04x02 - A Taste of Panama City

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago Fire". Aired: October 2012 to present.*
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Chicago Fire follows the lives of the firefighters and paramedics working for the Chicago Fire Department at the firehouse of Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 and Battalion 25.
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04x02 - A Taste of Panama City

Post by bunniefuu »

Your buddy Jack Nesbitt... he's into some nasty business.

These guys traffic Eastern European women against their will.

They k*lled Katya.

She gathered information on the whole operation.

What happened at the club when that guy put his g*n to my head...

I've been spinning out.

I don't ever want to let you out of my life again.

I'm pregnant.


What's going on?

Severide, we're stripping you of your rank.


Captain Patterson will be taking over Squad 3, effective immediately.

[soft music]

♪ ♪

We're sticking to the plan, right?

Definitely. We're not saying a thing.

[knocking on door]

Hey, hey, what can I do for you?

[clears throat]

So I... I know this is all of a sudden, but I want to be detailed to Arson.


I support the decision 100%.

Severide already made a call on my behalf, and there's a spot open at OFI, and I need to jump on it if I'm gonna get it.


You unhappy?

No, no, Chief, no.

I'm gonna hate losing you off 81, after everything you did to become a firefighter.

I'm pregnant.

Gabriela Dawson, get your ass over here.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God!



To both of you.

I mean, that's the greatest thing in the world.

Thanks, Chief.

We're not going public yet.

Yeah, of course.

Yeah, yeah.

We thought we'd wait at least six weeks.

We're not telling anybody?


[cheers and applause]

Hey! Look at that! Oh!

Hey, remember, people, the outside world is on a need-to-know basis.

Not a word goes beyond 51, right, Lieutenant?


That goes especially for you, Connie.


Hey. Congratulations.

Thank you.

Oh, thanks for hooking me up with Nick Duffy.

He seemed great on the phone.

Yeah, Duffy's the best.

He's like family, just without the drama.


There's no need to hide, Lieutenant.

We're just an ordinary couple, for once.

You're gonna do great.

Keep your badge off the wall.

I will.

[ominous music]

Hear me out.

You and I are on the same side.

You got to believe that.

We got in this thing for the same reason... to put an end to it.

Why are you here?

Katya's notebook.

What about it?

If we are gonna nail these bastards, we gotta find it.

Now, what exactly did she say about where it was?

I already told the cops.

Oh, I know, but if there's any detail you remember, even something about the way she said it...

I have everything written down.

Let me see them.

I don't have it with me.

[alarm blares]

Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61.

Vehicle accident.

[sirens wail]

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Hey, Capp, go check out the front...

My bad, Captain, how do you want to work this?

Severide, check the rear of that truck for stability.

Capp, Tony, struts, front and rear.

Cruz, chain that frame to the Squad's tow hook.

Hey, I got a guy in here, looks critical.

Got another guy in the front.

Mouch, short roof ladder.

Got it.

Let's get him out.

Okay, what do we got?

Got two victims, one in the cab, one in the back.

How long to get inside?


Doors are reinforced. Could take a minute.

We may not have it, especially if that railing fails.

What about the other car?

Herrmann, get the roof off that car.

Take Jimmy with you.


[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Help! Get me out of here!

Damn it. Otis, get the K-12.

Got it.

Hey, uh, Chief? We got company.

Okay, people, step back from the scene, please.

Step back, please.

Thank you.


Coming, Casey!

I'm sorry!

It got away from me before I could hook it in.

You got it?


[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

You got this. You can do this.

Come on. Come on.

Don't let me go. Come on.


Come on!


Give me your arm. Give me your arm.


Come on! Come on!

Okay, great. Come on, come on.


Capp, Tony, lock those struts in.


It is locked in for now, but it could go at any time.

Let's get him out. Get me out of here!


♪ ♪

Ow, ow, my leg! [Groaning]

♪ ♪

All right, Capp, Cruz, give Tony a hand with that door.

Go, go.

Hey, hey, hey, you heard what he said.

Stay back. Stay back. Back.

You don't own this street, man.

Hey, there a problem here?

Hey, need a hand in here. This guy's bleeding out.

Go ahead.



[siren wails]

Stay down!

Hey, don't even think about it.

Hands! Let's see your hands!

Down on the ground. Get down.

Stay down.

Here we go. Here we go.

There we go.

Up to your knees.

♪ ♪

Check out the floorboard.

He was gonna "Mad Max" this thing.

Hey, you're kidding me, right?

For the love of God, will someone get over here and arrest this moron?

Dawson, yeah?

Oh, Commander Duffy.

Hey, it's great to meet you.

Skip the Commander bit.

Duffy's fine.

[Chuckles] Okay.

Severide told me you were like an uncle.

'Cause I taught him how to throw a split-fingered fastball.


His old man wanted him to run track.

Can you imagine?

I don't know if he mentioned it, but we worked on an arson case together last year.

The victim was a friend of ours.

Paramedic, yeah.

Yeah, I remember.

He said you were a natural.

Well, I'm really grateful to be here.

Welcome aboard.


My one pearl of wisdom for newbies: pace yourself.

We're not running into burning buildings here.

It's a game of patience.

Hey, neighbor.

I hear congratulations are in order.

Oh, thanks, yeah, it's great to be here.

No, your baby.

How'd you hear?

Oh, I just got off with Connie.

We do SoulCycle together.

She is so excited.

Yeah, me too.

Birthday party at four bells.

Yeah, yeah.

See you there... Mama.


Riddle has summoned me to headquarters for an inquiry hearing into our response times.

We couldn't get through the blockade any faster.

51 did nothing wrong at that crack house fire, Chief.

Doesn't matter.

You know how this works.

As incident commander, it's on me to explain our actions.

Everyone from squad will have their story straight.

Trust me.

Don't talk to them yet.

I want to keep lid on it until... until it plays itself out.


What the hell's Jack Nesbitt doing at 51 without his handler?

I give up.

He's trying to get to Katya's notebook before the feds do.

You know why?

'Cause it'll bury him.

It's their case.

He's running a game on all of you, Voight.

Girls are being trafficked.

Nesbitt's wiping his ass with your badge.

Maybe you didn't hear me.

I saw Katya get shot and k*lled in front of me.

I did what I had to do to stay alive.

What you're telling me you're doing is nothing.


I know what you went through, but you got to back off.

You're gonna get yourself jammed up.

Either you do something, or I will.

What you looking at?

All right, tell me that isn't the cutest little guy you've ever seen.

You went back to the hospital to check on the baby?


Brett, you can't do that.

We talked about this.

I know. You're totally right.

Excuse me. Kelly Severide... he work here?


He expecting you?

No, I'm just dropping in.

Oh, cool.

Well, I'm sure he'll be thrilled.

Where am I going?

Great, thanks.

Hey, buddy.


I'm here to get you back on track, you troubled manager, you.

[chuckles] How are you?

I'm good.

Do you have an office we can huddle up in?

I did.

Now I have a bunk.

Then we'll just have to study our asses off, so we can run this poacher out of here.


Or you can copy my worksheet and owe me one.

My old man always warned me: never owe a favor to a lawyer.

Well, then I'm going to sue him for defamation.



Can I see you later?

If you play your cards right.

Like it's not bad enough that 51's under siege.

Now they're gunning for Molly's?


The Portland jagoffs next door.

The canoe people?


They reported us for violating the city's noise ordinance.

Can you believe that crap?


They seem completely harmless.

Yeah, beneath those beards and the baby Bjorns, they're flesh-eating piranhas.

They want a w*r, they're gonna get a w*r.

Easy there, Crazy Horse.

Let's talk this one out, yeah?

What's Molly's?


It's the best damn refuge in the city, a salt-of-the-earth kind of joint where we serve cold comfort to red-blooded Americans.

So a bar?


An amazing bar.

Just go clean some pots and pans, candidate.


I don't think we go thermonuclear on this one, Herrmie.

Why not?

Don't... don't take the Chicago to them.

Take the... take the Portland.

That's good.

I like that.

Thanks for coming. Only one.

Get them while the getting's good, Dawson.

Your license to get fat and sassy only lasts nine months.

[laughs] Looks delicious.

Borderline criminal... I'd have seconds, but the Tums is duking it out with the meatballs.

Is that the crack house fire on West 24th Street?

Mm-hmm. 51 worked it, right?

Yeah, they're being looked at for negligence.

May I take a look?

Go for it.

"Suspicious unknown."

Translation: looks a hell of a lot like arson.

We just can't prove it.

Possible to do a walk-through?

What do you say, Duffy?

Do it.

Crack house was here, north side of West 24th.

Blockade of abandoned vehicles was at this intersection.

Truck 81 approached from the east.

Your 30 eyewitnesses... where the hell are they?

Look, obviously, the neighborhood is circling the wagons.

Nobody wants to catch the blame for the death of the squatter.

And you can't produce a single cell phone video?

You know as well as I do this accusation is absurd.

Some neighbor probably torched that place and then blocked the street.

That'll be all, Chief Boden.

Quite frankly, I think I deserve a little bit more support from my deputy district chief.

You know how things work, Chief.

I serve different masters.

Be that as it may.

We'll be in contact as soon as Internal Affairs makes its preliminary findings.

IAD is involved now?

Benny Severide's kid.

Graduated top of your class, voted by your peers Gene Blackmon award winner, youngest guy ever assigned to squad.

That it?

One more thing.

The crack house fire. What about it?

Well, if this investigation goes any further, I don't want any surprises.

Anybody asks what happened, I'll tell them, same as always.

Which is what?

We rolled up. Cars blocked it.

You hopped behind the wheel, shoved them out of the way.

After I gave fair warning.

After you gave fair warning.

[alarm blares]

Ambulance 61, man down from unknown causes.

12th Street at Lake Michigan.

Excuse us.

Back up, please.

Oh, thank God.

I got it.

What happened?

I took his paddle board out.

When I came back, Mikey... he was grabbing his chest, and he collapsed onto the sand face-first.

He doesn't have a pulse.

Is he dying?

What, are you guys friends?

He's my fiancé.

[long beep]



[rapid beeping]

Still in V-tach.

61 to Main, I need a manpower assist.

Keep doing compressions. I'll intubate.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

I'm in.

Stop compressions.

Still in V-tach.

What does that mean?

We need an epi.


Pushing epi.


Oh, my God, God, please...

Does she not know what "clear" means?

Stay on him. I got her.

[dramatic music]

61 to Main, we need a second ambo now.

Copy that, 61. Second ambo on the way.
♪ ♪[/i]

She's in V-fib.

I'm gonna push an epi.

Do it. Charging.


She's got a rhythm.

I got him.

Still nothing?


Push another epi.

[sirens wailing]

61 to Main, hold off on the assist company.

Copy that.

Accidental V-fib, shocked her one time.

How many epis have you given this guy?

This is the fourth.

Push one more and call it.

He's not gonna make it.

No, I'm not doing that.

I don't give a damn what the SMOs say.

Last shot.


Pushing epi.


I got a pulse. [Sighs]

Praise the Lord. Seriously, thanks.

He's got a shot.


Excuse me, can we get help over here?

Cardiac arrest, five rounds of epi, unconscious for at least 17 minutes.

Got him. Someone call respiratory.


Just this once?

[chuckles] Okay.

[babies crying and cooing]

Little guy is pretty cute, huh?

He's beautiful.

Yeah, he is.

You guys need help?

No, actually, we're the paramedics.

We saved the little guy.

Oh, yeah, right.

Has the family come to visit yet?

No, not yet.


[baby crying]

We had a deal.

It's the last time.

Last time.

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

Watch your step.


Point of ignition was directly below us, so the floor joists are weakened.



You can see from the burn patterns how it spread to the upstairs bedroom.

That track with what you remember?

Oh, I was in the building next door.

♪ ♪

Dawson, the fire's over here.

Well, what's that?


Let's check the basement.

♪ ♪


Is that a kick hole?

Looks like someone booted through the Sheetrock.

Open it up.

♪ ♪

It must have been starved for a lack of oxygen, but it definitely burned inside this wall.

No, no, no, it doesn't make sense, unless this was done by a professional.

Who torched both sides to make sure that it burned.

I have everything written down.

Let me see them.

I don't have it with me.


[knocking on door] Hey.


How's it going with Patterson?


I don't know.

Maybe they're right.

Maybe I'm better off as a smoke-eater than a boss.

Tell you one thing, I don't miss the paperwork.

Forget that, man. It's all politics.

You're getting sucked into this Riddle BS.

Yeah, maybe.

Is that her? The girl that died?

Yeah, didn't even spell her name right.

Casey, Severide, these men are gonna need statements from everyone here at 51.

Give them your full cooperation.

What's the deal, Chief?

Just answer their questions.

They're from Internal Affairs.


You're aware that you're under oath, that the following interview will be recorded?


And would you like a union rep or attorney present?

[scoffs] No.

Where exactly was Truck 81 when the call came in for the crack house fire on West 24th?

We were the first company on the scene.

In fact, we were closer because of where we started.

Just answer the question, Lieutenant.


That's a strip club, is that correct?

It was an off-duty construction job, and I was involved in an undercover investigation for the CPD.

That can be verified.

We want to get the facts straight.

You fellas want to know what happened, why don't you ask the guy we pulled out next door?

Carl Nash?

I don't know his name, but he said the place was "a blight on the neighborhood."

That's a direct quote.

The city wasn't doing anything.

The people were pissed off, so that's why they let it burn.

Nash is no longer at that residence.

You guys try the hospitals, his relatives?

We've canvassed the entire neighborhood, and as of now, not a single person's come forward...

Yeah, sounds like they're covering their asses.

Perhaps Firehouse 51 should do the same.

This is a serious allegation.

If it's determined that you slow-walked that fire, Chief Boden will be charged with dereliction of duty and relieved of his command.

Anyone here? [Knocking on door]

[dog barks]


You lost or something?

No, I'm looking for the guy who lives next door, Carl.

Do you know him?

What do you want him for?

I'm a firefighter.

We pulled him out of a blaze about a week ago.

I just got a few questions. That's all.

Carl didn't see nothing, and Carl don't know nothing.

That's not what I asked you.

Do you know where he is or not?

Step off, fireman.

My name's Kelly Severide.

Do you remember me?

Yeah, I remember.

Okay, well, I wouldn't be here unless it was important.

We risked our lives running into that house.

Now they're saying we were slow to respond.

We need someone to come forward and tell the truth that the neighbors were blocking the streets.

Like the man said, I didn't see anything, and I don't know anything.

Hey, got a minute?

What's up?

Whoever torched that place wasn't an amateur.

You put it in a report?


Can I see it?


I've been at OFI, what, coming on 12 years now?

I'm what they call a short-timer.

I applaud your get-up-and-go, Dawson.

Genuinely, I do, but you need to understand the reality of working here.

99 out of 100 cases get stamped "suspicious unknown" for a reason, because arson's damn near impossible to prove.

And even if you catch a guy holding a can full of gas and a box full of matches, it's tough to make it stick.

So you want me to drop the case?

Hell, no.

Just... manage your expectations.


He slammed the door in the face.

It was all I could do to stop from kicking it down and just shaking him.

Well, you know what they tell you in class, right?

Step back, take a deep breath, scan your body from head to toe for any signs of stress.

Personally, I find this much more effective.

[soul music playing]

Come, sit.

Let's buckle down and take that corner office back from him.

♪ This is the evolution ♪

You know what works even better than scotch?

No, tell me.

♪ Love ♪
♪ Any way she can ♪
♪ These brutal games ♪
♪ Are driving me away ♪
♪ We should be great ♪
♪ But you're too afraid ♪

[both laugh]



What's up?

Feds dropped off my tools.

Apparently, Stilettos is no longer an active crime scene.

You okay?

I was just going through them once more in case Katya stashed the notebook inside.

No luck, huh?

I'm sorry.

I'm so ready to start this life with you, me, and the baby.

I'm just trying to put this behind me, and it hasn't been easy.

No, it's fine, it's fine. I totally get it.

Didn't even ask how your day was.

It was good.

I started looking into the crack house fire, and I found something interesting.



So the fire started here, right, but I found a kick hole in the basement on the other side.

When I pried it open, I found the remains of a second fire inside the walls.

It was framed up.

But there was no Sheetrock at the time.

What? No, there was Sheetrock.

Are you listening to me?

I'll be back in a bit.

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪


[panicked breathing]

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪


[glass clinking]

♪ ♪

[tires screeching]

[horn honks]

I told you to stay out of my business.

♪ ♪

[tires screech]

Drop your w*apon.

You don't understand.

Last time.

[siren wailing]

I'm a protected federal informant.

No kidding.

Now, get your ass against that truck.

Your boy Casey is jeopardizing an ongoing investigation, and he threatened my life.

You know how you drown a rat, Jack?

You just toss his dumb ass in the deep end, and you wait for him to sink.

You're under arrest for human trafficking and obstruction of justice.

Let's go.

Hey, you okay?


You were following me?

[Cell phone rings]

Oh! Congratulations, by the way.

There's nothing better than being a father.

Go for Voight.



Athena, I'm here to apologize.

I mean, having a little one... I know what that's like.

Those first six months can be m*rder.

Yeah, right.

You got my word, we're gonna keep the noise to a minimum.

You can take that to the bank.

Oh, well, that's not so much what I had...

Can you hear me out, please?


This place, Molly's... more than just a bar.

It's a beacon of hope for every firefighter and cop and paramedic in the city, and when that sign says "open," no matter what somebody lived through that day on the job, they know that the beers are cold and that the Blackhawks are on.

It's the beating heart of this neighborhood.


So it's a token of our respect.

What is this?

Blueberry crumble. It's homemade.

My wife, Cindy, made it, and it's for you and Ian and your little guy, so...

That's got sugar in it, right?

It's what makes it so sweet.

My son is allergic to sugar.

I'm pretty sure it's impossible to be allergic to sugar.

You telling me how to raise my kid?

As a matter of fact, I've raised five of my own, but, no, I never would.

Oh, boy.

No, I shudder to imagine how they turned out.

Excuse me?

I think you heard me.

You're insulting my family?

Look, it's Chris, right?

No offense, but I just am not interested in your wife's baking or your tips about how to raise my kid or your empty promises about your obnoxious bar.

If you have something to say to me, you can speak to my attorney.

Uh, lady.

You can take that high and mighty attitude back to Portland.

This is Chicago.



First shift.

What do you have to say for yourself, candidate?

Best job in the world.

All: Cheers.

And Herrmann was right.

To Molly's, best refuge in all of Chicago.

Aw, there's no need to suck up, Borrelli.

They're gonna bust your balls no matter what.

You're the candidate, son.

For real. Feels like family.

Speaking of which, what crimes against humanity is your brother perpetrating tonight?

Danny's all right.

That was just big brother little brother stuff.

Everybody goes through it.

You sure?

'Cause I have a little brother, and I never toilet paper-mummied him on his first day on the job.

It's cool. I got a handle on it.

Hey, you. [Laughs]

Hey, look at you.

What's up?

When did you get back?

Last week.

So how was it?

Amazing, amazing.

You know, there's only one thing better than trekking all over this big blue world: coming home to Chicago.

Sorry to interrupt.

Severide, can I get a word?

Uh, sure, yeah.

Good to see you.

You too.

What's up?

Heard you went to see the old man who lives next to the crack house.

Yeah, I tried.

The neighbors are turning the screws on him.

He stonewalled me.

Told you I hate surprises, right?

This was off duty.

Look, I appreciate what you're trying to do.

Next time you go making a move that affects Squad 3, be that on or off shift, you clear it with me first.


All right, people, this next round is on me.


[door slams]

How'd it go?


When the U.S. Marines stormed Panama to run that crook Noriega out on a rail, he was holed up in the Holy See, so how did we smoke him out?

A little piece of something special, psy ops called noise warfare.

These Portland pinheads are about to get a little taste of Panama City circa 1989.

It is karaoke night, everyone!

[cheers and applause]

Man your battle stations!


Hit it, Mouch.

You know the tune.

[Simple Minds' "Don't You Forget about Me" plays]

♪ Hey, hey, hey, hey ♪
♪ Whoa, whoa, whoa ♪
♪ Whoa, whoa ♪
♪ ♪
♪ Don't you ♪
♪ Forget about me ♪
♪ Don't, don't, don't, don't ♪
♪ Don't you ♪
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