09x05 - Back in the Saddle

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Heartland". Aired: October 2007 to present.*
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A multi-generational saga set in Alberta, Canada and centered on a family getting through life together in both happy and trying times.
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09x05 - Back in the Saddle

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Heartland"...


I need your help, he's not doing well!

Tim, I just want it done so that we can move in.

But you kids picked a project that requires a gut reno, and obviously you don't have enough time to devote to it, so.

This will always be a part of her life.

This is her life. So I'll be the one who comes to see her and Katie.

(Grunting restlessly)

Jack: I can't do it, Ty. I need you to do it your way.

That's a boy. That's a good boy.

(Georgie sobs)

(Hooves strike heavily)

(Hooves strike heavily)

(Hooves strike heavily)

(Spartan grunts)

You're a good boy. Whoa, Spartan.

Oh, so you finally decided to catch up, did ya?

I wasn't that far behind.

(Both laugh) Good boy.

(Trouble whinnies)

(Footsteps thud on the stairs)

(Birds chirp outside)

What're you doing standing there?

C'mon, we got work to do.

(Footsteps thud on stairs, birds chirp)

Hi, girls.

Amy: Hey!

Casey: Hi.

What are you doing?

We're just picking up equipment to take to the Cowboy Competition.

But I thought that wasn't for a couple of weeks.

Yeah, it turns out there was another event that same weekend, so I had to move mine up.

It's been, uh, quite the mad scramble, but luckily, Lisa offered to help out.

Called in a few favours. I think things are coming along well.

We still have a few spaces open.

I don't know if you thought any more about competing, Amy, but we would love to have you.

Yeah, you know what? That'd be fun.

How about you, Georgie?

Well, what is the Cowboy Competition anyway?

It's a race that challenges the speed and ability of a working ranch horse.

But not just a race. I mean, there's-there's skill tests along the way.

There's roping and branding. It's real cowboy stuff.

I mean, it's not trick riding but... think you might wanna give it a go?

Yeah, count me in. (Amy chuckles)

Good! (Claps) I like it!


(Nail g*n fires repeatedly)

Ugh! Ugh.

Tim, what're you doing?

Oh, I'm sorry, are you still sleeping?

Yes, I was sleeping.

Amy and I were working late last night and, uh, we crashed here.

Well, you're the one that's always on me about finishing this place.

I can't work to your schedule.

(Nail g*n fires)

Can you do me a favour? Can you...

Can you work on something quieter?

I just... I could use some more sleep.


Thank you.

(Nail g*n thumps loudly)

Thank you.

What about you? You got this under control?

(Quietly) - Just...

I'm just...

I'm just saying that grout looks a little thin.

Oh, gosh, don't you worry about me.

This grout is fine.

Okay, fine. You're getting grey dust everywhere.

(Frustrated sigh)

(Hose clatters, vacuum hisses loudly)

Ugh! Ugh!

(Vacuum hisses loudly)

The race is gonna be awesome.

They've got roping, pole bending all kinds of cool stuff.

Yeah. Lisa had to come in last minute but it's really coming together.

(Door opens and closes)

Well, it sounds great, guys.

Hey, Grandpa, how's the, uh, bathroom tiling coming along?

Oh, fine. it's your father that's impossible.

I'd rather be dragged behind a truck down a gravel road than listen to Tim tell me how to use a trowel.

Amy, I'm sorry, but at this rate that loft is never gonna get finished.

It's getting there.

What's all this?

Oh! You know, I printed these out for you.

Uh, there are some great ranch horses for sale in the area.

Some of them are even a pretty good deal.

Well, I appreciate the gesture.

I'm not looking for a horse.

Okay. Well, how about some breakfast then?

I can make, uh, eggs, pancakes, bacon...

Ooh! How about these moose sausages you like?

There's one thing you can do.


You can stop treating me like I'm made out of glass.

(Birds chirp outside)

What about breakfast?

Not hungry.

I have an idea.

Buddy? He's the perfect horse for Jack and I'm gonna prove it.

I'm gonna enter the Cowboy Competition on this guy.

I don't know, Georgie. It's too soon.

And roping and branding take a lot of practice.

It's not something you can just take up, especially on a new horse.

I know, but I'm worried about Jack and I know you are, too.

Of course we are, sweetheart, but...

He hasn't ridden a horse since he retired Paint, and now that Paint's gone, what if he never rides again?

Wouldn't it be great if he could connect with another horse?

With this horse?

Yes, but you saw what just happened in the kitchen.

He said he's not ready.


Georgie, Grandpa needs time to grieve.

Jack misses riding. I know he does!

If he could just watch Buddy and I compete in the race, he'll see what a great ranch horse he can be.

(Sighs) - Okay.


You can enter him in the Cowboy Competition, but don't expect Grandpa to just change his mind suddenly.

Yeah, and you'll be doing all the training yourself because I'm up to my ears in client horses.

Plus, Casey's been texting me to come help set up the course.

And don't forget about your chores and studying.

Okay, I won't. I promise.

Huh? We're gonna make Jack love you.

(Buddy grunts, Georgie giggles)

Back in the Saddle

♪ And at the break of day you sank into your dream ♪
♪ You dreamer ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ You dreamer... ♪
♪ You dreamer... ♪

If we make the riders go that way, it should be okay.

So there's two of everything?

Yeah, 'cause, uh, two riders go out at the same time, head-to-head, and then the fastest horse through the course wins.

So what's all this for?

Lisa: That's the Concession.

I have an incredible caterer coming with the some delicious snack options: eggplant fritters, duck confit tacos...

Wait. Duck confit? 'Cause I...

Kinda just thought we'd have a barbecue, you know?

Hot dogs and hamburgers and... some beer and soft drinks.

Well, that was before I invited all my English riding friends, and we have to get them excited about this rodeo stuff somehow.

(Clears throat awkwardly) Okay, um...

Anyway, Amy, I could really use some help getting the rest of the poles out of that truck.

Would you mind?

Yup, sure. No, I'll be right there.


Oh, sh**t! I have a date with a caterer.

I'll see you girls later.

Oh, can I get a ride out to Heartland?

I have some training to do.

Yeah, come with me.

You're gonna be okay with Buddy on your own?

Yeah, totally. He's a roping horse, right?

He was, a long time ago.

He's been through a lot since then.

Just be patient with him.

Okay, sure.

Tim: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Take it easy there, old fella. You might hurt yourself.

Fine then. Use your bad shoulder.

(Mumbling) You know...

(Cab rumbles down driveway)



The General.


Always drifting in and out of here like he owns the place.

You can't have your cake and eat it, too.

What does that even mean?

Means what ever the General wants, the General gets.

I'm tired of everybody bending over backwards for him all the time.

You know what? Your jabs and snarky comments, they're getting real old.

Maybe it's time the two of you just had an honest conversation.

Just clear the air.

Oh, thanks, Jack.

I think that's the first time ever that you've given me advice that I could actually use.

That just means it's the first time you ever listened.

(Box thumps, Jack grunts)

Who's this?



(Grunts dramatically) Muah!

We weren't expecting you 'til next week.

Oh, you better check your calendar then 'cause next week is this week.

I am sorry. I completely got the dates mixed up.

It's okay, it happens. Georgie around?

She's not home and we are late for ballet.

We gotta go, we gotta go.

Oh, uh, well, I can take her.

No, no, no. I have to run into Maggie's, anyway.

We won't be long, 'kay? Come on, come on, come on.


See you when you get back.

You got the seat belt? Yup, bye.

(Car rumbles) Good?

(Car rumbles)

(Tailgate bangs shut)

(Sniffs sharply, engine shuts off)

(Door opens)

Dad! I didn't know you were coming.

Yeah, apparently no one did. (Chuckles)

(SUV engine starts)

Well, it feels like days since I've seen you.

Well, I know, and I'm only dropping Georgie off and then going to meet the caterer.

Well, but you've got time for a coffee.

Well, I really don't, Jack.

Yes, c-come on.

All right. (Giggles)


Hey, how are you?

Nice to see you!

You, too.

(Birds chirp)

Georgie: I only have a few days to become an expert roper for the Cowboy Competition.

So this is Buddy, huh? The one who was sick?

Uh, yeah. He's all better now and hopefully, if everything goes to plan, he'll be Jack's new horse.

Yeah, I was sorry to hear about Paint.

Jack hasn't ridden since his horse died.

And he's sad. I know he is even though he won't admit it.

Okay. Well, um...

I'm here to help, if you need me.

I don't know much about Cowboy Competitions, but...

That's okay.

Buddy's a roper and Jack's given me a few lessons, so, hopefully, by the time I figure this rope out, (Sighs) Buddy will do the rest for me.

Sounds good. (Georgie clucks her tongue)

(Hooves thud)

(Rope whips)

(Rope whips and thunks) Ugh, darn!

(Rope whips)

(Rope whips and thunks)

(Hooves thud, rope whips)

(Rope thunks, Buddy whinnies sharply)

Oh! Ungh!



Hey, hey. Are you okay?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm fine.

Are you sure?

I'm fine. I'm fine.

Ah, geez. Okay, let's... why don't we take a break, huh?

(Clears throat) No. No, I-I...

You come down to the Dude Ranch with me.

I can keep going.

No, no, no. Well, just let's, let's wait till Amy shows up then, all right?

Don't worry. I'll-I'll get the expert.

Casey: Things between us aren't exactly great.

(Sighs heavily)

I mean, I know I asked Lisa for her help, but I didn't think she'd completely take over.

I mean, she wants to turn it into this big thing, you know?

At this point, I would be happy if people just came out and I broke even.

Lisa lives for this kind of thing.

But I promise you, if you give her a chance, she will make your event something special.

Just stick up for what you want. You'll be okay.

(Sighs) I'll try. Thanks.

(Water runs)

So how's the event coming along?

Well, Casey and I aren't exactly on the same page.


Well, she asked for my help and she's vetoed every idea I've had.

I mean, I don't know what her rodeo friends are like, but I need more than imported beer to impress mine.

Hey, you think Casey's stubborn? You oughta try dealing with Tim.

(Door closes, Jack chuckles)

(Georgie sighs heavily) Uh-Oh.

How are race preparations coming?

(Shoes bang) Oh...

Fine. Just a little setback.

Well, you look like you spend more time on the ground than on the horse.

Well, I could really use your help getting Buddy ready for the race.

I can't.

As much as I don't want to, I need to help Tim in the loft.

Please, Jack? Amy's too busy and I could really use your expertise.

Since when do you need help doing anything?

Lisa: Oh, come on.

The race got bumped up and she's had less time to train, and... what better way to avoid Tim all afternoon?

All right.

(Laughing) You're so dusty.

I know.

(Vehicle rumbles in the distance)

(Dogs bark in the distance, cats meow)

Hey, man.

Uh, look, I'm just here to pick up some endotracheal tubes Scott left for me.

Just check on the counter.

(Papers shuffle)

Got it.


And next time, I think you should find another vet.

Scott and I are partners now and I don't wanna be your supplier anymore.

In fact, I'd be happy if I didn't have to see you ever again.




What happened to this guy? (Sighs heavily)

TY: (Sighs) Baby coyote.

Scott found him on the side of the road limping.

We repaired his cruciate ligaments.

You're not gonna keep him in this cage until you release him, are you?

Don't worry about it. I'm looking for a place for him to convalesce.

Well, I could take him at the reserve.

I don't think so.

Look, I know you're still pissed about that whole poaching thing.

I mean, I get it.

"Whole poaching thing?"

You mean how you profited off the slaughter of animals?

I don't plan on getting over that any time soon.

Maybe you didn't hear, but I turned those guys in.

I did the right thing.

Oh, you did?

And how many bears were k*lled before you grew a conscience?

(Snorts) Whatever, man. I'm just trying to help.

(Coyote whines, receding footsteps)

(Rope whips and clunks repeatedly)

(Rope thunks)

(Frustrated sigh) Can I try it on the horse yet?

Well, you haven't roped it from there yet, so... just get the tip of your loop, point it at the horns, and try again.

(Rope whips and thunks)

Georgie: Yeah.

Hey! There you go, sweetheart.

(Hard pat) Huh?

So, you're doing this now?

Okay, decided to throw in the towel?

I'm working with Georgie.

Then I'll be back to helping you.

Yeah, it's a two-man job, but, yeah, I'll find something to do.

Peter: Well, I got some time on my hands.

Do you want me to... give you a hand?

Yeah, fine.

Good luck.

(Light metallic thumps)

(Peter sighs as he shifts)

Now thread that part into the basic strainer.


Don't forget the gasket.

It's in there.

You're sure?

Yeah. Don't rush. You're rushing, you know?

You got the washers?


You sure?

Yeah, I'm positive.

In fact, I-I got this covered. Absolutely.

Probably go a lot quicker if we divide and conquer.

Divide and conquer. Military term.

(Laughs) You always get what you want, don't you, General?

(Chuckles) Oh... That never gets old.

Can you just trust my judgment on this?

Like... I got it.

(Laughs) Your judgment.

Says the man who let his family slip through his fingers.

(Awkward silence)

(Buzz of chatter) Oh, thanks.

(Phone chimes)

I should take this.

Hey, Ty.


You'll never guess who just showed up at the clinic.

Bob Granger.

And what did he want?

He was picking up some stuff from Scott.

Ugh. I can't believe Scott would have anything to do with that lowlife.

And he had the nerve to offer up his reserve for that injured coyote pup I was telling you about.

There's lots of other places that pup can go to recover.

That's what I told him.

Well, I'm almost done here with Casey.

If you want, I can help you make some calls.

That'd be great. Thanks, Amy.

I'll see you back at the office, okay?

Okay, bye. (Phones beep off)

(Cat meows, dogs bark, coyote whines)

(Hardware rattles)

Are you just gonna stand there glaring at me or is there something you wanna say?

(Hardware rattles)

Yeah, actually, I got a few things I'd like to say.

Of course there is.

First of all, it's clear you haven't done much plumbing because you would know to tighten those nuts before you ever turn on that water.

Okay. That's an easy fix.

I'd check the tail piece again, too, 'cause I know it's not straight.

(Sighs) Gotcha. Anything else?

Being honest here?

Of course.

I'm tired.


Tired of throwing a parade for you every time you decide to grace us with your presence.

And I'm tired of my daughter scheduling her life around you when you're the one who walked out.

Mostly, I'm just tired of being nice to you.

(Laughs and sputters) Being nice to me?

You've never ever been nice to me, Tim.

And if we're being completely honest here you never liked me, from the moment I set foot on this property.

Probably before that.

Okay, you don't like me? You know what? Newsflash.

I don't like you either, Tim.

Signal received, General.

That right there what is that?

Calling me General all the time like I'm some kind of dictator. I hate it.

I call you General because you expect everyone to bow to your every whim.

Oh, that's funny, that's really funny, 'cause the only dictator I see around here is you.

I'm going for a walk.

Yeah. Walk away.

That's what you do best, isn't it?

Yeah, it is. Here I go. Watch.

(Footsteps thud on stairs)

Move out that swing, Georgie.

And... now!

(Rope whips and thunks, Buddy whinnies)

Whoa! Whoa, Buddy, whoa!

Dump your rope, dump your rope!

(Buddy whinnies, Georgie grunts)

I don't know what I'm doing wrong?

It's not you it's that horse.

I don't think he's up for it.

No, you're wrong, Buddy's a natural.

Did you know he's a roping horse?

Yes, Georgie, I do know that. You told me.

Why don't you get on him, show me how it's done.

Well, the only way you're gonna improve is to keep at it. You're getting close.

Yeah, but I don't want him to develop any bad habits.

Why don't you just... try him?

(Sputtering) No, no.

You stick with it.

I gotta get back to helping Tim anyway.

(Sighs heavily)

(Peter sighs, door opens)

We're home.


Oh! Kitty Kat! Unngghh! How was your lesson?



Anything exciting happen here while we were gone?

Somehow your dad managed to turn a nice gesture me helping with the loft into a laundry list of complaints.

Turns out he's not my biggest fan.

Big surprise there, right?

(Katie giggles)

Katie, why don't you go play in your room, okay?


All right. (Receding footsteps)

Hey, I hope you know that none of this is coming from me.

(Door closes)

I know, I know. You know, I just...

Hey, how's training going?

It's not. Our plan's not working.

Jack refuses to have anything to do with Buddy.

I never should have entered that stupid race.

Well, you can't expect Jack just to get on a new horse and forget about all about losing Paint, right?

Life doesn't work like that.

You know, maybe Buddy's not the horse for him.

Maybe he's gonna find another horse... eventually.

But Buddy is the right horse for him.

I thought maybe once Jack saw him in action, he'd wanna keep him, but...

Buddy's not the roping horse he used to be.

Amy's too busy to train him, and now Jack doesn't want anything to do with him.

Everything is a huge mess right now.

Look, you can't expect these things to happen overnight.

Keep at it, kiddo, okay?

I know. I'm going to.

And you keep at it, too.

You know, don't let him get to you.

He's just testing you. He's trying to push your buttons.

I don't know what you want me to do, Lou.

Just smile and nod while he insults me to my face?

I don't have all the answers, but you two need to get along for two reasons.

Georgie and Katie.

(Receding footsteps)

So you don't have any room at all?


No, I understand, it's just...


Well, how 'bout you give me a call...

Will do. Okay. if anything changes?


Thank you. Any luck? (Phone beeps off)

It is surprisingly difficult to find a place that'll take coyotes.

Yeah, well, let's keep trying.

How 'bout you take Lethbridge, I'll take Strathmore?

Okay. (Dialing beeps)

Hi, this is Dr. Ty Borden.

I'm wondering if you have room for an injured coyote pup?

Not one place was willing to work with us.

I don't know what Ty's gonna do.

(Disinterested) That's terrible.

(Water drips as Lou scrubs a dish)

Is everything okay with you?

Yes, I'm sorry. I... I'm just worried about Georgie.

She's still trying to get Grandpa to fall in love with Buddy and it's not working.

Sounds like she's putting a lot of pressure on herself.

She is and the worst part is Buddy's not cooperating at all.

He's not helping the situation.

(Scrubs dish)

I was kinda hoping maybe you could do me a favour... and help Georgie a little bit?

(Sighs) Yes. I will carve out some time tomorrow.

Thank you. You're the best.

(Laughs) What would you do without me?

Oh... (Splashes water)

Hey! Not cool. (Big splash)

Oh! You're so immature!

(Splashing water)

(Lou screams) I'm immature?!
(Birds chirp, insects buzz)

(Buddy snorts softly, Georgie sighs, frustrated)

(Clucking tongue) C'mon, Buddy, go!

(Buddy grunts)

(Frustrated sigh) Amy: You need some help?

He's still not getting it, and now he won't even move.

This sucks. (Amy laughs)

I think I know what the problem is.

I think Buddy's afraid of the steer.

But Buddy's a roping horse.

Yes, he was.

But he might not have ever seen anything like this before.

He might be a pro when it comes to real cattle, but he doesn't know what to make of a fake one.

Great! Like Jack's gonna want a wuss of a horse.

(Sighs) Georgie, it's not your responsibility to find Grandpa a new horse.

You know, if he's not ready to replace Paint, then we can't push it.

Just concentrate on making Buddy the best horse he can be, and then when Grandpa is ready, then Buddy'll be up for the challenge.

Okay, well, let's get him used to this steer, all right?

Walk him around it, let him explore it.

Just show him that it's not that scary.

You keep going. I'm just gonna check and make sure Ty's ready for work.

(Hooves thud)

Good boy.

Hey, Tim, am I good to uh...

What, that?

Use this? Yeah.

Yeah, it's good to go.


(Laughs) Okay.

(Pipes groan, water spurts)

(Gasps) Uh, Tim?

What...? (Grunting)



You got it? (Struggling grunts) Okay, okay.

You got it?

I got it, I got it.

What is going on up here?

I assure you, honey, everything is fine.

There's nothing to worry about.

Why does it look like Niagara Falls in our kitchen?

And where is-where is Grandpa? I thought he was helping you.

Peter was helping and clearly he's... not much for plumbing.

(Pipe wrench clatters)

(Rope whips)

(Rope thunks and tightens)

(Breathing hard) Good boy!


Amy: Hey, Georgie!

That was amazing! Nice work!

(Pleased giggle)

I just wish that Dad and Peter could go easy on each other.

You know, maybe you could talk to them about it.

Oh, no.

No, the relationship between a father and a son-in-law is complicated enough.

The relationship between a father and an ex-son-in-law, they don't write a handbook on that.

Believe me, I know.

It's probably best just to stand back, let 'em hash it out.

Yeah. Because we all know how well that works.

Look, I just wanna set a good example for Georgie and Katie.

Show them that we're all on the same team.

(Door creaks open) We did it!

Georgie roped her steer. Buddy knew his job perfectly.

That's amazing!

He's awesome!

I knew Buddy could do it.

Grandpa, have you ridden him yet?

Yeah, have you?

You should. You really should.

I see what's going on here.

You didn't need my "expertise."

You wanted me to get interested in that horse.

Well, Buddy needs a new owner and you need a new horse. It's a win-win.

If any of you had been listening, you'd know that I don't need a new horse and I certainly don't need all of you telling me I do.

Well, if you just see us compete in Casey's event, you'll see what he can do!

Good luck with that. I hope you win.

You are coming, right?

I don't think so.


Grandpa, I understand why you're mad, but Georgie has been bending over backwards all week just to get you to notice Buddy.

I didn't ask her to do anything.

What is she doing wrong? She has empathy for you.

She wants to help you.

Those are all qualities that you taught her.


Yeah, hey.

Listen, I think we both said...

I was hard on you the other day.

But, uh...

Okay, you go.

I was just gonna say uh... you know I think we both said some things that we didn't mean.

I've been watching you and Lou for months now, go back and forth and back and forth, trying to make it all okay with the girls.

I've been trying to understand.

But the more I watch, the more I just don't see how this separation is for the best.

Yeah, well, it was necessary.

Let me finish.

I don't want you to have regrets.

I have regrets.

After my split with Marion, it took years for me to repair the damage I'd done with my daughters.

I know. I know that No, you don't know, Peter. You really don't.

Stop fooling yourself.

There's gonna be a distance, there's bound to be.

You're just not here.

See, in my case, I was so focused on the rodeo and what I'd lost after my accident that I'd forgotten about the importance of my family.

And now you are in Vancouver and have a job, and you have tunnel vision.

You're forgetting what matters.

(Tack jingles, fake steer thumps and drags)

(Buddy snorts softly)

I hope you're not thinking of quittin' because of me.


It'd be a real shame to have practiced all that roping and then not compete.

I know I haven't been that much fun to be around these days.


I am gonna ride again, but it has to be on my time, you understand?

On my terms.


So... if you want any shot at winning, you... have three more obstacles to get ready for, don't you?

Are you any good at setting up poles?

The best.

What about branding?

Even better.

(Tack jingles lightly)

Ready, Buddy?

(Rubbing) Okay.

(Approaching footsteps, dogs bark, cats meow)

Hey, hon.


Lou made you some muffins.

Oh, thanks, Lou.

Find a home for your patient yet?

(Sighs) No. No luck.

I do have a suggestion that you're probably not gonna like.

Don't say Bob.

(Sighs) Ty, he did offer.

I know, but I can't trust the guy, not after everything he's done.

Bob isn't exactly my favourite person in the world either, but at least the reserve would give the coyote pup a chance to recover outside.

Let's face it, Ty, we've sort of run out of options.

(Cage clicks open, cat meows)


Come on.

(Purses her lips, cat purrs)

(Sighs heavily) You're right.

I know you're right.

I can come with you if you like.

No, no. Thank you, though.

I think this is something I have to do on my own.

(Cat meows)

(Tailgate thunks open)

(Box drags)

Hey. Can I give you a hand?


Where's Peter? I thought he was helping you out.

He's up in the loft.

Things seem to go faster if we're not in the same space.


I'm letting him help, Lou. What more do you want?

I want you two to get along.

I want you to quit pushing his buttons.

(Box thunks)

He's gonna regret choosing his career over his family.

That's all I'm saying.

It's not that simple, Dad.

And I know you're just trying to help, but you're actually making things worse.

(Blows out his breath) Does it matter at this point?

It does matter. Dad, it matters to me, and it matters to Georgie and Katie, okay?

Because as much as I love Grandpa, I wish that he hadn't kept you away from us after you broke up with Mom.

That was... (emotional) Dad, that was really hard.

I uh...

I just don't want you doing the same thing to Peter.

I want him to feel comfortable seeing his girls whenever he wants.

And I don't want him avoiding Heartland because you two can't figure out how to deal with each other.

(Footsteps thunk on stairs)

(Box and paint can thump)

I got a truck full of paint down here.

I could use your help.

Hey, Tim, we don't have to like each other to be there for the girls, or to finish this loft for that matter.

That's one of the smarter things you've ever said...


(Footsteps thump on stairs, Tim chuckles)

(Truck rumbles in the distance)


(Engine cuts out, door opens and closes)

You're about the last person on the planet I thought I'd see here.

I brought that coyote pup. You still got room for him?

It'll be about four months until he can be released.

No problem.

(Coyote pup whines) Easy now. Easy.

What happened to this place?


(Coyote pup whines)

Well, it's obviously not nothing, man.

I mean, I knew you were irresponsible, but this takes it to a whole new level.

Look, I told you I turned in the poachers.

Why can't you get past that?

(Ty scoffs)

The only reason you turned in those poachers was to save your own skin.

That wasn't a selfless act, all right?

You were trying to avoid being held accountable for your part in the scheme.

I turned myself in.

I spent six weeks behind bars. I served my time and the reserve almost went under for it.

So you may wanna get your facts straight before you start flinging around judgments.

Shhh... (Coyote pup whines)

Casey: I wanna welcome everyone to the Hudson Cowboy Classic.

Uh, Lisa Stillman and I would like to thank all the riders and the volunteers and sponsors who helped make this event possible.

(Crowd cheers)

I'm pleased to announce that we have 22 competitors today, ranging in age and skill level, including Hudson's very own "Miracle Girl" Amy Fleming.

Woo-hoo! (Clapping and cheering)

Casey: You wanna tell everyone how this works?

Hi, everyone. As you can see from the competitors board, the riders will be competing in heats of two.

To win this event, you have to complete all the obstacles in the shortest amount of time.

So, Georige, who am I paired with?

You'll never guess.

Oh no.

Oh yes! Amy Fleming, you are going down!

We're riding against each other.

Okay, well, at least we're last up.

That'll give us a chance to check out the competition.


I don't think Jack's coming.

I wouldn't worry about Grandpa.

This is gonna be fun, trust me.

Casey: So without further ado, let's get this race started.

Our, uh, first two competitors are Travis Dunne on Tonquin and Liam Baker on Cloud.

(Crowd cheers and claps, airhorn blows)

Casey: And they're off! Both fast off the top as they head into the first challenge branding. (Hard thump)

Casey: Now the riders must take two turns in opposite directions before moving on to roping.

(Rope pulls)

(Crowd cheers) - Go, Travis!

(Crowd cheers and claps) Go! Let's go!

(Rope whips, rope thunks loudly)

(Rope whips, rope thunks loudly)

They're good.

Yeah, but I think we can do better.

Casey: And it looks like Travis is dragging his rope.

Both riders now in penalty.

(Cheering and clapping)

Casey: And now poles.

(Clapping and cheering)

(Cheering and clapping)

(Low buzz of chatter)

These sliders were a stroke of genius.

And it turns out cowboys love sesame encrusted ahi tuna.

Well, who knew? And I've noticed a few of our guests enjoying your assortment of beers.

Hmm... I think we might be onto something. (Laughing)

(Loud buzz of chatter)

Grandpa, over here!

(Crowd chatters)

Well, it's time for our final match up of the day.

Amy Fleming riding her horse, Spartan, competing against Georgie Fleming-Morris on Buddy.

(Crowd claps and cheers)

You're just in time here, Jack.

Georgie and Amy are about to go head to head.

No kiddin'. (Chuckles)

Ladies, would you take your place at the starting mark, please.

(Hooves thud)

I'm glad you made it.

Yeah, me too.

(Crowd chatters) - Come on, Amy!

(Chatter and laughter)

You ready?

(Sighs) Good luck. You're gonna need it. (Laughs)

Casey: We've had a lot of great showings this afternoon, but the rider to beat is still Travis Dunne.

(Airhorn blasts, horses whinny)

Georgie: That's it, come on! Come on!



Go, Georgie! Come on, Amy!

Casey: And Georgie's in the lead, but don't count Amy out. This race is neck in neck.

Come on, Buddy, come on.

Curl, curl, come on.

(Crowd cheers and claps)

Ungh! Come on!

Get up, get up, get up!

(Metallic clunk, crowd cheers)

Casey: All right, Georgie's done it!

Next stop: robping!

(Rope whips)

(Rope whips)

(Rope Whips)

(Rope thumps and tightens)

Right there. You see that? That's classic me.

(Hooves thud, rope whips)

(Rope thumps and tightens)

You see? Now she gets that from me.

(Buddy grunts, rope drops)

Lisa: Look at Georgie and Buddy go.

They're still in this.

Casey: We're in the home stretch, guys, let's cheer 'em on!

(Crowd cheers and claps) Guys!

Go, Buddy! Go!

(Clears throat) Georgie. Go, Georgie.

(Hooves thud heavily)

(Crowd cheers and claps)

Casey: Oh wow, what a finish!

Both were clean rides, no penalties.

Just let the judges tally the points.

Wow! That was amazing! You did so good!

And Amy Fleming has claimed first place.

And don't forget Georgie Fleming-Morris on Buddy coming in second behind our champion.

(Cheers and applause)

I can't believe it! I almost beat you!


Good boy.

(Snorting softly)

(Snorting softly)

Hey, Jack.

You ran a good race, kid.


You know, the only reason I tried to push Buddy onto you is because I want you to be happy.

Well, I appreciate you looking out for me, even when I make it difficult.

I know you miss Paint, but... it doesn't mean you can never love another horse again.

The truth is, I don't know that I'm ready.

Buddy's not a bad horse.

He did okay out there today, but... that doesn't mean we'd make a good team.

Only one way to find out.

Join-up is the best way to establish a bond.

You should give it a try.

(Chuckles) Amy, you know I respect your methods and I admire everything you do with your clients, but...

I'm old school. That's not for me.

A man and a horse, they either like each other or they don't.

(Receding footsteps, birds chirp)

(Bird screeches)

(Bird crows)

(Coyote pants and whines)

Looks like he's making real progress.

If you're wondering about the coyote pup, you could've just called.

(Birds chirp)

Bob, I'm sorry about what happened to the reserve.

I made a lot of mistakes in my life, a lot... (Blade of grass snaps) and I appreciated the second chances that I got.

So what're you saying?

(Birds chirp)

(Hard thump)

(Sighs) I'm saying let's put it behind us.

Forget about it.

(Chuckles, pleased)

When Buddy wouldn't spin at first, I thought I was done.

Casey: Yeah, but you recovered well.

Yeah, and you almost beat me.


It made for a very exciting finish.

Well, now that we know how much the English riding crowd loved the event, It'll probably be much easier to organize next time.

Next time?

I think we should make this take-out.

Got a lot of work to do and I wanna finish what we started.

Yup, I'm with you. Whenever you're ready.

I'm in too.

I say we finish the bathroom first.

Oh, hey you know what I'm thinking?

Uh, what about pot lights?

Pot lights? No, because it's a barn. So really?

Okay, so who still needs lasagna?

Girls. Come and see this.

♪ You know... You know-oh-oh... ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ Now is forever ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ Now is forever Git up, git up, git up. ♪
♪ Life is always what you make it ♪

(Buddy grunts) Git along, now.

♪ We have to take it o-o-o-o-n ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ Now is forever ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ Now is forever ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ Now is forever ♪

(Buddy snorts softly)

Yeah... that a boy.
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