06x06 - The Ethicist

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Blacklist". Aired September 2013 - current.*
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Former government agent Raymond "Red" Reddington (James Spader) has eluded capture for decades. But he suddenly surrenders to the FBI with an offer to help catch a t*rror1st under the condition that he speaks only to Elizabeth "Liz" Keen (Megan Boone), a young FBI profiler who's just barely out of Quantico.
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06x06 - The Ethicist

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ ♪ When I feel the rain coming down on me ♪

♪ I just brush my coat and everything's just fine ♪

♪ ♪ Big holes in my pockets where some coins, they should be ♪


- ♪ Hey, I'm not rich ♪

♪ But everything's just fine ♪ ♪

♪ Sometimes I talk with Mr. Blue ♪

TAMERLANE: I've been accused of being a lot of things...


♪ But I don't want ♪

- him to stay ...unemotional, cold, a risk-inclined agitator...

...whose own board sometimes feels he's a liability.

- ♪ He soon goes on his way ♪ - [LAUGHTER]

Truth is, I've made my share of mistakes...

- ♪ Tomorrow I may wake to find...


...but it is no secret that our e-commerce market share is expanding much faster than anticipated.

That means fulfillment is the bottleneck for real growth, which is why I am here to announce that Chione will be opening a brand-new, state-of-the-art distribution facility in Malaysia by the end of next year.



All right.

Oh, hey.


All right.

Mr. Tamerlane?

It's a pleasure.

Oh, thank you very much.

Would you, uh, like a photo together?

Oh, eh, it's okay.

I'm here on business.

It's about that incident

near Rock Creek Park.

♪ Uh...


- I'm sorry, your name was...?

- I'm not the only one who knows.

I'm afraid there's some real legal jeopardy coming your way...

a credible witness, a grand jury.

- Who the hell are you?

How do you...

- Please, let's not... talk here.

Uh, just come see me... alone.

I think I can be of assistance.

♪ JUDGE WILKINS: We are on record this morning in the matter of The United States v.

Raymond Reddington on charges of treason in connection to the sale of classified data to Russian intelligence.

Is the government ready to proceed to trial?

- We are, Your Honor.

- And the defense?

We are not.

Uh, the royal "we"... me.

I am not.


Dare I ask why?

Like it or not, I have to be open to the idea that there may be certain mental abnormalities that are the cause of my criminal conduct.

As delighted as the government is that Mr. Reddington has stated on the record that his conduct is criminal, whether mental disease caused his crimes is a question for a jury to decide if and when he raises an insanity defense.

I don't see what possible connection that has to whether he's prepared to move to trial.

Well, I cannot proceed to trial...


until I know how to defend myself, or whether I can even self-advocate in an effective way.

You know the facts.

That's generally a good start.

And if the facts indicate that I'm not

competent to stand trial?

Defense counsel succeeded in convincing Your Honor to uphold his immunity agreement.

H-He may be crazy like a fox...


- ...but he's not crazy.

While I've come to appreciate the innate facility Mr.

Sima has with the obvious cliché, I'm sure the Court is aware that, on the subject of my mental health, his opinion is just that... his opinion.

I'd prefer to take the Court's recommendation and base my defense on the facts.

The only relevant fact is that there is no motion concerning the defendant's mental health before the court.

I am making that motion now, as is my right under the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.

Therefore, I ask for the court's indulgence because I appear before you in pro per, and also possibly mad as a hatter.

Talk about your obvious cliché.


Guilty as charged.

Or not...

if I really am mad.

How about giving us all a chance to find out?

JENNIFER: What do you mean he's taking a trip?

The judge granted his request for a psychiatric evaluation, so, as a federal prisoner, he's being sent

to the Federal Medical Center in Springfield, Missouri.

Does Reddington really believe anyone's gonna think that he's incompetent?

I didn't request the evaluation

- so I'd be evaluated.


I did it because I no longer have an immunity agreement, and I need leverage to get a new one.

How does a psych eval get you that?

Because it gets me to Missouri.

There's a man I need to see there.

- A man?

What man?

- I don't know, and I don't care.

All I care about is that he didn't give me a case, so we can work on ours.

- Ours is at a dead end.

- What are you talking about?

We've ID'd the man who was Koehler's patient right after Reddington was.

He might know his real identity.

Yeah, and if could find him, maybe he'd tell us, but we can't.

We're stuck, but if I could get the Task Force to help us...

[SCOFFS] I thought we couldn't go to the FBI.

If we did, Reddington would find out.


can't give them a case, but Reddington can.

I thought he didn't have one.

They don't know that.

Gerald Todd Klepper was a doctor in Newark who m*rder*d patients.

ARAM: Terminally ill patients.

Cops think it was euthanasia.

They think, but they don't know.

By the time the police realized Klepper was responsible, he was gone.

And in the years since, no one's found him because, according to Reddington, he had his appearance altered by everyone's favorite plastic surgeon to the criminal elite...

Dr. Hans Koehler.

I'm sorry.

So, Reddington wants us to track down

- one of Dr. Koehler's patients?

- COOPER: Thanks to him, we already acquired a list with their names on it.

The Bureau has assigned a team to track them down.

He says Klepper is a very special case.

And, no, he didn't say why.

And we can't ask him because he hoodwinked his judge into sending him to Missouri for a psych eval.

What do we know about this "Angel of Death"?


Let's start with what we don't

know... like his current ID,

what he looks like, and where he lives.

♪ You said you could be of assistance.

What we do know is that, according to Koehler's medical file, prior to his operation, Klepper was on dialysis.

Our only lead is a -year-old medical condition?

That's the only lead the police have.

But the victims' families hired a P.I. to follow up, and what he found, we don't know.

And you need to talk to him.

We know who Klepper was...

maybe this guy can tell us who he is.

MAN: Cindy Kobata was fighting leukemia.

Jim Franklin had a wife and two kids.

Bethany Ray had cystic fibrosis.

She'd just turned when Klepper k*lled her.

How long've you been working this case?

The families came to me in ' .

I wish I could'a been more help, but Klepper stayed off the grid...

no citizenship, no taxes, no footprint, nothing.

Is there anything you can tell us about him now?

I can tell you the cops had it all wrong.

They said he was all about putting people out of their misery, but these people were demanding aggressive treatment.

They weren't targeted because they wanted to die...

they were targeted because they wanted to live.

- Now, why would he do that?

- Because by fighting to stay alive, they used up resources that he thought were better used on healthier patients.

You make him sound like an actuary.


Most people think life is priceless.

Not Klepper.

He did a cost-benefit analysis on these people, figured that the cost outweighed the benefits, and k*lled them because of it.

KLEPPER: You k*lled someone.

For that, most people would believe you belong in prison.

Their belief is based on a Judeo-Christian tradition of justice.

Mine is more algebraic.

There's a constant and a variable.

The constant is the work you do.

It has value, and it will be compromised with you behind bars.

The variable is what economists call the VSL...

the value of statistical life.

In this case, the value of your life versus the value of the life of the witness whose testimony will put you behind bars.

Okay, I can make it worth their while not to say anything.

The authorities have identified her.

She was walking home that night and saw what she saw.

She's made a preliminary statement.

At this point, a bribe has a low probability of success.

I'm afraid my equation is premised on a more permanent solution.

k*lling her.

If her VSL is lower than yours.

You can't put a price on a life.

Nearly every department in our government has a VSL.

The EPA's is $ million.

The FDA's is $ .


The Department of Transportation is $ .


The annoying beep that goes off when the people in the front seat don't put their seatbelts on?

Ever wonder why there was no beep for the people sitting in the back?

It would cost the auto industry $ million a year and save lives.

divided by is . ... meaning that the value of each life that would be saved is $ . million.

But since DOT values each life at only $ . million, no beeps in the back.

Those are statistical models to determine the cost of a life, not to decide the value of one life over another.

Organ recipient protocols.

What a teacher makes versus a hedge fund manager.

We make comparative values all the time, and I've done it for you and Miss Carter.

A bus driver versus a titan of industry.

A volunteer at a local boys' club versus a man who employs , people.

I've circled the relevant numbers.



Well, according to this, she comes out ahead.

Smaller carbon footprint.

Works with at-risk youth.

You give people paychecks. She gives them hope.


I'm not a m*rder*r.

That's why you need me.


How do I tip your scales?

You're building a plant in Malaysia.

I want it built in Detroit.

My coefficient for America First is very high.

No, that's impossible.

I've already put $ million into that plant.

I never said k*lling hope would be cheap...

just ethical.

How can m*rder ever be ethical?

How can people die each year because they weren't warned to put on their seatbelts?

Some lives have more value than others.

Move the plant, your life will have more value than the woman set to testify against you.

It's nothing personal.

It's just math.

So, I've been thinking about The Angel of Death and trying to figure out why a digital nomad...

who never stops moving...

would stop in one place for nearly three months.

The answer?

His kidney.

You think this has to do with his dialysis treatments?

Not the treatments, the cure.

- A transplant.

- I pulled the rolls of every kidney transplant recipient in Philadelphia in .

- And after removing the patients...


...that were the wrong age, sex, or race, I was able to narrow it down to a list of men, one of which is this guy.

- SAMAR: Cameron Morella.


ARAM: He's he right age, and before , - he was non-existent.

- Because he was someone else.


COOPER: Gerald Todd Klepper.

I'm telling you...

I think this is our guy.

Miss Carter?

Eric Price.

I'm here on behalf of the District Attorney to review your testimony.

May I have a minute?

So he has a new face but still needs a kidney.

Did you run him through the database...

license, credit cards?

I did, and it appears he's in D.C.

His last purchase was for a hotel room - near th and E Street.


And that... that was under an hour ago.

COOPER: Notify Ressler and Keen.

Have them pay Mr. Morella a visit.

KELLY: I thought the lady at the DA's Office said that I wouldn't be giving a statement - until later today.

- Yes.

About that...

The truth is, I don't work for the DA's Office.

I'm here on behalf of Mr. Tamerlane.


You lied to me?!

Miss Carter, please.

Calm down.


And you're here to what... you're here to what...

try and buy me off?

Is that what this is?

He thinks he can just pay me off and make me lie about what I saw him do to that poor girl?!

It's not quite that simple.


- Who are you?

What are you doing?




Help me!

Let go of me!




KLEPPER: According to the CDC, accidents are the leading cause of death among women to .


It only accounts for % of deaths among black women.


- But at .

%, it's number one with a b*llet among white women like yourself.


Tragic slip and fall coming out of the shower, and, sadly, you'll be just one more statistic in the CDC's annual report on health equity.

As Mark Twain said, there's three kinds of lies...

lies, damned lies, and statistics.

♪ DR. GRAY: So, we are here to evaluate whether you're competent to stand trial.

This is a comfy chair.

Do you understand what that means?

It's comfy?

Competency means you are capable of understanding...

...the characteristic and consequences of the proceedings against you.

Based on what I've read in the trial transcript, - you seem quite capable.

- And yet I don't...


understand why I'm there...

in court.

I don't know what I've done wrong.

- You don't?

- Not really, no.

Have you k*lled people?

Polluting rivers kills people, good people...

k*lled for profit.

Raising the speed limit kills people... to save time.

The death penalty.

Unjust wars have k*lled so many people.

Whatever I've done, I've done because I thought it was just.

So, do I really understand the proceedings against me?

No, I don't.

I'm going to administer a series of diagnostics tests.

If they're designed to see whether I can distinguish between the behavior the system defines as criminal and that which I deem appropriate...

I can't.

Let's start with the Rorschach test.

Ah. Inkblots.

I must warn you, they all look like genitalia to me.


There you go.



Walking them in now.

Agents Ressler and Keen, FBI.

What's going on here?

Got a call about minutes ago.

Housekeeping found a DOA female in the room.

Looks like a slip and fall.

That's no slip and fall.

This guy...

Cameron Morella, he's our suspect.

He's on the move.

Lock it down.

Search the building.



♪ Hello, Atticus.

It's been a while.

I was sorry to hear about all the tomfoolery in Cincinnati, but I'm confident it'll all blow over and you'll be acquitted soon.

- I came here because I need a favor.


It's about our mutual acquaintance.

I need to find him.

I'm in trouble, and I need to find him.

If anyone can help me, it's you.

This is important, Atticus.


It's a matter of life and death.

You can talk at him all day, but he ain't gonna say much.

I'm sorry?

Mr. Rodrick.

They got him on a cocktail of antipsychotics and mood stabilizers that have most men counting worms.

It's for the best, though.

He's a bear if he doesn't get his meds every three hours...

yeah, just like the Incredible Hulk.








Knock yourself out.


Jiminy Christmas!

- What?

- For the love of...

Please tell me that's not a Vermilion Flycatcher.

- What are you talking about?

- That little fella right there.

What the hell are you people doing with a Flycatcher in your aviary?

They're endangered.

That little guy should be in an open habitat or desert scrub, at the very least.

Look, I don't know nothing about birds and desert scrub and all that.

You know what?

Never mind.

I am absolutely dead wrong.

That is a Red Factor Canary.

Probably domestically bred.

He's perfectly fine.

Good to know.


One thing at a time, Atticus.

I'll get you sober, and then you can tell me how to find your friend



SAMAR: We're not seeing any images of Klepper on hotel security or area CCTV.

His credit cards are dark, his cellphone...

MPD's swept the building.

He's gone.

- What about his hotel room?

- He never entered it.

We think he only purchased it to get access to the victim's floor.

I just had an interesting chat with the U.S.

Attorney's Office - for the District of Columbia.

- What do they have to do with this?

They're paying the bill for the dead woman's room.

Turns out she's the key witness in a case against Digby Tamerlane.

The Chione founder?

That guy is like a gazillionaire.

Yeah, well, he's also being investigated by a grand jury for the hit-and-run death of a -year-old.

- Now, without her testimony...

- Their case doesn't exist.

I'm sorry, I think I'm confused.

What is a-a-a deceased witness in a hit-and-run case have to do with The Angel of Death k*ller?

The P.I.

said he decided who to k*ll based on some cost-benefit analysis.

Or maybe he thinks that the, uh, benefits of a gazillionaire's freedom are worth more than a witness's life.

COOPER: Tamerlane clearly benefits from this supposed "accident."

Press him.

Let's find out what else he's hiding.


- Everyone's favorite superpower is flying like a bird.


I'd prefer mind control.

Although, at this point, maybe just X-ray vision.




Hello, Atticus.

Welcome back.

What are you doing here?

- Please answer yes or no.

- Why?

As I've already explained, your answers will help me evaluate your competency to stand trial.

Whether I'm easily awakened by noise?

The MMPI- is an effective diagnostic tool, as is my assessment of your willingness to cooperate.


When I sleep, I sleep.

"I wish I could be as happy as others seem to be." Yes.

"My father was a good man." Good?


"If people weren't out to get me, I would have been more successful." Not necessarily.

"I don't always tell the truth." I need to find your colleague.

DR. GRAY: "I am an important person." It's important that I find him.


I'd like to fly.

♪ DR. GRAY: "I get angry sometimes." ♪ Yes or no.

"I get angry sometimes." No.

I get even.

Is that a look of concern or keen interest?

You show no signs of depression, paranoia, or social introversion.

No hypochondriasis, no hypomania.

- Keen interest, then.

- On the other hand, you clearly have a psychopathic deviate conflict as in regards to society's rules.

Is that it?

After all your inkblots and questions about my digestive tract, that's the depth of your analysis, that I deviate from societal norms?

Given that my life depends on your learned evaluation, I hope you have something slightly more insightful on that notepad.


- You're masquerading.

Leading a double life, pretending to be someone you're not.

If you're divorced from social norms, it's because you're divorced from a side of yourself I can't see because you're terrified of letting people see it.

Why, I don't know.

But whatever pathologies you have...

I think they can be traced to the fact that, while most people see you as a, uh, iconic bad guy, you're really just an imposter.

♪ You expect me to believe you?


I told you three times, I've never seen the man before in my life.

Then it should come as a surprise that he's a suspect - in the m*rder of Kelly Carter.


- I don't know that name.

- Oh, sure you do.

She's the woman who saw you in Rock Creek Park trying to bury that -year-old you ran over...

- Okay, I want my attorney.

- That's why she was in D.C., to give her statement to the grand jury.

Okay, listen, lady, - my lawyers are...

- Your lawyers have no idea that Cameron Morella is a serial k*ller, the one the press dubbed "The Angel of Death," or that his real name is Gerald Todd Klepper and that he's responsible for the murders of Cindy Kobata, Jim Franklin, Bethany Ray, or that he's wanted for taking innocent lives, or even if he's still alive, but I do.

♪ I also know that the two of you are in business together.

And when I tie you to Klepper, you're not only looking at a conspiracy to commit m*rder, but I'm gonna do everything in my power to drag you down with him.

♪ He approached me backstage...

after our Malaysian launch.

He told me about the witnesses...

Miss Carter...

said he could make it go away.

How did you communicate?

I had to go to him at his place...

a campground near Groveton.

- Is that the only way?

- No.

- He gave me a phone number.




We have a lead.

Tamerlane coughed up Klepper's number.

I heard.

I'll get local PD en route to that RV park now.

Have Aram run a trace on that number.

We find Klepper's phone, we find Klepper.

And maybe we'll find out why Reddington gave us this case.

Maybe it's because, for once, he's a bad guy.

You honestly believe that?

Tell me what Aram finds out.


You need to call your friend Buck.

JENNIFER: Why? What did you find out?


I've got a number I need him to trace.

- Ready?

- Yeah.

- - .

Gerald Klepper's new identity is Cameron Morella.

That's his number.

- Call me as soon as Buck traces it.

- Wait, why do we need Buck?

I-I thought we were working with the FBI.

- Can't they just run the trace?

- They are,

but we need to get to Klepper before they do, - so I gave them the wrong number.

- What?!

I w...

They're gonna find out.

What happens when they do?

I'll deal with that later.

For now, we just need to get to Klepper and see if he can tell us who Reddington really is.


Atticus, look at me...

What's going on?

You're in a hospital awaiting trial.

They have you on a strong cocktail of antipsychotics.


Yes, you're in Springfield.

- That doctor...

- Y...

Lis... Listen to me.

It's very important that I locate your colleague.

- He's gone.

- No, yes.

I know he's gone.

I need to find him.


That damn doctor.

F... Atticus, forget the doctor.

- Can you help me find him?

- Y...

Mr. Reddington, what are you doing?

We have a session.

We have much to cover, and you're late.

I am so sorry, Doctor.

I abhor tardiness, but if you could just give me one moment.

- That b*tch.

- I...

I told her I didn't want those little red pills.

- I told her no.

- Calm down.

- I'm gonna k*ll that lady.

- That's enough, really.

I'm gonna rip that tongue right out of her mouth.

- Atticus, calm down.

- And once I rip that tongue out...

- Atticus...

- ...I'm gonna shove it down her damn throat!






- No!



I'm gonna rip your tongue out!


I'm gonna rip your tongue out!


- Buck is a god.

- He traced the phone?

He bounced the signal off of Venus or Mars...

I don't know... but he has a location.

It's a parking lot at rd and Sycamore.

Phone number was a dead end.

- I gotta go.

- What are you gonna do?

Are you...

Are you gonna go there?

Should I meet you?

- I'll call you back.


Evidently, local PD couldn't find Klepper's RV.


- Cooper wants us to get out there, see if anyone at the campground has information - on where he might be.

- You go.

What... you got someplace better to be?

Yeah, I think I'm gonna try to talk to Reddington, - see if he knows anything.

- He's in the federal psych hospital.

And this is a life-or-death situation.

I think they're gonna let me talk to him.

Now, there's a phone call I'd like to be on.

I'll get Navabi to go out to the RV parking lot...

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

I mean, y-you're welcome to listen in if you want, but, with Reddington, you catch more flies with honey, and you are definitely more sour than sweet.


How do you do it?

- What?

- Put up with him.

I can't stand how much he hides from us, and I'm not even his kid.

- I don't know how you deal with it.

- It's not easy.

- You make it look like it is.



- I'll let you know what I find out.

I'll do the same.




♪ ♪ ♪ Cameron Morella!


Open the door.


Morella, open the door, or a tactical team will storm your vehicle!

Hands where I can see them.

- Where's the cavalry?

- In my hand.

Now back up.

♪ Well, I guess there won't be much more from him, - now, will there?

- That's the idea.


♪ Atticus.


We don't have much time.



Your friend has a job.

It's an assassination.

Look at me.

He knows the FBI is looking for him, so it has to be done quietly.

I'd like to fly.

Hey, hey.


Your friend...

who would he turn to...

to get a job done as quietly as possible?

Atticus, who would he turn to?






Who's that?

I-I don't...

General Shiro?

Hey, where can I find him?

Would you like to fly?


I would.

♪ I know who you are, Mr. Morella.

I know you m*rder*d Kelly Carter to prevent her from telling a grand jury that she saw Digby Tamerlane trying to hide the body of a young girl he k*lled in a hit-and-run.

I don't know what you're talking about.

I also know who you were,

Dr. Klepper.

I don't know that name.



♪ - Is that him?


He says no.

But I think this should change his mind.

♪ Look familiar?

It should.

It's a picture of you in Dr. Hans Koehler's medical file, complete with a list of every time he chiseled you or injected you, shaved you down or puffed you up.

I don't recognize this person.

Well, Koehler did a remarkable job of changing your appearance.

But we both know that he can't change your DNA.

And that when we do take it, it's gonna match up to his.

Isn't it, Doctor?

I like to make calculations.

Like deciding who should live and who should die?

That's one calculation, yes.

Have you made it often?

Often enough.

And it's a surprisingly easy one.

Others are considerably more difficult.

Like why the FBI sent only one agent and one...

- I'm not sure what.

- We know who you were before Dr.

Koehler changed your identity.

What we want to know is who Raymond Reddington was.

According to Koehler's records, you and Reddington were patients at approximately the same time.

And you think, what, we bonded in post-op?

Compared scars?


The whole point of going to Koehler was to become anonymous.

I never saw him.

He never saw me.



- Whatcha got?

- A guy at the RV park

gave us a description of Klepper's vehicle.

Aram tracked it to a parking lot at rd and Sycamore.

How far away are you?

About minutes out.

Lemme know what you find when you get there.

- What about Reddington?

- Reddington?

Well, did you talk to him?



He didn't know anything.

For once we know more than he does.

All right, I'll, uh, call you when we find something.


I have a g*n.

In that cupboard.

On the top shelf.

♪ About Reddington...

If you didn't see him, who did?

A nurse.

She saw all the patients...

before and after.

She could tell you who Reddington was.

What's her name?

Your colleagues are on their way.

And for some reason, you didn't tell them you were already here.

- What is her name?

- I don't randomly decide who's gonna live or die.

I do it based on whose life has more value.

Take us, for example.

I'm gonna spend the rest of my life in prison.

You could have a long and productive career.

By any reasonable standard, your life has more value, which is why you should get my g*n.

- We need a name.

- And I'll give it to you...

once I get you to understand that you have to k*ll me.

What are you talking about?

I don't know why you want to know who Reddington was, but clearly you're willing to risk a great deal to find out.

Your career, all the good and productive things you'll do that makes your life more valuable than mine, but it only has that value if your colleagues never find out you were here.

And the only way that's gonna happen is if I'm dead when they arrive.

Like I said, it's a surprisingly easy calculation.

We're not gonna k*ll you.

Of course not.

You're gonna k*ll yourself.

That's what you do...

You stage killings and make them look like accidents.

Or suicides.

My g*n.

You don't have much time.

Either I die here or I spend my life behind bars.

In some ways, it's a mercy k*lling.

♪ You're not actually considering...

Wait in the car.

You can't do this.

KLEPPER: The g*n for the name.

If she wants the name, she has no choice.


This isn't right.

♪ Marguerite Renard.

Find her, you'll find out who Reddington was.

It's the ethical thing to do.





We should go.



♪ You're waiting...

♪ ♪

♪ ...for tenderness to come ♪

♪ ♪ ♪

♪ Crying for three days ♪

♪ ♪ Now your eyes are red and tired ♪

♪ ♪ You can't sleep for three days ♪

♪ ♪ Now you're waiting for tenderness to come ♪

♪ ♪ You're waiting for tenderness to come ♪

♪ I heard about Klepper.

He must've heard you were coming and decided k*lling himself

- was better than a life in prison.


Is that how you figure it?

Not exactly, no.

I, uh... found Klepper's burner

- in the RV.

- ♪ With a red bird on the branch ♪

That's the number forensics pulled off it.

And this

is the number that you gave me.

So, the way I "figure it," is that you gave us a fake number so that we'd run in circles while you ran a trace on the real one so that you could get to Klepper first.

See, first-thought theater was that you were doing it for Reddington.

I mean, he's not around, so you're carrying his water for him.

- ♪ Now your world's coming undone ♪ - But then I checked.

Since he's been in Missouri, he hasn't been allowed...

- ♪ Now your world's coming undone ♪ - ...any calls in or out.

I can explain.

He doesn't know anything about this case, does he?

This is your Blacklister, not his.


It's a good explanation.

I can't tell you now, but I'll tell you some day.

For now, I just need you to trust me.

Did you k*ll Klepper?


♪ But I did let him k*ll himself.

- Why?

- Because he convinced me the benefit outweighed the cost.

The same way I'm trying to convince you not to tell Cooper what I've done.


Because the benefit outweighs the cost.



I think so.

♪ That's a decision you're gonna have to make for yourself.


♪ Undone ♪ [VOCALIZING]

♪ Now you're waiting for tenderness to come

♪ ♪ ♪


Autopsy's in on Klepper.

All indications are it was a su1c1de.

We found evidence in Klepper's RV that'd he'd made these sort of "ethical decisions" before.

He k*lled others.

That we know of.


You seem...


Doesn't it bother you that's there's always an ulterior motive?

Some reason we were given a case that's never fully explained?

Not really, no.

The way I look at it is, because of us, a serial k*ller is dead.

No one will ever suffer because of him again.

As far as I'm concerned, the case is closed.

Unless there's something I'm missing.

Is there?

No, sir.

It's case closed.

♪ Marguerite Renard.

The nurse. We've got to find her.

Before he found you, could you have done it...

- what you did in the RV?

- She can't be hard to locate.

And when we find her, we find out who Reddington really is.

Could you have done it?

I don't think so.


So he did this to you.

What difference does it make?

We're so close.

The difference that it makes is that I'm worried that he's gonna do it to me.

That won't happen.

It won't.


Marguerite Renard.

What do we know about her?

Your friend, Mr. Rodrick.

He's why you're here?

Please tell me you're going to be administering the Szondi test.

I'm absolutely fascinated by repressed impulses.

There will be no more tests, Mr. Reddington.

Our work is finished here.

That seems premature.

I saw all I needed to see today with your friend, Mr. Rodrick.

You keep calling him my friend.

He's not my friend.

Well, whoever he is, he was intent on k*lling me. I think he said he was going to, uh, "rip my tongue out." But your reaction was everything.

My reaction?

You came to my defense.

You saw that Mr. Rodrick was intent on causing me harm, and although you don't know me, you made the very conscious decision to stop him, which, to my mind, is a...

is a wonderful demonstration of your ability to distinguish between right and wrong.

I'm not so sure of that.

Yeah, but you're not the doctor.

Before I submit my decision, I have one more question.

I'm an open book.

What exactly is it you want from Mr. Rodrick?

JUDGE WILKINS: I have reviewed the results of the psychiatric evaluation conducted at the defendant's request, and it is Dr. Gray's professional opinion that, while one with a criminal history like Mr. Reddington would likely have to be insane, it's clear his criminal proclivities do not rise to the level of legal insanity.

It is the doctor's professional opinion that the defendant does understand the charges leveled against him and is, therefore, fully mentally competent to assist in his own defense.

Mr. Reddington, you've been provided with a copy of Dr. Gray's findings.

Are you objecting to her conclusions?

No, Your Honor.

I'm prepared to accept the finding of competency.


Then we're clear to proceed.

Mr. Sima?

Your Honor, of the indictments that are before the court, the prosecution has elected to proceed with the charge of treason as our first case against the defendant.

Very well.

We'll move to jury selection immediately.







♪ ♪ ♪





You got the phone.

Yes, thank you, and not a moment too soon.


What's wrong?

I spoke with Atticus Rodrick.

Was he any help?

He gave me a name...

General Shiro.

I need you to find out everything you can about him.

- General Shiro?

- Yes.

He's the next name on the Blacklist.
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