02x07 - Étienne

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Returned". Aired: March 2015 to May 2015.*
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"The Returned" focuses on a small town that is turned upside down when several local people who have been long presumed dead suddenly reappear, having not aged and unaware of their own fatality.
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02x07 - Étienne

Post by bunniefuu »


Something will happen to Julie.


It indicates you and your wife only had one child, Paul.

But there’s nothing about Louis.


You adopted him?

We’re going home.

They won’t let us leave.

She has her voice, her eyes. It’s not her.

She’s here to deceive you.

Let me in.

You’ve kidnapped the child. Why do you want him?

I won’t find the path without him. Help me find them.

Then we’ll leave.

Come with us.


I did it to save you.


10 MONTHS AFTER THE DAM BURST The time has come.

We are here, together, ready to take the path.

You’ve trusted me, and I’ve promised you we would get answers to our questions.

Why all these deaths?

Why this tragedy?

Why this suffering?

We have been looking for our path, and we have finally found it.

If we take the passage…

Step back.

If we make the gesture, we will find back our loved ones beyond this world.

Where death is no more.

Where all our loved ones will be with us forever.

What about our baby?

Simon too, will be with you.

You will all be together.


Where we go, you will never feel guilty again.

Thanks for having me.

For helping me.

Let’s pray.

Stay with her. Don’t move.

It was sleeping pills intended for the children, apparently.


I know I can count on you.

Join us.

When I called, Lucho was normal.

When I came back…

Why did he do that?

The little boy was with him?


It’s because of him?

It’s his fault?

They can make us commit su1c1de?

Sandrine wants to talk to you.

Let us leave, Pierre.

I can’t do that.

Give me that g*n.

We won’t hurt you.

She needs medical attention.

We can’t leave her like that.

She’s suffering.

She’s like us.

She’s like them.

She can’t be treated.

We were wrong.

I was wrong.

It’s her.

A mother can feel it.

I can feel it.

It’s her.

She’s suffering, and I have to help her.

Look at her eyes.

Look at her face. It’s her!

You can see it’s her.

It’s her.

Speak to him.

Speak, Audrey.

What should I say?

She remembered you.

She told me about when she first met you.

I wasn’t there. I couldn’t know this.

Tell him, Audrey.

You came to the high school.

To talk about the shelter.

About what you did with the homeless.

You see?

It’s her.

Don’t listen to her.

We can’t listen to them.

They’re not human.

They want to push us to death.

Shut up.

Stay with her, and you’ll die.

You’re talking nonsense.


You’re the ones who are not human!

Go get Camille.

Something’s happening.



What are you doing?

I need to talk to him.

Who is he?

Let her.

We need to leave.

We’re no longer safe here.

Come with us.

You can’t stay with them. You know it.

I can’t.

Come, with me.

I can’t.

As you like.

Stay away from them.

You’re in love.

What are you going to do?

I’ll see if they have really left.

You’re leaving me alone?

You’re not alone anymore.

I’ll find a way to leave this place.

They won’t hurt us if we don’t go out.

I could stay here forever if we’re together.


I thought…

You were so close to us.

You couldn’t have known.

Thank you.

For coming to get us.

I think it’s this way.

Why are we stopping?

You don’t know where to go?

Don’t you trust me anymore?

Those who didn’t come with us?


You’re leaving them?

You said none of us could stay alone, or we’d end up like those in the caves.

We can’t take someone by force.

You don’t know where Simon is.

They are following you, because they trust you.

We need to keep going up.

When the child is here, everything will be clear.

All right.

Thank you.


They’re keeping the child.

To know if he’s OK. They’re worried.

What about Adèle?

They think she lied.

They don’t believe in the kidnapping.

I shouldn’t have let her go.

Come on.

Pack your things.

I shouldn’t have trusted you.

Where are you going? Simon…

They won’t let you come near her.

Hello, Adèle.


Your baby has a minor cardiac arrhythmia.

He’ll need more examinations.

He also has an injury on his forearm. Did you know?

No, what is it?

I don’t know. It looks like a scratch.

I want to see him.

That won’t be possible.


They want to know if he’s safe with you.

What have you told them?

They asked for my opinion.

I stuck to the facts. I didn’t tell everything.


When I got out of the hospital, I was a little confused.

Everything’s OK, now.

It’s not my decision, anyway.


Tell them everything’s OK.

I’ve understood.

Understood what?

This child…

I love him.

I can’t do anything.

I’m sorry.

Why does Lucy want Nathan?

Because she thinks he’ll save us.

From what?

From those who are afraid of us.

Why did she say you’d hurt Mom?

She wants to scare us.

But it’s not true?

Of course it’s not.

Watch out!

You know…

Lucy acts like she knows everything.

But… she’s like the others. She doesn’t know everything.

However, what I know… is that I won’t let her take Nathan away from us, all right?

I’d like us to be together. The four of us.


So would I.



Mr. Lewanski has died.

He died last night. A few hours after you visited him.

We need to tell those who knew him.

Do you know anyone?

The boy you talked about, can we find him?


If you gave me his last name, I could…

I don’t know his name.

I thought…

Are you OK, Florence?

I don’t know. She got up all of a sudden.

What’s happening?

The military brought the body of a woman last night. A homicide.

That’s what they told us. But, obviously, she was still alive.

The lady who was with you, you don’t know her name?


And did you know the young man who fell?

He didn’t fall. He jumped.

Why would he do that?

Because he wanted to die.

Do you know where your parents are?


What are their names?

We could find them.

I want to get out.

That’s not possible.

We can’t let you all alone outside.

What would you do?

You want to scare me?

You must be hungry. Eat.

I’ll come back later.


Enjoy your meal.

Wait, stay with me!



Who are you?

I know you.

I don’t have any memory.

I can’t remember anything.

Where are the others?

Come with me.


Help me find the others.



Please have a seat.

We have more information about Captain Mézache’s death.

According to the autopsy, he died from external bleeding because of a g*nsh*t injury on his shoulder.

The g*n belonged to one of his colleagues.

A police officer shot him?


It was certainly not a police officer who shot him.

Someone must have stolen the g*n and used it against your husband.

I mean, future husband.

And… do you have any idea who could have done that?

Not yet.

We’re making hypothesizes.

Besides, I’d like to talk to you about something that intrigues us.

Ten years ago, you were about to get married with Simon Delaître.

Is that correct?


The wedding didn’t take place.

Simon Delaître having decided to end his life.

Six months ago…

A few days before his death, Captain Mézache arrested an individual who was supposedly identified as Simon Delaître.

Did you know that?


The inspection of Captain Mézache’s computer has allowed us to note that you were having a relationship with that young man.

And Captain Mézache became aware of it.

Is this the man who tried to kidnap your child?


He knows you’re lying.

Do you think he could have att*cked the captain?

Adèle, tell me…

On these photos, it’s Simon Delaître?


Simon Delaître…

Is he dead?


I’ve heard of that kind of stories, people who were pronounced dead, but actually weren’t.


Do you know her well?

A little.

I need to talk to her.

Julie, I’m glad to see you.

What happened to you?

They say I’m a miracle.

You were shot?


Who shot you?

A young man.

Right in the heart.

I don’t think he did it on purpose.

Did you know him?

I remember I saw him at the Helping Hand.

You were in the domain?

No, we left. With Victor.

You were with Victor?


He wanted to leave. He wanted to find you.

He was worried about you.

About me?


Where is he, now?

I don’t know.

Maybe they took him.

He cares about you.

Julie, what are you doing?

I need to go.

Where are you going?

Let go of me.

I need to go somewhere. I can’t explain.

His name was Victor?


You said you didn’t know his name.

I forgot.

You’ll find him?

I’ll try.

I can help you.

No, thanks. I’ll manage.

Thanks for everything.

It was nothing.

It’s just that…

You seem so lost.

I was worried.

You need to let people help you.

Or you’ll end up all alone.

Then you shouldn’t complain.

You have to help us.

She’ll join us.


Are you OK? It wasn’t too cold?

It was OK.

You went far.


Feeling better?

It looks like you were lucky.

It looks like it.

We’ve learned that people were hiding in the housing domain.

Were you a part of it?


Did you know the people who att*cked you?


Why did they attack you?

No one att*cks anyone.

Some give the gift of their faith.

Others receive it.

If they make that gesture, they’re all allowed to enter the circle.

What gesture?

Use some imagination.

The death of the police officers?

Everything is connected.

All right…

An investigation will be conducted, and you’ll have to answer the questions.

I’m not sure you’re asking the right questions.

Major, the lieutenant is waiting for you.

All the houses were searched?

There was no one left.

Where were they?

The sergeant found them on a street in the domain.

The road is passable since last night.

Claire Séguret was held prisoner there.

Who did?

She doesn’t know.



You must be tired.

We’ll take care of you.

We’d like to go home.

I understand.

We just need to ask you a few questions.

Put them downstairs.

And bring them some food.

What did the military ask you?

They asked me about Simon.

Have they understood what happened to him?

I don’t know.

What will they do when they know how I am?

They won’t know who you are.

We need to leave. They can’t keep us here.

She was looking for you.

Where is Nathan?

He’s fine.

Don’t worry.

You’ve left him alone?

I didn’t have a choice.

Simon is waiting for us.

I used to live here?


It was your study.

When did I die?

35 years ago.

I should remember you, too?

Why is the water on this side?

Otherwise, all its weigh would be concentrated into one spot.

You see? The circle arc shape allows to transfer the pressure of the water on each side.

How big is it again?

220 meters long, 60 meters high.

Will it be finished soon?

Very soon.


You need to stop building the dam.


It will collapse.

Where do you live?

The dam will be very strong. You shouldn’t be scared.

There will be hundreds of deaths.

It will be your fault.

You should go home.

You believe me?

Come on, go home.

You know him?



You’re lost?

Camille Séguret’s file.

Mr. Séguret, could you come with me, please?

It’s her?

It’s your daughter, Camille Séguret?


How come she was pronounced dead?

I don’t know.

I don’t know how it’s possible. But she’s my daughter.

She’s here.

Let us leave.

I’m begging you.

The end is near. You shouldn’t be afraid.

You need to have confidence. I have confidence.

What do you want?

I’m looking for Victor.

He’s not here.

Tell me where he is.

Lucho died because of him.

What did you do to him?

She’s like them. We need to k*ll her.

Don’t do that, Frédéric.

Take her downstairs.

Let go of me!


Where are the others?

Who are you talking about?


Those who took you, who where with the little boy.

I don’t know.

I know you’re lying.

You’re protecting them.


They’ve only brought you misfortune.

They destroyed everything.



Your suffering can end today.

If you help us. If you join us.

It’s a choice you need to make.

You’re not like them.


You’re not like them.

I don’t know anything.

Put her with the others.

I knew I’d see you again.

Don’t hurt Julie.


I don’t hurt anyone. I save them.

You asked me to do it.

I didn’t ask you anything.

You decide about everything.

I understood when you came to me.

I felt your presence at the clearing.

I don’t decide anything.

You have to tell me what I need to do, now.

Why did you make us come back?

What do you want from us?

I didn’t do it.

You can count on me. I’ll help you to see this through.

What are you doing here? Get out.

I know what this circle thing is about.

It was a cult that existed about 30 years ago.

Why did you talk about it?

What do you think?

That’s enough.

Tell me what you know.

You want to know how you’ll die?

You’re afraid of ending up like your colleagues?

Hung to a tree?

Who told you what happened to them?

I can read your mind.

I know your fears.

Shut up.

Shut up.

Are you OK, Captain?

Come quick.

There’s power in the rest of town.

Major, we’ve heard a g*nsh*t in the basement.

Take five men with you.

With me.

Put your g*n down.

Put your g*n down, Captain.


I need to get back my son.

Please take care of Chloé.

Stay with them.

I’ll be back with Nathan.

Take this.


The military must have taken him elsewhere.


You think it’s them? It’s Lucy?

They won’t hurt him.

Help me find him.

I’m begging you.
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