01x19 - Use or Be Used

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: October 2017 to present.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Soap opera reboot of the 1980's show.
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01x19 - Use or Be Used

Post by bunniefuu »

[Sammy Jo] Previously on Dynasty:

My marriage to Liam is completely legal, which means ours isn't.

Neither is my contract. Read the fine print.

Morell Corp and 25 percent of Colbyco are still mine.

Michael resigned this morning. I have more bad news.

-This is Culhane's place. -Not anymore.

You don't know. Culhane's father is quite ill, sir.

If Culhane realizes the connection between his father's disease and CA's cover-up, it might not be easy to handle this time.

You're not the first-born Carrington, Steven. There was a baby boy.

His name was Adam. He was kidnapped.

A PI had tracked him to El Paso.

-We can't be friends? -You don't qualify for that position.

-I'm told I'm a terrible friend. -Not true.

I see you, Fallon Carrington.

[The Pointer Sisters' "Jump" playing]

♪ Jump;


♪ If you wanna taste My kisses in the night, then ♪

♪ Jump, jump, jump ♪

♪ If you wanna taste My kisses in the night?

She fit.

Flashing back to my childhood memories and I have definitely lost my appetite.

[Alexis grunting]

Can't she do that anywhere else?

[panting] You know, Gustav... said these floors are more shock-absorbent than the ones in the loft.

[Fallon] There isn't enough padding in the world to absorb you.

This was Steven's going-away breakfast, not a revival of Flashdance.

-Going away? -I'm going to D.C. to meet with our federal reps about getting more technology education in schools.

It's my campaign. Make sure Atlanta's students stay competitive.

Relax. No one's recording.

Well, I for one am so proud of you.

-And I am doubly glad to join you-- -Oh, God.

Too late.

Can you pass the orange juice, Celia?

-Rude. -Oh, sorry. Cristal.

A little birdie told me that you used to go by Celia.

I see why you changed it.

Sounds like that disease when people pretend they can't eat bread.

I'll take my breakfast upstairs.

What? Lots of people go by other names. Nicknames, middle names.

Hmm, this is a fun ice-breaker.


What's your middle name?

-It's-- -Doesn't have one.

You sure about that, Fallon?

Takes longer to adopt a dog than it took my daughter to marry you.

[Fallon] Okay, we're tapping out, too.

But if Liam and I need any advice on how to grow old alone, we'll ping you.

Steven, I'll miss you at the La Perla party.

-Buy me something Dad wouldn't wear. -It's the women's line, but okay.

Want me to come? Bought a pair of Italian leather oxfords.

They'd look good strolling the National Mall.

It's not the kind of mall you think it is.

Maybe next time.

Call me when you get there. I hope you find what we're looking for.

[Alexis sighs]

Where is all the help?

Wow. Breakfast in your house is a contact sport.

Oh, breakfast is the under card. Dinner is most dangerous.

Look, speaking of... I wanted to ask you a question.


It's nothing bad, I hope.

It's just awkward, because we're already married.

HPV? I'm vaccinated.

Our fake marriage contract ends soon. Before I turn back into a frog, we could have a date.

Tomorrow night?

Oh. No.

I can't, because of the La Perla thing.

Right, right. That. That doesn't require my attendance?

-It's not in your contract, no. -Okay.

I could spare time tonight for my spouse.

-Where to? The Optimist? Aria? -I thought I'd cook for us.


Wouldn't it be funny if just as our contract ends, -we actually--? -Shh. Don't jinx it. See you at 8.

I need a dress. I need shoes. I need a hero.

Yes, yes, and hell yes.

♪ You are what dreams are made of ♪ I look like Hilary Clinton, dipped in Elton John.

♪ You can make dreams come true ♪ It's a dinner date, not the Republican Convention.


♪ You are what dreams are made of ♪ If you're trying to get preggers--

At least I have a belt to hold my pride together.

I wore half of these for he who shall not be named.


1 get it now.

We need something that says, "I'm not wearing this for you.

I'm wearing it for me. I'll let you unzip it, if you're worthy."

Someone has the first-date jitters.

What? This isn't just about keeping up appearances anymore.

You like your husband. He obviously likes you, too.

Get back to work.

What about... this?

-Done. -Dress, shoes, jewelry.

-My work here is finished. -I need one more favor.

I was supposed to go to the Colbyco meeting with my lawyers to make Jeff an offer to sell him back my 25 percent of his company.

-What? You still work for me. -But you lost me at percentages.

You just have go with my gaggle of lawyer nerds and be my eyes and ears.

You have my proxy. Make me proud. And wear a suit.

You're a professional. We don't all get to look fabulous.

Put this in the care package for the Culhane family.

-I don't want them worrying about money. -Very generous, sir.

How is Culhane's father doing?

Is the clinical trial we got him into helping?

Anders, door, please.

[door closes]

-Culhane doesn't want Fallon to know. -They're not in a good place now, but he can't keep it from her forever.

We have to respect his wishes, given what he's dealing with.

Or you don't want Fallon to know the truth?

Blake, I only agreed not to say anything to Culhane in the hospital because you promised we'd talk about this.

Culhane's father is the 16th adult in Clarke County to be diagnosed with this.

I'm aware.

Maybe you also remember, when I started working in PR, I ran interference on a story about our power plant in Clarke County.

You just did your job, and did it well.

The science linking our chemical waste to those patients is weak.

Because CA made it look weak.

It's an epidemic. We have to come forward with this.

It'd trigger a class-action lawsuit that'd cr*pple the company.

So could a cover-up if this got out.

Why do I feel this is about more than just CA?

Because it is.

At least think about doing the right thing.

I don't have to think about it.


Let's figure out a smart way to move forward.

[Alexis] Oh, Liam.

I didn't see you there.

Sharpening that rather large Kn*fe... alone in this dark basement.

Yes, I come here every night to prepare my weapons for the m*ssacre I'm planning.

I'd tell you, but I'd have to k*ll you.

But since it's a m*ssacre, you'll die anyway.

I'm cooking dinner for Fallon. Need a Kn*fe for the fish.

Of course you do. Sure know how to handle that thing.

A few summers ago, I was almost sous chef at La Chateaubriand in Paris.

m*ssacre story somehow sounds more convincing.

Well, everybody tells little white lies. Some more readily than others.

[speaks in French]

A curious boy, isn't he?

You need to find a hobby.

I have a hobby.

Apart from interfering with your children's love lives.

Anders, how long have they known each other?

The other night, I overheard them when I was--


You learn nothing from Hamlet?

Who is Liam Ridley?

The name's cherry-picked out of a romance novel.

I can't read his face. Not because of Botox. He's too young.

Oris he?

I have a sixth sense when it comes to con artists.

I hate to resort to grade-school idioms, but it takes one to know one.

I know you've sworn off helping me, but it is a mother's job to protect her daughter.

Is it now?

I admire your midlife career change.

I am happy that Fallon's happy.

You should be, too.

Her breakup with Culhane was painful.

I'm pleased to see that she's moving on.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to find some red ribbon.


You look absolutely stunning.

I know.

Are you lurking in the foyer to tell me my skirt's too short?

I never did that. I'd tell you to hike it shorter.

I wanna talk to you about Liam. Are you sure his name is Liam?

Did you call it in a crowd to see if he turns?


He's cooking dinner. There is a chance he'll poison you.

But it's good that you're taking your mind off Culhane.

-You know, it's okay to enjoy life. -Nice try.

But Culhane and I are over.

-It's old news. -I heard.

I meant because Culhane's father's so sick.

-What? -He's on his death bed.

You didn't know?

Of course you didn't, or you wouldn't go on a date.

Dinner is served.

Mm, smells delicious.

You two lovebirds have fun tonight.

Shall we?

[classical music playing over speakers]


So, it is a six-course tasting menu.

Each course representing a different geographical region.

With wine parings.

That's for the grilled lamb chop.

Oh, well, never get between a Carrington and her Cabernet.


Uh, know what? It's fine. Why don't I just serve the first course?

So, this is sea bream.

-Two ways. Little yuzu and bergamot jelly. -Okay.

It's meant to be chewed, but you do you.

I'm the kind of girl who's good with a handful of bacon.

Uh, we can start on the lobster ravioli, if you like.

Oh, man.

I'm already pretty full.

Fallon, are you okay?

I'm sorry.

I got bad news about Culhane.

The guy you wanted to marry before you married me.

His father is dying.

I feel like I need to go make sure Michael's all right.

It's okay. I get it.

Thanks. And I really am sorry.

[Anders] Should I release the kitchen staff?

I don't know.

-Are you hungry? -I generally take my meals downstairs.

Please, this isn't Downton Abbey.

-Is that braised lamb chops? -Grass-fed on the Coromandel Peninsula.

I thought I smelled home.

Paired with a Chilean Cabernet.

Well done, young man.

-Dinner over so soon? -I need to talk to Culhane.

-You know which hospital his father is in? -l do.

I can see that you're upset. How about I drive?

I hate to drag you out so late, Jim, but this is an urgent and sensitive issue.

It's no problem.

I always have time for the boss, and COO, of course.

-Uh, you don't mind if we record this? -No, not at all.

Cristal and I talked. We think it's time for Carrington Atlantic to take full responsibility for the environmental impact we've had on Clarke County.

Chemical waste from our plant has unfortunately come in contact with the groundwater supply there.

People are getting sick.

-How long have you two known about this? -Too long.

When I first started working at Carrington Atlantic in 2013, I k*lled a story about the Clarke County health crisis.

Even though you knew CA was responsible for making people sick?

I was just trying to do my job.

-Of course. -The point is we're gonna make it right.

Come on. It's not like we're big tobacco.

Hmm. Right. People choose to smoke.

Whatever it takes, we're gonna fix this. -Yes, we are.

Something is off about him. Do you know anything about his past?

Did you know he could cook an egg, let alone a six-course meal?

So, he surprised me with an unexpected skill.

-Could be worse. -That's what I'm afraid of.

Liam could be the one, but I haven't seen that sparkle in your eye when you talk about him.

How would you know what I look like when I'm in love?

When I told you Culhane's father was ill, I thought I saw it.

And for a moment, you seemed warm.

Very unlike you. And here we are racing to see Culhane.

You're transparent as a h**ker's negligee. You try to get rid of Sam, now Liam.

I don't need advice from a woman who thinks

"as long as we both shall live" means "until happy hour."

Fine. I'm done. But in my defense, my mother didn't give a rat's ass who I wanted to marry.

All she cared about were dollar signs.

You almost married someone else?

-No wonder you hated being married to Dad. -I didn't.

He gave me you.

Just stay in the car.

-Good talk. -Uh-huh.

[Sammy Jo clears throat]

What the hell do you want?

We're here for the board meeting. I'm Fallon's proxy.

[bottle clanging]

She sent errand boys?

Senior executive assistant.

And you've met her lawyer, Mr. Hirshey, and his associates.

Mr. Colby, is there a board meeting tonight?

I canceled it.

Must've forgot to call the bitch.

Ms. Carrington has a proposal for you, board meeting or not.

She's offering to sell you back her portion of Colbyco.

The portion she stole.

That's nice. I have a counteroffer.

One dollar.

That's a hard no?

Fallon Carrington didn't just steal 25 percent of my company.

She stole my family, my pride.

I'm not letting her play me ever again.

My offer stands at $1.

-That's what you want me to tell Fallon? -That's what I want you to tell Fallon.

And if she wants to discuss it further, she can meet me tomorrow night for drinks.

Yeah, I don't think drinks are a good idea.

Why not?

I'll be thirsty. [belches]

[Alexis] Michael.

It's Alexis. Carrington?

Fallon's mother.

Could we talk?


Mrs. Culhane, hi.

-How are you? -We're getting through it.

Thanks to your family, in no small way.

-My family? -Your father and Cristal.

Oh, I just found out. I would've been here sooner.

-Michael wanted to keep it private. -Is he here?

Now isn't a good time, dear.

I wanna let him know I'm here for him.

That's what you want, but not what Michael needs.

He needs to spend these last moments with his father.

-And I'm not here to disturb any of that. -You won't mean to, but you will.

I see how hurt you are that you weren't the first to know.

But it isn't about you right now. It's about our family.

I hope you know how much I care about your son.

And I know how much he cares about you.

And that's why I need you to let go of him.


Be with your husband.

-I'm so sorry about your father. -Why are you here?

Fallon found out about your dad. Not sure how.

But she's been trying to reach you all day.

-And when she couldn't-- -Is Fallon upstairs?

Yeah. You just missed her.

Maybe that's for the best.

Fallon loves you.

I mean, I believe that she does.

Last I checked, Fallon was married to Liam.

She doesn't love him.

She loves you.

♪ We built a house in the tree When summer ends ♪

♪ And there's a hole in the roof Where the light gets in I It's too late.

♪ Stay young ♪

♪ Stay young ♪

Let's go home.

So, dish, did the dress slay?

I torpedoed the whole night... by rushing off to see Culhane, because I found out his dad is dying.

That's awful.

But you can't blame yourself for caring about an ex.

Why not? I'm sure Liam does.

If you're into Liam, and we know you are, ask him out again.

Every couple deserves a second first date.

[sighs] How did the meeting with Jeff go?

It didn't. He canceled it, and forgot to let you know.

-Um, "forgot"? -Jeff's a Dumpster fire.

-He's partying way too hard. -Well, what did he say about my offer?

He, uh, first ripped it up, and then he said he'd pay you a dollar.

-It was honestly kind of sad. -[scoffs]

Of course. You never heard of faking a death spiral

-to lower the takeover value of a company? -Sounds like a 1 percent problem.

Jeff didn't forget to tell me that he canceled.

He wants us to think he's leaving Vegas, so I lower my price, and you fell for it. Hook, line, sinker.

Hmm. I don't know. You never trust anyone.

Why do people keep saying that?

I am right about Jeff.

And I am right about Liam.

You know, this leftover ravioli isn't half bad.

That your way of saying sorry?

It's fine.

Anders ended up dining with me.

He's no Fallon, but he's a good conversationalist

-and excellent spooner. -You're telling me.

Look. Last night, I was holding onto the past.

And if you twist my arm, I might even say that this--

Whatever this is.

--might have potential.


So, what do you think? Second attempt at a first date?

Give a girl a do-over?

-Okay. -We'll go to the La Perla party.

Fallon... [chuckles]

I don't even know what La Perla is.

I'm not taking "no" for an answer.

Get suited and booted. We leave in an hour.

Jim, I'm glad you're here.

I wanted to run the language of our big announcement by you two.

Unfortunately, it might be premature for an announcement.

And why's that?

Before we announce, I'm recommending CA undertake an environmental study of Clarke County.

To determine exactly which chemicals are making people sick.

-And how long they've been present. -How long will it take?

Study like that? Couple years minimum.

Thousands of soil samples, historical data.

We don't have years. This is too important.

I understand, but it's irresponsible to our shareholders and the people affected to go public with a major announcement when we don't know what's making people sick.

As much as I hate to say it, Jim has a point.

We need the facts.

The longer we wait, the more people die.

-We need to do the right thing. -And we will.

As soon as the study is concluded.

Until then... we wait.

No. Blake, yesterday, you admitted to me and Jim on the record--

Unfortunately, Cristal, you admitted it, too, on the record.

You're both on the hook.

You were never gonna go public, were you?

You just wanted me on the record with you, to blackmail me into silence.

Now you're being paranoid.

Go to hell.

-What are you doing here? -A word of advice.

Leave business to Blake.

-Get the hell out of my house. -Blake's house.

I was just leaving. I have a trunk show to attend.

[cell phone buzzing]

How's D.C.?

[grunts] Looks an awful lot like El Paso.

I talked to that PI.

He thought Adam might be in El Paso because he tracked one of the suspected kidnappers here.

A guy named John Miller.

-Well, did you find him? -Not exactly.

John Miller is a common name. I found about 200 listings here.

But I eliminated anyone too young, too old, or didn't fit the profile.

1 got it down to about 25.

I don't know. It's too risky.

I'll be careful.

I don't want you to be disappointed.

I ran out of money, but I also ran out of hope.

Know how many people took advantage of me? A grieving mother?

Don't worry. That's why I'm here.

Thank you, Steven.

I'm sure if anyone can find your brother, it's you.

♪ Your hands brush past mine I

♪ In electric light ♪

♪ You're dancing like you're mine l

♪ Can't keep this inside ♪

♪ Don't pretend you're blind ♪

-[woman 1] Ms. Carrington. -[man 1] Fallon, over here.

-[man 2] Give us a quick sh*t. -[man 3] Fallon.

[man 4] Ms. Carrington.

-[man 5] You're looking gorgeous. -[Fallon] Hey.

Fashion events may not be in your contract, but red carpets are.

Paragraph three. It helps with my business.

-Don't want me stealing your spotlight. -Oh...

How cute that you think you could.

[reporters] Ms. Carrington.

[woman shrieks]

Yes, we're very excited to see what Julia has in store.

-[man 7] There she is. -[woman 3] Ms. Carrington.

-[woman 4] Who are you wearing? -[Alexis] La Perla, of course.

My dear friend Julia Heart dressed me.

Wait, is that true?

-Or is your mother spying on us? -Both, I'm afraid.

Julia. It's been so long.

Let's go get a drink.

♪ Love me better, better, better ♪

♪ 1 don't know if I have arrived ♪

[Alexis] Thank you.

♪ Just take me where our home is tonight Oh, my God. I knew this was your color.


You should have been one of my models.

-Look at you. -I'm a fool for losing touch with you.

My ego's suffered for it.

Didn't I read in Quest that you were spotted with Blake?

-You two aren't back together? -Oh, no, no, no.

Blake's still with Cristal. Sweet thing that he'll discard once he sours on her.

-No, I'm back for my children. -[sighs] Fallon is such a doll.

Literally the perfect face for my brand.

Sexy, savvy, no-nonsense businesswoman.

I thought that was me.

-She is you. -[chuckles]

I heard Fallon got married. When can I meet the lucky man?

He's no one you'd know, unfortunately.

Want to sit? Come on.

♪ And love me better, better, better ♪ Thought we were just stopping in for a second.

All right. Hey, let me get a drink.

This isn't exactly Jeff's fashion scene.

-I might have told him you would be here. -Oh.

You want me to see a public performance of his Colbyco death spiral?

He's really selling it with Tart 1 and Tart 2.

-Doesn't look like he's faking. -That's what I said.

Oh, please. We're getting two shows for the price of one.

[Future Unlimited's "Calm Me Down" playing]

♪ I can see what you mean When you're looking at me ♪

[scattered applause]

What's your deal? Your ex-girlfriend here? Are you always this shady in public?

Sorry. I'm reading about all the fabrics.

There's so many.

♪ That you're feeling all right

[inaudible dialogue]

Fallon, you lied.

You stole from me.

That's extortion.

I don't buy the rock-bottom performance.

My asking price stands. Scooch. You're blocking my view.


Whoa, easy.

Well, if it isn't hashtag "the real Mr. Fallon."

Is that Jeff Colby?

And that's Jack Lowden, standing in front of Fallon.

[Alexis] Fallon's husband?

She married Jack Lowden, the writer?

He did a piece on my company last year.

Enough, you two. Liam, sit.

[scoffs] Sit. Stay.

How does it feel to be another one of Fallon's pets?

Funny. I was about to ask you the same question.


[crowd murmuring]


-Come on, man! My shoes. -[crowd gasps]

[crowd exclaims]

[woman] Oh, my God.

♪ Bashful

♪ You're always hiding ♪ Well, it's clearly time to get out of the Jeff Colby business.

I'll e-mail my lawyers, lower the price to a place where even he can't say no.

I should've listened to you.

Hmm. Apologies don't get vomit out of bedazzled rhinestones.

But I'm glad you've seen the light.

Oh, and you.

The hot-headed husband of my adolescent dreams.

-You're welcome. We should get going. -Let me say my goodbyes.

-The night is young. -[Fallon] Follow up on the Colbyco deal.

Don't you dare take those shoes home with you.

I'll have them pull the car around.

[machines whirring]

-What do you think you're doing? -Recycling.

My name is Cristal Carrington.

I'm COO of Carrington Atlantic and those are my files.

So, I need you to stop whatever you're doing now.

We can't do that.

-Strict orders. -Who sent you?

Was it Blake?

That's above my pay grade... and yours.

Are we done here?

Julia. I'm so sorry. I feel like I ruined the whole night.

Silver lining, someone caught the debacle on video.

It's already gone viral.

La Perla's trending. Everyone's crazy for my clothes.

And by the way, kudos on landing Jack.

-Quite the catch. -I'm sorry, who?

Jack Lowden, your husband.

Oh, no, my husband is Liam Ridley.

Julia, could I have a word with my daughter alone, please?

-Of course. -Thanks.

-It was so good to see you. -Yes.

What's going on?

Turns out that Julia knows Liam.

Well, Jack Lowden. He's a journalist.

He profiled her company last year for Vanity Fair.

So? Jack is probably Liam's pen name.

I was hoping so, too.

But I just got off the phone with a friend at HarperCollins.

Jack Lowden just received a seven-figure advance for a tell-all book about a wealthy, dysfunctional American family.

That doesn't mean it's our family. I can name ten others on Bravo alone.

Did you never stop to question why he married you so quickly?

It's not like he was taking notes this whole time. He was--

Enjoying himself?

Falling in love?

I'm so sorry, Fallon.

He's using you, to make millions off the Carrington name.

[indistinct chatter]

Thanks, man.

Hey, the car just got here.

Tell me it's not true. Tell me you haven't lied since you met me.

What's going on?

Tell me you aren't a journalist named Jack Lowden.

Because if you are, it means my mom is right.

I don't want her to be right for so many reasons.

I'm also Liam Ridley.

-Ugh. I can't believe it. [sighs] -My full name is Jack Liam Ridley Lowden.

Liam Ridley gave me a clean slate. Professionally, everyone knows me as Jack.

-Why'd you need a clean slate? -My family's a tremendous mess.

I changed my name to get away from that.

-Haven't you wanted to be free of family? -I've used my family as an excuse for bad decisions, but never pretended to be someone I'm not.

Did you know who I was when we met?

-Did you target me? -No.

Look, I mean...

I knew who you were.

You're Fallon Carrington.

I don't know what your mother told you, but I'm still me.

-We can still be us. -How?

-It was all a lie. -It was all a lie anyway.

Our fake marriage? The contract?

If you ever publish a word about me or my family, 1 will bankrupt you, Harper and Collins

-with lawsuits for libel and defamation. -Oh, Fallon. I can explain the book.

If you weren't leeching on us for your stupid story, distracting me when I could've been there for Culhane...


-l was just a distraction. -You were a mistake, Liam.

Jack. Whatever your name is.

At least our contract is over. Now you can get out of my life.

You're usually a champagne girl.

I'm not exactly feeling bubbly.

You hired those men to destroy everything related to Clarke County?

-It's obstruction of justice. -I don't know what you're talking about.

You think you're so clever.

So much smarter than everyone else.

But tonight when you had men destroy every shred of incriminating evidence, you made a big mistake.

Now there's no record of you and I admitting personal culpability.

There's nothing stopping me from going public with the epidemic.

Then it's a good thing...

that I kept this.

[Cristal] When I first started working at Carrington Atlantic in 2013, I k*lled a story about the Clarke County health crisis.

[Jim] Even though you knew CA was responsible for making people sick?

-[Cristal] / was just trying to do my job. -So... if you ever do decide to make trouble for CA... you will be the first one they fit for an orange jumpsuit.

Do you hear the way you're talking to me?

I'm your wife.

And I love you.

But don't pretend you're innocent.

You were the one waiting in the dark, drinking my Scotch.

You're not the man I married.

I'm exactly the man you married.

You came into this eyes wide open. Don't try to shut them now.

Since Alexis invaded this house--

Don't put it on Alexis.

For all her faults, she understands the concept of family loyalty.

-The anger will pass. -I'm not angry, Blake.

I'm scared.

Scared of you.


you should be.

-Yeah? -John Miller?

-No. -Mr.--

Mr. Miller, it's important that we talk.

Thank you. I just have a few questions.

I'm not Miller. He was the tenant before me.

How long ago was that?

-I've been here five years, so... -Do you know what happened to him?

-Did he leave anything behind? -Nope.

-Okay. Thanks for your trouble. -He did have a sister.

-l used to forward his mail there. Where?

-You said Fallon would be here. -She doesn't wanna see you.

Here's the annulment papers.

-Fallon and I never filed them. -Well, it's high time they were.

A few rubber stamps and it'll be as if you never happened.

Fallon doesn't think you deserve this check.

But a deal is a deal.

You can keep it.

It'll make for a good bookmark.

-It's my manuscript. -You're a speedy typist.

-l wrote it before I even came here. -I don't understand.

My book's not about your family. [chuckles]

It's about mine.

I should've told Fallon. I take full responsibility for that.

Give her that book for me? Maybe she'll understand why I did it.

-When does the book come out? -It doesn't.

Not anymore.

My family's dysfunctional and has caused their share of drama.

[chuckles] But the Carringtons might be worse.

And Fallon lived through that, made herself the woman that she is today.

Fallon wants to give you a second chance.

It got me thinking, maybe I should reconsider my family, too.

Maybe someday Fallon will give me another sh*t.

I am a big believer in second chances.

[Sammy Jo] Good news.

Jeff agreed to your reduced asking price and he's already wired the money.

-Great. -What? Isn't that what you wanted?


What's wrong?

Why are you snuggling Bo, not Liam?

-His name's not Liam. -What do you mean?

Liam Ridley's real name is Jack Lowden. He is a journalist who got a huge advance

-to write a book about the Carringtons. -He Roman Holiday'd you?

I hate to say it, but--

Yeah, I know. My mom was right.

And I really liked Liam.

Or... Jack.

He had really nice hands.

You know, my mother never taught me how to tie my shoes or use a tampon.

She never taught me how to like a boy in a normal fashion... or maintain a relationship to save my life, but...

I thought the upside of not being raised by her

-is that I wouldn't become her. -You're not.

We don't see our mothers in the mirror until we're middle-aged.

But I already do.

♪ Up all night, I can't pretend ♪

♪ Try to fight, but in the end ♪

♪ Nothing's making any sense ♪

♪ I started something I can't quit ♪

♪ Can't talk myself out of this I

♪ How do I get over this? ♪

♪ You know I need you forever ♪ Mr. Lowden. The jet's fueled and waiting, per your instructions.

Where to?

Go home.

♪ Tell me that it hurts ♪

♪ To be that lonely girl ♪

♪ We must be together ♪

♪ We must be together ♪

[Fallon] When I was a little girl, my mother told me a woman begins her young adult life being soft, loving and giving.




[Fallon] And then, what it all comes down to, finally... is use... or be used.

Let's get you back on your feet.

We have work to do.
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