I know what you mean, but isn't it possible you were also trying to protect your company's image?

My father volunteered to speak with you.

We actually prefer to speak to witnesses without family members present.

Cordelia is not just my vp, she's also my lawyer, so she stays.

Want to tell us about the bonus you gave Carla?

There were no payments of any kind.

And what about the extra $5,000 last week?

Was that a performance incentive?

Orion Bay is a family.

We take care of each other.

When she came to me, she said that she did not remember all the details.

But she's a good kid.

Maybe she got a little drunk.

I didn't want any hard feelings.

The problem is, it looks like you're covering up a r*pe.

My father is blameless here.

An unstable employee made unsupported allegations.

If she thought she was r*ped, why didn't she report that to the police?

She has now.

Shakir is like a son to me.

He would not do something like this.

Let me talk to the boy, I'll see what he has to say.

Don't do that.

It's an official police investigation, so any conversation you have with Shakir, either of you, could be misconstrued as conspiracy.

All right, let's go, let's go!

Snap that wrist, c'mon!

Let's see that crossover, whaddya got, whaddya got? C'mon!

There you go. There you go!

Next time, next time, let's go, keep it going.

Whaddya got, whaddya got, whaddya got?

There you go, good job, good job!

Hey, Shakir!

Can we talk to you for a minute?

All right, keep it going, guys, keep it going, I'll be right there.

We just need to ask you a few questions.

What's this about, Carla?

Look, she obviously has emotional problems but I don't want to press any charges.

That's not what this is about.

She's accusing you of r*pe, Mr. Wilkins.

Look, like I said, she has emotional problems, and I hope she gets the help she needs.


And how long have you known her?

Girls like that, they come and go with the company.

What, maybe a year?

But you spent Memorial Day with her, right?

And she drove you back to your hotel?

Yeah, yeah, uh...

My town car overheated, and she drove me back into the city.

To your hotel.

Did anything happen?

We had a drink at the bar, a bite to eat, then she left.

And that's it.


Because, um...

She says you drugged her, you took her back up to your room, and you r*ped her.

That's insane.

That did not happen.

Then why would she say it did?

But... this...

This is nothing but a shakedown.

She came at you for money?

No... but she will.

I'm going through a divorce right now... a custody battle.

It's in the papers.

She knows about it.

Yeah, we get that.

Look, I feel badly for this girl.

I'm trying not to overreact here, but if anyone was assaulted it was me, in that elevator.

You want to press charges, then?

Yeah, maybe I should talk to my lawyer at this point, to protect myself, okay?

In the meantime I have to get back to these kids.

Shakir, how long you gonna be in town?

Few more events, just for the week.

'Cause if you leave, you need to tell us where you're going.

Look, something set Carla off.

It happened three months ago.

But she waits until all the hotel video's been erased and she's got a lobby full of press?

Putting on a show for the security cameras.

Shakir thinks it's a shakedown.

He's going through a divorce.

Come on, guys, I don't want to hear that women lie, and that Shakir is a hero and he never could have done such a thing.

This is SVU, and we take disclosures seriously.

Copy that, sergeant, but...

For what it's worth?

Shakir's been a public figure for what, 20 years?

There's never been a whisper about anything like this, this is just like coming out of nowhere.

And, this girl can't remember any details.



We've had cases where athletes drug women.

Rollins, are you with us?

Uh... yeah... it's...

My old captain in Atlanta.

A girl down there claims that Shakir did the same thing to her after seeing him on the news.


They're piling on now, huh?

Okay, so, go get on a plane and talk to the girl.

And, uh, don't let your hero worship blind you.

Will do.

Maybe I'll check in on my mom while I'm there.

So you gonna see mom while you're here?


I don't know.

Tell me about this victim.

Well, I don't know that she is one.

She claims Shakir Wilkins r*ped her over six months ago.

No outcry, no physical evidence.

We're not pursuing.

Okay, so...

Why'd you call me?

Thought you'd want to know.

Maybe I... just wanted an excuse.

You and your wife separated?


This time it's for good.

Little girl's in college, so...

You up for a beer later?

I gotta take a rain check on that.

I gotta catch the 5:00 today back to New York.

They work you hard up there.


Next time.

Hey, is the deputy chief in?

You just missed him.

He said he knew you were coming and he sends his regards.


I was Shakir's stylist on a sh**t.

I was thrilled to meet him...

At first.

Tell me what happened, Macie-Lynn.

He invited me to his hotel after.

We had some wine.

The next thing I remember...

I was in his bed, naked.

He r*ped me, just like that other girl said.

Did you tell anyone?


Atlanta's a small town, people talk.

Yeah... they do.

So, I, um...

I called Mr. Bauer.

I'd met him at some events down here.

He told me the same thing that captain out there said, that no good will come from making a complaint.


Did Mr. Bauer offer any kind of other help at all?

He said he didn't want hard feelings, so if I could let it go, he'd see to it I got a bonus.

I support my family, my daddy lost his job...

I needed the money.

So I gave this Marcie girl five grand.

She had no memory of what happened.

It was the same cockamamie story Carla told.

But... you hadn't heard Carla's story yet, and Macie-Lynn was six months ago.

Well, I may have the timeline confused...

My father runs a multi-billion dollar company fielding hundreds of emails and phone calls a day.

You can't expect him to remember who said what when.

Yeah. But you'd remember if somebody else came to you about Shakir, right?

How's that?

Mr. Bauer?

You're looking at witness bribery.

Think hard.

Okay, actually, we are done here.


No, no, no.

There was a gold digger, a black girl...

Works in retail.

I didn't believe a word she said.

Hey, you're Tiana?

We need to talk to you about Shakir.

This about that girl who went off on him in the elevator?


I like working here.

I don't want no part of this.

So you think if you talk to the police, you're gonna lose your job?

Mr. Bauer said Shakir is the golden goose, role model for my community.

Look around, we all have our jobs because of Shakir.

I'm on a store manager track here.

And he told you that after you went to him?

Mr. Bauer... sent us here.

He did?

Listen, honey, from personal experience?

Pretending something didn't happen doesn't make it go away.


I'm sorry, who are we talking about now?

Tiana Raynes.

Sharkwear salesgirl.

And she kept her panties?

Yeah, there was semen on them and her dress.

Better than an autograph.

When does she allege this took place?

You were in her store for a march madness event, Mr. Wilkins.

I was everywhere for march madness.

16 cities in 16 days.

This was in the Sharkwear flagship store.

Tiana took a selfie with you and your cutout.

That's her, that's the dress.

Okay, she met him.

Well, she says he did more than that, so we are going to need a DNA sample today, Mr. Wilkins.

Just a minute. Shakir...

No, no, look, I wanna be totally straight here.

I was in a bad place.

I just lost my marriage.

And my wife and I separated on new year's, and yes, I've been dating since.

And you "dated" Tiana Raynes?

No, hooked up.

One time, after hours, in a... a dressing room, and it was her idea.

That's not her story.

She told me you drugged her, and she woke up the next morning in the store, her dress stained.

She says this now, five months later?

And she just happened to save the panties?

This is well-timed blackmail.

Look, she's lying about the r*pe.

Yeah, like...

Carla? Hmm?

Like Macie-Lynn?

They all say that you bought them a drink, and the next thing they remember, they were naked, and they had been violated!

They are lying too!

About what?

Tiana's lying about being r*ped?

But you did have sex with her, and the other two, they're lying about everything?

Okay, okay, I don't know what's going on here, but Carla, and the other one...


I may have had sex with them also.

And if you did, it was consensual, isn't that right, Shakir?

Yes, absolutely.

I mean, so I wasn't all warm and cuddly afterwards.

I like sleeping alone.

You know, spending the night, spooning, it's not part of the Shakir Wilkins experience.

Can't blame you there.

Now by the way, do you have a prescription for Ambien or Xanax?

Yes, of course I do.

I can't sleep most nights because my wife is trying to take my son.

And that's why I couldn't admit to the sex.

She will crucify me with it in the custody battle.

You've got bigger problems than a custody battle, Mr. Wilkins.

Okay, now Shakir is saying he did have sex with all three of them?

Let me guess, it was consensual.

It's possible.

I had two girls claim their dad molested them, just to get him to pay their student loans off.

No r*pe kits.

No outcry at the time.

Barba's really gonna go forward with this?

Give it a rest, guys.

I didn't want to believe it either.

But we've got three consistent stories, and there's no evidence that the women compared notes...

They may be just after money.

They already got it from Bauer.

To keep quiet about being assaulted.

You want an outcry witness?

Bauer's your guy.

Good luck!

You think Orion Bauer's gonna t*nk Shakir? Mm-mm.

I'm predicting health problems, mini stroke, something.

We have him on witness bribery charges.

That gives us leverage.

In the meantime, let's vet the three complainants.

Money issues, personal histories, and any previous false accusations.

No, no.

I won't testify against Shakir!

It's not just the money, he's been loyal!

Have you read his autobiography?

I don't even know if he's read it, but the point is: He's an inspiring story.

Hey, dad, listen, we're on their court now.

All right?

Let us listen to what they have to say.

Mr. Bauer, we've got three credible vics with consistent stories.

You're an outcry witness in all three cases.

What the hell does that mean?

That means that they all came to you, dad.

Because I'm like a father to everyone in this company.

And like a father, when they came to you they said they'd been att*cked, you gave them money, and you told them to keep quiet.

You're on the hook here.

Ask your daughter.

If my father testifies to what these women said, is that in exchange for charges not being filed against him?

Charges for what?

You paid them, Mr. Bauer!

Those were bonuses.

A week before Shakir's contract was to be renewed?

We renewed his contract two months ago.

The only reason we kept it secret is because we wanted to announce in the fall.

Dad, dad...


As painful as this is, you have got to let Shakir go.

No matter what happens, he cannot work for Orion Bay anymore.

Do you hear me?

I just... I...

I didn't see this coming.

I know.

You must think I'm an old fool.

No, daddy.

No, I don't.

Nobody told me I'd have to testify.

You might.

Our D.A. is going to argue that what happened to you is part of a pattern.

Is Shakir gonna be there?


Like I told that girl detective, I don't remember too much of it.


Let's just start with the part that you do remember.

You need me to testify?

Under oath.

Is that a problem?

No. No, it's just I...

Well, I heard...

The other girl, the black one, she saved her panties.

Where did you hear that?

Um, I heard Cordelia on her cell.

She was talking to Shakir.

She was very upset.

Yeah, that evidence is a start, Carla, but you know, if there's anything that you have or anything that you could get to corroborate your story, that would...

That'd be a big help.
I'm glad you called.

You are?

I'm sorry if I hurt you, and I want to make this right, before we all get hurt.


Are you threatening me?

I thought that we could just talk.

We both know I'm not the only athlete you've been with.

Listen, you take the stand...

It's fair game.

But we don't have to go down that road.

We can make all this go away.

You can start over.

You know, maybe get yourself a condo in the city, but it's your choice, Carla.

A controlled meet?

You can't do that once he's represented by counsel.

Wasn't our idea.

This is all her.

It's her phone.

Uhhuh, and second of all, it's not probative.

Pleading in the alternative, never a sign of strength.

I was just trying to find out why she was lying, what she wanted.

Shakir, you've done-

Shakir Wilkins is not a r*pist!

And you'll get the opportunity to tell your side of the story to the jury.

Shakir Wilkins, you're under arrest.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law.

It is with a heavy heart that I announce that...

Orion Bay is terminating its relationship with Shakir Wilkins effective immediately.


[Reporters yelling]

He is, like everyone, entitled to due process.

Only Mr. Wilkins and these women know what really transpired behind closed doors.

But the lack of judgment for a married man to be alone, in a room, with three different women at late hours is undeniable.

We have always celebrated role models, but no matter what the court decides, Mr. Wilkins has forfeited the privilege of representing Orion Bay.

Thank you.

And when the third woman, Tiana Raynes, came to you and said Shakir Wilkins had r*ped her, did you promise her a bonus?

Yes, I did.

Can you tell the jury why you offered these women bonuses, which may appear to some as buying their silence?

I take no join in this.

I've had a long-term relationship with Mr. Wilkins.

I simply couldn't reconcile my knowledge of him with what these women were saying.

At the time, I believed that these were false allegations.

And now?

After I saw how upset Carla was in that elevator, it began to gnaw at me.

And these other girls...

There's a saying: When three people at a party tell you you're drunk, don't drive home.

Thank you, Mr. Bauer.

I'm sure we can all agree you're in a difficult position here, Mr. Bauer.

Yes, thank you.

But isn't it true you're only testifying today in exchange for avoiding charges of bribing a witness?

I'm testifying here today because I made a wrong decision, and for that, I apologize.

But no charges have been filed.


At the time these complainants came forward, did you believe their stories?

No, I did not.

I simply couldn't think that the man I knew was capable of doing the things they said he was doing.

But now you do believe that Shakir Wilkins assaulted these three women?

Yes, I do.

As I said, after that scene in the elevator with Carla, replaying all their words without blinders on, so God help me, yes, I do.

Does the sudden change in your beliefs give you the right to invoke the morals clause and terminate your contract with Mr. Wilkins, saving your company roughly half a billion dollars?

Roughly, yes, but that's not why I terminated him.

Does getting out of your contract with Mr. Wilkins provide long-term relief?



Nothing further.

I came to...



I had pieces of memory of Shakir Wilkins raping me.

But you didn't go to the hospital?

You didn't tell police?

I was afraid of what people would think of me, or what would happen to my job.

Why come forward now?

Well, I was asked to work with Shakir again at the press conference for his re-signing.

I couldn't hold it in.

I blacked out.

When I came to, my clothes were off...

I was...


I knew I'd been r*ped.

You knew this...

And yet, you didn't call the police...

Friends, family...

I come from a good Christian home.

I'd gone to a hotel room with a black athlete.

My mother would have blamed me, the same way you're blaming me now.

Then I woke up.

My dress was ripped, stained...

He r*ped me.

And you didn't tell anyone.

Look, I know I have to do this, but I had to take an express bus and a taxi to get here.

Okay, we can reimburse you for that.

And that's it?

Is everything all right, Tiana?

I just...

[Sighs] Forget it.

Just tell me what you and Mr. Bauer want me to say.

We want you to say exactly what happened.

Lemme look at what I said before, and I'll get it right.

Okay, then, tell us...

What did you mean when you said you'd say what Orion Bauer wanted you to say?

Orion Bauer gave you a bonus to keep quiet about the initial complaint, isn't that right?

A bonus.

Uh-huh, right.

Are you saying he didn't make a payment?


How much is that suit?

Two grand?

I beg your pardon?

And that tie?

Please, I work retail.

You don't think I know?

Okay, Tiana, what does that have to do with this?

Oh, hello, white girl.

Orion Bauer paid me half-assed what he paid those other girls.

And how do you know this?

I heard it on LMZ.

Do you think I'm stupid?

He paid them five grand.

So maybe you call him and make it right, then I'll remember better.

And he paid them for what?

To keep quiet about the r*pe?

[Scoffs] Please.

All I know is, I got paid to say Shakir r*ped me.

Are you saying...

Are you saying Shakir Wilkins did not r*pe you?

I'm saying you get Mr. Bauer to give the right amount, the fair amount?

I'll say whatever the two of you want me to say.

Hell, I'll do you nasty like I did Shakir in that dressing room, but you got to man up, and pay up.

Witness tampering.

False accusations.

These are serious allegations.

Which is why I move for an immediate dismissal, your honor.

I've gotten full disclosure, brady material, I need time to investigate this witness's story.

She admitted she took payments from Orion Bauer to make a false allegation.

How much more do you need to investigate?

She could be lying now.

To extort Orion Bauer for more money.

This whole case has been a shakedown from the get.

Her credibility is shot, so are your other two witnesses'.

We don't know that.

I'm not dismissing charges.

But I will grant a 48-hour continuance until this is sorted out.

Get your facts straight and now, mr. Barba.

Keep it.

So Carla and Macie-Lynn aren't changing their stories.

They definitely got paid more.

Is that for all of us?

Oh, yeah.

Goat cheese and sun-dried tomato.

Made you for a pepperoni guy.

I'm full of surprises.

This whole case is a crock.

I mean, I kinda called it.


Yeah, we still don't know what happened.

How do you ever really know what happened?

I mean, a man and a woman, alone in a room...

There's a hundred different stories how that plays out and most of them aren't criminal.

Not good, either.

Carisi, remind me why you're SVU, again?

I worked homicide, couple years.

It's... it's the women who get you.

I mean, they're dead, but...

But their hair's clean, they're nicely dressed, they're made up.

And that means their husbands or their boyfriends did it.

It's like they knew.

They knew it was coming, they don't even look surprised.


Just finished.

It doesn't, you know, make me treasure every moment or any of that crap, but...


Uh, meanwhile, Carla Cannon is on her way up.

Will she hold or will she fold, huh?

I got this.

But you already got money once from Orion Bauer, right?

Yes, to keep quiet, but I couldn't get over what Shakir did to me.

You're in a lot of trouble if you're lying here, Carla.

No, actually, you're not, Carla.

Listen to me.

The important thing is that you come clean now.

Shakir r*ped me.

I swear to God.

Just give it to us straight!

If you made a mistake, it's not gonna come back on you now.

Are you serious?

I'm not lying about what that man did to me.

All right.

So it is your testimony that you did not take Orion Bauer's money to lie?

No, ma'am.

No, I did not.

If that black girl says different, then she's lying.

Are you kidding me?

That black girl is shaking me down again?


No, no, no.

She came crying to me.

I tried to make it right.

I gave her $800, now she wants more?


Now, are you denying you gave Tiana money to claim r*pe?

You're damn right I'm denying, lady.

It's an outright lie.

Not that I should be surprised.

Mm-hmm, and why is that?

Dad, stop.

That girl didn't even graduate.

I was the one that made her assistant store manager.

Because the way I grew up, background didn't matter.

It was a matter of character, integrity.

It was a matter of loyalty!

Okay, I think that that's enough.

It's a long path, a strange journey we are all traveling with our tribes, our families.

Just the way of our culture, just the damn way of it.

This is very simple.

Did you or did you not pay Tiana Raynes to make false allegations?

The hell I did not!

Did you ask the other girls?

The white girls?


Because if you did, you would discover that they didn't change their stories.

How do you know they didn't?

Are you in touch with them?

Dad, you have to stop now.


Dad, please...

Cordelia, Cordelia!

I'm in charge here!

Now look, I love you, but you have no more sense than your mother did!

You're blind!

We are done here.

All of that was off the record.

I would like you to leave now.


This is enough.

So now you're worried about me?

About the company?


Now you're a good girl?

Well, that's good.

Because I forgive you, my darling.

I forgive you for everything.


What was that?

Early dementia?

Our journey, our tribes?

I don't know.

You go on ahead.

She can't talk to you about the case, she's his lawyer.

We can talk about fathers.

Hey, Cordelia.

You all right?

I'm fine.

Is your father always like...

Larger than life?

Absolutely, and I love him for it.

He's old school.

A lion.

Yeah, can you help me understand something?

I don't think your dad is the kind of man that would completely destroy someone's reputation just to void a contract.

No, he would never.

Raised me to believe that your word is your bond.

Used to say if you ever betray that, you are dead to him.

What did he mean when he said that you were blind, and he forgives you?

Forgives you for what?

I have no idea.

If you'll excuse me, we really shouldn't be talking.

This doesn't make any sense.

Orion Bauer paid the store clerk to say that I r*ped her?

Yeah, Tiana finally gave that up.

What about the other two?

Well, they're still claiming you r*ped them.

I didn't.

I swear.

I mean, this can't be about the money on my contract.

The old man makes a fortune off me.

Okay, can you think of any reason Orion Bauer wants to destroy you?


I thought you'd left.

I did, I came back.

Well, I'll take you to dinner.

After today, what I need is a good steak and a stiff scotch.

Uh, dad, the police have been asking all kinds of questions.

I can't be your lawyer.

I may be involved.

Well, I don't care if you're my lawyer anymore.

I'll get myself a real lawyer.

What is all this about?

You tell me.

That black girl lying about me?

What did you do, daddy?

What did you do?

You doubting my word?

A few months ago you asked me to stay away from Shakir.

Said he was married, that he was a player.

And I was right.

Shakir is a bad guy.

Which breaks my heart.

I trusted him, which I shouldn't have.

He screws everything that moves.

Did those girls...

Really come to you, daddy, or did you...

Did you find them?

It couldn't have been that hard.

His bodyguard, his driver, they all report to you, don't they?

Why are you asking me this?

I'm asking you if you set all this up.

Oh, you did, didn't you?

You had Shakir followed.

You knew who he had sex with, and you went to them, and you paid them to lie.

No, they came to me.

You framed Shakir, daddy.

Why, why?

After all he's done for you, I don't understand.

All he's done for me?


What about what I've done for him?

I've given him millions!

And the son of a bitch repays me by screwing my only daughter.

You lied to me.

You two were carrying on behind my back.

You're right, I did have eyes on Shakir.

And you know why?

Because he parties.

Those three girls that I paid off?

I could have found a dozen more.

And you are very lucky you didn't get the AIDS.


I know all about his acting out.

All right, I confronted him a month ago, and he knows that that part of his life, it has to stop.

He only told you that because he wants you to keep his little bastard baby.

What are you talking about?

You expect me to stand by and become the laughing stock of corporate America?

While this son of a bitch knocks you up?

It's all over your health insurance.

You're not allowed to look at that, daddy.

I'm a trustee.

But what does that have to do with the price of beans?

The point is, you lied.

You wanna make a fool of yourself and be his whore?

Go right ahead, that's fine.

But what are you gonna do when you walk into the Maidstone club with a little black baby clinging onto you?

And when he goes to Dalton?

What do you think they're gonna say?

"Oh, here comes the scholarship boy?"

You can't say these things, daddy.

Oh, yes, I can.

You can't say these things.

Yes, I can! These people come into our homes.

They come into our families.

They are animals.

I did what I had to do to protect you from making the biggest mistake...


He makes his living off athletes, and he talks like that?


Look, he's gotta be senile, or crazy, or... both.

Yeah, I feel bad for Cordelia.

Her father's a narcissist.

She fell for another one.

She never had a chance.

And how did we...

Get this tape?

I can't tell you.

And I had to promise it wouldn't be used against Mr. Bauer.

But we know what this means.

In light of new evidence, we're asking for an immediate dismissal of all charges, your honor.

Mr. Barba?

The people have no objection.

So ordered.

Mr. Wilkins, you are free to go.

Win some, lose some, Mr. Barba.

Nice tie.

I'm gonna go upstairs and... duck calls.

So Bauer just gets away with this.

My bet?

A tape like that?

Sooner or later it comes out.

Well, what about these three girls?

They lied, under oath.

They just get to skate?

General policy for the D.A.

Is when you go after girls when a case falls apart, it can prevent real victims from coming forward next time.

I get that.

Yeah, usually I do, but this time?

Carisi, you were right about those girls all along.

Not really.

I missed Bauer paid them off.

They were just his pawns.

Like Shakir, like his daughter.

I should have seen it.

Just right in my blind spot.

No, he was good.

That old man act of his?

He played us.

What is that expression?

"There are no accidental billionaires."

[Reporters shouting]

Here! Over here!


We have a question for you!

Come on over here!


I'm, uh...

I'm so sorry.


I lost my contract.

I lost everything.

You have a case against the company, and my father, and...

I'm never getting my name back!

I'm a punch line now.

You Google me and the first thing that comes up is "accused r*pist."

You should have trusted me.

But you lied about the other women.

I didn't r*pe them.

But you're right.

I'm sorry.

It was old habit, I was on the road.

It's how I lost my marriage.

Okay, I...

I want to be in your life.

If you can forgive me, I'd like to try.

We can start over.

A new life...

And we can raise this baby together.


It's, uh...

It's too late.

What do you mean?

There is no baby.

Not anymore.

After Tiana came forward, I, uh...


All that hate and they're still talking.

Gotta be a tough conversation.

I know, right?

Where to begin?

One of them is saying: "Let's start over," and the other one is saying... "It's too late."
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