01x11 - Islands Part One

Episode transcripts for the TV Show "The Good Doctor. Aired: September 2017 to present.*
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01x11 - Islands Part One

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "The Good Doctor"...

Dr. Coyle... He's a little too friendly.

I'm sure he's just trying to establish a rapport.

COYLE: I give great massages.

And I'll make a k*ller omelet in the morning.

That's really inappropriate. I said no.

You're approaching insubordination.

JARED: You have to file a complaint with HR.

They will shift the blame onto me. Like you did.

I've just been fired for physically assaulting an employee.

So, why do I need to quit my job to have a family?

Agreed. She can be a great lawyer and a great mom.

I don't want to have kids.

SHAUN: I don't need a therapist.

- I want to make my own decisions.
- I am done talking.

- Now let's go.
- No. N-No.

- I don't want help!
- MELISSA: Where would he go?

Is there a place he likes to hang out?

I mean, he's not at the hospital.

And there used to be a picture here.

It means he's not coming back.


Hi. Good morning.

I'm Aaron Glassman. Dr. Glassman.

I work with Shaun.

Hi. Nice to meet you.

It's nice to meet you, too.
May I speak with him, please?

Uh, Shaun isn't here.

I know you've been helping Shaun, and I appreciate that,

but I really need to speak with him immediately.

I'll definitely let him know when I see him next.

I'm... I'm sorry.

- What the hell are you doing?
- Shaun, I know you're in here.

I just... I just want to talk, please.

You are way out of line.

Shaun, you have responsibilities.

We've got to sort this out.

You have five seconds to get the hell out of here...

- Shaun.
- ...or I'm calling the police.

- Shaun, I just...
- What are...

I just want to...

- Five...
- Shaun.

Shaun, she's calling the police.

- ...four...
- Is that what you want?

LEA: ...three...

- ...two...
- Okay, okay.

- ...one.
- Okay, okay, I'm leaving.

It's just that Shaun has a-a tendency

to run away from conflict.

And in Casper and medical school,

people will give you a little bit of slack, but it...

now he's in a very hard-to-get job

in a very competitive environment

where people do not give you a second chance.

Still, not cool.

If you speak with him [CLEARS THROAT]

will you call me, please?






So, what's your plan now?

I don't know.

I gotta say, he seems like a nebby, old jerk.

- And a bully.
- What's "nebby"?

Nosey. It's a Pittsburgh thing.

I mean, you're a grown man.

If you don't want to talk to him, it's none of his business.

San Jose is too big.

I get not liking San Jose.

I'm not the biggest fan myself, but...

I don't want to see a therapist.

So don't.

I should go back to Casper.

I have a rule.

Never make an important decision while you are angry,

upset, high, or right before or after having sex.

Okay, you are overworked, stressed out,

and pissed off at your boss.

Now is not the time to be making a big decision.

You need to take a break, clear your head.

You need a vacation.

I have to work five more months before I earn a vacation.

So call in sick.

I'm not sick.

[SIGHS] You're so adorable.

You don't have to be sick to call in sick.

Ah, I have so much to teach you, Grasshopper.

And I'm gonna start with a good, old-fashioned road trip.

It's the perfect way to get your mojo back.

And when we return, you're gonna know exactly what to do

about San Jose, therapy, and Glassy the Grouch.

And all you have to do

to attain this superior wisdom and knowledge

is to call... in... sick.

Okay. Okay. I will.

Dr. Melendez. Got a case for you.

My schedule's pretty packed today.

It's a patient of mine. She needs a kidney transplant.

You have a donor?

Her identical twin... a perfect DNA match.

Why is she a patient of yours?

I put balloon tissue expanders under both girls' scalps

to prepare them for the separation surgery.

Separation surgery?

It's in six months, after they recover from the transplant.

Of course, if you're too busy...

No. I'm in.

- Where's Murphy?
- He's not here yet.

Wrong day to be late. We're already shorthanded.

- Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that.
- I did not fire Kalu.

And if you have a problem with it, talk to Andrews.

Although, if you want my advice, don't have a problem with it.

Andrews is waiting to brief us on a new case.

It's a kidney transplant on craniopagus twins.


They're connected at the skull.

Their entire renal-vascular systems are interdependent.


Hey. Have either of you talked to Shaun?

- No.
- No, which isn't unusual.

Is anything wrong?

No, no, not with Shaun. It's a family emergency.

- He's gonna be out for a few days.
- He's supposed to get approval

for any personal days from his attending.

Right, which is why I'm checking in.

I think he thought it was enough just to notify me.

You call in sick?

I'm ready to go.


No, you're not.

You're gonna need more than a family photo and a toothbrush.

- Go pack.
- Uh, where are we going?

Wherever the car takes us.

- I don't like the beach.
- Okay, I will let the car know.

Even with your cardiovascular issues,

a kidney transplant is a relatively safe procedure,

especially since, with identical twins,

there's no chance for organ rejection.

Just make sure you keep straight which one's which.

The charming, pretty one has the good kidneys.

Don't worry. We always triple confirm.

And we put everything in writing.

And you're both charming and pretty.

- Mm-hmm.
- It was a joke, Mom.

GLENDA: And smart.

They're gonna be Ivy Leaguers in the fall.

- Yale and Harvard.
- Wow.

Mom, you don't have to tell everyone you meet

- where we're going to college.
- Yes, I do.

That's awesome. Congratulations.

So, who's going where?

What do you think? She's totally obnoxious

and thinks she's way funnier than she is.

- Definitely Harvard.
- Mm-hmm.

Hey, don't make me start mocking your tattoo.


I thought you would have your entire apartment

strapped to your back.

- It takes me a long time to pack.
- That's good.

An a**l-retentive packer is the exact type of person

I'd want operating on me.

Lea, this... this is your car.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. We're gonna take my other one.

Okay. What do you do at work?

Do you really care what I do, or do you just want to know

how someone with such a crappy apartment can afford two cars?

I just want to know how you can afford two cars.


Yeah, I can't.

Uh, my Grandpa Rod died last year,

and he left me his most prized possession.


It's the S-Striped Tomato.

Oh, my God. You like "Starsky & Hutch"?

It's okay.

A meticulous packer and a "Starsky & Hutch" fan.

Grandpa Rod would have loved you.

Okay. This is it. The road.

You sure you want to do this?

Speak now or forever hold your peace.

I'm sure.

Let's go, Lea.


Here we go! [LAUGHS]


I hear Murphy's AWOL.

He's taking a few personal days.

- Unapproved personal days.
- I approved them.

It's not your job to approve them.

Or to say you approved them to cover up the fact

that Murphy's frequent tardiness has escalated to absences.

What do you want me to do, take a polygraph?

How about we jump into enhanced interrogation?

Here, how about this?
Do you want me to turn this on?

When the board was reconsidering your hiring of Murphy,

you assured us that if he was anything less than excellent,

he'd be dismissed and you would resign.

I trust you remember that.

I wouldn't have your movers pack up your office just yet.

You can't protect Murphy forever.

At some point, he needs to succeed or fail on his own.


J.L.: Okay, that's three hours on the warm ischemia clock

of the transplanted kidney.

MELENDEZ: The ureter is attached to the bladder.

How's the kidney's placement in the iliac fossa?

No kinking or twisting of the renal vessel.


You ready to close?


Your best bet is a continuous suture along the fascial layer.



Donor's pressure's dropping.

Okay, up the oxygen.

Jenny must be bleeding internally.

We're gonna have to open her back up.

Staple remover.


I like trees.

Yeah? What else do you like?

Besides reading medical journals

and watching reruns of old cop shows?

- I like you.

Well, who wouldn't? I'm very likeable.

Why don't you like San Jose?

Everyone's so competitive here.

You know, if you didn't make a million by ,

you're a total loser.

I don't need $ million.

I don't even think I need $ , , but...

You know what we both need are some tunes.

What's your preferred driving music?

M-Music... No. N... I don't like music. No. No.

What? No, no. Not okay.

Okay, I will give you a pass on not liking the beach

because you're cute

and I might need you to do brain surgery on me someday,

but not liking music... unacceptable.

- I won't have it.
- Are you being sarcastic?

No. I'm being...

I actually don't know the word for it, but my point stands.

Music is amazing.

You know, I remember every important thing

that has ever happened to me

based on what song I was listening to at the time.

I remember smells.

Like our parking garage smells like fabric softener,

and when my brother died, it smelled like burnt food.

Oh, my God. I'm so sorry. I had no idea.

How did he, um... if you don't mind me asking?

My father was mean.

He k*lled my pet, so my brother and I, we ran away.

Then he fell off a train we were playing on,

hit his head, and died.

I never went back home.

Dr. Glassman has watched out for me ever since.

Okay, so, maybe he's not that much of a nebby jerk.

What are you smelling right now?

Pine trees.

Mm. I'm never gonna forget

that when you told me about your brother and your dad,

it smelled like pine trees.

But I don't want you to ever forget

that right after you told me, we were listening to...


Ouch. No. Do not remember that.

- Or that.

No, thank you.

- ♪...that again, I say it...
- Nope. Not feeling it.

- ♪ ...the satellites in the fuse box, too
- Ooh, so good.

- ♪ Our sharp teeth are the only light
- This is the one you will not forget.

Do not forget this.

- ♪ I drank the whole moon dry
- ♪ Moon dry ♪

♪ 'Cause all my friends are metalheads ♪

♪ Swear they'd never catch us dead ♪

♪ Split up when the police come ♪

♪ Yeah, running used to get me high, high ♪

Now I only feel tired


Jenny had a post-op renal-vein rupture.

We were able to repair it before she lost too much blood.

Both your vitals are stable now,

and Katie's new kidney is functioning well.

Thank God.

Will her ruptured vein have any effect on our separation surgery?

It better not.

Katie, I love you, but if I have to spend

one minute more than I have to

watching you practicing some Mozart song...

- They're not songs. They're concertos.
- Pbht!

Don't worry.
Six months is still the plan.




Look, what I did was incredibly unprofessional

and just... inexcusable.

But I'm guessing you're gonna give one anyway.


No, just an explanation and a, uh... request.

It could help me to convince Andrews

I deserve a second chance.

Okay. Let's hear the explanation.

Dr. Browne and I are... seeing each other.

Look, if you could just put yourself in my shoes.

A woman I care about tells me a guy harassed her,

and, even worse, she tells me it's my fault

because I was too... too stupidly insensitive

to understand what she was going through.

I felt like crap.

And like an idiot, I... tried to make it up to her.

All I'm asking for is just a little understanding.

Wouldn't you have done the same thing?


Not my problem.


Jenny's bradycardic and hypotensive.

- What's happening?
- She was fine a minute ago.

We were talking, then she started to have trouble breathing.


Jenny's heart is failing.

No pulse.

She's in V-tach. Grab the cart, page Melendez.


Jenny's stable.

I have her on beta blockers and vasodilators,

but it's not gonna be enough.

Renal-vein rupture must have caused

her already weak heart to deteriorate.

- She's in end-stage failure.
- I'll get her on the transplant registry.

What are we talking? Months? Weeks?


We're not gonna find a donor heart in a few days.

We could disconnect her from the other body

her heart is partially oxygenating the blood for.

I was already pushing the envelope

to do the separation surgery

six months after a kidney transplant.

Do you really think they could handle it one day after?

It may be our only choice.



His calls are an even bigger buzzkill than this rain

and defeating the whole purpose of this trip.


Residents are not supposed to turn off their phones.

How about we make a deal?

If you turn off your phone,
I'll let you drive.

- I don't have a driver's license.
- I know.

- I've always wanted to learn to drive.
- I know.

- Dr. Glassman... he never wanted me to.
- I know.

Actually, I didn't know that,

but that definitely sounds like Glassy.




You're doing awesome.

You're a natural.

Thank you.

I think so, too.


All right, now make this left turn.

Okay, don't circle this time.

Just keep going straight.

- What are you stopping for?

You want me to go out on the street?

It's where the car wants to go.

Come on.

What's the worst thing that could happen?

I could run over someone and k*ll them.

You have autism. You're not blind.

And I'll be right here with you.



Half Dome, here we come.

Can I turn on the radio?

- No! No, thank you.
- Okay, okay.





We believe moving up the separation surgery

will lighten the load on Jenny's heart,

maybe allow it to recover a bit

so a transplant won't even be necessary in the future.

It is higher risk for Katie now,

given that her new kidney is still not fully functional.

What do you think we should do?

It's your bodies. Your decision.

- Mom, stop it.
- No, I'm serious.

I raised you both to be strong and independent, and you are.

So whatever you decide, I'll support.

Let's do it.

Go ahead. Chop us in half.

- Katie?

We obviously need both your consent.

- Okay.
- You sure?

You want to talk more? Have any questions?

No. I'm good. Let's do it.

SHAUN: I want a car.

So get one.

You've been driving a half-hour,

and you're already better than half the people in San Jose.

I get distracted when I'm alone.

That's why I miss my bus sometimes.

Dr. Glassman thinks I'd do the same thing driving.

He's probably right.

Want to have some fun?

- I'm already having fun.
- Stop the car.

- Why?
- Just do it.


Thank you.

Don't worry. We're the only car on the road right now.

Put your left foot on the brake.

Mm, okay.

There we go.

Now hold it all the way down. There you go.

Okay, now floor the gas with your right foot.


- I-I don't know about this.
- No, it's okay. It's okay.

Now slowly ease your left foot off the brake...

...until you hear...

- ...this.

I smell smoke.

Yeah, that's the point, Shaun.

It's burning rubber. Do it again.

- Okay.


Now, this is fun.


Okay, that's enough.

We need some rubber left to get us home.

I am burning rubber.

- Okay, Shaun, it's time to stop.
- Okay.

Shaun, take your other foot off the gas!

Shaun, look out!

It's the other foot! Other foot!

It's the other foot!
It's the other foot!

It's the other foot!

Dr. Ko and I have been working for months

to map the structure of Jenny and Katie's brain.

- Don't you mean "brains"?
- Actually,

while different regions operate independently for each sister,

there is a single brain mass.

That's why all their previous neurosurgeons

insisted separation was impossible.

The real problem won't be dividing their brains

but dividing their veins.

They share a single sagittal sinus vein.

MELENDEZ: Which we'll give to Jenny.

Then we'll create a new one for Katie

using a grafted vein from her leg.

Nice. You've gotten them up to speed fast.

Well, with months of prep to do in hours,

it was their only choice.

So, let's get started.

- I crashed.
- We didn't.

- We just...
- Yes, I-I crashed.

- I hit something.
- Shaun. Shaun.

I hit something. I did. I hit something.

- Shaun, you...
- I know I did.

- I felt it. I crashed.
- Shaun, you didn't crash.

- Yes.
- You just drove off the road...

- No.
- ...and it was totally my fault.

No, you're wrong.
Nuh-unh. I hit something.

- No, you didn't.
- I felt it.

- I crashed. I crashed.
- No, Shaun, look at me. Calm down.

- Okay. Okay.
- Look at me. Look at me.


Whatever happened, whatever you felt, you did nothing wrong.

It was all my fault, okay?


Okay. Dr. Glassman... He was right.

I-I should not be allowed to drive.

No, no.



No, I'm not going to drive, thank you.

Yeah, I... I know. No one is.

'Cause you were right. We did hit something.




Everything is still looking good.

If you need anything during the night,

just press your call button.

- Is Jenny asleep?
- Yeah.

Where's Dr. Andrews?

He is with Dr. Ko and Dr. Melendez.

They're working to finalize the surgical protocol for tomorrow.

I need to talk to him.

Is there anything I can do?

I changed my mind.

I don't want to do the separation surgery.

I'll go find him right away.


I understand she's scared, but without this surgery,

there is a good chance both of them die.

Have you talked to the mother?

She refuses to weigh in, insists it's their decision.

Let me try and talk to her.

I don't think that's a good idea.

You invented the technique

you're gonna use to separate them.


So she's not even close to objective.

Okay, now is not the time to be worrying about lawsuits.

That's my job.

And our job is saving these girls' lives.

Okay, take it easy. We're all on the same team here.

- I'll talk to her.
- You've already talked to her.

I will try again.

Browne should do it.


We need someone that an year-old girl trusts.

She's also the best communicator out of all of us.



We'll give Katie the night to think it over.

Browne, you'll talk to her in the morning.

Get her to consent to this surgery.

And if I'm not able to do that?


It's not a big deal. Cars break.

That's why God makes mechanics... and booze.

Two sh*ts of tequila, please.

I'm not thirsty.

You don't drink tequila because you're thirsty.

Have you ever been drunk?


Eight years of college a-and not one frat party?

Your roommate's st birthday?

What is your job?

Now you're interested in my job?


I'm an automotive engineer.

I work for a start-up that's developing new designs

for self-driving cars.

Do you like it?



I like to build things,

not to sit in endless meetings talking about building things.

Thank you.

Perfect timing.

We are supposed to be forgetting about work.


For living happy because you're a long time dead.



It's... good.

Oh, my God. You have to be the first person in history

to actually like their first tequila shot.

It's good.

- Do you want another?
- Okay.

- Yes.
- Tequila. Stat.



Sorry. I'm just zoned out.

We should break this off.

There's only so much studying you can do.


Do you want kids?

Sorry. That's none of my business.

No, it's... [CHUCKLES]

it's just not a question I was expecting.

Jessica just told me she doesn't. Ever.

- Wow.
- It doesn't make any sense.

She would be such an amazing mother.

I guess she's lucky she realized before it's too late.

Some women don't.

My mom was definitely one of those.

- Sorry. I didn't mean to...
- No, it's okay.

Water under the bridge... that nearly drowned me.

It was a long time ago.

I don't know what to do.

I can't imagine my life without her,

but I also can't imagine a life without...

I'm sorry.

this is not your problem.

- It's okay.
- Go. Goodbye.


Finding someone you can't imagine a life without,

it's hard.

I know it's a cliché, but it is true.

Good night.

Good night.

[OFF KEY] ♪ Islands in the stream ♪

♪ That is what we are ♪

♪ No one in between ♪

♪ How can we be wrong? ♪

♪ Sail away with me ♪

♪ To another world ♪

♪ And we rely on each other, ah-ha ♪

- ♪ From one lover to another, ha-ha ♪
- ♪ Oh, oh ♪

♪ I can't live without you ♪


I love you.

I love you, too.

So, I will volunteer with foster kids, coach youth sports.

There are other ways that I can be a father figure

without actually being a father.


[SLURRING] In one day, I taught you how to play hooky from work,

how to drive, how to drink,

and how to totally rock the house in karaoke.

No, y-you did not teach me to drive very well at all.

- Ohhh.
- At all.

- Oh, how dare you.
- I-I-I crashed.

No, you didn't crash.

You hit a rock that should not have been there.

The whole point of a road shoulder

is to provide a buffer zone.

Who the hell desi... designs a buffer zone

with a huge rock in it, you know?

They should be fired.

O-Okay, hold it right there, partner.

I got one more thing to teach you.

What is it?

The proper way to end a date.

Tell me you hope I had a good time tonight.

Go ahead.

I hope you had a good time tonight.

I did. I had a very nice time tonight.

You're really fun to sing karaoke with.

Now tell me I'm really fun, too,

and that you hope we can do it again soon.

Y-Y-You're really fun, too.

- Thank you.
- I hope that we can do it again soon.

Now open the door for me.


Now, if I just walk in,

don't bother trying for a second date.

It's a swing and a miss, not a big deal.

It happens to everyone. But if I don't walk in,

if I just stand there in front of you

like I don't really want to go inside,

like I'm doing right now, then you have to kiss me.


Kiss me, Shaun.



Have you ever done that before?

Uh, no, no, no, no.

Well, you're pretty good at it.

- You want to do it again?
- Yes, but...

But what?




I know it's frightening.

You've already been through so much.

I'm not scared.

I just think, "What if this is how we're meant to be?"

Maybe we're better as one.

I grew up in a trailer, um,

with, uh, my mom telling me every day

that I was no better than her

and that I would never do anything,

I'd never be anyone,

and I...

I hated being there.

But when I finally left,

walking out of the dirty, disgusting double-wide...

...was the hardest thing I've ever done.

Wait, so, am I the awful mom

or the disgusting trailer in this story?

- Um...

It's amazing what you've accomplished so far.

It really is.

But you can be so much more,

and with the freedom to just finally be yourself.

Just yourself.



[SIGHS] Katie's back on board.

Told you.

She's very persuasive.




I feel disgusting.

You're just hungover.

You are never gonna want me to kiss you ever again.

If I had brushed my teeth before I rushed out here,

I'd ask you to do it again right now.

Why are you so hard on yourself?

I'm sure you got made fun of a lot when you were a kid,

and that leaves a mark.

I know.

But you gotta shake it off, rub some dirt on it.

You're never gonna be happy if you constantly live in fear.


- We need to talk.
- Look, I have nothing to say to you.

Well, then, you can just listen.

You are not a victim. Not even close.

But you will be unless you convince Andrews

to reinstate Jared.

Are you threatening me?

No, I'm just informing you that there is no way

that I'm the only resident that you tried to intimidate

into having sex with you.

And I will make it my mission in life to find every single one

and get them to file a complaint against you

unless Jared gets his job back.

And what makes you so sure

- Andrews cares what I have to say?
- I'm not.

But either Jared's career gets saved,

or yours gets destroyed.

Either way is a win for me.




Removing the first balloon tissue expander.



One down. Five to go.




GLASSMAN: Hi, Shaun. It's me again.

Um... [SIGHS] you know,

Do... Dr. Andrews has never really been in your corner,

and your absence is causing a real problem.

Please call me before it's too late.

Or at least [SIGHS] call me and let me know where you are

'cause I'm worried.


KO: The cavitron allows us to use

a low-frequency sound wave to separate them

so that we don't damage the healthy tissue in the process.

I still can't tell where Katie starts and Jenny ends.

Mm-hmm. The imaging is a huge help.

But once the patient is opened,

it's kind of like backcountry skiing.

It's never the same on top.

What you want to focus on

is the terrain you know is underneath.


♪ Here, here we are ♪

♪ And all we got, we had from the start ♪

♪ So get up, get up, get up, and go on ♪


♪ Keep your head up, love ♪

- ♪ Keep your heart strong ♪
- Re-grafted sagittal's in place.

Let's remove the clamps.

♪ Oooooh, ooh, ooh ♪


- ♪ Cover up the w*r inside ♪
- Looks good. No leaks.

Now the moment of truth. Scissors.

♪ The most beautiful part ♪

- ♪ Of ourselves is the part we hide ♪
- Dr. Ko, would you like to do the honors?

Mm. Definitely.

♪ So get up, get up, get up, and get on ♪

Can we get a little more room?

Coming right up.

♪ Just a little belief to shake off the doubt ♪

♪ Oooooh, ooh, ooh ♪

[SIGHS] And then there were two.

♪ It's building up ♪

- ♪ It's been building up for so long ♪

Thanks for taking me on a road trip.

I feel a lot better.

I think I'm ready to talk to Dr. Glassman.

Yeah, I feel much better, too, and ready to talk to my boss.

What do you have to talk to your boss about?

He offered me a promotion.

Will you be making $ million?

Ha-ha. Very funny.

I make $ , now, and the new position pays $ , ,

but I'm not gonna take it.

Why not?

It pays $ , more.

Yeah, I get the math, Shaun, but just taking this trip and...

and you have inspired me to do something

that I've been thinking about for a really long time,

but I've just been too scared to do it.

I'm gonna quit my job.

- You're so silly.

What would you do during the day?

Rebuild old cars.

No more conference calls.
No more never-ending meetings.

The only thing I'm not looking forward to is, uh... is moving.

Why would you move?

Because that's where the shop that I'm gonna work at is.

I got the Striped Tomato.

My brother, Donny, got Grandpa Rod's shop

in Hershey, Pennsylvania.

It's been over a year, but every time I drive his car,

I... keep thinking,

"You know, I don't need a more impressive title

or $ million."

He would take me fishing in Alaska every summer,

skiing every winter break.

I haven't taken more than one day off in four years

because I always work.

It never stops.

And just taking this trip with you made me realize I, uh...

I want to enjoy my life, you know?

Okay, what? Say something.









- Hello?

Jared, this is Dr. Andrews.
Do you have a moment?

Yeah, of course.

Dr. Coyle approached me today.

He told me that he feels awful

about the way he treated Dr. Browne

and how it came to affect you,

and he asked me to reconsider your termination.

You should also know

that Dr. Melendez spoke in support of you, as well.

Thank you for letting me know.

I was impressed by the integrity you demonstrated

by taking full responsibility for your actions.

And I'm certainly willing to make that clear

to any administrators at another hospital

if you need me as a reference,

but I won't reinstate you.

Physical as*ault is a line

I'm just not willing to let anyone cross.

I understand.

I'm sorry.

Take care.



When will they wake up?


They should've already.






Our sharp teeth are the only light

I drink the whole moon dry

'Cause all my friends are metalheads

Swear they'll never catch us dead

Split up when the police come

Yeah, running used to get me high, high

Now I only feel tired
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