17x18 - Unholiest Alliance

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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17x18 - Unholiest Alliance

Post by bunniefuu »

So you bust a sex party and find a nun.

You saw who was there. Politicians, police.

The johns, they must know who threw the party.

They're not saying.

Somebody knows how these girls got caught up.

Is there someone at the school we should be looking at?

What's the monsignor doing here?

He has made some very serious allegations against Tucker.

Sex trafficking, corruption...

They really set me up good.

[cell phone buzzes]

1PP wants to see me.

Lieutenant, what's going on?

I'm out, effective immediately.

In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

I know having your lieutenant transferred abruptly is unsettling, but ours is not to reason why.

How long is Liv gonna be gone?

Best hope... temporarily. For now, keep doing your jobs.

You're in good hands with the sergeant here.

First off, I was as blindsided by this as all of you, and second, I'm gonna need your help.

Copy that, Sergeant.

What are we supposed to do?

Leads me to my third point. The lieutenant was recused because of the allegations against Captain Tucker.

So what's that got to do with Liv?

I can't speak to that, and neither should any of you, but this is still our case, and since charges have been made against Tucker, Barba's been pressuring us to follow up on them, so start following up.

If Detectives Russo and Jefferson claim they told me about this ring, they're lying.

I called them in on a completely separate matter.

They're alleging you blackmailed them into cutting you in on the operation.

They're dirty.

SVU busted them in the raid.

Whosever running this thing told them to blame me.

We have two priests, Captain, Father Eugene O'Hanigan and Monsignor Patrick Mulregan, who confirm parts of the story.

Are you saying they're in on a conspiracy too?

I don't know.

Father Eugene is my cousin, so... some of this might be personal.

There is a nun, though, a Sister Nina Kelly.

She suggested to me that Father Eugene was somehow involved.

Have you spoken to her yet?

[tense music]

♪ ♪

Sister, is anyone else coming?

Not today. Just... just get in.


We're not supposed to be talking.


Did you know that I was getting transferred?

1PP doesn't keep the DA's office apprised of its Byzantine maneuvers.

No? Well, let me fill you in.

You told them about me and Tucker, and a few hours later I'm getting pep talks about what a great asset that I would be to women in Community Affairs.

Liv, you're seeing someone I'm investigating.

1PP had to know.

Tucker is not a sex trafficker.

Then the investigation will clear him.

Until it does, just stay out of it.

Whoever's behind this m*rder*d Cara, and while you and 1PP are chasing their Trojan horse, other girls are in danger.

We can't talk about this.


[cell phone rings]


This is Nina.

Did you tell them that I'm not cooperating anymore?

Okay, Nina... Nina, where are you?

Jusjust tell them that I'm leaving town and that they don't have to worry about me.

Wait, Nina, wait. Listen to me...

I have to go.

Nina, hold on...

Nina? Hello?

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Ed, hey.

How are you holding up?

Group One's been grilling me since 8:00 a.m.

They can't think that you're in on this.

Oh, yeah, they can. What do you got?

You need to be careful.

Somebody's after Sister Nina, and you might be next.

What are you talking about?

She called me this morning, spooked, and now I can't reach her.

Dodds is tracking her phone.

Great. All right, keep me posted.

Listen, I'm due back upstairs.

More questions about me and my cousin Eugene.

♪ ♪

Okay, I know you can't violate any oaths, but when these girls confessed to you...

I became concerned that the girls were being preyed upon by the two Vice cops, and I suggested to the monsignor that he talk to my cousin in Internal Affairs.

When was this?

A year ago, March 14th... that's the date of the letter I sent to Ed Tucker outlining these crimes.

You still have that letter on your computer?

I write by hand, but I kept a photocopy if you'd like to see that.

Yeah, please.

Yep, last March, hmm.

And you... are you sure he got this?

I me... did you hear back from Captain Tucker?

Tucker calls my partner and I and says he wants to meet.

When was this?

March 16th, last year.

Here's a print out of Detective Russo's calendar.

Was your lawyer or rep with you?

No, Tucker said that it was off the record, strictly for intel.

So we go to...

Wait just a minute.

Let me make clear anything my client says to implicate Tucker cannot be used against him.

Go on.

We go down.

Tucker's there without his partner, says he knows about us and the girls and that it can go one of two ways: We lose our badges and we do some hard time, or we cut him in on our action and he closes this file out.

Do you have any way to verify this?

Were the meetings with Tucker recorded?

No, it was Tucker, my partner, and me.

I told my captain about it.

[knocks on glass]

Yeah, give me a few minutes.

That guy's got his story down.

Well, if Jefferson and Russo met with Tucker, IAB is sure to have a record of it.

[door opens] Hey, Sergeant, this is a copy of the letter the monsignor sent Tucker outing the vice cops.

Either Tucker's dirty or somebody's setting him up good.

Okay, I'll give this to Group One.

Next problem, the lieutenant called.

Sister Nina might be in trouble, and her burner phone's going straight to voicemail.

A burner... so no GPS.

TARU just triangulated.

The last call came from Saxon Woods.

I got an emergency exception to put a Triggerfish on her phone.

If it's on, we'll find it.

Where was the last call made from?

TARU said less than a mile from here.

The minivan is Nina Kelly's?

No, it belongs to an Episcopal Church in Yonkers.

I left word.

Can you call again?


Well, somebody ran her off the road.

Yeah, and look. You see these drag marks?

Go over here to the tire tracks.

So they... they put her in their vehicle and they took off.

That's not good.


I got two suitcases.

It's women's clothes.

This one is Nina's.

[police radio chatter]

And that one looks like a teenage girl's, right?

So we got two vics.

Okay, church lady says the van is usually driven by their reverend, a Father Joseph Leahy.

Another priest?

You got to be kidding me.

Yes, that's our minivan.

I loaned it to Nina this morning.

She said she was in trouble. Is she okay?

Do you have any idea where she was headed?

I gave her the keys to my family's lake house in Vermont.

You did?

All right, so you two must be... must be close.

Episcopalian reverend, a Catholic nun.

How'd you meet?

I used to be a Catholic priest. That's when Nina and I, uh...

Became involved?

We were in love.

I asked her to marry me, to start a new life together.

But she turned you down?

She said she had too much work to do.

Girls were being abused.

I asked her to stop, but Nina's dogged.

She never quits anything, not even the Church.

When you gave her the keys to the car, was she traveling alone?

She was very anxious about the girls.

I think she was trying to get them out of town.

Okay, thank you.

Margaret's at home. Danielle is at the shelter.

They said Nina called them, but she wasn't making any sense.

Do you know which hospital she went to?

Okay, thank you.

Natalia's foster mother said Natalia left early this morning... didn't say where she was going.

Now she's at the hospital?

Yeah, she OD'd.

They should've just let me die.

I can't stop seeing her face.

Who, Sister Nina?

You're here because you found her, right?

Right, but we need you to tell us what happened.


He said he would do the same thing to me.

"He"? He who?

Natalia, what we know... that you were with Sister Nina when that van got rammed.

And you saw the driver.


What did he look like?

He was black.

He was dressed like a priest.

Did he have an accent when he talked to you?

African, I think.

He forced Sister Nina and me into his van, and he... he drove into a dead end.

Okay. Go on.

He made us walk into the woods, and, um, he said if I ran, he'd... he'd sh**t her.

Then he r*ped her.

And when he was done, he shot her anyway.

He said I should tell all the other girls that that's what would happen to them if they talked.

And that's when you went to score?

No, no, I didn't.

He... he drove me back to the Bronx, and he loaded that needle in front of me, and he put it in my hand.

He said, "The Lord is my shepherd."

Then I woke up here.

[police radio chatter]

Tire tracks stop here.

Yeah, Natalia said he pulled them both out of the car and into the woods.

Can we get the dogs?

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

Sergeant, they found her.

Move. Move!

[somber music]

♪ ♪

All right, call it in.

You know what? Don't worry.

I got it.

♪ ♪

I'm sorry, Lieutenant.

Sister Nina wasn't paranoid at all.

She was right. What did the M.E. say?

She confirmed what Natalia told us.

Sister Nina was r*ped and shot point-blank.

And Natalia ID'd Father Akintola?

Yeah, picked him out of a photo array.

Said he was wearing his priest collar.

Where is he now?

Maybe in the wind, and nobody at St. Fabiola's is returning our calls.

Of course they're not.

Go and sit outside their offices for as long as it takes.

[dramatic music]

Sister, any word?

I'm sorry. It looks like the monsignor won't be coming in today after all.

I thought you said he was already here.

I've been waiting since 9:00.

Oh, you must have misunderstood.

He's in seclusion, praying for Nina.

Monsignor Mulregan finally called me back.

He thinks Father Akintola's out of the country.

Out of the country?

He believes the Father had a family emergency in Cameroon three days ago.

What about Father Eugene?

Isn't he in school today?

No, no, he's not.

Sister, please, this is about getting justice for Nina.

I understand, but we've been told for the good of the church that it's best not to answer any questions.

Well, who told you that?

The monsignor.

He reminded us that God's plan will be unveiled with time.

Does the monsignor know how to get in touch with Father Akintola?

No, but Bishop Catalano might know more.

I've been here all day. No sign of the bishop.

He's got to come in or out at some point.

Hold on... call you back.

How you doing?

I'm trying to reach Bishop Catalano.

I'm sorry, Officer, this is not a good time.

You're the bishop, aren't you?

I'm looking for Father Akintola.

Call my secretary, and she'll take care of you.

Can I please talk to you for five minutes?

Please, we have a funeral mass to attend to.

♪ ♪

Huh. Horrifying.

And no one in the church knows where Akintola is?

Nah, they're in seclusion.

On full lockdown.

Not available, not returning calls.

I assume you don't want us to bust down the rectory door and haul 'em in.

They assume that too.

Well, Monsignor did send word through Sister Ida that he'd heard Akintola went back to Cameroon three days ago.

Then when you met with him, did he mention anything about a flight?

I'm not sure he actually took one.

ICE has no record of him leaving the country on a commercial or private flight.

Yeah, and there's no record of him coming into the country.

All right, we're out to the FBI and Interpol, but this guy could be anywhere or anyone in the world right now.

Okay, all right, identity issues aside, he was the priest who met with Cara right before she OD'd?

Yep, and Natalia told us, after he drove her to the Bronx, he gave her the syringe she OD'd with.

Whoever the players are in this, they are closing ranks fast.

And k*lling Sister Nina like that, they're sending a message.

All right, where are you on the warrants for the priests' financials?

As of last count, I have three judges not getting back to me. What do you expect?

No judge wants to take on the Church.

Well, hang on.

What about this guy? Judge Wheeler?

He still maintains he thought the sex party was a fundraiser.

Oh, yeah?

Well, I still have surveillance photos of this guy groping a 16-year-old girl on his lap.

This is blackmail.

More like a courtesy call.


You see, Your Honor, with the death of that nun, the press is all over us, so if photos like that were to, God forbid, leak out...

I never had any contact with a nun.

Yes, you did.

That's her right there, serving you a drink.

Yeah, maybe you didn't notice her with that, uh, underage girl sitting on your lap there.

I can't get you warrants for half the priests in the Archdiocese.

All right, well, start with these four: Akintola, Eugene O'Hanigan, Monsignor Mulregan...

Bishop Catalano?


You must be joking.

You know, it's my signature on these warrants.

No, not yours.

You're gonna get one of your judge friends to do it for you.

No financials at all for Father Akintola?

If he even is a priest.

The Archdiocese has no record of him.

What about Monsignor Mulregan?

No extra accounts, no car leases, credit cards.

This guy's good at hiding his profits.

Yeah, or he's actually just a good priest who has nothing to do with this.

And Father Eugene?

I may have something.

Father Eugene is paying $600 a month for a Bronx walk-up, and he's also renting a loft in Fort Greene for $3,500.


His salary's $2,500 a month. That doesn't add up.

Does if he's part of this ring.

Maybe this loft's another party location.

Rollins, keep digging into his accounts.

Fin and Carisi, go check out Father Eugene's loft.

E. O'Hanigan... number three.

His name's on the door?

That's brazen.

[intercom rings]


Uh, yeah, this is UPS.

We have a package here for a Eugene O'Hanigan.

[door buzzes]


Oh, you're not the UPS guy.

And you're not Father Eugene.

What's your name, cowboy?

Lance... uh, Woodstone.

Eugene's not here, though.

Mind if we come in, Lance?

Uh, yeah, yeah.

So you must be Father Eugene's...

Personal trainer.


CrossFit, Pilates...

Use this ball gag in Pilates?

We're gonna need you to come down to the station with us, Lance.

Um, do I have to?

Well, most good citizens like to cooperate when the police seek their help.

Yeah, I know he's a priest, but he likes to stay in shape.

You been living in that loft full-time?


Pay rent... expenses?

Yeah, I chip in.
Lance Woodstone, 25, has an outstanding DUI warrant and claims to be a personal trainer.

Any other clients?

No, but he does seem to spend over $1,000 a month in liquor deliveries, plus another $500 a month on gift items from the, um, the Pirate Booty Treasure Chest.


Lance, how long you been training Father Eugene?

On and off, a few years.

On and off? Uh-huh.

Look, can I call my girlfriend?

Um, she's a lawyer.

You're Lance Woodstone's attorney?

I haven't met you before, Counselor.

Heidi Aronson. I'm a real estate attorney... well, broker, but I have some legal experience.

And you're Lance's girlfriend?

I'm also married.

What's relevant here is he's my client, and I'd like to know why you're holding him.

For questioning about his dealings with the Church.

Is this about Father Eugene? Lance hasn't had anything to do with that priest for over a year.

Are you sure about that?


I told him if he kept up that sick relationship, we were over.

You did?

'Cause Lance has been living in a loft that Father Eugene pays the rent for.

That son of a bitch.

I emailed the monsignor about him two years ago.

Monsignor Mulregan?


I told him Father Eugene was stealing money from the church to fund his deviant lifestyle.

What do you mean by "deviant"?


The good Father made a whole series like this on the church altar.

Does that answer your questions?

I knew Eugene was hiding something.

This trainer... Eugene is his sugar daddy?

Pays for his loft, his credit cards, S&M purchases.

And he's getting the money from the trafficking ring?

We haven't been able to track the cash, but that's our working theory.

You're sure that the monsignor knew?

Yeah, we are. Now, it turns out that Lance also had a sugar mama who found out about him and Eugene.

Here's a copy of the outraged email that she sent to Monsignor Mulregan two years ago.

Giving him leverage over Eugene.

And the Vice cops, Jefferson and Russo.

He knew that they were raping his girls, so he gets them and Eugene to frame you.

Now, the problem is, you actually met with Russo and Jefferson last year.

I did, yeah, on a completely unrelated matter.

A pimp accused them of shaking down his girls.

Did you record the conversation?


This pimp had accused half the NYPD.

It was pro forma, and my partner was out sick that day.

Then it's your word against Vice and the Catholic Church.

At least we know why my cousin is lying.

You bring him in, show him those pictures.

That's easier said than done.

Everyone at St. Fabiola's has gone to ground.

They have?

Well, then I assume that Eugene doesn't know that you have his trainer.

You're late.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

There's a lot going on.

On the floor, you filthy bitch!

You have some respect for your master.

Forgive me, sir. May... may I come closer?

Eugene, stand up.

They made me.

They were gonna give me a year on that DUI.

Lance, go put on some clothes, now.

What are you doing here? This is a private residence.

Well, there's been allegations that you've illegally been using church funds to pay for this private residence, Father.

Am I under arrest?

We have some questions for you, or we could just call your monsignor, let him know we caught you in a honey trap.

No, don't... do that.

♪ ♪

Those photos are from my past.


Because we just caught you getting dommed by, uh, Lance Woodstone.

If you did, that would be a private matter.

Not if you're paying for it with funds from a sex trafficking ring.

How could you even think such a thing?

How? I don't know.

Loft rent we got here, cognac bills, sex toys, Internet porn...

You... you went through my personal finances.


You want to tell us how you can afford this double life on a priest's salary?

I didn't do anything illegal.

I-I sold family heirlooms to pay for my sessions.

I'm a good man struggling with some demons.

Father, cut the crap.

You know why you're here.

Girls from your school have been r*ped and m*rder*d, and so has a nun. Now, what happened?

Did those Vice cops find out about your demons and get you to run those girls for them?

No, no, I already told you, my cousin's behind that evil, and I was not involved in any way, nor was anyone I know.

The girls attended his school.

He has an unexplained cash flow... yet he still blames Tucker.

He and the monsignor are in on this up to their eyeballs.

Yeah, him, sure, but the monsignor?

Carisi, the monsignor came to me, unsolicited, to dirty Tucker up.

He then handed you, the good Catholic, a photocopy of a handwritten letter.

Which, obviously, anybody could've backdated and claimed they mailed... I mean, I knew that was a possibility, but...

But I guess I just wouldn't let myself believe it.

He came to my office full of righteous anger and lied to my face, and I doubted myself for doubting him.

I have no idea how he sustains his act.

It's all for the good of the church.

Excuse me?

Sister Antonia told me the monsignor instructed everybody to stonewall...

For the good of the church.

Okay, well, then, maybe for the good of the church, we should give the monsignor a heads-up that Fathers Eugene and Akintola are about to be indicted.

How did you get this?

That's not the issue, Monsignor.

Did you receive that email from Heidi Aronson?

Yes, but it was over two years ago.

So you read the part about Father Eugene skimming money from the school uniform fund to pay for his altar bondage play?

Yes, and I was deeply disturbed by it.

Oh, you were? Did you take any action?

I confronted Father Eugene right away.

He went on sabbatical to deal with the sickness, and I asked the Archdiocese to investigate Ms. Aronson's allegations that he'd misappropriated funds, but that claim proved to be baseless.

You sure about that?


I even forwarded her email to the Bronx D.A.'s office.

He assured me that nothing criminal had taken place.

And yet, you let Father Eugene continue to guide students.

Well, why wouldn't I?

Father Eugene confessed his sins.

He did a rigorous soul-search, and he's...

And he's still paying $5,000 a month to be disciplined by his naked cowboy.

[stammering] I'm at a loss for words.

If-if this is true... It's true, and you knew it, and that's how you got him to procure girls for you to traffic.

To frame Tucker for your crimes.


No, you've got this all wrong.

I know what you think of the Catholic Church, but it's NYPD officers who were trafficking these girls.

Monsignor, please.

These girls' lives are being destroyed, and if you know something about this, come clean.

Come clean? How dare you say that to me.

I have been to a Bronx ADA, IAB, SVU, and the result: Sister Nina and young Cara are dead.

The cancer isn't in my church.

It's within you... and I will not rest until it's been excised.

[door opens and closes]


Now what was the name of that Bronx ADA Monsignor sent that email to about Eugene?

Joel Winn.

He was a regular at the floating parties.

He was... we picked him up on the initial sting.

That's how the powers that be have survived thousands of scandals over hundreds of years.

[cell phone buzzes]

There's not a move in the playbook they don't have at least a dozen defenses for.

Hold on. Here's another one.

Excuse me. Turn on the news, please.

Thank you.

It is with a heavy heart that we find ourselves here today, to make public a deeply disturbing scandal that involves a member of my own parish, Father Eugene O'Hanigan.

We've learned that Father O'Hanigan has betrayed his vows by committing sins of the flesh.

More troubling still, we believe that members of the NYPD Vice Squad and Internal Affairs Bureau, after becoming aware of his transgressions, blackmailed Father Eugene into helping them traffic troubled girls from our school.

It's the scorched earth defense.

I almost feel sorry for Eugene.

I don't.

We believe these police officers are responsible for the death of one of the girls, as well as Sister Nina Kelly.

The ring's hooks run deep, not just into NYPD but the Bronx D.A.'s office, the City Council, and the State Assembly as well.

Bishop Catalano.

Today we ask the federal government to step in and take this investigation away from the city's corrupt judicial system.

We will fully cooperate with complete transparency.

Our goal is justice for these girls.

Words cannot express my sorrow for the abuse our precious children of God have suffered.

You're lucky.

As of now, you're not bloodied up.

Quit while you're ahead.

What, you mean stand down?

The monsignor's the one who was running this ring.

He had his own priest put a hit out on Sister Nina.

The one from West Africa?

They'll claim he was a rogue thug.

All right, what happens to the Vice detectives?

No judge, cop, or ADA's going to jail for seeing a hooker. They'll plead out.

Now, Father Eugene, the Church will send him to some sanatorium on the Isle of Skye to work on his anxiety issues.

And Tucker?

Collateral damage.

You do know he's clean.

He went to see his cousin, by himself, and told him the name of the girl who was cooperating.

She'd be alive if he weren't so stupid.

So he's under the bus now too?

The hierarchy calls, everybody backs off, and it's all just taken care of.

Do you have any idea how much heat there was even before this?

It's a career-k*ller.

Walk away.

[knock on door]


In the spirit of transparency, my father has made it clear that he's willing to throw you both under the bus.

Oh, yeah? Are you driving it?

Ed, he called us.

He did say that you brought this on yourself, meeting with the Vice cops and Father Eugene without your partner.

Well, that's always been your father's one great strength, you know?

No one knows how to cover their ass like he does.

How about we focus on where we go from here?

I'm open to anything.

When we met with Eugene, I saw a man that was close to his breaking point.

And that was before they outed him at the press conference.

Maybe he's ready to save himself.

He'll never turn on the Church.

It's the only employer he's ever had.

Then I don't know what to tell you.

Enjoy being on the rack at Group One.

But you got to love the irony, though, huh?

All these years, telling cops to put in their papers before charges get filed... now it's my turn.

Bottom line: Tucker takes early retirement, the Vice cops take a misdemeanor sexual misconduct plea, and, with any luck, Benson gets her office back.

Okay, and what about these priests, the monsignor?

They just get away with it and you're all right with that?

No, but the brass says this is over, and so is SVU if we keep looking into it.

And what about Sister Nina's m*rder?

We have an eyewitness that saw her get shot.

Interpol is looking for Akintola, and there's a warrant out for his arrest.

And Father Eugene?

He is aware of the severity of his wrongdoings.

He's repentant, and they're making plans to send him far away.

No, they hung this guy out to dry, all right?

The least we can do for these girls is take one more run at him.

Tucker says there's no point.

His cousin doesn't have a soul to save.

[bell tolls distantly]


What are you doing here? Get out.

Wait, please.

I have nothing to say to you or anyone.

Father, I'm a Catholic, and I have something I need to say to you.

Do you think you could listen to me, please?

I was born and raised in the Church.

I got two cousins who, uh, who are priests.

I even thought that I'd become one myself.

To me, there was no higher calling.

Mm, mm. Then I can imagine what you must think of the Church and me.

No. No, you can't.

I still go to Mass every Sunday.

During this case, I've been doing twice a week.

What is it you want?

I want you to think about Eugene as a kid, about why you wanted to become a priest in the first place.

Those memories... [murmurs] they're lost to me.

No. I saw you praying, Father.

You still believe in God, don't you?

Well, He's here.

I know that you feel Him.

If He is, He is damning me to Hell.

♪ ♪

"Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us."

"Confess and be absolved."

You can't imagine... you can't imagine how many times I have knelt and... and prayed to be relieved of this weakness.

Yes, I can, and I'm sure you prayed more when the monsignor used that weakness to blackmail you.

I knew... I knew what they were doing to those girls, and I should've protected them, and now it's too late.

No. No, it's not.

You are standing right here in front of Him.

Am I?

I can't see Him. I can't...

I'm... I'm so blind to Him.

I've been blind to Him since before you were even born.

Well, He's here now, Father, and He sees you.

So look up, and you tell Him how truly sorry you are, and you ask for His forgiveness, and He will look into your heart, and He'll forgive you.

[somber music]

♪ ♪


[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

20 years... what are we looking at?

Girls in compromising positions with priests, cops, and johns.

Photos of the johns are good for blackmail, but why take pictures of themselves?

They get off on it.

I found Eugene's psychological profiles of the girls they trafficked, a few other counselors' too.

It's like a tip sheet for predators.

And look... look, I've got guest lists for every party, meticulous accounting records of rental receipts, uh, alcohol purchases... How much are they making?


Doesn't look like they charge anyone.

Then what's the point?

They want to humiliate the girls, control them, force them to service their powerful friends, who, in turn, owe the church.

Why keep all this?

'Cause they're Catholics.

They don't get rid of anything, hey just bury it.

[dramatic music]

My name is Deanna Walsh.

15 years ago, when I was a student at St. Fabiola's, Bishop Catalano and Monsignor Mulregan would call me into their offices.

They did things... things I thought must be normal because they were men of God.

What would they do?

They'd make us take our clothes off, sit on their laps... you know, penance for our sins.

They'd touch us in what they called a "Godly manner."

They also took photos?


They made us pose naked, touching them, performing sex acts.

Did you ever tell anyone?

Monsignor Mulregan said that if we told they'd show the photos to our parents and tell them what dirty whores we all were.

My parents were good Catholics.

It would've broken their hearts.

These priests also forced you to have sex with other men, didn't they?

At parties... cops, lawyers, judges.

Who brought you?

The monsignor or Father Eugene, our school psychological counselor.

When did these parties begin?

Uh, my understanding is that they'd been going on for over, uh, 20 years, from when Bishop Catalano ran the school.

So wh... why did you agree to facilitate them?

Once Monsignor Mulregan found out about my relationship with Lance Woodstone, he made it clear that my life in the Church would be over unless I used my position to find vulnerable girls and procure them for him.

In our capacity at Vice, we encountered the trafficking ring.

Rather than expose it, we became involved.

Right. Okay, what did that entail?

Inappropriate behavior, not reporting the parties to our superiors, and getting other precincts to look the other way when needed.

Anything else?

We were asked by Monsignor Mulregan to testify that we had been blackmailed by IAB Captain Ed Tucker into letting him run the trafficking ring.

Was that true?


Tucker didn't know anything about it.

You ever meet a girl named Cara Gutierrez?

Cara Gutierrez was rescued from this ring by Sister Nina Kelly and brought to me at St. Bernadine's.

Where she died of a drug overdose.

Who was the last person to see her alive?

Father Victor Akintola.

Where is Mr. Akintola now?

I believe he's in Cameroon.

I bought his ticket.

Who asked you to do that?

Monsignor Mulregan.

He also instructed me to buy it under a different name, Father Boluwaji.

♪ ♪

[indistinct P.A. announcement]

Victor Akintola, you're under arrest.

There's been a mistake. I am a Nigerian national.

My name is Father Boluwaji.

You're no priest.

You're coming with us.

♪ ♪

Took a while to get in, but we searched the whole place.

Bishop's not here. Call the airports.

Liv's coming back?

First thing tomorrow morning.

Your long nightmare is over.

Oh, it wasn't that bad.

I want to thank you all for a job well done, but I'd be remiss if I didn't also warn you.

You went after some big g*ns.

They've got long memories and a lot of friends.

Keep your noses clean.

Is your dad always that supportive?

Has been my whole life.

Hey, that was Barba.

The grand jury's on a roll. As of 5:00 p.m. today, they indicted three assemblymen, a councilman, two judges...

What about Bishop Catalano?

That's the bad news.

The Vatican recalled him yesterday.

Apparently he's en route to a treatment center they run on an island off the coast of Chile.

Wait, what?


So they knew to get the bishop out, yet they let Akintola fly back to JFK, even though we had a warrant out for him?

How does that happen?

On purpose.

Akintola was a hired g*n. It was a trade.

A pawn for a bishop.

So you get to keep your job.

And you get yours back.

Congratulations to us.

[quietly] Hi. Thank you.


Nothing. It's... it's just I thought, you know... I know this has been stressful and everything.

Thought we could take it easy tonight.

Oh, okay.

I thought we were celebrating.

Oh, we are.

It's just...

I get it.

You're just looking out for me.


[soft music]

♪ ♪
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