02x08 - Number One

Episode transcripts for the TV show "This Is Us". Aired: September 2016 to present.*
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"This Is Us" follows a disparate group of people born on the same day and so much more than anyone would expect.
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02x08 - Number One

Post by bunniefuu »

Our dad died, and it's very sad, okay?

Previously on This is Us...

KATE: Come on, Kev.

You never talk about it.

Well, you know, 'cause I don't want to wallow in sadness about it, I have a problem?

- Okay, there's a difference between wallowing and actually having a normal conversation about it.

I wasn't good at football, Toby.

I was great.

Listen, I was just hoping we could getone more refill on the prescription.

I-I don't know why it's that big of a deal.

Kevin, you're-you're spiraling.

What's going on? This isn't you.

When I dream of our future together, Sophie, it's a nightmare.

- Okay.

- Okay, who's gonna do it?

- Who's gonna be the first one to walk?

- Who's gonna do it?

- We know you want to.

- Come on. We know you want to so bad.

REBECCA: Come on, guys.

- (GASPS) Number One is up. He's up!

- Kevin's up!

- Come on.

- Come on! Come here. Come here, boy.

- Look at that, Kevin Pearson, first one born, first one to walk. He's on his feet.

Look at him come down the track.

- Ladies and gentlemen!

- Yes, buddy!

He's walking. There he goes!

Look at those steps!


Yeah! You did it!

JACK: Number One. Number One.

Is there nothing Number One can't do?


♪ Well, I think it's fine ♪

♪ Building jumbo planes ♪

♪ Or taking a ride ♪

♪ On a cosmic train ♪

♪ Switch on summer ♪

♪ From a slot machine ♪

♪ Yes, get what you want to if you want ♪

♪ 'Cause you can get anything ♪

♪ I know we've come a long way ♪

♪ We're changing day to day ♪

♪ But tell me ♪

♪ Where do the children play...? ♪

Hello, again, everyone, and welcome to another great matchup on Sunday Night Football.


MAID: Mr. Pearson? Housekeeping!

- You in there?


...in four nights, when we go to Washingtonfor the big Thanksgiving night game.

- MAID: Mr. Pearson?

- Al, people can eat all day long

- You there?

- and then get ready for the big ga...

Do you need service, sir?

Maybe some clean towels?

The "Do not disturb" sign's been up all week.

Yet here we are, huh?


I'm... Come on, I'm messing around with you, uh... Martina.

Like Navratilova, right?

The tennis player.

Yeah? You play tennis?

I don't play either.

She was great, though, huh?

She was great. Not much of a looker, but she had a great backhand.

Maybe it was a forehand...


So, do you want some towels?

Uh... No, you know what, I'm all set on towels.

But since you're here, Martina, and we're already mid-disturb, come on in.

We could use a refill on all things alcohol-related.




Maybe I should change your sheets, too.

Yeah, no, go nuts. (GROANS)

Kate, how many times do I have to tell you?

You don't have to call me every seconds. I am fine, okay?

Mr. Pearson? Hi. This is Kelly, the homecoming coordinator from McKinley High.

We spoke last month.

- Right. Yeah, now is not a good time.

- Oh, my God.

I've never talked to a celebrity on the phone before.

Except for Ryan Seacrest that time I phoned in and won Zayn Malik tickets.

(QUIETLY): Get it together, Kelly. (CLEARS THROAT)

I'm, uh, just confirming you are all set for tomorrow night?

Uh... tomorrow night...

Alumni Honors Ceremony. Go, Lions!

That's not tomorrow, though.

That-That's in, like... that's in, like, two weeks. That's... that's-that's the th.

Uh-huh, yeah, t-tomorrow is the th.

Martina, what day is tomorrow?

Tomorrow's the th.


Excuse me, Martina, wha...

I'm on the phone with, uh...

What do they call you?

Oh, sorry. Kelly.

Mr. Pearson, are you not coming?

Because everyone here is really excited about giving you this honor.

Old high school wants to honor me.

- Should I go?

- Is it outside this room?

If it's outside, you should go.

I mean, I was gonna go back east for Thanksgiving anyway.

Sorry, are-are you still talking to me or...?

- Martina.

- Yeah?

No, I was answering, uh...


(SIGHS) You guys want to honor Kevin Pearson?

Let's honor him.

(QUIETLY): Maybe bathe him, too.

REBECCA: Jack! Fuse!

JACK: Yeah! I'm working on it!

Could you work a little faster?!

Hey, Ivy League, you think you could help me figure out which one of these is for the first floor?

I'm not Ivy League yet.

k*lling me.

Sorry to have interrupted your evening, my liege.

- How's your Harvard application coming?

- Almost done.

- REBECCA: Oh, thank God.

- JACK: Fixed it!

Good job, babe!

Wait, wait, is that what you're wearing?

- Mm-hmm.

- The coach from Pitt is gonna be here any second.

You should really stop borrowing shirts from Sophie, Kevin.

I don't really think the coach is gonna care what shirt I'm wearing.

KATE: Whatever, Crop Top.

Ew! What is that flavor?

It's orange zest. I panicked and added it last minute.

Can you please go put on a collared shirt and a nice pair of pants?

You think we can, like, move Dad's AA stuff?

Yes, we can do that.

- It's been, like, six months.

- Mm-hmm.

- And it takes as long as it takes.

- Change.

- Well, it's just so lame...

- JACK: So I think

the power's gonna hold.

You ready to wow this coach, college boy?

God, it's just Pitt, you know?

I didn't even really want to meet with the guy.

Yeah. We know.

Go put on a collared shirt, though, and some pants with a fly.

- It's just Pitt.

- Now.


- Welcome to Pittsburgh, Kevin.

- Thank you.

We are obsessed with The Manny.

Is the beard for a movie or...?

- Yeah.

- Can we get a picture?


That's gonna be a good one.

Are you, uh, visiting or coming home?

Uh... just...


Both. I don't... I don't...

I don't know.

Well, let me know if you need anything, uh, water or a phone charger.

Running a little low on painkillers.

Hook me up with some of those?

I-I... don't really, um...

I'm joking, man. Come on, give me a break.

You should've seen your face.

It was classic.

Hey-ey, uh, make a left... make a left right here.

- The high school's actually...

- Yeah, no, no. Quick detour.

Okay. No problem.

Stop, stop, stop. Right here.


...right past Mom. Pump fake to you.

Okay? Number One, it's coming to you.

Leap into the driveway by the street.

Okay? Right. This one's coming to you, Number One.

One, two. One, two.

Okay, okay!

Ho-ho! Okay, go !

Go !


- Hut, hut!

- One, , , two, , , three!

You're not supposed to blitz!

You're not supposed to blitz!

- I'm running! Go, go, go! You got it!


You got it! Oh, get it, get it, get it!

- He got it! He got it!



Can I help you?

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.


Kate, can you clean his pee anywhere else?

A college coach is gonna be sitting on that couch.

Okay, well, I'm not getting it on anything.

And, uh, speaking of college, have you made your list yet?

Your guidance counselor said to make a list of your top five schools, 'cause you don't want to put all your eggs...

- In one basket.

- JACK: He's here!

- Okay! Okay, okay.

- I'm out. (GRUNTS)


- Hey, knock 'em dead.

- Train your dog.

Make that list!


- Coach Waltering.

- Jack, how are you?

How are you? Come on in, please.

This is my wife Rebecca.

So nice to meet you.

- Thank you for coming over, Coach.

- Of course.

- Very nice to meet you as well.

- Hey.

And there he is!

Kevin Pearson, superstar.

How you doing? Coach Waltering.



You're back.

Mr. Pearson.

Mr. Pearson, you're early.

We are beyond stoked to have you.

My Snapchat is legit blowing up.

Do you mind?


- Now, the Honors Ceremony won't start for a couple of hours, but we've got, like, a greenroom set up for you.

You probably think it's super lame, us doing a greenroom.

I know you've been in real greenrooms.

But, uh, we got La Croix water and Wi-Fi.

Are you okay?

Yeah. Just, uh...

You look so much like somebody I knew when I went here.

Oh. Someone pretty, I hope.

I'm gonna go...

- go walk the halls for a bit here.

- Yeah.

Well, I will just, uh, see you later, then.

Hey, is the beard for a movie, or...?

It's probably for a movie.

♪ Have you heard about the lonesome loser? ♪

♪ Beaten by the Queen of Hearts every time ♪

♪ Have you heard about the lonesome loser? ♪

♪ He's a loser, but he still keeps on tryin'... ♪

Now, I'm here to tell you, kid, that with that arm and my guidance, you could be on your way to joining the great tradition of Pennsylvania-grown quarterbacks: Joe Montana...

- He went to Notre Dame.

- Kevin.


It's all right. Don't worry about it.

What kid doesn't want to play QB for the Irish, right?

♪ Have you heard about the lonesome loser? ♪

♪ Beaten by the Queen of Hearts every time ♪

♪ Have you heard about the lonesome loser? ♪

♪ He's a loser, but he still keeps on tryin'... ♪

You will be taking a lot of snaps next year.

Well, am I gonna start?

♪ Oh-oh, oh, oh... ♪

Excuse me, Coach, our son seems to have forgotten his manners.

Well, Kevin, you might not start, but you may very well finish.

Now, let's talk about the players drafted to the NFL from our program...

♪ Have you heard about the lonesome loser? ♪

♪ Beaten by the Queen of Hearts every time ♪

♪ Have you heard about the lonesome loser? ♪

♪ He's a loser, but he still keeps on tryin' ♪

♪ Oh-oh, oh... ♪


Get out of my sight.

- Okay.

- Get...

back here.


That man...

He takes time out of his day, he comes to our home, he sits at our table, and he offers you, a C-plus student at best...

- You invited him, not me.

...a full ride to a good college!

- We can do better.

- Kevin, that is not the point.

Do you have... any idea how lucky you are to get an opportunity like that?

It's not luck. It's talent.


JACK: Okay.

You get your ass downstairs, and you write him an apology letter.

- Now.

- Why?

Because you've been apologizing to the world lately?

- Kevin, it's part of his Steps.

- Steps.

I know that.

Do you have something you want to say to me?

Do you... have something...

you want to say to me?


Go do what your dad says.

It was embarrassing to watch you behave just like you did.

I know the feeling well.


Can I get you something to drink?

What do you have?

There's red, and there's white, and there's water...

- Red is great. Thank you.

- Hey. Kevin Pearson.

- Oh.

- Yeah, hi. Good.

- Oh, you're just...

Hi. Hi. Just...

Good God.


Guess you don't need a name tag.

- Sorry.

- Everyone knows you're Kevin Pearson.

- Yeah.

- Me? Well, I need a name tag.


- Lived here my whole life, face still hasn't lost its baby weight, and God knows I haven't changed my hair since I was , but I still need a name tag.

- Oh.

We went to school together.

- This school.

- Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Uh...

You can use the name tag.

- (SCOFFS) Charlotte Everby...

- Everly.

- Wow. Okay. Everly.

- Yeah. Mm-hmm.

I wa... I was supposed to get my hands on-on one of those.

- She-she...

- Oh, please, you can have a sip of mine.

- Oh.

- Uh, it's awful.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.

Uh, grapes crushed by real Italian feet.

- Mm.

- Mm-hmm.

Boy, that is gross.


- That is really foot-forward.

It is totally foot-forward. (LAUGHS)

Oh, God, did I have a mad crush on you back then.

I mean, you were... everything.

You made us want to come to school.

- Us?

- The nerds.

And the girls. The gays.

Basically, everyone.

Um, heard that you and Sophie got divorced?

Uh, yeah. We did. But we... but we got back together.

- Oh.

And then I managed to screw that up, too.

- Hmm.


My sister Kate. You remember Kate?

I remember you two being inseparable. How is she?

Good. She's, uh... pregnant.

No. No, no, no.

I wasn't supposed to, uh, tell that to anyone.

So... you know, don't tell anyone, or her, that I told you.

- So I shouldn't tweet it?

You should not tweet it, no.

Yeah, so wha-what do you, uh...?

Do you have kids here?

- Are you a parent here, or...?

- Uh, fellow honoree.

- Oh.

- For my work as a plastic surgeon.

- Butts or boobs?

- Burn victims mostly.

- Right.

- Yeah. Skin grafts and such.

- Right.

- And twice a year, I go to developing countries with Operation Smile, so that kids with cleft palates...

- Mmm.

- Oh, um...

- Thank you.

- Oh.

- Yeah.

Someone's a little nervous about his speech.

- Yeah.


- Uh...

- I got to give a speech?

Now, I know you think this is a man who needs no introduction but there's someone here who begs to differ.

Coming out of retirement to present Kevin with his Distinguished Alum Award, his former football coach, Duffy "The Duff" Collins.


- MEN (CHANTING): Duff! Duff!

Duff! Duff! Duff!

Duff! Duff! Duff! Duff!

Duff! Duff! Duff! Duff!

MAN: Hey, Duff!

Well, thank you for that.

I, uh... I had the pleasure of coaching Kevin for four yea... well, three and a half years.

And in my career, I never saw a kid with so much natural talent, confidence or charisma.

But he caught some tough breaks and suffered some losses.

And that's when he reallyshowed himself to be a star.


He fought through the adversity and the heartache.

JACK: And he found success on another path.

He is, for all you kids out there, a living, breathing example of outer and inner strength.

This kid is tough as hell.

Kevin, I know this little award may not be much to you...

But for me, who knew you when, who knew your father...

(VOICE BREAKING): you coming back here to get this award...

(CLEARS THROAT) We are all very proud.


Uh... well, thank you.

You're a... good man.

But what you said was wrong.


- I'm-I'm...

It's not, uh, funny.

I'm serious, guys. Uh, I'm not strong.

At all. Uh...

- KELLY: We love you, Kevin!

- WOMAN: Love you, Kevin!


- But, uh...

Stop, don't. Don't do that. Don't.

Don't-don't... don't love me.

You, uh, you guys want to love someone, love Paul here.

A newspaper man in...

let's face it... a dying medium.

Or Dr. Everly, a woman who...

...who helps messed up kids go out and face the world.

The truth is, I...

I'm not worthy of this award.

Or any honor, for that matter.





Can't sleep either, huh?

Um, just hungry, and we don't have anything good to eat.

Listen, I wanted to talk to you.

Your brother, he wants to tour this college on Friday, and it's in D.C.

I'm-I'm probably gonna miss your football game.

It's fine.

What happened earlier tonight...

how mad I got?

My fuse has been very short lately with everything that I'm dealing with.

I shouldn't have yelled at you.

It wasn't right.


What's going on with you, Kev?

Nothing, Dad. I just, uh...

I got to go write that letter.

Yeah, I...


Look, it's all just...

You know, it was just really steep tonight, Charlie.

Yeah... No, I've... I've said it, uh, said it about a hundred times.


Yeah. Okay. I'll do it right now.

Thanks for being there.


God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

All right, so, we're gonna see you guys after Kev's game?

- Yes.

- Dad, come on.

It's a four-hour drive.

I don't want to get there late and make a bad impression.

Randall, you're a math prodigy with insane SAT scores and perfect grades.

Any college would be lucky to have a giant dork like you.

Thanks, LL Cool K.

So, you guys out?

Yeah. Sorry we're missing your game.

Next campus tour's a month away.

That's fine, man. I've got enough fans in the stands cheering me on.


- That's a nice attitude adjustment, Kev.

I'm glad that talk really sunk in.

- See you later.

- Mmm. Okay.

Travel safe. I love you.

Love you, too, Mom.




Amazing speech, man.

Can we get a picture for the yearbook?

And, uh, one for me.

WOMAN: Great job. Great speech.

MAN: Awesome job, Kevin. So ins...

WOMAN : Amazing.


Great job.

Hey. You want to walk?

They retired my jersey.

Do you know that?

- Yeah.

- You know what it was, the number?


Well, you couldn't ask for a better number.

Didn't ask for it. Just got it.

I was, uh, first born in my family, so it was, like... (SNIFFS)

already my nickname.

You know, I was branded at birth.


Very first one to learn how to walk.

I was, I was, I was always, you know, first one picked in any sports team.


I was the first boy to kiss a girl in school.

Number One.

First grown man to get drunk in a high school quad?

That was Jim Kalotchnik.

Oh, the janitor.

(CHUCKLING): That's right.

I always thought that his legs were different lengths, but I guess, looking back...

- He was drunk.

- He was friggin' drunk. (LAUGHS)

- Yeah.


I feel like I could be standing completely naked out here.

You know, all anyone would ever see is me in that number one jersey.


...that's not all that I would see.

Please don't do that.


(GRUNTS) See you, Charlotte.

What up, gridiron, huh?

Has it been years or so?



ANNOUNCER (OVER P.A.): Another first down for number one.


All right.

Pearson lines up under center.

Two rushing touchdownsalready tonight.

What can this kid not do?

He can't go four hours without a Vicodin, that's what he can't do.

But everybody loves him anyway.



- Blue !

- Blue !

- Blue !

- Blue , set, hut-hut.

The ball is hiked.

Pearson drops back. He looks left.

He pump fakes.

He rolls to his right. He tucks the ball. He's in traffic.

(WHOOSHES) Shucks a defender.

He looks downfield.

He's got a man open. Wide open.

He sees his entire future.

Notre Dame.

Heisman Trophy.

First-round draft pick.

Rookie of the Year. Super Bowl MVP.

He sees his dad in the stands.

As he holds the Super Bowl trophy, his dad's proud of him... like, "tears down his eyes" proud of him.

He says, "That's my son."

"That's my son."

Pearson's about ready to release. He cocks back.

- Boom! He's down, folks.


Ladies and gentlemen, Pearson's down,and he's not getting up.

His knee is wrecked.

He's not coming back
from this one, folks.

It is over for Kevin Pearson.

- Kate, go call your father.

- Yeah.

Find a phone, page him. Go, go, go.

- Kate, Kate, go.

- Okay, yeah.

KEVIN: Will he get up?

He will.

Ladies and gentlemen, he will.

He'll get up.

Kevin Pearson will walk again, just in time to bury his beloved father.

That'll keep him down.

For good this time, right?


Nope, he's-he's up again.

He's up again, and he's... (SNIFFS)

He's marrying a terrific girl.

He's off to Hollywood, and it's a...

it's a happy ending for Kevin Pearson.

Oh, whoa. Wait, nope. Hold on, now.

He cheats on the girl.

Yes, that's right. He loses her.

And how's he punished?

(LAUGHS): Well, he... he gets a sitcom,and he makes millions, ladies and gentlemen.


The crowd goes wild.

What will he do with his lucky second chance?

Ladies and gentlemen, he'll blow it.

That's what he'll do. He blows it all.

Surely the universe has to punish him this time, right?

Wrong. He gets the girl back.

Now he's got the girl back, and-and it's a movie this time.

And then pop!


There it goes, the same knee.

Bam, he's down again.

And he tries so hard to be strong, and he needs painkillers to get through it.

And even when he tries to tell people how pathetic he is, it...

They just...

They don't hear it.

They just cheer.


Just the Manny I've been looking for.

You want to party?


Uh, I couldn't believe it when you walked back into that reception tonight.

I was sure you'd left your phone or something.

And then you pointed at me and said, "Let's get out of here."


- Yeah, no, I was there.

It was, like, years of fantasy energy just going, pow, pow, pow, pow!

All right, cool.

You were nice to me in high school.

I mean, you never knew my name, but we'd pass in the halls, and you'd always smile.

Say hi.

And once, at one of Hannah Brubaker's summer parties, you saw Mikey Doyle getting a little handsy with me, and you pulled him away.

I did that?

I thought to myself, "Now, that is a good guy."

It's weird, the things you remember.

Anyway, babble, babble.

"Charlotte, stop talking, please." (LAUGHS)

Whoa. Are you okay?

- Your sweat glands are in overdrive.

- Yeah, know why?

I think it's just, uh...

I think it may be...

If you could crack a window or something?

- Yeah. I'm on it.

- It's hot in here.


CHARLOTTE: I still don't get why you wanted to come here.

Your room at The Riverview's probably super nice.

Actually, will you excuse me for a second?

Oh, mi baño es su baño.

Yeah. (LAUGHS)


CHARLOTTE: You okay in there?




You know, I feel like it's like a blood sugar thing or something happening with me, 'cause I, I haven't eaten since the airplane, you know?

So, I was, I was wondering, uh maybe you could whip us up a snack or something.

- Say no more.

One bedspread picnic coming right up.

Ah, that'd be great. (SNIFFS)

CHARLOTTE: Yodels and cheese okay?

I haven't gone shopping in a while.

Yeah. That's fine.

- Kevin?


♪ Well, I've been out walking ♪

♪ I don't do too much talking ♪

♪ These days ♪

He's having an MRI done; it's his knee.

♪ These days, I seem to think a lot ♪

♪ About the things that I forgot to do ♪

♪ And all the times ♪

♪ I had the chance to... ♪

Hey, how are you? How's it going?

- Name and birthday?

- Tony Tisdale. - - .

Doctors' handwriting sure gets worse every year.

More like Jimmy Fallon up there.

I didn't know Jimmy Fallon worked here.

It's like a late night talk show or something, right?


♪ And I had a lover ♪

♪ It's so hard to risk another ♪

♪ These days ♪

♪ These days ♪

♪ Now if I seem to be afraid ♪

♪ To live the life ♪

My pendant. No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no, no, no.

♪ Well, it's just

that I've been losing ♪

♪ So long ♪

How you feeling, champ?

He came around the end, and...

(LAUGHING): I didn't even see him.

I know.

All right.

Just say it.

How long do I have the cast on?

- Am I gonna make the playoffs?

- Well...

The thing is, Kev, you...

- Look, if anyone can beat the odds...

- Dad, just say it.

The kind of break you have, the doctor called it catastrophic.

He thinks you'll be able to run again, thank God, but...

the physical demands of the game...

he-he doesn't think that your knee can...

bear that kind of stress.

(CHUCKLES) Like soon?


I know it's a difficult thing to hear.

He's wrong. (LAUGHS)

- I can come back from this.

- Kevin.

Yeah, you know what, maybe I don't go to Notre Dame. (LAUGHS)

I'll go to Pitt, I don't care.

I wrote Coach Waltering that nice letter, like you said, Dad.

- It was really nice.

- I know. I believe you.

I'm sorry.


I'm sorry.

I've been awful to you.

- And I can do better.

- Kev, hey.

I need you to listen to me, bud.

I would take this on for you.

Okay? I would take on this and anything else if I could.

And I know that you've had this dream for a very long time, and God knows you have such a beautiful talent, but I know, in my gut, it is not the only one that you have.


Hey. I got this at a very hopeless time in my life.

Someone very special gave it to me back in Vietnam.

It's a Buddhist symbol of purpose.

I was feeling very lost when I got that.

But I put it on, and I moved forward.

And you know when I was wearing it?

The day you were born.

The moment you came out, my Number One.

And when I held you, for the first time, right here in this hospital, it hit me like a bolt of lightning.

- You were my purpose, Kevin.


And I swear to you, son, I swear to you, you will find yours.

- Okay?




Hey, Charlotte. It's me.

Charlotte, it's Kevin!

I left my dad's necklace.

I need to come in for a few seconds to look for it, okay?


- Kevin.

- Charlotte!

Are you out of your mind?

Coming back here, you bastard?

That necklace belonged to my father, okay?

And I... I just need to come in for a second and look for it.

- Screw you.

- Just hold on.

That necklace, it's the only thing I have left in my life from my dad.

(CRYING): It's the only thing I have, and I know it's up there.

It's a... it's-it's a wh...

it's a wheel pendant on a little chain.

It's on your bedroom floor.

It's from where you tore my shirt off. I know...

Would you announce that to more of my neighbors?

Just go look for it. Please, please.

I don't have your damn necklace.

- Now leave me alone.

- Please, listen to me.

I understand you're upset

that I left, okay?

It had nothing to do with you, all right?

(CRYING): I'm in pain out here!

Look, I'm in pain here, okay?

Can't you see I'm in pain?

(SOBBING): I just need it to stop.

I just need somebody to help me.

I just need somebody to help me.

I just need help, please.

I just need somebody to please help me.

- Hey.

- Hey.

Thanks for taking my call.

Yeah, man.

I didn't know you were already in town.

That beard for a movie?

Randall, I need to tell you something.

It's okay.

I already know.

Kate lost the baby.


JACK: Number One has done it!

- Number One has done it!


JACK: And now the crowd,the crowd moves its attention to the filly!

- Oh, come on, sweetheart.

- REBECCA: Come on, sweetheart.

- Come on, Number Two.

- Come on, Number Two.

REBECCA: Come on...

Just like your brother, baby.

Come on, come on.
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