03x11 - No Days Off

Episode transcripts for the TV Show "Station 19". Aired: March 2018 to present.*
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An action-drama that is centered around the Seattle Firehouse. This is the second spin-off from Grey's Anatomy.
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03x11 - No Days Off

Post by bunniefuu »

Station 19. This is Montgomery.


Aren't you on vacation?

Aren't you off shift? I need my headphones.

Well, I need someone to grab the fire prevention file off my desk and read the quarterly numbers to me.

On your vacation?

Montgomery. Captain... Maya.

You deserve a break. You should take it.

Vacations are so stressful.

Sweet, broken Maya.


Drink a piña colada, then sex up that gorgeous Italian woman of yours and stop thinking about work!

Are you ready?

Yeah. Yeah, I just, um...

Y-You don't look ready.

Just had to call the station.

No one ever remembers to restock the... Okay, okay, okay.

Then, um, all this and some fruity drinks will be waiting for you at the pool.

Okay. Okay, okay, okay.

Screw the station. Okay. Okay.

Hey, Andy.

Andy. Hello?

We still going on that hike today?


Maybe don't sing her a song about the fact that her mom abandoned her?

I swear to God, I didn't even realize those were the lyrics.


♪ Go to sleep, you little br-blah-blah ♪


I brought you a present.

Owen Hunt.

Ohh! Ahh.

I'm excited to see you here.

Me too. Here.

What did you do?

This is a field surgeon's best friend.

HD screen, splash-resistant for your bloodiest traumas.

Okay, I've been looking for one of these for months.

Look at this.

It's a window into the whole body in the palm of your hand.

Okay, see... see, this... This is the new stethoscope.

I raided the Pac North supply closet before I left.

They spent a lot of money there before Catherine bought it.

It's yours.

Thank you, man. Thanks.

Hey, you... you ready for the tour?

Yeah, su... Wait, tour?

I was hoping for a test drive.

Yeah, well, maybe we'll get lucky.

But hey, you're not trained yet, so no sticking your hands in any bodies.

I can't promise that.

But wait, when do I get to slide down the pole?


Now? Don't tell anybody.

Really? Let's go.

Okay. Let's go.

Stop fidgeting. I'm not fidgeting.

You're shaking the whole car.

It's my nerve syndrome. Driving's uncomfortable.

Oh, it's your leg.

It's not that you're about to share a meal with the father of the woman you're currently sharing a bed with.

No, it couldn't be those nerves, right?

Mm. That was a terrible idea.

Spoken like every boyfriend I've brought to meet my dad.

Well, I've known your dad for a long time, okay, but this... a lunch in a public place?

What would you prefer?

A bunker.

With thick glass separating us.

You know, maybe I should sit on the other side of the table, so he doesn't think that we...


That we've brushed elbows?

Mm, I think that ship has sailed.

Hey! Barnesy. You owe me 20 bucks.

Don't forget.

What are you doing here?

I left my headphones in my locker. What are you doing here?

This is where they do the laundry.

I'm so sorry. On the police force, we like to do our laundry at home, but...

Yeah. Chief.

Travis Montgomery.

Ah, yeah. Right. Oh, my God.

Travis! You're the one mentoring Emmett.

Ah! It's so nice to meet you.

I've heard such lovely things about you.

Oh! Good!

Uh, and you are...?

Sorry. G... I always do that.

I hug people before I introduce myself.


Um, I'm Alicia, Emmett's girlfriend.



Of course!

It's so great to finally meet you!

Yeah, well, it was good seeing you.

Montgomery, we're about to go to lunch.

Oh, yes, yes, yes!

I'd love to hear some stories.

Emmett never tells me anything.

Oh, Dad, it's... it's his day off.

Uh, he... he probably doesn't...

I'm sure he'd love to sit down with his boss, right?

Yeah! Yeah!

Structure fire at 2914 Fulham Road.

Oh. Do you guys have to go?

Nah, the other team handles it.

These guys are off duty.

Come on.

You can give me an update on my son's progress, plus some intel on how things are going around here.

Tell me again why I'm here.

Uh, because I'm your favorite daughter and you love me.

You're my only daughter, so there's not much competition.


Uh, Robert and I would like to tell you that...

You got married.

What? Dad.

No. No, sir. No.

Uh, we... we wanted to share with you that... we're dating.


We're... We're in love. Mm-hmm.

As we know you've long suspected.

Um... Mm.


I'm in love with your daughter.

In love, huh?

What's that got to do with me?

Well, we wanted to come to you first, before we go to the department.

Out of respect.

What's your plan?

W-Well, I-I'm gonna report our relationship to Dixon... Mm.

...and then I will request a transfer to another battalion.


What? Another battalion?

Yeah, we talked about that.

When? Months ago.

You were yelling at me... That was way before...

No, that was before you... Okay, we... we'll... we'll figure it out. Okay. Yeah.

Um, we will do whatever we need to do to be together. Be together.

Just like you and mami.

Wait a minute, now. That's different.

How? We were in training, and I was never her authority.

I guess you made sure of that by knocking her up.

For the last time, Andrea, I did not force your mother out of the academy.

It was her choice. What choice?

What was she gonna do?

Carry 80 pounds of gear up the stairs while nine months pregnant?

Hi, there.

Do we know what we want?



Um... I think we might need another minute.


Uh, it says here colic can be soothed by putting a warm bottle on her belly.

Uh, Alexa, can you add a hot water bottle and, uh, diapers to my shopping list, please?

I added hot water bottle and diapers.

Why do you say "please" to her?

Because I have manners!


Alexa, turn off the music.


Please? Hey.

Hey. Shh.


You guys look not good.

I need a bath and I need an omelette and I need a triple latte.

Did I say bath already?

I need so many things.

Yeah. But first...

Here, and first, you're taking this.

No, no, no. Take her.

You know me and babies are not...

Take the baby.

We've been getting more sleep on duty than off duty, buddy.

Oh. Good.

Whoa. Hey.

Look at that.

She stopped crying.

I think she likes me.


I'm in love.

How do I take this thing off?

My brain isn't connected to my hands.

How did you do that?

I guess she was tired.

Nighty night, chubs.

If I could move, I would k*ll him.

What... What... What... What are you even doing here?

It's your day off. Go.

Be free and childless.

No, I was... I was bored.

You were bored?

I see that. I see that.

You know, they have these in the military.

Did you know that? I did.

And that was actually part of how we came...

You know, when I was doing trauma in Iraq, I would have loved one of these.

I'm kind of surprised that Bailey signed off on this without a trauma surgeon running it.

Hold on. You've only got 10 chest tubes?

Well, we can only have one patient in here at once, so...

In Iraq, we needed to be ready for everything.

You know, we had to work on multiple patients at once, for over 24 hours sometimes.

I mean, it was a w*r, after all.

Well, the PRT is ready for anything.

I mean, I am ready for anything. Except a massive trauma.

What if there was a city-crumbling earthquake or a ferry-boat crash or, you know, the Seahawks stadium collapses?

Why would that ever happen?

You'd need more than 10 chest tubes if it did.

You know, I gotta tell you, man, this is all good, but I kind of feel like you're way off being field-ready, here.

Hmm! Okay. Well, uh, I've already been in the field.

I've cross-clamped an aorta, all right?

I've placed a REBOA in a traumatic bowel evisceration and still got the patient safely to the OR.


Well... great job, then.


Why have you only got...

What... Where... Okay.

All right, that's my stuff. No, you got the wrong one.

It's supposed to be sterile.

Back the hell up!

You stand right there. You stand right there!

I'll teach you to ignore my orders.

I'll teach you to waste my food!

I'm sorry, Dominic. I just went to get the garlic.

Did I ask you to get the garlic, or did I ask you to watch the steak?!

Sir, there... there's a fire over there on your, uh...

Hey, ICE?

Yeah, I'd like to report a lazy sack of illegal crap in my kitchen at Domenico's on Garden Sumpter Square.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

What are you doing?! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

Man, what the hell?! You're ruining my food!

It was a grease fire. It would have burned itself out.

See, that's not a chance you should be taking so you can abuse your employees while you cook.

Yeah, what are you, a cop?

I'm a Battalion Chief with the Seattle Fire Department.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey.

Who called the fire department?

Did you really call ICE?

Or was it just a show?

All right, come on, guys. Someone clean up the grill!

If you placed that call, I suggest you call them back.

See, if they come here, you'll face penalties for hiring undocumented workers, in addition to the many fire hazard citations I will issue.

Just at first glance, I can see enough hazards in here I could shut you down for a couple weeks... at least.

He was two years ahead of me in college.

We were in some art history class.

What was it?

Oh, uh, Modern Perspectives in the Visual Arts, I think.

Yes! Ugh, it was so boring!

I would just stare at the back of Emmett's head all class to pass the time.

What? You did?

I told you that!



It's the mayor.

Um, but Emmett helped me study for that class and prepare for the final, but he was constantly being chased after by all the girls on campus.

I didn't think I had a chance.

That's not true. Don't listen to him.

Oh, I never do.

Requesting additional units to 2914 Fulham Road.

That's the same address as before.

It's two alarms.

That's bad, right?

It's not great.

Well, then after graduation, I saw him at the museum downtown one day.

He was sketching one of the paintings.

And I couldn't bring myself to say hi.

And then... this is so embarrassing...

I bought a damn membership to the museum, and I kept going back.

The next time I saw him with his sketch book, I sat down next to him and I said, "Hi, Emmett.

It's been a long time."

He didn't remember me! I did remember you.

No! I did!

It's just, it... it... it took me a second to remember, then I did. Oh, my God, you are such a dude.

As his supervising officer, can you train him to be less of a dude?

Every time I think that you've learned your lesson, it's...

Uh, what? I'm... I'm happy, Dad.

Why can't you just be happy for me?

Happiness isn't everything!

Responsibilities, being smart about how your choices affect your future and the people around you... those matter just as much as momentary...


Oh. _

And he speaks Spanish.


You okay? Where'd you go?

A little fire in the kitchen.

What? What happened?

The chef was berating the line cook and threatened to call ICE, ignoring the steak on the grill.

He threatened to call ICE?

Well, that's low. Yeah.

Is the line cook here illegally?

The word is "undocumented," Dad.

I know what the word is, Andrea, but there are ways to become a citizen.

There are laws for a reason. Are you serious?

ICE didn't even exist until 2003.

I don't need a lecture on ICE from you, son.

I've had friends, legal friends, detained, deported...

And you think that's okay?

I think sometimes maybe they go too far, but they are government employees, like firefighters, and for the most part, they're doing their jobs.

Right. Like Nazis did their jobs.

You're gonna let him get away with that? Ryan was a cop.

He's not talking about cops.

He's talking about ICE.

Either way, "Nazis" is a false equivalence, and it minimizes the atrocities of World w*r II.

Well, yes, it's a false equivalent.

You're right, sir, but there are similarities.

And I have strong feelings about all this because my grandfather was one.

Was one what?

Was undocumented?

Was a n*zi.

Thank you for making me come outside.

Thank you for coming outside.

But, Maya, you're very white.

Don't you think you maybe should cover up?

Shut up!

Hey, ladies.

Name's Todd.

Hi, Todd.

Uh, bye, Todd.

Aw, man! You're gonna go and break my heart like that?


Naw, see, we were just stopping by to see if we could buy y'all some drinks.

We have our own drinks. Thanks.

Oh, cool. So, you two on a girls trip?

Something like that.

Sweet. Just blowing off a little steam, huh?

Look, man, we're just trying to have a nice time, so would you mind?

Oh, you having a nice time is all I want.


Whoa, whoa, what's that?

Spanish? I took Spanish!

Hola. Cómo está?

Okay, Todd, you want to have some fun?

Hell yeah.

Okay, if you can do more push-ups than me, you can buy us drinks, but if I can do more push-ups than you, you buy us drinks and then you leave us the hell alone.

I like a feisty woman.

I'll do 'em with one hand just to keep it even.

Oh! Thank you.

I want to see this.

After you.


Another round of drinks on their tab, please.

And fries. A-And mozzarella sticks.

Thank you.

You're right. Vacation is fun.

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

State-of-the-art trauma bay on wheels with the x-ray, ultrasound, auto-adjusting surgical lights.

Oh, oh, oh, and ECMO.


Ben, this is gonna save so many lives!

Thank you! I agree.

And I, uh... I need someone to run it with me, to be my partner.

You made a face.

Yeah, I-I didn't make a... Yeah, just a little.

Okay, well, it wasn't on purpose.

Ben, thank you. I'm... I'm... I am running the cardiothoracic department with Pierce.

So, you're telling me you miss trauma?

Uh, hearts are my greatest love.

And you know, my baby girl Allison is a close second.

I thought I was gonna miss trauma, but I got to tell you, motherhood is traumatic enough.

I mean, every day, she changes, and every day, I grieve that change.

I mean, she grew this new little tooth, and I miss those toothless gums.

And she learned how to crawl, and, you know, I miss holding this little lump in my arms.

And I cry like 10 times more often than I did before she was born.

And I thought at first it was hormones.

I'm... I'm so sorry.

No. No.

No, Ben, I'm... I'm really sorry. I forgot.

Teddy, you are allowed to talk about how much you love your baby girl, as long as I'm allowed to think about how much I miss mine.


As exciting as the notion of doing a sternotomy in an OR on wheels is...

Mm, come on.

...motherhood is profoundly sleep-depriving.

And I just...

I can't add overnight shifts.

This is one of my favorite pieces.

That's extraordinary.

Isn't it? Emmett refuses to finish it for me.

Okay, babe, I think Travis has seen enough of my so-called art.

Emmett, seriously, some of this stuff is remarkable.

It's like a cross between Kiefer and...

Yes! Kiefer and...

Um, someone. ...someone.


You have to come to the museum with us one day.

We'd have so much fun.

Mm, Alicia, Travis has a life of his own, you know?

I know, I just want him to be part of ours, too.

All right, enough with the art talk.

Montgomery, how's Emmett shaping up on the job?

Is he gonna make lieutenant on his own, or am I gonna have to pull some strings?

Dad. Relax, Emmett. You have time.

I don't need you to be wearing bars on your uniform for another six months.

That would be fast.

Not if his training officer wants to keep his job.

Chief Dixon, there's a lot to learn on this job, and you got to learn most of it while running through an inferno or keeping someone from bleeding out.

You think he has the grit for that?

A few decades on the job, we'll toughen him up.

Yo. Yo!

No. Those are expensive.

Aren't you, like, a prince or something?

Yeah, well, I was.

That was before they cut me off.

Like, actually?

Like, not a single text. Accounts closed.


Yeah, I mean, it's... it's all good.

Lord knows I should have been cut off a long time ago.

I just wish I stashed, like, some cash away in a boot.

The Crabby Granny Nanny agency is getting expensive.

Want me to kick anyone's ass?

You're offering to kick my mom's ass?


No? No.

Your dad, maybe? No?

Okay, well, at least you have Pru and Hughes.

You guys are kind of like a family.

That's my child, and Huey just lives here.

Wow. That's nice, Miller.

What? Would you put some clothes on?

We have company.

What company? It's Gibson.

Yeah, I see her in a towel all the time, dude.

See? No one cares.

No, I care, and I don't want to confuse Pru, so...

Oh, my towel's what's gonna confuse her?


I'll change.


That therapist get in your head at all?

Nah. Yeah. Me, neither.

My grandfather... Opa... he, uh, lived with us when I was a kid.

He never really learned English.

So we spoke German at home for him.

My parents were doctors, always working.

He taught me how to ride a bike, taught me how to fish.

You know Melita Maschmann?

She wrote a w*r memoir, right?


I know things.

She was a n*zi propagandist in the w*r.

In the '60s, she wrote an autobiography explaining why she became a n*zi.

And I was 12 years old, had to do a book report, come across this book in the library and figure, "Hey, I can read this in the original German.

That's got to be good for extra credit, right?"

So I come home from school, Opa is there with my lunch, and he sees me put the book down on the table and just goes... dead white.

I ask him what's wrong, and he starts to cry.

And he says, "Today is the day where you start to hate me."

He... He was a soldier in the w*r?

No, he was a n*zi. Believed.

But I mean, obviously, your dad...

What? Married a black woman?

Yeah, prejudice is stupid.

It doesn't have to make sense.

But he cried. So he had regrets.

He regretted my finding out.

He knew I would never understand.

And here I am looking at pictures of people who've been starved to death in camps, piled them in mass graves.

I mean, I was 12 years old. I knew history.

I knew about all the evil things that happened in this country to the people that look like me.

But now there was someone in my family, someone I loved, who did those kind of things?

And he tried to explain to me.

He said, uh "Sometimes a nation in crisis needs the patriot who does the unspeakable."


No, he was right.

That day, I started to hate him.

Six more years I lived in that house.

I never spoke to him again.

See, the Gestapo, the Geheime Staatspolzei, the secret state police, were legitimate law enforcement for Nazis.

They were government employees, storming into homes, into schools, into restaurants, ripping parents from their children, ripping husbands from their wives and then shipping them off to detention centers.

People think what happened in Germany could never happen here.

There have been multiple reports of sexual abuse on women and children by guards in ou detention centers right here.

And we just scroll through those reports and shake our heads and do nothing.

If we do nothing when we see our fellow human beings, our neighbors, being abused, detained...

...what happens next?

Yeah, you're gonna have to finish lunch without me.


Andrea. Andrea. Don't get involved.


Oh! Hi.

Hi. Hi. Sorry.

Can I ask you a question?


Do guys ever tell each other stuff, like, relationship stuff?

Well, I-I don't know what straight guys do...

Wait, are you gay?


Oh, my God. You seem so straight.

That's not...

Sorry, uh, that came out wrong.

I j... I just meant I didn't realize.

Oh, I've always wanted a gay friend.

Alicia. Right. Sorry.

Uh, so, Emmett and I have been together for like six years which is longer than some of my friends' marriages, and I really want to get married, but he hasn't proposed.

And I'm thinking I should just do it myself, but that's weird, isn't it?

I mean, I guess it's modern.

I don't know. It... Is it desperate?

Alicia. You're young.

You're in absolutely no rush...

I know, I know, I know.

My mom says that to me all the time.

But... I just love him so much, and I want to be there to take care of him when he's old.

That's a wonderful way to feel about someone.

But, um, and I'm saying this as your new gay bestie...

...firefighters don't always get to grow old.

It's a dangerous job.

Yeah, but they don't make the new guys do the dangerous stuff, right?

He won't always be new.

He'll have to do the hard stuff.

In this job, we lose people all the time.

Important people.

People... we love.

Who did you lose?

My husband.

I'm so sorry.

Look, all I'm saying is... if you marry Emmett, you are signing up for a lifetime of heartbreak, okay?

I promise you.

Will you look out for him?

So I don't lose him?


Yeah, I'll... I'll... I'll look out for him.

♪ Pru's the silliest girl I know ♪

♪ Girl I know, girl I know ♪

♪ Pru's the cleverest girl I know ♪ Made-up songs disturb my sleep.

Sing a real song or zip it.

Hey, don't be jealous

'cause Uncle Jack's got her sleeping like a rock.

An adorable chipmunk-cheek shaped rock.

And now she's laughing in her sleep.

Do you hear that gurgle?

That is a laugh.

See, babies really value me.

Mnh-mnh. Babies don't laugh at that age.

If she did, it's gas.

You're making my daughter fart in her sleep.

You know, I miss living here.

Moved in with Andy, and she's never home.

I may as well live alone.

Why is she never home?


She's seeing someone.

Okay. Give me the gossip.

Don't hold back.

Don't know who. She won't tell me.

You want to trade?

You live here with Huey and Pruey, I stay at your place, get some sleep?

Hear that? Laughter.

Believe what you need to.

I am going back to sleep.

Officers, I swear I had no idea this man was undocumented, okay?

He must have faked his ID. The moment I realized, I tr...

No, no, no, I'm... I'm... I'm sure you had no idea.

I'm gonna need you to step out of the kitchen for me, sir.

This is my kitchen. Right now it's mine.

And the same way I'm gonna have to decide whether to arrest this man for being in this country illegally, I'm gonna have to decide whether to write you up for employing illegals.

You getting in my way of doing my job is gonna make writing you up a lot more fun.

Seattle Fire Department.

Somebody called in a kitchen fire.

There's no fire here.

SFD? Where's your uniform?

Off duty, in the area, picked up the call on the radio.

All kitchen staff over there.

She's a firefighter, and she's with me.

There's no fire here.

Smells like there was one, though.

Was there a fire here, sir?

On the grill. And, uh, are you injured, sir?


Yes. Yes, sir.

Herrera, check him for injuries.

Okay, hold up. All right, this is my scene.

Everybody just stay where you are.

No, sir, this is my scene. Somebody called in a fire.

There are injuries and possibly smoke inhalation, which gives me the command of the scene.

I see a second-degree burn here. Chief, call it in.

Ma'am, you need to step away from the illegal alien.

He has a second-degree burn.

If it doesn't get treated, it can get infected or even gangrenous.

All right, let me see it. I can't.

Exposure to air is very bad for this type of wound.

You know, we will get him medical attention at the detention center.

Come on. What, uh, crime are you charging him with?

His boss called and reported him.

For burning a steak?

Is that really what you're gonna arrest him for?

He's illegal. How do you know that?

All right, everybody, IDs out now!

I'm gonna show you how I know. Mm-hmm.

Um, a fire was called in.

This is my scene.

Chief Sullivan, you need, uh... need some extra hands?

Yes, thank you.

Captain Herrera, could you please check these folks for signs of smoke inhalation?

Captain Herrera, Station 19.

Nice to meet you all.

Can I put my hands on your back?

I need to check your lungs.

Yeah, this is Battalion Chief Robert Sullivan.

I need an aid car for a patient with second-degree burns at 924 Sumpter Garden Square.

Take a deep breath for me, please.

Well, then, send the PRT. Yes, that's right.

Listen, all of you, pull out your IDs.

We will check them while the old man checks if you're breathing.

What cause do you have for them to show you their papers?

You need to settle down, Chief.

You're out of your lane.

Officer, this is America.

In America, we have rights.

Now, these people have given you no cause to show you anything.

Now, if they wanted to run right now, without a warrant, you would have no basis to chase them.

Oh, my God! Enough!

The floor is really slippery.

Sorry about that, guys. You guys okay?

All right. All right, I can arrest each and every one of you for obstructing justice, for conspiracy to obstruct justice, and for aiding and abetting an illegal in my custody!

He wasn't aiding anyone. He slipped on a wet floor.

I'm a witness to that.

And nobody was in custody, either.

Now, I'm sorry for the fall, guys.

Now, if anybody's hurt, paramedics will check you out.

Oh, you have a CO2 laser scalpel?


You planning on doing plastic surgery in this thing?

Of course not, but, you know, you never know when a guy's face will get chewed off by a bear.

And don't worry, man, we got a traditional Bovie here ready to go for all things trauma.

And, uh, look, I-I know trauma's not your thing, usually, but look, I've seen you in the pit, right?

In a crisis, you get calmer, and that's what I need in a partner.

PRT 19 requested to 924 Sumpter Garden Square.

What, is that us? Severe burn.

Oh, that's us. Uh, and don't worry.

It's normal to get, uh, excited about injured people.

Get changed on the way.


Oh, can I go down the pole? We'll talk about it.

And can I do... cut a... We'll talk about it.

If he's so badly hurt, how come you're not treating his burn?

I already told you.

We can't expose this type of burn to air if we hope to preserve the skin.

I've never heard of anything like that.

Well, when you've trained as a paramedic, come back and share your expertise on wound care with me.

You just throw some butter on it or something.

That is literally the worst thing you can do for a burn.

Where are you from?


What's your ethnicity?

I'm an American citizen.

You got identification to prove that?

You know, he really doesn't have to be speaking to you right now. All right, that's enough.

You're not gonna show me a burn, there is no evidence of an injury, and that makes this my jurisdiction.

Remove your hands from my suspect, lady, now.

Officer. Okay.

Respectfully, that's a mistake.

The last thing you fellas need is a bunch of bad PR.

The bleeding hearts are just looking for reasons to talk crap about you in the papers.

"ICE denies necessary medical treatment in front of Seattle Fire Department"?

That's some nightmare PR.

And, sir, that paramedic is my child.

You point a g*n at her, I'll be the first to go to the press.

...been to the mall since.

I, uh... I should get going.

Yeah. Dixon.

All right, I'm on my way.

Fire at the recycling plant's up to three alarms.

The Chief has to make an appearance.

Good to see you, Lish. You too.

Well, three alarms.

Shouldn't we be responding to it?

You worry about it when it gets to five, hmm?

What do we have here?

Second-degree burns. Scalding injury.

Warren, we already told the agent here that exposure to air can increase the danger of infection with this sort of wound, and it needs to be treated at a hospital.

I'll ride with you.

Our patient doesn't actually need to speak to you guys without an attorney present, so no need for you to ride with us.

You can meet us at Grey-Sloan, if you want.

Four-alarm fire. It's gonna be five.

Let's go.

What if I came to your fire and got in the way of you doing your job?

Well, I'd probably turn the fire hose on you.

Damn. I miss fighting fires.

No, no.

Don't do that!


Four alarms?

Anything you can help with from a thousand miles away?

It's a four-alarm fire.

Th-They're expecting it to get to five.

They're calling everyone in.

They will call everyone else.

They... They are gonna put out the fire.

It's... Okay, I'm...

I'm... I'm...

I'm the captain.

I should be there.

A f... A five-alarm fire is, um...

Maya. I should be... I should be with them.

I've never been this far away. Maya.

And now I'm too... I'm too far away. Maya.

Maya, cal... Okay, Maya, you're having a panic attack.

It's okay. It's okay. I've got you.

They are gonna put out the fire.

But what if... What if somebody gets hurt?

There are emergencies in every state and in every country during every hour in every minute of every single day.

And they all get solved and fixed, even without you there.

It will be okay. They will be okay.

It's... But, um...

Okay. Okay. O-Okay. Look... Look at me.

Look at me.

Yeah, y-yeah, look at me.

Your eyes only need to be on me.

No, no, no, no, no, eyes forward.

No, eyes forward. Eyes only on me.

Good. Breathe.


Just pull up right out front.

Got it.

I didn't break any laws.

Sir, it... it doesn't matter to us what...

It matters to me!

I work hard.

My wife works hard.

In my country, I was a teacher until the w*r.

And then we had to flee f-for our lives with our children.

I am not a criminal.

I work hard.

I'm so tired. I get so tired.

I didn't break any laws.


Okay, sir.

We... We believe you.

Do you know how rare it is to have someone who does not look like me or talk like me look me in the eye?

Let's not take him to the ambulance bay.

All right, Beto, there's a side door in the parking structure, okay?

All exits there lead to the street.

We're doctors, Warren. We're not cops.

If someone jumps out and runs, there's not really much we can do.

Nurse Carson. Change of plans.

Uh, well, enjoy your day off.

It was great meeting you, Alicia.

You have to come have dinner with us one night.

It'll be so fun.

Yeah. That would be fun.

Five alarms at 2914 Fulham Road.

Recalling all units.



Wow! I heard about this thing.

You guys really do surgery in a truck?

Well, this truck is a half-million dollar OR on wheels.

So have a little respect.

But, uh, if you ever want to take a shift, let me know.


Dr. Avery. Cool suit.


So, uh, how's his arm?

What's that?

Our patient.

I-I need to put something in the record.

Uh, yes.

Uh, well, he was able to keep his arm.


And he was able to keep his skin.


Listen, I'm, uh... I'm sorry it was a little lame for your first run. Are you kidding?

That was anything but lame.

I meant medically.

We saved his life, his family.

So, it's a pretty damn good day for a doctor.


Everything all right? Five-alarm fire.

They need everyone.

Tour's over.

Oh. Uh, okay.

All right. Uh, you coming?

What do you mean? Five-alarm fire.

There's likely to be injuries.

You know, full-thickness burns, compartment syndrome.

Someone may even need an escharotomy.

Yeah, yeah, you had me at "fire."

You getting this, too?

Is that Vic's phone? Is everyone buzzing?

Five-alarm. What?



What? What? What happened?

Still with the towel?!

Oh. We won a contest.

We're going to Disneyland.

It's a five-alarm fire! Let's go!

Who's gonna watch Pru?!

Uh... Uh...

Uh, who... who is gonna watch Pru?

Uh... Uh, yeah, yeah. Come on. Come on.

One, two, three, go.

What?! Aw, come on!

One, two, three, go!

You b*tches! Stop cheating!


Hey, someone's gonna be at the station. Let's just go.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Your dad turns out to be kind of a badass.

I think he kinda likes you, too.


You know, it was my idea for Ripley to ask Hughes to marry him.


And it would have worked, if they had gotten the chance to get married.

It would've worked.

Would have kept their jobs and their titles.

It might be nice for your dad to get to see that.

Hey, uh, I'm sorry about earlier.

Don't be sorry to me.

Be sorry to that lovely girl you're destroying.

Whoa, what? Travis, come...

No, don't say my name.

Don't ever say my name again. We're done. You hear me?

I don't care about the closet you're living in.

I'm not even judging you for that.

But that girl believes she knows you.

She plans to marry you.

She loves you.

And you... Honestly, Emmett, you're just...

...you're worse than weak.

You're cruel.

And I don't care how mean your dad is or how big your panic att*cks are.

If you don't man up and tell that poor woman the truth, I swear to God, just... don't ever talk to me again.

Hey, is there anyone from "C" or "D" shift here?

Already headed for the fire.

Somebody needs to watch Pru.

Uh, pick a number between 1 and 10.

This is my kid.


This is my kid.

She's our kid!

Thank you, brother, but it's my name that's on the birth certificate.

She's mine to not lose my life over, if I can help it.

I'll stay.

I'll watch the front desk.

You guys go. You sure?

Yeah. Okay.

Oh, man.

You're lucky you're so damn cute.


This is not Disneyland.

Here we go.

Welcome to the party.

We've been battling this for the past five hours.

You just got here.

We're dealing with a fire in a pile of titanium shavings.

There was a massive expl*si*n.

Some workers caught shrapnel.

Some got burned.

They're all en route to Grey-Sloan.


So, five-alarm means...

Every firefighter in the city gets called in. Yeah.

All right, be safe, be smart, and don't get dead.

It'll be m*rder on the city's insurance.

Andy, you haven't said a word since, uh...

Let's just get this fire out.

I just wanted my headphones.
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