01x11 - Gelassenheit

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Second Chance". Aired: January 2016 to March 2016.*
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"Second Chance" follows the life of a 75-year-old former L.A. County sheriff who was k*lled in a robbery at his son's home and brought back to life by billionaire twins Mary and Otto Goodwin.
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01x11 - Gelassenheit

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Second Chance"...

I spend my whole life protecting you from the world when I should've been protecting the world from you.

Connor: You cheated death to save her life.

And now she abandoned you, didn't she?

[voice breaking] Yes.

Alexa: It's some kind of power surge.

Otto: Shut it all down.

Arthur: If I leave, the t*nk won't support Mr. Pritchard.


Without Arthur, the t*nk is useless.

So, I got what, about a day?

Mary: She's a Pritchard.

Gracie has the genetic precursor.

Where is she?!

I know where Gracie is.

Adair: Agent Pritchard, I'm relieving you of duty effective immediately.

Duval: I need to talk to you fellas.

Gracie is in trouble.

I can't be locked down for 72 hours.

We're just taking you in, Duval.

Bobby, how long we worked together?

You both know me.

You know Gracie.

[cellphone ringing]

Mary, now's not a good time.

Alexa came back.

She says she knows where Gracie is.

All right. Bring her to Peng's.

I'll meet you there.

Just trust me.

Gracie is in trouble.

Just let me go. Let me get out.

Please let me go get her.

We're just taking you in, okay?

[body thuds, tires screech]

You hit someone?!

No, I didn't hit someone.


How you doing, kiddo?

Thanks for coming for me.

Of course. Let's go get Gracie.

Hey! Hey, Duval!

[engine revs]


Connor: You been making some trouble for us, haven't you, Albert, huh?


He escaped when we were moving him for testing.

I'm sure you're gonna want to run some tests on him, right?


The blood and tissue samples you have of his are all I need.

Are you sure about that?

Yes. I'm sure.

[yelling continues]

Aah! Aah...


Hey, have that incinerated.

[monitor beeping]

We'll make her talk.

You better.

You were spying for Connor this whole time?


And you know where Gracie is?

I know where he'd take her.

What do you mean, you know where he'd take her?

Connor owns 200 acres of land north of the city.

That's where the lab is.

How do we find it?

It's an abandoned m*ssile base, so most of it's underground.

You wouldn't see it unless you knew it was there.

How do you know all about this place?

I lived there, underground, for almost a year.

Doing what for Connor?

I did nothing for Connor.

That's where he did things to me.

She's one of Otto's.

I'm just like you, except one thing.


You're perfect.

That's why Otto kept you.

Albert and I weren't.

That's why he threw us away.

And Connor finished them.

And then he started experimenting on us, trying to figure out how he could make it work for himself.

That's what he does there.

You don't want Gracie there. Trust me on that.

Trust you?

How do we know you're not working for Connor right now?

We can't. She's lied to us this whole time.

But, Duval, Gracie's your kid.

It's your call.


You know this place well enough to draw us a map?

Yes. I know it very well.

The lab is in the most secure spot, which is the old mission fire control area.

There's only way to get in, and it's across this bridge.

Connor says that there are machine g*ns stationed out here.

The g*ns are still there, but now they're triggered by a digital scan that you'll have to pass through.

So you'll have to get into the office first to turn it off.

Where's the office?

Over here.

If you go there with us, will they let you in?

You can get to the office?

[whirring, monitor beeping]

Where's your car?

Out back.


We go together, the three of us.

You drop us off when we get close to the gate, and we go in on foot.

Let's go.

Where is your t*nk?

M-my t*nk is in the garage, but, Mary, you know it won't work on him.


What was that with Alexa?

She's just like you. She has a t*nk.

Well, isn't that good news?

There's a lock code just for her.

If you step in, it'll k*ll you.

You're gonna unlock it, though, aren't you?

'Cause you're Mary Goodwin, and you always get what you want.

How long is it gonna take to unlock?

More than eight hours.

But just come back, okay?

If I can get her t*nk to work for you, this doesn't have to be your last day.

You don't have to die.

Everybody dies.

[round chambers]

[electricity humming]

How old were you... before?



How'd you die?

Slipped [chuckles] coming out of the shower.

George always wanted me to get one of those suction grab bars, but they were so ugly.

Not as ugly as a cracked skull.

I bought two of those things right off the TV.

Just up ahead.

You two should get out here.

You ready to show Graff why he should never have messed with the Pritchards?

Yeah. I'm ready.

The software on this t*nk has been coded for a specific user.

I need you to unlock the code so it can be used for someone else.

The t*nk... what does it do?

It interfaces with the user's genetic structure.

Yeah, but what does it do?

It gives $1 million cash to the first person who opens the code.

[indistinct talking]

[keys clacking]

I overheard you and Mary back at Peng's.

I know about the t*nk.

Mary's got a plan to fix it.

Didn't sound like that was gonna happen.

No, it didn't.

Well, how much time do you have left?

About eight hours.


You know, how you were before, there were times I hated you were my father.

I know we didn't see eye to eye, but hated?

I didn't know that.

That's most likely the reason I did.

You never knew your family.

I think I know you now.

Yeah. I think you do, too.

[computer beeps]

Connor: What's Alexa doing here?


Help me, please.

Please, please, you have to... you have to help me.


I know you, don't I?


Y-you're Otto Goodwin.

My... my uncle... my uncle knows your sister.

My name is Gracie Pritchard.

You have to help me. Please?

[breathes shakily]

I can't.

[voice breaking] Why?

What is this place?

What are you doing to me?

I don't want to be here!

Please help me!

[crying] Help!

[air hissing]

[breathing heavily]


Okay, now you're doing it... looking at your watch.

Sorry. I didn't mean to.

Alexa should be in there by now.

Access scan initiated.

[rapid beeping]


Alexa, is everything all right?

Yes. Uh, no. It's George.

He's having second thoughts.

I need you to go faster so that he doesn't change his mind.

Alexa, we've been through this.

There was no reason for you to come here.

I know. I'm sorry.

No, no, what I mean is there was no reason for you to come all the way out here.

Yet you did.

You search her?

Top to bottom.

You search her car?


All right. All right, you... you put her in a chair.

You point your g*n at her head.

She moves, you pull the trigger, all right?

Now, you, come with me.

[breathing heavily]



It's taking too long.

I say you rip open this fence while you can and we go in now.

Give her two minutes.

Okay. Two minutes.

[crickets chirping]



My medication is in there.

If I don't take it, I would be in no shape to answer Connor's questions.

Okay. Real slow.

See? Oxycontin... for pain.

I came out twisted... my spine and internal organs.

[pills rattle]

[exhales sharply]

I'm on more pills now than I was when I was old.

That sucks.


It does suck.

What exactly am I looking for?

I'll tell you when you find it.

She didn't come back just to whine about that old windbag of hers.

[car door opens]

[cellphone vibrating]


I'm there. I'm in Connor's office.

I'm gonna bypass the security panel for that section of the fence.

[keypad beeping]


Then you can go through, and it won't sound the alarm.

Now, tell me when you get to the access door.

Just hurry.




Okay. Security disabled. Door open.

[door buzzes, handle creaks]

[round chambers]

[keys clacking]


Wait. Kiddo, this way.

James: Alexa, we're at the bridge.

Now, head to the middle and stop when it tells you.

I won't be able to clear your entry until the scanner scans you, but... hopefully it'll be quick.

How do you know all this?

You were spying on Connor, too?

George said never to trust him.

Hold your position.

Access scan initiated.

[rapid beeping]

Come on. Come on.

[door opens]

Hello, Otto.

Arthur said you were here.

I asked him to let me know when you came... so I could see you.

Well, here I am.

All this time with us... with Mary...

...I didn't see you for what you are... something I made.

Well, I had no face when you threw me away.

Now that you know what I am, Otto, what do you want from me?

I'm not angry at you, if that's what you're thinking, for throwing me away.

My blood wasn't gonna cure Mary.

What good was I?

[rapid beeping]

Access in question. Remain still.

Otto: No. Your blood was never going to save Mary, but the deformity... is not as severe as I had predicted.

May I see it?

Your spine?

You... want to examine me.


Now that I know what you really are... there are tests to run.

Yes, of course.

Maybe we can do it in the lab.

Of course.

I'll prep a table.

Why stand in that part of the room?

It's an odd place to stand.

The only reason to stand in that part of the room is to access the security control panel.



Be quiet, or I will leave you to die like you left me.

[rapid beeping]


Arthur: Alexa, you are hurting Otto. Activating alarm.

[exhales sharply]

[alarm blaring]

[blaring continues]

Hey, we've been breached. Move the girl!

Make sure Otto is safe.

[blaring continues]

Alexa: You guys have to get to the lab!

There's not much time now.

Duval, here.

Where's Gracie?

We lost her?

Where the hell is she?!

[breathing heavily]

Where's Gracie?



[distantly] Gracie!


What the hell did they do to her in here?

[door opens]

[breathing heavily]

Where is she?

I don't know.

Then you're worthless to me.

[round chambers]

Wait. Wait.

Connor needs Otto.

He can't make this work without Otto.

Is that true, Otto?

Connor need you?


Duval, Connor needs Otto.



I know you can hear me.

I'm gonna put a b*llet through your genius if I don't see my daughter down here in five minutes.

Now, you've got five minutes.

[exhales sharply]

Let them have the girl.

We take Otto and go. He's what you need, right?

So let them have the girl.

The girl? Let them have the girl?


Otto says that it's going to work with her, that he's close with her.

How can I just let them have the girl?

You've got less than five minutes!

[chair clatters]


You hear me?

Yeah, I heard you.

[switch clicks]

I'll bring her down to you.

And I need Otto unharmed, in good working order.

You feel me?

[switch clicks]

Alexa: I don't trust him.

These tanks... they work like his?


But if you're thinking they will work for your father... they won't.

Because the code is locked.

But you're Otto Goodwin, and everyone says that you're a genius.

There's not enough time.

Maybe this will make you work faster.

This what you gave my daughter?

You put this into Gracie?


You don't need both eyes, do you?

One count as "good working order"?

Now unlock the code on that t*nk...


I don't have time.

Then make time.

Gracie: Dad?



Gracie: Dad?


[round chambers]

Gracie, we're here.

Whoa. You let Otto come forward, we let the girl go to you.

She doesn't make it all the way to us, he doesn't make it all the way to you.

Those are the rules.

Those are the rules. Let's do it.

I don't trust them.

Keep your eyes open.


All this because you didn't want to be alone, because Mary wanted her own life.

Was it worth it, Otto?

We gonna do this or not?

Now you let Gracie come to us.


That's it, Gracie. Come on.

It's okay.

It's all right.

That's it. Come here.

We're going home.

No. No.

Alexa: She's a hologram.

And I think Garret is, too.

So where is the real Garret?


[g*nf*re in distance]

"These things will k*ll you."

"Not me they won't."

Ugh! Aah!

[breathing heavily]

I don't feel as good about that as I thought I would.

Man: I have Otto and am 90 seconds from emergency egress.

Alexa! Where's emergency egress?

Door 7... end of this corridor.

Just keep making lefts, you'll run right into it.

I'll get her.


You're hit.

[exhales sharply] It's nothing.

Go get Gracie!

[door opens]

Otto. Hey, are you hurt?

I'm not hurt.

I-I'm sorry that you had to go through that.

But you're safe. I took care of it, okay?

Hey, Otto, you know I wouldn't leave you.

You know that, right?

I know, Connor.

You're all I have.

All right. Let's go.

Hey, hey, get back down there, k*ll them all, then burn this place to the ground.

On it.

Let's go.




[both grunting]


[breathing heavily]

[breathing heavily]

[round chambers]




Come on.



She's gone.

We lost her.

[indistinct talking]

[door opens, closes]

Where are we going?

Well, you choose, Otto. [chuckles]

I have redundant labs in Kosovo, Senegal, Oman.

I should have let her die.


Mary. I should have let her die.

I'm sorry you hate her so much, Otto.

Just try not to think about Mary right now.

She doesn't control you anymore.

You're free.

Can you come here?

What's that?

Please, Connor, come here.

Yeah, sure. Let me just set the autopilot.

[switch clicks]

What is it, Otto?

Everything's okay.

[speaking twinspeak]

I-I don't understand that.

You're gonna have to teach me twinspeak.

"Did you get what you wanted?"

That's what Pritchard said to me.

Mary would have said she's not a subject.

She's a person.

We are going to be gods.

So don't hate Mary too much 'cause we do have to thank her illness for that.

I don't hate her.

I should have let her die so that she would never have hated me.

Now she does... because we're not gods... we're monsters.

What are you doing here, Otto?


Yes, Otto?

Her father is waiting for her.

Take her back down to him.

Hey, no, I-I can't allow that, Otto.

I know. We're both monsters, Connor.

Arthur, open the doors.

See you later, Otto.




Dad? You're here?


Yeah, it's me. I'm here.

You should get her to a hospital.

I will.

And then I'm gonna come back for you.


Let's leave it like this, with us getting Gracie, me helping you do it.

I don't want you to go.

I know.

But it's okay.

[sighs] I'm okay with it.

I did what I had to do... with you... with my family.

We had our day, kiddo.

I don't want you to see what happens next.


Just go.

I got to be with my son.

Go be with your daughter.

[exhales sharply] Where are Otto and Connor?

Was that Mary?

[seatbelt clicks]

She unlock it?

[breathing heavily]


Did you tell her about Otto?

Yes, but I think she felt it.

She asked if he was dead.


It's a nice day for a drive.

I told Alexa to bring me here.

I hope it's okay.

I wanted to be here.

I need to sit down.

You saved Gracie.


Otto saved Gracie.

He did it for you, Mary.

[exhales sharply]

It's gonna be okay.


We're all leaving you...

Otto... me.

You gonna be okay?


I'm going to be okay.


The pain will start soon.

I can get something so you don't feel it.

[weakly] No.


I wouldn't... feel this.


Guess what.


This time, when my life flashes before my eyes... you'll be in it.


[monitor beeping]

Hey. Guys.

Hey, guys.

[gasps] Hey, guys!

[cellphone chimes]

Wait. Stop.

Alexa... she needs this more than I do.

I told you... I'm fine.

I need six more hours before I have to go in.

You first. Come on.

[water splashing]

[monitor beeping]

Arthur, did Otto tell you to do this?

Yes. It was his last command.

Did he leave a message for me?

He said please don't forget to feed his fish... and thank you.

Goodbye, Mary.

[indistinct conversations]

Duval: You there? You seeing it?

I'm seeing something.

I'm not sure what it is, but I think you should come in.

Do I need to bring a lawyer?


Let's keep it between us for now.

Okay. I'm coming in.

[keypad beeps]

[breathes deeply]

Adair saw it.

She's not sure what it is, but she knows it's not right.

You want me to come in to the FBI with you?

No. Thanks.

And I'm gonna tell them that you died in that plane, too.


Because if it gets out... what you are... then you become a circus freak.

They'd lock you up in a government lab and throw away the key.

Whatever life you wanted, whatever life you'd planned, it would be over.

My family was my plan.

You, Gracie, Helen... that's what I want.

That can't happen... now.

Adair knows.

She'll be watching me.

So I'm gonna tell her you died in that plane.

So you can't come around us.

Could you just let me say hi to Gracie?

Not for a while, okay?

It'll be best for all of us.


Yeah, okay.

I'm gonna head in.


Hey, kiddo... we kicked some ass, didn't we?


I love you, too.

Hey, Arthur, how about some local news, huh?

That blond weather gal always cheers me up.

[breathes deeply]

No Arthur. Right.

Well, I'm pretty sure I can turn on a damn TV by myself.

[breathes deeply]

Mary: James, as you read this, I will be taking my brother's body home to where our family is from.


I will take his ashes home and pray that at last it will bring some peace to his troubled mind.

And then I am going to stay here for a while.

Maybe this place will bring peace to me, as well.

I put these words on paper because if I said them to you, I might not go, and I need to go.

I have been living for another for so long, I don't know who I am.

I have said I love you, but until I know who I am, how can I mean it?

And I want to mean it.

I've arranged things with Alexa... the t*nk, money, the house... so you don't have to worry about that.

Take care of yourself, Sheriff.

I hold you close in my thoughts.

Yours, Mary.


Good job. Well done.

Do you need help?

The stick man is looking for you.

Thank you.

[indistinct conversations]

Arthur, where have you been?

Otto: It's not Arthur, Mary. It's me.

Otto? Is that you? How?

Not now. Mary, listen. When I was at Connor's lab, Arthur and I went through all his data. We found something you need to see. It's a test Connor ran to predict changes in behavior after regeneration. This fish was brought back. The v*olence is inevitable. I verified the results. This will happen to Pritchard. It's only a matter of time.

[thunder rumbling]

[thunder crashes]
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